EE ------ | Co LIMITED CANADA INGCEMENT TOMERS NGEMENTS TO $25." AND OVER Quebec, New Bruns- Island, on all aoods Vo. 71, with the ex- , Mattresses, Refrig- arriages, Sugar and ALOGUE IT WILL PAY E ON REQUEST tisfactory or Money Refunded. Q.... " CANADA { The Difference Between Expert and | Unskilful Tea Blending HE qualities of different teas prove that there is a distinct difference between expert Red Rose blend- i ing methods and the usual methods. Several kinds of teas may be blended, but if unskil- fully selected they will not combine to make a perfect blend ; they will retain their original individual character- istics with their roughness and harshness emphasized, Such tea is bitter, poorly flavored in the cup (and there is mich of it in bulk and package form on the market): It emphasizes the result of inexperience, lack of knowledge of combining qualities of different teas, imper- fect blending, poor selection, and the hundred and one other causes of poor tea. But my expert Red Rose blenders select the right grades of strong, rich Indian teas and delicate fragrant Ceylon teas, and produce Red Rose Tea with entirely new characteristics--a tea with that "rich fruity flavor" a tea so exquisitely different and better than any brand of Ceylon alone, that no one who once tries it ever goes back to Ceylon again, Red Rose Te a is good Tea T. H. Estabrooks St. John, N.B., Toronto, Wintipes NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- second floor over Mahood's drug store, corner cess and Bagot streets. Enterance on Bagot street. Telephone G08. ARTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT, fic site of New Drill Hall, near cor ver of Queen and Montreal 8 ee e---------------------------------------------------------- POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets: (Phone 213. 1ENRY P. Sura, ARCHITECT. ete., Anchor ng, Market Square. 'Phone, 845 MONEY ANTy BUSINESS. JVERPOOL, LONDON A AND GLOBE Fire Available pany addition to holders: have for security the united Hability all the ers. Farm and city . | property Insured at lowest possible Underwear that is sewn togethe rates. Before renewing oid or wiving never satisfactory or comfortable--scaq new business get rates from Strange | Low, Susiness aut, chafe the body and rip after every secon washing. "All Household Roads Lead to Kitchen Work only a skilled mechanic that it is a strong man's when the wind is ina ranges whose work is so e-racking worry lest the y» a child can shake it } a minute ; its heat is big baking and hardly e kitchen cool ; it saves es you backaches and able. ndora uses and Factories: Toronto, Montreal, eg, Vancouver, , N.B., Hamilton Agents. rE LATES | dian Chocolates Princess St. Ceetee Underwear is not cut out of » roll of cloth but every garment is widened and narrowed on the machine to the shape of 'the limbs or body. Does away with all rough, galling seams. { JUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON | buildings and contents than any oth- | er company offers. lxamine -them at | i Usixisy surance Emperium, Mark- ** Seuars. «Is madeof thefimest Australian wool 0 from two and three ply yarn CALLING CARDS} | Ere .ENGRAVED_FROM - COPPER PLATE} Made at Galt, Canada, by The C. TURNBULL CO., Limited, and sold by all reliable retailers. . > Nothing destroys the symmetry of the neck | and shoulders so much | as Goitre. In our | «+ GOITRE SURE CURE We have an infallible home remedy for this distressing and dis tiguring trouble. It removes the swelling, des eliminating the se trom the sye- . Price $2.00 external and internal treatment complete, express pajd. We have home treatments for most skin, scalp and complexional troubles, except SUPERFLUOUS HAIR | | | Moles, Ruptured Veins. ! Birth-Marks, etc. The NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF & TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS | WIG WORK IS GOOD WORK Fr eR RRR RRR * WE ALSO DO oe = esos I STEEL DIE EMBOSSING during the summer for treatment. Four skil- ful operators: satisfaction guaranteed. Con- sultation invited at office or by mall. Send stamps for booklet "K "and sample cream | GRAHAM DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE | $02 Church 8t., Toronto Estab. 1892 bed FREE br EER bb Sd © 9 D@ODEE @ FEET E PEERED IRE IF POPOPOS VIPEPITRIOO® YOVORe British Wi WE HAVE | | Just received another import- NOW i 1 the ti 1 ation of | es Ph renavation and every ome Who Tennant's Celebrated German | intends to buiia or Pilseuer and Munich Beer Eo : tall on us and see This Lager has met with wond- | our erful i | aie faralshines success on the Canadian | and receive helpful market. It is absolutely pure. | Win xmore avies and detailed prices {All our material is first class and pur Selis for $1.60 Doz. | roriman sre sills" mechanics: { Fey pes . David Hall, JAS. McPARLAND 66 Brock Street. 'Phone 35. 339 and 341 King St. i -------------------------------------------------------------------- _'Phone 274. An Honest Guarantee We guarantee OUR milk to be AB- SOLUTELY pure; put up in sterilized 1t is the best. Try it. Kingston Milk Depot i Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts, | "Phone 567. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES? ALL THE COMFORTS oF HOME (COME TO Ry taking your meals HALLIDAY ELECTRIC COMPANY | bottles, Specialists in Diseases of Motors and Dynamos and all Electric Troubles. "Phone 94. | DON'T KEEP BACHELOR'S HALL | While your wife is at the sea-side She Would rather have you enjoy | THEY SEE THINGS wg i wv EEA ee aa THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER te. ug in » dat dreams, a. that ho had been appointed, and, at last, could not be persuaded. that he had i not been appointed, although the of-' the Mind," warns portrait painters | against oultivating wu similar faculty. He cites the case of' William Blake, Many Lunstics in the World Qut- It will probably be equally astonish- ing to most people to discover how many people there are outside . the and when he wished to continue the first portrait he taok the subject inta his mind, and mentally placed him on . : " . . suspened his painting to examine the bitually' saw 'all the creatures of his pose, ote., and, 8x he said, "Every i are told, inevitably led up to the "vi zine. Sometimes the illusion was so dy I $ fte A io sions" which became so celebrated and strong that after a story was linish- resulted 'in Blake's. confinement for ed the imaginary persons remained < : k ; i in for Sew og thirty vears in Bethlehem Asvium. visibly with him for several days and Sir. Teane Newt Bowever, oper refused to be dismissed. Mr. laine in 2 3 na vhis i v with tine nolas his work *'De I'lntelligence'"' mentions ven m 1G the k the a very curious case of this Kind. * Une | SPECtrum, anc ithe he = A . r ne : pA . of the most exact and lucid of modern of flowers, withov V i result, But perhaps the most striking instance of this kind of voluntary hallucination is that recorded hy an intimate friend of the actor Talma. Langlois states that the great tragedian told him that whenever he entered on the stage he was acougtomed by fore of will to novelists," he says, "when imagina- tively working out the poisoning of one of his characters had so vivid a gustatory sensation of arsenic that he wag attacked by a violent fit of in digestion 1' The leading case of poh insane bal: lucination is the account related to, | make his brilliant audience disavpear the Royal Society of Berlin by the | and to substitute for them a house celebrated bookseller, Nicolai, . cap | fll of skeletons, The emotion which cerning some experience of his own. these ghastly creatures of his own im At a time when his nervous system agination excited served, he declared, to give additional foree to his imper sonation, was slightly overstraihed in conse quence of some anxiety and emotional disturbance, he one day seemed to per- ceive the figure of a corpse about ten yards distant from him. Next day the corpse disappeared, but was replaced by a number of liv- ing figures, some being of friends whom she recognized, but most of them being strangers. These figures appeared to him as clear and life, in company or in by day as well as at night, as well as abroad. He was perfectly well aware all the time that they were mere phantoms, and he adopted what he thought proper measures for getting nd of them, After remaining with hip for about four weeks in silence the figures be gan to talk, and he distinctly heard them speak, sometimes to one another and sometimes to himself. But. one day, after the application of leeches to his head, all the figures complete: ly disappeargd and he never after ward had any repetition of the uncan- likenesses distinct as solitude, at home ny experience, A patient of Dr, Maudsley was so annoyed by voices 'which he heard MISS JANE HOUSE, One of the most famous ADDANS, oF CHICAGO , HULL continually addressing unpleasant re marks to him that he bought a musi. cal box in order to circumvent them. He used to wind this up and place it under his pillow every night when he went to bed, but unfortunately, as 'oon as the instrument ran down the reformers and settlement warkers of this country whom Justice Brewer has suggested as candidate for Mayor of Chicago DEPOSITOR WINS BET. voices were heard again, and they eT 71 : co. ogam, and. WV goerdraft Honored Under Peculiar would even sometimes wake him up after. he had fallen asleep. Another Circumstances. very distressing hallucination was des- Kansas City Star, cribed by Pr. Elam in a perfectly © often receive peculiar requests calm and sensible manner by a lady | for overdrafts." said a bunker the who consulted him. She frequently other day. "A client whose standing saw objectionable persons standing | #ccount had never "exceeded £1,000, not far « making faces at her und requested us to grant him an over sometimes throwing stones. She knew draft of $4,000. saying that he was ite well that it was not real, buat jot able to offer an explanation at the sensation was so strong that she the present, but assured us that at was occasionally obliged tto go to | RO time would the bank be in any as the overdraft her mirror before herself that her ed. she could w.sure head was not wound This proved to be a meroly tran- danger of losing. would not be "After some hesitancy but stipulat: real we consented d certain conditions and sitory condition, due to a depressed $ reserved the privilege of refusing if state of the system, and it passed completely away thout attalnin these conditions were not followed O etely a w ou attamng "eg ¢ I a) 1 Ang Shortly after his departure a well any more serious aspect. o x ) dressed gentleman came in and hand Many persons. who have auditory teller a check for ed to our paying hallucinations never have visual nes, i \ } £5,000, bearing the signature of our d vice verse ey Sometimes oc ll ots a, but hg N tim or client, and with it a letter requesting cur In combination. r. Abereromibnef Lt, honor the cheek with cash records a very queer case, A clergy man fifty-six years of age, who had been accustomed to rather high living, This letter was we imposed. for me of the conditions r safety. Still feel taking a chance, r A ing that we wer the was one day seized with vertigo | teller asked what denominations he and vomiting, and ferseveral days af- | josired. He replied, and the money terward complained Kthat he perpen | was passed out to him. After hold ally heard tunes in his head, most ing the currency a moment in his distinctly played, and in accurate sue- | hands, he returned it with a request cession. At the same time he experi | for the cheek, which he destroyed Ix enced a rare and remarkable affection | fore us. dulgence of this practice, as well as of Hinchenbrooke on Nestlé's Food, be- | y uiieir cause it contains all | Cobourg .... 0 the food properties { Maxville ...... of rich, creamy cow's | Peterboro milk--in a form that jtichmond , swell : oo tiny babies can as | Lansdowne ay similate. Delta Ready for the Lot- Avonmore Renfrew He by ang er McDonald's Corners oi © Hew to prepare it, Marmora Casnpbellford 5 Bowmanville Maberly .. . Lakefield .. . Colborne . 84 L'Amable Oct. 4 Carp Oct. 4. Bancroft Oct. 4-5. Beachburg . Oct. 4-6. Odessa Oct. 6. Norwood . Oct, 11, Fenelon Falis . Oct. 19, makes sturdy, heal. ' thy babies. FRI: E y The Bay of SAMPLE (sufficient Quinte Insurance com- IROQUOIS 'HOTEL. WM. KURRAY, The Auctioneer pany, presented Judge Widdifield, the for 8 meals) sent to retiring: secretary, with a eulogistic moti on request. | address. THE LEENWS, BLES CO, Lid, The faint heart that ne'er won fair WOSTREM. lady may live to congratulate itself, ------------------------------------ OF Ar Try A (APE VINCENT FAIR PEOPLE WHO ARE VICTIMS fe in" the meantime had "never - be PROVED. AN \N UNQUALIFIED OF HALLUCINATIONS. i, Wien 400, in. Mis: "Duality of } SUCCESS, Many Visitors in Pretty Little side Asyluns--- Man Whol o began by painting portraits from © Yankee Town--Good Fishing Heard Tunes Played. a single sitting of each subject during About There--Polling Places A patient in Colney Hatch once | which he looked at the model atten Named. rgps in the Vicinity slyly remarked that it was astonish: | tively for half an hour and made an Poor, \ ing to find how many lunatics there | ,oasional sketch off the canvas. He i y a were in the world outside the asylums. | bo passed on to the next person, Cape Vincent, Sept. 14.--Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bowe and daughter have re. turned from' a visit to the Toronto fair. Many of the crops in this vicin- asylums who are subject to pronoun- the sitter's. chair. He could then, it ity are very poor. There will be less ced hallucinations, : ; : appears, see the person as distinotly than hali the ordinary potato sop We know from Forster's life of as if he were really there, He would | Work on the extension of the pulp Dickens that that great novelist ha- wood conveyors of the Pentecost Lum ber company across the eastern por imagination as if they were © real time 1 cast my eve on the chair I see | tion of Broadway is about completed. beings, and that he even heard them » ma E exeorcins 1A large number from this place at * the man." This abnormal exercise, we " speak, says the Humanitarian Maga- tended the fair held at Watertown last week. E. Hartness has gone to { Watertown, where he will learn the Joseph | Wiley, Al plumbing trade. bany, is visiting 'relatives and friends tin the village. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Gardner returned from a visit to Rich ville, Monday. L. B. Fijux, who has been spending several days at dace, left for Cleveland, Ohio, Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Crabb have re- turned to New York, after a short visit here. Mrs. G. M. Phillips and little son have returned to their home at Rose Hill, after visiting relatives here. The new pipe organ placed in St. John's church, manufactured by the Estey company, Brattleboro, Vt. EK. electrician at the electric light plant, is taking a vacation. i. Strawbridge, employed in Bailey's barber shop for to he will be Organ Cross, several vears, has left for Picton, Ont., where he has similar employ: ment. The Lambda Sigma, society of the Cape Vincent high school, and their friends, made a pleasant trip to the islands Saturday afternoon At the game of ball played at the: fair grounds, Sunday afternoon, the Laur entiane, of this village, beat the "bunch" of Watertown, 9 to 6. G. Cody, who has been in the Sist hospital at Watertown, recovering from an injury to his leg, caused by the bite of a dog, has returned home The Cape Vincent Mutual Proeective Association held a meeting at Rose boom's hall, Wednesday evening, last week, and elected G. Chapman, presi dent; E. B. Moore, vice-president; 8S. Vincent, secretary-treasurer; J, Do teur, salesman. Members will be re- ceived up to October 1st. Miss I Bodette has returned from a visit her sister at Adams. Miss Eva Clark, Watertown, is as sisting in the central telephone office, this village. A Wiley is attending the Caznovia seminary. Miss E. Gravelle, and Master J. Keiff, Syracuse, am guests of T, Gibson, The town board met last week and designated the following polling places for the coming election in November Village, firemen's building ; Miller's Bay, White's store, Rogicre, Brady's blacksmith shop. A larze number of our people at tended Haggenheek's wild animal show at Watertown, Monday. Miss OC, Hilts, this village, is teaching in the Sandy Creek high school. Fg, Grantg this vil lage, is again teacher of mathematics in the Gouvernenr high school. LL. R Dezengremel is slowly recovering from a long and serious illness. The Gorm | and-Ford theatre company are playing this week at Oddfellows' hall. T. Hol lister, New York, is the guest of his cousin, Mrs, E. De Valin, this village. The fishing still continues good at this | place. Good catches of bass and pick i are brought in. to -The fair, which opened Tuesday, bids fair to be a success if the weath er continues favogable, Never before in the history of the society has there | been such an exhibition of vegetables, fruits, horses, cattle, ete., and" the at tractions are first class. The first day was pleasant and the programme carried out, The number of people on the grounds was up to the average in numper for the first day. Yesterday (Wednesday), which was the day, started in rainy and it was de cided to continue the fair Saturday Hbwever, the storm cleared up by the afternoon, and a good-sized crowd was was second of vision, seeing all objects inverted, | "On the following day our client | PTY, No races Wo held ne bull as a photographer does in a camera. | thanked us for the courtesy and | games. Today {Thuiaday), Wy ie ony Bon vivant clergymen, however, maVv | waived the overdraft privilege, say of the best days, as the ja are ii be relieved to learn that aftar a «ifort | ing that he had no further use for good clagses, and the ball games be time the unwelcome music ceaswl an1]it. He had. with him a check for | *Veo" the clu from Brantford, Ont. external objects resumed their normal | 85,000, which' he deposited. This he end the Syracuse team, will draw a position. had won from his friend on a bet large crowd. The exhibition is good An incipient form of hallucination | He had bet that he could negotiate | '™ ¢Very particular, and compares fay shows itself in the practice common | an overdraft for that amount with orably with the county fairs general enough among children, and familiar- J ont' first explaining that it was a lv held. Friday and Saturday will be lv known ae "sceing faces in the | bet and the nature of it, and his | good daye with good trotting and fire." Dr. Abercrombie, with perhaps | friend. wagered that no hank would | baseball games an excess of caution, thinks the in- | trust him for that amount.' LESS CRIME IN NEW YORK the habit of day dreaming, or build Fall Fairs. : ing castles in the air, to be distinctly | ottawa Than Last Year Says Commis- dangerous. He savs it sometimes | London . sioner McAdoo. leads to an nnshakeable belief in the Biuckville .... Specinl to the Whig : real existence of the visions and quotes] joverary New York, Sept. 10.--The residents as a ease in point, an instance known | Perth of the aristocratic parts of the west to him of a man who very much wish. | South Mountain side find iv rather difficult to give ed to be avpointed to a certain office; Xugdville eredence to the authoritive state Berwick ment of Commissioner MeAdoo, that Almonte : Sori ome. there is less crime in this city now Newington Sept. 19.20 | than there was last year. During the Stirling Sept. 49-20, | past week about half a dozen houses . Lyndhurst Sept. 19-20. | of wealthy families, spending the sum Babies Napanes . mer out of town, were visited by . Cobden burglars and completely eleansd ont Thrive frankiord In nearly every case the burglars car Metcalle ried off everything of any value, in cluding jewelry, silverware, valuable pictur % and bric-a-brac, etc, and in oven loaded the most some eases they valuable furniture on waggons and carted them away. Not only has the boldness of the burglars and thieves assume 1 appalling properties, but there has been a fearful increase in the num ber of murders and other crimes since last year. But, Brutus MeAdoo says, "The number of erimes has decreas this year," and Brutus MeAdoo is an honorable man. Public Opinion Is Changing. In every quarter there is a manifest hostility to cough mixtures, which us- ually contain opium, tocane and other harmful drugs. Doctors now recom- mend Catarrhozone; they know that for coughs, bronchitis and throat trouble "Catarrhozone" is safe apd sure. ---------- Always look a mule in the face when you have anything to say to him. thief Taken promptly and faithfully AMCOIng to direc- tions will not only invariably prevent Consumption but will never fail to cure any of these lesser diseases which are always the forerunners of Consumption. Coxsgcoy, May goth, It affords me pleasure to speak of. the merits of Psychine, which I found to be a marvelous tonic and tissue builder. | was taken down with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs. In fact, I believe I was never free from colds for months previous, and tried many of the com:ion cure-alls and chedp nostrums you see advertised, Lut obtained no relief. I had then learned that suck remedies are merely palliative and not curative preparations. Friends advised Psychine, and after taking several bottles I became sound and strong again. Scores of my friends have been saved much suffering with Psychine, and I voluntarily give permission for the publication of this statement, ©. W. MORRISON. Psychine (Pronounced Si-keen.) For sale at all drug stores, $1.00 per bottle. ir Four druggist hasn't Psychine in stock call 'at Dr. Slocum, Limited, 179 King street, west, Toronto, and a large sample bottle will be given you free as a test. To persons living outside of Toronto a sample mailed upon request, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Stomach Cramps, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, - Seasickness, Summer Com- plaint, and all Looseness of the Bowels may be rapidly and effectually cured by the use of : DR. FOWLER'S Extract of Wild Strawberry, The medicine with a record of cures extending over 60 years. You don't experiment when you buy it. Miss MARY STRONG, Strongville, Ont., writes: 'I feel it a pleasure to tell of what Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry has done for me. I have had Summer Complaint several times and have never had to take more than 3 or 4 doses before being cured." Mrs. Evias A. Moring, Hortonville, Ont., writes : "I could fill a whole column citing the virtues of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. It has been my firm friend for years, and once it saved the life of one of my little gnes. 1 would not be without it." Reruse SusstiTutes.--Price 35¢.--THEY'RE DANGEROUS. TT SANDS of meu as confined ot the Primioledls have forged their own Shalus by the wicss of carly youtlt, [2 exposure to coutagious d the excesses of manhood. RA 'They feel they are not the prove iho di tabaos used to be. The vim, vigor, and vitality of manhood are lacking. Are FOU Barvous and eat ? tired in the m morhiag 1 have you work ? have you little am- a you irritable aud excitable? aggard looking 7 memory poor on nag back wit Gramm an and losses at night 7 deposit in urine? weak sexually 7~you have Nervous Debility end Seminal Weakness. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT is guaranteed 2 Cure or No Pay. 25 years in Detroit. 4 ¢ Security. Beware of gq Consultation Home T' : feilablp FO tans. Free. te for Question Blank for despond: 10 force yourself through the da diloa and rr estoy Er rl cd "SALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC For the next month. on account of improvemetts on premises, we have decided to offer our entire stock AT NEARLY COST PRIOE. consicting of Heaters, Ranges and Pug Stoves, Furniture and House Furpishings of endless variety and in first-class condition, includiog a large number of very fine Mahogany Pieces, ete. We mean business. It will pay to come and see L. LESSES, "prot rincsssand Bargains in Bicycle Tires We have an ove: supply in first quality Bicycle Double Tube Tires. Regular price, per set $8. You can have $6.50 ALL SALES FOR CASH. themthis week for .........c.00evrisnna J. B.C. DOBBS & 00., 171 WELLINGTON STREET, Outer Cases only, regular price $3. This TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE, TO RENT, REPAIRED.