HOMESTEAD REGU! a, be ho Who In the sole head ua) acres, more or less. personally 'at ce for the district in tua tion to the Minister ave the Commissioner tion receive authori oatey fon ority for an. EAD DUTIES : A Rranted an eaty Ao ous six months residence upon on of the land in each year Str. North King father is deceased Sligiblé to make wo der the provisions of residence him in the victni a a residence upon the APPLICATION FO be wade at the end of fore the Local Agent, S ng application for patent T_ wive six months' notice at wa, of his Tniatios NADIAN NORTH 6 REGULATIUNS, 3 v to capital. Gh claim. FET 0 slope rises so gently, that old Fort Henry built gallanily braves the same winds which unfurled the flags of rival Tota ith, and without its walls. And the gums--poor dumd ser- vants--their days of usefulness are ended; they still Stead upon their cumbersome , , hgnified, un- bending, caressed a the hands of tourists, seribbled upon with myriads of aw , keeping watch above the entrance to the St. Lawrence, ut- terly useless as fighting material, dis- carded as scrap, and finally abandon ed to their warfare with the ele- ments. Then the moat, the monster ditch encircling the outer wall, dug with enormous expenditure of labdr and money, outti as it were, a mighty patch th the bowels of the carth, once stone-paved and white, is now soggy with marsh growths, The wonderful i uity shown in the defensive qualities of the walls ! There is not a square inch of the ex- terior where an enemy might find a lodging placo. The flanking buttress 8, nd with loc , rake the space immediately beneath the Fis. A score of armoured look- auts for sharp-shooters threaten the enemy's assaults, Even in the moats doftFuctive Bre Sone he oqmiratal on the besiegers, tl fil t ditch above the high water hark, the chances of scaling the inner walls would be indeed slight, as all holds are guarded against. So much for the possibilities of small fire. One can scarcely imagine the awful 'J destruction in days of vore which Fort Henry might have accomplished until a caloulation is made of the innumerable cannon, their sire and quickness of manipulation, The parapet, which would measure hall a mile in circumference (for the fort is truly an immense structure) is broken with Joophole af- ter loophole, and. at every one of these are mounted guns ranging from small to large calibre. . Surmounting the open battlements facing Lake Ontario, eight monster eannon fulk in pitiful © discontent. True, indeed, the small boy takes his hat off with awe-inspired respect, and little girls cling close to theif adult escorts, bat the military man of to- day laughs with an unmistakable note of seorn; he tells vou that with foot- casily ond the vast and masonry into hoast untruthful, for back of its lignity, poor Fort Henry carries no- thing but shallow pretence. Passing. from the works above ground (and no really adequate pen description van be given of they), the subterranean mysteries might stand a little probing. guide accompanies you for safety's sake. Down, down, down, the stairway leading to the invisible | somewhore never seems to end. The 'J lantern twinkles faintly in the close, rusty, chilly aie. The guide is far ahead, and you stumble along the passageway as best' you oan, ing your head to avoid the ceiling, and tripping over rusty shells (happily. empty) and chains and musket stocks. On you go, and it seems that = you | have walked for miles, You Pause. | With your lantern held high; to peer | into a damp, sickening dungeon, and | the guard whispors something about | Yan old prison cell." It is grutsoiit, | but "mighty interesting." Many = a | barred iron door, pnssed on the way, | sends a shiver through one's spine. | Something/ is inside, the guide = in. | forms vou, but he winks wisely and holds his peace. The pitch dark be- } fins to lessen its intensity. A door | ar ahead lots in a quiver of light, | and when you are bevond it- oh, how | gratifying a breath" of pure ozone | fools ! You are conducted to the | magazines, where neither smoking nor | even entrance without rubber boots js allowed, You are shown through the | long-deserted officers' quarters and commander's room, and the lace where his private secretary folded un | the death warrant o Van Schaltz, and handed it to the executioner. Everywhere the of Age, { Poor Van Schultz ! Many an "ald | residenter" of Kingston recalls vivid: | v the duy that the rebel commander | was led captive into { after a trial, hanged in sight of all, Van Schult> was a Pol who figured in the disturbances 37 and 'W. He 'was captured November 15th, 1838, at Prescott. a Kingston foree, costly pile of wloom three-quarters of a century ago, still ! | Thus originated | ed over one day, but of late years con- tiny Maxin, Lr | cetsions were obtained from the gov- hy Ma Eun and the aid of two | ment { three days' celebration. or three shells, he could in halt a day } oF 4 vay lebeqtio Irive every soldier from the fort. and | trips to the little church, many spec- dreamland. Nor is his | season of feasting and gayaty. - To | many," however, 1it still retains its or- | church, Promised to go to the church | the promises. She recovered '&nd made | her pilgrimage as agreed. One' corner | will be engaged cooking in the lumber {son and J. Rush, of Tweed, are: buy- | ing lambs in this vicinity: E. Villneuf of the rebel Col. | nots; Misses Annie and Lizzie Mar- quardt, at T. Ferguson's 'R. Fritech | and sister, Lonis, at George the fort, and. |g ish imumigrant, | America of the Tokyo Kisen Kaisha of | Stegniship tompany sailed to-da; on | San Francisco with a full Yifte oF car by | go and passes and, with elevon | sumption of the traffic of ¢ { The other fwo sfeafuers of that com- { pany, the Nippon and the Hong Kong [of this tontains a coupon for which 9 Iwill go into service A \ | At the beginning of fhe war the three | steamers were changed into auxiliary cruisers and have been in commission in that capacity ever since. Recent! i they were returned to the steamship compan: freight 'and passenger service. i ---------------------- Smith's ae. § A Tine tock of leash. toiled soaps 3} ways on hand at Gibson's Red Cross ed four himdred" "thousand Wollars-- built long 'ago with the surety, even as the masons laid the stone, that one day ol Hh "jee a, the closest study an 3 dpon every {human emotion that is stirred by the ones. prised and 'gow «rumbling to a. OE ie an The actual history of * the fort ik briefly told. Tn 1813 there was a strong fort of logs put up on Point Henry" to defend | dock yards i Navy Bay (west of the fort.) In 1515 16 the two martello towers were built, each surrounded with a palisade. . In 1818-20" stone barcacks 230 jeet long were efected far the use of the har- bor. The . new fort. was begun . in 1832, and finished in" 1836, and was built of limestone. An: adimnoed Lat. tory was constructed fn 1842, and the { final piece of fi on, tho 'niar | tello tower on Cetlar Meldind, wis bik fin 184% by the late Won. Alexander Mackenzie, then a $tobe mason. © It was last used for garrison purposes in 1885, whe the 14th Battalion was on duty thore, Sifice then it has used. for stifing' ammunition, ete, for this and other military dis- triets. No. attempt is, , however, -- up he i i tions, ab though. a stial ant figures in the oF then, iq estimates. now FAITH AND GRATITUDE. | Annual Pilgrimage in Mexico to Saint's Shrine. + j of San Lorenzo, to j Xho ome Ach | made in great sincer exicans | and Indians alike, of x. Rome Ca- { tholie fold. The little church of San | Lorenzo, in the wi | name, was the. Mecca of all who had | pledged gratitude during the past year, The belief, ji well established [na punishment yp fire follows a failure 10 keep the promises: { According to established . custom, | when there is sickness in the family, a voluntary compact is made with - San | Lorenzo, by which the sick one is 'to | make woe sacrifice. or ofier some gilt | in retitn for the restoration of physi- cal powers. If #n eve is affected, or | an arm or the head, the afflicted one | promises a' gold or a silver eyo or arm { or head on condition of a return to | health. Should the' poraon recover, he | considers himanit religious bound to | pay his promise to San Lorenzo and | pay day always eghis August' 10th. the festival of San Lorenzo. In times past it only extend: In addition to those who make duty tators attend and the time becomes a iginal significance. Many and various are the promises made. One woman, who lived a short distance from the on her knees at the next paying of of the old church is set aside for gifts and the variety description. Gold and silver modeled into a re- semblance of part of the body are in plenty, while other gifts show well the religious fervor with which promises are kept, The usual Indian sacrificial 'dance takes place during these colebrations and it, is, weird, strange, picturesque, a reminder of the days of barbarism, when some. uncanny dance was the only religion of the inhabitants. ------e i Eagle Hill Echoes. Engle Hill, Sept. 13.5Berry pickers are plentitul yet. Rev. Irving, of Flin-' ton, held service in the ool house here on Wednesday evening. MN Ready left, Monday, for Sudbury, where. he camps. William John 'also. deft, Mon. day, for "Sunny Alberta.':, Edward Marquardt, with his two danghtess, Annie and Lise, went. 10, Renfrew, on Monday. Miss F, C. Stewart. . spent Saturday at William Jobn's. A. Wil. is spending a few days at Cloyne. Miss Louise' Fritsch, of Denbigh, spent Wednebday at M. Ready'. Visitors : James Connors and Miss 'Annie Con. Fox's; N. levine, at J. lpvine's; F. Chatson and M ss Dora Chatson; at N. John's, Regular Traffic Resumed, pedal the Whig. Fokohati, Sept 15. ~The steamship y for that steamship company, 4 Was a Brother of the Celebra - Kingston Surgeon, Dr. Donald Msclean--A Noble Life Ended. Michigan ncwspapers announéed the death recently of Dr. Charles Maclean, LS. of Hancock, County Hought- om, in that state. The doctor's demise | The Mexicans near the border of | Texas observed last month the feast of the same Pshlm ba song © at ago--~the first break in the family. luven, Yarker, is moving back on his from Penoka, Alberta, much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. William Wal ace spent Sunday and Monday with friends Bros. purchased a fine week, from Alexander Ferguson, Kep. lec. A number from here Hazrowsmith fair Friday. Harry .Cur- ran and Homer Wallace spent Friday at Barrett's Bay, hunting, and report game plentiful. was the guest of her James Curran, this week. nearly all through vicinity. rowsmith, was the Gloria Wallace on Monday and Tues. day Miss Violet Murton has returned to Kingston to resume her studies in the K.B.C,, with her parents here. pnd Mrs. A. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. W. Grant, Kingston, at John Grant's. Janson) - Westport, and Dickinson, this week, EC -- "Ogone Solution' Special Offer. There is just one way by which you ers. This marks the ve | can get a package of "Celery King" regular trans-Pacifio | free with a bottle of "Ozone." That is ask yoor draggist for Ozone (the coupon kind)". Each bottle LATE DR. C. MACLEA TWO SISTERS RESIDE "KINGSTON, ee has caused genuine and respect odd years. after one brief eight young. children mourn a and father, the d felt on all sides. 7 Charles, Bruce, Donald, roy, Kenneth and Alan. Canadians have, hy death; lost one of Gillian-Fitz- Dr. Maclean's their worthiest been associated with be was over considerate, Uharlee Maclean, eldest brother was the late Dr. Don- géon, who died two surviving brothers and their loss, are Mrs. Falkner, Manito- Kingston; Dr, - Archibald Salt Lake City, Utah. dies were prosecuted at Ann Arbor Un- iversity, where ' he graduated with honors, dental surgery being his- spe cialty. but some hours later viglent hic- doughing set in and became uncon: trollable, sapning the patient's very strength. Realizing that death was ap- préaching, the sufferer prepared _ to meet. the grim messenger, with the same Christian fortitude which had characterized him from he 'hade his loving, griefstricken wile, who had scarcely left his side through the trying week, and his eight 'child «ren, good-bye, giving special direc tions: to each for future guidance, and comforting them by assurances thal he was "not afraid to die," and "only a bw short vears and we will all be together again." He recited the Secot- tish Version of the twentv-third Psalm learned ap his mother's knee, in their presence, and requested that favorite 'his funeral, con- cerning which he calmly made the ar- rangements, particularly desiring that praver be offered, and ga few earnest words be said bv the Rev. Mr. Could. pastor of the Congregational church, where the family worshipped, in addi tion to the Masonic service. Thus fear lessly did the late Dr. Charles Mac- Jean depart to '"the hetter country," "Peace, perfect peace," was the cose of ia life of energy and activitv, in which was incorporated much loving service to evervone, Refore Cherles Maclean was nine teen years of age he had, with great skill and bravery, saved over a score of lives from drowning at the risk of his own. The scenes of these feats over which there was no egotistical hravado whatever, were the river Mo- ira, at Belleville, Lake Ontario, at Kingston. and the Ann Harlor, Mich: The floral tributes flled the Was, nic hall, where the doctor's romans Inv in state, They wers laid to resi in T.akeside cemetary, Wancock, bevide those of his eldest danchter, ane Camphell Maclean, who died two vears river Huron at Game Is Plentiful. Mutvale, Sept. 13.--Michael Van- place formerly rented by John Grant. iss Annie Purdy has returned home in Brownsville, N.Y. Purdy horse, last attended Mrs. Dunn, Newboro, sister, © Mrs. Farmers are threshing in this Miss Georgie Randall, Har- guest of Miss after week Visitors : Mr. Spending a Mrs. Harriet Isabel Spencer; (nee ichard W. in Athens were married widespread sorrow throughout the entire ogmmu- nity of the copper region, where he of = all, for nigh twenty Cut off at the age of forty-five years * week's illness, from appendicitis, and leaving a widow and to miss and most affectionate hushand t sympathy is daughters are Misses Dora and Lillias, and the sons, 'Old Boys" -- one whose name hus ever TOUS, Straightforward dealing, unselfish and selfsacrifising to the last degree, He was a devoted son to his aged moth- er, and beloved by every member of his father's family, of whose interest The late Dr. Chardes Maclean was the youngest of the family of the late of Kingston. The ald Maclean, Detroit, the eminent sur- vears ago. The sisters, who, with 'the mother, are inconsolable at ba: Mrs, Browett. and Mrs. Paterson, Maclean, Leadville, Col., and Dr. Alex. Maclean, Belloville, was the birthplace of Dr. Charles Maclean, but his medical stu- The operation at St. Joseph's Hos- pital. for appendicitis was successful, boyhood, Summoning his family to his bedside TY ss-- "MEATS THAT SATISFY" i ---- 'Canped Meats are the best of appetizers. When you get tired of roasts and stews and steaks, you will find what the appetite craves in : LAING'S Canned Meats 40 different kinds--seasoned by a ¢hef who knows how to win pampered tastes, Something new and something good for every meal--ready to serve- -and écofiomical. . Let us know if your grocer does not : handle Laing's Corned Beef, Ox Tongue, Devyilled Meats, and the rest < THE'LATHG PACKING & PROVISION C0. LIMITED. to Tempt the Appetite. MOKRTREAL. ---- -------- GOODS here, aside, after hard service,' "It gave satisfaction." me ns a whole lot it 6¢¢ than that it looked well whea 1t was new, as inferior clothing often does. You c. n a'ways say, "It gave satisfaction" about our Suits and Overcoats, as they never fail to do so. We also offer Uncommon values in Raincoats, Hats, Caps, etc. ig Jos. Abramson, The People's Clothier 180 Princess Street, Between Redden's and WHAT ABOUT YOUR FALL SHOES ? Don't buy until you have seen ours. leathers, newest lasts, best fitters, best wearers. Invictus, for Gents, $350 to $5 Victoria, for Ladies, $2.75to $4.50 BusinessTlen Will find a large and attractive stock of FALL We bave the latest style suits in all th: rewest and swellest fabrics. The greatest compliment that can be paid a Suit or Overcoat is to have the wearer say when he lays it That wibrd's Groceries. Newest CHOCOLATES | Ganong's Canadian Chocolates -- AT © A.J. REES', SALE OF HOUSEHOLD 6000S, For the next monih, on account of improvements. on premi wo have decided to offer our eotire stock AT NEARLY COST PRICE, consisting of Heaters, Ran aud House Furnishings of endless variety and in first-class condition, including a large number of very fi 'We mean business. It will pay to come and see L. LESSES, ©7522 frincess ane ne Mahogany Pieces; ete. Princess St. fi ges and Pug Btoves, Furniture Chatham Streets, Kingston 4000 00 + * 3 * 000000000000 0000 0000 : Wo Carry In Stock INGOT COPPER. ANTIMONY & TIN & THE CANADA METAL CO, TORONTO. C090 000000000000 00 0000000 ST------ LONG-LIVED FAMILY. Seven Qld People Whose Circle is Unbroken, "Solution of A remarkable instance of longevity in a whole family has come Wider no- tice in the village of Ufford, near Woo . " to tice in the little village of Ufford, ar the cy ve send you ory Kine Neat, Pack: ' pear Woodbiidge, in Suffalk. Amonget "Ozone" without "Celory King" if you the 500 inhabitants of that rural Tt is want the best résults. We are: putting Y jooupons in "Ozone" good for "Celery King" because no other dealer or firm y and will resume their regular in the world has the right to manu- : -- & i and ho other Nmedy in the old wil ted that Chi weet, of give such good results. "Ozonei' kills 'he Yo! . alls, has resigned, and his [the inside germs and #Celery King" is Wo-thirds of position offered to Chief Ryan, Gan- [a tonic laxati "Celery King" but ourselves ative, Ask your druggist for (Ozone {tha conpor kind)" ma { a; Fld $5 by the Public Drug company, aay locality ave numbered a family of six brothers and ome sister whose united ages. yield the amazing 516 years, or an average of 73} years per person. The eldest of the septette was born so long ago as 1824, and the youngest in 1542, and during the te of a century which hds elapsed since the last comer was ush- "Solution" of ered into the world 'the family chain nufactur. Nas been unbroken hy death. The two- octogendirian sons who head the list Bridgeburg; Ont. are eighty-one and dighty, respective. or kidney de commended for bilious at tual. consti difions of the system. Large bottles 25¢. McLeod's drug store. hi -- ly; the soptuagenarians include a daughter of seventy-cight and twe sons of seventy-seven and seventy- four; while the remainder' are sixty- four and sixty-two years old. This may not be a unique family, perhaps, but it ig, nevertheless, a remarkable one, especially when it is remembered that the seven aged folks form part of a sparse population. 1 Sr-------------- McLeod's Aperient Salts. An effervescing laxative beneficial in the treatment of sick headache, liver derangement. Specially re i- 2 tion dnd all feverish con- Lifebuoy Soap ~ disinfectant ~ is recommended by the medical as a safeguind agoibst ine 7JENRY P. 8S ARCHITEC Square. 345, PRIVATE TUITION MISS EMILY ALLEN, B.A, D sires pupils for Private Tuition elementary and advanced subjects. F farther information, apply at 2 Alfred St. Students May Fall Term Enter Any Time Sept. 5th Kingston Business Gollege Head of Queen St. Kingston - - Ont A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL. +. Established in 1883 .. Practical, com; thorough, individual {nstruction pe all commercial sub jects. Open throughout the whole year, Write, call or telephore for terms and cata- H. F.METCALFE, knncpal #$0000000000000000000K VOICE CULTURE FRANCIS VON BUHL, Concert Barit Teacher of Vocal Physiology an the Art of Singing. Formerly a Studeat of Delasco, Ita and of the Vocal Physiology School Emil Behnke and nnox Browne, L. don, Eng.; late Vocal Instructor at M College, Michigan, U.S.A. Vocal Studio new, Room "A." at I TB. MERAY. Williams Piana CUo., Warerooms, Princess St, M. A. College, May 24th, 190! During the last year Prof. Francis \ Buhl has been teaching voice culture the M. A. College. In the early part the winter he gave a. Recital in College Chapel. At this, the naturaln and ease of his voice production ct mended itself 0 me, and the smoothn of especially the French and Ital songs was very pleasing. Mr. Vop B has supplemented marked™natural abi) with serious and 'conscientious stu The result is his technique is aocur and masterful, while his interpretatio poetic, broad, and sympathetic. As a teacher, Mr. Von Buhl is v much liked by his pupils, who give | great praise and consider they have m excellent progress under his nstrucy Very respectfully signed, "LOUISE FREYHOFER, Head of the Piano Dept., M.A CALLING GARDS "ENGRAVED FROM COPPER PLATE Ie TT 1 | | | | | The British Whiz | NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS WHIG WORK IS GOOD WORK p WE ALSO DO . STEEL DIE EMBOSSING : FS SH SER 00EE0I00EOOO008 | BOOS WOO00000TO000000000 "renee OAL That is the kind we well-Th kind you should burma If you wan & satisfaction fire. We are filling orders mow fo winter supplies. Have you ordere yours yet ? 'Phone. No, 138, BOOTH&CO CEMENT WALK We witli be pleased; t) ft raish estimates and comstract your Douglas &? Mellquha 155Nelson Street. 2b ddd p Money City and Debentures. i pur