Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Sep 1905, p. 3

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Finest Candies The Best Lowaey's Gunther's Taylor's Chips Candies that are unecudlled for delighi- ulness. Candies which anyone is proud o give or to receive. Candies: which re- resent the best prbduct of the candy nakers art. Always Perfectly Fresh We sell so much candy and receive such requent shipments that you are always ertain of getting Fresh Candy in prime ondition. Ask for a sample of 'AYLOR'S HONEY COMB CHIP. The ewest yet and perfectly delicious. Take ome a supply to-night, The Best Drug Store 124 Princess Street. Phone 50 T0-NIGHT | BE ON HAND EARLY Cashmere Hose Black Pashmere This is a big snap; Ladies' Hose, ribbed. 0c. quality. 0 dozen On sale to-night ....... 25¢c. a pair Handkerchiefs #0 dozen White Handkerchiefs, hem- stitched, good quality lawn. For a Saturday night special, 6 for ~ . 25¢ Another Snap 000 yards of Satin Duchess Ribbon inch wide, all colors, marked 7c. a yard To-night, special, ........ 3¢. a yard Five Cents Will buy any of the follow- ng items to-night : 1 dozen 36 inch Boot Laces 3 papers Good Pins. 1 large Ball Silkine, any color 1 dozen Collar Buttons. 2 dozen Brass Curtain Pins. 3 cards Mending Cotton, any color 1 large Package Toilet Pins, assort wl colors, Newman & Shaw $9094 00 090 140 TONS FURNAGE GOAL (SCRANTON) $6. Let us show it to you and tell you ¢ about it. oes 0000000000000 ---------- tn it ete ---- JAMES SWIFT & CO. woh hobby rr -------------- ET Pity may be skin to love, but kin< hip does not always indicate friend. hip, & A Thousands of Unpublished Testimonials Thousands. of Chronic. Ail- * ments of Women Cured Every: Month. Disguised Internal Catarrh the. Enemy of Women. Miss Della Stroebe, Rural Route No. 1, Appleton, Wis., writes: "For several years I. was in & run-down condition, and 1 ould find no relief from doctors nor mu es, - { t «I could notenjoy my meals and could not slaep 8} Right. 1 had heavy dark circles about the eyes. «My friends wére much alarmed. I was advised to give Peruna a trial and tc my joy 1 began to improve with. the first Tot e. r bottles I felt complétely cured. THE -TRIUMPHS OF PE-RUNA ISCREASE. on File. ------ eight months 1 suffered with i snd wretched different names, but all agreed that had female trouble, which was really the cause of my iliness. ~The prescribed for me, and I took icines, but Kept getting worse, until a friend told me I would never get well until I took Peruna. "Within a week after I started to take it I felt much better and I con- tinued taking it for two wonths with almost marvelous results. "I am without an ache or pain, feel ten THE PAR £ATH #1 IMAGINATION A'POTENT FACTOR | IN OUR BODILY, ANMENTS. Mistaken 'Symptom' of Disease: and How They Affect the Patient--Mor. ) bid Dread of Sickness and Disease Plays a Considerable y Pat --Ovar- | work the Order. of the Day--Faith Cure In Hysteria Cases. - 3 meet BNE a : Our bodily ills are multiplied many times over by, the pation, says the S¢ James' | , London. A pain in the back ineans to many kid- ney disease, Ina! "pain brings thoughts of appendleltis, the uric acid crank imagines that every ache or pain he sufférs is' due 16 this acid sys- tem, while the dgspeplic, with a pain over the region of Ms heart--"a weak heart '--faneying his heart diseased, de- prives himself of many of life's pleas. ures. pred Truly a little Knowledge is a danger- ous thing. All Abese (people are the The I cammot say a too much for Peruna as a-medicine for} ass DELLA STROEBE,' years younger, and feel that I owe m yodleniad <downcondition.'--Della§ IgR{-ai Route Nol APPLETON. Wi life and) happess 10 Peruna.'--W. ¥, Victims of thelerawir troebe. . . - art of ai i FARE EM, oe 128 asi ot, INDIARABOLL FING: : MRI WF HOFFMAN, 60! North &th Jt, KANSAS CITY, KANS Mrs. E. M. Merald, 128 W. 208 St, Indianapolis, Ind., member . D. Streight Circle of the For nearly four years 1 ovarian troubles. "The doctor insisted on an operation as the only chance to get well, but I had an operation and always dreaded ronely objécted. "My husband felt disheartened as well as I, and when a friendly druggist ad- vised him to bring me a Perunaghe did so, and I started to use it. «In a short time my health begin to and' pains ighteen weeks | was like another being, in splendid increase, and ms ao hves diminished. Within ei health. how glad and grateful I am,"--E. Merald, AddreBs Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. 1 correspondence held strictly cone Al fidential, on SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Domin- fon Lends in Manitoba or the North- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not eserved, may be homestéaded upon by any person who is the sole head of a family or any male oyer 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less. Kalry may be made personally at the local land office for the distriet in which the land to be taken is situated, or if the homesteader desires, he may. on applica tion te the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Commtssioner of Immigra- tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent for the district in which the land is situate, receive authority for some .one to make entry for him. HOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler who haus been grant an éntry for a home stead is required to perform the con- ditions connected therewilh under one the following plans : (1) At least six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year during the term of three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is decoused) of any person who is eligible to make a homestead entry un- der the provisions of this Act, resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land outered for by such person as a hone- stead, the requirements of this Act as to residence prior to obtaining patent may be satisfied by such person residing with bh" father or mother, +8) It the settler has his permanent residence upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of nis honwestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence nay be satisfied by residence upon the said land. APPLICATION FOR PATENT shoald be made at the end of throe ypars, he: fore the Local Agent, Sub-A or the Homestead Inspector. Before making application for patent the settler must give six months' notice in writing to the Commissioner of Do- winion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention to do so. 4 BEYNOPSES OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal.--Coal lands may be jurchused at $10 per -atre- for soft coal aul $20 for anthracite, Not more than 320 acres can he acquired by one individual pany. Royalty at the rate of ten cents ar top 2 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the 'Gross output. Wuartz.--A free miner's certificate is Saited upon payment in advance of : a annum for an ifdividual, and Om t0 $100 pw' annum for a com- Vany according to capital. {a fres minor, having discovered mineral 1500 a Way locate a claim 1,500x The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining re- gorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has een expended or paid, the locator may, tor) having, a survey made, and upon ing o cha TE Ish other requirements, pur The Patent vi & royalty of' r cent on the sales. b LACER mining claims generally are Veo leat square ; entry fee $5, renewable art, free miner may obtain two leases to toedge for gold of five miles each for a Erm of wenty Years, renewable at the iscretion of Mint of the Intefior. acre. for the payment of The lessee ghall have a dredge in oper- Shion within one & from date. of lease for wufles. tal, $10 per annum for each mile of ened, Royalty at the rate of 23 oie ote © on the output after it ex 50.000. Nope of the Minister of the Interior. Advertisement will aot be paid Hg a ------, DON'T KEEP acHaLOR'S HALL While wite' is ot he snaaide; She would Fhther have you OF HOME ALL THE the IROQUOIS HOTEL. By taking your weals at Ladies ot the ad. A. R., writes: "I am to-day enjoy- thanks to Peruna. ing perfect health, sake ia Pe hina, "Words fail me when I try to tell you SRS. MUBRICKNER: 99, A ADEE WI: pe --- g IN ALL WALKS OF LIFE, druff. FE, 0, Lyon, New York, N.Y., says "I am very fond of Herpicide and en joy using it, It is Fl. | returned as I cou ' hencfited, aud in less than two months | my health was restored." --M. Brickner, i titying Mrs. M. Brickaer, 99 lith street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes: "I have strong faith in*the efficacy of Peruna to cure the ills uliar to women, A short time ago I found my ecundition very serious. "T had headaches, pains in the back and frequent dizzy spells, which grew worse every month. "J tried two remedies before Peruna and was pretty discouraged when 1 took the first dose; but my courage soon #e@ that 1 was being A reward of $10,000 has been deposited in the Market Exchange Bank, Colum- | bus, Ohio, as a guarantee thatthe above | testimonials are genuine; that we hold in our possession authentic letters cer- to the same. During many ears' advertising we have never used, n part or in whele, a single spurious | testimonial, Every one of our testimonials are | genuine and in the words of the ong whose name is appended. REPORTED ENGAGED. Herpicide . is' Used to Cure Dan- The Richest Heiress in All Eng- land. Dr, JJ. H. Bush, Toledo, Ohio, writes "Newbro's Herpicide has given better sutisigotion thap anything | have over used, ' Mik. Borkev, of Chadron, Neb., says of Hepicide "It cleaned my head of dandrufi and stopped my hair from falling ou fetemii the hest remady Tor" dandruff Toor used, and [ have used a great many R. S. Coleman, Ann Arbor, Mich, avs "I have used two bottles of Herpi cide and derived henefit therefrom.' Sald by leading druggists. Send 10e, in stamps for sample to The Herpi cide Co,, Detfit, Mich. G. W, Ma hood, special agent. rr -------------------- CASE OF DR. SNIDER Should « Give Inside Fund. London "Advertiser History of There is a wmtiny 'in the conserva tive camp ower ithe: prospective ap pointment 'of Drv Smider, of Water ford] as superintendent of the Toron to asylume Mr. Whitney and the pro- vincjal secretary deny that the ap pointment has heen wade. Technical ly they: are right, as the lieutenant governor, who is on his vacation, has ;pot. signed + the order-in-council, but 'it is met denied. that Dr. Snider was' the government's choice. The Toronto ; World . takes its political friendg sharply. to task and says in effect that the appointment would be an afiront, on the conservative pariy. Dr. Snider, it will be remembered, was one of the bemeficiaries of the purity fund raised gn behalf of the conser vative candidates in the Ontario elec tions of 1902, He was elected, but was unseated upen petition. In the trial. proceedings he admitted re ceiving S500 frome the purity fund for This dig not reveal Dr. Snidet as a man of fine ethical distinctions, but it did not cost him the confidence of his supporters, for he was renomina ted at the" enghing bye-election. Ap- parently it Has sot deprived him of the esteem 'of his leaders either. The subseribers of 'the purity fund have still (to be heard from The inside history of the fund hax not been given' to thé public Per haps Dr. Shider ean throw some light npon it. - Perhap¢ his possession of this information has some connection with the government's. anxiety to do him a good turn. The question now is. will Dr. Snider get the berth for which he--is slated; or will the gov ernment be frightened into withdraw ing Wis nane ¥ intial School. supplies, new seribblers, ex- ercise bookg, . mete books, the best quality, at McDermott. Bros'. Try. Gibson's heel, iron and wine, the best tonic, election expenses. The check for this amount was accompanied by a writ ten request that he would return any money which "he did not use. His ex- penses, acgprding to his own testi mony, were between R100 and £200.4 The balance he kept in his pocket. | i LADY HAMILTON Special to the Whig London, Sept. 9. Lady Mary Doug- las Hamilton, the richest heiress in all England, is reported epgaged to Capt. McNeill. She is the only child of the twelfth Duke of Hamilton and Bran- don and will inherit everything "that the law permits him to bequeath to her. Will. Marry At Age Of 120. Special to the Whig Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 9.--The eol ored people of this city are greatly interested in a wedding which i# soon to take place here The blushing bride. Aunt Susan Johnson, a full blooded negress, is 120 years old or at least, thinks she is and has been mar ried six times, surviving her husbands, all of whom were considerably young. er than she, Aunt Susan was born on the Nickolls plantation near Warren: ton, Va., in 1755, when George Wash ington was president and she says that she had often seon him when she was a_ child. The old woman hax not a tooth in her wouth and scarcely a hair on her head. Her fdce is deeply wrinkled, but she is still wonderfully active and vivacious. On her way from the east she lost her ticket at Dup- lap, Ia. She wax compelled to stop at Omaha and waited there until the ticket was founfl and forwarded to her," when she continued her journey, arriving here little the worse for her long trip. Her future husband is © 5 negro, less than half her age. Since her arrival in this city the bride has heen the recipient of many attentions from the people of her race and many enftid on her to hear her talk of olden times, far bevond the recollec- tion of the present generation. Clayton, N.Y., And Kingston And Ottawa, Ont. Rideau Lakes' Navigation company steamers leave for Clayton every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sa turday, at 6:30 p.m. Leave for Ot every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 am. J. Swift & Co., agents, 1s the most diMoult that the physician Jearns, and yet they diagnose their com nts on symptoms the meaning of Ww! _ often in many cases, they have searched for in some household work on meditine, Tt 4s this self-confidence that "produces se large a number of these Mniaginary ajl- ments. . That the mind plays a great part in | the course and occurrence of certain | diseases 1s undoubted. « Phere iv a unis | versal dread of Hydrophobia; a dog! bite is territying. - for it .is the | bite of the mad-dog that causes the digeass. The mental strain, forthe six | weeks following. any bite. is; intense. Curious symptoms may:appear, cramps of the arms and l¢ the patient mak- ing a curious noise lke the bark of a dog, fully belle t He has the disease, though' "Syhptdms are not those of hydrophobls, but 'Simply an imaginary allinent. Cefivinde him that he has not the disease and 'his cure will soon be accomplished If the general health is' not 'gdod, ab normal sensations hive a greater in- fluence wu the ;mind. . The struggle for existence among all classes to-day ys, during' 'with difficulty da ishment, got jects ete Aded " saints, but more en as possessed } devils. It then occurred ! later on they were suppesed i fected by "vapors," which gave rise to these conditions: " A little while' i wae thought plaint, are looked upo something definite--a disease of the nérvous sys tem, the true cause and nature which will be one of the great discov eries In the future, > LONDON GOES SWIMMING. Although Great City Advances Is Not Up to Roman Standard Yet. becoming quite common. We have not yet quite attained to the standard of the ancient Romans, who provided in every town of thelr empire splendid baths, which anyone might use for no- | thing or a farthing at most, But we are undoubtedly improving, says The London Dally Telegraph. Twenty-five London boroughs out of 38 have erect- ed swimming baths. From Dan even unto Beersheba, from the Bast India | Docks to Wandsworth these temples of | health are scattered. Nearly very: body In London, in spite of ths three backward boroughs, is ' within easy distance of a good swimming bath. When it is remembered that fifteen years ago baths were few and far be- tween, it must be acknowledged that swift progress has been made, * licious the'world | Sond only in sealed 'The World's palate has been sat Civilization is advancing. Baths by the superior quality and flavor of EDUCATIONAL. "PANATE TUITION Fifteen years ago it was hdrdty con- | ass EMLLY ALLEN, BA, or possi London women | si pupils for rivate fon in a want er swim- | elementary advanced subjects. For ming was pronounced "mot quite nice" {NET Private School for Girls and thers, of course, was an end. of the matter, Nowadays the municipal swimming baths are reserved for wo men at least one or two days in. the week; or in some cases ofie of the ponds ia reserved for women entirely. . The charge is Inconsiderable. Sixpence will 'admit to the first-class baths and information, apply © at 243 t. Classes will re-open on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 provide costume and towels as well, At 78 Gare Sirdat: an 3 cheaper var- Pupils Prepared for entrance to Colleg- ols 4. sufcm for the oh 4 ate, Civil vice and Matriculation Hx. . aminationk, Few people, however, would swim in a bath if they could swim in the open Junior classes for girls and boys. For particulars apply to MISS ALICE KING, Alice Street. Overwork Is the order of the day, the whole nation now . suffers relatively more from nervous Irritability; there are more" Nervous, exhausted people, more neurasthentop---ths persons = of "imaginary ghmefity~ chan there were before this Bustling age. ° Overwork, aésocigted with it anxiety, worry, or excitement, quickly produces this condition. The businesy man, afix- fous for his ventures, works doubly hard te secure success; the sleepless mother, worn 'with! care 'ahd nursing, does double or treble duty, und finally "goed to) pieces' 'when the struin 'id over. The overtrained athlete - 'goes "stale" the young phofessional man, | keen, but faced with disappointment on the threshold of his career--these types of neurast Po The complaints of the neurasthento are many. all manifier of vagus sensa- tions, of heat and cold, humbness, e:iffness, weakness, fatigues, sorenbss, pain, pressure, of héadachd such. as "no. mam has ever suffefed from be- fore" each symptom described with a i ess derying subdivision, Every function, every organ of thé body be- ing described as subject' 'to - strange sensations. ' They are the subjects of mental dis- turbance. Attracted by any ofithe mor- bid sensations, they develop m morbid dread of sickness and disease. As the suggestions of these reminders and fears are constantly present, the neur- asthenic becomes saturated with them, becoming morbidly seif-watchful. In most instances these morbid fears pass into Imsane delusions and. obses- slons--then neurasthenia becomes in- sanity. The weman whe complaind that one side of her body is bigger than the other after taking food is not different from the insane pauper pos- sessed of the delusion What Wiside him were two red herrings, 'introduced in to his body while he slept hy an in- mate next him, The neurasthenics are the prey of the quacks and 'a source of great pro- fit to patent medicine vendors. To him their advertisements are pf shsorbing interest, finding comfort, and hope In the published cures of cafes such as his, and with a hope that "springs eternal" he tries for a time this or that patent cure, only 100 often with little result towards thé cure of his tmaginary disease Can 'the manifestations of hysteria be called imaginary? 'What hysteria really is ts not known; all that'can be sald at present is that It Is 'some dis- turbance ef the higher centres of the brain; no actual disease of these cen- trec has as yet been discoyered. Its manifestations sre wonderful and many; the hysterical fit, resetubling the epleptic. fit, is of commen occur- rence; the state of catalepsy, In which the person may assunie 'or 'bs 'placed in any attitude, may follow the fit, The senses of sight, helfilg, and taste may be affected, causing defec- tive vision, deafness, and complete loss of taste; sensation to téuch and pain may be lost over certain hreas of the skin, or even over the whole body, so that affected persons. dire unable to feel the prick of a pin or te distinguish the difference between heat and cold, curious abnormal, rigid positipng of the limbs, clenching of the fingers, various paralyses, closely resembling those produced by disease of the brain and #pinal chord, are some of itd manifes- tations. ' They may last for but a féw hours, though they have been kown te con- tinue: for months and years. - Recovery from them in many cases. is sudden, taking place often duriig some men- tal excitement, or during periods of re- liglous revival. These hysterical man- ifestations and their cure are the ex- planation of many of the "faith cures." When plated under propér care, re- covery is nearly always rapid A doc- tor recalls the case of a young ik bedridden for months with hysterical paralysis of her legs ant complete loss to touch and pain, whe got welt in a few weeks when removyd frem her home to a London hospital Another case of a girl wha would fall dxlaen for meglods of ibfes ox. fay GAR DINER"S Insurance and Real Estate. Eirht Companies at Lowest Rates. - Monev to Loaw on Real Eletate. 151 . Wellington 'Street. i is keener than ever it was; every year | air. In the nature of th the fa- it Is becoming more so. A larger pro- | cilities for open-air bathing fn a great portion of the popiilace use their brains | town must always be ly in the e.. Upjversal education | restricted, but the London County | has intensified this. competition te live, | Council has contrived to provide bath- | ing places in a number ¢f open spaces. Bathing is permitted in the lakes at Brockwell Park, Victoria stead Heath, Parliament Hill, Clapham | Common and Plumstead Common; and: at Willesden the local authorigies have provided an excellent luke in Gladstone Park; where once a week ladies may keep up their swimming, Thus, it will | be observed, a ring of baths has been | placed round the suburbs, and it is dif- ficult to see how, falling the Thames itself, more are te be.provided in the heart of London. Some of these lakes have been prepared at considerable ex- pense, floored and walled with concrete, and provide bathing places as good as the heart of man need desire. Unfor- tunately, the hours of bathing are we- verely limited, In mont of the Jakes { you may swim only at early morn and | dewy eve. There are, however, bxcép- | tions. Except on Sundays, you may bathe in the ponds on Hampstead Heath and Parliament Hill at sny hour, and it would seem that this regulation might with advantage be extended, At Willesden the bath is open on' Sunday mornings, i Women have not been forgotten by the County Couticil. Three ldkes, one at Hampstead Heath, one at Parliament Hill and one at Victoria Park, are re- served for them one day in each week, and the concession, which is enly a few years old, is certainly wise. The numbers of women swimmers may fot rival the 25,000 men and boys who on one hot Sunday bathed in Victoria Park, but the practice of open-air bathing' for women Is in London still in its Infancy. The experience of Pro- vincial towns proves that women are apt to value the open-air bathing place highly and use it well. We are then, in London, undoubtedly on the high way--perhaps one should say the floodtide----of progress in bathing mat- ters, even though we have not yet, the Yale University, opened a swimming bath to mixed bathers, A Bad Blunder, Every barrister is well aware that tact in the management of the judge is a great thing. One day a certain Treasury coulisel was driving over & well-known bridge on his way to the quarter sessions. Noticing the chairman of the sessions trudging along in the mud and rain, the barrister instantly stopped the hansom and offered him a lft. The offer was at once accepted, and the pair proceed- ed to their destination in great amity. As soon as they arrived the learned counsel hurried into the ™ House, as he had an important application to | make immediately, the chairman had | taken his seat. 'But te hio Intense sur- | prise and chagrin the application was curtly refused. The barrister was completely non- plussed at the sudden change in the de | meanor of thé chairman, until the ush- er, in a husky whisper, supplied the ex~ planation by saying:-- "Do you know what you've done sir? "IL 'haven't the slightest idea. What ever can it be? was the reply. "Why, sir, you ran in and left the chatoman to pay for the eab!"--Tit- | Bits. Answering Aberndthy, | { Although one of the main character- istics of the famous Dr, Abernethy | was the readiness with which he could administer a sharp and witty retort when occasion arose, he was once considerably nonplussed by the remark of a medical student. i "What would you do". the dector | asked the student at an examination, | "if a man was placed in your hands | with a broken leg?" | "set it, sir," was the reply, | "Good, very good. You are a witty | young man, and doubtless you can tell | me what muscles of the body 1 would | move If I were to kick you, as you de- | serve, for your impertinemee?™ "You would put into mmotion" ye- | plied the student, fot #n the least | ubashed, "the flexors and extensors of | my right arm, for I wduld forthwith | knock you down™ i { Question Of The Lesser Difficulty. | Washington Post: i } Now Methodist brides promise to | "keep" instead of "obey" their bus- | bands. In these days a woman is | apt to fad it harder band than to obey ¥ Park, Hamp- | for girls and boys, on TU | branches of French to keep a hus | William Swain, PRIVATE SCHOOL 3 BATES, Cavstated by he Quben's College. 'graduate, aml ether teachers, will re-open her private sthool, : ESDAY, Sept. Sth, at her rooms in Old Collegiate Building, Cor. Barrie and Clémey Sts, Arrangements shade for wll grades, all English thoroughly tanht. , Qernion, Latin, Phynienl Culture a specially. ¥ Drawing, Sewing and Singing, Manners and 'Morals earafully attended to. Music in connection. For further information apply to Miss Bates. * "AYRE SUT ADRS. Fall Term Opens Sept. 5 7 ] J ly , -- 3 Cor. Barrie nd Clergy Streets, Kingston, Ont. Thorough course, in Accounting, Short hand, Typewriting, Pesmanship, ete. Write for particulars and rates. W. H. SHAW, TN, STOCKDALE, : President, : Priveipal, Students May Enter Any id Head of Queen St,. Kingston - =« Ont A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL. .. Establiéhed in 1883 ., Practics), complete, thorough, Individual instruction given in sil commercial sub. Jew Span throughout the whole year, Write, call or telephone for terms and cate. 1 § B. MCKAY, H. FP. METCALFE, President, Fringpal, Fall Term Sept. 5th TORONTO p CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC EDWARD FISHER. Mus. Doe. 'Musical Director, FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, : SEPTEMBER 5TH. otis should register if possible dur SIND POI ' New Calendar. SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION, § 8 / P. WH. KIRKPATKICK, Thon SPECIAL CALENDAR. meee - 0 MAY NOT RACE UNTIL 1807. Opposed té. Holding the Races Next. Year. - Rochester; N.Y., Sept. 9.--At a meet- ing of the board of governors of the Rochester Yacht Club, the challenge of the Roy! Canadian Yacht Club fora serien of roves for the Canada's Cup was formally aceepted, and a commit: teo on arrangements was appointed to meet the committee of the RC.Y.C. The officials of the Rochester Yacht Clib expressed (themselves as opposed to the idea of holding: the races next year, and the committee was only lim- ited in this respect. In ather respects the challenge is @ntirely in accord with the wishes of the local yachtsmen, The challonge asks for a contest for thir- ty-footers, and this is just the class of boats preferred hy the R.Y.{". men. Three applications of Peck's Corn Salve will cure gard or soft corms, Wo., at Wade's Drug Store. Red To ewe any, \, Gibsons Cross cough bo SL Gin ved at McAuley's book store, produces. Golog Dates, Lith, 18th, aad 16th, Days, Sept. 1 "14th, Nh tickets ret Sept. 18th, 1 h Ee Second Kingston to Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Portland co. lo mins Rossland, Nelson, son, Ss asadiuihn pre 2in Anagonda,' Butte, Helen, Sait: TAKS seanagprs ssiniarsse. sxpasnisriie: AGE Colorado \ ho Sid Pueblo Luserinn benesses AER Senay i ¥ a SPINE ER i KINGSTON TO BENFREW AND "et Hide Sa a Toh. ol BF «aN a Saar : t. 12th and 6th, re- p . Gologe . turning within sixty 3 Fall partienlars at K. & P. and ©. P. I. Ticket. Office, Ontanlo a * ¥; NWAY, A an, Y Coy Goh. Pass. Agent Return tiketx: will be sold: L. % $5.50 ¥ 8) Auk 0h, to Sout. apd & Good and vall Sept. 15th. Meals all berth included on rs. ngston and meals and berth rH on Hamilton Live Strs. Belleville ton, and Picton ta' SWI '2 co. Freight olng for For further particulars I. P. HBANLEY, JAS. Ticket Agt. Bavarian, Fri, t. 8, 9 am. Virginian, Pri. 3 . , 15, & wm, Tunisian, Fri, J 22. 8 am, 33, t MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRBOT. | Pretorian ... Thurs. Sept. 7, (daylight AGRON: Ti NEWYORK To abs sh "hurs., t. 14, 11 am MONTREAL TO LONDON & HAVRI Surmatian Hej Me nian. Sept. 80 Leaves Kingston, auf, for o Alexandrin' Bay dnd (an ine steamer leaves Rochester, N.Y. Quinte ports. Str. Aletha oe ey piano tuner. Orders Fron

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