Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1905, p. 3

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i, sh or Cure 1 Shiloh' ion Cure fails pede. You 'are swe of 4 Cue of © Cash. Mit wasn't a swe cure, this offer would not be made. Can anything be fairer > I you have i Tro yori ota doce SHILOH 25c. per boule, AN dealers guarantee i. yecial Sale . 7 ubber Goods 207, Discount for Ten Days is an excellent opportunity 1, Hot Water Bottle or Foun- Syringe (a household a necessity) per cent. less than any other Don't make the "old one" do , brand new one. You will need fore the winter is over anyway over our stock and select yours ce. All goods guaranteed. e Best Drug Store . BEST, Chemist and Optician rincess Street. 'Phone 59 >00000000000000000g J FREE, CONTRACTOR stimates given for all kinds of son Work, Plastering and nent Work of all: descriptions. Division St. "Phone 402 pers of Boarding ouses Will Find 3 store the correct spot to ish their supplies. Special all this week. ; inch Unbleached Sheeting in or twill, at 20c., 22¢c., 25c. d. inch Unbleached Sheeting heavy, 25c. a yard. nch Bleached Sheeting, plain 25¢., 30c. a yard, inch Bleached . Sheeting 23c., 25¢., 30c. a yard. inch and 90 inch Bleached ng, 35¢c. a yard, ow Cottons in plain or ar, all widths, at lowest 'w Slips ready for use, Finish Cotton, extra l value at 39¢. a pair. ach Unbleached Table Linen, ar 50c. quality, for 39c. a inch * Bleached Table Linen, design, 5c. quality, on his. week, 50¢. a yard, e Napkins extra values 75c. n and up. derful values in Linen Huck 3, at 25¢. a pair, * is ths place 'for Blanket y Whether you want ail Union or Flannellette. We he goods at prices that can- e matched anywhere in the . man & Shaw Nearly everyone lows it and they | like it. You determine on tting it the next ne you need coal. MES SWIFT & 00... 5 WD AND: S MISNOMER WHEN APPLIED TO VANCOUVER. Churches Filled, and Giving Generous--Many. Should Go to Dominior. Fair--Heavy Rains. After Dry Summer. Vangouver, B.C,, Sept. 19.--(To the .2ditor) : From Spence's Bridge, a few wiles out from this city, on the line of the C.P.R; comes 'the news that a man, named Olsen, shot and killed one npmed, Hoperoft.t about six oo'. clock~last 'night. The men had been fighting, and had parted. Olsen had e to his tent, and' the other map followed him, threatening to kill him. Olsen. went int8%the tent and came out with a doublebarrelled shotgun, and shot Hoperoft in the face, killing nim instantly. The murdefer was ar- rested and ane inguestiis being held. Nanaime, simultaneously with this, furnishes us with almost an exact counterparf, Diting She early hours of last night Isaac Dykes, a well-known and generally respected citizen, of Na- naimo, and a companion, named Ma- Jone, were drinking together, after which they dropped into a restaurant for lunch. While sitting at the table, the two began quarrelling, whereupon the proprietor stepped outside to call in a friend of Dyke's to stop the fight. Upon his return Dykes was lying flat on the floor, and Malone was lifting his head, and dropping .it again rapid- ly. Dykes was found to be uncon- scious, suffering from concussion of the brain, and was placed in the hos- pital, where he died seventeen hours after, without having regained con- sciousness, Munlone was arrested, and will be held, pending the coraner's in- quest, It is the same old story in both cases--rim ! Notavithstauding the fovegoing, the generally accepted term, "Wild and wooly west," is a misnomer. There may have been a day when it did ap- ply, and there may be parts of the west where it does apply to-day, but in the broad sense in which many, who are not familiar with the west, are likely to.accept it, it is a mis nomer, for there are just as good peo- ple to be found in the west as there are in any other part of the universe, and I am happy to say that the rul- ing element belongs to this class. Were it not that one of the ia eastern cities claims the proud distinction. Van- couver. might, well of churches! We have thirty-five places of religious worship, or about one to every 1,300 persons, besides preaching on the stréet corners Hy the Salvation Army, and several other societies, Go to any one of those thirty-five churches during service, and. vou will find them well attended, and go to anv of the groups on the street corn: «rs, and vou will find such crowds that the speaker's voice can hardly be heard by those in the outer circle Then the wav in which people respond to the call for money for church pur: poses, out here, shows that the peo ple of the west are not as bad as we sometimes brand them. IT attended two services, in the same church, on the a be called the city ¢ Serpent ined itl, 'nd, hy-the'way, it of the largest either. "The minister made an appeal, at the mo: ing service, for $1,200, with which to pa¥ioft-h déiit on a branch chiich hich had just been built. At the close the evening * service he announced that $1,450 had been subscribed. have been in places in the east where this spirit might be commended very appropriately, and so I ask of you, do not 'take ug too seriously when we speak of this beautiful and enchant- ing western domain in that misapplied term="Wild and woolly west." After a very dry summer, we have just had a very heavy rain. The wea- ther observer, of this city, furnishes ys with the following reports : (I have not stonped to figure them out but pre. sume they are correct.) Wednesday was 0 inches; Thursday, 2.72 inches, and for: Friday 1.20 inches. The total rainfall 3.94 inchés during those three vs, meant. : the precipitation . of a weight of 400 tons of water to the acre, or fifty tons un the ordinary re- sidential lot. As the Dominion fair opens, at New Westminster in this month, we ex- pect. to see many of the good people fromthe east avail themselves of one of the finest opportunities that is ever likely to present itself to learn of Britich Columbia and her wonderful and incomprehensible products. Come out and léarn something of this glori- ous west, Buy your ticket to Van- couver; there is a ten-minute electric service «between here and New West minster: daring: fair time.--E. H. NEW. TON, 1179. Keefer street. amedgy fre bev ic n For Evening Wear. Lemon 'eolor is coming. There 'are to be Empire cloaks. Princess modes will flourish. Fine drtsses are made of needle work, 2 . There will be lovely soft silk weaves, Dresses may the hips. - A lace bolero completes one princess skirt, Black velvet has made its reappear- ance, Gloves are sufficiently long to the elbow. v Lace coats tions, The Egyptian searfs will continue in favor Opalescent spangles will shimmer on many dresses, . Gold tissue slippers will be superb with dresses fo match. Paste huckles will black satin slippers tucks and lace medal Tivns adorn one crepe de chine dress. Sléave tay be mere frills or pufie, or they may turn the elbow, Lace onera cloaks ave ~da over pleated chiffon "and: silk. Then comes the wool wadding, and thon the lining proper. be draped over turn will be smart for recep- scintillate on mpd fuses ee { Nyals Corn Stix. The, . convenient remedy, removes corns, warts and bunions. No grease, easily applied, lOc. McLeod's drug store, Wg ee Lilebuoy Soap -- disinfectant -- it strongly recommended by the medice h * Montreal 'Collected * Not Wisely, the English market occupied some at- TH? DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, TOO MUCH MONEY. : But Tod Well. The report recently sent from Eng- land by Mr. Bristol, one of Canada's conimercial agents, relative to the finding of Canadian filled cheese in tention at the meeting of the Brook: ville cheese board, M. K. Evertts, a leading salesman, launched the disoms- sion and advocated the compulsory. branding of all Canadian cheese where- by the frauds could he easily traced to the parties guilty of perpetrating such frauds, ; D. Derbyshire, M.P., pointed out that several 'vears ago a similar frand was detected in Montreal, and feared that such cases would crop up perio- dically by the foolish act of some dis- honest cheesemnaker. Mr. Derbyshire held "that "the matter was of small concern, and had been given a little too much prominence hy the press, Tn view of this the trade was likely to gnfier serious results, which he de- plored. During the meeting a letter was read from the manager of the Montreal clearing house. stating that at a meet- ing held on the 7th inst., it was pro- nosed that all guarantees of credits for, purchases at cheesé hoards or dairy associations should be cancelled from the 15th inst. Mr. Derbyshire took this as showing the wav the finmncial wind blows with regard' to the cheese trade. Tt indicat- od thet priecis Have heen aNogether too 'hich, and that the accumulation of 356.000 hoxes of cheese at Mont- veal had made the bankers conclude that too much money is being tied uy in the trade. OCEAN VOYAGERS HEALTHY. Death Rate is Very Low on At- } lantic, During the three years ended June 30th, last, 1932934 steerage passeng ers embarked from European ports for New York, Of these 423 died on the voyage, making a death-rate of about 22 per 100,000 passengers. Allowing twelve days for the average voyago, the rate is equivalent to annual death-rate of 6.56 per 1,000. The highest mortality was in Janu ary, the month of smallest travel, and the lowest wan in May, one of the months of heavibst travel to New York. From Northern Europe there were 242 deaths out of 1,351.9221, steerage passengers, and from South ern' Europe 181 deaths out of 581,713 Of the steerage passengers 31,873 were babies under one year and 110 were horn on the vovage. There vere 126,993 children over one.and under eight years, and 1,774,068 passengers were over eight years. Under cighd vears 211 died, and above that age 212; In the steerage 1 1-3 died out of every 1,000 children under eight years Only one steprage passenger out ol nearly two 'millions died on ship- board from accident, and, only. ons from vellow fever. Twenty-three com mitted suicide, and seven disappeare" * BRIDE AGED EIGHTY Soi 5 A -- RESCUES HUSBAND ' FROM AN ASYLUM, By Ruse, She Gets Permission to Visit Sweetliéart, Then Places Hi: in Cab and Escapes. London, Sept. WX' romantic story of a Scottish bride of eighty, who lib- erated her husband, ovir whose head seventy-two winters have passed, from the oruel custoflians of his declining years, JuRt' Wwe' to Bwkt. Ip places it is almost as thrilling ae Charles Reatle's "Hard Cash." A wealthy and well known Newcastle manufacterer, a widower with a grown-up family. net a well known Scottish lady, Who had twice before embarked on the turbulent 'sea of ma- trimony: Mutaal liking Blossomed into patriarchal love, and the aged pair, unknown to their relatives, were quiet. ly marrieth: The bride, after the cere mony, took her "taddie' across the horder to her howe, where the honey- moon was spent. The sons learmed of their father's marriage, and, travelling to Scotland, succeeded: in inducing him to return with them to the banks of the Tyne. They then placed him: in a private asyium, where they! imagined he wonld be safe, . . They were mistaken. In. the veins of the aged bride . the blood of a thou: sand bo warriors ran, «and, dis cavering the place wher her husband languished, she proceeded there in a SEF. cab, accompanied by a woman re tainer, She said she was an old friend of the man and asked for an interview, b which was granted. The asvlum au: thorities, never suspecting that the quiet old. lady needed watching, al- lowed her to. walk alone in. the grounds with her "friend." The aged sweethearts strolled about the grounds, edging ever closer to the gate. ey remched it, A stealthy glance around showed they were not followed, In a trie the cab bearing the reunited couple and the faithful servant was speeding toward the rail- way: station. Macdopnell The Younger. Toronto Globe. Rev. gie Macdonnell, M.A., of Hamilton, Breached in St, Andrew's church on Sunday. This was his first appearance 'in the pulpit which hig father made conspicuous throughout a quarter-century, And some members of the congregation recalféd the first ser- mon of the late Rev. D. J. Macdonnell in the old church on Adelaide street, thirty-five years ago. Dispels Aches And Pains. 4+ There is nothing else to be had that will drive away aches, pains and sore ness 80 quickly and keep them away so surely as Smith's White Liniment. It is one remedy that never fails to cure sprains, swelling, inflammation, .| neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago and all aches a pains. Big lo during the vovage. profession ae a safeguird against in fectious disenses. Wade's glove cloaner, 10ec. seated oe co 25¢. Bt Wade's. THE NEW CONSUL. ------_-- . He Comes to Kingston With An 49 Excellent Record. Howard D. Van Sant, who has been ppointed United States consul at Neston. has only been in the con: sular service since January last, at that time President. Roosevelt ap- pointed him to Guelph, Ont. Prior to that time Mr. Van Sant was may- or of Island Heights, N.J., for four terms, He has been in public life more or less since boyh He was born in Camden, N.J., ix in his for- tieth year, and is unmarried, Owing to scarlet fever, fromd which he suf fered in youth, he was left quite lane and walks with the aid of a cane. Mr.Van Sant will come to Kingston towards the end of Octo- bel r, The Guelph Mercury says of the ap- pointment : The promotion carries with it a 'substantial increase in salary, and Mr. Van Sant is to be congratulated that the faithful and courteous attention which he has given to the duties of his office since his appointment as U. 8. consul at Guelph have won him. this well-merit: ed promotion at the hands of his' government, Mr. Van Sant has been indefatigmble in his efforts to poke his office of mutual advan to this city and district, and to Maton, and his reports have been extensive: ly published and quoted. He follow- ed at Guelph a popular man in ex- Consul Daly, but he hat 'made good," and there will be universal re gret amo the business mon and among all the cithens who have come into touch with Mr. Van Sant that in. a month or so he will no longer be a resident among us. The retiring consul has been a courteous, capable, and thoroughly democratic representa tive of United States interests and a gentleman with whom it was always a pleasure to meet, : Fall Fairs. A oxunanta Sept 19-20, Alexandria , Newington Sept. 19-20 Stirling .. Sept. 19-30, Lyndhurst Sept. 19-20. Napanee .. « 39-30, Prescott it. 19-21. Cobden ; Aa Frankfol Sent: "3% Metcalfe pt. 21-28, Hinchenbrooke « 91-22. Vankleek Hill te, 21-28. Cobourg Sept. 25-26. Maxville . Sept. 25-36. Peterboro Sept. 25-27. Wolfe Island . Sap. 26-37. Richmond ... . 20-37, Russell . 26-37, Lansdowne 26-27, Delta ..... t. 27 Avonmore pL. 27-28, Renlrew ...........von. RE Sept. 27-28. McDonald's Corners ....... Sept. 29, Picvon ..., . oe it. 97-28. Marmora - . Campbelltor w Sept. owmanville aberly ... Lakefield . Colborne .. L"Amable .. Carp Bancroft Beachburg . Odessa. .... Norwood Fenelon Fal A wellknown and popular Breck- villian, Norman Gardiner, ix dead, at Lownev's chocolate, Mahood's drug store. Syracuse, after a few days' illness offering. A social of Colonel from typhoid. A widow and three small children survive. JAMES JOHN Special Offerin It will pay you to keep in touch ing columns and watch the many snaps gain Day." fer many special things, the some of them: .-- CHILDREN'S FALL AND WINTER JACKETS Fi: Raval io th. par pio and $12.60. We will offer these for $4.50, $4.75, LADIES' NEW FALL SUITINGS- sale for day of 48 inch Pure Wool for Long Coat Suits; worth 81, for T3e. 72 indh PURE LINEN TABLINGS, halfbleached, for 8c. yards. 68 inch, FULL, BLEACHED SATIN DAMASK TABLING; regilae. 81 ji or . A few High Grade Ladies' Jackets, in 36, to go at half price. si03 Ladies' Jerseys and Raincoats. James Jo 180 The Young Lady Formerly Lived interest took place on Saturday, at Victoria, B.C., when R. Marpole, sup- erintendent of the western division which the CP, R,, was united in to Miss Anna Isabel Holmes, tary District No. 11. The event place at the residence of the bride's parents at might, Rev, W, Leslie Clay, 180 Wellington Street: : Fo A RA ? Toh oT We are going to make "Every For Tuesday and Wednesda following lar prices of Sedan (loth, in all the nes ty Sharh » oy gh cs e------ Wellington Street. AT VICTORIA, B.C. Here event of more than usual ter Holmes, D.O.C., of Mili took Allegrette's drug store. Hats that are more subdued--yet superb in their quiet elegance and beauty--hats for the most-dressy and formal occasions--chic hats for street S| an. "Come at once and learn the truth of our statement that nowhere will your money, whether the amount you spend be large or small, buy so much of exquisite modishness and worth. fi 4 To-morrow, September 20th, Is the First Day. OPENING IN OTHER STOCKS, is the year. Hats to suit every taste, hats that are excl (Zr 7 ~2( fre We I This is the time welcomed by elever women who like to be always just a tunity to choose while all the hats are here. No matter where "you go. 'to look, you wi SWE -- ele 4 . p-- MY prise ns igs / No matter where you turn ifi' our Millinery Department new and delightful 'surprises will greet you. little ahead of the crowd, who 11 choose your new hat here, at this store--we know that, for all our former effort: have been eclipsed. More hats are here, each and every one more beautiful than at any previous time. i : usive, richly elaborated, and full of the most superb and striking style-ideas as appreciate the oppor- wear--smart hats for the business womb; Superbly ready are we, iff'evety department of this helpful store, to greet our store friends with charming, désirablegand worthy assemblages of new Fall mer- chandise. gutsy ign: Everything as new ast he season of brisk fall winds. Garments are delightful as these fall days--dress fabrigés and silks as bewildering in their multi-colordness as the autuma foilage will soon be. Every nook and corner of this newly attired store is sparkling with new things. . ; Bit Each garment is expressive of the latest style ideas of the greatest designers of this ntry or of Paris. dominating features. .* In short every counter Fall and your fall nee ( Exclusiveness, distinctiveness and individuality are the of this_helpful store is prepared as never before for the ds... Thi to furnish the house, domestics, linens, no- tions-and the like, and all prices with our usual presistent lowness. We cordially invite you to view,our. "Autumnal Exhibit" To-morrow. "Ask for Steacy's Discount Stamps AUTUMN hes. Co Tr ull Bow Sn ew the desirable makes of the Comprise all the most stylish fabrics h French, Englikh and Italian manufuc- of foreign and home markets : Vone Coats, Skirts, Petticoats, turers Mosplines, Louvisienes, Tama- tinne, Worsted Suitings, Tweed Effects, Waists, Golf Jackets, Norfolk The. Chiffon Taffetas, Crepe de Coverts, Panamas, Broadcloths, Pirle Girl' Dresses and Coa OC ) d ts, Chene, Pailettes, Peap de Soie, Duch- Pennecloth, Serges, Heuriettas, ete. Coats of all kinds at spe Seale, Bie, al rock bottom prices. in great variety. | prices. 3 " § Es % i : : On All Cash Purch You Save 5 Per Cent. . : on as urcnases iou € n 4 hp Ely wa 2 Everything that's new in

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