Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Sep 1905, p. 8

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| THE NEWEST CABINET PHOTO OF HIS EXCELLENCY. The Right Honorable Sir Albert Henry Grospe, Earl Grey, Present Gover- nor-Genera: of the Deminion of Canada. Sent to All "FE DIAMOND DYES, Tt will interest the ladies of Canada to leicn that a Montreal artist has specially prepared for the manufactur ory of DIANOND DYES an order for the most reeent photo of "our very popular Governor-General, These eah- vhos inet photos are worthy of a place in any parlor or sitting-room, Please note well the conditions. One Jhoto will be sont free of cost to ench dy who sends hey full post office ad drecs nnd four of the inner envelopes which contain DIAMOND DYE of any volor, Envelopes of other makes of pack age dyes will not be acorpted. This offer will be valid until Novem. Ler 30th, 1908. Send in your address the | 8b one with the four empty envelopes, #5 that you may get this photo with ont delay. : Wells & Richardson Co., Limited 200 Mountain Street, Montreal, Que, NOTICE TO CREDITORS "In the Estate of Samuel at Foe, Late of the City of King- ston, in the County of Front- enae, Doctor of Medicine, De- ceased, " : of | NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN PUR- to Sec, 88 of Chap, 129, RS.0, that all persons having claims of on must ant Wt are required to send hy ont, hee p id or eliver to the undarsbn: ° elicitor for t Ghecular ast %ill and tos nL of the sald deceased, oi or before the eleventh day of October P05, their christian and surnames and ad. Fokben With full particolars in writ ng their elatmx, a th a statement of nature of the ) ho by them, duly uory dec tion. 160 that after the said of October the said execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets uf the said deceased am the persons having regard nly ta h shall then utors shall not nor will be liable for das "in, or any part thereof. to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not been received hy them or hy Fi Hh any 1 verified by stat And take nn day n oper date of + Heatal, $16 river fenaed have their said Solicitor ut the thme of such distribution JOHN MUDIE, 89 Clarence street, Kingston, Ont, Solicitor for the execu. t ors. Dated September 11th, 1005, | : "THERE IS A TIME § FOR ALL THINGS." ¢, Now, while prices are § low, is the time to fill ¢ | your coal bin with best ¢ | quality SCRANTON COAL from P. Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. vewenwwe | THE HUMID SUMMER { Has Been Good For New York's { | Mosquitoes. | fpecial to the Whig : . | New York, Sept. 1L-The excessive 'wimidity of this sumone hag been vighly favorable to the inerease in | the number of mosquitos and other | cermin in this part of the country and | articularly mosquitoes and fleas, have econie an unbearable pest in Greater New York amd its suburbs. The other tight a policeman passing the Congre tional chirch in Mount Vernon, noticed a dim light ia the building. Susteot'ngy burglars he began to in estigate. Climbing through on window hich hy found open, he discoversd hat the light came from a small "amp in a room back of the pulpi Mm a cot in that room, shades of Velour Couches, only shades of Tapestry Couches, Rue, Plush Banded Couches. and Imitation Leathor in great a0We wna in Parlor Suits, we intend oni next week. Wf the church. The policeman awaks «d the minister und asked him how ame to be there at that time, The stor explained that on his retuen 'rom his vacation that dav he had fornd bis home so full of fleas that it would have been impossible for him to sleep there, Other peords had simi- lar experiences, but not all of them were so fortunate a= to have a con: venient harbor of refuge, Visit Canadian Cities--The Showing of the Y. 'M.C.A.--To Take Up Work at Brighton. Rev, GU. ¥. J, Sherwood, formerly of Ont, has been made rector of St. Jude's church, Buffalo, N.Y. i Rev, Mr. George's church, Goderich, was offered the ad of rural dean of the county of Miron, but declined, Rev, Herbert A. Youtz, Ph.D). of Chicago, has accepted a call to the a the Congregational College > Rov, W. A, Gustin, M.A., rector of Sp. Mark's church, Port Hope, Ont, has acoptod 4 call to the rectory. of Bt. Andrew's church, Peoria, 111. "Oh, Lord, thou hast rejected us," was beginning of a psalm sung at wpening of the Free Church Commis ion of Agsembly in Edinburgh month, Nicholas Walsh, Cincinnati, has giy- en $100,000 to complete the Roman Catholic cathedral at Covington, Ken- tucky, upon which £300,000 has been already expended. Rev, J. J, Rice, Peterboro, has been the Rev. T. J, Bdmison, The Bishop of Huron has Rev, T, GG. A, Wright, B.A., Thames ford, to be rector of St. Thomas' church, Walkerton, in place of Rev. S. F. Robinson, removed to Strathroy. Dr. Francis E, Clark, founder and head of the Christian Endeavor Sod ry. is sid to have suffered a serious relapse and ix very much broken in health, at his summer home near Portland, Maine, * According to the figures published by Rev. Dr, Cornish, general confer (hoe stativian, the membership of the Methodist church in Canada, now reaches increase for the cornerstone of a new $50,000 Methodist. church in the west end of Toronto will be hold, on Saturday, by Rev. Chanoellor Burwash, in the pre fence of the most proninent Metho- dists of Toronto, The Dean of Canterbury has heard and believes there is great truth in it, that the practical wisdom of the Seot. tinh a began at the time of the reformation, when the Book of Pro- verbs was hammered into-the heads of the children, At Bicknell, Indiana, an attempt to arrest Rev. John Roe, an aged minis ter, for failure to pay his dog tax, led to a riot. A number of promin- ent citizens participated and assault- ed Town Marsha! Hi, injuring him severely. The tax was later paid by Rev. Dr. Torrey and his singing com- pasion, Mr. Alexander, are to visit Oronto next January, and hold evan- elistio services, Rev. Dy, Chapman, of New York, an eminent evangelist, who visite! Ottawa some years ago, has agreed to hold services in Halifax, N, 8. in October, 1906, Four of Li Hung Chang's grandehil- dren have as their tutor an American Baptist = missionary, Dy, Davis, who went out a year ago, and is the son of the Rev, J, W, Davis, a veteran mis sionary of thirty years' experience and the builder of the Elizabeth Blake Hos- pital' at Soo-Chow, The new Japanese Methodist Episco- pal church in Honolulu, Hawaii, com- pleted at a cost of over $5,600, has been dedicated. The church building is a wooden structure in American style, with seating accommodation for 400 people, and was erected by three Jap anese carpenters, Kien ning-fu was famous a few years ago for resisting all attempts at oy cupying it, Chinese evangelists being hung up by their queues and then ied together and turned out of the city naked. Jn that city are now over 300 Christians; and Bishop Hoare | held there last year confirmations at five centres, The Church of God ¥ a divine fam- ily, and it should he the aim of every member to maintain"the honor and re putation of every other member of this family. He is not a true child of God who does not love and desire the welfare of God's children. and espe- cially those' with whom he is in fel lowship and labor, Ceylon is undergoing a remarkable temperance revival, P, A. Dehlva, a talented young Singhalese, beéame an abstainer, and at once formed a total abstinenos society, As a result of his agitation fifteen thousand people, mostly Singhalese, have signed the ledge. The movement is having the warty support of the governor, Sip Henry Rlake, The diocese of Boston stands first among Roman Catholic divisions of the world in the extent of its offer. ings for' missions, supplanting Lyons, France, after a proud leadership for eighty-two yoars. The Boston church has a mission organizer, who has formed «circles of ten each, with a leader, for aid and prayer for the lov- ing service, ¢ organization of Christian eom- sound aslogp, | mercial & pretiers, known as "The 'wy the Rev. William 0. Allis, a Gideons™ having a very healthiul and prosperous growth. It is Just five years ago sinee it wag inaugurated by three men: today its membership numbers over six thousand, with camps in practically all the leading tities, A Gideon evangelistic campaign was recently held in Pn. The Zionist movement among the Jaws is steadily gaining ground. Un- der the leadership of the late Dr. Horzl it won the confidence of the Jewish people. At first though its leading iden, that of making - Palestine once more the home of the race, was in harmony with Jewish aspiration, it engountered strong oppositiqn, which it now rapidly lessening, Ba. mness Johnston, writing from Moose Fort, speaks of the Indians be. | ing more spoiled there than at Al hany, because brought more into con- tact with civilization. A saddening reflection and humiliating confession ! At foreign stations it is not uneom- mon to have natives point to officers and soldiers and ask, you seck to make us Christians like these ? Lord, save us our friends ! - t a year ago Rev. John W.| Sold by Druggists, 75c. vonstl Chapman, Anvik, Alaska, asked for a. Hall's Family: Pile for of systematio theology at. last of Jesus at Bethany {appointed to supply the work in|and Cana, of the notive apostles, Pet- "Brighton, Bay of Quinte conference, | or, the husband, and Paul, the wel made vacant by the recent death of | come guest of Christian households appointed of the country than all other Years was su ft Kreat many vears a , and ure with local treat: pron incurable. Science proven catarrh only constitutional cure on the It' is taken internally in doses drops toa on the blood ard mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for circulars and testimonials. Address : F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 10, or eyeglasses the eyesight i » . In a jocu- 3 wed he could use » of the Well the a ml was Md he has receiv 1a dom ctmrd qe three and 3 le shower ith Tt ented, Book, just issued, shows that the Young Men's Christian As- sociations in North América bave in- creased to 1,920, with a membership of 351,982, of whom more than three fifths are not connected with church es. They own B17 buildings * and oth- er property worth $32,004 5, an in crease of $2,400,000 in the year, be siden $2,738,000 pledged for 143 new buildings. The associations paid for eurrent expenses last year and for sup- ervision, $4,500,000, . At Split Lake 120 Indians presented the Bishop of Keewatin with an ad- dress in Cree on white deerskin, wm. broidered with silk, and «t their own initiative gave furs worth $100, to- wards the fund for a church building, for which they will also give labor, logs and lumber. At service, hearty and orderly, forty-three were confirm- ed, all able to repeat the creed and commandments and read the Cree bi- ble. Ti aumhered eighty. At Chippewas Deacon Seyier was ordained and inducted to the mis- sion; twelve baptized, six confirmed. It has been. well aid that--'sym- pathy and free mingling with men are a closer copying and the founder of churches, than the solitariness of cloister and cave. We ned a service of God that gets the broadest knowledge of life, its needs and its resources, its perils and: foes, an then takes its stand in the thick- est of the fray, by example as well as by meditation: and prayer, to leaven the world with the gospel, intensely in the world, hut not of it." DEADLY ANAEMIA Leads to Consumption Unless Promptly Cured. Many a young life might he saved from consumption if simple anaemia were promptly treated. Anaemia is the doctors' name for weak, watery blood. When the blood is in this con- dition the lungs have no strength. The whole system begins to hreak down. Then the growing girl slips dowly into, decline, until at last the cough Starts 'and her doom is sealed. by. Williams' Pink Pills can cure all weak, anaemic people without doubt or dif ficulty. They actually make new, rich, health-giving blood--they cure anaemia and prevent consumption. This has been proved in thousands of cases. Mrs. = Edward. Cochrane, Merriton, Ont, saya: "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured my daughter Matilda, when | felt that her case was almost hope- less. For more than a year she was a sufferer from anaemia. She gradual- ly grew weak, was subject to violent headache, and dark circles appeared under her eyes. She was melancholy, had no appetite and complained of being constantly tired. At different times she was treated by two doctors, but with no improvement. As her case progressed, she was attacked by violent palpitation of the heart, and a suffocating shortness of breath, She had a deathly pallor, took cold easily, and continued to decline in weight until I felt that she was in a hopeless decline. At this time my attention was called to Dr. Williams" Pink Pills, and 1 began giving them to her. She had not been taking the pills many weeks when her appetite was greatly improved, and this was the first sign that they were helping her. She con- tinued the pills until she had taken eight or nine boxes, when she was again the picture of healthy girlhood. | Evity symptom of her trouble had dis- appeared, she has increased in weight, and is strong and robust. Her recov. ery is looked upon as marvellous, for the doctors thought her . case hope- long." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure any case of bloodlessness just as sure ly as they cured this case, The pale, anaemic need only one thing new blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do only one thing they make new, rich, life-giving blood. That it why Dr. Wiliams" Pink Pills cure all common diseases like anaemia, headaches and backaches,* indigestion, kidney trou- ble, palpitation of the heart, neural- via, nervous troubles, and those spec- ial ailments that make the lives of so many growing girls and women mis- erable. Re careful to get the genuine pills with the full name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrap rer around each box. If in doubt, send direct to The Dy. Williams Medi. cine Co. Brockville, Ont., and the pills. will be, sent by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. The Sunshine Of Praise. Sunday-Sehool Times ° f you see anything that is worthy of praise, speak of it. Even if you worthy deed yourself, cannot do a commend one who does. Praise is a power for good; hoth God and man prize it. No prayer is complete with- out praise, "The best worker for his fellows who fails to give praise fails of doing as well as he can. Mrs. Stowe States the truth offectively when she says : "Praise is sunshine; it warms, it inspires, it promotes growth; blame and rebuke are rain and hail; they beat down and bedraggle, even though they may at times be necessary." Do we do our part in giving praise ¥ ---- Wade's glove cleaner, 10e. A nice thing about having a bald head is you don't have to worry about when your hair turns gray. There is more Catarrh in this section PUL together, and until fe incurable. For to be .. "3 Jacal constantly faili by it ng to - went, -f jounced it teaspoonful. It acts directly | Sny case it fails to cure. Send for Fhas written ably on his twenties and was a minister of what splendid and can be crowded young aristocrat years are numbered, Thousands able diseasns as 'constipation. It not only prevents the kidneys frog, elimin- sling causes anaemia, indigestion. Why Hamilton's Pills excellent medicine restores bowel action in one night. say so. Your system will be pure aud clean, you'll be free from headaches, no more sour stomach--in short you'll have jovial spirits and perfect diseases | Mealth. Dr. Hamilton's Pills gre No Smoke Sale. "| and o | $10,000, will be offered lat the same low prices m 10° bq The public can depend on genuine bargains. Sale commences on Saturday, the 16th inst. FOR THEM -- RICH YOUNG MEN WHO PRE- FER STRENOUS LIFE. Ford Brooke Out With Book on the Russo-Japanese War--Will Wear Coronee as Sixth Earl . of Warwick. Lord Broose, woo has just publish. a clover wna jascibating woos on Whe Kusso-sapauese War; an rye Witness Mm Mascnania is one of several gilded Yoliths who, to ther credit, preice tne sSuenuous we to the maoence and Pieasure-seening which uli the 'eo many youtmial gristocrats, Lowd Brooke, who will some day Wear a coronet as sixth kant of War wie, is still on the sunny side of twenty-three; but, although, as years count, he is little more than 4 boy, he has arowded into his few years more work and experience of life than many & peer tand commoner, too) carries to Bis grave, At eighteen he was doing active and excellent service jy Soutn Africa; he bus been aide-de-camp to Lord Mimer; has held a commission in the Life Guards, and for many a month has been sharing the dangers and hardships of the Russian army in ria, the story of which has Marked him as a descriptive writer of very high rank. Lord sullibardine, heir to the duke dom of Athol, is another strenuous Young aristocrat, who turns his back on the butterfly life of society. 'Lhe Young marquis is an enthusiastic sol dier, who has won fame already on many a battlefield; he fought through the Nile expedition of some years ago. wis in the thick of the battles of At ra and Khartoum, added to his warriors laurels by gallant fighting in the South African war, and has won the D.S.0. and been four times ecom- mended in dispatches. The present Lord Loch, too, saw a great deal oi fighting while still in the twenties, both in the Soudan and South Africa, and has reaped a rich harvest of hon ors. Lord Fincastle, heir to the Earl oi Dimmore, has won Jaurels on a score of battlefields in Dongola, Afghanistan and South Africa, has served in In dia, won fame as a war correspond ent, and the Vietoria Cross by as splendid a deed of daring as has ever been witnesSed in war. enumerate the young have NO EASE favs oi But merely to ' aristocrats who within recent years fought gal lantly and faced hardships and death or their country would fil) columns; from dukes to younger sons of barons they have proved the splendid potenti ality of our peerage when duty calls them to sterner things than sport and pleasurc-seeking. In politics, too, our budding peers ave proved themselves the equals of A) Ee \ Mot people do not realize the necessity of A -- BY ROYAL WARRANT, MILLERS TO H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES The "Royal Household" Brand on Flour is your protection. The "Royal Household" brand on a barrel or bag of flour means that Ogilvies it is not satisfactory you may retum it and get your money back. Ogilvies stand behind every pound of flour <8 that bears their "Royal Household" Brand. I 2 \ guarantee that flour to be the best--that if ~, That is your protection.' absolute purity in flour--great care is taken to use only pure milk, pure water, etc., but flour, that one thing that 'orms the greate&t part of their food, is taken on chance--but they are learning better. As Royal Household Flour is the only flour in. this country thoroughly purified and sterilized by electricity is it rot worth while to give it at least at trial. It bears the amp of the mo& responsible makers. You can have no better guarantee than the Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. i= 2) any, Lord Percy, heir to the dukedom of Northumberland, has been an oma ment to the commons since he was twenty-four. He is a born stat sman, and a debater of groat skill, of whom big things are expected; while, to pre pare him for his work, he has spent vears in exploring the countries of the east. Lord Fitzwilliam is a model of nergy and industry to his fellow peers. 'He entered parliament at twen. ty-three and' out in seven years of zealous political work before he came to his title; he won his D.S.O. in South Africa, has travelled far and wide in India and Europe, and is a recognized authority on engineering Lord Ronaldshay, the future Mar- quis of Zetland, is one of the greatest travellers of our time; he knows every Corner of Ceylon, India and Persia, h Eastern polities, 15 an enthusiastic soldier, and has for years led the most adventurous of lives and faced hardships and dangers innumerable, Far Beauchamp's activi- ties have taken him into very differ- ent' fields. While still in rwenties he was an nergetic mayor of Worcester and member of the Londaop school board, apd at twenty-seven he was an Australian governor. Lord Onslow's heir, Viscount Craw ley, has made a name for himself iy diplomacy, though he is still "well op the right side of thirty; Viscount Tur- nour, who is still only twenty-two, has been for some time member for Horsham, and is a keen and by means passive politician; bery's two sons are also ticians and rising orators, the younger brother, things are expected; and the Hon, Charles Napier, in spite of his youth, holds a high position at the educa tion office, Lord Ampthill, after doing doughty deeds as a university presiding over the union debates at Oxford, entered parliament at twenty. six and was little over thirty when he assumed the important office of gov- emor of Madras. The Duke of Marl borough fought in South Africa the early no Rose keen poli especially of whom great Lord oarsman and in the 'crown at thirty-one; tion but two other names that occur to one, Lord and Winston Churchill and to men out of man, Hugh Cecil have shown varied activities into the life of 4 long before thirty -- Die Of Constipation. No condition causes so many incuy- the poisonous = wastes, but ih ART CARLAND" Double heating baseburner,wi'h and withont ovens. This stove stands at the head of all others as the mos t popular and finest work- ing of its class to-day. A pow- erful heater, and will give more heat with less fuel than any base burner } made. Elliott Bros, 77 Prineess St. JOURNALS/CHEMISTRY MAY, 1905. * Diamond Dyes are de. cidedly the purest, strongest and fastest dyes that have come under our notice. They are highly prized for their good work by British women, and have a world. wide reputation and sale." DIAMOND DYES ARE THE LEADERS FOR PERFECT HOME DYEING. All Other Package Dyes Are But Foor Imitations} stomach trouble and won't you use Dr. and get cured ? This normal Thousands good sold here, 2c. a box, Get the u- ne, r All New Goods at Prevost's, Brock St. Our stock of ready-made clothing ts" furnishings, amounting to to the public as when we our great smoke sale last -------- One of the queerest things about lov. ing a bo { When says she doesn't. is the way she believes you paid so much tells me that this is the best C there were 10 or 12 women could not get it for less, howe and don't think Paid too much, call on McKelvey & Birch, 69-71 Brock St. STORY NO. 31905 SERIES "HAPPY THOUGHT" RANGE A Kingston lady was asked a {ew days ago why she -auetion for a Happy Thought which Use 10 years. Well, said she, everyone ver I am quite satisfied If you want one of these best-of-all Cook Stoves it is Biliousness or Cos at the bottom of the Fruit-a-tives to make Fresh fruit is fine can't eat enough fruit todon elements are in too small p A clever Ottawa physic which fruit juices could b medicinal action would be i Fruit-a-tives are these fruit jt sweeten and tone the stomach and 1 remove all blood impurities. One same curative effect on liver and hbo apples, figs and prunes. And this fruit juices themselves. "1 have been suffering with Torpid find that Pruit-a-tives are just what my these complaints. I hope many more suf MRS, Wh YOU ARE LOOKING THE WRONG WAY Be Like the little picture--If you are your Boots from us. We have a splendid value in Boys' Boots at $1.25 and $1.50: They are nobby and built to stand the wear. All we ask is that you investigate our values. H, JENNINGS, King St. CARRIAGES and BUGGIES boy in the | for not buying FOR SALE 1 Kensington, second-hand, in good order; 1 Makedo, second- hand; 1 Phaeton; 1 road wag- gon; also mew Top Buggies, Runabouts with rubber tires; also a few sets of Harness left. Call and wee JAMES LATURNEY, © for yourself, A 390 PRINCESS STREET. - bP a ------ fan t | noc mo, one Lo N age cha cell TO HIS TMAJESTY THE KING Se SirJohn Power & Son Ltd: i ESTABLISHED AD. 1791. {ed " - ah * bei oth 4 few 7 y IRISH WHISKEY | a. ful Famous for over a wi century for its delicacy l of flavor. fra Of highest standard of for Purity. one : 1 It is especially aud fecommended by the of Medical Profession or the account of its peculiar \ ® "DRYNESS" hi oc A c-- ap F thi an Mr 4 | da; ret ABSOLUTELY PURE | |-. r the EAM Ny oor ¥ Ma lin ® to Mi poods line at the sp Hoarty, ne are in thin J, and in on; Jact unfit to use. a i and § fur QULEITS bs used by the best bakers hu REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, ad CILLETT'S gosts no more than the inferior ao adulterated goods, LE REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. a MPANY E.W.GILLETT £2377 in TORONTO, ONT. . We i -- $2.50. CANARY FREE) |. JOR 2 lovely singing canny free 3 wrappers before jan. oc. Bird Bread ir x yellow ph. (3 ting) of ay graces of Waeager ba | ci od his address to us and cash or stamps for phis. wanted | hers x. Address exactly |} tan. 32 St. London, Out |

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