Every Day EW ACKETS And are just as quic dl. Women seem Lu ky d the NEW LONG ATS with enthusiasm | they know a much better ice can be made now thap r in the season. d Coats. Coats. oats. oats. he latest New York Models at shown is new this fall, over a single coat from OSE NOw and have your 1 required. COATS--We have just ne cf the best makers in 2 collection of Children's alike, all sizes, $3.50 to 2 Underwear tight, White x ts and Draw- Fs ght, Natural rawers. 5oc , t, White Rib. and Draw- ht, White Merino Vests UNDERWEAR 00l Vests and Drawers, 8 1 Vests and Drawers, 8 and Shirts in fine wool. and Shirts, all sizes. UNDERWEAR Natural Wool, special ) Shirts and Drawers, gqc. Vool, light weight, i akon. = gat in a bil nt Colt Button | Top, heavy extension shoe, This is the only that will be worn this rice $3 to $4.50. SHOE STORE = YEAR 72. NO. 215. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. TIS TIME FOR A CHANGE Your Straw for a Derby The. Dilference will be Felt. We have all our New Fall Hats in our mew forty-foot hat case and can be séen at a glance. It won't trouble you to look and won't trouble us to show. them. Inspection invited. OUR UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT Is now complete, with all grades of Underwear in Fall and Winter weights. R. P. Jenkins Clothing Go. Practical Optical Work Prescriptions lasses n Pp &! carefully . for All styles of mounts and frames ml- ways stock, with repairs. Eyes carefully examined AND GLASS- ES FITTED. Prices for above work moderate, SMITH BROS, Jewelers Opticians 350 King Street. Phone 666 " Marriage Lioouses Issued " YOU WILL SOON | NEED YOUR | FALL FOOTWEAR | Wear '"Allen's" . Milicary 8¢ Brook Sts + + Siga of Golden Boot. ------------------ reer Miss Cora Louise Larke, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Singing Pupil of Hermann Klein, New York. Late Vocal InStructress St. Margaret's College, Toronto. Soprano Soloist Syden- ham St. Methodist church. Pupils pre pared for Conservatory and University Examinations. Address : Romilly House, (72 Barrie St $000000000000000000008 0 gR J. FREE, CONTRACTOR Estimates given for all kinds of Mason Work, Plastering and Cement Work of all descriptions. | | 8 94 Division St. "Phone 402 ¢ | WANTED. Sm-- x TWO WAITRESSES. APPLY MAN- ager British American Hotel. TEN BOYS. ONLY THOSE WHO CAN | work every day need apply. A Gould & Co. ee ree ene eee A YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs Chas. F. Maund, 45 William St. FIFTY GIRLS py Kent Bros., 'rincess street. TO SPLIT MICA. AP- Mica Works, foot of BOYS, TO LEARN THE CIGAR making; good opportunity for a few | bright boys. McGowan Cigar Mig. | Co,, Limited. 3 ------------------------------ A FEW PRIVATE PUPLLS, OR wes in French, German, Classics, © to begin work in October. Mod- ern and effective methods. Apply Prof. Lanos, 212 King street. ------------------------------------------ GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR FALL Overcoats and Suits made at Thomas Galloway's, 181 Brock St Also bring your old omnes and have them repaired. Style, fit and price guaranteed to please. ep ------------ ee. MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN PLUMB- ing trade; great demand for gradu ates $4-85 day: many complete course two months; graduates ad- mitted to Union and Master Plumb- ers' Association. Coyne Broa. Co. Plumbing Schools, New York, Cin- cinpati and St. Louis. (Day and Night class.) For free catalogue ad- dress 239 10th Ave, New York. TO-LET. EEE I ITI EEE THE SHOP ON DIVISION STREET, tear ' Gi ® occupied Miss Boon, ft Apply at hie Mes, DWELLINGS FURNISHED AND UN- roished, stores, offices, etc., at Mc- ganas Real Estate Agency, 51 Street. LOST. A BLACK POCKET BOOK, CONTAIN- ing. calling cards and saap shots. Finder kindly return to Whiz office. { of the court are as follows | Charles P. DAILY MEMORANDA, Bananos 10c. doz.. Crawford. Even the dinner bell is a ringer. The door of adversity always has the latch string out. It takes more than ao amateur gar- dener to raise hopes. The sun rises Saturday at 5.39 am. and sets at 6.10 p.m. Seats on sale Saturday Schumann-Heink Opera Co, The dealer in artificial limbs should ~ive hia wife a free feat Grand display of Hawes' Horsolino and Stetson Hats, in George Mills & Co's, Big Store, to-morrow evening. W. Myrray will sell 2 good general purpose Horses, on the Market Square, to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock, This day in history :--City of Mexico, captured, 1847 : Boer delxgates for in- tervention, 1900; First balloon ascen- sion. 1784 ; Costa Rica declared repuilic, 1821 © Moscow burned, 1% morning, for THE BEST CHINA The choicest and most beautiful is found in our selection. There is a wide range in style and vrice. So much de- pends upon the right service that you should see our stock before making » selection. : ..ROBERTSON BROS.. STOVES GALORE A CRITICISM REPORTED MUTINY ON BOARD MIKASA, DENIED BY ADMIRAL YAMOTO, Commission will Investigate Charge of Carelessness -- Battleship Was Enveloped in Sheets of Flame--Were Several Explosions. Special to the Whig, Tokio, Sept. 15.--Eleven headed by Prince Nijo, memorialized the government, yesterday, criticis- ing its failure to prevent the recent disturbances where the emperor re- sides, and asking why the chief of the metropolitan police should have len degraded, while the home minister, his superior, is permitted to retain his post. Baron Admiral Yamoto, minister of the navy, in replying to a deputation from the lower house of the diet, to- day, denied the report of a mutiny on the Mikasa, or that therc was a con. piracy to sink other warships. As to whether the communding officer. on the Mikasa was guilty of carelessness, a commission, headed by Admiral Misue, would investigate.f-™ The peers, Nichi-Nichi learns that the prospects of refloating the Mikasa are bright. In Sheets Of Flame. 30 square Hall Heaters, large stock of Cook Ranges, Pugs, ox and Wand Stoves, also large stock of Carpets and Furniture. Always ready to trade, buy or sell. 8398 PRINCESS STREET. CALL FOR A FREE coPY Sept, Bulletin Properiy Snaps Therein Mean Dollars to You. SWIFT'S Bear TRANCE AGENCY AT ELEVENTH HOUR. vd tne oh War Was Averted Between Norway and Sweden. Special to the Whig. Cologne," Sept. $§5.--The Gazette's correspondent at Christiania, says: "War has been averted at the eleventh hour. Norway has given way on the fortification question. The historical strongholds of Kongsvinger and Fred ericksten will remain intact. The oth- ers will be razed. Foreign powers in fluenced Sweden in the direction of peace." The Bennington Court Martial. | Special to the Whig San Francisco, Sept. 15.--1 he court martial which is to try Conunander Lucien Young and Ensign Charles T. Wade on charges growing out of fatal explosion on the gunboat Ben- nington at San Diego in July of this year, convened at the Mare Island navy yard this morning. The members Rear Ad- Glass, president; Capts, Perkins, William P. Day, . Roller, retired and Frank A retired; Commanders Louis C, James H. Bull, Edmund B, William Winder, Stacey Potts, Robert M. Doyle, Henry ( Gearing and A. W. Dodd, Capt. Er- nest E. West, U.S.M.C., is the judge advocate. miral Henry = John Holme Heilner, Underwood, Mrs. Whitney's 81st Birthday. Special to the Whig. Milton, Mass.. Sept. 15.~Mrs. A.D T. Whitney, author of many books and short stories extremely popular with girls and young women, is cele- brating her cighty-first birthday, to day, surrounded by her children and grandchildren. Mrs. Whitney is in ex cellent health and in no way shows hor age. She is still wonderfully bright amd energetic, which inferred from the fact still actively engaged in On her last birthday lished her latest book ""Biddy's Episodes," a charming book which has won great popularity sinee it ap peared. Since her last birthday Mrs. Whitney has written a number of short stories. that she is writing she pub Rev. David Winter. Winchester, Ont., Sept. 15. Rev. David Winter is somewhat better, but owing to serious derangement of the heart, his condition is still critical There is no possibility of his being able to continue his work this year. An official meeting has been called to of the year. Mr. Winter is held in very high esteem hy his people here, universal regret ie expressed at prospect of hiz retirement. and TALKED NINE LONG HOURS And Then They Signed the Armistice. Special to the Whig. Gunshu Pass, Manchuria, Sept. 15. At wsven o'clock, last evening, Gen. | river Aupins, near Lake St. Joseph. | 4 ane, per hour. Ovanosky and Gen. Fukushima, sign- «d an armistice ordinance, in the open plain, near Shakhedze, after negotia- tions of nine consecutive hours. Sale Of Music. For one * September 6 at 15. per 16th to | I 0 , vocal and in- ing" rom The Tat: | : e lat- = a Two Fishermen Drowned. { Quebec, Sept. 15.--Two men, resi- | dents of Indian Loretto, named Cy- { prien Villeneuve, aged forty-eight, { and Pominique Racine, aged thirty | years, were drowned yesterday in the Deceased, who were on a fishing ex | eursion, were out in a eanoe, which { upset. Both bodies were shortly after { wards recovered. i i They Arrived To-day. Two cases of the famous Hawes hats were passed' { the dus toms to-day by George Mille & Co. d------ | Grapes, 0c. a basket, and a melon NS { London, | dent of the Daily Telegraph, at Sase- | i foundering of the vessel, TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE there was a series of explosions, after | the | | Special to the Whi may be | arrange for a supply for the balance | the | angNuky 1 Sept. 15.--The correspon- the the that | bo, 'who says that he witnessed {fire on board the Mikasa, and states the first of which the ship seemed to be enveloped in sheets of flame. These spread laterally, and damaged the | transport Kai-Koku Maru, | Another Japanese Ill. | New York, Sept, 15.--Baron Kanke- | no, who had several conferences with | President Roosevelt, during thé peace | negotiations, is ill at his apartments in a New York hotel, suffering from a cold, Baron Komura is resting quiet- ly, without apparent change in his A cablogram 'was received, | yesterday from Baroness Komura, who { with her children, had been reported | 'murdered, enquiring as to the baron's | condition. Seven members of the Jap- | anese peace party started for Japan | yesterday, expecting to return by way | of Seattle. NOT AGREED TO IT. | Grand Trunk to Oppose Michigan | Central Plans. | Special to the Whig. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 15.--A Chicago dispatch says that at a special meet ing of the Central Passenger Associa | tion an effort was made to secure an | agreement to pool all the steamship | business between the different lines, including the Nichigan Central. The Grand Trunk opposed the measure, upon the ground that the Michigan Central was not entitled to any of this unless it would say over what route and under what eon ditions it would carry the traffic. The Grand Trunk also gave notice that if the Michigan Central put on a new through car service between Chi York, over a differen | tial line from Buffalo, an application {| would be made for'a rehearsing of the differential cases recently won hy the Michigan Central. business cago and New Prince Of Piedmont's Birthday. Rome, Sept 5. ~The capital is | gaily decorated to-day and everybody is celebrating the first birthday of Um- berto, Prince of Piedmont, the future heir to the throne of Italy. The young prince who was born on September 15th, of last vear, after all hope had | nearly been given up that the queen would become the mother of a male | heir, is naturally the Tdol not only of his roval parents, but of the entire people. The most extraordinary pre. cautions are taken for the mainten- anee of the young heir's health. 'The | doctor pays him a daily visit, inspect. ing the nurseries and giving orders as { ta ventilation and fresh air. The tem- perature of his daily bath is measur- ed by a thermometer, and is kept on the tepid side. His rooms are cleaned | at stated intervals with certain disin- | fectants and no ome, except the king { and the queen ix permitted to kiss his | face. Princess Yolande, the sister of | the young prince has not yet become | reconciled to his existence and is said {to be intensely jealous of the "ham- | bino," who monopolizes =o much the | attention of everybody. { Result Of Strike, Srecial to the Whie § Montreal, Sept. 15.<The, strike of { carpenters and joiners, Inaugurated {in this city, on June 27th, for an in- | crease in wages is at an end so far { as the workmen are concerned, it he. ing etated by the Brotherhood offi- | cials that there is not a single un- | employed carpenter in the éity. They {claim that, as a result of the strike, | wages have been increased from 22jc. Sultan Orders An Enquiry. Paris, Sept. 15. -A despatch the Temps from Constantinople says that the sultan has ordered a ministerial | enguiry as the result of the energetic | protests made by Mr. Leishman, the 0 'nited States minister, relative to the | sentencing to death of Ghirkis Varta. KINGSTON, 'ONTARIO, _ "Now. Yo that Miss country. Beach, I of the day. men," womn; 1 1, 4 Ther ors. world, what I me the crowd moderate mily fox, g "His wis lows,' "We hav Special to | London, Standard interior, he governors wateh the in gpecifio The eire Moscow, wark out rouletie, has grown Blobbs--- nian, who eames to be a naturaliz- " nr Unita Baten, 4 a slim wal feated in any DON'T BE That is Rockfeller's Advice to downfall is directly, to of the decrees, DAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1905 "xo VISIT STATES. ISS KBLLERMAN. LH 14.~The announce: | Australian | champion switamer will visit the Unit- ed States 'has caused great interest among the 'women swimmers in Miss Elaine Golding, of Bath de- ellerman, ho has Ce e-- = VATYONI SHE CLAIMS |E Ra the never been #wimming match which she took part, has expressed | the intentifm of oe kenging, Ha a { go, took up quarters at a down-town nette Kellerman for a spee - durance test, . "A GOOD FELLOW." Bible Class. Ww (8 great in made e the grea 'an. Be mo enerations lies the trouble, "It is my firm convietion that every traceable, a man's good fellowship, one of the fel- his fellowship | h is to be to be noted for and his good cheer among his friends, who come as quickly as they go. ! every day e to apok fellow." The drink he lays at the foot of motlerate drinkers. These things he told the men's Bible class at Fuclid avenue Baptist church on Bun happy od, Cleveland, Sept. 15.--John 1. Rocke- feller loves hig fellow spises the *! wordy men. He "I'm extremely happy to meet you, id Mr. Rockefeller, with the slowness which makes his, addresses to 11 Fir CA stance; what man is it who drags so- ciety down ?'" he asked. fwers werk "I had in mind the moderate drink- hes; | Several test evil there the degradation; there the dis repute; there the sapping of all "Don't be a good fellow. You know Don't be convivial, al ways ready to pitch in and be one of | Lawrence, 1 very Don't let your good fellow- | ship get the least hold upon you. If | work, I suppose, you do, vou are lost, absolutely. Not | fession." only 'vou, but your progeny, the fa 3 There erate. Be to come. directly or wie With Wiew to Arresting Them of | this de- rin the meet any oye my fellow- id an the WHAT {OTHER PROMINENT MEN IN TOILS. | | | | i | Her Dual Life Was a Great Sur- prise to Those Who Knew of Her Donesticity -- She Was the Associate of a Fick- i pocket, | Chicago, Sept. 15.--Developmente in- | dicate that Mrs. Minnie Lee-Ivers- Lawrence conducted her operations on | a gigantic scale and that her victims | included many prominent and | men besides Gov. Herrich and 0. W. | Potter , in the central west, She is | said by detectives to present an ex- cellent type of the resourceful modern adventurcss for 'whom no scheme was too ambitious. She conducted her at- | tacks under cover of the quiet and un- assuming life which she lived at 808 Warren avenue, keeping the members of { her own family in ignorance of the double life she was ing. It is known that two western gov- | ernors passed less nights between e- | the period of "Hi Butler" in | threats and the exposures directed at Mrs. Lawrenw. One hurried to Chica- club and passed a night in threatening to shoot any one who attempted to drag his name into the affair. The other sought the protection of the po- lice. Gov. Herrick now desires the arrest of the woman who claims he is the father of her boy. "Arrest the black mailer," was his order to Superinten- dent Schumacher, of the erton agency. Detectives of the Desplaines street station have discovered that besides being a friend of Clarence White, well | known to the police, Mrs. Jawrehes was an' assovinte at one time id. ward or "English" Herrington, a pick- pocket living in New } a Srring: ton has been ap n Chivago sev. oral times, Clarence White served "Carroll's Wost Madison street," y "She came there with 'English' Her- rington, who was with her for years, "She was known to all the gang | around here, but she did not after { small game. She was a high flyer, Her house was a résort for some of the biggest politicians in the west. | She had a man living with her named believe, but apparently | she liked Herrington better. He is in New York now, doing pickpocket as that was his pto- * ' C. Potter has denied authorita- tivelv: all rumors connecting the name of his father, Orin W. Potter, the | Chicago millionaire, with that of Mix. in- | Lawrence, Me. Potter declared hin father never gave Mrs, Lawrence any money at any time in settlement of any claim at all. : in the face of this declaration, bow- ever, it was reported that it was | through Mrs, Lawrence that Million- | aire Potter became noquainted with for this class of man. He fills our asylums. He fills our hospitals, poor | Mes. Bell, the former bathhouse keep- houses, the very gutters of our | er and hairdresser, whom he recently streets, Look on him, and don't be a | married, . , good fe ' What astonishes every one is the | tenacity of the woman in her pursdit WATCH ZEMSTVOS CLOSELY |of the Ohio chief executive. There is surprise that Mrs. Lawrence has brought notoriety into the vidinity of her home, for her life there seemed } Necamazy, a singularly domestic one. Kept 1% According to the She ix described by those who saw the Russian Ministry of the | her most frequently as an altractive where, with a view to arresting them | I circumstances, ular a project accuses the Zemetvos, who attended the congress held a in June, of fraudulently mis- Lost At Roulette. New York, Sept. 15. aged German, who was induced to en- | ter into several gambling ventas ab- out wix months » whereby he lost | : x ae 850,000 to lh know gumblor | from one to eight soctions, The priee and confidence swindlers, is seeking lo- | gal redress in the hope that he may recovir at least a part of his losses, He has brought an action in the su- | prome court, through his counsel for! the recovery of £14,000 from Freeman, which he says John Felix up. Death Of A Piofieer's Son. ada, and endowed the church arovnd | which - tho township of Huntingford men on delivery wg prompt attention ; your request. Your Davies' Order Service. Orders placed with our outside sales- | taken at Harvard observa receive | confirmed existence oof a lite also delivery at of the | body only Tr will ¥ open John H. was lost at woman, one who depended upon the we sept a eirenlar to the | : of the provinges, and the | fit and color of her govis for ann | ; 4 ' HN SrA. " a | mayors of towns, ordering them to appearance, She wore li Zomutvos closely, overy- b 3 ------------ Sale Of Texas State Lands. | Special to the Whig. PA Stin, Tex., Sept, 15.--About six million neres of state lands, situated 3 1 fulsifyi fy in various parts of the state, and, interpreting and ye the words heretofore mostly under lease for issued in March, and | oo uging purposes, were placed of attempting now to seduce the cna on the market for actual settlers un- tion by propagating their decision to dor a law passed by the last session of ' government, ' based on universal suffrage throughout the country, theréhy declaring war agnainst the government. of the legislature, today. The cattle: men have been strongly opposed to the sale of these lands and prediet that the withdrawal of them from pasture purposes' will work great in- jury to the cattle industry of this , an | sate, Under the law which goes into of: the state lands are to be | feet to-day, in tracts of sold to actual settlers ix 81 an sore, payable in forty an- nual instalments, with three per cent. interest. Each jars Buste must live upon the land for three years to ae- ite title. After the sale of these lands the state will still own about 12,000,000 acres, which is under lease to cattlemen Davies' Bee! Sale. 5 At Davies' on Saturday : 300 Ihe. livery, and pr roasts, ele, for the oven. time at Joliet, but has rocontly been police. 3 © . your order on Friday for Saturday de- Jivery; this will help us in prompt de- preparation of Photographs of, the lunar eclipse caused the a old son sell to notify his Amerie in, 3. Eastorn timore, Buffalo, L to, 3. of 2,250 volts Special to the Sha ai, ties, SE oatral, 5 Lady London. Sept. 15.~Henry Hunting: , teak at 10. 380 Ibs. choiee | ast, to ford, RN. aged eighty-eighty, is fehaitn ab I90e. 500 Ths, ga. oven | Charles only dead. He was the last representative | | L000: "10 Toe, ib. Ibs, choies | the erty. of many officers of She, crown he in | pot roasts at Bc. to Ro + tbs. choice the early forties peti from the ser- | 5. . Kindly vice to take wo tracts of land in Can { hoiling cuts, Ho. 1 th, ly, Plage Special to year, Home, de Lig E. J. M b Coon, of the neer Capt, Charles corps. Those wi were . John Van R. Hof, 4 corps; Maj. M, MM. Macomb, of the: artillery rg a Capt. 8S. A. Jloman, ntry. meneral stall and army p44 in entrod aynit with deep interost the full re. ports which these officers will make after their return, -------------- GAVE SON UP TO LAW, Q S------ x x Mother Must be Faithful to Her SO 8 a : ; y New York, t. 15.~Clara Richier ar. of i Edward, 'my trust, even though my son sul fers." s I ------ OPPOSE TREATING -------------- And Advocate Good Cafes at £ Military Camps. Special Whig. Quebec, Sept. 15.~The last of the fourth wessions of the ean Synod were held this , In ea Be ro government, to cafes at military in order to promote temper ance he men in he military, was unanimously passed, strong resolution taint treating ys tem was also . COMMITTED SUICIDE. = |abie phiees, A Kars, Ot, Man Ends His Tite ; at t, ho requested the ine Tenth ot, Rage; She saa would care for his vw "1 am a rat the & = of life, and have mate up my mind to'| B® Sure/and get the Steacy give up the struggle, body was sent to the morgue, ANOTHER QUAKE. bass, ¥ vod iH 1 It Has Wiped Out An Italian Town, Bpec ial to the Whig. London, Sept, 16.--~A dispatch to the Central News from Rome, says that an oarthquake, last Montresso, a town of inhabitante, It is believed that there has en many casualties, Baseball On Thursday. National League.--Philadelphia, 5; Boston 2. New York, 10; Brooklyn, 2. an Lea Washington, 6. Chicago, 3; St. Detroit, 6; Cleveland, 0. Loague.--Rochoster, 6; Bal 4 (eloven dence, 88; Montréal, 2-6, Jersey City, 15; Toron- Shock Gave '"'Pretty Dreams." Waterbury, Sept. 15.--John E. Ross, Jr., an vieetricials grasped a live wire . " od, but is alive and well. He said he felt no pain, but experienced "protty dreams." Two other men who touched the wire are dead, No Announcement Made. to the Whig, ontreal, Sept. 15.~Toenders were opened, today, by the Grand Trunk Pacific management for the 210 miles of the Lake Superior nouncement as to the ever has yot been Call For Release. Whig. L «1 Sept. 16.~The British vieeconsul has gone to here, to insist on the English resident who is held as a pri: soner there by the Chinese authori: Threatened To Kill His Family. Bellevitle, Ont., Thompson has been charge of insanity. He secured a and threatened to kill his family. He rolonved way asylum a short time Ce a -- Were In Montreal. Whig. rived, here, from the , on their way wekt. wpent 'a few hours in Roberts Will Not Come. i t. Lord Roberts' visit to America has been postponed and will not eceur this t. her nineteen " ho said. The | sourt Stamps, onlyour cash ht, destroyed ree thousand ~New York, 7; on, 4; Philadel Louis, 2. 'ROBT. J. RE "Phone 877. innings), Prov rwark, 4; was terribly burn- lines. No an- successful tend- insan, noar ease of am Sept. 15. ~Peter on the gun from ago. Kingston 15.~8ir Charles and Sir "15.~Field Marchal bundred y ie in 3