Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Sep 1905, p. 5

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eg ee. BIBBY CO. rice Clothing and 'Men; se in}Kingston : . 7 Ho) 3 a -- \ u rve our patrons Wit the ' and Children's Toggery the country preparations for fall ang beat all previous rec | do it. on, h, English and Domestic Tween ouble bréasted, $6.50, 27.50. x 50, st styles, 3p made from the newest M2. ell, dressy, genteel kind, made from west shades, $8.50, $10, 212.50 ¢, ane perfety fitting he any tailor 8s Have Arrived. ra Look! yles i-- x Buster Browns, £3.50 to £5. Blouse Suits, 90c. fo-85. Boys' Reefers, $1.50 to $6. ¢ Department argain tables another lot of Tooke. ice 81, sale price. 69c. Ty l-wool Sweaters; colors, plain; red, | 81.25 goods; sale price (9c. INCOAT. 8. -T5e., 81, 81.25 to #2. 1p. Duck Heavy with 'sheep lining, wand other celebrated makes; in 50 - to '83, BIBBY CO. rdashers, reet, Kingston. ssTlen ractive stock of (FALL latest style suits in all S. that can be paid a Suit irer say wken' he lays it ave %atisfaction." That bat it looked well when g often doés. You can n"" about our Suits and do so. mon values ts, Caps, etc. People's Clothier 's and Crawford's Groceries. 5 to $50. . WELLINGTON STREET BOOTS hoe Store. Packed at the Oven's Mouth poll profyise doubles. opinion over PERFECTION LINAS STRATFORD gen _sward, fire JRichard They come to your ta- ble just as inviting and de- licious as though you ate them at the ovens in the bakery. At all grocersin last" even success. Mrs. Martin, were the and the Toronto, Mr, | to wind up 3 re. vitations daughter, Alexander Je bec. | Holy | Saturday, ( | | tarwards at . hospital, whe fession in Ne sister, M rs PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Costales 00 Alum, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphates, of any lnjurient. COMPANY Sir Sandford Fleas is in" town . 3 A pany, of lows, discussed Harrison's E.W. GILLET LIMITED 3 Vie Sandford on ho Pi o 4 the matter to the chief and was sent cose at an recont gathering of insurance TORONTO, ONT. | from Ottawa and is with the "Princi-| to the saloon, whete he was told who and precipitated quite a debate ...rPz@ps | pal and Mrs. Gordon. the 'man was with 'Baxter. ; nen ipitated ; Mr. Charles Grant, one of the long'l "The "evidence, h Basie magistrates | 22 to the edvisability of pursuing such course men in town, is en pension | mind, wax insufficient to conviet, a Coun with un. pofier-hokier. . with Mrs. Kavanagh. though = suspicion was - directed tos |. 11 aon we be him he" Gb gui? THe two young sons of the late | wprds Grimshaw, to whom he gove | NE and apparently meurahle' case of Mrs. Melville Drennan. Master Mel- | ome good advice and allowed to de- malarial fever which was alse attend ville and Master Keith, will make 1,4 | ad by marked (races of incipient con | ¢ theip~home with their sisters Mws. | sumption. After Harrison had been Chdistas, in Montreal. The Cheese: Board it for thee Bontie the imily Phat «= . . oy a . cian assured rs arrison tha or a I'he Frontenac cheese board met, 1 couldn't live a wiek longer. rs. Hunter' Ogilvie has returned to | Thursday afternoon, President J. Me hushonl Sold Pd no' means ord | town. i Grath in the chair. D. J. McKinnon | wife fit very keenly the need of giving | Miss Anna Rigney, who has been | itroduced E. 0. Earle, a Brockville | jo. faithful spouse a few of the com- | spending the summer months with | huver, to the members and he was forts of life in His last deys. She { her sister, Mrs. Walter Walsh, at | called upon for a few remarks. The | wanted him to have Be do | Vancouver, B.C., will return home to | following cheese were boarded. | trafoed nurse and: many lukuries dur- {SR Pl ets ' White Cataraqui, 100; Morning | {uo his cloxing bones, so she hit upon Miss Ethel Mudie has returned 'from | Star, 50; Ontario. 50; Rine Hill, 18; a Eh rE orowing money on. his |ORgaxa. | a abn Sunbury. 75; Silver Spaings, 75; | 0 DAE ot policy. § s visited cach | gh Wx Meta, of Jicton, hes Wolfe Island, 66: Glendower, 50; Col- | '¢ 4pjocal 'banks and 'several private | § | left for arvard. He will be much { ine Bay, 75; total, 559. { g | mised here 'where ho often visited. Colored--Glenvule, 160; Gilt Edge, | ndn-Stckers, but sath reused to loan ' | Miss Drummond is back in town, | Go; Howe Island. 45; Hinchinbrook, | "8, OF FEC orion despair. Why | 4 9 | % ITN] | and He. again en pension at Romilly | 32" pine Rill. 72; St. Lawrmce, 50; | "°P ation he pir, LY (0)\'AS O11! Ii ous," I ; : rn 5 | tot go to the life insurance company - QUEL, ' Thousand Islands, 60; NcGrath's, | co 1 i t { Miss" 'FHd Kel ly Johnston | #5. Kk 3 gr itself for the money ? Tt might loan it. B tO Miss lida enmedy, +0 75: Keenan & Son, 75; Cornflower, 90; 01 why wokldh't it? ' be ' = E Pl | street, left for Chicago, on Thursday, § yy ta) 722. OF, bétter still, w vo ak -- ) [ang LY | Lo visiviher sister, Mrs. C. A. More: The buyers present were : D. J. Me- glad of an OppOrLm i S00, 8 i thus S52 R&A | loved Kizinon, 0. F. Earle. LW. Murphy, | clalm jn ful for say B00, ov The Pol . a | i.e el. John Gibson, M. 'K. Edwards, A. | Save S50 "She a a R lowver : ho Polish that won't wear ofti | 'Mo Mod Wellington street, | Alexander, R. Thompson, J. Gilles- | OC WEE C0 0 ce 'of the company Sold Only at Steachan's Hardware gave u jolly little supper party after | pie. wiite to' Lhe ia Er puny -------------- | the theatre on Tuesday night. Bidding opened at Hes closed "at | 8b Ses Hone. y ) : § ; Ea i shysician to the Harrison home to as EDUCATIONAL. { Mrs. Easton Burns, George street, § 11]c.. at which price 245 were sold tof} > in the condition of the dying bis visiting her people in Fonthill and | Murphy, After the bidding 'wan clos. | SEI 0 SCG thet the man PRIVATE TUITIO | Toronto. ol Mr. Earle bid 11 5:16¢., but was | man,- and he repo te wank. and iS" FME a A. DE Mr: Fages has come back to town | not accepted by the board on account } gould Liew 44 2x two wa ne Wiss EMILY ALLER, DA %-| from Isle Orleans, where she has been | of him not being a membor, also on | WE nt probas¥ in dvd elementary and advanced subjects. For | spending the summer : account of the bid being contrary to | ®° n as is £2,000 hal received further information, apply at 242 Mr and Mrs. David Heild sailed, to- | the rules of the board. Jie pa fey IT the ah fred St, : : They ®1,500 in fu 5 day; tom Fngland, for Canada. They Hn i the trained. pute -- Private School for Girls| At 76 Gore Street. Pupils, Prepared for entrance to Colleg- | Je tate, [Civil Service and Matriculation Ex- js aminations® ' Junior classes for girls and boys. For particulars apply to visit Mes to Miss Gilm cemy Tay : . | from. a adel | till the see Ener any Time | E41, Terth Kingston Business Gollege urday. | home for hi { fred stpedt. LIMITED | Mr, Claude Head of Queen St, Kingston - ~- Ont A'NODERN, PERMANENT, RE- § | Mr, Mrs. Thornton Huycke re- | Board of Education at its next meet- pure Jestarda?, whet ou timation LIABLE SCHOOL. { turned y with their Soh. Frands, ing. Bin hone ior: axsietanoe . Established in 1883 . | from "be. Isle Point, where Mrs. ee { from ; etane, ) Fiaclical complete, thorough. stv Huycke has spent the summer at their They, Want Our Girls. | The Sak woh SHutey Jioudin instroction' Fiven Io Wil commercial sub & | cottage. They came down in their § ago Canadian-American. fh ih dn tig to the open cts. Open throughout the whole year. & | vqcoline launch, but had to put in to A Brooklyn, N.Y., hospital was re Both are pxperts in handling a ws Sur Yeruy gud Sete: | Collins Bay. last night, on account of | .ntly advertising in the Toronto | cies of all "worts. Each wearing \B.McKAY, ~~ H.F.MET ALPE, | rough 'Waatjiér, They will be at the | newspapers for Canadian nurses. Asal loi ie oni leg irons which had dent, Jrrinc.pal. don; Eng., late Vocal Instructor at the Alte M.A. College, Michigan. U.S.A. bis Vocal Studio now, Hoom "A." at the | Mes. Mitiamma Piano Co., ig . | at Bathurg M. A. College, 'May 24th, 1905. Me § During the last year Prof. Francis Von | Buhl has been teaching voice culture at the M. A. College. In the early part of | the winter he gave a Recital College Chapel. At this, the natw and ease of his voices production cow- mended itself to me, and the smoothness | of especially the French and Italian | 80 Mas very pléasing. Mr. Von Buhl | 1 (evien faarked, natural ability ith #nd' conscientious study, The result is his technique is accurate and masterinl, while his interpretation is | peetic, broad, and sympathetic. h Mr. Von Buhl is very a yt gary, son mord There is other, for all, the Inwng. The weekly hop at the yacht elub, he. an "unqualified e cool | enough? fdr; dancing, the floor in excel- lent condition, and the music good. A number of visitors, of cadets, and of long eourse officers, were in attendance chaperons, Misses Trinity fd Mrs. Phelan a .. The engagement Quebec of Miss Erie Turner, youngest 4 the | daughter of the Hon. Ines | (My, Reginald Meredith. The marriage on take place quietly next week, { Belihouse « Dunlop, youngest daugh of Mr. Jubtice Dunlop, of Montreal, Dr. William Gordon Cumming, terday's croquet tournament ors were Mrs. Noel Kent and La Deacon, . versus Mrs. Hiraug Calvin and Mrs. H. J. Dawson, The fpdner were. the winners. It is the ftention to play singles, two Pein used, and these games than thé great diversity of matter of the vari- ous grounds whereon the matches ate excitement the = held. Some pin their faith to Mrs. dollars, immediately running away og (ky, Noel Kent's smooth: shaven lawn, | Did not know the names of the others 3 ! | Some say that' they dp. their best | present at the time. { work on Mrs. Ramsay Duff's fester W. Nickle appeared for the prisoner and others again vote Hooper's the best. Sc Shaljevcryony is satisfied at onc time matches come off on proved night was just Mrs. Almon, Mr. J. M Campbell, and Mrs. Chamberlain Irwin and among the visitors' were the attractive southern girls now in town, the Misses Collier, Williams, Miss Vera Gray, of Quebec, Mr. J, Hamilton, of Claude Kent, Mr. Gil bert Smith, of Ottawa. In spite of ru: mors to the contrary there will be un- other hop on Wednesday evening next, the season. ste" » , Mas. Qetpwiug Yates has issued in for the Miss marriage of her Ada Yates, to Mr yhnstone Gorrie, of Que The ceremony will take place in Quebee, on eleven { o'clock. There will be a reception af Chateau Frontenac. cathedral, Jetober 7th, at the { Mrs. Henry Wilkinson went down to | tiff. "I had that purse over there (he Montreal, on Tuesday, to see her | pointed to the square), and that's daughter, Miss Gertrude Wilkinson, | where 1 got dipped." who has been a little under the The saloon-keeper and a policeman weather, testified, the, former saying it was im- Miss Bond, a graduate of Kingston pro- York, is visiting her 5. Claxton, Miss Hattie. Crisp is in Montreal. y is practising her Ww i at Verona. expect to be in Kingston, in October, . McParland. our will arrive in town on Saturday, to visit her sister, Mrs. lor . *. . ightful summer at nd - Thursday Mr. John Hamilton, of Toronto, is ¢ holidays, and is visitin | his other, 'Mrs. Colin Hamilton, Al Kent, of Chatham, | staving with Mr. and Mrs. Noel Kent, | Grorge street. | "Avonmore®" for the winter. "Raruis, i* announced Richard Turn of ( of Mr. W. T. Cumming. Adis returned on Saturday, Lake LIC! A remagog, Quebec, and Montreal. MSs A E KING, Alice Street.' Semphssasie be receivihg, however, in October. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Neish, will re: {turn to New York, to-morrow, or Sat: »e at 207 Williagy" street. wife of Professor Warerooms, 267 | (Jarr-Harris, who has been seriously ill t, N.S., is now recovering. very of Miss Buphemia EVIDENCE NOT SUFFICIENT To Convict in An Alleged Case of Theft, The magistrate had his hands full this morning when the court opened. "There were a number of cases on the docket and they attracted quite a crowd of spectators who filled the room. Bert. Grimshaw was charged with having, on September. 20th, stolen fom dollars. He elected to be tried by his | worship! The complainant took the stand and swore he was a fireman on the steamer Toronto. Last night he met Grimshaw and 'they: had 'a few drinks together. Witness was a little drunk, Then obmsite the market square, in a bar, Grimshaw i hand into Baxter's right hi poeict and grabbed about twenty-five ¢ {and cross-examined Baxter. A Witness » | was paid some $4 by the chiel engi- neer of the Toronto and he put it in his purse, along with about twenty- two dollars : already there. Did not count the money in the purse, but swore positively it was there. Ad- mitted he was drunk. On leaving the boat he entered the first saloon and had a few 'drinks. About four in the afternoon. the market square was reached. "That's. the place 1 got drunk and lost my pn" exclaimed Baxter .as he pointed afross the market square. He admitted visiting a number, of saloons and being too drunk to follow Grimshaw when the purse was stolen. Had some loose money in his pocket besides the purse. Never saw Grim- shaw, before yesterday. Did not take his purse out "in the saloon. Felt Grimshaw put his hand into the pocket and take the money. "Rid you see Grimshaw with pwise 'in his hand ?"' Witness thought a while and then answered "No." . Went over to the police station and described the thief. The constable told him the defendant's name. Could not say where he had the purse out last. "That's allethen," commented Nickle. "One moment, Sir,' called the plain- the Mr. possible for the purse to have heen stolen in the bar, and the officer that Baxter went direct from the saloon and reported being rohbed of twenty dollars or more. The officer reported The Committee's Finding. The committes of the Board of Edu- ', | cation, which met the committee of the .city council relative to the re moval of the school board rooms to the city buildings, continued in ses sentatives had departed. The result of their contemplation was to recommend the change, provided : (a) The rental does not exceed $200 per annum and to include the carctaking and heating; (b) that the basement be made sani tary; (c) "that the market in front; of the new anarters be discontinued in use for collection of garbage; (d) that a new pavement be laid to the en- trance: (e) that new drawers be plaged aroihd the council board for use of members of the Board of Education. x 1s large proportion of all , . i} nurses in this country seem already to | ("en jumped overboard, Houdini |. Mien Moir came up from Bostwick fhe Canadian it, begink to look as if {won in one minute and thirty seconds | island, on Tuesday, and Mrs. Rich- | the Brooklyn institution believed in| wo nearly Jost hia: life. in 40. doing, VOICE CULTURE | mond returned with her, i spend a | going the whole way. Evidently their | nd, nearly, Jogt Bb 0. doing, FRAN Baritone | few days with Mrs. E. B. Wilson. work is appreciated. No wonder so | fo Gre yimen. Re h CIS VOI BUHL, Concert | Miss * Yrances Wilson came home, | many rich patients marry their nurses custed on: Tro. Tho water. Teashise of Vocal Physiolosy say | yesterday, from Stella, where she was | and create a constant call for more. | nging. yesterday, ' jv H. Moutray, at arbi hee thane. 8 ak Former), Stud. f Delasco, Italy, | Visiting Mrs. W, 3 . : Hy Oh fhe Vom Pho a 1 4 < A Favorable Outcome. | ed absence of vibration, while the Emil" Behnke gndsLennox Browne, Lon- Reynolds, of Kempt-§ "he Whic. | position low in Xe thyll of tho: mar . Karlstadt, Sweden, Sept. 21. between the x delezation, regarding plans to in | tween Sweden and Norway, is expect el to-day: or, Father Of Riksdag Dead. Stockholm, Sweden, Sept. ter | 2 1s . Te a liberal during thirty-six sessions. | Take no other Blaud's 4 David Baxter the sum of twenty-five | sion last evening after the city repre. | This report will be submitted to the | the hospital | -A chimery gives great stability, end in favorable termination of the conference | men-of war Swedish and Norwegian | possible, 1 effect | manoetvering. a peaceful dissolution of the union be- | 21.+ Adolph Hedin, a parlmmentary veter- an known as the father of the riksdag, | He represented Stockholn as | Iron Tonic THE DAILY WHIG. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. LASHES THE LEADER Payment of $235,000 to Al y Man--Bribery Purpose bany Denied. y 4 16 the we "New: York, Se Rte ascey- Jaining from: President John A. Me Call of the York Life Insurance company ., that $235,000 of the com: pany's funds had been paid to Andrew A. Hamilton, Albany, without an se counting, the legislative insurance. in- vestigation reached a climax in their bors. Mr... McCall on the stand declared that the soliciting of funds'for cam- paign purposes was not confined to the. republican party in the campaign of 1904, and announced xr "My life was made weary hy the de mogratic oandidates chasing me for mopey in that campaign. Some of the very men soday are being inter: viewed ifthe Papers and denouncing |' mien who 'comtnibute (0 campaigns were crossing' mv path every step 1 tack, looking for money. One--the can- didate hissel, "Parker ii he would show up' his books' when he was chair- man of "democratic state commit- tee, iit. would give vou a fit. He never rejected ig dollar' in the world. He would every dollar that was paid to him/" J Parker was chairman of the democratic state in 1885. . Mz. McCall sfoutly maintained that he had ¢ivem Mr. Hamilton no monev to he used in influencing legislation at Albany, bit the admission was ob- tained from him that Hamilton's ex. pensos at Albany were paid from the company's funds and that his accounts were not submitted to audit, GOT BEST OF COMPANY. "Dying Man's" $2,000 Policy Bought For $1,500, Sioux City, Sept. 21.-- After having |i been' so near death's door that he was able to compromise on $1,500 for his 000 life insurance policy, M. 1. {arrison, of this city, has apparently rezained complete health, and he has had the unique experience of spending money that was intended for his executive committee a widow. C. E. Rumsey, a local insurahee man, and J. ©. Cummings, secretary of the Equitable Life Tnsurancé com- the flowers and sickroom delicacies fell Harrison's lot he seemed to im: Within two months h# was out and in a month more he was on the street Since then he has seemed to grow stronger month by month and now he is apparently as | sound as a dollar and is the cause | of agitation among lowa insurance { meo in favor of a uniform agreement | to compromise no. policies with living poliey-holders. ! TWO IN FETTERS. to prove of bed, | Plunge Into Sea on a Bet of | $500. New York, Septi *21-To settle a wagor two men hound hand and foot in irons; were thrown into. the wea | been furnished by his opponent, the making better protection and affords facilities in +in Upogoro, a tract of land in Ger .| man East Africa, the leopard has been domesticated, and is now used for the purpose of pulling light mountain | gums ap the steep hillside. They seem to have no difficulty in performing the work, Percy Quinn, the wellknown athlete, gy been appointed manager of the ted . man rs Branch. i - x He eT Wanipes ous of September. ' pent | SPENC Our Fall Shoes call in and inspect them. They ate leaders for style and quality, : : ge oromoosorononones FINANCE AND INSURANCE If You Want a Home _ OR INSURANCE, Have a OOOO 000O0000 common ran If you have the Pandora you won ¢ oy what that means 'in com- -- it means : plumbers, delay, muss and"big bills --because common ranges are built thas: way. As range grates must some time burn-out you are certain to have that kind of trouble. if yours is a trouble, because you can take out the old grates and put in the new ones in ten minutes, and a'ten-tent piece for a screw-driver does it easier in the Pandora than a wh kit of plumbers' tools will do it in. common ranges. M¢Clarys Warehouses ond Tictories tar : B. Hamilion London, Winnipeg, St. John, N. FD tance COVE ad $0 Toronto, & | be Millinery Opening | OR several years our millinery receptions have been important events. Each occasion has su its predecessor in variety and volume. But the present Opening has special points of interest enthusiasm and exclamations of pliment on every hand are ample lace in the anna ly eclipsing all {former efforts. are very different from past: seasons. The high backs, side flare and high trimming, the prominence reater change than usual. Juste new colors have proof that it takes BEST to date, tota The new sha of the crown, all tend toward There are new trimmings galore. appeared--pretty greens and bues and | feathers, wings. quills and breasts in :almost every conceiva and very com-' » luet shades--and hape, size and color, are very fashionable. THE OPENING CONTINUES ALL WEEK. We'll be very pleased to show you the new styles, even if you have no desire to make a purchase. know t have any ls of "history as THE : 3 * . 'Leave : ne East Sundae a. 4. Ea rept A LLAN LI V TJIAS. | ROYAL MAIL | putan. BT single, $7 Will interest you if you The Leading Millinery oe < Try a pair of GEORGE A. SLATER'S Invictus Shoes, $3.80 to $5 For Men, Women and Boys. + OOOO 000TO000000 "ealied P SLEEVE, Clarence Street. am,' Alexandr Bay and "wr in Leaves thes + enie, goaged, Fo G. A. BATEMAN INSURANCE BROKER ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. DISTRICT AGENT SUN LIFE ASSUR- ANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. 61 CLARENCE STREET, KINGSTON. 00 For Real Estate Talk With 57 Brook Street. with modern impro on tuart street, near: University: well ited for or 4" Or. Insurance ania Bros Satan HOUSE FOR SALE firstcluss, large frame dwel- AOOOOOTO0 BORECFORORGO Namitios, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Live. + , Fridays, and Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. and Bay of Quinte Taking Effect August 27th Str. North King Sunday. at 1045 A Gananogue : steamer leaves at 5 foonester. N.Y., calling at Str. Aletha + ay nt roan) on Io it In the Estate of Samuel Hei Fee, gate of the City of King . pton, in the County of From! Doctor of Medicine, : Chap. 129, R el i rs carried, cal second cabin. Py . T.R. Cl pho AREY, "Ape, GEE p.m. Bay GIVEN F

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