Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Sep 1905, p. 11

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DANDRUFF! Is bad, very bad for the calp. Clean it out com. letely with MAGIC DANDRUFF CURE This is an entirely satis. actory cure for Dandruff nd is fully guaranteed by '25 Cents. Only at [he Best Drug Store 124 Princess Street. 'Phone 59. YES TESTED FREE | ---- ANARLAKES , WEN AND WOMEN, Use Big @ for uniparuray discharg sinflammations, irritations or ulceration, of mucous membranes Prinless, and not astro Font or poisonous, Sold or sent fa plain wreppee, prers, prepaid, $1.90, or 3 bottles CX ol Oincalar nt on reances, nglish Female Periodical Pills appear for | the first time in Canada. Th Siore has secured sole Dr. Brock's gelebratea ¢ © "Best" Drug ¢ for tais grea ., Kingston, Ont, ree resecsreererseesansil vole agency to L$, led receipt of , ' Eton, Sa o LATEST BULLETIN Great. excitement among} the ladies, wing to the brilliant display of SWAGGER" COATS for fall wear at NEWMAN & SHAW are showing robabilities are that many. of these Gems of the Tailors' Art" will be cked up at once by knowing ones * wise and see these Coats for your If. The above is sufficient notice to in nding purchasers that this is the rrect place to buy anything new id desirable, hat About a New Dress ? Jur new stock of FALL DRESS \BRICS ix now complete, and it Il delight the eyes of shrewd buyers see the natty goods we show at h very low prices--much less than ewhere, suman & Shaw VITOIMY ITI TIN YT 000 000000 140 TOMS FURNAGE GOAL (SCRANTON) $6. Let us show it to you and tell you about it. tr : : Enter Any 1 Fall Jou Kingston Business Gallege E: on Monday Sept. 4th and, 'at ,.on Sept. 1st, 20d, 8rd, Sth, | sth, 7th, 8th, and 8th. Tickets will not be accepted on trains, 1, 2, 3, and 4. All tickets valid returning from Toronto on_or before day. Sept. 12th, Special train wil leave Kingston City. 1.05 a with Pullman 'Car attached for Toronto, on Labor Day, Sept. :4th. FARM LABORERS' EXCURMOAS Manitoba and Assiniboia, $12. Good joing from Kingston September 4th, 1905. LABOR DAY. Monday, Sept. 4th, 1905 Round trip tickets will be sold at ONE WAY FIRST CLASS FARE. Going Dates, Saturday, Sunday Joo Monday, Sept. 2nd, 8rd, and th. Tickets valid returning from destination on or are Sept. 5th, 1905. Central'Ganada Exhibition, Ottawa, Ont. Going Dates, Sept. 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 18th, and 16th, $4.15. Special Days,' t. hy 34th, and 15th, $3.05. All ta good returning on or before Sept. 18th. 1905. 3 For ther darth ars, tickets and al) other m apply to - P."HANLEY, City Passenger Agent. KincsTong PEMBROKE KAILWAY CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. "EXHIBITIONS KINGSTON TO TORONTO AND RETORN Sept. 5th, 6th, Tth, 8th and 9th, £5.40 Rotntn limit Sept. 12th, 1905. KINGSTON 70 OTTAWA AND RETURN Sept: 8th to 16th, $4.15 Sept. 12th, 14th and 15th, _ Return limit Sept. 18th, 1905. KINGSTON 70 HARROWSMITH & RETURN Sent. 7th and 8th, . .° pars. + siasagat DIC tur limit Sept. 9th, 1905. rain 'will leave Harrowsmith Kingston' 5 p.m" Sept. Sth. KINGSTON TO PARHAM AND RETURN Sept. 20th, 21st and 22nd. | $1.15. Return limit Sept. 23nd, 1905. KINGSTON TO RENFREW AND RETURN for Oven top, sides and bottom equally heated, assures perfect baking. Such an oven is found in the Imperial Oxford Range Patent diffusive flue distributes the heat--no Sept. 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th $3.15 Return Jumit. Sept. 20th, 1905. HARVEST RXCURSIONS $30,00 to $4050, to points in Mani- | toba, Assiniboia, Alberta and Saskat- | chewan, Going Sept, 12th and 26th, re- turning within sixty days. Full k R. Ticket Office, Ontario Str F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLG Gen. Pass. Agent R, JR. 1. Supt Bay of Quinte Railway New short line fer Tweed, Napanee Deserento, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 8:35 p.m. » PONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kiagsten. CANADIAN NATIONAL TORONTO, ONT. Return tigkets will be sold at $5.50 Good going Aug. 26th, to Sept. 10th, and valid for return up to and including Sept. 15th. Meals and berth included westhound only on Strs.. Kingston and Toronto, and meals and berth on Hamilton Line Stri, ton, and Picton. For further particulars J. P. HANLEY, JAS. Ticket Agt. Belleville Hamil- apply to S. SWIFT & CO., Freight Agts. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte | Steamboat Co., Limited. 1000 Islands, Rochester and Bay of Quinte Taking Effect August 27th Str. North King 10.16 a.m. Leaves Kingston at Thousand Islands, Bay and Gananoque. leaves at 5 p.m., for Rochester, calling at Bay of Quinte ports. Str. Aletha Leaves Kingston daily except Sunday a 8 p.m., for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte Ports. Full intorwation from J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersieeve, Jas, Swit & Co.. A ts. ls 4 E. HORSRY. Traffic Managers LIVERPOOL and ALLAN LIN LONDONDERRY ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. From Montreal. From Quebec. Bavarian, Fri., Sept. 8, 9 a.m. 9 p.m. Virginian, Fri.. Sept. 15, 4 a. 3 Tunisian, Fri., Sept. 22, 8 a.m. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, Pretorian ... Thurs., Sept. NEW YORK TO GLAS Numidian . Thurs., Sept. 14, 11 am. MONTREAL TO LONDON & HAVRE. Sarmatian Sept. 16. Pomeranian Sept.-30 $40 single. $76 return. Only on= class passengers carried, called second cabin. for N.¥., particulars at K. & Panda CP | Exposition ncluded both ways | other range has it. No burning, scorching or other Kitchen trials. Quick heat or slow | heat--easy manage- | ment, perfect respon- siveness always. A thermometer shows what's doing--no guess- work, waste fuel or | spoiled food for users of the Imperial Oxford | Range. It's the delight of cooks whether amateur or expert and does more | work with less coal than any other range. fe | If your dealer doesn't handle the Imperial Oxford Range write us direct. . calling at Alexandria | Returning steamer | People preferring a Steel Plate Range will find the Oxford Chancellor as per~ fect in every way as sucha n be made. range can be vo3 The Gurney Foundry Co. Limited Toronto Winnipeg Calgary Vancouver On Exhibition and For Sale by Simmons Bros., Kingston J. P. HANLEY, Afent, Ona 2. Tr Depot. . Py D SLEEVE, Clarence Street. EDUCATIONAL. Fall Term TTF Kingston, Ont. Thorough courses in Accounting, Short- hand, Typewriting, Penmanship, ete. Write for particulars and rates. W. H. SHAW, President. T. N. STOCKDALE, Principal. | i Kingston - A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL. «+ Established in 1883 .. [gg herd 167ite, car tek pites Tor sera od Toe 51 Moray, nrMETCALEE Private School for Girls Classes will re-open on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 At 76 Gore Pupils Prepared for entrance to Colleg- fate, Civil Service and Matriculation Ex- aminations. Junior classes for girls and boys. For particulars appiy to MISS ALICE KING, Alice Street, Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up » | Opposite Gepnd Central Station BAGGAGE}: FREE A CHALLENGE OUT ---------- FROM SUNBURY TO BATTER- | ---- Conditions Laid Down by the First. Named--Battersea's Ac ceptance Must be in by Satur- da bury Lays Down Its Sunbu 2 Sept. 4.--(To the Editor) : In yolr issue of Tuesday last you pul a. challenge from Battersea. football * team. Now, in respect to that challbvige, I may say that Sun- bury' foot team has 'no intentions of accepting it as it stands for' the following reasons | In the first place, as a challenge, it is decidedly unfair and unsporismanlike. Instead of com- ing out" like true sportsmen, and giving as an even chance, they sa that "Sunbury cantiot beat Batter- sea," which. means in effeet, that Bat- tersca captain might, and undoubted ly would, place every one of 'his men in defense, and confine his attention strictly to keeping the ball out of his own goel, and "killing time" with no pretentions, whatever, of scoring on his own account. This, it is true, would give "them the money, but it would not be "playing ball," What, but fear of defeat have 'suggested such an unfair pro- position ? And then again they, not- withstanding that they are the chal- lenging party, claim the right ' to name the referée. Furthermore, they select a man, who has previously pe fereed games in their interest this season. Now we contend that, as we have already played two matches, the result being a tie in each instance, al- though we had to play against a pro- fessional man from shother town, we arc entitled to 4 neutral field and a neutral referee. We have no objections, whatever, to playing on the cricket field, but the managing committee of the Inverary fair have asked us to get on a game for September 14th, and have intim- ated that they would like Battersea to 'be the other team. Consequently, we have placed 850 in the hands of the secretary-treasurer, Alex, Ritchie, Inverary, to be covered by Battersea could teain, or for them by interested friends. For the $100 we will play Battersea on the date mentioned above, giving them an' even chanee, the winners to take all, subjected to the following conditions : Ist. The referee must be chosen hy the committee of management of the fair. He must be a man thoroughly conversant with the rules of the gnme and one who has not referred any game in the interest of either team during the present season. 2nd. The game shall be called not later than 8 p.m. 3rd. The game shall last one hour and a half, full time being allowed for all delavs necessary or otherwise, 4th. The members of the team must be residents of the sub-divisions of Battersea and Sunbury, for the thirty days preceeding the date of the game, yith the exception of Battersea goal: r. 5th. That these conditions he signed ard agreed to by the capteiis of both teams upon placiig their money with the secretary-tfeasurer, A copy of the above conditions, signed by the captain of Sunbury team, is in the hands of Mr. Ritchie, The money must be covered before seven o'clock Saturday evening, This is necessary, in order ' that, in the event of Battersea declining, the com- mittee may arrange for another match. If Battersea will agree to change conditions to read "the meni- bers of the teams must be residents of the sub-divigions of Sunbury and Battersea for the thirty days pre- 'ceeding the date of the games," thas | leaving out their paid goal-keeper from Sydenham, we will be pleased to make the wager $100 to 850. We , submit that the conditions laid down in this challenge are faimess itaelf, and we would request that Battersea bring along the required '"'green- 1 backs," or forever hold their peace.-- G. (WDDY. JUNKETERS RETURNING. They Have, Had a Good Jolly Time. Special to the Whig, Hong Kong, Sept. 6.--The jolly junketing party headed by Secretary Taft and Miss Alice Roosevelt, eldest daughter of the president, split up in two parts and while one part will continue on its way to China's capi- tal, to pay a visit to the Dowager Empress the other part sailed on the Korea for the United States to-day. The party which sailed in the Korea to-day, consists of Secretary Taft, Senators Foster, Long, Scott, Patter- son and Du Bois y Representatives Grosvenor, Paynem Hepburn, Curtis, Sherley, Smith, Wiley, Foss, De Ar mond, Jones, Loud, Driscoll, Cooper, Hill, Gilbert, Otjen, Howard, . Col. Edwards, Major Edie and Captains Thomson, Kelley and Carpenter, Mr. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Clark, the Misses Edie, Major Townsend, Capt, Crosby and the Misses Cory and Leroy, The party which will accompany Miss Alice. Roosevelt to Taku, Tien- Tsin, . and Pekin, consists of the Misses Boardman and McMillan, Sena- tor Warsen, Senator and Mrs. New- lands, Messrs. Longworth, Gillett, Co- chran, Schidlapp and the Misses Schidlapp and Critten, Gen. and Mrs, Cerbin will be in charge of the party, 'which. is also accompanied by Capt. and Mrs. Slocum and Capt. Moss. The Insurance Inquiry Begins. Special to the Whig, New York, Sept. 6.--The legislative committee which is to look into the evils of life insurance with a view of finding a remedy for conditions such as prevailed in the Equitable, began its investigation here to-day. The first open session was held in the alder imanic chamber of the City Hall this morning. Senator Armstrong presided and the examination was conducted by Messrs, Hughes and 'McKeen, the two legal advisors of the committer. Offset Anglo-Jap Alliance. New York, Sept. 6.--The Pirming haw, England, Pilot reports that the foreign office has been advised of a secret treaty between the ¢zar and kaiser a= an answer to the extension | of the Anglo-Japanese alliance, : ' THE DAILY WH _INN CLOSES. ------ Sigel y William The Funeral of the Late 'Bullock, Ganahoqie, Sepes. Mrs JW. Me Calpin and son. Chardes;: arrived last evening from Brockville for a short visit with her sister, Mics B. W. Har rison, bot For JW, Bennett & Samal opened "i 1 ay. The small boy looks serious to think the fun js all over for a while, The Targe boy de- simes a don't care air of defiance and the parent digs down deep in his poe- ket for his last nickel for a seribbler. And still the world woves on, And neil we live and arn. iss rl Montague, of the Wright Dry Qoods IV, accompanied gH her mother, rotursetd lyst oning from a waek's visit with "¥riends and rela- tives in . The funeral of the Yate William Bal. lock took place from his home, corner Tanner and First 'strvets, this after noon at two o'dlock, 16 Gananoque cemetery, Rév, Henry Gracey, pastor of St. Andrew's Preshyterian church, conducted the service ut the house, while Jeeds I AF. & A M., of which Mr. Ballock was a charter mem- ber, officiated at the grave. There was a large 'attendance, The Inn closes on the Th instant. Many new arrivals registered during the past few days. The guests express roal sorrow that the sason is so short, that the¥ really have to earn their please here bv hard labor. The sf sYirtoria brought in an excursion. party of about 100 this af- ternoon, eondueated inder the auspices of Mallorytown, A. F. '& A. NM. At Round Island, yesterday afternoon. the St, Andrew's baseball dub suffered de. feat; poore, 19 10 5. Tt being holiday times the Gananoque 'haseball 'league could 'mot gather together sufficient players for' the 'games schoduled for this afternoon. Isaac Cole, Lansdowne, wae in town to-day. HONORING 'A VETERAN. ---------- He Lives and Has a Memorial Reared. Special to the Whie. Plymouth, Conn., Sept. 6.--This town was the seene of a rather un- usual ceremony," to-day, the unveiling of a monument erected to honor the memory of a man once 'a citizen of this town, hut now living in Tahiti, ae the hushand of a native princess, The man thus honored is Borrence At. water, a native of Terryville, in the township of Plymoith. At the age of sixteen Mr. Atwater enlisted w © (he Union army and served through the civil war. He saw hard fighting and spent twenty-two 'months in Southern prisons. While in Andersonville he had charge of the records and secreted a duplicate copy, 'whith 'was used after. ward by the government in identify- ing the F dead, Iv 1868 Mr. At- water was intel United States consul to the voheele Tslands and three years later {0 Tahiti, where he served for seven years. He married a rincers of the island and has since ived there, ' The memorial whieli was smveiled to: day, torsists of a Rodman gun, weighing 15,000 pounds, such as was used in the civil war, with a pyramid of shot. 1t is mounted upon » pedes- tal in Baldwin Park. WILL STAND TRIAL. Owners of Dogs Deny the Charges Made. Lanark Era J. H. Brickwood, Kingston, fishery inspector and game warden for Eas{ em Ontario, paid an official visit to Lanark on Friday last. Several loeal sports had been charged by' Deputy David Mair with allowing their dogs to run at large and éhase deer, and it was to investigate these charges that Mr. Brickwood came here. The aceus- ed dog-owners were interviewed by that official, but almodt to a man, they vigorously denied 'that their dogs would be guilly of such a lawless act as running deer in the close season; they. might run rabbits, but deer-- never. One man, said to be owner of a pup that vet scarcely knows enough to run, settled his ease to avoid prosecution. The others will their cases go to trial allow One Defeat In Wine Years. Perth Road, Sept. 4.~A number from Lere attended the lawn social at Wilniur, and report a very 'enjoyable time. The football 'match between Perth Road and Battersea didn't take place, owing to the failure of the Bat tersea boys in putting 'in an appear ance. Our team has only once met de- feat in nine years. 'The' Perth Road Drass band has reo ized, several new pieces are heing . Miss Min- nie Gummer has péturned to her school, Rev, Charles Craine, Sr. El gin, filled the pulpit of the Methodist church, Sunday evening, in the ab- wence of our pastor. Annie Baboock is on the sick list. "A lawn soeial, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid will be held in Harris' Grove to-morrow even- ing. Visitors: Mise: Madge Stoness and Neil Stoness, Watertown, N.Y, at their parents. Miss (Jara Roberts, Sy- denham, at home. Alexander McFad- dan. nt R. Harris's Miss Pearl Camp- bell, Lealand, at R. J, MecFadden's: Miss Florence Talbert, Perth, at home; Adam Ritchie spent Sunday at Lea- lend; Mise Edith Hadley has gone to Kingston, where she intends taking a course in Kingston Business College, Miss Vera Wallace is spending a few days in Kingston, ---------- That tormenting cold that made vou wretched last winter will not come back if you "take Allen's Lung Balsam when vour throat is raw and sore. This adm remedy is free fram opium. Take it in time. A Hop-picking, a y and profit able employment, many women and children busy round Corbyville, John M. St , of the GTR. Brockville, and Miss Lappan, Lans- downe, were married on Monday. ns Sheridan, both of Brockville, were married on Monday. Miss Bethe fovuy and ¥. J. Me Bratney, Brockville, were married on labor day. Miss Annie Delyes, aml Garnet Parry, Queensboro, were Wmdrried in Madoc. 5 Mise Jennie Comolly 4 C. Le- eed on Sun- IESDAY, 'SEPTE 9 TROLLEY SYSTEN RUN ELECTRIC CARS FROM CHICAGO TO NEW YORK, -- A Syndicate Has Been Organised ~The Cars to Run Via Buffalo. Chicago, 'Sept. 5.~The Record-Her- ald says: Continuous trolley rides from Chi to New York; over two routes, between Chicago and Cin: cinnati, are the transportation robabilities of the near future. Wil- iam 8. Reid, a builder of railroads, who has an office in the first Nation: al Bank, has organized a syndicate which has purchased the Chi Elec tric Traction company and has or ganized two other | companies which will coniplete the gaps which now bar a complete ride on electric roads be tween the cities named. Mr, Reid claims that these transpor- tation feats will be made possible by next June, and that a traveller may go from Chicago to New York hy way of Buffalo, and then throu New York state or may bra off at Cleveland and take a long distance Siig through Pennsylvania and so on the metropolis. The Chicago Electric Traction coms pany, which is now in the hands of a receiver, in Judge Kohlsaat's court, is to be taken out of litigation and will then be absorbed hy t Chicago and Southern Traction company, go view In- diana corporation, which is capitalie- ed for 82,000,000, This will be increas ed to $4,000,000, The latter company is to construct a line from Harvey to Kankakee, a distance of thirty-six miles, Other lines will then take up the, connection, completing the route be: tween Chicago and New York, COULD NOT ENDURE PAIN. ies, Neuralgia Drives Young to Suicide, Winnipeg, Sept. 5.--Another Woman young woman ended her life on Friday t in the Assinaboine river. At 10:80 Mary Miller, an English servant girl, bade Archibald Bell. a young man who had known her well since last January, good-night on the street near her place of employment, and next morning her dead body was found floating in the ~ Assinaboine. Nr. Bell said that the deceased had frequently complained of attacks of neuralgia, which almost maddened her, and at times she had acted in a strange manner. One shoe was miss: ing, which was subsequently found in the mud in the bush through which she had passed. on her way to the river to end her life, DROWNS IN MID-OCEAN Passengers Report Satisfactory View *of Sun's Felipse. New York, Sept. 5.~The loss of a woman steerage passenger, who is said to have jumped NYO, Wins 0 figolav, hagen. The woman was (lara Strom, and her husband, who was also nn passenger, explained that his wile sometimes lost control of herself. On August 30th the steamer observed the eclipse of the sun. All except one twenty-fourth pact of the sun's face was covered at one time, and lights had 10 be turned on in the steamer's cabins. THe small patch of the hamin- ary visible was wo dim that photo- graphs were made of it by the passen- ers, ----------_-------- PRACTICAL BOAT DRILL. Crew by Promptitude, a Fatality. Toronto Globe Soon after the Richelien & Ontario stealer Belleville, left Picton, on her last trip, and while the vessel was under full steam, a small boat was observed to upset and its occupant was noticed floundering in the water. An alarm was raised and the eaptain instantly slowed up. Two ninutes after his attention was called to the | accident one of the ship's boats had been launched and was speeding to the rescue. In thirteen minutes after the alarm had been given the rescued oarsman was on the deck of the Belleville. The colerity and discipline of the crew were mach admired, ox pecially as the Belleville was greatly crowded with passengers. OBEDIENT TO MAN'S WILL Prevented Scientist Juggles With Life De- velopment of Seaweed. Berkeley, Cal, Sept. 5.--~That the process of vegeneration may be con trolled in plant life is the discovery made by William Albert Setchell, head of the botany department of the Uni- versity of California, Experiments were made on a sen weed known as kelp, and by control ling the direction of the flow of nutri- tion in the plant Dr. Setchell made buds grow where they had not grown before, and made the buds at the end of the plant, which had been the strongest under normal conditions dwindle away, Prof. Setehell believes that the problem of polarization may he solved by experiments on the same ine, ; Man Gored By Bull. Bufialo, N.Y., Sept. 6.---A farmer named Davidson, who Jives at Skerks- Jon, near Rideeway, Ont., was at- tacked and frightfully gored by a bull vesterday, The man is lying at his home in 'a crvitieal condition, and physicians despair saving his life, Davideon was caught by the bull in an open field, and almost before he was aware of his danger the ferocious Jhistal was charging down upon im. The bull was a very wild but valu able one, and had on previous occa- sions shown a hostile attitude to Sansonei, and Henry | strangers, and even to those em. ployed or living on the farm. Only inst week it gave chase to one of the children, attacked and almost killed bim, Mrs. Davidson now declares that Whe will either sell or have the animal 'shot. a ----------. Take in the steamer America's trip nul, Belleville, were nu day, nn RR Dg overboard two days Teportiy steamer Hel: which Ard from one): to Cape Vig to] ¥, September Kth, leaving 2 One hour at Cape. Fare BLY vin TEA is a native plant of Noho planted to Ceylon it last much. and richness, but gained in fr "That is why * That is why. I blend I HAVE WELL VENTILATED theovensweet. And all this without the loss of any | Each PENINSULAR RANGE has extra woo can use either coal or wood, "Address DR. KONR NMED! CINE CO.. P.O. Drawer L, 2041 TT Open for Inspection, Whi Why the celebrated W. L. DOUGLAS FOR MEN, which is considered the best line of M $3.50 Shoes manufactured in the United States, We are now prepared to show you something in FALL FOOTWEAR. NEW STYLES and NEW TOES, made in' Calf, Box Calf, Gun Metal Calf, Patent Coit Calf. : Every pair made to wear, W. L. Douglas Shoes, $3 50. ; W. L. Douglas, custom grade, $4.50 and $5. ~ CHOCOLA1 Ganong's Canadian Choc A.J. REES', Princess S! 2000 000000000000000000. Wo Cary in Stock WAGOT COPPER, ANTIMONY THE CANADA METAL CO, TURONTO. 99030 0000000000000¢ 0060

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