, rom Women Wio Avi ions Will Be Interest ted, pleased that I did Beaith, saving mg © Immengy dg Pray Accept my hey Miss Margret Meridey t Street, Milwaukee, Wis, re ¥ Dey Mrs. Pinkham: " Loss strength, extreme n : severe shooting pains through ph pelvic bearing gown pains, and g tion eli me to. se Re a strongly oy E. Pinkham's Vegetable Camo try by "PM the alos: ation healed, gf and [ am ong more strong, vigorous and wgll: and I can Job ex) express my thanks for what it has dog | Ovarian and womb tyoubl steadily on the increase among pol :| --and before submitting ip an opera: tion every woman should Ary Lydia B Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and write Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mas fon) advice, or thirty years Lydia E. Pinkha , | Vegetable Compound has ljeen outs the worst forms of female complaints, all ovarian troubles, inflanination, y- ceration, falling and displacement of the womb, leucorrhcea, irregularities, indigestion and mervous prastration, Any woman who coald read the many «| grateful letters on file in Mrs, Pink ham's office would be convinced of the 40) sficicney of her advice and Lydia § Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Woman Best Understands a Net's = TAT VV BATE VBATVL SA Se a coats an will buy a Raincoat and doctor and his bill, R RAINCOAT is a regu- ith the fabric chemically or gets hold of it. n't hurt the cloth in any ost ways. ; makes it imper- ough not proof against a 'man's Raincoat is both a . » 7. 1 and tailored in the best 0 bo $16.50 es $3 fo $10. BIBBY C0. BOOTS d Durable AT-- Shoe Store. Our New Fall Goods Are here 'and ready for your inspection SACK will be the most worn style for general and business. In our immense stock you will find the most carefully select- ed fabrics made up in those two styles, in Worsteds, Vicunas, Cheviots and Tweeds. They suring not only a perfect fit, but have that smart, snappy effect so much desired, and we shape until worn out. . Remember we claim to give you the best at less money than our competitors. Come in and let us show you the new things in Suits and Overcoats. Roney 127 Princess Street. The Store That Sets the Pace. SUITS are most elegantly cut, in- guarantee they will kep h their & Co. We have much pleasure in handing to our customers the best Shears made--The Celebrated WISS, Pocket Shears, Trimmers, Nail Shears, Paper Shears and Tailors. All sizes and every Shear guaranteed. Buy the best. Only at W. A. MITCHELL'S H .RDW Try Myers' for Fine COOKED' MEATS. A PESTIFEROUS GERM. Burrows Up the Scalp Imto Dan- | druff and Saps the Hair's Vitality. ' People who complain of falling hair as a rule do not know that it is the result of dandruff, which is caused by a pestiferous parasite burrowing up the scalp as it digs down | to the sheath in which the hair is fed in the scalp. Before long the hair root is shriveled up and the hair drops out. i the work of the germ is not de- stroyed hair keeps thinning till bald- ness comes. 'The only way to cure dandruff is to kill the germ, and un: til now there has been no hair pre- paration that would do it; but to- | day dandruff is easily eradicated by Newbro's Herpicide, which makes hair glossy and soft as 'silk. Sold by lead- ing druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G.-W: Mahood, special agent. COMMERCIAL. NEW YORK .STOCK MARKETS. Supplied by W. F. Dever & Co, 18 Kingston Maret. Squaze, September 15th. Atchispn Amal. Copper Baltimore & Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Canadian Pacitic Erie Illinois Central Louisville & Nashville Metropolitar Missouri Pic New York Central Pennsylvania Rock Island Reading St. Paul Suga Ta Pacific U. 8S. Steel U. S. Steel, Transit pid. --n GRAIN MARKET. WHEAT-- ae BE Dut 85) was ov, Bow CORN-- ut a May as 54 Bride and Groom Are of Mature Age. Richmond, Vai, Sept. 15.--Ninety vears old, six times married and the father of forty-four children, with grandehildren galore, Jacob Kinney, of Henry county, got a license to, take a seventh bride. The woman of his choice is. Ann Green, a widow, who admits having passed the six: tieth mile t. Me. ro says that he fecls the need of a companion, although he is dhle to get about as well as he did twenty years ago, and is able to do considerable wark around his farm. The wedding will take place this af- ternoon, but there will be no bridal trip. No Smoke Sale. All New Goods | average COMMERCIAL MATTERS. Vhat Is Going On In the Business THE A FULL CONFESSION STATE SENATORS ARE IN'A BOODLING COMBINE. Story of Former Senator Harry Bunkers -- Building & Loan Associations Were to be Held Up--Had Money Dropped in His Pocket. Sacremento, Cal, Sept. 15~ Brought from his prison cell to com: front his alleged associate in the boodling" combine of last winter, Bar| ry Bunkers, former state senator from San Francisco, made a complete con fession on the witness-stand in J Hart's court-room, where the trial of E. J. Emmons, one of the four state senators indicted by the grand jury, was in progress. Bunkers' detailed plan of campaign, which, he says, was one whereby the building and loan as- sociations of the state were to be "held up' and compelled to pay for protection. He also told of receiving money, stating that Joseph Jordan had d-opped a roll of 8350 in his poe- ket as he stood in the street, and said that Emmons had received his share hut two minutes before. Lastly, he told of the terror and fright that followed the expose in the senate, the last conference held in Emmons' room over the disposal of tho marked bills, and of the suggestions that were made to clear themselyes of guilt. RULES FOR JAP BRIDES. They Are Taught to Make Homes Happy- That the movement to free women from the bonds of overbearing man receives but little encouragement in the sunny land of Japan is evident from the commandments given to Japanese wives on their wedding morning" by their mothers. World--The Markets. Canada's forest totalled wiltions in 1903. Canada exported, of forest products. Carfrda has - the largest areas on the continent. "A mildon a week' is the battle ery | among C:P.R. officials now. There will be some, weeks that the earnings will not reach. the million mark, but the yearly will likely be over that. In fact, it is * stated . that the gross earn- ings ior 1905-6 will reach $55,000,000. The sale' of a seat on the New York | iN Exchange for . $84 000, which is more than the previows high re- 3s price is announced. Broomhill cables that the French bul- letin DeHalles estimates the French wheat crop this year at 320,000,000 bushels, ageinst 292,000.000 bushels, the estimate for last year's crop. 2 Shipments of cheese from Canadian ports during the past week amounted to products RO in 1904, $83,000,600 ! white pine 46,286 hoxe¢s, against 64.561 jor the same week last . year, and 107,505 in 1908. Fotal shipments since May 1st have been 1,204,260 boxes, against 1. 256,807 last year and 1,632,856 in 1903 L Standard Oil company is paying a rly dividend of $6 per share to- y to all holders of shares which were record on August 18th. The previous dividends declared this year were $9 a share on May 15th, and $15 a share on February 15th, making a total of $30 declared so far this year, against $29 in the corresponding pe eriod last year a share in i ngr veriod of } 1903 $35 a shar share-im 1901. Based on the present market + valaation of the stock, the in- come to the investor on dividends de- § clafed $0 far this year is about 4.8 per} cent. i ------ i The Cheese Markets. i 14.--1,230 boxes 'boarded; § alance unsold { offered ; all Nadoe, Sept. 640 sold a 1 Tweed, sold at 1 Winchester 14.730 registered ; t 245 sold at t The SiRlies) Examination. 3 Dr. R. J. Baldwin, secretary of the | Southern ne conference, pat- | ted a little Mobile colored boy on the 1 head. "This little boy," he said, "failed in an examination last week, ¢ It was an examination on the bible, and the first question the teacher ask- ed was: 'How many commandments are there?" "The little boy thought a while and then he answered : 'A hundred.' "*'A hundred ! No, of course not,' said the examiner. 'That will do for you." And the little boy went out sadly. He 'had failed. "But he hung about the building, and in a hali hour another boy ap- peared. He was on the way to the examination, too. He asked the boy who had failed, what questions had been put to him, and the unhappy failure answered : 'The teacher wanted to know how many commandments there were. What will you say when he 'asks you that ¥' 'I'll say ten," was { the reply. "The boy who had failed laughed loud and long. 'Ten!' he cried. 'Well, just try him with your ten. 1 tried him wit @ hundred, and he wasn't satisfied !" If you lose money in & gold mine you're not likely to get it back at =a church fair. New eyes for the sorrows of others come from receiving sorrows of your own, In Sguth Wales when people move it is con ed the proper thing before [they odtupy the new residence, and be: fore anv of the furniture is taken in, to sprinkle salt on the stairs. Married In Toronto. Toronto Gdobe The home of Rev. E. A. Madison avenue, was the scene of a very pretty wedding, Thursday after- noon, when Miss Mabel Louise Chown was umited in marriage to Douglas John Thom, B.A. Rev. E. A. Chown, father of the bride, assisted by Rev. Joseph Thom, father of the groom, officiated, in the presence of the im- mediate relatives and friends. Te bride, who was given away by brother, J. Harry Chown, of Winni- was attendnd by her sister, Miss Suble'Chown, | Tr, Albert J. Fraleigh, of Torgnto, was best man. The nw- Iv-married couple will leave in a few days for Regina. Chown, 31 Davies' Ham Sale. Boneless shoulder hams, epecial mild care for boiling or frying, guaranteed to give the utmost satisfaction. Or at Prevost's, Brock St. Our stock of ready-made clothing : - and gents' furnishings, amounting to' $10,000, will be offered to the public 'at ihe same low prices as when we held our great smoke sale Inst May. The public can Ay, the 16th inst, Get a part at Ile, or whole at 124e The the corner of Bagot and Princess streets this morning Shattered a large window in the second stérey of the on getting ; Randolph hotel. genuine bargains. Sale commences on Four 10c. cigars for 25c. on Satur day at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. t to her the correshontl * ¢ in 1902 ard £40 a { pecially be economical in your house ! vour father's rank _ gives this advice: of it just the size of the top ighting . gaben legal action against the licuten- blasting at the excavation on The beheats are known as the "Twelve Commandments of the Bride," and road as follows : "(1.) The moment you are gparvied, you are no longer my daughter, Therefore; you must obey your pa: rents-in-law as you once obeyed your father and mother. "(2.) When you are married your husband will be your sole master. Be humble 'and polite. Strict obedience husband is the noblest virtue a wife can possess. "(3.) Always be vour pother-in-law. "(4.) Do not be jealous; kills your husband's affection you. '(5.) Even though your husband be wrong, do not get angry; bo patient, and when he has calmed down, then speak to him gently. "(6.) Do not talk too wnmch; speak no evil of your neighbois; never tell lies. dmiable towards jealousy for "(7.) Rise carly, retire late, and do not sleep in the afternoon. Drink little wine, and until you are fifty take no part in public assemblies nor mingle in crowds, "(8.) Consult no fortune-teller. "{9.) Be a good managoress, and es- hold. "(10.) Although you may marry voung, do not frequent too youthful society. "(11.) Do not wear bright colored : garments. Always be neatly but mo- destly dressed. "(12.) Do not on If he his hushand's rela- pride yourself or fortune. never allude to your is a rich riches tions." man, before Preserving. An old negro lady who had learned the art of canning in the southland, and whose fruit always kept so nicely, "Buy. a roll of the very best cotton batting, cut rounds of the fruit cans, place one on top of fruit as soon as can is filled and seal im- mediately." After trying the plan for five years, L. L. tells me the negro lady's advice has proved to be excel- lent; the cotton keeps out the air and should any mold form it would ad- here to the cotton and be removed with it and not spread into the fruit, Instead of labelling your fruit jars, save the paper bags which come with groceries, and place each jar in a bag, writing the kind of fruit it contains on the bag. This plainly lab- els it, and your jar is clean and free from the dust of the cellar. Lifetime Of Dueling. Lieut, Huet, the author of the scan- dalous book "Sabres of Wood and Guns of Straw," which has drawn on him the anger of his former regiment, as challenged to another duel recent- He is just recovering from a wound 3 in' a duel last week as the result of the publication of his book. His new challenger is Gen. Savagier who until a few days ago was colonel of the Limoges regiment. Huet has re- ceived seven challenges since his book was published and several other of- ficers have wignified their intention of The wile of one officer has nt. : ' The Preserving Kettle. Peel the pears, and if they are large cut cach one into foi pieces and take out the core a pound of fruit weigh a pound" of suggr. Dis solve the sugar "with jus? enough water to wet it; add a quarter of an ounce of gelatine dissolved in warm water to five pounds of sugar. When the sugar ix dissolved make the syrup and codk 'the fruit until it is clear. Win For Sunny Ways. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 15.--Becatise of her winsome ways, Nellie Paris, a dancer, will figure in a $900,000 es. DAILY W aarion and the writer of a number of well-known from Clare College in 1 Besides his works on medie- val lore his name is familiar to the as the author of "Rich- ** "John Herring" and other i it is also popular with all congrega- tions because of its expression of re wo unity, and, in no small de to the ringing tune which Sir composed for it in Be Kehr Sulla soldiers often wing it the march, whole regiments taking a. and it has been trans lated into fol tongues, land FIST], pY ged -- 871), jud the goal: ity "1 er work and "by its polarity, #5 the greatest of British or writers, having to her credit hymns; the greater number 'as stan . Yet sho was all life almost an invalid, spend- her days in uiet literary work in HS Sadle of dnglan sd es the so she issued "The In- Hymn Book," with 115 of her on pie. "Just As I Am," written in'1 is a record of her personal ex- perience when, shortly before this, the suggestion, "Come just as you " solved many of her religious dif- Goultion, Without question this is the greatest of all special evangelistic hymns, The stories told of its power over the mind and heart are innumer- able. It is sung in all lands. Our Master. John Greefleal Whittier (Haverhill, Mass, 1807-1892), Quaker poet, anti- editor and agitator, had ca- ie ty of spirit, seen in the hymns that the churches have adopted from his poems, Perhaps their growing popularity is indicative of a spread in the churches of the spirit which he earnestly advocated. The poem from which. this hin is taken was first published in 1856. To-day it is one of the best loved and most represen Fopreenih: tive hymns of the newer type. beautiful poem from which these stan- zas are taken, "Our Master," should We may not climb the heavenly steeps To bring the Lord Christ down ; search the lowest deops, de him no depths can drown, But waxi3, sweet, onder even yet A p help i And Faith has still its 'Olivet, And love its Galileo, The hepling of the seamless dress Is by our beds of pain ; We touch him in life's throng and press, Phtougl bim the first fond prayers are | our 1 lips of childhood frame ; The dat low whispers of our dead 0 A -- and Master of us all, Whate'er' our une or sien, We own thy sway. we hear thy call, We test our lives hy thine. ---- The Ninety and Nine. While the authorship of this popular | hymn has been generally attributed to Elizabeth C. Clephane, of Bosto®, it | has always been associated with Ira I). Sankey, the singing companion of | Dwight L. Moody. Fhe poem was un- known until Mr. Sankev, looking for | something that would touch the sl herds of Scotland, chanced on this in the corner of an obscure paper. He ex- rendered it. The words and immediately sprang into great popu- larity and were called for at all the mectings. Along with other simple songs it started a wave of religious melody which swept around the world, 80 that these hymns wero being whis- tled and sung and played by rich and oor, on street, in church, and home, he series of song books in which thes. first appeared has gone into many mil lions | copies, There were ay In the shelter of the fold But one was out on tho hills away, Far off from the gates of gold ; Away on the mountains cold and bare, Away from the sl y Lord, cin hast here thy ninety and nine ; Are they not enoush for thee ? But the Shepherd answered : "One of mine Has wandered away from me, Apd tho' 1 go to the desert to find my sheep.' But none of the ransomed ror naw How deep Were the waters c Nor how dark the night which' er Lord went thro' Ere he found the sheep that was lost Out in the desert he heard its cry ; "T'was sick, and helpless, and ready 'to die. But all thro' riven And up from the rocky steep, There rcse a cry to the gate of heaven: "Rejoice ! 1 have a my sheen © And the angels echoed around the throne "Rejoice ! for the Lord brings back his own 1" HIS THIRD PROMOTION. A Queen's Graduate is Climbing Upwards. Perth Courier Howard H. Scott, son of Rev. A. H. Beott, has received' promotion by the electrical and engineering firm in on- treal with whom he been since early midsummer. Mr. Scolt took his | degree of B.Sc. in the science faculty last season. He entered as junior in- 10 the employment of this' electrical and engineering company, of Mont- first promotion to the night manager. ship in the test department of the works, The second promotion was to the position of day manager in same department, A responsible place | in the engineering Separ int required | to be filled last wi tion the name of a Cincinnati expert was connected hut the cipals of | tate, through ber husband. Samuel S. | Reymer. Fis father cut him off with $20,000, but the family cancels the will, Davies' Ceylon Teas. [éld st a wholesale price, 400. qual- ity for 25c. Black, green and mixed. The backers of the excursion to Cape Vincent to witness the Brant: ford-Syracuse game on Thursday, dropped 320 by their venture. Benanas, best quality, 10e, a doz Crawford's, the firm ofiered the position to Mr, { Scott who accepted it and. took charge on Mo last. In the | Seott drafting branch of science Mr, | excelled and took honors as a univer- } sity student and his recent promotion 10 the higher sphere in Montreal ap- pears to run in line with his parti eular aptitude for mathematics and designing in the spacious and inviting | field of electriral engineering. Davies' Noted for nicely of tin Tat, The Pork, 10c. Eng. And we are whole again { | The late Bishop Spaulding of Colo: velled temporized the melody to which he | the air | | eager finger at my gown, ninety and nine that safely ® tender care. | the way be rough and steep, { the wountains, ander} of Queen's University at the close of | real, and filled his place there until his | With this posi- | ahd | THING oF THE PAST 8 oe HORTICULTURAL -- Lack of ---- Discouraging-- Not Appreciated or Support ed--~Will Pay Its Debts, But Balance Will be Next to Nil, The tower show at the armouries is a thing of the past. 'the two days' vels. tively short time show, conducted this year, for the Ja -- RE -- in 1865, | first "time, found , the weather condi- t has become world famous, and | fons _ the most glavguable a ranka a rey of use, with the | tronage extended pul ow- It is one of the few martial | ever, was decidedly ing to mnie to church worship; and | the directors. A few with com. mendable zeal and enthus work- od hard to make an exhibition that would be worthy of the city's apr proval. That they did so is a re cognized "If 1 travelled to London - I and saw such a display I would be exceedingly woll "said a man last Ag ot gn | here at hou It at neither appreciated nor may come as a revelation to citizens to learn that the society's gate receipts {for two days amounted to only | 879.35. Had it not besa for a wplen- did membership list, which hrchghst in some $290 and a government of 8140, the show conld never been financed. As it was the Pos list, which amounts to - $373, will probably be paid in full, as well as all outstanding expenses, I ance will about meet the price de the mantled for a postage stamp of smallest denon tion Never before has there been seen in Kingston a bette® or lar display of fruits nd vegetables. The Howers, however, owing to the advanced sca- son, were not quite ax good as Tast year, though they made a beautiful exhibit. The attendance yesterday afternoon was small-decidedly 80, but in the evening a fairly Ja number of peo, ple attended, and yed the concert given by the Mth band. Tho dires tors, thou discouraged, are not dishearten They propose to incor porate with the show, next year, an exhibit of women's work, ete. This would undoubtedly increase the in- terest in the" society's work, and make the show 'much better in every particular. At the close of the show, last sven- ing. the oxhibitors distributed lurge numbers 'of flowers, fruits and voge- tables to their friends. Doses, of fortunate individuals left the ar ies with arms laden ith Jo 'Hoa flowers amd choice fruit. Bg {tors are deeply grateful to Mr. Carr, the genial gardenor at Rockwood hos: pital, for the splendid exhibit of plan? he made. He does not enter the competition class, but shows his goods as a favor to the Hortieul- i tural Society. Not What Bishop Expected, New York Press rado was a Pioneer's ho tra t Ld distances and -- jute outlying Org One the tor used to tell was as | in a mountain town where an Episco- pal service had never heen held before, 1 was wearing my gown, in white | had conducted the servive not long "e- { fore. 1 had given tho children a prac: | tical talk, and after it was over I | told them that they might ask any question about anything they didn't | understand, "A bright looking little fellow raised | bis hand immediately, " 'Well, my boy,' said 1, a 'Please, wir,' said he, pointing an 'is that all you have on or do you wear pants under it?' The Voice Of Music. There is something very wonderful in music. Words are wonderful shough, {but music is even more wonderful. It | speaks not to our thoughts as words { do; it speaks straight to our hearts, our souls. Music soothes us, stirs us up; it puts noble feelings into us; it melts us to tears, we know not how; it is language by iteell just as perfect in its way as , 88 words; just | an divine, just as blessed. Music has { been called the speech of anguln; 1 go jursher, and call it the speech of God im Virtue becomes a vice as soon as you are vain of it, Little courtesien aré the wayside flowers of life. What Are Chicago's Faults ? | THe World To-day. Chicags's 'al faults are reducible , dirt and of | to three--dj details. These are hot. tho faults of a moribund, decaying or even finished city. Your old world capital, dead Yor | a century, maintains order, | washes its streets daily and handles i | the details of city government to i fection. Every stalwart boy who greatness in him is marked by dis: orderly conduct, a dirty face and a lack of attention to details, but also by an eye quick to see and a hand swift to grasp the main chancé, That is Chicago. Went Around The Foot. The steamer America came from and went to Cape Vincent to-day via the foot of the island, on account of the | time thi season that the Cape steam er has not gone by the head of the island, a most unusual thing. The | weather, he says, has been ly good sinee the spring. May Remain Late. It is not expected that the BR, C. P. ' AL ill TS or ts middle of October, in fact they ma; be kept at the Petewawa camp till a watt Gonth, The wilter+ 1} & he sip Ts repor! | than good. ied do be Bananas, Bananas, Ext choice large fruit, firm, Toe. doz. Crawford's, ns ahd - | oe was addressing a Sunday' school ; spirits, to the very core and root of |' yi the | A pa ts E BR wa In England owing fio one is allowed to men of this country. In Great Britain and the full charge is oy I Boys price. minutes duration. This is a would 'rob the long distance rpms eerie s deposit in advance to guarantee payment i tolls. When the deposit is exhausted it must be before further service will be given. Calling for long distance connections is entirely' by m obtained or not. If the number asked for is in use lo at the moment, an enquiry ! Committee was that por in European countries has been hg wp Seg ddan ihe en ry is sping Govemibent Yost, of the public. There can be only one of three o cither the Government, is purposely driving the business to the einionih, epics on. fs Sl nok inest-mote sapital ina res OR. KON PEDIC 0. 0. Dre Le 241 Matron 8999443 csessee OO®) * School Shoes have the Footwear that stands the. racket with plenty of comfort Wiown § in. And every pair the best to. be. had Bh If you can't bring him send your boy to FL to hold a exacted whether the party is enforced. McDERMOTT'S SHOE 5 het a, noon a FL G. A. BATEMAN ~~ VNISURAMOE BROKER ; DS OF FIRE INSUR A In DISTRICT AGENT SUN LIFE ASSUR- ANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. ©1 CLARENCE STREET, KINGSTON.