"MEAPED I 6 pO. and Siriel Beaupre vis ; os ¥ nthe MONS ML Aho in the County of Front. x Uoneral Merchan: | or on pplication 3 Na ithe prem a #t a rate on the dollar and oe A Serine Hg ror rio, of value mst accompa Sate o aunty. of ¥ TR 4th i HH ui : » figh i E £1 i = i» °F Hr i i £4 sEreil be 'called 1 "Bankrapt rapt Stock company, The principal par ties of this firm are Joseph Abramson, of ton, and F. X, Consineatt, who boner id business 4 , Orange all itd from "1 to 1 K on --. tend_dealing in bankpupt stock E int i in rapt & only. The first iw of this new firm will be the selling of three bank: rapt stocks amounting to $21,674 and will be sacrificed at a%., 50c,, and 75¢. on the dollar. Mr. Cousinéati will be the manager of this firm and he promises to do as he did in former years and sup. ply his old friends with harsuiny tounties to be sure and call on Sat. urday, Sep sr 16th, and examine the bargaims and they will be welcome they buy or not. Business College Graduates. ' Mazie G. Hanley writes that she has yh appointed stenographer for the Anwrican Roofing company, Water town, N.Y. Wetmore W. Steves is Book cup for the iillsbore Trading ¢ompany, Hillsboro, NB. Albert A. eyihe is now stenographer for the etropolitan Insurance vommbY. A graduate of the commercial depart tent left for Las Ve New Mexico, én Monday. A graduate a3 iversity will be added to - staff during the fall and winter YE pen every day of the year, He invi public Rats and eurridading | Exciting Work On The Green. "Rockwood bowlers again defeated the t's t on the asylum , on Friday afternoon, Two rinks tested in the match. On one the score axa Rie, bit on the other gained a points pulling out winners, lay. most exciting at times, {sult in doubt until the finish. Once © the: match Kingston had a lead, but nothing is as uncer- dead sure and their s managed ee dud Suis i wer is to run Rochester, railway. 2 y son of 'William Griffith Belleville. on was struck by a traio killed. Ty ! fleet mutin- wers are to be distributed among the i district. 4 in the Odessa A 1 Major Alexander Penfield, one of . | Dawegn's best known 'citizens, died J harsiny, izens, died on in his, sixty-fifth year. men, In Tokio there is a foreign lan, wehool where almost all languages ser tanght, and strange to say, Russian he more of China ha emperor "hina has" extended to President Roosevelt congratulations upon the success of the efforts to es tablish peace between Russia and Ja- pan. Ervin Smith, Rochester. N.Y., con vieted 'of killing "Birdie" Hart, of ehater, has begun serving his term of. fourteen years and nine months in the Aubum State Prison. Provident Roosevelt took summary action in the case of Frank W. Palmer public printer and head of the govern ment printing office at. Washington, by removing him from office, "A London rumor Bas it that the Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Pa: cific railways are discussing a bic | combination, with a view to land de velopment and immigration. Chairman Shonte, of the Panams cannl commission, has awarded h con cession for feeding and' housing the gEdter part of the eanal employees te J. E. Market, Omaha, Neb, Miss Genevieve Finlay, Syracuse. N.Y., has, since last June, been the wile of Melville Stewart, who inter prets the role of Lord Burlingham in "Miss lv Dollars," Luly Glaser's comedy, At Cortland, N.Y., while doing the Spanish web act in the John Robbins show, Mlle. Zent, a beautiful young woman, fell 'from the top of the tent, sustaining injuries which may cause her death. The announcement is made of the soerel marriage of Mrs. Libbie J. Posler, a wealthy widow living at No. 306 Park avenue, Svracuse, N.Y.. to Arthur H. White. The bride is nearly twice the age of the. groom. The Holy Name Catholic church at Swoyersvile, Pa., was | ooted and burned. Two men entered the burning building to resewe the gold chalices, but forth 'the altar steipped of its or- naments and the priest's vestments on the floor. The Tose in 82,000, Lioutenant-General A. Von Bogus! awski, Berlin, well known as a mili: tary writer since his retirement in 1500, and an officer whose opinions were often quoted by the Associated Press during the Russo-Japanese war, is dead. While trying to save two children, a son and a deughter, both under ten 's boone' of 8 of age, from a fire in a crowded tenoment building in Fast Seventy first street, New York, Antonio Colet- to and both children were suffocated by smoke. Judge Penfield hat heen designated to make an investigation of the trade relations between the countries of South America and those of Europe with a view to improving America's commerce with the countries lying to the south of the United States. Mes. Beatrice Young, who shot Mre. r organ, a stenographer, at Rotel Tmperial, New York. se~ured Hor eacdom by promising te become a ury exile from New York and to i Net She will probably go to her home in Minnesota. DROPS DEAD AT GUN FIRE. ssi : Son's Aét Produces Attack of Heart Disease. Rochester, N.Y, Sept. 0.--Mre Al hort C. Jones, Hy A 117 Jacques street," dropped dead yesterday = of fright. Her son got into an altarca- tion with some men and fired theo shots from a revolver in the air. Mes. Jones wav so Trightensd at the wrangling that at the sound of the dead She _ peal abe 5 . a sufferer | heart disease. io jd WMAIOR ¥ T. TAYLOR. For the first time in the history of the Raat il ian, Bas Been toi tary College, a Cana- n_ appointed command- 5 gitution. Maj. Edward v who has just re- ceived the bintment, is a native of Montreal, although he has had most of his, military, experience in England and India, Maj. Taylor was born in 1858 in "Montreal, and = was the son of the late T. M. Taylor, of that tity, He received his early odu- cation at the Montreal High School and later at McGill University, Maj. Taylor received his lieutenancy in iia B a Prous tod jo a captaincy in 57, and passed the staff college in 1805. He received his majority. 1m 1889. Ee belongs to the Cheshire Re- gitient, and has recently been acting as deputy assistant adjutant-general at the staff college in Bengal. Maj. Taylor will probably atrivefin Can. ada in October to enter upon his new field of metivity in Kingston. -- LATE SOCIAL NOTES. . Mrs. William Robinson entertained at a little eard party, on Tuesday evening, in honour of her mother and sister, Mrs. and Miss Caldwell. | Mra. Macarow asked two or three girls, yesterday afternoon, to come and have a cup of tea with her daugh- ter, Miss Macarow, of New York, "a Vu Miss Smith. who spent the week end with Mrs. Alexander Mackie, returned to Oshawa, on Tuesday, Mr. George Mackie loft vesterday for Oshawa, where he will remain some Tittle time, Mrs. George Ellis and Miss Bolger, left. this afternoon for aT spend a week, with Mrs., James Pott. . - Mrs. Chamberlain Irwin asked a fow ladies 10 come for a cup of tea and a chat, on Wednesday, and a very sleasant hour was spent. ! Mrs. Sharpe, wither three dargh- ters, and her grandson, Master Fd- ward Tarrison, all of Toronto, are on pension Sith Mrs Kavanagh, ' . Miss Lizzie Walsh, Alfred street. 3 home for hor school duties aft "ii lightful visit in England. Miss Marjory Pemse will loav. n ht for St. Agnes' school, Belie- ville: e INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Four 10c. cigars for a quarter at Gibson's Red Cross drag store. The Saturday morning market was the largest. of "the year. Prices re mained about the %ame as a week ago. The retreat of the priests. of the diocese of Kingston, conduded this morning. No changes in parishes are reported, It is said that Dr. Ryan's selection was not made through the Kingston Conservative, Association. Will this case be looked into like that of W. C. Wright ? The" sterling melodramatic sensation, "Human Hearts," is announced as one of this season's attractions at the Grand Opera House, on Thursday September 14th. The Trusts and Guarantee company, limited, Toronto, has heen appointed administrator of the estate of the late James A. Walker, of Doon, the execu- tors under the will having renounced in the company's favor. POSTOFFICE SAFE PLUNDERY.D Spattered Blood Indicates Injury to Invaders. Dunkirk, Sept. 9.--Burglars entered the postoffice, at Forestville, seven miles east of Dunkirk, yesterday. This safe was blown open with nitro-glycer- ine. Blood spattered about the office shows that one or more of the men was injured, It is believed one of the hurgdars was badly hurt, as traces of blood have been found along the road lead: ings to Dunkirk. The invaders secured several hundred dollars in money and stamps, Weather For This Month. Rev. Il R. Hicks in Word and Works, prediets for this month stormy weather from the 9th to 1ith, also 13th to 15th; there is to be an earth- uake period about the 13th. Between Se 0, and Nat Soler weather is predic with frosts in many li ties. Those who go and lakes in ships are warned to keep eather yes open from She ev Wednesday, the 27th, to. Saturday, the 30th, the prophet says wo may ex- pect "man sweeping and violent storms" will visit a land all over the earth. Spanish War Veterans. Milwaukee, Sept. 9.-The United Spanish war veterans chose Washing- ton for their next meeting place and elected these officers : Comaandors Sehior v Mu vite-commander-in-chi California. Commander-in- | « 4 chief, Major Charles R. Willer, Chere Ts EEN VILLAGES. three Hundred and Seventy People Killed -- Inhabitants Rush Half Clothed from Their Beds, Screaming in Fear -- Prisoners Mutiny in Jail. Rome, Sept. 8.--All Italy is suffer- ing frog, terrible depression because of fiews from 'the south, where one of the -| worst earthquakes ever experienced oc cu fi : ne earthquake was felt all over Calabria and to a certain extent in Sicily, worst mews comes from Pizzo and Monteleone and from eight teen villag which are said to have been completely destroyed. : Accordimg to the latest news received 370 persons have been killed and a great number injured. Tt is as yet im- possible to even estimate the property osses. The shock was felt at 2:55 am. lasting. for eighteen seconds at Catan- zaro, and soon thereafter was felt at Messina, Reggion, Monteleone, Mari- tirano, Stefaconi, Pizeopio, Triparni, Zawmaro, Cessaniti, ada, Olivadi and other points. Scenes of indescribable' terror en- sued. Women aroused frgm their sléep rushed half-clothed into the streets screaming with fear, carrying i babies, ng along their children pb calling on the Madonna tection. The cafes were taken by assault the strangely girbed crowd, but daylight broke without a repetiti of the earthquake the multitude dually broke away until by eight clock the streets had almost assu their normal appearance except in fhe were homeless, The general confusion was added to by eries from the jails, where the pri- fright. In some cases they mutified, but all were kept within bounds. Troops, engineers and doctors been hurried to the scene of disfster to assist in the work of reseme and salvage. I The ministry of 'the interior [sent 84,000 for the relief of the desftute and Minister of Public Works Fararis left for Calabria this evening. Tale Of Disaster. Catanzaro, Italy, Sept. 8. The earthquake caused serious damage 1 houses in San Floro, where one per son was kiled. | At Jonddi ten persons were killed and a hundred wounded. At Daffina buildings were damaged and many persons killed or woulidec At Borgia two persons were kill and 'ten wounded. Many houses co lapsed. At Olivadi five persons were kill and the saints for help. The men es/}| caped into the open with their familef | calling on their favorite saints for peg | ruined villages, where the inhabitajts || soners were beside themselves fith |! os . --_-- oo. 'Special Notice! LAIDLAW'S CASH COUPONS For theggst fourteen years Kingston wo- men have fo xperience that LAID- LAW'S CA COUPONS are better than any form of trading stamp. The advantages of our Coupons are that you have not to wait a long time to have them redeemed, and take - something you may not require simply because your choice is limited. When you return 30 of LAIDLAW'S CASH COUPONS YOU receive 91 in Cash But the most important point to 'remem- ber is that our prices are unquestionably the lowest in Kingston for dependable Dry Goods. This being proved every day, and wide-awake women are fully aware of this, as we consider our best advertising is being dope by cusjom- ers, who compare prices and then tell of the saving to be made by buying from us. and many wounded. At "Nicastro and Cortali. thete much damage to proper dhd nfny persons were wounded. At Filadelfia two persons were Rll- ed, and there were serious progerty logses. At Naida one person was killed and thirty wounded, and property suffered severely, At Martirano there were many vit time. Out of a population of 3,000, 2,200 are without shelter, At Serrastretta the houses suffered considerably, Scores of hamlets have suffered. Hundred Killed In Localitf. Monteleone Di Calabria, Italo, Sep S.~Late rbports indicate that us faconi the earthquake killed a hind people, and the number of injiped yet to be learned. ff At Piscopio all the houses were fs- troyed, and fifty people loft lives. At Monteleon many houses wer troyed, and seven persons were Wied. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. < Ladies' Fall an Winter Coats In our Cloak Department they are busy as beavers. HUNDREDS OF NEW FALL COATS 'ARE NOW READY, and when you remember they are all NEW, not a single coat over {rom last winter, you know you are get- ting the correct styles. This Year's Styles At San Gregorio, according jdesti- mates, sixty-five people lost their lives. The village of Zgmmaro is ditroy- ed, At Mileto eleven are dead 4 injured, At Cessanisi almost all thefouses are destroyed. The number of dil and wounded is not known. The villages of Bratico, Sago, San Costantino and Conidono arefstroy- ed. The number of victims places exceeds fifty, At Spilniga one person w At Santo Nobrio there ous victims. » 200 1 One Of The Old . nark, a Rev, James Wilson, M.A, much-béloved Presbyterian finister, is dead. He was born in Abfeen, and educated in Germany, andfter serv- ing in Canada for some gs, went back to Dumfries, but rethed short- ly to this country, and §r officiat- ing in Montreal, was call Lanark. His first wife was Isab§ Frances Grove, daughter of tiflate Col. Grove, of the British arf She died sixteen years ago, fnd three his kindness, his relig scholarly attainments, ed, gentlemanly charac zeal, his his ecultur- " Distriet-Attorney Je ing a severe at bronekitis, which thre into pneumonia of capillary to develop Are completely different from that of last This is your opportunity to secure an up-to-date Coat and have it laid aside until required, if not wanted now. BARGAIN TABLES OF pears ago he mgd ie Re w a t 2% = itta Kirst, who, will an infant ) : iq daughter, survives, He § highly es- ] feemed not only by his sungregs- tion, but by the whole munity or | @ " A chance for all children to get a nice new pair is suffer. | Of shoes. 1 Table of Boys', sizes 4 6 5, Good Strong Boots, value $1.25, or nie 31.00 1 Table of Girls', sizes 11 4 1.25, For . Backs. a 1 Table of Big Girls', sizes 2} to 6, $1.50 and $2 Boots, Bor... i a rina Caen ceeds son 31.95 1 Table of Children's, Sizes 8, 9 10 Medium Fine Boots, , 7, Medium Fine Boots, SECOND} YEAR 72. BABY SCREAM DAY AND Ni From Pain of Itching Ecze Unless Hands Were Tied | Scratch Till Face Was R Mother Could Get No Res FACE NOW CLEAR, CURED BY CUTIC "For over two years my littl girl suffered with a raw, itchin painful eczema, the pain causi to scream day and night, and m could get no rest. We tried s doctors, but without success. we kept her hands tied she scratch until her face was lik beef. One cake of Cuticura So: two boxes of Cuticura Ointmen pletely cured her, healing he without mark or blemish. -- (s W. J. Morgan, Orchard Town Lambton, N. S, W,, Australia.' AWFUL SUFFERI! Baby's Face Solid Sore -- by Cuticura. ¢ "My baby's face was a mass of 'The doctor treated it for eczen the child was getting worse, the eating the flesh away from hi: and spreading to his body. bors said it was the worst ca: had ever seen. His suffering v rible, and he would scratch ai away the flesh, One set of C Remedies cured him comj healing his face without scar o: ish.~--~Wm,Cridland, 35 Winches Pentonville Rd., N. London, E SLEEP FOR BABI Rest for Mothers. Instant relief and refreshing for skin-tortured babies, and ; tired, fretted mothers, in warn with Cuticura Soap, and gentle ings with Cuticura Ointmeh great skin cure, Cutieurs Soap, Ointment the world, - Depots 5 Rue de Is Paix; A Py Drug & Ci d for +H, hem. ... Boston, Sole Pr ow to Cure Bal : 3 by Humours. TO HISTMAJESTY. THE KIN SirJohn Power & Son ESTABLISHED AD. 1791 THREE SWALLD! IRISH WHISK Famous for over a century for its delica: of flavor. Of highest standard Purity. It is especially fecommended by th Medical Profession > account of its peculi "DRYNESS" Superfluous 1 Removed by the New Princi De Miracle It is better than electricity, Deen) scar or produce & new grow Lb ain it doea not burn, & alyze the tissues nnder the skin. E depllatories, because it is not roison: fore it will not cause blood poisoni duce eczema, which is so common w tories, nor does it Break off the ha increasing its growth. a, sis, X-ray or depilatories Sa bare word of the ope manufacturers. De MIRACLE snc only method which is indorsed by surgeons, Jermaiologiste; medical jc rominen magesines. Pe MIRACLE mailed sealed in p per on receipt of $1.00. Your m without question (no red tape) if it all that is clajmed Jor i. Bodie in plain, enve y for i8 to-da to De MIRACLE CHE) 23 Queen Bt. West, Toronto. For sa THE. nr SIMPSON ¢ * voronTo, ont. COOLING and HEAL Hveryboidy should drink MINERAL W. Particularly at this sea specially when it can be uch a reasonable price. Muck, that celebrated water Bumous Mack Springs, St Cat poly 385c. a dozen, and there wiier We have all the others--Aj White Rock, Rednor. Red Ravi Perry, Lithia, ete., in pints as Use only water from a Pu Boring. JAS. McPARL 339 and 341 King ! 'Phone 274.