katchowan an their existence culation. 4 No scrubbing, no boiling. September pr "enocially favora: | An as business in the' iran p Leveg Brothers Limited ib ble circumstances. They are of large | and: steel is teported in 2 extent. Alserta is estimated to contain | reat Bri a land area of 260,653, and Saskatche- |, Martin s aged sixty-five, died 5 wan of 243,192 square miles. Each ex- in the Toronto patrol Neggon on the . r tends from the United States bound- way > the, Er tjon, wh t . 5 I a 4 | ary to the Goth parallel of north lati- of Qh r tude. Each contains a greater extent Semple to Y iho tnited Staleant ] 2 2 4 1 A _ J of cultivatable land than any of the Ogdensbuigs grin appeared | we ove nell BL L ai si . \ : 1 ekler provites, Betweon them they of- in Tarnoff, Galicia, Aettia and three | LL 4 Mrs 4 GRATES ~-- thoy are at the beginning of the twen- by falli rd engin 7 Q tieth century. As fertile as Manitoba Y Jolling of nt gine, iven a re they are four times the size of what is warm me on Saturday oe at | The Pa 1 = x probably to-day the = most famous | she church parade in Toronto, has more labor-saving ical growing Juorinet in the world. | "gon, Mr. Matheson is going to i vi se ---- hev have within their boundaries England in, connection with the finan- features than any land adapred for all cdasses of agri. cing of the Temiskaming ailway. R y cultural industry. Grain grows from Helena Hebert, a young g Po other range. Its ldbor- the Manitoba boundary to the foot: § ine years of age, Sas ne gil A a saving féatures "are" practical, real, muscle« instead of two The grates are geared the land to be taken is situated; or if the hilo t tion is easy. Saskatchewan is reached | Jand, which was named Terre de a, . can yemarkabloe su > H 3 + HE * a Because there are three homesisader aesires, be nay .on Rp] cess has been shown la curing hy six railway lines from Manitoba France. 3 : Ottawa, the Commissioner of Immigra- and one from the United States.| Two Russian domestics were nearly > each other, the leverage . » . . turning them 1S just ong=* Fmavievtraseste shaking down a Pandora ommon ranges. Ut you can remove it in e for a screw-driver. 1 expert mechanic and a tes, because the common part to get the old grate - 3s be When millions of f experienced cod housskwepers. Sunlight Soap years, and if you soap you have ever refund your mone equally well with for their every uirement, wh should ou don use it? Try it next wash hid not find it better than any os ard or soft used, your grocer will Suntish Soap washes water. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST. acres, more or less. Entry may he wade personally at the local land office for the district in which Winnipeg, or the local agent lor trict in whicl. the land is situate, authority for some one to make hin. STEAD DUTIES : A settler who has been granted an entry for a home- stead is required to perform the con- ditions connected therewith under one the following plans : (1) At least six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year during the term of three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of any person who is eligible to make a howestead entry un- der the provisions of this Act, resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for by such person as a howme- stead, the requirements of this Act as to residence prior to obtaining patent may be satisfi tion, the from $50 to $100 pw annum for a com- Bick Headache and relieve all the troubles {nel- Jeut to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after Stings rai Pain in the Bide, &c. While their most __SICK yet Carter's Little Liver Pills ATS Huta Widibie in Congtipat ion, curing aud pre- venting this: complaint, while th ize ent oma sme "HEAD Achetley would bealmost priceless tn those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortu. nately their, does notend and those who once try them will find thees little pills valu. Pe a ay that they will not be wil foe iodo without them. But after alle.ck head ACHE THE NEW PROVINCES START OFF UNDER GOOD . AUSPICES, More Land in Them Than in Old- er . Provinces--Many Railway Lines in Operation--Fine Financial State. Montreal Gazette. he provinces of Alberta and Sas- fer to the farm seeker the atest un occupied territory in Nat Atrio. What Minnesota was in the early "60's, hills of the Rockies. There is a splen- did ranching district. Alberta wool growers are already large producers of cupying at a rate hardly hoped for even up to ten years ago. (Communica- these lines will in a short time be extended to the borders of Alberta, which is already served by three of the Canadian Pacific lines, and one to the. United States border. Others are projected and in course of construction, including that eof the Grand Trunk Pacific. The conditions in the two provinees offer to the home stead maker the maximum opportunity for success with the minimum of in- convenience, The provinces start financially also on a good basis. Two lots in each township are set apart as school lands Some of The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The eruption of Stromboli continues to cause ih An i The North A tic steamship agree ment is Ten 'were killed woun! in viots at Libau. The United States cible servie to Japan by the Formosa route is re sume]. % or checks of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad were forged and put in cir | | | and fifty death occurred in one day. { William Jones, Pere Maryuette car inspector, was killed at St. Thomas in the canal at St. John's, Que. | The Russian health department has | renewed its assurance that there ada. 'the Duke of ' Orleans' pedition has discovered Greenland ex- an unknown ssphyxiated by illuminating gas at the Hafley hotel, Queen street west, | Toronto. | Wing Lee, a Toronto Chinaman, | crossed over into Lewiston and was seized by the United States customs officials. The French government has sent an ultimatum to Morocco, demanding in- demnity for the imprisonment of a French subject. W. B. Wood, ex-M.P.P., registrar of | deeds for Brant county, has resigned, claiming be can make twice as much money in business. . a staple which meets an unfailing de- 5 . are i tox saving devices. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS mand. Coal raising is a Bue soi in- ina. vases of cholera Hey - ity OC e e . a dustey. Other minerals exist, and ex. The grates are WAY oven jRulshared section of Romin- ploration work- may bring to light Hie explosion OL & bomb a1 Harsslone | triple that is west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not still 'other sources of natural wealth. John Burns, M.P., the English labor | ? ' eserved, may be homesteaded upon by any The pioneering work has been done. It}jegder, has arrived at Montreal. He ' there are three a. Xho 15 the a ol > amily. is a tried and proved land that peo- [will study labor conditions in Can- extent of one-quarter section, of 160 ple are invited to ocoupy and are oc- Are used by 4 . ed by such person reriding with TE ime . NM Miller, n English domestic, Ee ---- 3 the Pandora is-the best » 8" the es has hi bane 1 hi vi in nt -- god conannted ci in the Aime : : \ > ) e settier has his permanent Sathe of 80 many lives that here is w! ile 3 na i = it has dozéns of other residence upon farming land owned by 'we make our great boas al Ot ear vn lv administered, will provide means Hive & Hinuipeg. beisy desperate --- . Even the roadside Inn finds it ecessary-to m in the vicinity of his_ homestead, the others do not. for a svstem of common schools equal | from the pain of neuralgia \ RO 3 Carta "la ere very small BI UR x , Carling's Ale. may Se saiatd this Act us to Jesidence Ee Ee aa, and to anything in North America, The al Sit Gilbert Parker, the distinguished 0 a \ \ stock A and. They are striotly vegotablo and do not gripe or | lowance as subsidy, etc, is liberal. | Canadian writer, and John Bums, M. : A + This beverage has become so popular that itis rk easy." SARrLi CATION oy jf a ogiy Bae ihem. Tavishos 35conia: fivefor $1. Sold | The estimated population of each pro- | P, are to be entertained thiy month \ eat) wd . fore the Local Agent, Sub-Agent or the by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. vince is 250,000, In neither case, how- b the. { anagian lui at Oiava, a asked for everywhere--at the smallest lon as : Hoinestead Inspector. RTER ever, is this figure likely to be reached r. anie ar has retired, and 8 ore a king Application Jor, patént - o MEDICINE C04 Sew Yo, " for some ne Each province will at F. 8. Snider, Waterford, has been & A as the grand hotels, clubs, cafes, restaurants and 8 al il in' writing to the Bx juaaths of Do. Small Bll Small Doss, Small Pris, the beginning receive from the domin- Abbie to succeed him as superin- private homes. i minion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention ion treasury the following sums. an- tendent of Toronto insane asylum. NS OF CANADIAN NORTH y nually : The Montreal police found an un- co Carling's Ale is made from water which registered a $0 Por " know lying on the city whatve pr , For support of government $ 50,000 | known man lying on city nrves s . OS LINING SEotlatins at Subsidy at 80 cents a head with a_ fractured' skull and at the |= i ok depres pure i! Government Analysts, y houses and Factories: $10 per acre for soft. Sos coal aol $20 for y y Allowance in lieu of lands point of death. Foul play is sus 5 -- as anthracite. Not more 320 acres can ak 0 lie ed. h a ===" W. i n, Toronto, Montreal, he acquired: by Oh IndToal (OF com > \ Allowance for public buildings Pe «Governor Bulves. Yas 'called £8 of ES A sipeg, Vancouver, Yer ton of 2,000 pounds shell be ealleeteg | JS a form of diarrhcea, and consists Total : ; upon A. C. Rutherford, president of | llS= ax a=--~-f1. hn, N.B., Hamilton on the ss output. : of copious and frequent liquid his is, population considered, al- | the liberal association, to form the | BN =~ Be e = : aA Ite miners certificate » . most generous. It is not too much, | first government of the province of 2 " £ a PE ae discharges from the bowels, | however, considering the large terri: | Alberta. NOTED FOR ITS : Pe Sole > Agents. vany according to capital. free wigor, having discovered mineral in Fiage, way locate a claim 1,500x t. 1.500 The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on tho claim each year or paid to the mining re- accompanied ' by painful straining sensations. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a specific for diarrheea, dysentery, and all summer tory that has to be looked after, and in which there is as yet but little municipal organization. With the tax- es which can be imposed without oreat- ing undue burdens on commerce or commercial facilities, these sums, the Three new Russian course of construction at St. Peters burg, cannot be completed now, be cause their engines are found to be too big for their hulls, The Church Azmy battleships in are applying to PURITY, BRILLIANCY and UNIFORMITY 8 corder in lieu thereof. When $500 has | com laints, and has been a well- | total of which will increase as the pro- | British government for £25,000 to a -- TT " been expended or paid, the locator may, : : : Pp g Uno HariaR A BuTrey mde, avd ma¥: ! known remedy for 60 years. You | vinces grow in population, should en- | send 2,000 unemployed to Canada next A NEW FERRY . complying with other requirements, pur- : . able the new administrations to do | Felyruary. The people are to refund the = hiss ud mh an acte. Yaak of arg not taking a new and untried | their duty efficiently and well, and in | money by instalments. Between Sophiasburg and Deser- a royalty of 2) per cent on the salcs. remedy when you use Dr. Fowler's | niding in the development of the ter-| The United States board of immi onto : PLACER mining claims generally are Extract of Wild St be ritory they will act for they will help | gration has ordered all passengers for | 4 : 3 300 suet square ; entry fee $5, renewable Xxtract o x rawberry. in the advancement of Canada as a the United States from Germany to Picton, Sept. 1.--Capt. J. N. Carter We receive the newest A free miner may obtain two leases to whole. ' be at the post of embarkation six] and C. J. Clapp made an. excellent ha) 3 oa Mgrs. M. A. SUMMERFIELD, Canboro, hor : dredge for mold of five miles each for a Ey A 3 y "Lan » davs prior to sailing. catch of fish, Thursday afternoon, in in New Idea Paper term of twenty vesrs, renewable at the | Ont., writes: I have used Dr. Fowler's Dier--Patience The second cruiser squadron has oft | Fast Lake fourteen bass and pickerel. digcretion of the Minister of the Interior. | Extract of Wild Strawberry in my family . " ; 1 ; , One bass weighed for ounds and Patterns dail New | 5¢ ® lessee shall have a dredge in oper-| for years, and have always found it a| On Wednesday morning, August 23rd, { Quebec for the lower provinces and | Une bass weighed four pounds an qr Y- . ion »ithin one Seuson from the ate wonderful remedy for Diarrhoea and Dys- | at St. John's church, Gananoque will be at Halifax, N.S., on the 15th Fickurd sight pounds The Rew oe Waist, Skirt and Jacket e lease for 8 mw « " > 3 ? a' {2a p 4 . % or iry, 4 "nt " er anhuin for each Yo roar or entery., I know of a,great many others Rosa E., third daughter of Mry. Wil- | September. On (x tober 2nd the squad ern I il . bo. Jun ON ve P tt ed. Package ovary at the rate of ¥ per cent collect- | who have used it with the most satisfactory | liam Patience, of Lansdowne, was un- rob Jeaven for New York. | Hite " o Y » ; hare at ! - atterns just receiv ; . on the output after a exceeds $10,000. | resul ited by Father 0'Gorman, to James on. R Scott, Canadian secre- | eronto, which has been bn at He D ty of the Minister or So ierior. Dier, a prosperous farmer ot Mallory- | tary of state, has sent congratula burn's dry dock, is in the harbor. The All Patterns 10C. each. .B.--Unauthorized publication of this REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. town Landing. Mass was celebrated, | tions to Baron Komura on behalf of MbUv power oe two douhle geared isement Wi aot: bo: paid: for. " The bride wore a gown of white crepe | the Canadian government, and also | tread-power kis expeeial to fave ' ' : The Rest.' - Tuey're Dancerous, de chene, and aa hat, and ae renewed the invitation to visit Can. | the ferry running in about a wok Woman's Magazine, ." == | white prayer-book The bridesmaid, | ada. Tromwell | Young, Standard hank, 5c each : The Best. a : ' iveless telegraph statio o | Parkhill, is in town on his holidays . . is nearly i Mime donnie . Patines, wore white ev:1, A: wires tlegrarh stothm te to yt730 ita Bort ws. returned Fm hear larger gandie and hat to match, Jerome | Pe established on Partridge Island, i os r of, dy fou Yama Dier, his brother, attended thr groom. | at the mouth of the harbor at St. | a visit to Pelleville Mime Moore ha Fashion Sheets. Free beautiful premium, o * Dinner war partaken of by the bridal | John, N.B. The station is being erect | prtutne rom Ay I of ae ih 252--Giels' 1 ' At your grocer'. party at the Brophy House and after | ® VYnder direction of the Canadian | Pula Nn ol I ; dbo b J i Re - Sizes 6,8, 10, 12, 14 years, Ask for one, spending a few hours on the St. Law- | B0Vemment : "wa an. A rn { ks PETERBOROUGH, Out. rence they ropaired to the home of | 'The Porte has replied to the uote of | John. NB. Hechert Hare loft, yester y i , soli ve to spend a week in Toronto BE ay TTDa PO A ae Ome the six' embassies declining to acept | day, i . N F 11 i 1 . was given to relatives © and near] the scheme proposed by them for the | On Wedneuday evening Mis Queenio | INC@'WW EL Arrivals :== friends. The popularity of the bride financial control of Macedonia. The | Hghar, Pi boy, soil Walter Stinson, A . 4 was attested ly the number of prea | Powers will invist on the acceptance of | Boston. ravalor for Townes, Soe Dress Suitings Dress Trimmings : ents, which she shall cherish through | the scheme. { : i ar bia . "pr . hw . yas . life 2 There is an unconfirmed report that bourne, in ~ Miltord Mr fn I Mr Shirt Waist Silks Silk Shirt Waists ie. 4 t Stinson left, on Thursday, for their . | the Saskatchewan Valley & Manitoba hans 10. Boston Strathcona's Generosity. Lend company have sold all their Alpaca Waists Ready-to-Wear Skirts . Contains Wheat Phospha z Nia we: oldings, about two mil hae . . (Absent oy rp at Londen, Sept, 3: Owing to Stiction edtesu land hy ol. , Ben - | Want Canadian Cattle Free Fall and Winter Coat Beauties. which necessary with the war ofice over men having r.genting a St. Paul syndicate. London, Sept. 2.~The annual meet dR 219. TION fo pay part of thes ov ipentes, Af Phe Allan live turbiner Victorian, | ing of the Meat Traders' Association WE INVITE INSPECTION. JUST ARRIVED FOR OUR to the body. having A he loune i e ents on her way from Montreal for Liver | of Great Britain, held in Glasgow, : at one time at ae provmbie. § ot pool, ran aground at Cap Chalres, | passed a resolution approving of the ID-SUMMER . SALE WLOLESALE AGENTS rerio te held eo Piano | thirty wiles this side of Quebec, Thepe | free import of Canadian cattle. It G Phe colonel. vommandin the Ei was a heavy fog at the time, thickened | was stated that a deputation of meat €0. Robertson & Sons hoy X hv B Ki i Ly 1 by dense smoke from forest fires. traders that went to the minister of A lsrge asscriment of Extension KINGSTON. pg Fron Sond ils ng "Stens have ben taken : for the | agrioulsuse received an unsutielavtary rr . Tables, golden osk finish, ssme as our ficence of the honorary colonel, Lord | Spanish naturalization of Prince Fer | y feel pinion Sea pre ' 8 n he whole battalion will dinand of Bavaria. who will receive that the loderation should urge hy $8.50. Bale pr ce, $6.60. trathoons, tx | h S on avpropriate Spanish rank, on his mar- | Canadian government to induce the g Also Velcur Qushions Morris MEN AND WOMEN. leave ithe a a on ten er riage with the Infanta Maria Theresa | British board of agriculture to relax 2 Chairs, only $5 50. Oi the ~ ul an oy a youngest sister of King Alfonso. | the existing restrictive regulations on . dine n, The police authority ex have forbid- | the importation of Canadien cattle. Leather Bested Dining Chaire, in den the transportation of Russian emi. | We have a few good wheels we will let 4 Bo den oak fimsh, only $1.50. - Painless, and Senor Lizardo Garcia elected presi grants through Hamburg, on account| Dr. Cripp's Corn Cure is guaranteed; . . : - - Prass and Iron Bels, in whit Font genous. dent of Euatior ou Januar Jr, of the appearance of cholera. The! only 10c., at Mahood's Ding Store go at the following real bargain prices (-- enamel, on'y €4.00. Sprivgs aud or tnt 1 sain wivpin has assumed the prostdencY. ae Ie | Humbury American Steamshin com. | A Shanghai despatch says that lo ¥ 3 D Jrnel ty S go a tiring president is General Leonidas § pany will refum steerage tickets fo | cally th re is no indication of any « $35.00 Eagle wheel, Dunlop tires, for $28.00 EN I in na Vlas. Rusrian emigrants. fort on the part of the Chinese auth A ( 5 attressos a gr. : : ' == Stora Open Nights. | et -------------- | The offic'rs, employees and lawyers | 0rities to suppress the boycott of Am- 45.00 Hydop wheel, Dunlop tires, for 35.00 'Phone 274. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker, 'Pl on 147. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC COMPANY There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few Years was suppo to be incurable. For # greal many years doctors pronounced of the large Chicagn induetries, who | were indicted by the last federal grand jury on charges of conspiracy in viola tion of the federal anti-trust and in tervtate commerce laws, will appear nation in the import trade. Five Years Dyspepsia Cured. "No one knows what | suffered from | erican goods, and there is almost stag-1 Good second-hand wheel ,.......... 9.00 | ee TT a or LT SE, , €, DOBBS & 00., 171 WELLINGTON Froaies and by comnts "iene & belate the xl States district cour soul bh Leruble pid dy sysihin, hg + B.A, [9 cu local Lr nent, pro ) i. A.B | ' . incurable. Science has proven catarrh © The report of the British board of the last five years 1 have been unable . BICYCLE AND TYPEW R REPAIRERS. ® io be a constitutional disease and there. agriculture to the against the removal colonial office | ty digest and assimilate food. of the embargo CEMENT WALKS, Spocialists in Diseases of |i oes comiioionat tetaee and here nuble Nally tart gl ag ey w the on Canadian cattle says the existing or, rv Sy dow welll ew Sts Chocolates We will be jleased to furnish Motors and Dynamos and poly conmiiytionds ture vii the narket, Taw doen not cast any diseredit on | time, | always had a heavy feeling af- 2e0¢ 00000000060060000¢ 000 estimates and coastiuce your drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly Canadian cattle, for it holds good not | ter meals. and was much troubled : cement walk. all Electric Troubles. on the blood and mucous surfaces of the Only in the case of the United States ith dizziness and specks before my *w Gary in Steck INGOT COPPER. ANTIMONY b W Satistaction guarantecd. "Phone 94. re aa Sa alt oe Sora tor Sad other foreign eountties, but, in. eyes. Dr. Hamilton's Pills were just { every British colony including Aru | what I needed. Thev have cured every circulars and testimonials Address : F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, tralia and New Z whence live | symptom of mv old trouble. Mv health THE CANADA METAL co, TORONTO. 1CEess St. Douglas & Meliqubam, Mom, uilubionaries d are ing one by Deviiminta, fails havak 2 hvu er Imported, pis now il that o n be desired. By all ® 0000 ound Monevmore an light Line, 0 : - OF COBRA erely ol er means tse A itton's Pills; Me. 15 Nel Street grows) -- Hall's ¥ a oe Pills for consti Sion. er hos - all a a; 99020 ee899e +000 7 Pe EE ig ad i dik gi 5 ; 5 ak d daa