f ain 2 i { A PICTONIAN WAS KILLED AT A Very Pretty Wedding--Harvest Festival in the Anglican Church--An Organist Has Re- af signed, Picton, Sept. 22.~"Dan" Sullivan, proprietor of the local brickyard, has recived word of the death of his son, 'Ea, , 4 carpenter, at Regina, N. TF. The young man met with an accident on Saturday, dying from the effects two days later. Two brothers, Clari¢ and Dr. Harry Sullivan, are goming to Picton with the body. = James R. Keene, one of the t IT 18 MARVELLOUS, w-- The New Anaesthetic Just rived, Brought Out. : . Sea. [Special to the Whix. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 22.-Dr. Or he ville Horwitz, the leading su connected with St. Agnes' Hospital, is making a series of tests and experi Yor a few days vet, {ments with scopolamine, a new anaes or, and | thetic, which promises to displace ether, choloreform and all other an- aesthetics in general use by surgeons all over the world. Scopolamine is a comparatively new drug, although it has been used in Germany for some time in internal medicines. 1t is an al- . |kaloid and possesses qualities which make it. an ides] medium for produe- ing general or local anacsthesin. Only one-thirty-second of a grain is requir od to produce complete anaesthesia in tho whale body. At first it was feared that the drug Jo- (would not be effective enough to stand the test of exceedingly painful opera- _jtons, but at a recent tumor opera- Mrs, {ton in which Dr, Horwitz used scopo- lamine as an anaesthetic, beoausd the patient would not have survived the application of ether or choloroform, the drug stood the severe test of an operation with the electric knife, ohe of the most painful operations known a>, ¥ pis surgory. During he entire operation Con od half the patient did not show the slightest Ganahoqurs' rho played holkbaok gn twitch, although the white hot knife av the same position |" into his tissues, One hour after O.R.F.1\ team © this [the operation he awoke perfectly fresh the Toronto {and without the least indication of vompany, an old. | "sea or anv of the unpleasant after Gananove, is spend: effects which make ether amd chloro dave hore. E. X. Belnois js [form so objectionable in many cases. place of Mr. Nassan Acton | 8ince Dr, Horwitz has used the won- nn ¥ overseor, during thy lat | deriv] drug in a number of other oh 10's absenee frolif "town! Nassan Ac. | CT8tions and in every couse the success fon and daughter, Mrs, J. A, |W beyond all expectation. He will y wvening for Sagi. | (Ontinue the testa for some time be- ., where they "will spend a fore he shall report the result of his with relatives, investigations to the medienl profes. sion in general. The new anaesthetic dave, have setiened home ; : ; is dissolved and administered by hy- ; "e ork Mori Great City. |podermic injection. ow Witnessed yestord iter of Tnowtsy Ouvehun, |p erracie thot See Slorday Hog Notes. Pigs should always be fed when the farmer can bo sure that they aro all there and know that they eat. When young pigs first begin to eat, it is desirable that the food [should be as near the mother's milk as Pos- sible. ; It in the hog that is kept growing without being glutted or cloyed with overheating food that makes money, With hogs the profitable line of Pro- duction is to maintain good hsalth with early maturity, . In starting a lot of pigs it is easy to fall into the habit of giving a certain quantity, and failing to in- crease as. the hogs grow. Do not retain a male pig from a crossbred litter, because it is a fine a ad : amagement and redden its corporate a, Bom: Plush' Banded Couches, { and individual cheek with. i It wan the sight of a § girl os 4nd Imitation Leather ix great | corted to and from her work by offi: ay oors of the law, because her beauty had t on her aod perse- ution, because, resen indignity, : she had been threatened with death and because it was acknowledged that REID the sireets of New York are unsafe for any woman, whose charm may bring on her the attentions of a "masher." Perman Lamb Jackets. We defy competition when it comes to the manufacture of ladies' fine Per. sian lamb jackets. Our facilities for turning out first clues garments are umexcelled in Amerion. Hundreds of > specimen, fi = SWSlomers natty w _ Fon The male should be thoroughbred, rie peli at Campbell eee be no uniformity in the ros. the store of quality. Jn the growing ot first-class pork, Boas The Base Tooke Tonio. t - ogree of cloan inens governs the Blaud's Tianative ror, Fills. 100 ia quality of the produet. 8 bottle, 250. at McLeod's drug store, | John Lomax, one of the best known and most highly respected residents of Wollortl, and recently of Kitloy town- ship passed away, 19th inst., after an illness of over a year. He is survived Work hus commenced on the rail way to Shawin Falls, and it is expected the road will be rushed. The SYSONBY, The winner of the Centufy States | ¥ace horse living at the present d ay. known Eas 1S SATISFACTORY. Butter and Twenty Years of Cheese. Toronto World. 3 ' butter was separ; ports had risen to whilst in cheese. Three years ago the onial supply. A great axeess of 1 in the fall of 1904 compelled exported from those countries. usual quantities year, during the practically stationgry, and as wiation of colonial and rogen meat, whieh, owin cheapness and enlaneced price season, will, it is estinmted, year in the dominion. Youth And Age. 1 Hnksd my pa a simple thing, Pa read his paper, then he said I asked my ma about the wind, "Why can't you see it blow 3° They went and licked me so ? Ma asked "Where is that jam 2" ieee a, ' "Three Swallows." Sir John Power 'Son Swallows" Trish We ar of purity, the King. new line goes under the name of : D000 the by his wife, four daughters, nd tw : 8 . rice Valley railway. sons, ih - { eee ------ " ttt ---- Horchound candy. Mahood's Store, and considered "the greatest The colt is 8h property of 0 en. Twenty years have passed away since enterpd in imports of Grept Britain. In 1886. the imports of butter amounted to 77,178 tons of the value of £8,111,438. years later, in 1806, the butter im- 151,886 much valued at £15,344,364. Last year the jon of the quantity further - advanced to 212,060 {17% . tons and the value to £11,147,162, | 1856 the imports of cheese iwere 86; 745 tons, valued at £3,87),350. y's 1896 the quantity had risen. to 112,086" £07 tons and the value to £H,117,162, in 1904 the "imports 'reached 127,715 tons and the value £5,813,770. It will Be noticed that the imports of butter from all souress have advanced at a more rapid rate than those: of butter times chancel a mass of the Ten tons, from foreign countries was wix larger in amount than from the ool change was manifested in last year's returns--the foreign supply was only three times in quantity imported from the Puitish eolonies. The large drought ares in central and southern Farope any farmers to reduce theif milking cows, consequently throughout last winter and this spring much less butter was Auy- tralia and New Zealand sent over up- of choice butter, There were various opinidns expressed "The imports of cheese into Britain 4 Six years remained the | W. McLaren left ' : put in | two circulation, near $4,000,000 extra this here haler in doughnuts wo 2%, "Oh, you're too young to know.' Ma thought a nroment, then she said : 'Oh. you're too young to know.' ¢ Now, why on earth do wou suppose : said "Oh, you're too young fo ih Drug A very pretty wedding took place, yesterday, at the home of the bride's father, Melbourne Wright, Prinyer's, when Miss Flora Catharine Wright, was married to Robert Wright, Con- way, Rev. Joseph Young, uncle of the bride officiated. A number of Picton friends were at the wedding. There was 'a large congregation, Wednesday evening, in St. Mary Magdunlene's, to attend the harvest thanksgiving festival. The interior of the church, with its abundance of the harvest decorations, was beautiful; chains of grain through the body of the building, windows banked with sheaves of wheat and pumpkins, the red and white flowers. Rev. W. L. Armitage officia- ted and Rey. Mr. McTear, Bath, preached an eloquent sermon. For the first time, the fegtal resppnses were sung, and the choir have received praise on their excellent sing- evening, Miss Christine Barker sang the solo in the anthem, "SBeedtime and Harvest." By On Tuesday morning in St. Gre church, Archbishop Gauthier, of Kingston, confirmed twenty-four candidates. During the absenée of Rev. C, R, dg Pencier, on his holi days, services' in St. Androw's church, Wellington, will be conducted hy Alired Cooke, of Kingston. Miss Walker, deaconess and organist of St. 'Mary Magdalenc's church, has re- signed, taking effect in October. Miss Bertha Heddon will be the new or- ganist. At the teachers' convention on Sa tarday these officers were elected : Mr. Platt, county inspector, president; I. Spafiord; vice-president and J. V. Dobson, secretary; executive commit tee, Maj. Hamilton, Miss Redmond, Miss McDonald, Mrs. Lowder, F. B. Clarke and Mr. Lice; delegates to provincial convention, Mrs. Maybe, Miss Macdonald, Messrs. Benson and Dobson. The schooner H. M. Ballow is on Hepburn's dry-dock, receiving repairs in regard to the ability of 'the Aus: Fi, "her hull, The schooner Highland tralian farmers ta continue largely in- Beauty is lying in port, and getting creasing the output of butter each a fresh coat of paint. C, C. Spencer has purchased a new naphtha launch. The steamer. Reindeer ran~an excur sion from Cressy and bay ports, yes: the § terday, to the fair in Napanee. "Mi- home production exhibit a similar : 5 condition, it i€ evidehit that chiese is losing the position it once held as a dietary, Trustworthy ¢videnice" shows that it i being displaced by the im- foreign to its excellent quality, supplanting cheese, Last year the col onal supply was 96,380 tons, and the foreign supply "was 25,718 tons, Can- ada is the main source of supply, the product of the Canadian cheese tories finding uch favor ampng the consuming rwltitude in Britain. of cheesp which Canadian factories are receiving this ladi" turned out in full fored this morning to inspect the fall styles at the millinery openings. Arthur Duncan, of the Bank of Montreal, London, is in town on a week's holidays, with his uncle, John Jamieson. Mrs. P. G. Maclean has is returned after a month's visit in Toronto. Mrs. R. Y. Leslie and chil- dren have returned after spending the sommer at Presque 'Isle. Miss Bill ings, Oshawa, is the guest of her sis fac- J ter, Mrs. Hough. Mrs. Bruce (nee Miss Maud Porter), spent Tuesday The f here en route to Londom.' Rev. Ww, Tueéday for Cam bridge, Mass. Gerald Norman, after weeks' holidays in town, has gone to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Hepburn are in Montreal for a few days. T. Maylor, of the Standard Bank, left today on a two weeks' holiday in Toronto and Forest. Mrs. 'Macnee and Miss Gena Macnee have returned from a visit ih Toronto and Dundas. Mrs. (Dr.) Stirling, Dundas, is in tow visiting. Miss Madeline Alcorn is visiting Miss Ethel" McMullen in Brockville, While in town, Rev. Mr. 'NeTear, of Bath, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Barker, "Old Grange." , ------ Bank President Sentenced. Chicago, TH., Sept. 22.-W. H. Wor! ys bs. Thee formerly president of the defunct Pana- over a century. Of highest standard Distillers to His Mnjesty ma bank, was sentenced to the peni- tentiary and ordered by Judge Ker Sten to pay a fine of $228. Hunt was sentenced to an indefinite term. The charge against him was embezzlement. Under the law he will be: required to serve from one to three years. BROUGHT THE BODY The Ja 180 Wellin cannot hold back any longe J mes Johnston Store gton Street. Offers Big Bargains for Friday and Saturday | Our stock is now very nearly complete, and we r. We must give the pub. lic the benefit of an introduction of a New Dry Goods Store into Kingston, and this is our best time to do it. You can always bring the crowds when great bargains are going, and we hope everybody will take advantage of the following list of very seasonable bargains : -- $4.75 Skirts for $2.25. Nearly 100 Ladies' Tailor-made Skirts, in Tweed Cheviot and Broadcloth, beautifully made, value from $3.50 to $1.75. Friday and Saturday ............ $2.25 50c. French Opera Flannels, 39c. Plain and Faney Silk Embroidered Flannels and Cashmeres, just the thing for Shirt Waists, regular 0c. and 60c. Friday and Saturday ...... 3c. yd. $10 Children's Fine Beaver Jackets for $4.35. Don't miss these; they are beautifully made and trimmed and are worth $6.50 to 810. Friday and Saturday .......... $1.35 123c., 10c. Plais and Printed Flannelettes at 8c. Yard. Our entire stock of Plain.and Fancy Flannelottes that are regularly sold at 12c. and 10c. yard. Friday and Saturday .... fe. yd. 50c. Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Under- wear for 39¢. Ladies Heavy = Ribbed Vests and Drawers, suitable for now or fall or winter; regula: valye of these 50c. each. Friday and Saturday ™?. 3%. each 72 inch. Half Bleached Linen Tabling 30c. Yard. 58 inch. Half Bleached Linen Tabling 19. Yard. Abbve are very special snaps and are worth as high as 60c, yard, Friday and Saturday, 19c., 30c. yd. You won't require any chase your own premium everything mentioned in th life time. Store--and Friday and Only Two Days. 50¢c. Eiderdown, 37c. Three shades of Soft. Eiderdown, for { Children's and Infants' Coats, in Pink, White and Red; regular value be. yard. Frida- and Saturday ........ 37. $5 Raincoats at $1.89 and $2.75 A few sizes in Ladies' Raincoats we are going to offer at the rediculouy price on Friday and Saturday, $1.80, $275 $1 Dress Goods for 60c. All colors but black. 50c. and 60c. Dress Goods, 3%. Friday and Saturday only. + $15 Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats for $7.50 A few sizes in Ladies' Highly Tailored Jackets, samples of a leading tail- oring house. Friday and Saturday ........ $7.50 25¢. and 30c. Ladies' Hose, 1%. Ladies' Pure Cashmere Hose, in ribbed and plain, value 25c. and 30c. pair. Friday and Saturday ..... 19. pr. $1 a Suit Men's Underwear, 79. Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, regu larly sold at $1 a suit. Friday and Saturday ... Tc. suit 30c. Pair Lines Towels for 19. Good sized Pure Linen Towels, regular value 30c. pair. Friday and Saturday ...... 19¢c. pr. 123c. Crum's English Print Oc. yard. 10c. Canadian Prints 8c. yard. All the above Friday and Saturday...8c. and 0c. coupons, and you can pur- §, with what you save on e above. Many of these are less than dealers cari buy them. This is a chance of a Wellington is the Street--James Johnston's the Saturday Positively the te -- James Johnston, 180 Wellington Street. i . 4 It's a pretty sure guess that n. If so, you certain Quality counts in Clothing just as it dots in tobacco, and you can't {oll what the quality is like till you have texted the article, Worn our clothing, 'we want 1 \ you, know of and then you will know that in all points You get the MOST LY for the LEAST MONEY hore : . MEN'S SUITSIn Tweeds, $3.05, $4.50, 85.95, $0.50, $7.45. } MEN'S SUITS--In Fine Tm you from $8.50, $0.50, 1 If you have never you to try a suit. Give them the soverost test od Tweeds, Cheviots and Worst Ie, will cos 1.50, $1350 and 815. These same Laos to 8 more in other stores. Sl BOYSTWOBIECE SUMS. 14 1a $ inte. OF bo & a I Sk sum ob hd Serge, ws 20 10 38, " Y. boys: TAREE-PIECE SUITS-In Twoeds, Sor - ; vd Worsterls, at 2, $280 £3.50, $1 to 87. Both single and doublh hroasted sty hor ut 3, 80, vill find everything in the store at worn or moth-eaten qualities That I= Saving on Ev you have got to bu y are interested in knowing w ere you can get the BEST FOR goods. Take a fi d to show you the new goods. prices 'which mean a g Overcoat. If you you are the man we are looking for : . THE LONG FULL SKIRTED RAIN. THE SHORT TOPPER COATS Very ew minutes off, an It's time now to put ona Light haven't one then COATS--At $6, 87.50, $9.50, 811.50 to 815. swell, at 85.50, $7.50, $9.50 10 819. come ery Purchase ! a SUIT or an OVERCOAT. or perhaps both, this sea- HE LE AST MONEY. A holdup | that will benefit yon if | you take advantage of it--new fall styles in Neckwear, Shirts, Sweaters, Hosiery, ote. : MEN'S SOFT FRONT COLORED SHIRTS--Regular 50c. and 7c. our price 3%¢, NEW 25c. NECKWEAR Our price 19. NEW 50c. NECKWEAR--Our price 3%. MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS go at our old sale price, 39. reat saving. Our stock is new and clean. in and see what we can do for you. Princess * west ProvinCes, cui | WLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- Wy oad floor nver Mahood's drug stors, corner Princess and Bagol, streots. Enterance om Bagot street. "Telephone ROS. mmr Hee 3 Ss ARCHITECT, OF. suTHUR i Kew Drill Hall, near cor- per of Queens and Montreal Streata. SON ARCHITECT, MER- POWER & Sank Building. corner Brock ---- . SMITH, ARCHITECT, IENRY Fachor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 845, MONEY AND BUSINESS. pi NDON AND GLOBE RO Company. Available pesets 461,187,216. In addition to which the policy holders have for security the unlimited lability of all the stockholders. Farm and aty property lusured ' at lowest possibie rates. ore renewing old or miving pew business gel rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. POLICIES COVER MORE ON TR at and contents than any otn. er company offers. Examine them at Godw'n's Insurance Emperium, Mark. * er Squares. ---------------------- SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS y even numbered section of Domin: or in Manitoba or the North- excepting 8 and 26, not orved, may be homesteaded upon by any person who is the sole head of a family or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 cres, more or less. Hpniry may he made personally at the land office for the district in which loca) ia to be taken is siuated, or if the homesteader desires, he may. on applica- tion to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Comntssioner® of lmmigra- tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent for the district in which the land is situate, receive authority for some one to make y for him. HOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler who has been granted an entry for a home stead is required to perform the con- ditions connected therewith under one the following plans : (1) At least six months residence upon and -cultivation of 'the lund in each year during the term of three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of any person who is eligible to make a homestead entry un- der the provisions of this Act, resides wpon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for by such person as a home- te. the requirements of this Act as to res e prior to obtaining patent may be satisfied by such person residing with b father or mother. «8) If the settier has his permanent residence upon farming land owned hv him in the vicinity of ms hopestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence may be satisfied by residence upon Lhe said land APPLICATION FOR PATENT shoualu be made at the end of three years, be | fore the Local Agent, Sub-Agent or tic | Homestead Inspector. Before making application for patenr the settler must give six moatus' notice in writing to the Commissioner of Do minion Lands at Ottawa, of his inteation | to do so SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST MINING REGULA IY , Coal. --Coul lands may be jure 0G at $10 per acre for soit coal anl $20 for anthracite. Not more than 320 acres can be acquired by one individual or cow- | pany. Royalty at the rate of ten cents | ver ton of 2,000 'pounds shall be collectey on the gross output, Quartz. --A free miner's certificate is granted upon payment in advance of $7.50 per annuin for an individual, and from' $50 to $100 'pur unum for a Com- pany according to capital. A free winor, having discovered mineral In place, may locate a claim 1,500x | 1 500 feet. The se for recording a claim is $5. Atleast $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the wining re- corder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may, von having a survey made, and upon complying with other requirements, pur- chase the land at $1 an acre. I'he patent provides for the payment of a royalty of 24 per cent on the sajus, | PLACER mining claims generally are 100 feet square ; entry fee $5, renewabie yearly. A free miner may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles euch for a term of twenty vears, repewable at the discretion of the Mimister of the Interior The lessee shall huve a dredge in oper- Stion within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Itental, $10 per annum for each mile of river tensed. Royalty at the rate of 24 per cent collect ed on the output after it exceeds $10,000. W. W. Cory, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this Wdvertisement will not be paid for. DERS ADDRESSED signed, and endorsed 'Ten wddition to Drill Hall, Toronto, : Il be received at this office un- Ul Saturday, - October 14th, 1905, in- clusively, for the construction of an ad- dition to Drill Hall for cavalry, artilery and specification can be seen and of tender obtained at this Depart and at the office of 8, G Jurry Architect, 90 Yonge St., Toronto sous tendering are notified that ten- not Le considered unless made *d form supplied, and signed | uctual signatures, Each tender must be accompanied by an accopted cheque on a chartered bank Wade nayable to the order of the Hon- ¢ the Minister of Public Works, to ten per cent.(10 p.c.) ef the nt of the tender. which will be for feited if the party tendering decline to en- ®r into a contract when called upon Lo do so, or if he fail to complete the work tontracted for. If the tender be not uc Cepled the cheque will be returned. I'he Department does not bind itself to Recept the lowest 'or any tender. By order, FRED. GELINAS, Secretary. Department. of Public. Works, Ottawa, September 16, 1905 Newspapers 'inserting this advertise ment without authority from the Depart- ment will not be paid for it. EMBOSSING fecier for Paper and Envelopes Calling Cards and Letter Heads classes of Letter 'i a card to a volume, THE WHIG, Kingstor. B100000000000000000008 Clean, somes GOAL That 8 the kind we sell--The kino you should bure it you want » & satisfaction fire. . We are filling orders mow tor Winter supplies. Have you ordered Yours yet? 'Phone No, 123. BOOTH & CO. *0200000110600000000.8 Besides an Press Printing frq