Has Used it for 22 Years, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, STOMACH CRAMPS, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOLERA IN FANTUN, SEA-SICKNESS, and in fact all BOWEL can be guickly cared by the we of DR. POWLER'S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY, It is the original Looseness of the Bowels remedy. "Be sure and accept no substitute. Has been on the market 60 years, so you do not experiment when You buy it. Mrs. Di Taylor, Cranbrook, Ont., writes: "For the t 22 years I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract Wild Straw. as a family remedy for all kinds of summer complaints with the greatest || Muccess, in fact, I have found it & most ~ | remarkable remedy." Price 35 Cents. ALL DEALERS SELL IT. An Honest Guarantee We guarantee QUR milk to be AB. SOLUTELY pure; put up in sterilized 'bottles, It is the best. Try it. pitti | Moncey back if not satisfactory, ] -- "Jf trial, at Norwood, on ments rough) the police, Shiy rang . Tomasi was arrested whi) in the Police court, during the heari himself heen the hid i ich ho. bi Sledge Hanmer, holy Pictures, th ures of the Mu hedrals, oi Sonk the vergers in the to obi up to their most cherished red ikon a small sledge ham © youn, was terrible skin disease, Brought before on he had smashed had the horrible complaint from a few days had had only taken means from suffering as he kh } Several physicians done, who were presen la | they are free fron infections disease, fl ------------ -- ---- Mountain Grove Notes. Mouritdin Grove, Sept. 5.- |] Are pretty well through warvesting. The party at Mrs, Wil liam Fraser's was largely attended "here being over fifty resent. rom -this "vicinity left. for the Toron 40 fair on Monday... RG, «Armstron, who has been .visitin Jet to restime his work at nhorers' excursion, among them Price, B. and W. Mills, W, 'owdy and W. Sanderson. Miss Nan aie Fraser left for Sydenham School on Monday. Mrs. Charles Pox, Idalia, spent a short time visit- ing at Godirey recently. Miss ©. the west on a position Mrs. G. Fox, B.A. leaves for Fuesday, having secured there. Visitors: Mr. and flutes and son Karl, D. Macdonald's, and at (. G. Fox's. Miss Minnie Macdonald left on Mon- lay to take a course Business College, Plevna Pointers. Plevna, W. Wood has returned home after vis ting friends in ind Sharbot Lake. De. Grov made a trip to Kingston last week, William James was Hesamitling a decline towards a for North Pay to-morrow, | Stewart | Place called the Crooked Billet, at a Martin and 'Allen Card, 0 have | Pace of about sixteen miles an hour, ; been on the sick list Mrs, n Elphin, Mrs. William Martin is visiting friends at Ardoch. James God- fin has returned after a short visit to {riendw in Delta. Miss Kether Wood is convalescent. Visitors: Charles Ball, Vennachar, at N. MoCrimmon's; Mr, abd Mrs, Gordon, Kingston, guests of Mr. and Mes. G. Osler: Joseph Prouse with John Albert, Sr.: Dr. Grey and A. G. Bryant, at Thomas Tapping 's, Ardoch, are recovering, -- The G. T. P. In Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Sept. 7.-There is a re port current that the Grand Trunk Pacific railway terminals will be separated from the others, and the main station building will be in the hoart of the city on Ross street. The company has purchased a shop site in St James, just west of the city limits. ---- How To Avoid Catching Cold. Allow yourself to "run down" and you catch cold from the first that comes your way. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills make you cold-proof by ving rou rich, healthy blood, the ind that kills all disease germs, In boxes Me, at Wade's drug store, Charles Gow was committed for a charge of manslaughter in connection with the Dummer shooting case, Attonipts to fleat the Allan Liner Vietorian have been deforred until the wind and tide are more favourable, C, W. Cross, Edmonton, was sworn in as attorney general of Alberta. , who went aw hor husband's ed the Joos woman went {to the Kouse, and findin, the apart ol went to . 0 on duty dden moving figure, -- | POISONED BY KISSING IMAGE. | -- | Victim Smashes Statue With » Sept. T.--Every traveller in has sean the jewelled ikons, or At are the chief trea. scovite churches and Church ophia at Dvinsk were horrified Serve a younb man walk straight , a picture of 8t, Sophia herself," and ore any one could intervene, pound the 'tropst to fragments with mer, an was arrested, and it he was suffering from a nese ! se, a! RUSSIAN ARMY'S LOYALTY. magistrate, he explained his sacrile- -- action hy declaring that the iven him h Feri He had in on 0 Was suffering. He had put his lips {to it some Wook before, nd within St. to see a doctor, The ikon was to blame, and he had 3 to prevent others ted that the yonng man's tight anchuria, Tts loyalty to the auto wan no "uncommon ane. and in ht racy, according to the forrespondent, he thons of Dvinsk wiil be put under | 18 More than. uncertain, Tu 18 question : u ns, and only those allowed to touch | ¢d whether the government could count n whose appearance suggests that Farmers with their Many his aren ts; innipeg mn Friday, Several took in the farm Barr, W. High Westhrooke, at at Kingston Sept. 5.-Mr. and Mrs. A. Bellville, Kingston | Cowes, accompanied by his valet. The Rev. Mr. Cox and intends leaving Arthur Wood is visiting friends of Lyndhurst, nts. FE. Brey. Smith left this o 'Manitoba wheat psney, organist, odurse of music in 8 Taggart, Ottawa, 5 Brown's, Gershom week. Lie Ripley, Toron- brother Walter and sold farm property to him is Michigan H. Pearson, le, visited last v's. Mrs. Hen: Ag : sister oe to, many friends of ®frs. Libby Chisholm are pleased that she is improved in health, Miss Eva. Hal laday left to-day ta begin her duties as assistant in Athens Model school for the fall term. Born on Sep- tembor Ist, to Mr. and' Mrs; Hager- man ga on . Norton Crane Breached in the Methodist church on Sunday morning. Robin' Wright paid his parents a visit over Sunday. Miss Lelia Halladay - intends leaving soon to study for nurse raining at Peek- shill, New York, Miss 'Myrtle Stevens has retvmed. from a. visit to friends in Montreal. Mrs, Rev. W. Mver, Algon quin, visited at Justus Delong's last week. Miss Ball Morris has returned to Athens high school, also Stanley Mor gan. Campbell MoVeigh, spending his i . has returned home to ; farmers have com- menced ploughing for. fall - grain. corn arop will be all' that 'the farthérs conld wish for silo filling. Fears Regarding 'Spirit Prevail ing Among Soldiers. A Paris, Sept, 6~The Petit Journal's Petershar, 1 Correspoficant, tele- graphs that what is now 'said regard: mg the mission to Ge ontrust of Gen. Linevitch confirms fears enter- tained in regard to the spirit prevail- t iig at present in the Russian army in on it for the maintenatice of order in fase of domestic trouble. On the other and, the government does not wish to repeat the blunder if made before the war, in not havin von the frontier which was then at ladivostok and . | Port Arthur, more than a few thous and men, 5 to establish a strong It is intended - {guard on the new boundaries and in the rest of Siberia, in Lider not to he surpri; by events. If is purposed to maintain a real army in Asiatic Rus. sia. That army will to great 'extent Consist of troops at's present under command of Gen, Lineviteh, who will . f remain at their head, and, as he is Popular with the men, it jg expected . | that he will turn thom to the best ac- count, : MOON'S SHADOW KILLS MAN. oy Causes Young English MP. to Motor Into Wall: Londan, . Sept. '6.-Deep shadows oast by the hoon were Te cause of the tragic death of a promising voung politician the other day, Henry Lowis Winch, Unionist candidats for South Norfolk. He was out in an automobile near moon was shining. brilliantly, throw- Jing deep shadows, and when the car the shadow of some cot on the road and also the white walls of the inn were mistaken by Mr. Winch for a bit of the roadside. 24 As they neared the inn Mr. Winch: turned the car on some grass, causing it to overturn and crash into the Marjorie Hare is Visiting in Toronto, wall, 18s Muriel Merril] has returned to Both the occupants were thrown | town after three months spent in out. The valet was practically un: { Nelson, B.C. hurt, but Mr. Winch was entangled in R. G: Ross, of the Bank the car and was killed. s bapidagy ioe Mr. Winch had recently a man of considerable wealth and was ah expert autombobilist, having driven his 'car right across France. was only twenty-three, S-------------- GREAT CHIEF BURIED. ---- Leaders. Maseru, Sept. 6.--Lerothodi, the late paramount cnief of the Basutos, was buried at Thaba Basigo, in the moun- tainburial place of the Basuto chiefs, The funeral was attended by Nr. Sloley, other government officials, and by lv some 10,000 natives, and 'the service oi wak performed by missionaries, The coffin was covered with a Union Jack. Among the mourners were the 100 wives of the dead. ¢hisftain and their lamentations and wailings could be heard from afar. Mr. Sloley addresseil the' natives, paying a tribute to the services and character of Lerothadi. ho French Protestant To Fight The Beef Trust. New York, Sept, 6.-- Independent LE! that cures hard colds, severe coughs, eroup, the grip, b 0 chil -------- ION structure, while the entire plant oc- cupies altogether lots, or 49,000 square feet of capacity of 4,000 « small cattle, § teers, butchers to the number of about a th 1, attended yesterday the cere ies at the formal opening of = the ndou, ie home on 5 Mer- wife Visited" Smith's Falls down the Pacific coast, treal, is spendin ronto. . been married, and was branch, few days in town. Mrs. J and Rochester Baile, who has been the summer months, re a---- to Montreal. Mr. Head of Basutos Interred Beside |have i: ; "Kamp Doazu pleeze," and with their family return ed to their home in town. Judge' (0. H. Widdifield has returned fr. Sound to remain in end of the will loave for their new home. Or f Picton' iti ho evident Choa ind |< ne of Picton's aged citizens, Mrs. ® tomber tion, meeting at resolution urging the government to take over all the lines. 'WERE BEFORE HYMEN'S AL- TAR ON WEDNESDAY. One Event in Gananoque ; the Other in Teeds--Rev. Mr. Gracey Was Quite Busy--A Portsmouth, N.H., Druggist Returns Home, Ganan ue, Sept. 6.--The home of Mr. and Mrs. Bethuel De Wolfe, Syden- ham, was a blaze of light at nine o'clock this evening, to grace the mar- riage of their youngest "daughter, Theresa, to Charles enry Bailey, merchant, Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Rev. William Timberlake, pastor of Grace Methodist church, performed the cere- mony. The bride was the recipient of many handsome, costly and beautiful Presents, conspicuous among which Were a' handsome piano from her brother, ' Herbert De Wolfe. The groom's present was a crescent of dia- monds. A sumptuous repast was serv- ed, after which the happy couple" left on the midnight train for a month's trip to the west as far as Chicago. The home of Mr. Ralter, Leeds town- ship, put on holiday attire, this morn. : , Ethel, to John Seale, Gananoque Junction, ceremony was performed at ten o'clock, by Rev. r. Cornell, pastor of Gananoque t circuit. The happy couple, afte ding repast, left for'a trip to Toronto, Guelph and Detroit. r. Allen, representing the Pioneer, the official organ of the Dominion AJ liance, is in town for a few days engaged in allince work, : The congregation of Gananoque Fast gireuit held a harvest home dinner Bethel church, yesterday. There was a splendid turnout, quite a number of our. townspeople attending. The af fnir was under the charge of Rev. Mr. Cornell, the new Gananoque East pas tor. H. Thompson, Portsmouth, N.-H . druggist, who has been spending «a Hors time with Mr. and Mrs. Schuy- er Lake, Garden street, left, yestor. day, for Toronto, to attend the fair. ev, Henry Gracey, St. Andrew's Pres. byterian church, had an unusual ex- perience Yesterday : A wedding in the Country in the morning; a funeral in the afternoon; and a christening in the evening. Adjutant Cameron, B.A. preached in the Salvation Army last evening; quite a crowd listened to him. at AGED LADY DEAD. A Budget of News to Hand from Picton. days' illness, Miss F 2 lora Clarke pass ed away on Monday, >» at her home on latest improvements. mical on coal, it will Jo more with less fuel than any other range made. before purchasing. Contains all the i ' nutritive elements of the whole wheat Kernel, cooled and drawn' into light, porous shreds, making it easy to digest. Send for the " Vital Question Cock Book," postpaid. 5 ADIAN SHREDD! 00., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. GAN, Dn Rar C0.) Lim St. Happy Home Range This range is one of the largestand handsomest on the market, comprising all the Econo- OLD STOVES "TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Examine the HAPPY HOME THOUSANDS IN USE Reliable -Perfect- Economical er siren. ELLIOTT BROS .. 77 Princess Street. Main street. She the Jate Joseph C1 was a daughter of arke and was well known in town. The funeral took place this afternoon to Glenwood cemetery. D. Hart, tailor, has pur chased the frame house, and lot on street, owned by, the late Gearing. A jolly Johnston Mrs. Colin $ picnic was given on Monday for Mr. Cooke, Kingston, "The party sailed to, Hal lowell Mills, on the Salva, where they disembarked for supper, he public and high ed, Tuesday moming, after the sum mer vacation, with large attendances. Mr. Lice, lately of Madoe, is the new publie school principal. Miss Bertha allory has charge of the entrance class, and Wiss Mabel Brishen is in grade D. The two new teachers the high school are: Miss Morrish, Toronto, schools (re opeh- in Winifred and D. Gilchrist, Chatsworth, ; After 8 Summer of liveliness and galety, Wellington has resumed jis village staidness, with the departure of the summer Buests. Hotel Wallmay is all but deserted, after an unusually busy year, Nir, and B. R. Hepburn Miss E. Bilton, Toronto, in the Quebec trip a two weeks' Mrs. and | = are taking this Week. After Visit in town, « 1. Mallory, New York City, is spending two weeks at her home in Bloomfield. She will then leave on a trip to Vancouver, B.C. to San Fran. in California May Fralick, who the summer in o Kingston, Mies cisco to remain a year and Mexioo., Miss has been spending town, has returned t g his holidays in To- + Kirby, of the Brockville Bank of Montreal, spenf a » P. Thorne Hepburn were in Sunday. Mrs. A in town during *turned Monday and Mrs. Wilcocks Mrs, Fred over broken up om Owen town until the month, when the family ® arah Benson, widow of the late Peter Benson, ied at her home on Bowery street, morning, The m Friday af- Via steamer America, Sth, 2:30 p.m, our there, Rome early, Friday, Sep giving one Fare 35¢. go The Independent Telephone conven! Toronto, passed a trank telephone --- 7 ir | ©0OL®P® 7} 2% @e Young and two children have rela . TT : od to Kingston. Miss PC OOCOC VOLO ®e © sand cighty-eight years, | © @8 8@ OOOO) ODIO) o00ee® early this (Wednesday) funeral will take place "=== BICYCLE BARCAIN Cheap Excursion To Cape Vincent. $35.00 Eagle wheel, Dunlop tires, for $28.00 45.00 Hydop wheel; Dunlop tires, for 35.00 ES Bankrupt Sale of Shoes We have just purchased a Bankrupt Stock of Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls' soots and Shoes from a firm in Toronto and want to clear it out at once. We will sell same goods at about one-half regular price and some less than one-half cpst price. COME AND GET A BARGAIN ! ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE. ® | | The Store for Style HE very persistency with which we emphasize style and novelty is apt to prejudice sdme people against the store, for fear our goods may also be ex- pensive. But are they ? Does any one presume for a moment that every-day business would keep climb- ing up if prices were in any sense extravagant ? Certainly we claim pre-eminence in many respects as regards style ; but our customers do not pay ex- tra on account of that. Buying direct from maanufac- turers, and for spot cash, enables us to name prices which would be quite out of the question with less perfect purchasing arrangements. We are in touch with the largest and best producers of two conti. nents, and to their cost of produstior js but. added one profit to make the price you pay, ; S PE NC E' S, The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. Cetecccceecei@oeccentoee We have a few good wheels we will let at the following real bargain prices :-- new abattoir of the oo is to fight the so-called * trust." This pew plant is the consummation of three vears of co-operation of the 500 retail butchers of this city who constitute the company. The main building of the new sbat- toir is a five-storey hrick and stone twentyeight © city The abattoir has a: weekly killing - and 15,000 About the only for marrying a mw fron woman bas Since 1848 -- almost 60 years Saunde gold. Their H.&» A. S, L ago--have H. & A. J. rs been working in Good second-hand wheel 9.00 B.C. DOBBS & 00., 171 WELLINGTON STREET, __ BICYCLE AND TYPEWRITER REPAIRERS. Id-filled Watch Chains 10, 15 or 25 years. deus Your jeweler sella H. & A'S. Chains. | Sead for the H. & A. 5. Chain Book, Eyes Drop Out, Yet He Sees. years of age. one night in exerusiating inh : Jomnd his. leit eve lying on the pitlan A SAUNDERS, King & Joha Sts., Toronto, Bue. with the aid i : . ; FARTS able to replace it, his sight not being . Berlin, Sept. 7 An extraordinary ' in any way affected, If he leans for- good : case of a man whose eyes drop out ' ward his eye will drop out and he as as solid gold has been brought before | the Berlin lives in constant terror. Sometimes it He is twenty-six i the right eye, Waking up suddenly uch falls out, -------------- ical association; someti pes the left of relatives he wis 5 "Tels Tooth Powde oh ber ainge. people of refineme Sed) Quarter of a centu Very convenient for touris PREPARED BY ff ¥. Gor2. 72 F CANADIAN NORTH-W gig REGULATION t Dc even numbered section of ge Pm in Manitoba or the | west Provinces, excepting 8 and eserved, may be homestended upoR by 3 he sole head of person who is U Sta la le over 18 years of age, a or one-quarter section, of 0! Ty r less. ity may be made personally a Jocal land office for the district in ] the land to be taken is situated, or homesteader desires, he Hay, 9a 2» the Minister ol Sve the Cominissioner of nn tion, Winnipeg, or the loc ane the district in which thé land sn receive authority for some one or him. es MES TAD DUTIES : A settle; has been Kfuuisd an lay lor = d is requ 0 pe: "iitions Sonnectdd therewith under ¢ ing plans : bo Tip vi six months residence and cultivation of the land in each during the term of three years. (2) If the juther so mother, ther is deceased) of any bie to make a homestead ente der the provisions ol a ACh: on a farm in the entered for by such perso 8.3 stead, the foquitements of thi Ae " prior to obtaining Deion by such persun residing ther or mother. Be If the settier has hia Tatu dence upon farming A a in the vicinity of his hobiesteal requirements of this Act as to res may be satisfied by residence upc land. A PrlicATION FOR PATERD 4 be made at the end of throe yea fore the Local Agent, Sub-Agent c¢ tead Inspector. Homsste making application for | the settler must give six months . in writing to ths Commissioner : minion Lands at Ottawa, of his in to do so. >SIS OF CANADIAN ANU SYST MINING REGULA FU] Joal.--Coal lands may -be purd 0 Poy gio acre for soft coal aol ¥ anthracite. Not more Lhan 330 act acquired by one in ¥en Fo alty at the rate of ten ver ton of 2,000 pounds shall be co output, ! on he aus free miner's cer fic granted upon payment in jv $7.50 per annum for an individua trom $50 to $100 pws annum for a pany according to capital. 3 A free minor, having discovered n in place, nay locate a claim Lhe et to recording a claim is ! At least $100 must be expended claim each year or paid to the min corder in lieu thereof. When ii been expended or paid, ne logatol having a survey © e, Somplying With other requirement: chase the land at $1 an acre. '* The patent provides for the pa) a royalty of 24 per cent on the ~ PLACER mining glaims genera 100 feet square ; entry fee $5, ren yearly, in two le miner may obtain 1 or gold of five miles toeh term of twenty Years, rence . iscreti f the Mimste re Jotete shall have a dredge 4 ation within one season from the : the lease for each ve tiles, Rew um for each m Ray at the rate of DE ed on the output after 1d exe Ooi f the Minister of the Ir NB navthorized publication wdvertisement will not be paid for ainta ealed Tenders for M: 5 Wrecking Plant. SEALED TENDERS, ADDR to the undersigned, ay ao ked on the envelo : n Maintaining Wrecking Steamer Plant,"" will be recel vod hi ment of Murine a Fisher Fi iftee f Sey ber, 19005, J a rocking stoamer and tonder w up-to-date wrecking Plant La in pumps, © diving suits, anc AX Be boats and other blapt and d labor iv Department of Marine and ies will pay a subsidy of $10, 0 num if a tender is accepted hits tract entered into. The spe fica requirements can be seen at ihe. ¢ the Steaniboat Igspector, " 3e The Department does not bind | any tender. A i inserting this i ment without authority from e signed will not be paid. By order 3 F. GOURDE Deputy Minister of Marine and F Ottawa, 16th August, 1905 900000000000000000 § "THERE IS A TIME } FOR ALL TRINGS." Now, while prices low, is the time to your coal bin with | { quality SCRANTON Cf from P. Walsh's Ya BARRACK STREET. 800000000000000000 CEMENT WAL We will "he nieased te fur estimates and construct ) cement walk, . Satisfaction guaranteed & Mecllqu Blas Nelson Street.