=n Ey eaders, but still u have an idea Overcoat very ? ready to make vill come here, e of Suits and ng short of per- aut, fabric and e exclusive tai- - Co and double breasted styles, made from the fabrics, cheeks, plaids, stripes i s pes. and faney £8, 30, £9, 810, $12, 812.50, y $135, steds, vicunas and sorges, elegant i nd $14. Ee ply trouser vou at half the exclusive s tailors nost tailors can do it. It will pay vou te $2, R50, £3, $3.50, 83.75, $1, $1.50, agents in this vicinity for the celebrated in all the latest shades $12.50, 815 and $16.30, rats we have some exceptionally and stvles, the good val: reat store for Boys Clothing, as every- § that makes it so. r three pieces; single or double breasted, as the men's : : we have a big assortment at prices $2, D, we have a big , to $8, ys' Ulsters, soys' Reef- rickers, Boys' Caps. etc. 1 please the Shrewdest assortment at prices TY IS OUR SPECIALTY. are very pleasing. The newest shap , the Century, the Everlasting, at 20c., We, Be. and 0c, 75. h makes, 81 pe: pair. Special 8, 1 70¢., $1. $1.50, £1.75 to 83. $1.50. wd $1, oy, 2c., 2Be., 40c., Se. and THe LLARS; FANCY VESTS, ete, etc . BIBBY CO. sberdashers, Oak Hall )LATES ! adian Chocolates «2 . Princess St. ¢ HPI PAD Guwilight tournament, which took place on Ramsay Duff's lawn, resulted in vie Jory perching on the mallets of Mrs. Common ranges make the coal man sunile. against Mrs. Francis Rogers and Mes iggins, and the first-mentioned la- | dis won. To-morrow, on Mrs. Keut's lawn, Mrs. Walter Macnee and Mra Herbert Robinson will be pitted against Mrs. Stewart Robertson and Mrs. Montague Strange. » - - It is comparatively easy to build a range that will make a lot of heat, but it requires the exact science of Pandora range building to produce a range that will use all the heat in the coal without waste. "The Pandora Ranpe makes the thrifty % ho ousewife smile. Mrs. Henry Skinner asked a few of her friends to tea, vesterday after noon, to meet the Misses Lyman. The invitations were by telephone; and the affair was very informal. The wide verandah at "Maitland House," and the view therefrom, are so tempting, that tea is served there whenever pos : A common range may burn twice the coal that a Pandora will, and yet do enly half the work. Af you use a Pandora range you can be certain sible, and yesterday, the tea things that your coal money is not wasted, wasted, but used. were' brought out thece. | : Mrs. Allaire | Shortt's "At Home" is on the cards for this many will find their way to pretty "Otterbum," between the hours of § five and seven. Mrs. Robert Fraser, | Gore street, is also hostess at an af- ternoon function to-day, from four to six. Mrs. Arthur Cunningham is hostess at a very small and informal little tea this afternoon. . afternoon, and M<Clarys Pa Pandora Range PRETTY FEET Are sometimes clumsily clad. Often it happens that a fo t is made prettier Warehouses and Factories: London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B., Hamilton Mrs. Jolin Irwin will he! "At Home" on Friday evening, at the residence of Mr. Irwin's mother, 256 Sydenham street. Mr. and Mre. John Jenkin will receive on the second and third Wednesdays of the | month at 379 Princess street, as use | ual. Mrs. George Cliff will receive on the | second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 9 Wellington street, The marriage of Miss Edith Muwron Low, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 14) ward Low, of Ottawa, to Mr. George | & Cleghorn Mackenzie, son of the Ven | Archdeacon and Mrs. Mackenzie, of | Brantford, will take place on October { ith. Very many good wishes will he with this Kingston girl on that dav, and some of them will & tive in | by selecting the right shoe. person, as several of her friends Our Queen Quality Shoes going down for. the ceremony, are skillfully modeled Miss Singleton will give a recital, on Thapksgiving day, in Queen strect Methodist church, under the auspices of the They are made in shapes ™ Wome Guild. 8) to fit all types of feet and to make any f0Ot AtIFactive. [will be awistad by outof town vocal You may say "my foot is too broad or too flat to look | jj and the utlvauce :brograime neji the recital looks very attractive, good in any shoe." Hundreds of ous. lady patrons once said the same thing, but we have fitted them and pleas- ed them with QUEEN QUALITY SHOES. + Our.new FALL STYLES are here--Vici and Ideal Patent Kid, Velour Calf;'etc, all new styles. ia Liohung he Some of the happiest feet in ton are walking |and the -- -----, who have gore to! about in QUEEN QUALITY SHOES at ie const on.8 Nip. We emit nawey. Miss Blanche The Oitava Citizen makes a funny | mistake in its social columns by the combination of two different sets of items, soveral lines being missing. It read thus : "The ongagement is an- nounced of Miss ---- =, during the Deacon has returned from Toronto. Professor Gill, of Queen's Univer s 8 8 sity School of Mining, il be the i guest of Mr, and Mrs. George . Chi for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Gill, and their daughter have been spending the | summer in Boston. Miss Leavitt, of Brockville, is a come visitor in town. J." H. Sutherland & Bro __SOLE E AGENTS. ------ Miss Hoope h po t t a ise Hooper" hae" gone down to ertson, before she leaves for the old A Mon real Lady Refused to be Swindled |: ey Fred Birkett and her small daughter have returned to Ottawa. She Sends Back to a Substituting Merchant Weak and Adulterated| .. . Aa The Dean of Ontario, Mrs. Buxton Dyes Which He Had Given Her Young Son. Smith, and Miss Jessie Smith, have returned from their eastern trip. } The Rev. Herbert and Mrs. Grout, Mrs. ,.a Montreal lady, sent: her young son to a store for a package end their children, left, to-day, for each of Diamond Dye Fast Black and Diamond Dye Fast Bottle Green for | Prescott. has left for Port. Hope. is staying with Master John Mackenzie Trinity College School, Miss Kathleen Daly Wool, to color two valuable wool skirts for autumn, which had become fad ed by sun and wear The merchant, who had laid in a stock of weak and adulterated package dyes, which he was anxious to sell because of the large profits they Miss Daly in Napanee, ! brought, handed the young hoy . i art: two packages of the common At Quebec, during the general synod, i ry dyes, which he brought to his | the Bishop of Untatio and Mrs. Mills | mother. were guests of Mr. J. M. Price, in his | Mrs. , who had had long | beautiful place, at Montmorenci Falls, years of happy experiences with | Archdeacon Carey was entertained by the neverfalling and reliable | Mr. Harcourt Smith. DIAMOND DYES, said to her Mics Catheryne and Genevieve Far- son, "take them back at once, | lay, who have been the guests of Miss my dear, and if Mr. cannot | Mabel Millan, for some time past have give you the DIAMOND DYES, | returned to their home in Rochester. get your money back, and go Miss McMahon, Clergy street, is back elsewhere for the dyes [| need, | after a visit to West Hastings. and which | have always used| Mrs. Briden, Colborne street, is home successinlly." The Diamond Dye« | after a visit of six weeks, with friends were proewred, and the dyeing | in Adolphustown. operation was a perfect success, rs. John Jenkin, and daughter, Had other dyes been used, lose of | Miss Ada Jenkin, returned to town rr and destrue- goods would money, time, tempe tion of valuable have been the result. on Monday, after a pleasant visit in Toronto and Port Hope, "Take them. back at once." . * - . Mrs. Lennox Mills and Master Arth- ur Mil's will be home on Saturday, Mrs and insist upon. having the If you desire to do home dyeing easily refuse imitation and adulterated package re'iable and time-tried DIAMOND DYES, Happy Home Range This range is one of the largest and hsnd<omest on the market, comprising all the latest improverr ents. Econo- mical on coal it' will Jo more with less fuel than any othe range made, OLD STOVES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. and profitably, do like dyes, turn to town till Wednesdav next, Mrs. O'Shea. and Miss O° Shea, who have been visiting their cousin, Mrs. Perceval, Queen street, will leave, on Saturday, for New York, where they will spend the winter. Thev leave for their home in Shanghai, China, in the spring. Mr. Varran Pringle has been in town for a fw davs. Mr. Pare of the R. M. C. spent a few dave in Picton lately, Mrs. H. W. Snelling, is the guest of Mrs. Conrov, Lisgar street, Ottawa. 1 Miss Emily Sears has 'returned from Toronto. : * . . spent the past' Mrs. GG. E. Per- Miss Smythe, whe vear with her aunt, Examine the HAPPY HOME THOUSANDS IN USE fev, in Ottawa, has returned to King- before purchasing. Reliable - Perfect- Economical ue William, Pope: son of Wr. and ve, Josenh Pone, awa. will take n long course in the Royal Military Col lege, preparatory to joining the per manent corps Mr. and Mr. H. A. Reesor, of Rus- ELLIOTT. BROS [55% 4 tee oe 77 Princess Street. wedding on Saturday. Mrs, Reesor, § : ; Campbell Wr = but the Bishop of Ontario will not re- - new 3 Mise Marion Ar wldi hin "from Toronto. HHH |, Mrs. John Bell Carruthers went up, oyle's Alleg Infidelity to The § | , 10 Toronto, taking Master Wife Cause of Action for irst duy's match of the co jut , with ber. He will go to Up- |" Separation. | J. B. Penge and Mrs. Noel Kent, Cha Is your Goal who played against Mix. Robert Kent No 5 wud Mrs, Francis Maeve, Yesterday wal d toe to © contestant Rams: Wasted or Used? Dur and "in. "Chmpbel Strange Booth, = Visit in The Miss A teal Toronto, for- ! merly of Port Hope, Swaisland, Port Bue The masridgat oh Boyle is a Woodstock man PRET Yh i ERS Ahh ny a sie Wy was some years o quae Sr nT Rin 1 DOLE TL be Kickpate ok, manager Canadian Bank Fogle in Mon hn aks ; of Commete, Saskatoon, Saskatehe: 'Goronto, Mr. Bayle, it is said, first ise Gwendolen Maye Price, grand |. Met the charwing actress in Ottawa, a Mon son of the late George Du Maurier, Miss Amelia Knapp, daugh and Mrs. Frederick y Ont, Palmer, ' second Palmer, S. Freeman burg, N.Y. 3 The martiage of Mr. Graham, of the! firm- of Geaham & Elliott, Ottawa, to Telling How A Great Hymn Was Miss Carrie Douglas, of take place this month, The marriage of Miss - Maie Plumb, eldest daught Chavis Plumb, ell, of the Molsons ville, will take The marriage of Miss Eleanor Elise Ry les only daughter of Mr, Ryley, etice aT Burritt, | Burritt, Toronto, Grace church, Ottawa, 27th Deécéraber, in fashionable. weddings. mour's marriage to arranged for that month, as is also Naw Ritty White's marriage English cousin, Mr. mouth. Miss ter of the Rev. | ington, is another December bride, her ft husband being Mr. , of San Francisco. Fashions In Paris. "The tendencies of the next season's | fashions are with wide, ate motels, | are rast Foniaine, of Paris, | lineator. "In mingling, of eolors rather than strik- | ing pon trasts woollens, however, nounend elles, Stipe. lity ue lho | | goveral sitions. Th This augimta. the poet success | omas Gr; a Man ol variety of wew materials in plain and | vast Tearning, not on Ane in Wieratire, | mixed colors, Which owe their ment to the weave as terns, herrunghones, cheviots, ete. lish woollens are finer, more delicately | finished than last mixtures of* gray and brown' are dom- inant. "Cloth will creased success, pected shades! have heen produced. Saturday evening, as a marching song Some of the new colors are, salad | fo band of httle children will green," 'blood orange, 'antique blue,' | 4 00 give to his name greater 'cucumber green, 'marigold yellow,' | fame than all the books he has ever wel- | 'eantaloup pink,' winkle blue.' is only 4 vague indication of the way in which the leading styles interpreted, Specifically. 5 and Directoire models are to be most Ikofession at the House of prominent, but the skirts will be made Providence. of seft materials in larger guantities At the beautiful church of "Our | The coats with stiffened basques, with | 6r without girdle or sash effects, rev- the Exaltation of the Cross of Our ers and iahots ef lace, short sleeves, Most Holy Redeemer, was - rendered fuiffed at the top, finished hv strap on memorably impressive by a ceremony the elhow or by an embroidered cuff. | of religious profession at which three snd allowing (he use of a flounce of happy young candidates solemnly re- lnoe and long gloves, are still in great demand and will not soon die out, In short, the stvies: and materials of the self-immolation and follow more close- comine season show a normal and ly in the footprints of a Crucified graceful evolution of those of last Spouse, The perpetual vows, according vear, and will of beaut'ful me Bath Brevities. Bath, Rochester, here, Miss Carr a course nurse, has holidays with Sept, and Mrs. William Thorigal, Descronto, who have been visiting at Nicholas erty. chastity and obedience to the Movirs' returned home on Monday religions life. In the absence of the last. Mrs. James Graham ie visiting archbishop, the ceremony was perform friends in Rochester, N.Y, At Bath, ¢d by Rev. J. P. Kehoe, rector of St. on Tuesday, September 12th, to Mr. Mary's cathedral, and was assisted hy and Mrs. John Osborne, Napanee, a Revs. C. J, Duffue, A. J. Hanley, J, daughter. this week, Con improved as tc streets of the 'Bryan out Chicago, Sept. 14.--"T want fo make my position want to sav to you that not only am I not ammouncing a candidacy, but 1 am not permitting a William Jennings Bryan these words. administered a cheek to. the enthus- Session. jasm at the Jefierson club banquet Specie} to the Whi given in Bryan's honor, which greeted | Karlstad, Sw Sept. ~The the speeches advocating his nomina- delegates of Swi "and Be ap- tion for the third rime for president. Bacon Sale. At Davies' om Saturday, i breakfast bacon, whole or part side, { 130. Ib. When the Toronté lays up important alterations will Kingston dock. be removed from the upper deck to the main deck, and the space utilized for | twenty staterooms, | The M. T. is in the government dry dock for re pairs, We are certainly getting lovely wea- ther, rs. James Kearns, former. Canada College Te and Mrs, y. avenue, lett to-day, on a visit te hathan and other western places. J. Williamson, Gore street, re on Tuesday, from a to. N Sole six Or seven years hen b oF Wir. Strachan dine, had Frank Slavin, the "well knw famous artist and novelist, | lint, with 8 him eiviesing 3 NX: in Boston, Mass., returned after spending her A heavy white frost fell in this locality on Wednesday night - of le the mayor out Tor a second term? od Prince rine Ferdinand) of Bulgaria. x. WIFE OF YUKON MAN WILL SEEK A DIVORCE. tured | Mot Actress in I ORtawa---W. J. , are settled LO C Tose. avenue, Pore Ottawa, Sept, 14.--Mrs. Boyle, wif ig Ww Elliott, Univer lof J. W. Horie, the well:kneors " | koner, arrived here last Friday, from { New York, with ber two little girls, Clarlotte "and Susie, and is staying t the Russell, It is understood that he haa | consulted a local legal firm with a view to institu vevedings in the Shute Hh in Aga her | husband, on alleged grounds of : . | infidelity, Miss Jensie Wyatt, who ip is anacncl of Ywell- known in theatrical circles, ing prominently mentioned in connection with the case. Montreal, this after: Booth, and Wiss dna to Mr. Charles E. | matters. 8 he was greatly im. | Bet of rt Promed with Nine Wyatt's a Hninenta indu to go to Dawson to Mr. Frooman ny | The divorce case about to be institut- Jr., of Ogdens. od is the outcome. - . - | nn ITS HUMBLE ORIGIN, Perth, 'will Written. 7 Probably a great hymn never had a move humble origin than "Onward, er ol Ee : Pat a Christian Soldiérs," which is one to J Pea y ne a oi the most popular of our mod hymns? The October Delineator, Allin Sutherland writes : "A great school place in October, g festival was to be held in a Yorkshire and Mrs, 1 Ottawa, and Mr. Clar- slags on Whit Monday, a and the nt ut be H. 5 over which the Rev, Sabine Baring: will take A ores | Gould was curate, were invited to at- on September: cond. - As the place of the celebration Ottawa, will sce several 8% some distance away, the minister thought it would be an excellent plan to have his scholars march to the singing of an appropriate and stirring hvinp. Fortunately for our hymnology he Gould find nothin in his song books suitable for sw an _ocoasion, 80 from sheer necessity he sat down on the Saturday evening Preceding the celebration - and composed this great | processional hymn, little dreaming | that he had produced that = which | wonld be world-wide in its usefulness and make his name a household word, Baring-Gould, a minister of the Church of England, ie an authority on many Miss Jessie Gil- Mr. : Fauquier is to her White, of Ports: Ethel Hanington, daugh- Canon and Mr«. Han- Arthur Den- toward soft materials, slo -and rather elabor | A subjects, and is a voluminous writer, Shoughe Nimple. ouiiiues having: published nearly one hundred Ww a | a b lie Oct De. | ¥¢ limes. In twenty vears, betwoen | 1K70 and 1800, he issued no less than forty-three books, sixteen of which were novels, During the next six years he published seventeen novels, A num: ber of his works have passed through a soft inter woollens, is noticeable = Some exhibit rather pro- { but in all the arts and sciences of his | day, and although he loft writings en- ough to form, four volumes, edited by Edmund Gosse, it is by his one poem, "Elegy | Written in a Country Church- Yard," | that he will ever he remembered. This may also prove true of Baring Gould, The fow lines hurriedly composed on a woven pat- Eng- nattes, Beautiful season, have an in most unex- cettainly and the "lax blue' and { written 'Soft, supple nshions' { Thien, RENOUNCED ALL CLAIM. will be Louis XVI. Mother of Sorrows" the celebration of nounced all claim to earthly goods and pleasures to take up the cross of to the rules and constitutions of the congregation, were taken Gy Sister M. the Assumption, known in the world ax Miss Mary Teresa MoDounald, 14.--Miss Annie Collins, Picton, Ont. Miss Catherine Cournoy- is visiting friends ier, Tweed, asmmed the title of Sister ie Meyers who is taking M. Rita and Miss Elizabeth O"Hallor hospital, as an, Charlottetown, P.E.L, Sister M. Cyprien, were admitted as professed members to the order, and engaged themselves by the triple bonds of pov. progdnee a large number wlels." vst ea of her parents here. Mr. J. O'Reilly and Dr, Kingsley, chaplain of 'the institution, The exquisite decorations around the altars and sanctuary, the rich orim- ron vestments of the oMcinting clergy the music and anthems, devotionally rendered, all contrived to mark the event one of previous joy and solemn- ity. nelivg Mille has so far > be able to be on the village once more, Of The 'Running. perfectly clear, SWEDEN AND NORWAY. candidacy." In ---- Troublous Times There--A Private pointed to discuss the brenking of their government, spent the morning in private conversation. There was no joint session, AO sides Even The Doctors Say So. Ask them about your corns--the prescription + invanably one bottle of Putnam's Painless Corn Extract Fifty years in wee, certain and prompt. Use only "Putnam's." made to her in The dining room will Major-General Corbin, Rear-Admiral Train, Miss Alice Roosevelt and other Ja of their party, arrived at in. company barge Quebec, | with hin life, a book of | mixed or green. Ceylon Tea wakes ir the : factory Tea inthe world to use. Brack. DURING the last few Wy rate scale, viz. : York an immense variety of ry latest sty in ready to.wear or "street" hats, and. to-morro we display on the millinery floor some of the nat- 4 tiest new ready-to-wears and felt shapes to b seen outside of the metropolis, Tha newest com bination of colors will' be shown, and the ne ideas in combining silk with velvet,all silk,sil chenille, and velvet and chenille ; and such sh --the daintiest, tastiest, sauciest little ways turning up at some unexpected hit il Th number of each. style is not more than two three of a color, thus giving both exclusive and a great assortment of styles to select fi Coming as they do direct from the manufactus enables us to fix prices on. an Sxcoptionally From $2.50 to $7 cnchis Te Lng Mtr "SALE OF HOUSEHOLD 600DS, ETC For the next month, on account of improvements on FSS we have decided to offer our entire stock AT: NEARLY PRICE, consitting of Heaters, Ranges and Pug Stoves, and Hous: Furnishings of endless variety and in dr clans Furniture. including large number of very fine Mahogany Eitoss, . SPENCE'S, Qarling's Ale The Ale that's Always : Pure, J. 5. HENDERSON, Agent, Kingston. Carling's Aleis sold at the most fashionable clubs, "hotels and restau and the Uni States. It's purity, uniformity and brilliancy have 0 made it Canada's favorite beverage. ted eto. G. A. BATEMAN INSURANCE BROKER ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. DISTRICT AGENT SUN LIFE ASSUR- ANGE COMPANY OF CANADA. 61 CLARENCE STREET, KINGSTON. For Real Estate Or Insurance oF Sera say Share is an mtention Peter of Servia at 65 Clarence Street. Consult with GEO, CLIFF before buying | If You Want to Se'l or Buy A Farm Ane ON A Tae, sonmlt tin Br So, Kine