ee cee tts. -- ESSE E666656666685 54 « « $0804 favorably known, world over minute, of every hour, of eve: f , ry day, g Abbey's Effervescent Salt. I ky etrated. The march of progress and er of Abbey's Effervescent Salt. 25c. and 60k. a bottle. 5333399835 9599 A good baking oven is what every housewife re- quires in a range. Other advantages add to the usefulness of the range, FT ut an easily regulated, i perfect baking and roast- tig oven is an indispens- able feature. It is the perfection in operation of the oven of the I Dxford Range h a striking success. construction that the great- ind betiveen the Imperial ler range on the market. ue draws the cold air from it,and distributesit through- g It at an even temperature flue also makes it easy to 3 the oven and secures a el. If your dealer doesn't Oxford, write to us direct ou our catalogue and tell see the range. yundry Co., Limited 5 Winnipeg Ji WD Sale at SIMMONS BROS. { Vancouver A Al SUITS tyle for general and business. ill find the most carefully select- wo styles, in Worsteds, Vicunas, y are most elegantly cut, in- but have that smart, snappy e guarantee they will keep their ive you the best at less money in and let us show you the new Se & Co., =SsS Street. t Sets the Pace. , fitted to repair 1. dd in the natural shou'd be gelect- le in the numer- 3 NCE IT TO BE THE BEST. AND, AGENT, 41 King St. 000066000 0000 COPPER. ANTIMONY & TIN & AL CO, TORONTO. 3 000000 0000000 = NO, 217. Aad fbas E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. G ec B. bi RAS i hrs, ad 'JENKINS' NEW YORK HATS 5: CROWN HE HEAD , WITH GLORY E. P, Jenkins Clothing Co, f CALL FOR A FREE COPY Properiy Snaps Therein Mcan Dollars to You. SWIFT'S "ALTAR Rorvoy WANTED. i pam. your resignation. and sels at 6.05 p.m. omits to bid you good-by. DAILY MEMORANDA, Division Court, 9 a.m., Tuesday. "Florodora,'"" Grand Opera Iouse, 8 It is sometimes a tough job to tender The sun rises Tuesday at 5.43 am. Active In Settling Norway Sweden Troubles. Goes without sayiog---the fellow who House hunting is good the year round ame laws have no effect upon it. This day in history :--Quebeoc capit whats 1, 1759; Java surrendercd, 1811 Auction Sale at Mrs. 1. lipencer's, | agot street, continued to-morrow. A Ww i U Watch for Miss E. V. Greaza's Mil- | nmery opeming announcement later. | the young wan said | . | DISARM, RATHER THAN DE- MOLISH FORTRESSES, | | | | | | | { I'll forge ahead," * "Till at the front I stand.' viow sad the tale boHe's now in jail Because he forged a hand ! | Prince Charles of Denmark will 'be Elected King of Norway-- Negotiations Will Soon End in Definite Result. Special to the Whig. Karistadt, Sept. 18.--~The following announcement was given out on Sa- | turday night, at the close of the joint { session of the delegates of Norway | and Sweden, appointed to endeavor | to establish a modus vivendi for the countries as separate governments : "The probabilities are that in the near future the negotiations can be | brought to a definite result." | This announcement is taken as in | dicating that the negotiations have { finally reached a stage where an ONTARIO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1905. "PITH OF THB NEWS. 8 ] The Very Latest Culled From All BROKE! : ) \ Over the World. Two Russian mutincers were executed at Sebastapol, The SS, Philae, Moss Line, from London, passedFatier Point, inward, | Used A Rolling Pin Yo Do The Job. Four track fords, one of them the | best in Canada, were made at the Woodbine, on Saturday ------ Mrs. Neil Burgess, wife of the actor and niece of J. H. Stoddard, died at | 9 ber home in Highlands, N.J A A PIAN Romane Daurignac, who had served | a term in a Prench prison, was de | ported from the United States. Arthur J, Wadham was put off a THE METHODS OF PROFESSOR Winnipeg street car while drunk, and | Z R. J. JONES, fell, sustaining injuries that resulted | in his death. | A Young Woman's Effective Way The assessment commission in Fs | of Preventing sex county has increased the assess ment six million dollars and censures | the assessors. | At Rochester, N.Y.. compositors in | Gabriel. eight book and job printing estab Philadelphia, Sept. 18.--More inter lixhments have quit work to enforce | esting details concerning the business the Loss of a Joh--The Professor Claimed Communication With Angel a demand for an eight-hour day. methods of "Professor" R. J. Jones, The will' of Josrph Jefferson be the negro voodoo, who professed to queaths his "best Kentucky reel" to] (alk with the An I Gabriel by tele Grover Cleveland. $5,000 is left t0 Jo- | phone, were brought out at the sooth- seph Sefton, of Fitz Roy, Australia. saver's hearing before Magistrate Baron Kiyoura, Japanese minister of | Fealy a agriculture, is to succeed Viscount | Policeman Brown, one of the three Yoshikawa, as minister of the inter | nineteenth district patrolmen, who jer, while retaining his original post. { wert sent to get PO against George Schugider, formerly a bank: | Jones, called on the voodoo, Sunday | agreement is in sight, and that the THE BEST CHINA | resort to arms, which might have in- most beautiful is | volved other powers, may safely be There is a wide So much de- The choicest and ound in our selection. ends upon the right service that you The report that the powers had | based on the fact that Great Britain, ance and Germany offered their ser- sos if necessary. | There is. a feeling of relief, here, over the Swedish Rorwepian contro- versy, and it is believed that King Edward has taken an active part in | adjusting the difficulties. 1t is be i sekeepers show, with |. : : = e ong Ree FN I in 4 | lioved that his majesty suggested that TWO WAITRESSES. APPLY MAN. | 00s thee Be Sousckeepers | instead of the fortresses being de- ager British American Hotel. | Catsup, and these moc hous T molished, they be disarmed, Sweden | know that it is the truest economy to b BOY. APPLY HENDERSON'S PHOTO- graph Studio, 70 Princess street. A GOOD GENERAL ply Mrs. TIEN BOYS, ONLY THOSE WHO CAN { work every day need apply. J. A. Gould & Co. A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY 1 he levening Lo Mrs. Carey, stre FIFTY GIRLS TO SPLIT ply Kent 13 Princess street. , Mica Works, foot of | | use only PURE sm smo oe Spices and Vinegars and Norway agreeing not to increase armaments, and entering into a per- manent peace treaty. It is understood « here that Prince Charles of Denmark will be clected sind King of Noway. We have provided for the pickling sea- ---------------- son a complete stock of the fin t who e JAPANESE-RUSSO OUTPOS and ground Spices; also Cider, White TS Wine and English Malt Vinegars. : e Back Two-Thirds of a | Move All guaranteed pure. Mile. | { | Special to the Whig MICA. AP- | Jas. Redden RQ Co. | Godseydana, Manchuria, Sept. 18. into effect the stipulations of the ar A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in swall family. Apply 182 | ch A COOK AND HOUSEMAILD ut Mrs. Bruce Carruthers', APPLY Johnston: street. irs bree Sydenham | | street, after seven _o clock in the evening . Goon a RAL SERVANT, FOR 709 street { mt Soo | EXTRAORDINARY BY QC. rally located ; rent not A HOUSE, modern conveniences ; | to exceed $19 per mouth Apply Box 31, Whig office ema ------ ieee er -- | | St i A GOOD ' GIRL FOR GENERAL | We d [| eS d a | erican embassy has received from the | housework; family of thr highest legation at Berlin $20,000, | wages. Apply Mrs Turner at present with Mrs. Henderson, 196 Johnston street | ---------- re enera---- | A FEW PUPILS, on PRIVATE oy lisse ene ferman assics, | i - : iA pgs oe ' Mod. | the late Lieut. Col. John | week to make artangen)onis for ve method; Apply | | distribution of money All the prison 2 King | Kerr, Earl St. ers will be released and repatriated as THEIR FAL 1 | soon as the signed peace treaties are | Overcoats and Suits made at| Beautiful Old exchanged between the governments. * | Thomas dallowny's, 131 Brock St. | Furniture, Fine Rosewood Case Piano With the Japanese prisoners are sev so bring your old ones and have | Bed Room Furniture | .. I Fe them repaired. Style, fit and price | Black Walp x AO Matos eral Americans and Englishmen found guaranteed to please. Fine Black Walnut Wardrobe, Mahogany | on hoard captured Japanese, trans - | Bureaus, and other valuable Furniture. | porter These foreigners will probably A YOUNG WOMAN AT ONCE; EX. | Piano ut 1.30. Salc at 10:30 { he released beiore the Japanese perienced in book-keeping and JOHN H. MILLS, stenography. capable of tuking charge of office. Apply in writing. with re ferences to The Hedley Shaw Milling Co., Frontenac Mills, City | -------------------------------------- | MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN PLUMB- | ing trade ; great demand for gradu- ates $4-85 day; many complete course two months: graduates ad mitted to Union and Master Plumb- | ers' Association. Coyne Bros. Co.| Plumbing Schools, New York, Cin- cinnath and St. Louis. (Day and Night class.) For free catalogue ad-| dress 239 10th Ave., New Y | ork. | TO-LET | THE SHOP ON DIVISION near Garrett street, occupied by Miss Boon, milliner. Apply at Whig office. | | HOUSE, CORNER CLERGY AND Queen, stable attached. For ocoup- ancy, Nov, 1st, Apply Steacy and Steacy. DWELLINGS FURNISHED AND UN- | furnished, stores, offices, etc., at Mc- Cann's Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock Street. LOST. rr A BLACK POCKET BOOK, CON ing, calling cards and snap shot Finder kindly return to Whig office. A GOLD LOCKET AND CHAIN, ox | Friday morning. between Willigm and | Princess Sts. Finder please return | to Whig office. A LARGE OLD FASHIONED GOLD brooch, on Friday, with photograph in hack. The finder will be rewarded hy leaving same at Whig office ee re A COLLEGE OREST WITH INITIALS H.L.C., either in McDonald Park, or along King St. "Finder will be re warded by returning to this Office CAMEO BROOCH, BETWEEN 8T Paul's church and ri. St., with figure of three Graces on it. Reward for its Betts, 380 Kari St, ee eee A LADY'S DIAMOND RING SATUR- day morning, in or_ around Market Square, or Rideau stfoct. Finder will he promptly rewarded by returning same to Whig office return to DMirs WHITE POX TERRIER, WITH TAN apods, on back and bead. Any party harboring sume after this notice, will he progecuted, . Any information will be gladly recéived at Whig office. LADY'S BLACK POCKETBOOB. WITH . rds and tickets for train i and Ki ny, 8 . om wri Wear "Allen's" | simon. a { new Breitmever building, was almost | est WESLON | or well. 'S SECOND-HAND STORE "i |TuRics secoup. AND ST Importers of Fine Groceries { An order by Gen. Linevitch, putting | { mistice, has been distributed to the | army. The order directs the immediate cessation of hostilitice, the retirement of pickets from the neutral zone, and the establishment of a post of com | munication. It munications between the armies. As a result of the armistice, which is now stive, the_outposts of the main po citions, on Both sides, will move back about two-thirds of a mile and here after will display white flags. AUCTION SALE --ON-- t Money For Jap Prisoners. The Am- Petersburg, Sept. 18 Japanese to be devoted to the relief of the 1,716 Japanese prisoners now at Medvid, Charge d'Af Medvid thi At the fine residence of province of Novgorod faires Eddy will go to Fashioned Rosewood Auctioncer Value Of Lost Ships. St. Petersburg, The Rus gan losses in ships at Port Viadivostok and the Sea of Japan, official statistics, pub Sept. 18 acoording to | lished this morning, amount to $113, BY JOHN H. MILLS | 000,000 ---- Auction Sale of Drive Shed Effects at Residence of Mrs. L. B. Spencer, | - . | 'cen made public that three nava Bagot St., TO-MORROW (Tues- | a ied Bf day), at 10:30 am., viz 3 | government funds. The announcement Trio Scatters Japan's Funds. Tokio, Sept, 18. --Information has Two-Seated Surrey, Seated Sleigh, Boiler Co Iron Fence, Lawn Mower, F Hose, Dancing Canvas, Lette other goods. Phaeton, Double } Oil Tank, | lie, but the knowledge that the com- ure Paes; mission of the crime extended over the 4 period of a year without discov JOHN 11. MILLS, | may, it is said, cause a feeling of dis Apetioneer. | oot ond uneasiness towards the nav- administration and furnish a weap- N {on to the political parties that are { | opposing the government, NEED YOUR -- | x FALL FOOTWEAR | And Mother is in State. Special to tho Whig. FATHER KILLED Zh a Destitute Mich., mason Detroit, Sept. 18. George Military Bootmakers, | instantly killed by falling down the 84 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boots | |. ator shaft, from the fifth storey | on Saturday. He came here from Tor | onto. His wife came | weeks ago ROBT. J. REID. The Leading Undertaker 'Phone 877. 222 Princess St. i A PROTEST. WILL 'THOSE WHO HAVE Goon ground to protest against the whistling | the Steamer Kingston and entering port Kindly ecm Skinner, with a i jan infant | lives in Toronto. | public has been made, i : yvear.old sor A fourteen Death Is End Of Coon Hunt, Rochester, N.Y., Sept. IX. trewster, thirty-seven vears old, Whe nuisance of | other boats | municate with W.. :B [view to action? ww to action? STOVES GALO 30 square Hall Heaters, large stock of : lo and Wond | ok also large stock of © and | Nyals Corn Stix. Furniture. Alwsyw ready to trade, oy | The convenient remedy, felled the tree in order to eapture it In falling the branches of the lodged and Brewster struck the but lin the chest, killing him instantly. easi store, considered to be out of the question. | Sept ; Bulletin | range in style and orice | } stock before making a | made representations to Sweden was should see our selection. ..ROBERTSON BROS. -: 'PICKLING SEASON ! forbids all other com- | Arthur, | | has been, calmly received by the pub- | employed on the | comprises large displays of the choice here obly three | gitimate expenses of She is an entire stranger | will go to the building fund for the | and is in destitute circumstances with An appeal to the ha it Irving | | lived in the town of Victor, was killed Saturday night while out with a party | hunting coomk. They treed a coon and tree {with his axe to free it. The butt of { the tree swung about and struck him i diteh: John Wolf, the fireman, . Two passengers removes | hurt. All lived in this corns, warts and bugions. No grease, ly applied, 10c. Mecleod's drug Corks, jar rings and fresh spices at : : Gibson's ia or of Chicago, and once treasurer of | the Associated Press, is dead at | Colorado Springs, aged eighty-three | years. | night, at his house, in Waverly street, | and told him that he had trouble in | his home. He wanted to know if Jones could sell him a little domestic peace and quietness, and Jones said he could for $14. The policeman laid down the money and the professor seated himsell at a | box with a. funnel in it, which stood | on. a small table in the middle of the | room beneath a maze of blue cords, with red balls tied to them, This box was his telephone, We tinked a bell, and said: "Hello, hello; 1 can't hear you very distinctly Gabriel. Can't you come closer to the "phone ?" "Stand in the middle of your hack yard at midnight and firo two pistol shots, one toward Germantown, and the other toward League Island. Then put your finger on the tip of the tail of a black Maltese cat as it is going over the fence, and everything will be lovely in your home." The other two policemen had simil- ar tales to tell, and and a young ne The Jatest disclosure in the New | York Life Insurance investigation now | going on. is that a cheque of $18,000 | wa# given to keep the democrats out | of power. ! The militia department has decided to build a rifle range at Sydney, Cape Breton. Proposals for ranges at God- erich and Owen Sound are also under consideration. Charles Sach, East Buffalo, shot and probably fatally wounded Nichol as Smith, policemady attempting «to arrest him. Sach also shot a Polish hoy in the leg. Fireman MeManus, and Lieut. Pot- ter, were badly injured in a collision between a street car, and a hook and | ladder truck in New York. Six tons of | ladders fell on them. Former democratic candidate for president, Judge Alton B. Parker, | charges that beth the Mutual and 8 J y | Equitable companies paid into the re | gress, whe hail been one of nee { publican campaign fund. clients testified that he had charge | It is understood that the Duke of { her $5 for two powders, one of which Connaught has asked Fickl Marshal | he was to take herself, and the other | Lord Roberts to accompany hip to tn sprinkle over the clothes of a girl | South Africa in November, henoe the whose jo she wanted. The girl he | latter's postponement of his trip to whom she sprinkled the powder hit { | | | Amcriea. on the head with a rolling pin and When Mrs, WW. Hull, Franklin, Pa. | broke the charm. ; telophoned that a burglar was in her Professor Jones did not care to home, the police responded and | make anv statement. He was held in | caught Robert McDonald, a prominent | 8600 hail for court, on the charge of ohtaining money under false pretences, citizen. His friends say he was intoxi cated, - mas p---- i Harry S. Ambler, senator from the TARTARS KILL MERCILESSLY. | Twenty fourth district of New York,| | Abels | died at his home 'in Chatham, N.Y.. | Slightest Incident May Provoke Massacres, Srecial to the Whie. I | early on Sunday. Senator Ambler had been ill for a long time with a com 5 . | plication of diseases. sndon, Sept, 18.~The Times' St. An official despatch reports a sue- | Petersburg cusresptdut cables that made by the pretender, | the situation at Baku has again as of the Timor Archipelago, | sumed a highly critical phuse. The { who recently invaded Dutch territory, | fecling between the Tartars and the | killed thirty two persons and carried Armeniang is so intense that the | off sixty-two captives [slightest incident may prove a repeti | The Wood, | tion of the massacres. Several mur ifty-five vears old, missing from his | dors are committed daily. The Tar- home in Catskill, 'NJY., tars refuse to open the shops in or Sunday, has been foomd in the river der to starve the Armenians, many of with an undergarment tied tightly | whom, it is reported, have died from about his neck. Wood's clothing was | eating poisoned frait. The situation foumd at a dock at Coxsackie will remain eritical until the arrival | Indications now are that Germany's of the reinforcement of 15,000 troops, | wish for Tangier and France's desire expected to-day. Until then no work for Madrid as the place for the | can be done on the oil fields. conference will both be | The Tartars and Armenians persist that the \ meeting | in laying the blame for the recent Spanish town, | outrages upon one another, but, cur | | cessful raid Sonnebait nude hodv of Albert since last { Moroccan { abandoned, and will occur at a small | probably Algeciras, near Gibraltar { ously, all the Mussubman property on William F. Kirby, Sarnia, the GT, | the oil fields was found intact, R. fireman, who was blown out of the sas the Armenian property was rv Oskville, | all destroyed. The Russians suffered engine of a fast train near ) lows hoavily, and the foreigners, still. on November 3rd last, and who has | tain on a water bed in the Hamilton | less at Baku died Saturday A despatch to the Exchange Tele romuing will bo sent to | graph company saye the situption at Baku is becoming hopeless, The Tar | A hunter named Sweeney, from Wa- | tars continye to destroy the remmin wansa, shot a young man named 0'-| ing detrei They rpercilessly kill Hagan, at Nesbit, Man., O'Hagan, those who try to prevent them. | who had been hunting, found game me see | wearce, and lay down under a hay THOUGHTLESS SELF-MURDER | stack to read, and Sweeney mistook {him for a badger. The whole charge | His | lodged in the shoulder and face, and if . {he does not die he will Jose his sight hospital ever since, { morning. The | Sarnia Act Will Cost City of Wor- cester $17,000. Worcester, Mass., Sept, 18.<The mi- - . cids of Walter C. Walton, the Leices- Exhibiting Irish Art. ter milkman, who threw himself into Special to the Whig. one of the reservoirs of the Worcester New York, Sept. 18.~An exhibition | system, will cost the city of Worcester | of the arts and manufactures of lee $17,000 in value of water. The body | land, under the auspices of the Anci- was in the water from Saturday { pnt Order of Hiberniaps, was opened | night until Wednesday night and the | at Madison Square Garden this even | Worcester people are frightened over | ing. The attendance was very large. the possibility of the contamination | and it ix generally admitted that the | of its water supply. exhibition of Irish products is unusu The Manville reservoir is known as «| ally interesting. The exhibition, which | No. 2 on the Worcester system and ' contained 170,000,000 galions of wa- ter. The finding of the body has re sulted in Mavor Blodget ordering the | water department to draw off the con- tents of that reservoir immediately. products of Trish looms, linen, , | laces of various grades and kinds and , | art works in pottery, bronze and other "| materials. The surplus above the le- the exposition re anim Not Dead But Alive, Monmouth, 111. Sept. 18.~ After fen years of * mysterious absence, during which his relatives have several times attempted in the courts to collect in surance on his life, Del 1. Gaston has heen found living in Wyoming under erection of the Hibernian Institute at , | Fifth avenue and 116th street, Man titan. Besides the regular exhibit here is a display of interesting relics, including a recently discovered death | mask of Robert Emmett, the Irish pa triot. an assumed name. The discovery - came just in time to prevent the » Train Ditched By Wreckers. Modern Woodmen of America from San Antonio, .Tex., Sept. 18. | compromising with Gaston's relatives Pieces of iron placed on the track, for 8500. The man is now a ranch- nian, has remarried, it is said, has a family. supposedly by wreckers, derailed a and © [Nan Antonio & Arkansas Pass pass | ener train near the city limits. 'The engine, baggage ear and two coaches {were turned completely over in a nant All Women Invited. To inspect our exhibition of French t Bros. There will be a sur Toronto exhibition of { killed, and Harry Martin, the on | gincer, was seri die. T city. was | and American hat novelties. Crumley us from the ween $40,000 PAIR PARTED AT ALTAR, Jilted Lover Shoots Faithiess Sweetheart. Crown Point, Ind., Sept. 18.--Harry Hohman, Hammond, Ind, angered because his fiancce of five years had married Charles Jeannette, in the pre sence of many persons, fired four bul- lets into Pie former sweetheart's heart and then killed himself. Miss Ida Taylor, Hohman's victim, was war: ried two weeks ago to Jeannette, Vowing vengeance, Hohman came to Crown Point and secured a room at the hotel, where the Jeanncttes stay- ed. Sunday afternoon Mrs, Jeannotle walked out of the hotel and Hohman followed her. As she turned to face hiv Hohman drew a revolver and fired four shots at the woman. She fell dead and Hohman fired two bul- lots into his breast, dropping lifeless beside her. 2 ------------ LONG CHIEF OF BAND Followers a Terror to Province of Cavite, i --Felizardo, chief in the province "of Cavite, who for a long time have made trouble for the authorities, was surrounded yesterday fear the Batan- gas border and ju over a cliff to his death. The th of Felizar- do, it is believed, will end the dis: turbances in the province of Cavite. On January 24th, 300 ladrones, led hy Felizardo and Montaleon, attack- ed the town of San Francisco Malaban, looted the municipal trea- sury of $2,000, killed Contract Sur- geon J. A, O'Neill and abducted the wife and two children of Governor Trias. LORNES REST ON LAURELS. Against Can't Put in Team Brantford, Special to the Whig, ont Nees, Bint. Sept, 18,~0w- ing to a chapter of accidents the Lornes will be unable to place a team on the field against Brantford, on Wednesday next, in the two Tast games in jupior C.L.A, finals against Wingham. The team has been without the services of the regular point and cover-point players, and owing to accidental injuries, received in the game on Friday last, the two best home-fielders will be unable to play on Wednesday. The management, consequently, has decided to with: draw, and rest content, for this sea: eon, with the victories already won. PUT UP INSANITY PLEA, ---- Alfred Horton Will be Tried Next Week, Special to the Whiw, Amherstburg, Ont., Sept. 18.-Ak fred Horton, charged with shooting his wife and his father-in-law, John Lovegood, will be tried at the assizes, which open at Sandwich, next week. J. W, Hanna, the well known orimin- al lawyer, of Windsor, has charge of the defence. It is understood Horton's defence will be insanity. Mrs. Horton has greatly improved, and it is now believed will recover. Her father has entirely recovered. BRITAIN TAKES SUBJECT, Prisoner Alleged to Have Been Put to Torture, Shanghai, ept, 18.~The British vioe-consul, who left here, Friday, for Quinsan to insist upon the release of a British subject who was held prison. er there by the Chinese authorities, returned to-day with the man, The British subject was an employee of the Shanghai & Nankin railway company and is of Chinese descent. He is alleged to have been tortured some time ago by a Chinese magistrate at Quinsan, who was imprisoned for hie act, Club Standing In League. National League. New York, 718; Pittsburg, .687; Chicago, 567; Phila delphia, 540; Cincinnati, 49% St. Louis, 390; Boston, .321; Brooklyn, S08, American League.~Philadelphia, 622; New Chicago, 693; Cleveland, .515; York, 508; Detroit, 507; Boston Washington, 417; St. Louis, 343. Eastern League.--Jorgey City, 626; Providence, 618; Baltimore, .612; New ark, 508; Buffalo, A77; Montreal, A425; Rochester, 385; Toronto, 2369, The Supreme Court. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Sept. 18.--At the opening of the supreme court, on 3rd October next, there will be an adjournment till October 9th, hefore the hearing of any appeals will be proceeded with. | The eases on the Ontario list will he hoard first, then appeals from the maritime provinces, and lastly, ap- peals from the province of Quebeo, Abandon Strike. Chicago, Sept. 18.--Froight handlers employed in Chicago by the Chicago & Fastern Illinois, the Grand Trunk, the Erie and the Santa Fe railroads have voted to accept a renewal of pre: sent working conditions end not to strike for a ten per cent. incregse in wages. The latest waltzes, two-stops and popular vocal snd instrumental music, 5c. per éopy, two 'copies for 25¢., at MeDermott Bros. Millinery Opening. We Have Decided to Make Eo) Wednesday, Sept. 20th A Special Daylfor Our FALL AND WINTER An Ladies Arelavited, L000, ; Buy Liguozone at Gibson's Cross drug store, Fresh there, ' Red Cross store, Red Steacy' o-morrow Night. | woman shopper, | he MERRILL~COLLINSON «At GALLOWAY In 18 Gowan, Barrie St. x KENNEDY .--In Kingston, 8 905, od. tHamilton end eu ------------ EVANS «At $1, «3 Galle:y, 26¢. Heals TUESDAY, Sept, 19t MILLINERY OPENING| g PEARSALL'S MILLINEE # i oe See vi . i It will interest Don's Miss Reading Js! i 3 i town, N.Y, on Sept. 14th, by C, 8, Mernill, ncle of the Ray Waldo Merrill, Attorney-at- Carthage, N.Y, y! Christ Solligwon, formerly of Secley's Bay, In! DIED. Kingston, Sept 1906, Dais) rey hter ot Me. rs, J. Gallos MCGOWAN on Kingston, on Sept. 17th: ne G anod McGowan, at 2 pm Geo. 18th, 1 Ann loved James Ki fty-nine will dence, acquaintances atten Deseronto, on wife of J. W. Evans, CE, ofa Sow on Sale. at box office, ----