F Your lothes ome rom Us hey'll © ight like many other men? u'll buy from the custom been bothered the same 1d had his mind relieved ear marks of made-to- cost about one-half less 14 and $15. You can look as if it was built for ) SEE aincoats op Coats rousers its. -eeweeeeews ir Men's and Boys' Fall h to own a Suit or Over- the man, but they often 1 understood thing that to the people about in 5 only can atfain this , poorly gotten up, ready- rd of art in good clothes. you. Come in and take der Department d $20. 5 and 818. People's Clothier 's and Crawford's Groceries. ee ------ BOOTS Jurable hoe Store. ND, AGENT, "Phone 274. aA Al CE PER. ANTIMONY & TIN & ), TORONTO. dealer who keeps onl POROKH Sroahon ind Broome is always well pleased with his wares. y make satisfied customers, BOECKH BRUSHES disappoint. CUR Exhibition, Ottawa, Ont Central Canada Going Dates, Sept. 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 18th, and 16th, $4.15. Special Days, Sept. 12th, 14th, and 15th, $3.05. All tickets good returning on or before 18th Sept , 1905. REDUCED FARES Sept. lun 0 Out. dist, 1906. Second Class Colonist' Fares from Kingston to Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Portland ...... .. Rossland, Nelson, son, Spokane .... . sony wet 438 Anaconda, Butte, Helena, Salt Lake .. 43.30 Colorado Springs, Pueblo iii sinien srritsene 43.30 San Francisco, Los Angeles .. 48.05 Low Rates to many other points or further particulars, tickets and all other information apply to J. P. HANLEY, City Passenger Agent. CECB CLE ALL RAILWAY IN CONNRUTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. EXHIBITIONS KINGSTON TO TORONTO AND RETURN Sept. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and Oth, $5.40. Return limit Sept. 12th, 1905 KINGSTON TO OTTAWA AND RETURN Sept. Sth to 16th, $4.15 Sept. 12th, 14th @nd 15th, 3.05, Return limit Sept. 18th, 1905. KINGSTON T0 FARROWSMITH & RETURN Hoc Sept. Tth and 8th, Return limit Sept. 9th, 1905 Train will leave Harrowsmith for Kingston 5 p.m. Sept. 8th. KINGSTON TO PARHAM AND RETURN Sept. 20th, 21st and 22nd. $1.15. Return limit Sept. 28rd, 1905. KINGSTON TO RENFREW AND RETURN Sent. 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th $3.15: Return limit Sept. 20th, 1905. ARVEST EXOUBSIONS to points in Mani- £30,000 to B40.50, A Alberta and Saskat- 12th and 26th, toba, chewar turning within sixty days ssiniboia, Going Sept. re- Full particulars at K. & P. and C. I. Ticket Office, Ontario Street F. CONWAY, F. A.FOLCER, JR Gen. Pass. Agent Gen. Supt Bay of Quinte Railway New short line fer Tweed, Napanee, Deserento, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 8:35 p.m. F CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kiagstea. ietmm-------------------------------------- CANADIAN NATIONAL Exposition TORONTO, ONT. Return tickets will be sold at, $5.50 Good going Aug. 26th, to Sept. 10th, and valid for return up to and including Sept. 156th. Meals and berth included westhound only on Strs. Kingston and Toronto, and meals and berth included both ways on Hamilton Line Strs, Belleville Hamil- ton, and Picton. For further particulars apply to f. P. HANLEY, JAS. SWIFT & CO, Ticket Agt. Freight Agts ep ------------------------------------ LIVERPOOL and ALLAN LIN LONDONDERRY ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. From Montreal. From Quebec. Fri Sept. BR, 0 9 pan. Fri... Sept 5 é Fri., Sept. : MONTREAL ' Pretorian Thurs 1 NEW YORK TO GLASGOW Numidian Thurs.. Sept. 14, 11 am NTREAL T0 LONDON & HAVRE. atian Sept. 16. Pomeranian Sept. 30 single. $76 return. Only on: passengers carried, called second cabin. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, GJI.R. City Passenger Depot J. P. UGILDER- Clarence Street. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. 1000 Islands, Rochester 'and Bay of Quinte pepe-- Taking Effect August 27th Str. North King Bavarian, SLEEVE, BUT ONLY WHEN THIRTY-! THREE YEARS OLD. Strange Story of Newark Woman ts Who Was Cast Of by Wealthy | x Toronto after a week's visit, They Are Saying And Doing. Rev. Principal Gordon returned this afternoon from a trip east. Miss Reta Parker has returned from | Congratulations to Dr. Phelan, who lay celebrated his ---- birthday. | . C. Melutyre, Toronto, was im the | London Parents When a Child. city to-day renewing old acquaint- | + New York, Sept. S.--A woman who ances. : or i : { has been known as Frances Blind, J. Archie Craig, Kemptville, has | since her infancy, thirty-three yeary search by the British consul in New | York, as the keeper of a Instead of being the child of per sons of modest means, who reared her from "infancy, she is the: only * daugh : ter of a wealthy lumber merchant, of London. Her own mother is dead, as is her foster mother, Her foster father has disappeared. ; Her real father is named Boutwell, } and the woenan herseli, in her middle ' age, discovers she is really May Bout well, of London. ! She was wrought to this country as an infant by the governess in the fa mily of. Boutwell, Mrs, Catherine Blind. Mrs, Blind, with her husband, settled in Newark, and wae regularly | supplied with money, with which to rear the child. Mrs. Blind was bound bv an injunc tion not to reveal to ' the child the fact that she was not her real mother and Blind her father, until the 'time should come when the wealthy Lon: doner's themselves should decide to acknowledge her. The motive of the secret to Miss Blind, as she calls her- sell. About mine months ago, Miss Blind, learned, through a New York lawyer, of the publication of an advertisement, seeking information as to the where- i abouts of Mrs. Catherine Blind or her children, Mrs. Blind twenty years ago. A few years ago came the informa- tion, through the British consul, that a sum of money and some real estate had been left in London, probably by the girl's mother, to Catherine Blind and her children. From the facts she was able to present, the Mritish. con sul assured her that her claim to the estate seemed genuine, and that she really is the May Boutwell, who hot} been given to the care of foster par ents at her birth, thirty-three years ago. ' IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. News eof The District em Both Sides of The Line. tember 18th. John A. Gardiner, Lyn, were married on Wednesday, John A. Rappell, a highly respected seven. He leaves a widow and five children. C. W. Cross, appointed attorney- ta, is a Hastings boy, a son of Thom- as Cross, Madoe, On the 6th inst., at the residence of Mrs. T. B. Ellis, Pembroke, her young est daughter, Julia Ethelwyn, was married to Rev. W. 8S, Coates, BA, Ormstown, Que, Mrs. Willian Larter, born in Napa nee, forty-six years ago, but latterly a resident of Erie, Paz, died in Belleville, this week, A husband, two sons and a daughter survive, H. J. Robinson, and his mother, Mrs. Amos Robinson, were given res pectively a gold locket, and a toilet et, by the employees at their hostel rv. St. Lawrence Hall, Brockville. Miss Fda Barnum, when going to hed in Chicago, discovered Dr. Le high's house on fire, and rescued her grandmother, and thive others from smoke and flame. All Tare well known in Brockville. Soldiers Hear Of Peace. Lametenzi, Manchuria, Sept. 6. The result of the Portsmouth confer ence was officially announced to the Russian foroes here to-day. The army, however, is still without offi cial orders from St. Petersburg to cease its activities, and the situation is intense. 'The soldiers are waiting for an armistice to be declared, and they cannot understand how Russia can talk peace while the Japanese continue .reconuaissances in force and The fighting Korea cannot outpost engagements, of September 3rd in be understood here Joseph Roderick, Gray's Creek, Ont., who gave his wife a brutal whip ping the other day. has been tenced to 'twelve months with labor in Central prison. A ------------ COMMERCIAL. sen hard NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Supplied by W. F. Dever & Co, 18 Market Square, Kingston September 8th Open Close. ROL 801 Atchison Amal. Copper .. Baltimore & ORiv Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific Erie Leaves Kingston at 10.15 a.m. for 'Thousand Islands, calling at Alexandria Bay apd Gananoque. Returning steamer leaves at 5 p.m... for Rochester, N.Y., | New York Central calling at Bay of Quinte ports. Bentsylvania . > 3 Rock Island Str. Aletha Reading Leaves Kingston daily except Sunday Fay at 8 p.m: for Picton and intermediate yf City Bay of Quinte Ports, i Union Pacific Full information from J. P. Hanley, J. {iS Steel B Siluersiseve, Jas, Swift & Co. | =. Steel, pid aon s. BE, B. HORSEV. Trafic Manager Hlinois Central Louisville & Nashville Metropolitan Missouri Pacific . ago, has been found after months of drug store. boarding visiting her aunts, the Misses Sharp, Porte. The Newboro fair will be held Sep- | dure, in the trial | nian, the assassin Miss Mabgl A. Brown, Addison, and" the authorities having prevented the | look addressing the annual meeting of resident of Athens, is dead; aged fifty-! general of the new province of Alber-{ clerk in Best's | taken a position as Miss Faucher, Rochester. NY, is | house in Newark, and informed that Brock street. : ou her real identity has 'been hidden from Rev. Charles Masters, ill of typhoid | her all her lie. ¢ fever in the general hospital, is slow | ly recovering. Rev. W. H. Seeley's Bay to function to-night. | Master John Albert Hoselton, Bath, | is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Frank | Richards, Toronto. Miss Luli Staley has returned home after a prolonged visit in Utica, Syra- cuse and Watertown. Sparling went fo | attend a Methodist | | | { Mrs. James Scoffield, Princess street, | lately received word of the death of | her mother in England. | Thomas Nash has returned from a visit to Toronto, where he took in the | sights at the exposition. After spending a home of G. W. the | Mr. | few days at Hoselton, Bath, : Buchan returned to the city, Tuesday | find out for mie if James Woodward is evening. | F. A. Folger returned, yesterday, from_ his trip to New Ontario. He re- ports the government railway usually busy. Robert Creighton and Gilbert Mar tin, of the justice department, Ot strange action of her parents is still a (ya are here auditing the peniten- | North Tomawanda." tiary accounts. Mr. and Mrs. John Samuelson, and family, of Davis, South Dakota, are visiting their father, W. J. Pappa, 112 Barrie street, Joseph Sutoliffe, Toronto, is danger oudy ill, and pot expected to survive. died in Newark = Mr 'Sutclific is well-known in Toronto { Thanks for the information." mercantile circles. He was father of J. Er Sutclifie and Mrs. D. E. Starr, formerly of Kingston, Wilfrid Keoves has resigned his posi- tion as mayor of Pointe aux Trem- bles, having been legally advised (hat he could not 'act at the same time as mayor and as proprietor of the local aqueduct. He was a former Kings- tonian. AMERICA TAKES UP CASE. Minister Lodges Protest With the Constantinople, Sept. 8.--The Ameri- can minister, Mr. Leishman, has lodg- ed a complaint h the Porte against the departure from established proce of Ghirkis Varta of Apik Undijian, American consular officials from see ing Vartanian for the purpose of ex- amining his claims to American oiti- genship and determining whether he was entitled to American protection. The Porte has frequently declined to recognize demands in the case of nat- urhlized Armenians until compelled to do so by pressure, ' A GREAT SHOW. Another Record Day Exhibition, Special to the Whig. Toronto, Sept. 8.~Socicty and re view day has brought a great crowd to the exhibition and it is expected to have proved another record-break- er, when the day's receipts are made up. The parade of live stock, of the grand stand, at 2 something hardly. to be any part of the world, all, close upon 1,000 at the in front p.an., was matched There was, in horses and 100 cattle of the highest types that the world produces in line. MAY LOSE AN EYE. Edward Fitzpatrick, West Luther, Has Bad Accident. shed, wearing spectacles, his face came in contact with a stadding fork. The glass was broken and forced into the eyeball. Dr. Morrow was summon- ed, but when he arrived a quantity of the fluid of the eye had escaped. Little hope is entertained of saving the eye. TOOK OUT THE BULLET. Johnston, typographical operator, was accidentally shot, last night, by a fooling w th The bullet a revolver, his neck lodging against the windpipe. He was removed, this morning, to the Toronto General Hospital, where the bullet was dislodged. RYRIE BROS. LOSS. ---- Was $7,400---No ' Clue Thieves Yet. Special to the Whig Toronto, Sept. 8.--It was announc- ed, this moming, by Ryrie Bros., limited, the Yonge street jewellers, that their * loss, by the robbery the other day, was 87400, How the thieves made off with the tray and pad is still a mystery. The police have no elue to the thieves, as yet, or if they have they are keeping what they know to themselves. to the | COLLISION: ON THE G. T. R. caused Ah police, to find | nun hin No. 38 West Erie as un- | in | cattle, including some 550 horses and | Arthur, Ont., Sept. &.--A very un- | fortunate accident happened to Ed- ward Fitzpatrick, West Luther. He was unhitching his horses in a dark | A Typographical Artist Got it in Neck, » Special to the Whig. | Lindsay, Ont., Sept. S.---George | companion, named Bugenaw, who was struck Johnston and glanced off into | -- NEAR IST, BRUNO. rel The Accident Was Due to Fog and Slippery Rails--One Passenger : Injured by Broken Glass. Srecial pe Montreal Sep . 8A" collision took place on . the G.T.R., this morning, near St. Bruno, between an Inter colonial passenger train and the wost bound Portland G.T.R. express. One passenger was injured by Vroken glass. The collision was a mar end one. the Ocean Limited. of the 1.OUR. running into the end of the G. T. R. express from Portland. (J. 8. Low, of the Bank of Montreal, Point "St. Charled; was the passenger injured. Some of the cars were considerably damaged. The accident was due to fog and slippery rails. cnet ABOUT TO BURY WRONG MAN. Latter Writes That He is Not the "Corpse. Chicago, S 8.--Telegrams from two cliiets Sa in Ontario, bave treet. The. following was received : . "Call 'at 38 West Eric street and dead or alive. Answer at once. W. Burke, chief of police, Brockville, Ont." Fr Another telegram was received : | "Has James Woodward lived at 38 Erio street, your city, recently ? An: 'ewer. J. FF, Ryan, chief of police, 'fhe Chicago police, after investiga- tion, ree Shot sWoodward was 5 ing at No-38 West Evie street and in | good health, Then the following. dis- I patch was. received from Chief of Po- lice Burke : "James Woodward not wanted. | Mre. Woodward is said to have iden | tified the body of a dead man in Buf {falo as that ®f her husband and was | proceeding with funeral arrangements. | N a---- | Funeral Arrangements Cancelled. i Buffalo, Sept. 8.--A body taken from | the Niagara river was identified by Mrs, | Woodward as that of her husbend, { who left home suddenly in August. | Funeral arrangements had been made | when a letter came from Chicago sign {eh by the supposed dead wan. 'The { body has: been removed from the Wood: ward residence to the morgue. | PREMIER IN GOOD HEALTH. | Sir William Mulock Eulogizes Mr: | + Sifton. | Toronto, Sept. 8.--Sir William Mu the General Association to On- | tario said: "1 have known the premier | intimately for a great many years, {and 1 am familiar with his constitu | tion, and 1 am = sble to say shat he] | has. néver been in better heakth during | that time than he isaow," Sir Wil- | ham's announcement was applauded | 10 the echo. The postmaster general, in speaking of the position that Can ada had attained among the nations, paid a fine tribute to Mr, Siiton. He said it was no mere figure of speech to say that much of the present pros perity was due to the initiative of the late minister of the interior. He re cognized that the great need of this | country ie more sottlers to till our un | ocoupied lands, and he possessed the | excoutive ability, large faith and en | | 1 ergy to bring about the results he | aimed at. GAGGED AND ROBBED. Youth (Portured by | Highwaymen. { Joseph, Mich, Sept. 8.- Bound, | gagged, robbed and tied to a tree in | a lonely woods, John Landers, aged | Paw Paw | St | nineteen years, struggled for twelve | hours to free himself. The ropes {around bis 'wrists and ankles catting {the flesh to the bones. He finally managed to loosen his arms and legs and craw! to the nearest farm house, | two niles away Landers wa Paw Paw, a was beset by him with a handke him into a buggy, drove to the swamp aud, relieving him of hi money, left hip to die. He is in a i Sheriff Tennant has ard of 250 for the de "Yabibers. | ATTORNEY'S STRANGE WILL. on his way howe from lake resort, when he robbers. They gagged hil, and tossing serious condition offered a rew | tention of the Thrown Into Niagara Falls. Cleveland, 0., Sept. 5--~The will of tH. W. Baird, a wellknown attor | and promoter, whe died several we ago, which is Jwing contested by his {wister, Mrs. Anna E. Wadsworth, dir | ects that his ashes be placed in a | glass receptacle and thrown into Nia | gara Fally from Prospect Park. Mc. | Baird also. directed that one-fourth {the income from his estate be use each vear in support of the propagan- | da of socialism. The value of the es tate has not yet heen made pablic. Ashes = Be | | ARRESTED A GROOM. a Crime at Niagara | Falls. 1 Special to the Whig Windsor, Unt., Sept. S.--George W, | Mooreheat!, Detroit, accompanied by | his would-be bride, came over here, | yesterday afternoon, for the express | purpose "of getting married, but was | imanediately arrested by Detroit de | Accused of THE DAILY WHIG, JLRIDAY SiPTEMBER 8. aamam------ - HEARNSHERIDENTITY!, we === - IA REAR END ONE! 0 5. oo. Inte Canadian Institute Structure, Interesting light is thrown by Mr. George Johnson, late Dominion Stalls. ticlan, on the history of the old Ma- sonic Stone, which lies hidden some- where in the foundations of the old Canadian Institute bullding, on Rich- mond street east, Toronto, and which the Sons of England Benevolent Socle- ty, whe have recently purchased the building, have contracted to find, and hand over to the institute should they ever tear down the structure. Mr Johnson says: "There is a bit of history in that old stone. The late Dr. Charles Jackson, of Boston: 78 years ago, rambling around in 'the vicinity of the old his- torle Annapolis Royal--originally nam- Port Royal--crossed tiful sheet of water, Atnapolly and while poking around, ds & man of antiquarian tastes would, came upon a stone bearing the marks of the engravers tool. Further examination revealed that it was # gravestone. It bore the Masonic em- blems, a square and compass, and had the figures 1608 cut in it. He had come across the oldest evidence of the exist- ence of Masonry in this continent, "He got the stone transported to the town of Annapolis and ordered it to be packed up in a box to be sent to the old Colony Pilgrim Society of Ply- mouth, Mass.--where the Pligrim Fath- ers landed in 1620, to found Massachu- setts, the mother of the New England States. Telling his friend, Judge Hall- burton (the redoubtable "Sam Slick") about his find he had to succumb to "Sam's" persuasive talk and "soft saw- der." 'Sam™ got the souvenir, and one day, 27 years after, the doctor on A visit to Annapolis, learned from the judge all about the stone, only "Sam" had forgotten how it came originally into his possession. Dr. Jackson re- called the circumstance. The judge and the doctor adjourned to offer a toast to decaying memories, after which the man of surgery sat down to write to & Boston friend about that wonderful stone. "Years after it came into the pos. session of Robert G. Haliburton, the judge's son. Later he gave it to Sir Sandford Fleming, who loaned it to the museum of the Canadian Institute, To- ronto. Some years after it was missed and could not be found. The conclu- sion was that it must. have been bullt by mistake into the new building (the one just sold), inscription out of sight. And that is why the curious stipulation is in the deed of sale. Bomewhere in the walls of the building is the flat slab of trap rock with the Masonic emblems and its date of 1608 cut into it two years before Champlain founded Can- ada"s mest anclent city, Quebec." Yellow Fever In Canada. J. Gordon Mowat write, in The Te- roto World: If occasion comes in your way In connection with yellow fever despatches from New Orleans, it might add interest with Canadian readers to nofice that in 1846 Quebec, in common with New York, Philadelphia and other Atlantic seaports, had an epidemic of yellow fever. 'That was the last case Canada had of yellow fever spreading from a Canadian focas. In the great yellow fevér epidemic when Memphis, ALL FOOTWEAR. in Calf. Special Discount 10 Per Gent During September We carry a good line of these goods and would like to have every Carpenter in Kingston see our stock. This is the reason for this Special Discount. Tennessee, suffered terribly, and the pestilence extended Into Kentucky and South Hlinois, there were five deaths reported in Ontario from the fever; the contagion In all these cases was pre- sumably contracted across the borders, but it was ton late in the season for the disease to spread here 1 know this from memory of the Gntario Board of Health report for the year mention- ed It may be interesting to note that al- though yellow fever prevalls more or less every season, so close to Europe as the north of Africa and so close to North America as the West Indies, the disease, whether mosquitoes carry it or not, has never extended as an epl- demic as far north as the 47th parallel! of latitude, Quebec in America and Bordeaux in Europe, which both ap- proach that parallel, being the most northerly points at which an outbreak has taken place. Unlike cholera, which has ravaged cool countries, yellow fev. er is essentially a disease of the hot south. Charles Durand's Memories. In his autobiography the late Charles Durand speaks of a visit to Toronto during his student days in January, 1831, in this wise: "I called in the morn- ing after the arrival to see some stu- dents at the office of the celebrated Si- mon Washburn, then the leading lawyer of York and Clerk of the Peace for the County. Whom do you suppose | saw there? There T remember, Willlam Hume Blake (the father of our well-known lawyers, S8amuesl and ¥d- ward Blake), studying law In Mr. Washburn's office; with him, Joseph judge of the County Courts of York and Recorder of this city, both the lat- ter also studying law, I was introduced te them formally." €ir Isaac Brock: had issued his proclamation to Cana- Bee, in 1812. Consequently, the deceas- ed gentleman had acquired a very ac- the incidents of this war, and sev eral times set historians right tain detail ¥Y Gales From the Lakes. logical service, from the Governm at Ottawa in pamphlk form. entitled "The Gales From 1904" and with It tables of the storms referred to, leading official of the two Curran Morrison, afterwards one of our Judges, and George Duggan, afterwards Mr, Durand's father was a friend of in fact, the general dians to take up arms in his paper, The curate knowledge through his father of n cer- A valuable paper by Mr. B. C. Web- ber, assistant director of the meteoro- has just been issued Printing Bureau It is the Great Lakes to the Maritime Provinces, 1874- is given several t is evident that Mr. Webber has spent a great deal of time and pains to com- plete his task and it is the first treatise of the kind ever issued. He has re- celved a very flattering letter from a United States Weather Bureau, with regard to the price. we have decided We mean business. L. LESSES, Lecssssoonsossese Open for Inspection, What ?. Why the celebrated W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE ge NE mractured in he United States : ae are now Rrcpased to show you something new: NEW STYLES and NEW TOES, Calf, Box Calf, Gun Metal Calf, Patent Every pair made to wear, W. L. Douglas Shoes, $3 50- W. L. Douglas, custom grade, $4.50 and $s. J. H. Sutherld CARPENTERS' 'TOOLS A Good 2 Feet Rule for 10c. MoKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brook St. ------------------ Bankrupt Sale of: We have just purchased a Bankrupt Stock of Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls' soots and Shoes from a firm in Toronto and want to clear it out at once. 'We will sell same goods at about one-half regular price and some less than one-half cost COME AND GET A BARGAIN ! ABERNETHY S SALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC For the noxt m nth, on account of improvemestis on to offer our entire stock AT NEARL PRICE. consisting of Heaters, Ranges and Pug Btoves, Furniture and House Furnishings of endless variety and in first-class condition, ineluding a large humbor of very fine Mahogany Pieces, etc. . It will pay to come and see Corner of Princess and CHOCOLATES ! Ganong's Canadian Chocolates srs A Prt : A.J. REES', Princess St. 00 0000000000000000000000 FINANCE AND INSURANCE 3 % RE 4 the best line of Men's. made in Velour Colt and Eli. Sy Lig 134! ¥ 31 I 3 nd & Bro. ---- rewmises, oosT Chatham Streets, Kingston 6G. A. BATEMAN INSURANCE BROKER GRAIN MARKET. I i harged with the "tion of . - THE FRONTENAC | ae ai waeold: "girl Salieri eT Pamphlet 18 fued gras ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- aty 5h Big Increase. | Falls. Moorehead was escorted to po- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Bot B14 Syecial to the Whig. lice haudyuarters, fre to await the Wasteful. DISTRICT ACENT SUN LIFE ASSUR- Toronto, Sept. 8. -Duri { i Ni " " (ESTABLISEED 1863.) ia an outa. 8 Gel uring August | cutaiung of an officer from Niagara Mk Shsiety Som don X sin W ANCE COMPANY OF CANADA President--Sir Richard Cartwright 53% 534 to the extent of $28,740 by succession { McLeod's Aperient Salts. Mr. Chatters--My ~~ I consider Money leased on City und Farm duties, an increase over August, 1904, | Ap effervescing laxative beneficial in] them so valuable that it shocks me to 61 CLARENCE STREET, KINGSTOK. Stopertiss o Wedlcipai and County of 8 Fa. For he eight months the | the treatment of sick headache, liver{ Bee you out so promis | Dehetre. ived ortag Puschs oi Phonhalioe, oi were 2394,195, an increase of Jor hidney deeeugetiant, Syocully eaously, ! vv" is 0) jv a Ie oh, S. C. McGill, Managing Director. The ie cur oe gi tore of La - - 3 | tual constipation and all feverish con For Real Estate fice 97 Marenca RAtrest. Kingstos hy Thomas Miller, a marine enginecr, | ditions of the system. Large bottles | "One man was killed and seven bad- 3 a of Led pa foul dead in a botel stable at | 25¢. McLeod's drug store. ly injured by the premature cxplosion 0 | an Jones Falls And Return. matorrhoea, I | Port Dover. It is said he drenk | a po of a chatee of reap P Jalon r nsur ce Soe King oo Wulveriny i attains , ei a) altohol. : | The New York Citizens' Union. for | plant of Standard Plate Glass Comwult TBO! GLE beford Voying an Saturday at 6 a.m. Fare 5c. por by all Ye The total number of lives lost in | mally withdrew the name of District | Works at Saxon, Pa. nen. were st 85 Clarence Street, priv for tickets to the purser on age on receipt of We the Luke Superior storm is now plac: | Attorney William T. Jerome, as the fall foreigners, Three of the injured . James Swift & Co., agents. Frewoad Mad Con 'Wades, ed at forty. svoralty candidate of the union. will dis, » a If You Want a Home OR INSURANCE, Have a Talk With Estate George Zeigler, "2%. ourarce 57 Brock Street. If You Want to Sell or Buy A Farm or City Property, sonsult T. J. LOCKRART, Corner of Wellington snd Brock Streets, King- ston. Fire and Life Insurance, Up-to-date Policies. FOO GOOOO OOOHO0