| Pure Wool and seamless English ve been selling "for the Cashmere, foot, made hosiery firm, at 35c. each or 3 mparison you wil) find ng way ahead of stock. rice from mail order mere Stockings 28c., 30c. We invite ecide on a and best ready and show them styles and UT BUY- iideration. that suits to secure But you king over nt all Coats! * Stylish ( Only one te range of y models, 'cannot' repeat ne ur- Great Removal Sale --OF-- FURNITURE Rather than' remove the stocks contained in two store- houses which we are com- pelled to vacate before ist Nov, we are offering the goods at 16 TO 20% REDUCTION $36 Bolid Oak Bideboards for $20. Others for $6.60 to $75. Extension Tables, $6.50 to $86. Robt. J. Reid. Two Doors Above Opera House. Telephone 577. CALL FOR A FREE COPY Sept. Bulletin Property Snaps Therein Mean Dollars to You. SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY STOVES GALORE 80 square Hall Heaters, large stock of Cook Ranges, Pugs, Box amd Wood Stoves, also large stock of Carpets and Furniture. Always ready to trade, buy or sell TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE 308 PRINCESS STRE! WANTED. TWO WAITRESSES. APPLY MAN- ager British American Hotel. EXPERIENCED COOK AND HOUSE- maid. . -------------------------------- BOY. APPLY HENDERSON'S PHOTO graph Studio, 70 Princess street. Apply at 149 Earl street, A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. A wiy Mrs. Uglow, 142 Johnston S THOSE WHO CAN need apply. J. A TEN BOYS, ONLY work every day Gould & Co. APPLY IN Carey, SRAL SE vening to street. reine TO SPLIT MICA. AP- Mica Works, foot of RVANT. Mrs. GIRLS py Kent Bros. 'rincess street. FIFTY A MAID FOR - GENERAL work in small family. Johnston street. HOUSE- Apply 182 A' GIRL, WITH A KNOWLEDGE OF plain cooking. Good wages to Mrs. Steacy, 197 Johnston St -------------------------------------------- A COOK AND HOUSEMAID. APPLY at Mrs. Bruce Carruthers', Sydenham | street, after seven o'clock evening. GOOD GENERAL family of two 7 to 9, Mrs. street. ees etree eee. A COMPETENT HOUSEMAID, AND A cook. Must have references. Apply after 7 o'clock in the evening to 45 King street SERVANT, FOR Apply in the evening Laidlaw, 187 Johnston BY OCT. 1ST, A HOUSE, CE rally located ; modern conveniendes rent not to exceed §19Y per month. Apply Box 31, Whig office. TWO , GIRLS, ONE AS laundress; the other .as Good wages offered. Apply to Sears, Heathfield, Princess St. waitress. GIRL FOR GENERAL family of three : highest | Mrs. J. S. Turner at Henderson, 196 A GOOD housework; wages. Apply present with Mrs. Johnston street. A ---------------------- GENTLEMEN FO GET THEIR | made Pd Suits 181 Brock Overcoats Thomas Galloway' s, Also bring your old ones and rs them Xpaired. Bg Bt prise son a complete stock of the finest whole | -- | and ground Spices; also Cider, White A YOUNG WOMAN AT ONCE; EX. | Wine and English Malt Vinegars perienced book-keeping and steno I Afable of taking charge | All guaranteed pure. raphy. of ol pply in writing, with re- ferences to The Hedley Shaw Milling Co., Frontenac Mills, City. ei a ------------ MEN" AND BOYS' TO LEARN PLUMB- | ipg trade ; greit demand for gradu- «omplete ates $4-$5 day; many course two months ; graduates ad- mitted to Union and Master Plumb- | ers' Association. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, cinnati and St. Louis. (Day Oth Ave., New York TO-LET. H YEAR 72. NO. 218. 232 | Apply | COOK AND | New York, Cin- | and | | Night Sluts) For free catalogue .d «dress 289 1 E DAILY MEMORANDA, Spence's Willinery. Ope Opening, to-morrow, Lord Sydenham, died, Sept. 19th, 1841. St. Clair Tunnel oped this day 1891. "'Schunann-Heink,"> at Grand, n.m. President 1881, Hinchinbrooke fair Thursday and Fri. day at Parham Millinery Opening at linery, to-morrow. The sun rises Wednesday at 5.42 and sets at 6.05 p.m. Napanee and Prescott morrow. Opened to-day. Autumn Millinery Opening, Bros." Store, to-morrow, and Millinery Opening, Steacy's Store. to-morrow. Most of the serious the cup has been to the lip The sailor whose grog allowance cut off said it was a dry dock Attractive Sale of Furniture at Serve of late John Kerr, to-morrow SS 3 V. Greaza Miley Opening, ine days. Young ladies with freckled faces should not repine. Ideas of heauty are merely relative. Freckles, and big ones, are the distinguishing beauty of the coach dog Ganfield died, Pearsall"s Mil- a.m. fairs again to- at Crumley at Steacy & announces her Wednesday and follow- THE BEST CHINA The choicest and most beautiful is found in our selection. There is a wide range in style and vrice. So much de pends upon the right service that you should see our stock before making a selection. ROBERTSON BROS.. " AUCTION SALE EXTRAORDINARY ca ON Wednesday. the late Lieut.-Col. | | | | | | | in the | Kerr, Earl St. | Beautiful Old Fashioned Rosewood | Furniture, Fine Rosewood Case Piano, Furniture Mahogany Furniture | Black Walnut Bed Room | Fine Black Walnut Wardrobe, other valuable Sale at 10.30 | Bureaus, and | Piano at 1.30 JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer Mrs. | | pride, their home-made Pickles | Catsup, and these know that it is the truest economy to | use only PURE good YOU WILL SOON NEED YOUR TT mur FALL FOOTWEAR SHOP ON DIVISION STREET, THE Ss Miss Qari near rett street, Boon, milliner. iy a 'Whig o HOUSE, CORNER 1eneY AND Mititary Bootmakers, , _stabl ttached or occup en, ble at APriy Steacy and | 8¢ Brock St, . Sign of Gaiden Bool. Steacy , at M RR ------------------------ RLLINGS FURNISHED AND us hs roished, stores, offices, etc. Real Estate Prge LOST. Sm--ITII ITT A BLACK POCKET BOOK, CONTAIN- cards and snap Shots, calling Fikder kindly return to Wh A' LARGE hrooch, on fn back. The finder will be reward dy. leaving same at Whig office. ---- a ton est en ee ee A COLLEGE CREST WITH INITIALS Friday, H.E.C., either in McDonald Park, or will be re nlom King St. Finder ad by returning to this Office. CAMEO BROOCH, BETWEE N ST. Paul's aren and Farl % Re th | figure of ree Graces on i ew a er | for ts return to Mrs. Betts, 380 | Millinery Display of The Sum Earl Bt, ville Co., will not take pl ot A LADY'S DIAMOND RING, SATUR- | NEXT WEEK. { day morning, in or around Market Square, or Rideau street. same to Whig office wars on back and head. Any information w! ay Whig office. Agency, 1 OLD FASHIONED GOLD with photograph Finder ill Le promptly Tewardad by returning en Pe eee FOX 'TERRIER, wirH TAN . Any party ¥ Rarharing same after this notice, will Jewelers 850 King Street. Pas ry " Marriage 'Issued WAIT FOR IT! in the central part in | 1.90 to 4 pam the city 8.15 | | Sept. 19th, slips occur after | was resi- | At the fine residence of | ice John | PICKLING SEASON ! | Good housekeepers like to show, with and housekeepers 'Spices and Vinegars We have provided for the pickling sea- | Jas. Redden @ Co. importers of Fine Grooeries ---------------------------------------- Wear "Allen's"' Practical Optical Work... \f OS | Special to the Whig SMIT ded London, Sept To. respondent of the Daily Te legraph says | wight years Special Notice =i mi w=: LAUGHS LOUD | De Witte Scoffs At Idea Of Secret Clauses. SHUNS INTERVIEWS | CAN ONLY SAY THE TREATY IS SIGNED, | Cost 30,000 Francs to Cable it to in Paris--May Go to Italy for Health. Special to ihe Whig. Paris, Sept. 19.--Paul correspondent of the Petit Parisien, | who arrived, to-day, at Cherbourg, on the steamship' Kaiser Wilhelm 11, Lagardera, | telegraphs his paper that M. De Witte | | langhed outright at the mention of secret clauses in the peace treaty, and said: "On uy word of honor, the treaty Baron Komura and 1 signed at Portsmouth does not contain a single secret clause. | authorize you to formally say so." ; Lagardere adds that the text of the treaty was cabled in cipher to St. | Petersburg, the very might it | signed. The message consisted of 1,- 519 groups of figures, and the full | tariff, amounting to 30,000 francs, was paid on it. De Witte Seemed Affable. Sept. 19.-The | Wilhelm: 11, upon which M. { arrived to-day, Cherbourg, Kaiser De Witte encountered fogs and frequent rains on the passage. . | De Witte passed much of the time .in his stateroom, where he usually took his meals, but whenever he associated with his fellow- passengers he im- pressed them with his amiability. He refused to be interviewed at Ply- mouth or Cherbourg. He waived re- porters away, saying, "No more in terviews. 1 have nothing to say, ex | copt that the treaty is signed." M. De Witte disembarked at Cher bourg, where his wife and daughter, Mine. Narishkine wet him. After ex- changing affectionate embraces, the party took a train for Paris, where they will remain a few days before starting for St. Petersburg, by way of Brussels. After M. De Witte has re- | ported to the czar he hopes to go to Italy, for the benefit of his health. - May Be Made A Count. London, Sept. 19. According to | the Daily Telegraph, it is helieved th mt the czut will confer a countship on M. De Witte, who, however, is abandoning the cares of for private life, desirous of RUSSIAN SQUADRON SIGHTED Of North Korea Carrying News ! of Armistice. Special to the Whig. Seoul, Korea, Sept. 19.--A Russian squadron was sighted on Sunday al ternoon off rongohen, Korea. Its mission was cate the terms of the Russian forces on the to communi- armistice Tumen river. Open Ports Equally. London, Sept. 19.~The correspondent of the Moming Post, says that an imperial decree has been ordering many of the ports in Manchuria to be opencd equally to all treaty powers. NEPTUNE TO SAIL issued, Canadian Steamer Will Leave Fer Hudson's Bay. Ottawa, Sept. 19.--Wedpesday the Neptune will sail for Hudson Bay. Major Moodie, who for the last two seasons has been upholding Canadian authority in the far north, returns north with the Neptune, but after de- livering supplies to the several posts along Hudson Bay . will retum with his vessel before winter sets in. Dur ing the winter communication will be maintained by a dog sleigh between Fort Churchill and the mounted police | stations further porth. Major Moodie | will himself travel to | dverland next winter. A GREAT MUSTER. 40,000 Scotchmen Were in March, Special to the Whig. Edinburgh, Sent. 18.--~The greatest muster of Scotchmen under arms since the battle of Flodden Field was re- viewed by King Edward here, to-day. in the march past. past Sir Thomas Lipton, who is hon- orary colonel of the Second Lanark shire Engineers, was leading his regi the king when The Sasebo that the officers of the Mikasa, flagship, have written tion, aceepting full responsibility for the disaster, and will readily ncrept any penalty fit to impose of | them. Admiral Togo has hoisted hi flag on another ship. Baseball On Monday. National league--Boston, 9-4; Brook- lyn, 2-1. Chicago, 4; St. Louis, 2, American league--Washington, 4-3; NO TICE. | Boston, 2:16. Detroit, 3; Cleveland, THE GAS SERVICE WILL RE CU T 10. St. Louis, 3; Chicago, 2. off TOMORROW AFTERNOON, from | pocio, 10.8; | league--Baltimore, { Bufialo, 62. Russia -- De Witte and Family | was | in Northern | to the | Shanghai | Fort Churchill the | his horse a communica adding that they the | DAILY BRITISH A KINGSTON, ONTARIO, 10. TOESDAY, SEPTEMBER _ '19, 1905. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. The condition of Baron Komura i wuch im Th iving "day has been fixed for i October 26th. i Storm warnings are displayed on | the upper lakes and on western Lake | rie. Tartars attacked Armenian refugees, slaughtered the wen and carried off the women. There 18 every probability that most. of the provinaal election pre tests will be dropped. It is officially stated that al Louis of Battenberg' s squadron will | visit the United States: | Parkdale Methodists gave $4,300 to- i wards the $6,000 improvements at | | Sunday's re-opening services. i i The militia department is making ! | arrangements to take over Halifax | fortress about October 10th. By the overturning of a car in the {| New York Central tunnel, in New | York, several persons were injured. | { A fire that swept through the busi { ness section of Nome City is believed | | to have done hali a million dollars' | damage. : | In a landslide at Goderich on the | | Maitland river, damaged, and ried away. John Hull, and his family, | by escaping gas, | rubber tubing. Mrs. h Murray, wile "of the grand Bs ry of the Masonic Order, died at her home in Hamilton yester- | day, after an illness of four years. | John Robson Cameron was present- ed with a purse of gold to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of 'his association with the Hamilton Spee a steam shovel was seven dump cars car contractor, Hamilton, | were nearly smothered from a disconnected tator. While taking » a walk with guests who | were gath his house to ce brate his Bitieth anniversary, Charles Goubland, a wealthy New York metal dealer, was struck by a train and killed. Faculty of King's College, Windsor, N.S., will open a college at Glace Bay, Cape Breton, for the study of coal! mining. Dr. Lishman, will be presi- dent. King's will also open a school of engineering at Sidney. A genuine pirate is reported on Lake Michigan he i» a sailing craft, with a black flag ving she anchored off Chicago, sent ashore a party armed with rifles and other weapons, who at- tacked and drove out members of the Douglas Yacht Club, sitting in the | porch of theig club house, CELEBRATE ON OCT. 21. Whole Empire to Join in Nelson Centennial. | Loudon, #ept. 1W.---One hundred | vears ago last Thursday Nelson em- | barked at Portsmouth on his ship, | the Victory, for the voyage which crowned his marvellous life and made | him a British national asset for all | time. That day was the occasion of the | launching of a movement for a cen- | | tenary memorial under the auspices of | | Lord Brassey, Lord Kinnaird, Sir | Thomas Sutherland and many other | | distinguished peaple, ! October 21st all parts of the British empire will celebrate the Nelson cen tengial. In the afternoon of that day there will he a great gathering at | ! the Albert Hall, followed by a big | evening concert, Collections are now being started, | the proceeds of which will be devoted to the benefit of the royal mercantile | and fishing fleets, | en. 'NORWAY AND SWEDEN. Still Prominently in the Public | Eye. Si 1 to the Whi rated, Sweden, Sept. 19.~The | | Norwegian and Swedish delegates were lin conference for two hours and a half | yesterday, and adjourned to meet when an agreement has been reached on certain points submitted to a sub- committee. It is understood that as a basis of the agree ment, Sweden has promised to sign an arbitration treaty, as soon as Norway is recognized as a separate | state, while Norway agrees to destroy | all the new frontier forts. The other | { conditions are still under considera tion, ---- REMOVED FROM SERVICE. | | They Had Helped to Smuggle Chinamen In. Special to the Whig. : Washington, Sept, 19.--The depart ment of commerce and labor has is sued an order removing Edward Baltz | and Charles W. Stevenson, Chinese in- | spectors in the immigrant service, who Nearly 40,000 Scottish volunteers were i were charged with assisting in smug- During the march | gling over Chinamen into the United | different ports and with the hearing of | States at | swearing falsely at these Chinamen. | threw him and Sir Thomas was kick- { Three Americans Pardoned. be sent by 6 special messenger and PiLLED ry id fed in the face. His injuries are not | 3 0. pI, Sept. 19.-The gover | could not be enclosed in an envelope. { herlous, nor-general has pardoned three more All styles of mounts end frame a { Americans who are serving time in Notice. ways in stock, with repairs OFFICERS TAKE ONUS | te Philippine Islands for their mis | be. Ch Pru 1 ined AND GLASS | desl Np are: Daniel Douglas, | The optician at r, Chown's 5g SED. y exam i a - Is { Poh { Store, has returned from his holidays. ES FY | Of Disaster to Mikasa, Togo's ior fg reas % "| As there are a large number of peo- Pres fo above ok moteratn | Piagship comet of obbery 1. Marge: | tin" opment will hey cor- | @¢l Phillipson, sentenced to six years, and one day, and three | years, six months, and twenty-one days, and a fine of $250, respectively. « conditions of 'all the pardons are | that the | to the Philippine Islands. pin n | Gen. Wister Dead, rs 19. Gen. « petial t hy © Po Isanc { J. Wister, of this city, philanthropist | and scientist, 'and for a number of | years vice p t of the Penusyl- | vania railway is dead, Your eves examined by an expert optician, Glasses furnished teed to give satisfaction. Dr. C drug store, | newspapers recount | of that eity. [ let, the last a married man, di | Maria and her companion and gellop | men will stay with me, | four vears, | kent in a cellar { lowed an hour's exercise in the villa | Missive pardoned ones never return | ran- own's | SEILED THEN | Kidnapers 'Weie Kidnaped And Kent FOR FOUR YEARS KEPT PRISONERS TILL YOUNG WOMAN IS MARRIED, Nobleman on Return , Finds His Estate Has Been Confiscated and Attendant"s Wife Has Taken Another Husband. Moscow, Sept. 19.--~The Kazan a strange onse that is being fought in the law courts Four years ago Baron Liupianoff, his coachman, ar his va- ed mysteriously, and no clew to their whereabouts could be discovered, Early last July, however, immedi: ately alter the auigh er of Ivan Os: relski, a wealthy fur merchant, had arte her marriage, all three men reappeared with as little warning as had marked their previous exit. Baron Liupianoff, on reaching his country seat, found a cousin = in possession, and was branded as an imposter; the valet found that his wife, after mourn: ing him as lost, had married a second time, and showed no inclination to renounce her home and "hushand," Much against his will, the Baron brought an action to recover his en tates, for, naturally, he was forced by the court to explain his mysterious | wen disappearance. Four years ago, he ad-| on intel, all other means having failed, he attempted to kidnap Maria Ostrel ski, a girl of barely sixteen, whose teultl and beauty had long fascinated un, Ivan Ostrelski, her father, had de- clined his advances, and the girl her- self evinced no fondness for his suit. The abduction was to have token place at Faster, when Maria and her |al governess were on their way to attend a midnight service at the cathadral. Ivan Ostrelski, the father, however, learned of the plot, and laid his plans accordingly. Instead of Maria and her governess, he placed two stout men, dressed as women, in the earringe that set out from his villa, and two other muscular young bruisers were on the box. When the vehicle was stopped by Baron Liupianoff and his two chnfoderates. Ostrolsk's quartette of rafans acted with sueld prompti- tude and force that in a trios the Lar on and his men were themselves kid nanped and drive off to the Ostrelski villa. They had intended to gag and Lind off to the baron's estate in her own carriage. Now, instead, they were themselves prisoners and at Ivan Os | trelski's merey, The fur merchant did not mince matters, "Pill my daughter is married and | protected by a husband, you and your " he said. For until the day of Maria's wedding, all three men were indeed under lock and key. They were simply fod and comfort blv clothed, the cellar being warmed in | winter and well ventilated in summer, The baron and his servants gained sey- eral ponds. Each night they were al grounds, due precaution being taken that thev should neither escape nor communicate with the outside world, Such was the story told by Liupian- off and his two associates, and nobody in Kazan doubts that he will win his case. Financially his position has greatly improved by his enforced in earceration, for his more prudent cou sin paid off the mortgages on the es tates, little dreaming that their right ful owner would one day return to | elaim an unencumbered property. The valet probably will divorce his wife and allow her to continue the contented life that she is leading with her second hushand, UNEARTH BRICK LETTER. Found fin Babylon is 2,200" Years Old. » London, Sept. 19.--A brick recently discovered in the excavations being made on the site of the ancient city of Babylon turned out to be a love mis sive 2,200 years old. The writer was named Gimil, and hix missive was addressed to a young wo- man named Kafouya, which means "Little Sheep." Kafouyn was sojourn: {ing at a country villa, and the writer | shows his anxiety to know when his sweothenrt would return to Babylon. The writing iz full of affectionate ex- pressions, "ut confirms nothing to | confirm the fame of Babylon as a dis solute city, perhaps because it had to kindly keep them at the holir appoint- { od, and save confusion. Indian Vhisf Dead. | Special to the . | Aberdeen, 8 om A opt. 19.--"Rain-in- ! the-Face," one of the leading chiefs in the Custer massacre, and who was said to have personally killed Custer, lis dead. He was sixty-two years old. Joha Singer, Spruce Grove, near Ed- monton, lost his right arm by taking {a Jo aded gun, muzale first from a gv. | Trusses--Easy, perfert gy ow 3, secure, comfortable, Dr. Chown's drug itv isms On Lines of Toronto Body Now he gy Special to the Montreal, Bly 9 The Methodists of this city have decided to form a social union, on the lines of the body already at work in Toronto. A com mittee has been appointed to eon: der a constitution for the organiza tion. union, which will consist of ministers aud faymen, is expected to form a strong bond between the different churches, and to materially bon the work of the Methodist Rontreal. The Allan line steamer Won, olian, from Glasgow, for Quebec phar treal, passed Fame Point, 10.30 --- on tho ISth inst. -------- KILLS CONTRACTOR'S WIFE. Disting x Jeuloua of : Victim's Hus Rome, Sept, 19, TA li wih ir from Turin states that a has place at Bor Pelli oy victims being Secondo Rovero, a dis: tinguished engineer, and Anmetta Ava dri, the wife of a contractor. Rovero but ing ard, actu- o engi- neer gained access erage, -- Signore Quadri was a+ Sending her holi- days and shot dead, taking his own or A STEAMER AGROUND And in a Bad Spot to Work About, rors Burn. YliEs., Sept. 19:40 Canadian steamer Sadie whi which Suey gb, in he in on idle tou of is Woh wi 17 latter, ile {ying to kd Nh alongside of yosterday: altaraoon, org Bon berm i y the lighter 80 badly that she will probab,y have to ba § swift current make it a dificult job in ting the are. Deal Justice Without Law. Geneva, Sept. 19.--~According to an official ort of the canton of Schaff- hausen, majority of the Justicgs of the peace of the canton sess the text of the laws which oe may be called upon to interpret. of things is also dangerous and shoul be amended. Justice is proverbially blind, but how do the magistrates ma when they, too, are in the dark ? The re port does not say. Tiny School Children Strike, Berlin, Sept. 19.--Dispatches from Russia 'tell of a curious strike, which has ocourred at Radom. The upils of the Jewish confessional aro, ild- dren of from four to five years of j learning Hebrew, Russian, and Sorip ture, have refused to attend the class: es, and have put forward thy following claims: (1) That there shall be a re duction in the number of school hours; (2) that the masters shall no lon be allowed to use sticks and leather belts in disciplining the children, and (3) that holidays, which are unknown to the school shall take place in sum- mer. To Hold Sausagq Centenary. Vienna, Sept. 19.-A centenary cele bration of an uncommon order will be commemorated here next weok, It is a question of the Frankfort wmau- sage, which can boast of a century's existence. The sausage, it is interest. ing to point out, was invented at Vienna by Johann Lahner, a native of Frankfort, who took up his resi- dence in the Australian capital in 1798, and presented his sausage to the Viennese in 1805. ls success was immediate, and it was not long be foro it appeared on the imperial table, Battle Souvenirs Removed, | Berlin, Sept. 19.-On August 6th, 15%, at the battle of Saarbrucken, present. road official, Selter, of Fein berg, was wounded in the shoulder by a couple of splinters of ell, which he carried about wi him for thirty-five years. The other. day he underwent an operation for their removal. In the course of time the splinters had moved downward, and they were in the space between the fifth and sixth ribs. They were successfully removed, Memorial To Pope, Rome, Sept. 19.--The monument to the Pope, Pius X., raised by subserip- tion among the Roman Catholies of the entire world, and erected at Riese, the natal village of his holiness, will, it is stated, be inaugurated on the first Sunday in October. A certain amount, necessary to defray necesROry expenses, ix still lacking, but it is ex- pected that it will be forthcoming shortly. | Millinery Oplening. We Have Decided to Make ==" Wednesday, Sept. 20th A Special Day for Our FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY OPENING All Ladies Are Invited, at G or Cons had been attentive to Sig: | 1 | the not LE dA | papers eopaidor ho this lt ie Vata | DIED KENNEDY .~In Kingaton, 18th, "1905, lov: wie of Tones" Bp ay ty: Funeral resi (Hamiiton und Oswego papers . copy. DRENNAN ~Suddenly, Sept: } Ey . Christm) on' axed