Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Sep 1905, p. 4

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ol at A%." at the | Ing and efficient. Give the arerooms, 207 | vice the fame consideration that the SWiture of | "ts will be very much the Rame, ------ a An are ye All and triotly yogetablo ""Opiter per Orbem Dicor. have heen done by contract. for $1,000,000, "Score one," fuys a contemporary, "for the fetish of publie operation." Score one, rather, for a mi ag which can ge 'cur under any circumstances, The dif- ference between the public and the | private individual in, however, that the people have loaded upon they, the men who, have been failing in business amd the private employer will have only those who are active, enterpris- public ser- private mervice receives, and the same class and quality of men, and the re A Very Nild Threat, Mr. Bickerdike's threat--that if the British government does not remove he embargo on cattle the Canadian preference will go--is bold and per haps reckless. At least it sounds that It will impress people only ae ralize who Mr. Bickerdike is. He is a man with a pull, and hence is one whose language will be the more seriously regarded. Ho is the | parliamentary representative of a di. | vision in the Canadian metropolis. He is influential in person and in A880. ciation. He is not generally noisy, nor talkative, His promise, then, that England can do without favours if | she will not grant any, will be remem. | heared, The embargo should go. It has been | enforced, to the disadvantage of Ca- nadian shippers, long enough. Its reason to he was originally that dis. ease might be imported through the eattle into England. At present it is suid that the British agriculturalists are not disposed to accept competition | which is considered very keen, The imperial party may say that it did not ask for the Canadian prefer- ence. Granted, Is it not valued by the folks at home? Do they not want it continued * The suspension of it temporarily would make some people think hard, and as a result of it the embargo might be lifted, ! -------- How The Money Goes. |" The New York Life Assurance com- pany is now under the critical eyes of legislative committee, and some re- markable things have been seen. Among others the grant of $50,000 to | the republican party's campaign fund. | How was the item passed ¥ Mr. Per- kins, of J. P. Morgan & Co., paid out | the money, as it was wanted, to the treasurer of the party, and when the {great banking house had closed the | necount the president of the New York | Life gave his check for the amount, The transaction was not reported to the company's finance committee, but ywas disposed of as an administrative act of special emergency, and charged to the profit and loss account. They followed this dialogue between one of the investigating committee and Mr, | Perkins : i "In there no restraint on the officers {in these campaign contributions ?"' | "None that 1 know of, | think | have a right to leave them to | judgment of the officers, | "Ht the president out of his own ex- | ecutive authority, we the without reference to the finance committee, pays out such large sums as these, how do they ever come before the officers of the com- pany "1 have said the finance committee | has no authority over the agency ac | counts and general expense, | think there should be a broadening of this authority." | The amazing fact is that the ae counts of the great insurance com- panies have hitherto passed the usual audits of the 'insurance departments, and without discovery of anything that was remarkable, The value of this inspection is, therefore, open to | question, ------ Appointment To Office. "The Toronto Slar protests vigor ly against the general condemnation of political appointments in the party press. The occasion of this is the i cism which followed the proposal to appoint Dr. Snyder to the Toronto asylum, and the assignment of Dr. Ryan to Rockwood. "What," asks the Star, "is it that niwspapers on both sides of polities soem to expect of the 'other party It is desired that a political party when in power shall pass over, as un- {8 for an office of any kind, all those men who have interested themselves in polities * Nobody could seriously ask i is. What can be asked is | that no unfit person shall receive an appointment, but the fact that a man has interested himself in party poli- : DAILY WHIG., vantage, but do not get it out of ten, there in loss Jat i" The Star observes that so far Rockwood hospital appointment had been made. But the public service perience which qualified them for pre motion, It had pointed out, some tim ponsibility to send one to a positiol where the specialist is required, Th timent. When Dy, Ryan was 'selected i service one who sould sucosed Dr Clarke at Rockwood, and so the saith of him that qualities that made for success in oth o} °F walks of life, and he would fit him self hy study, zeal and devotion, for the responsibilities of office. ---- Editorat Notes. England to dip into the tariff refory, movement, of which the colonial pre- ference is the chief concern, ---- Lord Roberts will not visit Ame rica - this year. This will be a great disappointment to the men who are in the spectacular business. The Toronto News is tooning Mgr. Sharretti, dnsult was resented in tions. Must the fact be ---- Col. Denison, of Toronto, advocates jail for the employers who do not pay their employees promptly, He has no use for the man who goes in- to spoeuliation with other pecrle's labour. again car- This form of the bye-elec- emphasized ? ---- \ Two insurance agents or firms offer od to carry the civic fire insurance at the rate of the Union Assurance company, and withdrew their pro- posals. What is the nse of bluffing ? What gratification does it afford ? The triennial report shows a loss of 7,203 scholars in the, Sunday schools represented by the, general synod of the Church of England. There has to be some change in Sunday school me- thods or great loss Will" be reported by all the church bodies. Some one has written a la Stead about what Jesus would think if He visited London to-day. The writer says that when he first met Christ he speechless . and abashed, and a criti® laments that he did not remain in this condition. was ----------d Sir Henri Joly de Lotbiniere is retiring fro; the lieutenant-gover- nor's office in British Columbia, and may be succeeded by George Riley, M.P. Mr. Riley is a. man of large means and only desires office for the honor of it. Would that there were more like him. . The fuss which Mr. Rogers, of the Manitoba government, made over the Keewatin proclamation is - not much to their credit. The Toronto News has it that there was nothing to quarrel about, and ft cannot Le accused of any weakness for the Laurier government. -------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Quite A Difficult Task. Sew York Press. When you come home Morning it is awful hard woman believe vou wore t0 bed just to tease her. early in the to make a your cravat Don't Hog Troughs Work » Toronto Telegram ow does Hamilton expect her street railway to pay dividends when Cars are not equipped with hay racks ¥ The Matter With Henri. elleville Ontario. Why didn t somebody teli us that Henry Bourassa was & bachelor all this time, while we have been wonder- why the man was so lacking in ballast ? * «Ashes And Sawdust. 'oronto Star. A Cleveland lawyer has left instruc tions that his ashes be thrown into Niagara Falls, An example like this only serves to encourage lumbermen 10 dump their sawdust into the Otta- wa river. Who Will Win, 'oronto Globe. Joe Martin and W. F. Maclean are and neck for second place in the race for the opposition leadership. In the salary bill it Was a serious omis- sion not to provide for the leadership of a third party. ------ Aiding And Abetting Bigamy. opin peg, . 1 elon Uslwol- i, ing himself Ri Seraphim, founder he Crazy Quill church, a jreek meeting place on Duf- al fr wy mite fr trial for aidin d i iy. Claimi authority as hoc of the Russian Greek church in Canada, Usl- tics cannot of itself be accepted as proof of his unfitness, The fact is that "hen one party makes an appointment wolski divorced a couple, and then Muteied the man to a sixteen year-old gi AE because _ not infrequently ' in the ap- pointment than is the criticisms aimed concerned, the Whig endorsed it, "con- sidering Dr. Ryan an excellent man for Post." The Whig certainly did say a y kindly word of the doctor, when the | | had previgusly defended the corse of the Ross govemment in taking into young physicians and giving them the training and ex- before, that the average practitioner is not given to the study of mental diseases, and that it is a grave res: Toronto News expressed a similar sen- Was assimed that the provincial sec retary's department had not in its Whig he possessed the Sir Gilbert Parker js going back to NOR TOO POWERFUL. as is and Husband--The Statemen of Mrs. Lawrence. Chicago, Sept. 18.--*f am ready quit fighting Gov. Herrick 1" arie Ivers Lawrence makes this d , ration, though persisting that t it | governor of Ohio is boy. Herrick e J! have said is true. have printed much about me that not true, but | say about me, it. Iv dont n | Potter is likely to make trouble e t§true. Mr. Potter never was in m rooming house, W. Potter in twenty vears. "fand IT met him in settling the estate The only thing that now worries me i things has caused Mr. daughter. I cannot face him. grand man. It wil) surely She is not strong, like I am.' -- MONSTER GORILLAS. rt One Killed by a Weighed 720 Pounds. Paris, Sept, 18.-M. Euegene Brus seux, a French official and an explor er, has iust returned from Algiers bringing with giant gorillas, one of which was kill ¢d by his escort of native sharpshoot "rs, The animal is of Sven feet six inches the width of the eet. Une of its hands when cut off weigh ed six pounds, while the carcase turn ed the scale at 120 pounds, and the united efforts of eight Were necessary to drag it to French residency at Ouessou, the ministrative centre where M. Dupont, ministrator, Froserved the skeleton. During the past twelve months sev eral travellers have reported the pre ence in the upper valleys of Lonani. and Sangaresh of these enormous go rillas, which have never previously been seen, 'while the Arabs state that several times the beasts have attacked Caravans passing through the valleys These monster gorillas differ in many respects from all others hither te known. The ears are remarkably small, and the skin is almost bare on the chest and stomach, while the shoulders and thighs are covered with long, thick hair. M. eux believes that they belong to a new or at any rate hitherto unknown species, ---- More New License Inspectors. Toronto, Sept. 18.--~The official axe continues to swing and the decapita tion process among the license in Spectors goes merrily along. Among the appointments gazotted are these : Samuel J. Halbert, Markdale, to be inspector of licenses for Centre Grey, instead of John Pickett. John B. Gough, Napier, inspector of licenses for West Middlesex, instead of James Cox. James Davidson, Fort William, to w inspector of liconses for Fart Wil liam, instead of John Hadden. ---- Chile's Independence Day. Special to the Whig. Santiago De Chile, Sept. 18.--The anniversary of Chile's independence, which was declared on September 18th, 1810, was celebrated to-day all through the country in the usual man ner, and with unabated enthusiasm The president gave a brilliant banquet 10 the members of the diplomatic corps. There was also a military par ade and general decoration of the city. In the afternoon there were po pular festivities, races and games, shoulders the ad the government ad So horse -- Sweated For Government. London, Sept. 18.-A remarkable Story of sweating was told in the Stonehouse Board of Guardians by 4 woman who applied for relief, She said that she was engaged by a fing of government contractors ip making military trousers from khaki cloth, to make two pairs she had, moreover, to pro- vide the cotton herself. For this work which frequently necessitated her pe maining at her employment till 8.39 in the evening, she received in pay- ment 3d, for each Pair of trousccs, Marries A Former Husband. Washington, Sept. 18. Miss Nau Patterson, the actress, who was tried for the murder of Caesar Youhg in New York, on Saturday marriei her forme: husband, Leon (5. Martin, from whom she was divorced about three years ago. The ceremony ocenered at the home of the bride's father, in this city, Saturday afternoon. 3 Mrs. Martin will V. where the former manages a hotel. Not Afraid Of Cholera. Special to the Whig. erhin, Set, IN, ~Notwithstandin: the prévalence of cholera in the east. om and north-eastern parts of the empire, the division and fortress ma hoeuvres in West Prussia and in the province of Posen began to-day. The military authorities do hot fear any danger from infection for the troops and believe that the disease is fairly under control. -- Wants $5,000 For His Leg. Ogdensburg, NY. Sept. 18.- George Edwards, Prescott, has commenced an action in the Canadian courts, to re. cover $5,000 damages from the Cana- dian Pacific Car and Traffic co ry for injuries which resulted in the loss of his leg last January. Ris leg was onught in a line while tying wp the + Steamer Belleville at the fefry dock. (GIVES UP THE FIGHT| 4 A SAYS SHE'S RIGHT; GOVER- the father of her "lI am in the right," she says, i is too powerful. much as I can He cannot do me any worse I am helpless now, but there » may be a time--I may yet prove what The newspapers don't care what they 1 don't read puch of worry me. Bat 0, W. over what they said about him when he comes back to Chicago. They said he met his wife in my place. That is rot I have not seen 0. My hus band was then asseeinted with him, the sorrow the publication of all these Foster and my He is a kill her. Frenchman him photographs of $8, $10, great size, being in height, while is _ four native soldiers of Central Sangha buried the animal and so § deo a0 Duly Worries Over the - Sorrow She's Caused Her Daughter ts to Mrs. le- he > t Weather SALE TEN MILLION BOXES A YEAR ) Medicine 1s v By every dollar you leave here. We employ fictitious values'in your eyes. If vou select for $7.50, $8.50. $10. $12 or $15 money. and the most artistic cutting, r New Gloves New Overcoa New Hats New Hosiery . New Overcoats--ju No matter whether you workingman, banker or baker no brass band methods, nor flash your winter $12 or $14 Overcoats, value as you can obtain anywhere You'll have the best fabrics, are a business man, you'll get tall value for wear one of our and one of our you'll have as fy] on earth for your § Suits the best tailoring New Raincoats ts New Trousers New Fancy Vests New Sweaters New Neckwear. Don't miss seeing our New Suits and st in. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall. Te -------------------- -- STORY No. 3-1 A Kingston lady was aske paid so much at auction for a had been in use ro years. there were 10 or I2 women at and don't think I paid too muc If you want one of these call on McKelvey & B irch, Empire Typewriter Gives more value for the money than any machine on the market. Visible writing --Very portable. Price, $60, Second-hand machines from J. B. C. DOBBS & 00., 171 For the next mong), on aceon we have decided to offer our ¢ PRICE. consisting of Heaters, B yO -- - ¢ $ ¢ : : ¢ | ! New Underwear ! { { : ' ¢ ' ¢ ¢ ' ' § i ------------ | SALE OF HOUSEHOLD 60035. Er; ng anges and Pug Stoves, and Hous) Furnishings of endless variety and in Brsteclace including a large number of very fine Mahogany Pieces, ete It will pay to come and see > Corner of Princess and oS Chatham 905 SERIES "HAPPY THOUGHT" RANGE d a few days ago why she Happy Thought which Well, said she, everyone tells me that this is the best Cook Stove made, and as the sale who wanted it, I could not get it for less, however | am quite satisfied h. best-of-all Cook Stoves 69-71 Brock St, $5 to $50. WELLINGTON STREET. TE ---------------------------- Streets, Kingston i * 0030 000 THE CANADA METAL 000 004000000000 000000¢ sees We Gay in Stack , INGOT. pappeR, ANTIMONY & TIN * * C0, TORONTO. * * 90000000 0000000 / TRULY IDEAL WIFE | HER HUSBAND'S BEST HELPER Health In the Great Source of To be such successful wife, to re- in the love and admiration of he i | to inspire him to make . Bos of himself, should be a woman 1) ast Sbudy "finds that } her Shergies agging, that she gets easi s re appear under her Syes. has backache, headaches, bearl g- Sonatas. serine wie SE, 3] ° gan 31 build up Ter Syatein by a S x S E Pin Vegetable Com- POUDS. wing we publish by request a 10th Street, Tacoma, Ou Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegstab Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it wi 3 a every sick and ailing Wowan, : If you have symptoms Tou dows n derstand write to Mrs. i hi, 4 Lynn, Mass. Her advice always helpful. A LONG COURTSHIP. Waited Until Lover Had Acquire Geneva; Sept. 18 a courteh of more than forty-five years, the wa riage has just been celebrated at Co a named Herzfol a, sixty-six wears, and Mie, is sixty-five years old. felt wn : .- before th were twenty years of age, and so after young Herefeld left for Ameri in search of fortune, telling his fianc that he would not retum withe SI000W, and asked her to wait "During the forty-five vears t re exchanged nearly 3,000 lette and fifty photographs, and they rec nized each other without difficulty meeting aeain, The newlv-married py have left for Chicago, 1m. where \ Herzicld has a large business. of a Swiss; became him Gold In Australia. Sydney, Sept. 18~Two prospects have discovered valuable gold-beari ore at Pine Creek, near Otrange, N South Wales. The mines departme as the result of an assay, pronom the ore to be rich in gold and silv and to be worth nearly 210,000 ton. The district has been rushed and claims. have been pegged out | miles around the lucky prospecto find A Financier's Chaplain Montreal, Sept. 18.--Rev. Father M. White, of the dioce of John's, Nfid., for the past month ing parish work in Montreal, has » beem appointed chaplain to the fam of I. ¥. Kyvan, the famous . Ww street financier, of New York. Fat) White left for New York on the Ry private ear Maumee. Germany Sends Relief. Berlin, Sept. 18.--In addition Emperor William's donation of 82 for the relief of the Italian earthgp sufferers, the city of Berlin has propriated ¥2,000 jor the same p pose, and a committee has been for td to organize a system of relief. McLeod's Lithia Tablets For kidney or rheumatic trond A most useful as well as pleasant medy. Bottles 25¢c. McLeod's d store, Mshood's d Lownev's chocolate, store, Busin GOODS here. We ha the newest and swellest The greatest comp or Overcoat is to have t aside, after hard service, n.ews a whole lot more it was new, as inferior always say, "It gave sat On ercoats, as they neve We also offer in Raincoats Jos. Abramson, 180 Princess Street, Betw

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