egetable Compound isE in Curing This ith] Mrs. Samuel Frake, Prospeg is- | Plains, N. J., ri ot 359 Doar Hire. Pinkham: -- s | -*1 cannot thank E. Pinkham"s V, a a] = for me. When I $0 you I had st. St fered for years with what the doctor kidney trouble and r0- | My back ached dread; Of the wom; 2's | sultered 30 with that bearing dows aiid) le | could hardly walk across the room, foing 1 it [get any better, so decided > doctor of | With my physician and take L in FP at | ooi'to. and Tan ik 5 to say it has entirely cured me. Ido re iby gwn work, have no more eh he Fes prapeone have dispposred re | would advise all women Snough, ead oy | trouble to try it. suffering with e-| Mrs. J. W. Lang, of i nue, New York, rites = Third Avg ey Dear Mrs, Pinkham: ve been a great sufferer trouble, M e | was & iy bask ached sil the h Finkimn's V. , ha e Kidney disease, ahd I began to take it; and it pO with time and Ly if Mrs. Pi " i Vit as IRA's Stapding la Women sufferin, from ki ® trouble, or any Tn ofitonule oy ness are invi to promptly communi, cate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, 2 Mass. Out of the great volume of ex- Jevionce which she has to draw from t is more than likely she has the very FO voas., TE knowledge that will help 1 your case. v Her advice is free and always help- id; a Woman's Remedy for: Woman's Ilia. = EE --- ---- BIBBY'S" BIBBY'S cady ! ready for you, sir; and we 0 get your new outfit here, get your Sunday Suit, get ~ . Na aincoats effects, $10, $12.50, $15 Trousers ry latest, and the new fall Trousers, $3. $3.50, $375, § OFT BOSOM W GOING ON. New Neckwear, Pyjamas, ! New Sweaters, : ' / ' ! ( ! ! ' ! ' ! ' ! New Hats. ' 285c. Cashmere : pecial," : ' Street or Driving ' ! ¢ ' BIBBY CO. ' rdashers, Oak Hall. § 32 8 BOOTS | Durable LT ee Shoe Store. idney Troubles Fay called" 4 pr----me sms nt co] Invites you with a truly magnificient asdortment of rich radiance, France, B , Germany and last, but not least, our own good ing, nothing pronounced, but rich suggestions of color and tone such as any woman of refined taste would admire, ° day. Buy them now if you are ready; if not, why, the examina- tion of them will when you are ready. Give ns a call when looking for your New Fall Dress. CRUMLEY BROS. ETT ASK TO SEE It costs nothing to see our Men's and, Boys' Fall Clothing, and not very much to own a Stit or Over-| coat. Clothes do not make the man, but they oiten| proclaim the man. It is an understood thing that. we make ourselves acceptable to the people about in| our appearance. Good clothes only can attain this end. Our clothes are not cheap, poorly gotten up, ready- mades, but the highest standard of art in good clothes. We oaly want a change to fit you. - Come in and take a look. ad « | See. Our Fall Order Department | Suits, 815, $18 and 820. Overcoats, $12,815 and 818. & Jos. Abramson, The People's Clothier 180 Princess Street, Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. Highly nourishing, aids digestion fitted to repair #3 wasted strength and preserve the health. v It is not carbonated, but matured in the natural way. This is why L ABA T T'S should be elec ed in preference to any other brand. The proof of its superiority is mede in the numer- ous awards of Medals and Testimonials. CONNOISSEURS PRONOUNCE IT TO BE TRE BEST. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, 339 and 341 King St. Bargains in Bicycle Tires ese ess sss sess sess ure ee We have an over supply in first quality Bicycle Double Tube Tires. Regular price, per set $8. You can have $6 50 them this week for ........ccovvenvennn » Outer Cases only, regular price $3. This week ..... 00. $2.25 ALL SALES FOR CASH. J. B.C. DOBBS & C0., 171 WELLINGTON STREET, TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE, TORENT, REPAIRED. ARCHITECTS: WM, NEWLANDS, AROCHITBOT, OF. second floor over Mahood's drus rincess and Bagot POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and e'lington streets. iPhone 213. IENRY P. SMITH, ' oto., Square. 'Phone, 845, MONEY AND BUSINESS. ay LONDON AND GLORE Fire + Available nesets 1,187,318. J addition to which holders have for security ] Specials in Gouches gy Sastise ely 5) This Week rates. renewing old or miving : * Simi, se wn sees | Se Que Window Display FUR POLICIES OOVER MORE ON se aa shades of Velour Couches, only buildings and contents than ota- or an) he. Examine them at Empertum, Mark. Fancy shades of Tapestry Couches, " Wilton Rug, Plush Banded Couches, THE FRONTENAC ly 91%, LOAN Leather and Imitation Leather in great & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. variety. (ESTABLISRED 1863.) Also some snaps in Parlor Suits, which we Intend rusning next week. Prealdent--Sir Richard Cartwright Ee ECW SE JAMES REID 8. C. Mell, Managing : The Leading Undertaker. It isn't at all dificult for a man to have the patience of Job--if the boils happen to be on his neighbor, The board of health is called to this afternoon at 4.15 o'dock. ALL OVER A WATCH - = S-------- ee. Walkem. "] mever owned a silver | JOSEPH ABRAMSKY ACCU. yoich in my Nie, interposed the irate | DROVE OFF A POSSE HEAD- SED'OF STEALING WATCH. |. with the case, and the defense insist ed that they could the date as Abram go on with could apply for an adjournment later if he saw fit. On the other hand Mr. Walkem objected to placing his evi- dence and showing his opponent le land, all contribute their quota toward the makeup of this rare sount. of hia transaetions. "the old aggregation. Aadu's . " ab S--------. ? lonly One Case at Police Court |edit the busine Mi. ness [Had Eloped With Her Lover-- s % . : This Morning--I . 2 Art has borrowed from the rich colorings of Nature; nothing glar- a oH : yay - Lang Tented. Bt dant's Boks thin came up : Srl Be Were Talking Machines When They Got Wound Up. " ; : There was plenty of diversion at | in " ifle, Col., Sept. 11.--Minnic 8 Many of thesa woven beauties are confined ta us for this section. the police court this morning. .1t-was JA 1 aint vo loafer, He | ., Sot Sent. J Winsie Sewer. Come in and 'lock them through; view them by the clear light of certainly amusing and no mistake. yo wards it learned tleman. | bay by members of two posses, took 1 - 3 A Sergt. Snodden was kept very busy be of assistance to you in making your selections crying for "order in the court.' A, magistrate al times to clear the room, and it | Abrams v insi m he the 4 had to ; itings, 25¢ 5 2c. The was all the counsel could do to get a | son was starting in business | and is now presumed to be in the Hentier atl ancy Tweed Suitings, 25c., 30e., 40c., 50c., 60c., Toc. word' in. vigeways, The in in Toronto on the 23rd, and there was | mountains the state line of fay. surely be "'sore"' when they r | no stopping hig. Mee. Johnston ran a | Utéh and Colorado, lk hat they missed for only a couple of | close second. le Sompany with her sweetheart, dyed a process that gives the colors their lastin isteners: were on hand. : Finally the magistrate decided that | Emil Stahl, the girl, who is seven Broaddoti Te. 5 in all oh. and desirable shades ne Joseph Abramsky was charged with 'Abramaky had been in the habit of | toon, and a daughter of a wealthy black. : stealing a gold watch from Sarah | doing business with Mrs. Johuston | n, © . The two took sid | ' 3 : Johnston on the 23rd' of May last. J. | and that in the present case she was | horses with them, In less than twd B. Walkem appeared for the complain- | virtually the ane who bought the | hours the girl's father organized a Wool Warp, Silk Warp, Henriettas, Serges, Cashmeres, and dozens ants and W. F. Nickle for the de- | watch. The legal question was as to | posse. During the flight, with the of fine thin weaves, now so much in demand. fence. Both the learned gentlemen | whether on receiving the same to re- | posse in sight, the girl became se : { were somewhat disinclined to go on | pair how long kv was entitled | porated from Stahl. She had threo rove a mistake in v was in Toronto m the 23rd, Mr. Nickle was willing to a hearing, provided he his cards, Finally the issue of the date of the defence was waived and the merri- ment proceeded, Sarah Johnston took the oath. She bought a watch from Abramsky a year ago last January. Wae to give her watch and $13 for it. Paid three dollars of this amount. Defendant re- presented this watch as a gold one. Was to pay whenever able, either money or produce of farm. Bought a dress also from Abramsky at the same time. Did not pay for it then, but later. Saw him .on the 24th of May, the day after the watch was missed. Witness went away to work on Monday, and returned Wednesday. The watch was gone, T¢ had been kept on the sideboard. On the Wednesday Abramsky came. He 'then said the watch needed cleaning and he would fetch it back in a week. Witness told him to never mind, but he kept it and did not return it in the week. Was up tg his place on Saturday, when de mdant said she conld have the watch if the«812 was paid. Never anthorizod any person to give the watch to Ab- ramsky. Cross-questioned by W. F. Nickle, witness was not certain as to the date on which the watch was bought, An interesting disclosure of the car rots, fowl, ete., Abramsky received to make up the $3 payment on the watch followed. Witness was absent in the 23rd, or the day the alleged theft was committed. On the 24th, the door of the house was open. Abramsky said, "What about the watch, I'm going to get it cleaned ?"" Did not show the watch at the time. Defendant did not ask for any money on being told not to clean it. The watch did not keep accurate time since purchased. Witness denied giving the watch to be repair ed. Her old watch cost $10 and , Ab- ramsky allowed her 85 for it. Abram- sky's waggon was in the yard on the 24th. Witness' memory was very poor as to state of the weather at the time im question. The mother, Mary Jane Johnston, next took the stand. She knew Ab- ramsky. It was near the first of Jamu- ary when the watch was purchased. She had nothing to do with it. It was sold to her daughter. The deal was made between the two while sitting at the kitchen table. Witness was attend- ing to the house work and bought no- thing on the day in question. Abram- sky said they could put him in jail if people did not say it was solid gold. Her daughter was to pav $15, and her old watch for the new one, The $3 payment was made in butter, pota- toes, ete., which the danghter earned by working about the ly The watch was taken on the 23rd. Her daughter was away all day Tuesday, and returned, Wednesday. Witness was not at home the day Abramsky returned and had no conversation since with him. Did not give him the watch. Was at home on Tuesday, but not in the house. Never authorized any one to take the watch. Stood at the door of Abramsky's 4tore, one day since and asked when the watch would be returned as it was a long time get- ting fixed. He answered as soon as the $12 was paid on it. Witness was then questioned by the counsel for the defence, The daughter told her Abramsky had taken the watch away to be cleaned, Witness theh got hufied and refused to answer the lawyer's questions, and he good naturedly decided to drop the cross- examination. William Bennett was next sworn. He iis a neighbor of the Jolinstons. Sarah | Johnston was at his place on the 23rd of May, and returned home on the morning of the 24th. Abramsky told witness the girl had given him the watch but did not say when, In answer to Mr. Nickle witness thought Abramsky was in that part of the country about the 23rd. A week later the mother told him about the watch being taken. Counsel then questioned Bennett regarding the dis- position of Sarah Johnston and her mother. Q.-- "Mrs. Johnston is rather in her ways is she not ? When says no she means it." Mr. Walkem--*"She is not his wife." For the defense J. Abramsky took the stand. The question of dates was waived Witness thought he was deal- ing with the mother, On the day in question he went to see the mother. The girl gave him the watch to be fixed. The whole trouble was over the twelve dollars. The mother wanted him to hold the daughter responsible, ret she but he refused. They could have the watch and chain at once if the mo- ther says she will pay within six months. Had been in business fifteen years and only did things square. "Don't steal nothing," said Abram- sky in conclusion, "and never was in the Johnston house when no one was at home. There was either a fool or a man, That's the truth and the gospel truth." All business was done with the mo- THE oar WHIG. MONDAY for inspection. tion tered to threaten sever hut for a whi to hold it or if he return the wate. He will give a cision at Friday morning's court. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By i wharf to-day. ' SLPTEMBER 11. tr ot "You know that's not true," burst "ara SHE USED HER RIFLE -- Abeamsky then gave o detailed ao: | ED BY HER FATHER. Counsel for the prosecu- | th could easily be al-| iL the i { Mountain Gorge--Sweetheart Surrendered. : refuge in a mountain gorge and fired than twenty shots at her pur: | suers, compelling them to retreat. Un- der cover of ness she escaped, the The magistrate the counsel got | r to and Strange enti, | more it Jooked like no go. sisted on telling about fe | {horses with her, Her father, desiring | to kill Stahl, kept on after him, and it is supposed he is surrounded. The girl is plentifully supplied with = am: munition, and thou, in an unsettled country, no fears are entertained for er safety. Y.M.C.A. ATHLETICS. Paper Chase of Saturday the Best Buy your spices at Red Cross Drug Yet. Store. Fresh there. The ' tee yy 1 boys' paper chase on Saturday a as mr. n | morning, was the best held in many Santis wil be | Yure. The hares" Willis Goudentle held in Kingston, November 14th, and Calvin Day, started off shortly af- We o ok complete list ter ten o'clock, and six minutes later of all pos ulaw pcing salts. Me | the first lot of "hounds" were let gran efferves loose, followed two minutes later by Leod's d tore, : Frank Thompson arrived. in the. sity | the second contingent, and the last should be forced to de- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. -- On Their Rounds. { The yacht Sport called at Craig's | Sunday morning after a visit to jopack two minutes after them, 'The friends in Ireland during the past four | trail, which was a good one, all the months. | way. started at the corner of John { ston street and Penitentiary road, and Jt up and through the bush to King street, thence west, across the Cata- The board of works has been called to meet to-morrow afternoon for the transaction of business, after a two 1 months' vacation, | raqui Creek bridge, Half a mile furth- A. Page, a former member of King- | on on the trail turned off the road, aston Granites, now working in er | across ploughed fields, ditches, fences ville, is slated for the Brockville inter- | and swamps, to the Bath road, then mediate. O.R.F.U. team, ; east again to the Fortyfoot road ; Mr. Horn, the new manager for the through orchards, swamps dnd fields Frontenac Flour Mills, has taken the | 8gain to York road, thence in to the house, 119 William street, shortly to building. The hounds were within one be vacated by Mr. Hiscock, | hund yards of the hares on the Joseph Sutcliffe died in Toronto on | Bath road, but they hid in a swamp, Saturday. He was well known in and as the trail led away, they escap- Kingston where he frequently visited, | ofl capture, and arrived home twenty He was a prominent Methodist. | minutes ahead. The distance covered Miss Susan MoDermott, Peterboro, | was in all about twelve niles. died Monday night at the advanced | Tonight the first swimmin, class age of ninety-three and six months. | will be held at eight o'clock. Already She formerly lived in Kingston. {8 number of names have been handed George Bouchard, Quebec, sentenced | in and more are expected. by Judge MacTavish, on Satuday, to | Every Tuesday and Friday evening three years in Kingston penitentiary | this month the Harriers will have a on three charges of forgery, he pleaded {run out, leaving the building at 8.16 guilty. i | o'clock. The pace set in an easy one, The quarantine camp Leyond Barrie: land on the moonlight nights these field 'will bresk wp in a couple of i runs are verv enjovable indeed. days. The patient had a remarkably | men who are going to Ottawa mild attack, and hag been quite well | to compete in the Y.M.C.A. sports, on for nearly two weeks, Friday, have, linished their training, Sergt. Swift, of the Chicago police | and are in good condition. It is hoped force, a brother of Joseph and James | that a number of supporters will take Swift, of this city, was in the «city | advantage of the specially cheap rate lant wes Te sulled on Sergt. Snod- I good for that time. These sports will den, of the local force, | be feu v i Charles Hobrough and' daughter, of a whe of the inva fair, Little River, N.J., are visiting Henry | The Scores Made. Cunningham, King street. Mr. Ho | 9h, sergeants of the 14th Regiment brough 8 brother was an employee of P.W.O.R., practised at the penitenti- the Whig office ome forty years ago. | ory rifle range, on Saturday afternoon, Miss Annie Tracey, former stno- | under the instruction of Sergt. W. grapher and book-keeper in Rough- | Quaine, Out of a possible eighty tons insurance agency, left to-day for | Liner" the fol) al, nm pore Montreal to assume a similar posi- | w eon I 2 points ; : 2 4 Tht mt { made : Lieut. Sic with the Ogilvie Dry Goods com | Col.-Sergt. C. Walker, 70; Lieut. W, | Peters, 67; Bandmnan R. Bennett, 60; { Col.-Sergt. Sleeth, GI; Sergt. C. Skin + No Marriage For Divorcees. | ner, 64; Lieut. P. Campbell, 64; Quebec, Sept. 1l.--~Marriages be- | Bandeman J. Bird, 60; Pte. C. Barr, tween persons who have previously | 60; Corpl. E. Rescorla, 58; Lieut. G. been divorced can no longer be solem- | Birch, 57; Pte. A, Graves, nized in the Anglican church in Can- |, Hall, 52; Pte. T. Byrne, 50; Col. ada. This definite decision was arriv Sergt. Pratchett, 49; Sergt. M. Lem at at the Anglican general synod here |; 49. Pte, W. Cochrane, 47; 8.8, Saturday after a prolon, debate. It | § Twigg, 44; 8.8, W. White, 44; was midnight when the final vote was | Surgt. W. Haslett, 36; Pie. H. Smith, taken, the discussion having occupied Jy : ' B7; Sergt. the whole of the mong and evening 2 session. There was a large attendance of delegates, and many oi occupied Want To Play Here. the galleries of the court house, where Brantford , baseball team, through the synod is in session. The debute | their secretary, "Chaucer Elliott, arose upon an unanimous message re- { have written the Orientals for a game ceived from the bishops asking the ! next Friday, after the completion of lower house to concur in a canon to | the series with the Syracuse State the effect that no clergyman within the | League team at Cape Vincent, An el jurisdiction of the Anglican Church in | fort will be made to accommodate the Canada shall solemnize a marriage be- | visiting nine, which is composed of tween persons who have previously | the following players : Elliott, ec. been married and divoreed, | "Knotty" Lee, Coban and Hickey, | pitchers; W. Walsh, 1b; "Dinny"' | Burke, 2b.; Lepper, s.s.; Brennan, 3b; Why Help Canada ? ely, Le; "Joe" Daly, ef.; Ros, London, Sept. 11--bord Ripon, | ya al tara il king to the Ripon liberal associa- | : tion, ea he did poi see why this names in the line-up. country should adopt a policy for the purpose of developing the undevelop- ed resources of Canada in the matter of wheat growing, which would create a rival this country could never pass, and which, ere many years had passed, must bring an increase of no dimipu- tion in the price of home-grown corn. Glendower Jottings. Glendower, Sept. 11. --~Mis¢ Goudy, Moscow, preached a good sermon here last AT iy eon was re-opened | Beef Sale. here by Miss Wilson, A good crop is | At Davies all this week. Choice reported. A. Sills was through here steak, 10; round steak, 12jc.; choice buying cattle. Christopher Lemon has | oY roasts, Se. to 10¢.; choice pot gone to New Ontario. Quite a few roasts, fic. to Se; boiling pieces, be. went to the west to work in the har- | © Ge. Orders placed early help us in vest fields. prompt delivery, also proper prepara: | tion of roasts, fillets, ete, for the oven. Seeking Imperial Commission. Lieut.-Col. V. A. 8. Williams and | Maj. C. D. Young will meet on Sep- RoC Meal he mereik " | tember 26th to examine Lieut. F, Ww . Co Nab, the partner | Hopking, of the 45th Regiment, and of the firm of Craig Sts bar- | Lieut. A. A. 8. Low, of the 10th Re: risters, Renfrew, died y from | giment, for commissions in the im- paralysis, following an attack of pnev- | perial army. notioe familiar Board Of Education Notes. The management and property com- mittees of the Board of Education are { to meet this evening to discuss with Alderman Sears the proposed removal of the board's headquarters to the city buildings. Part I. class of Cataraqui school, is overcrowded, There are sixty five chil- dren enrolled and only fifty-four seats. Davies' Ceylon Teas. Sold at a wholesale price, 40c. | quality for 2%. black, green and mixed, monia. He was thirty-four years of | DR age. | The 88. Syrlian, Allan live, Ir Mrs. T. Farncomb, an old and Glasgow, p Father Point, iv greatly esteemed resident of Newcastle, | ward, at 1 p.m, Ont., died, Saturday, in her eightieth See our stock of tooth brushes Gib- year, | 's Red C . Archbishop O'Connor laid snd bless | ------------------------ - NR rig Sore ed the foundation stone of the aew C. H. POWEL L St. Patrick's church, McCaul street, CARPENTER AND JOBBER, Two thousand harvesters from Que- clad. that a foot is made prettier by Our are They ar¢ made in shapes to fit all types of feet and You may say "my foot is said the same thing, but we have fitted them and éd them with QUEEN Ideal Patent Kid, Velour Calf, etc., all new styles. about in QUEEN Q J. Hi Are sometimes clumsily Often it happens selecting the right shoe. Queen Quality Shoes skillfully modeled. to make any foot: attractive. too broad or too flat to look in any shoe." Hundreds of our lady patrons Dace pleas- QUALITY SHOES, on ew FALL STYLES are here--Vici and jest feet in town are walking ALITY SHOES at .75 AND $4.50. Sutherland & Bro. SOLE AGENTS. ' , Some of the hap +h For Invigorating Or restful treatment, nothing excells the cold or hot bath, and the plumb- ing we give you will make the bath-room a delight, and relieve you of any anxiety in regard to its hygienic condition. McKELVEY & BIRCH, ,OP909 205082000800 000 3505 School Shoes We Sell the Iron Clad : : Kind. They Wear Best. Try a pair and note the long waits between buying. McDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE P0002 EO EP CO00VE0® SHPO VOOM P00000 000 400 $ Wo Camry In Stock INGOT COPPER. ANTIMONY & TIN * THE CANADA METAL CO, TORONTO. DE YD A lL BE -------------- 00000000000000 FINANCE AND INSURANCE If You Want a Home OR INSURANCE, Have a Talk With George Zeigler, "ih. ouranee " Bek scree. -@. A. BATEMAN INSURANCE BROKER ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. For Real Estate Or Insurance Con ult with GBO. CLIFF before buying at 65 Clarence Street. If You Want to Se!l or Buy A Farm or City Property, consult T. J. LOCKHART, Corner of Wdtuge snd Brock Streets, King- Fire and Life Insurance, Up-to-date Policies. ther not the daughter. ipeg. Torouto. which is to cost $100,000, and the Ottawa Valley arrived ot | §O% g Street 0 . .