Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Sep 1905, p. 3

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- fd 3 7 Rubber Goods 20% Discount for Ten Days This is an excellent opportunity (go secure a Hot Water Bottls o, Foun tain Syringe (a household pe. essity) at 20 per cent. less than any othe time. Don't make the "oll op." do. Buy a brand new one. You wij need one before ithe winter is over a. wav. Look over our stock and select yours at once. All goods guaranteed. FI Eqeii EE] KENTUCKY GANMNELL i FOR OPEN FIRES We have a lot of fine selected lumps : for sale. Any quanity de- livered. $7.50 TON | JAMES SWIFT & G0. Fried Oysters and; a Gup of Cocoa An odd combination but a very effective lunch 30c.a The Keswick | Brrrvrrvnssrecsscascnenll The only safe effectual monthly Jedicihe on which women can . Sold in two degrees of Ne 1, 1 , for ordinary » ousens $1per 0. 3, 10 de- : RHEE Eo dregs ch Compound ; take no substitute. The Cook Medicine Co., Windsor, Ontario of Fall Goods IN ee , Sept. 16th ccial Display of all the New 2s,' such as Dress Suitings, Raincoats, Flannelette Un- and in connection with this dme very tempting bargains. sign, with handsome border, the table of a prince. You pay £1 'ou are getting splendid value for th 6c. a yard, ever amless, sizes 94, 10, al, 'Ife. ! 104, extra good a pair. derwear at 25¢. a garment. | Fo Just the thing for fall wear. or POO 0000000000000 0000D tra Good is ¢ Suiting, 16 inches shades; Saturday lotte, 32 inches g Skirts for La- by best tailors, Saturday 82.49, rints to clear at 0 Q , 36 inches wide, | FETT IE large size, 98c. | inch in width, : - Jacke. at $1.95, and cardinal. rush, as we haven't room for this for 3%. a pair; were 65c., for 19¢ st made at $1, yours Saturday Colored Wrapperettes, 30 inches and figures, cheap at 12fc. a & SHAW tii Special Saige HAWKEY , TU TURNS up HE WILL HAVE EN ENGAGEMENT IN WATERTOWN. He Will Meet a Middle Weight Champion From Northern Europe '-- Interesting Sport- ing Items. The Watestown, N Standard says: Jos. Hawkey, who olaims the mid- d denight championship of Ontario and Joe Hensen of t city, who claims the middleweight championship of Northern Europe, have signed. articles for a match in this city to be held on the night of September 28th, As an evidence of 'good faith both men have deposited $25 apiece as forfeit with the sporting editor of the Standard. Hawkey lives at Glen Park, while Hensen is a barber in this city." Saw A Good Game. The Kingston contingent which went to ('ape Vincent fair, on Thursday, was well rewarded. They witnessed a great game of ball between the Syra- cuse. aggregation and the Brantford nine, The latter won aut a close game by a score of 1 to 0. But for an inop- portune @wror there would only have been a single man cross 'the home plate. Football Notes. C ampbell Laidlaw, manager of Queeri's senior football team has ar vived-in the city. Queen's first match 'is in Toronto against Varsitv on Octoher 14th, That Jeaves the tricolor only two short weeks to get in shape. That's not en- ough time, when Varsity, McGill and Ottawa Col , are already hard at it, and Queén's has several important vacancies to fill. Sporting Notes. Rear-Commodore Nichols, Toronto, will build a new Canada's cup challen- ger next year. The Fort Erie meeting is closed. It lasted filty days and distributed $110,- (00 in stakes and. purses. The St. Catharines Minto cup chas- ing Athleties will be in Montreal, in time for a stretch out and to get their legs again and take another light work-out before the first game, which will be played under N.AL.U. rules. The Ottawa Journal se: "Enthusi- " buri ot Rochelle, , cemetery ers Have entered wn eporgetiz prglest a kainst the burying of the dog within the etery grounds asm-is running hjgh around old 'Var- sity over the prospect of Ottawa Col lege bringing to the Canadian capital something which she has hitherto rev er held," namely 'the intercollegiate rughy championship.' : At the annual meeting of the Winni pez Rugby Club among those present were several of the football celebrities of the east, including "Dick" Kemny, Ottawa and MeGilll quarter-back; 'W. Dier, who played the same :osition with Brockville; Ralph St atton of Toronto. University, and several oth- ars Officers were elected as follows: Hon. president, W. Moran; prosident, W. W. Richardson; { vice-president, L. H. Hicks; secretary-treasure:, Ww. Blythe: manager, W. H. Montgomery; committee, R, B, Stratton, Nr. Kenny, hy Dier, W. Whyte, Jr., and C. Dane otwithetanding the decision of the Shamrocks to play the St. Catharines on Saturday, the greatest harmony seems to exist between the clubs = of the National Amateur Lacrosse Union, and everything points to a solid front being presented by the lacrosse people against any attempt. on the part of other organizations «of the Canadian Amateur Athletic Union 'to put 'a shoke in the wheel of the Shamrocks' Plans for the Minto eun series. or the Canitals' plans to play any of the other Ontario lacrosse clubs. Not only that but the delegates who will repre- sent the laciosse union will also, as fur as can be ascertained now, unani- mously support the request of Albert Dade and George Finlayson for rein statement to the amateur ranks. Ottawa Free Press: "Old King Clan- cy"? blew his whistle on "Varsity oval vesterday and thirty-three candidates for intercollegiate football honors made their How to the veteran coach. Of the above number eleven were mem- bers of the college last year and have but little to learn about the game. Clancy was much pleased with the work of the new men in uniform, and when the threé or four members: of last 'year's college team arrive and brace up the material already on hand the "Varsity boys will he pre- pared ta wade in regularly for the practices. The first game is only a month away, but the turn out yester- day wag, so satisfactory that Nr. Clancy expects his. men to be in tip top shape when they face McGill on October 14th. CHANGES IN MANAGERS Of the Implement Builders at Picton. Picton, Sept. 14. Several 'changes have occurred in' the local implement agencies, D. R. Welbanks and McCart ney have been given the Maxwell agen- cy and the former proprietor, Mr, Thibault, will travel for the firm. W. Emery will be the new Massey-Harris man, Mastin dropping out of the line street, next the Chinese laundry, Ad- ams and Hudgin, Jr., have formed a partnership to manage the Frost & Wood implements. Three, monster thaskinonge were open to public gaze this week gt the Quinte Hotel, The fish weighing 42, 32 and 17 pounds, respictively, were hooked in Picton Bay. On October 3rd and 4th, tha Bay of Quinte Clerical Union will meet in town. A fine programme, pa- pers on many | religious topics, has %n arrpnged for the occasion. As e result of a fall James Hughes, the young son of J. H. Hughes, carpen- ter; broke his left arm, Thomas Slattery, weicht an? scales inspector, is, making a trip through Hastings county. Word has been re ceived in town from Winnipeg, that Mrs. J. Redmond, who spent the sum- mer here, and had. just returned to her home, is semionsly ill. with typhoid fever. Dr. and Mrs, H. Reynolds have returned from Detroig. Mrs. Mayhee and Mrs, Edward Case have returned from a few days' stay in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. KE. C. Garbutt, left to-day for Philadelphia, where as repredenta tives of the grand of Ontario, Mr. Garbutt, attends the sovereign grand lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, + += After a month's visit in town, Mrs (Rev.) M. B: Williams has returned to Chicago, Migs" Begtéige ' Randall. Tor onto, is visiting in town, Charles (Chadd, Chicago, 4s the puest of hig father. H. Chadd. Miss Helen W. Leav ens left Met week ta complete her cours€ in thé kindergarten department at the Normal school, Ottawa. lodge Almost Forfeited Their Seats. At the Bowrd of Educgtion meeting last. evening, 3 Godwin remarked that some tru#tées were very near to forfeiting their ;seats, in being absent from board meetings for three conse- cutive months. At the present meeting two trustees had just saved them- selves. The law was clear on the point. The hoard will not likely take steps to have the seat of the late Dr. Fe filled, as the year , is well advanced. An election could not be held till the first, of.November, and the usual elec tions come' two months later. Have you 'seen the sixty drawings ? They are on exhibition at 206 Princess street and "Were made by Kingston students. Migs Taura® Robinson Stewart, : Smith's Falls, on Tuesday. and W. C. were married, James Johnston Kingston's New Dry Goods Store The Opening on the 14th a Great Success Big Bargains Saturday ! In Ladies' Raincoats, Winter Coats, Hosiery and Gloves, Underwear, Dress Goods, also in } Woslien and Domet Blankets. It will pay you to go to Pe 1 80 Wellington Street if you require any of the above articles. JAMES JOHNSTON, 18) Wellington Street. to open a carriage salesroom on Maint SIX PRETT Y MAIDENS. With "Florodora,'"" at The G rand 'Monday, September 18th. EXCITING SESSION. Hungary Wants to Get Away From Austria. Special to ig Vienna, Seut, ~Conservative eiy- cles are looking one with consid: erable apprehension to the action of the Hungarian parliament which eon- vened at Buda-Pesth to-day. For many years the sentiment in favor of a separation of Hungary from Austria has been growing and the separatist faction among the nationalists has been gaining in strength to such an extent that it seems a crisis is im- minent. The imperial government, warmly. supported by the "German- speaking provinces of the dual mon- archy, has foreseen the impending crisis and has taken steps to prevent any attempt on the part of the Hungarian nationalists to, bring about separa- tion. When the Hungarian parliament was opened -in July 1t was feared that the separatists would foree the issue which is ARCHDUKE FRANCIS FERDINAND, hy proposing separation in oven pare hawent, To prevent the execution of this plan parliament was adjourned until to-day on the day of its open- ing. In the meantime the imperial government has taken precautionary steps to resist, if necessary with force of arms any attempt of the Hungar- ian separatists to bring about a dis- ruption of the dual monarchy. Under the supervision of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the throne, who represents the aged emperor in the su- preme command of the army, exten. sive preparations for a campaign have been made and now, it is said, the imperial government is fully prepared for any emergency. Notwithstanding that fact considerable apprehension is felt in regard to the probable action of the Hungarian parhament, the ses- sion of which was opened to-day. It is hoped that the conservative ele. ments will be strong enough to pre- vent violent scenes and seditious ut- terances in open parliament. {The op- ening session to-day was. rather tur. bulent, but nothing occurred that would have called for the interference ofthe government. DIVORCE IN TWO MINUTES. Rushed From Divorce Court to Wed Senator Wilcox. New York, Sept. 14.--With her final decree of divorce, signed yester- day by Supreme Court Justice Gar- retson, in Brooklyn, tucked away in her travelling bag, Mrs, Cecilia Isa- belle Lewis, left last night for Troy, where to-night she will be married to Senator Wilcox. Her former husband, is Leverett Lewis, a wealthy jeweller in business in Maiden lane. The de- cree prohibits him from marrying dur ing the lifetime of his former wife, The latter, when informed by Justice Garretson that she could now use her maiden name, laughed werrily and said "I will mot have 'wse for it very long. To-morrow night 1 am to be marr'ed to Senator Wilcox of Troy." The divorce suit, by which the form- er Mrs. Lewis was freed from her hus. band, was instituted last June, and broke all records in point of time con- samed in its trinl. Jt took Justice Marean just two minutes to grant an inteplocutory decree, The three months W : that must elapse before the final de- cree is signed expired at midnight on Sundav. Mrs. Lewis was so anxious to have her freedom that she instructed her lawyer to have the document sign- ed immediately, at the stroke of twelve, She had wade all arrange ments for her wedding to Senator Wil. cox vesterday. The lawyer was unable to get a justice to execute the decree vutil vesterday afternoon. The wed ding had to be postponed. much to Mrs. Tewis' chagrin, New; York Excursion. * Low rate excursion from Kingston to New York and return, Tuesday, October 3rd, and Wednesday, October sth. Only $7. Tickets good to re turn ten days. Leave Kingston 5 a.p. and 2 p m.; arrive New York, 6 p.m. and 7.25 am. For full particulars apply to Howard S. Folger, agent, N.Y. C.& H. R. RR., Kingston. Newman & Shaw's "Big kst." ® CONCNORUFEET 70 COUN- ibe Remarkable Problems Sonetimes Confront Selititors « Which Got. There Fimt 2A Case of the Advance Twin, Hundreds of years of test cases have not yet elucidated all the possible Pointe of of difficulty in the English law, a rembrkable problem with which the 'Blackbum lawyers have just been confronted. = An English gentle man had twin sons who were born within a' few hinutes He made a will t his property in Australia should go to whichever of the two sons twenty. one first, e younger of "the twa emi rated to Australia, while the other . re mained in "England, and the former was still at the e, Altipecics at the time of his ing of age. Now, Australian time is some Hours in advance of Greenwich, and, therefore, the younger man out there was twenty-one before his elder brother at hpme. Which of these two brothers js Jogally entitled to the property ? The question has not yet boen decided, and in the mean- time readers may exercise their own acumen upon it, Are ¢ eggs, or are only hen's eggs eggs ? his may seem a ridiculann question, but nice' shades of meaning are involved, 'and a case which turned upon it went through two or three courts of law, A lady sent an order for a Hosen & s to a airyman and he went her eggs. She sent them back as ~ "being what she ordered, but he refused to take them. She in turn décdlined' to Keep them, and some time elapsing between their journeys from the house to the shop, the eggs went bad, and eventually the shop- keeper suod- the lady for Is, 6d, their value. The county court judge ordered her to pay, declaring that 'dicks' eggs were as much eggs as any others; hut the lady appealed, and the king' bench reve the delision on t ground that when A party onined eggs, hens' egg were meant, and that if any other conténtith were admitted any kind of eggs might he Sent, such as pigeons', canaries', or even rattle snakes'. Ducks' 8, it was decided were not eggs in ordinary mean: ing of the term. , Are the grandchildten of a than also his children ¥ In the legal sense this question is not so absird as it looks, and some time RO! Was most seri ously and laboriously contended in the courts that acearding to act of par liament they were. © The particular act in question, pase «d in the eign of the late Queen Vie toria, laid it down that "the father and the grandfather, the mother and the grandmother, and the children of any poor person, being of sufficient ability, shall relieve and mainthin any such poor person.' The argument wad that, to context, eckoned t+" vifldren Hor hi¥' purpose, just as grandparents were Wm as arents, On the other side it was argued that if grandchildren were chil dren then great-grandohildeen were children also, and that a man might in this way be called upon to support his father and mother, hig four grand- parents, his eight great-grandparents, and as many grandchildren and great grandchildren as he might be lucky or unlucky enough to' possess, Ts skimmed milk milk ? A man asked for a glages of milk to drink and was given skimmed milk, and' the purvey ' decording i | of each other, |. arrived at the age of ohfidron Worl to = Keep your pores open and clean, and your skin healthy by -% using the purest and most ural soap: BABYS OWN SOAP It could not be any purer. Itis made from vegetable oils which are beneficial to the skin. Its whole effect is invigors ating and cleansing. A Sp Albert Soaps, Limi t Manufacturers, Montreal. | And wait until To-morrow, Ne be i / sure to be on time on SARRT Saturday Mor In order to secure some of the Wonderful Bargains that will be offered at this sale of Three Bank- rupt Stocks now advertised. or was fined for it; but in a higher court the decision was' reversed, it being contended at the time skimmed milk was really much more milk thati' milk which was 'fot skim med, since the latter contained some thing that was not milk at all-that is, cream. HIS CURRENT OF LOVE. He Visited Each Wife Evéry Other Day. 15,~Confronted by , Stanley Sobigzik was held to the erimingl court, yesterday, on a charge of bigamy, He admitfed that he had marred pach, of the wo men in church and had been living with them on alternate days for the last year Mre. Sobiezik the first, was married to him eleven years ago, She is the mother of five children, four of whom are girls. The second wife was married to Sobiezik a year ago. Neither of the wives sepma. to barbor any ill-feeling against. her husband, and the two women chatted pleasant. ly with each other as they sat.in court. The two babies which they held on their laps looked so much alike that several of the persone in the court room thought they were twins. When the hearing wes fmished So biezik called each of his wives to him and made both promise to visit hind in jail and bring the babies. Sobiezik is a blacksmith and earns 811.50 a week. One evenmg he would spend with his first wife on Paulina street and on the mext would visit his second wife in West Fifteenth street, To each wife he said he was paid ex tra by his employer to act ag watch man every other night. The Hushtion Of .Baldness. Is a vital one with hundreds of people. How to overcome the dis figurement is a simple matter. Prof. Dorenwend, Torknto, will visit the British-American hotel on Saturday, September 16th, when all who wish may consult him free. Hp cherries a varied list of samples of all kinds of hair goods for both ladies ad gentle: men. Prof. Dorenwend i% largest manufacturer and dealer in thicse goods in Canada. M:s. John Macgilivray, whose maid en name was Martha Fergie, and her birthplace, Scotland, is: dead, in Smith's Falls, aged ninetv-seven, She was a Presbyterian, and the mother of seven children, Her husband died in 1881, Henry Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickerings. Orders received at McAuley's book store, Princess street, See our lines of GIFT Paper at Gibson's Red Cross drig store; that | REMEMBER~--The early bird catches the worm. However, we wil have | bargains all day and all night. For the benefit of those who cannot attend To-morrow, through the day, we | will keep our store open until 11 o'clock. We invite specially the young men of this city to come To-morrow Night and secure bargains in Shirts, Neckties, Braces, Socks, Gloves, Shirt Collars at Half Price and some bargains less than Half Price. Read on and take note that we will offer at eight o'clock sharp 500 Gents' Fancy Silk Ties, (slightly soiled), at 5c. each, worth / 25¢., 35¢. and 50c. each. Also 300 Fancy Soft and Hard Bosom Shirts, also White Dressed Shirts, worth 75c., $1 and $1.25. To-morrow Night, your choice 44c, Remember that this Gigantic Money-saving Sale will take place at HOWLAND BROS', OLD STAND, CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STREETS le The Montreal Bankrupt Stock Company, Limited F. X. COUSINEAU, Manager. great black horses ol with heavy trappings erests, lombering up with their luxuri- the cardinals, | LOST LOVE AND. MONEY, T00, and scar -- Man Attempts Divorce to 'Gat sl : ROMAN CEREMONY. Benedictions For The Humbler [ant coaches glittering _ with golden co ££ Creation. carving, to receive the blessing. All ,000. the | In R the church takes animals honor to thee, good St, Antonih, who Kenosha, Wis, Sept. AB--{laluy. B. ¥ or To protection and on the day bleament, in thy Targe dharity, hot an ere was, yedtortay, granted a * ' alone, bu t hum race w do | Vorce SOR dedicated 2 ho Aatnio a solurution his work. and hear 'his burdons, and | the late Datel Tg Ro of an core, fu bof anity, food annual | MUrmar not under his tyrannical in- | kee, She ihe divoree on blessing of animals takes place on flictions. The effigy should be hung | grounds of sin. it Jon January 17th; all the horses, mules | Upon many stable-walls, as in every | ever, the inpression : and donkeys in Rome are taken to the stable in Rome. church of Antonio to receive a bene: diction. doors are thrown wide open, thechurch and altar are splen. did with candles, he priest stands at the door, with a broom dipped in band might enjoy the million dc v ate supposed to been his father, who Riis} hart as long as he lived with 4 with Duiny Rogen, When to-day a Dancing Birds. Visitors to the Island of Laysdn, in the Hawaiian group, are frequently amused by the curious antics of the holy water, sprinkles the animals as | Laysat albatross, which sometimes | out to be es of gir gen estate ot was they pass procession before him, | performs, in pair, a kind of dance. | learned that the te -- 0 giving oD Ri benediction, All the | birds approach each other, nodding | smaller than was horses in Rome are there, from the | and making profound bows, cross | husband, who gave up his Suppicad the iy their bills, produce snapping and groaning sounds, rise on. their toes, puff out their breasts, and finally part, with more nodding and bowing, only to come together again and re- common hack to the > igh "bred steed of "the prince, some adorned with glit- tering trappings, some covered with scarlet cloth and tinsel, with red roses at each ear, and fufts and plumes of fortune, hs on been fooled, He will re- rive onl 500 a year. Campers Clark's' lunch ny feathers nodding at their heads. |peat ~ the "performance. Occasionally tans conchman of Prince Piom- | three engage at once in this singular |liciously cool, bino and prince of coachmen, mounted | amusement, on an open car, driving his mégnifi- . cent team of fourteen horses with an | Four 10c. cigars for 20c. at Gib lessy skill, provokes the plaudits of son's Red Crows' rug stare on' Satur: the crowd, And" here, too, are the day.

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