NG YOUR." - Dress 'o judge, and our ell us that there is at Plain Colored e leading materials . Weare now re- lot and we call new shades of Greens, lack and cther wanted 9 yard. hmeres in most popul hes wide, 40c., 49. ts, Separate Skirts or shades of Fawn. osiery of Cashmere Hosiery 5c., special, 35c., 39c., tere Stockings. ONS ated shades, 5 widths, n Kingston for really ns, annelett ¢ shipment of Fancy ttes for Men's Night- S very clear and abso= ferent from the ordi- sh Flannelette, white, 4C. L BLANKETS ymfortable, most econ- hts in pire white with AWE BLES OF BOOTS to get a nice new pair wl Strong Boots, value 81.4 he . £1.00 IL x] a Fu wl' Serviceable Boots, value = . 81.50 and $2 Boots, ), Medium Fine Boots, _ - a ave' statuses weisee TTC. Medium Fine Boots, I soi 68es ~ ing Shoes. SHOE STORE YEAR 72. NO. 208. Great Furniture Sale Being compelled to remove large store house, we' fre offering > 20% Discount Off some goods, Parlor Sett, 5-piece, mahogany frames, regular price $25, for ......... $20 Extension Table, regular price $7.50, SOB Caittteces ccmresie. Srsivsia' siasarioors 36.50 All other goods in the same T- tion. Now is the time for a in Robt. J. Reid. Two Doors Above Opera House, Telephone 377. Practical Optical Work Prescriptions for glasses carefully FILLED, "All styles of mounts and frames al- ways in stock, with repairs, Eyes carefully examined AND GLASS. ES FITTED, Prices for above work moderate; SMITH BROS, Jewelers Opticians 850 King Street. Phone 666 " Marriage Licenses Issued " YOU WILL SOON NEED YOUR FALL FOOTWEAR Wear "Allen's" Mititary Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. | Sign of Golden Boot. | WANTED. | A COOK. APPLY TO MRS. R. | Kent, 85 King St. born, 15383 1822, DAILY MEMORANDA, Harrowsmith Fair, Friday. " Vaudeville, Lake Ontario Park, 830 p.m. the furniture contained into, A vind on the hat is worth two in the ush. Talk is the sviall change in the com- merce of life. "Girls Will Be Girls,"" Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m. The sun rises Friday at 5.30 ain. and sets at 6.24 p.m. Clothes don't make the man'; they make the man friends. Most of the teachers in the school of experience are very attractive. The criterion by which we judge others is the one by which we admire ourselves. This day in history :--Queen Elizageth Brazil gains Independence, Dinner Sets We have a job line we are A few lots of different patterns, re- gular $10, $12, for §7 50 clearing out. ROBERTSON BROS.. PROF, DORENWEND OF TORONTO The Greatest Hair Goods Artist in America is Coming to Kingston. Wiil be at British= American Hotel on Saturday, Sept. 16th Ladies do not fail to see the grand as- TWO WAITRESSES. AMPLY MAN. 3 sortment of samples of Switches, Bangs, ager, British A can Hotel, £émpad ora Navy Fronts and Wigs. Consultations free. A CHAMBERMAID AND DINING Gentlemen Who Are Bald can regain oom girl, Apply: Hotel, Of J afdofiser. by weuring Doren -- erates weénd's Wigs and Toupees. NURSEMAID, IMMEDIATELY, FOR Made to match any shade of hair. A one month. Apply 160 King street. IMMEDIATELY, A GOOD GENERAL servant. Apply A. Mrs. P. Chown, Bees ST 7° "| pRANGIS VON BUHL, A *GENERAL SERVANT. the evening to Mrs. R 100 Bagot street. APPLY IN | W. Brock, | A FEW GOOD MILLWRIGHTS. AP-| ply to Wm. Lake at Frontenac | Cereal Co., Works. ---------------- 1 GENERAL SERVANT; GOOD WAGES; | light work; only two in family. Ap- ply 163 Division St { | HOUSEMAID, AT | Mrs. | A COMPETENT once. Apply. in the evening to Fred W. Albree, Emily street. APPLY TO THE i GOOD SMART BOY. Ca- | Bailey Broom Company, corner taraqui and Rideau streets. ee ee -------- e------------ GENERAL SERVANT, FOR FAM-| ily of two. Apply to Mrs HB. Mac- | pherson, 193 Johnston street, city | pete STRONG, SMART ing department right boy. Apply, Whig. BOY FOR MAIL-| good opening for the | business office, TEACHER, FOR SEPARATE SCHOOL | cure for | the M. A. | ani masterful, chronic cold in the head and catarrh. They ure perfectly fitted. DON'T FORGET THE DAY & DATE | 'ONCERT ARITONE Teacher of Vocal Physiology and the Art of Singing. Formerly a Student of Delasco, Italy, anfl of the Vocal Physiology School of Emil Behnke und Lennox lirowne, Lon- don, Eng., late Vocal Instructor at the MA. College, Michigan, U.S.A. Vocal Studio now, Room "A." at the Williams Piang Co., Warercoms, 267 | Princess St. M. A. College, May Puring the last year Prof. Buhl has been teaching voice College the winter he gave a College Chapel. At this, antl ease of his voice production com- 24th, 1905 Francis Von Recital in the the naturalness NEW YORK Boston. A BREAKING STRAIN ON M. DE WITTE-HE NEARLY COLLAPSED. Sato Says Japanese Returning Army is Too Well Disciplined to Stir Up Trouble--Britain and States to Take Important Step. - Snecial to the Whig: . New York, Sept, 7.--The Russian and Japanese envoys, and their suites, are in this city, having arrived, last evening, from Boston, They will be here resting; and doing a little society until. September 12th. On this date the Russians sail for home, and on the folowing day Baron Komura and his suite leave for Seattle, to take pas- sage for Japan. M. De Witte went to bed at once on arriving. The strain, members of his party said, had been ahnost to the breaking point. When the official act was over, M. De Witte nearly collaps ed, "How about the report that the re turning army may stir up trouble ?"' Mr. Sato asked. "The Japanese army is too well disciplined for that," he replied. When the ordet is given to go to death, or go home, the Japa- nest soldier goes." Important Step Taken. Birmingham, Sept. 7.--The Berlin correspondent of the Post says as a direct result of the peace treaty be- tween Russia and Japan, the United States has laid certain proposals be- fore Great Britain for the regulation of European and American commerce in China, especially in Manchuria and Korea. If these should be accepted, Sir Edward Satow, the British 'minis ter to China, and Mr. Rockhill, the American minister to China, without waiting for the action of other powers, will lay certain most important pro- posals before China and Japan. Ambassador Recalled. Berlin, Sept, 7.--~Count Von Alvens- leben, the German ambassador at St. | between Russia nad Japan was im- | possible, which report he sent to Ber { lin when hostilities had almost begun, | To Protest Against Terms. Tokio, April 7.--A mas¢ meeting was held here to protest against the terms of peace. The office of the Kokumin | Shinbun, the government organ, was | attacked ana some of the machinery | injured. The disorder was not general, | and the situation was not considered | serious. Similar meetings were held at | Osaka and Nagoya which strongly de- { nounced the government and asked it to resign. In Kinshu province there is culture at | a general feeling of chagrin that Jap- | In the early part of | .;, hag heen deprived of the fruits of | her victory and that permanent securi- | ty from Russian aggression has not mended itself to me, and the choos | tc assured and of especially the . French Mr. Von Buhl songs was very pleasing. has supplemented marked, natural ability | conscientious study, | is his technique is accurate | with serious and The result poetic, broad, and sympathetic, As a teacher, Mr, much liked by his pupils, excellent progress under his instruction Very respectfully signed, LOUISE FREYHOFER, C Sec NO. 2; Wolfe sl id. Ap-| Seetion NS to R 9 Bro Wolfe | Head of the Piano Dept., M.A Island. sr i TO - RENT FOR THE WINTER, Al small furnished house \ in central SEE SEPTEMBER BULLETIN locality, Apply Box hig For Real Estate B i s BOYS, TO LEARN THE CIGAR! Issued This Week. - FREE TO ALL opportunity for a few making; good A McGowan Cigar Mig. | bright boys. Co., Limited. - AT ONCE A GIRL TO DO GENERAL | , house work. Must be a good cook. | Apply in the evening to Mrs. P. H. | Small, 28 Earl St i ACTIVE AGENTS LOR RUSSIAN- | Japanese War ook ; Address Globe Co., 723 | sample Iree. Philadelphia. Chestnut St. eee | TWENTY CARPENTERS AND HELP-| ers, for North Bay and Temagami Station, New Ontario; wages $3 day. Apply W. € agami. made ren aiiamay's, 181 Brock SU | FOR TERMS APPLY 216 QUEEN STREET | FOR TERMS AP2LY 216 QUEEN 8 [REE] have Style, fit and price | guaranteed to please. MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN PLUMB- | ade ;: great demand for gradu- TEs day ; many complete course two months ; graduates ad- mitted to Union and Master Plumb- ers' Association. Co; Bros. C Plumbing Schools, A 0. | New. York, Cin-| SWIFT'S "SALRSTRANCE Aamscy rb r--------------(-- { STOVES GALORE ered to the Japanese. The czar has or- | ment was not what it should be and A wed that all the other officers of the | that th. engines used are heavy for good salary. | Stoves, also large stock of Carpets and | vessels should be brought to trial on | the fifty-six pound rail in use, ready to trade, buy | i return to Russia. TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE! large stock A aad 30 square Hall Heaters, Cook Ranges, Pugs, Box Furniture. Always or sell. '808 PRINCESS STREET. LRRGEINRER { GENTLEMEN To GET THEIR FALL | MISS MABEL BAILEY { FOR SALE. | THAT A vw corner of Gore' and Wellington Sts with frame Italian | while his interpretation is | broke out here on Von Buhl is very | who give him | | great praise and consider they have made | sed | dle | -- Clashed With Police. Tokio, Sept." 7. | Tuesday night, in connection with the dissatisfaction over the resuits of the peace settle ment, there were several eehes with x3 the police, and it is estimated that | rioting ceased at midnight; the police | stations were the only property | troyed | Admiral Dismissed. | St. Petersburg, Sept, 7.--An imperi {al order was 1seued, battleships Imperator, Nicola II. Ad Troops Still Go East. London, Sept. 7. The Moscow cor | treaty ol | troops, through Moscow, to the Sar | Mrs. Stevens | eust, continues with unabated activity. The | August 12th, is not yet ready for pro | mulgation, some formalities in print FINE PROPERTY ON THE | ing, otc., having to be carried oy be | a ens house, lot 66 by about | fore publication. However, it will be | ried about his financial affairs. \ 38 feet, balance of the Estate of the | communicated to the powers, late Rev. Father Davis. jore Street. | C. v CARPENTER AND JOBBER, For particu: | lars enquire of 'Joseph George, 114 | tioned SR H POWELL in the treaty, it | that tireat Britain is likely to evacu ate that port. Baseball On Wednesday. | Natisnal { Washington, 1. hiladelphia, 2; cinnat d St. Louis. (Day and Night class.) For free catalogue ad- dress 289 10th Ave, New York. FOR SALE. ©, 893 ALFRE® ST. BRICK HOTS §2 rooms. Apply at the ort 8. ght 171 Wellington St. . TO-LET. VISION STREET, me BO ie occupied by Miss , milliner. Apply at Whig office. DETACHED HOUSE, 861 DIVISION St, 5 rooms, stable. oto. from Oct. ist. Apply Dr. Cleray St. DWHBLINGS FURNIS) : : ws «GREY COAT A LADY'S Hits Be % ig 4 Millan's Campbail 133 | guecial to the Whig. AND UN-| geiiroved and all fae dea te olen Me other works there are closed. k 8 - { ---------- i Manchester line, frogs Manchester, passed Father £5) 1 Notice. | The optician at Dr. Chpwn's Dn i Store will be away on | from September 4th to 15th. | gagements can be made at the stoi | {phone 343) for dates alter 159th. ------------ I. Naphtha Works Destroyed. Caveasia, at Baku, have bee the factorics Tiflis, | paphtha works, 88. Manchurian, Paint, inward, at 1:25 a.m. J store, The ui hiz holidays | ¥n- ack, ™ Sept. 7.--All the | Fisheries ' ! on | fine of $300 and costs on the tug Gor- | and | don Gauthier, owned by the Dominion | Thompson, Buy Penma at Gibson's Red Crom sold thera, ton, 1. Cleveland, ' 1g | Chicago, 215; Detroit, 0.0. Fastern league-- Baltimore, Buffalo, | to, 6; Rochester, 0. Violated Fishery License. Sault Ste. Marie, Inspector Webster placed | Fisk' company, which was seized fo | violating the terms of a license to fish | at the Lizard Island grounds, Lak | Superior, ; A -------------- | Willer's worm powders Gibson's Red Cry dru RT Envoys Arrive There From ] J Tstarsbung, has been, sect AA In the rioting which | | two were killed, and 500 wounded. The | des- yesterday, dis- | killed at missing from the service Rear Admiral | Sunday, found that the man's death | | Niebogatofi, and the captains of the | was caused by the rails spreading be | proved that the boat was e fis | miral Seniavino, and Admiral Aprax- | plates, allowing the track to epread. 1 at the rudder stock, another through | ine, for their action in the battle of | The jury held the road responsible for |. jijective steam pipe running to the the Sea of Japan. when they surrend- | the accident, belleving that the equip- | ae to keep it from i While Wei-Hai-Wei may not be men- | is believed | league--Philadelphia, 3; , | Brooklyn, 1103 Raglan Street. "i001 yew York, 2 i oa | 8; St. Louis, 4. 1; New- 17; Montreal, 1. re | Providence, 7; Jersey City, 5. Toron- | topmasts gone, ha Ont, Sept. 7. | TT. JEROME. 754A Lakeville, says that District At- Travers Jerome, who home there, gave out which he positively de- not 'be a candidate for mayor of New York, but did de sire to serve Bnother term as district attorney of New York. I Jerome's statement is be taken at its face clad he value, and nothing could be plainer than his , today's anti-Tam- many will be free to consider candidates, TWO The CREMATED. Ones Left in the 3 ed Flight. Srecial to Wie. e Montreal Bent. 7.-Fire broke out carly this ing in a block of cheap ly construoted tenements at Cofe St, Paul, a subuth west of the city, be- tween Point 8t. Charles and St. Hen- ri, resul in the cremation of two children, whose names are as yet un- Imown. The occupants of the houses 'were thrown into a panic by the rapid spread of flames amidst the in flammable strictures and in the hur vied exits the children, whose lives has no fire brigade of its own and for some time, WALil assistarice was sent from divining places, the fire was un- Lect. DR. C. § DEWAR DEAD. Doctors. Special to the Whigs Ottawa, Sept. 7.--Pr. C, I. Dewar, one of Ottawa's best known physi cians, died at ten o'clock, this morn He was aboot - forty: years of age, and cnjoyed a large practiced + Mrs. George Bauchard, Parry Sound, has written the police about her | husband who has deserted her. There i= a man of that name here awaiting | trial for forgery, and the police have | forwarded his photograph to the wo | man | FOURTEEN PERSONS KILLED | : i {In Collision on. Pennsylvania ! | Railroad. | Snecial to the Whig, : eweastle, Pa., Sept. 7. T'wo exour- York sion trains on the Western New | and Pennsylvania railway, loaded with en route to the fair at crashed together ten | passengers, | Steenboro, Pa, | miles out of this eity, this morning {It is reported that fourteen | were killed, and scores injured. | The Road Responsible. | Special to the Whig. - {i Walkerville, Ont., Sept, 7. The cor { oner's jury in the case of John Rig | ney, the Pere Marquette brakeman Walkerville Junction, las breaking of | cause of the | Suicide The Sequel Of Troubles | New York, Sept. 7 - | ong of Hoboken, grandson of the lat panel " 2.50 pe 3. Carr, | | respondent of the Standard says that | Commodore Stevens, | committed sui 8a Bey. or Arthur Stevens, Tem- | VOICE CULTURE | notwithstanding the signature of the | cide by shooting peace, the despatch of | Cottage, at Westbury, L.1., yesterday. and her hushand were alone in the house except for a ser Anglo-Japanese treaty sighed | vant. The latter found the body with | WANTS TO DIE; WON'T EAT. wound in the head and a re. at his home. Th - {a bullet volver nearby. It had been known fc { some time that Mr. Stevens was wor | Fire Loss Is $100,000. New York, Sept. 7.-Fire did $100 | age to the wtook, Lost Her Topmasts. | Special to the Whi { Port Huron, | rived here with her fore and mal ing been caught | the gale on Thunder | barge. a | Splinter Inflicts Fatal Wound, Elmira, N.Y., Sept. 7.~Dom. Arnot were lost, were left behind, They were | seven and four vears of age. The place | Was One of 4 ttawa's Bist Known ing. from acute kidney trouble. He | was taken ill during the night, and was ent off with great suddenness, persons | Francis B, Stev { 000 damage to the wall paper manu { factory of 8. A, Maxwell & Co., yes ig. ioh., Sept. 7.~The | Canadian schooner Wawanosh has ar | wrong simply says he has lived long a Northern Central rail: or | road car carpenter, is dying in the { fashioned 2 Ogden Hospital from blood | Little Li running a . 7, 1905; A Letter Opened By The Wrong Man. wl K SUIT ENTERED THE CLAIM IS FOR $10,000 George Kidd, MPP. is Defendan in a Suit Which R. J. Kidd, Peterboro Has Begun--Tha n WhyThe Mistake Cost Kidd His Job. Peterboro, Sept, T.---A writ has been A i court E. N. Kidd, M.P.P, for . Ki ton county, claiming $10,000 . It in ex- that the action will be Joe at the assizes on October th. At the beginning of the last: session a letter to R. J. Kidd was put in G. N. Kidd's postoffice box at the parliament buildings, The latter, it is claimed, the letter without a thought, and read it. The contents proved very interesting, and Mr. Kidd, M.P.P., it is con handed it over to Hon. W. J, Hauna, provincial secretary, a poli The letter was written % Petefhoro, money tician jn East R. J. Kidd with rensk AT Sambaign rposes. Mr. R. J. dll to his office, and asked for an explanation. from the vineial 's office, it is said that he om to | Peterboro, and was advised to forget the whole affair, The next day, however, Mr, Kidd ve- ceived a letter from. the provincial sec: retary, asking him to hand in his signation. Mr. Kidd did so, and now secking to get aguare for the ol his government position by a for damages. MAN'S INHUMANITY, | In Rush Liberty and Safety Not ., Considered. Detroit, Mich. er, of Pontiac, ich. has been by Panama authorities from an unjust imprisonmen' } hore, 3444 the' | of Walker's friends that his imprison: | ent was instigated by rival Ameri can interests operating in Panama mining regions. Walker was sent to the | isthmaan republic to superintend and exploit mining property leased by pri- | vate interests in Detroit and Pontiac. | Before operations were well under | way it developed the validity of | lease had not been. conclusively . es- tablished. Walker di red, it is al. leged. He was finally located at a pri- sop in the mountains, twenty-eight { miles from the Pacific coast in 'the | province of | said, he was submitted to outrageous | treatmeotit and very little foot was given him. His body and mind | came weaker. When it became known | that Walker had been cast into prison word was carried to the United States | minister at Caracas, and he meds a i - f:2 : | demand for Walker's release. The af- | fair will be thoroughly investigated, VESSELMEN SUSPENDED. Sess Boat YLeaked--Officers Guilty of . Carelessness. Sarnia, Ont., Sept. 7.~ Major and Engineer Wi of the steamer Conger, | euspended for thirty days by the 1 Michigan vesspl inspectors at Port Huron, in panishment for carelessness lon an excursion from Sarnia to Wal- » | lacchurg, on August 24th, when over tI 500 passengers were eminngered by bhont leaking. An investi ately safe, but that there was n small leal ng in These loaks would have been of minor sonvidecaljon had water | been permitted to reach the pumps. | When the boat struck the north wind . | the weight of the passengers moving aft and the water in the compart | ment caused . the stern to settlo, al- lowing water, which camo - on the | main deck, to run into~4he hold, be- cause a twenty-two inch scuttle cover was left off. | winter e x | Farmer's Slow Method of Ending His Life. 1 Des Moines, Iowa, Sept. 7.-With his | debts paid, his property equitably di- | vided among his heirs, and y wace with all mankind, Charles ys. citizen of Osceola, Jowa, lies at the point of terdav. Tt was confined to the sixth | Jeath as the result of a deliberate de- | floor, but water running through 10 | {epmination to starve himsell to | the floors below did considerable dam- | death. Armetrong, a well-to-do' Since ishment has been an oceasio | water. The pleading of family friends has availed nothing. n | enough. Ea in| Today he is weak and emacs ted, y on Saturday | and prediete that his death is only | wight. She will bo 'changed into tow | two x ® His neighbors | two or three days off. His do not believe him | are unable to account for | determination. ver and tak man can't stand ev dose, Ti billiousness, Sept. 7.--Fred Wallet released | August Ist be has not touched a mouthful of food, and his only nout' and Arms insane, hut they "his @trange |. 3f you ake tired taking the large old: pills, try Carter's e Some com- ty them. 's Little « Pink Laxatives tic i liver : KIDDS [OSS met at i and referred to various committées. | a pall: o 1003, representing' Christian. vilon, |: # was referred to a committee on oh Made. itraine from New York otonto, Sept. 7.--A of the 3 BE ainon Whi rth Bay, at 1.30 pan. ronter: vafiéty Hoa. Wii , who never travels | pyr kitown. 2 g 5 the. liewtenant-governor. His honor oan expected home on Saturday. .| are A i sini. { + 3 mous rush on the mated that the attendance at the ex- Veraguas. Here, it is | hibition. yesterday. was between 85,- on labor day total be- | receipts of the fair, up to last night, were equal to the total amount col- 1 last year, Goodwin of his condition. ee Are None The Worse, 8 the Whig real, Sept: 7.--Acconling to the latest pews, in wpite of the weather, which was very rough and stormy, , the steamers Vir- street gnd was formerly from Brown. ville. For some time she has been one the popular clerks in the Roth Santee Sepattinent " he. Ah groom is & Vi employee in . cal postoffice. Thr Quebec, their wi owing to the house being enveloped in flames, Mrs, P. Ruel and children were burned to death in their beds at St. Justice, county of Dorchester, on Tucsday, despite the efforts of the husband and father, who endeavored to save thom. was also badly burned, Bishop Spalding Very IL. Peoria, 111, Sept. 7.--Bishop Spald- ing, of the diocese of Peoria, has suf two of 1 Jas SL i ---- AMERICAN'S DAY At Toronto Fair--Receipts Are Popular Pair Wedded. Watertown, N.Y., Sept. 7.~Last eov- anming. rye ening, in the presence pHtuey Dares: ty of friends, at the State Bireet thodist church, ocourred (he marriage of Mre. Edith M. Goodwin to Walter J. P, Campbell - of n of paralysis three months physicians and friends. ave alarmed at ginian and Victorian are in no worse condition than they And no wonder. Tt is popular for The quality is good. 36e. Ib, Try It, ing A o. mat: | \ admissions 14,000. The ne Snead hy; DARYAWADATR «On ber 6th, 1905, at st church, by -- of a small a o DIED, MR BE i. 1 place this oity. Mrs, resides at No, 10 Mechanic store, while the ee Burned To Death. Sept. 7.--Unable to make ay out of their bedroom, her two The latter his attack ago. His the best of reasons--