ty of Aron and nd fear that it will serious With their ability to turn orde at Tweed and at ater. Ho » renided for a wr of years in: Western Ontario, t twelve ye ago he went to on wal a a vl in the asyluyy for a nomber of . nan, of brothers, and Mrs. Ja ueker, of Chapman, is the only pg tor, x Unusually Jaige Raiatall. i The rainfall in during post three months, (June, July and August), was the 'heaviest in twenty. | {five years, a ig to Prof. Knoht, of Queen's, who reports of local wen thir Sunitiong to the fuatacs 0 t. An average ra a oar would be between twenty-five thirty inches, Duri the three months mentioned, the fall was about thirteen or fourteen inches, an unusi- ally large amount. --er------ Only $16,000 Taxes Unpaid. "Lom of this year's taxes re- : hy So So far $142,000 has bron received out of 8158,000, A year , there was $30,000 outstanding. The is quite confident of he ing able to return his rolls by the end of the year. To get all the taxes paid in during the year they are due will bé a most unusual thing for King ston, ---------- Yacht Club Notes. Dr. Black has repurchased the sail: ing vacht Kestrel, which he sold sev. eral yoars ago, and is having her im- proved. The Kestrel stands' up to a strong breeze much better than Verona, Henry Cunningham will likely build another yacht, having sold the Hap mony. Death Of A Child. This morning, at 12.30 am., at the of Mr. 1 Mes. George 0. Aiken, there passed awav their infant son, Goldwin Earl, aged five months, seventoen days. The death came as a sudden shock, for the child had been ailing only a couple of days The par- ents have the sympathy of many friends. Hats Of Renown. Hawes', Borsalino and Stetson, sold in Kingston by George Mills & Co, hat specialists to men. Peaches !| Peaches ! We offer, Saturday, finest) peaches ever offered in this eity. Crawford, Have You Tasted ? Rs a < nited Sigtes Steel, Pi... 104] 104 Davies' Ceylon tea, 40c., quality : 5 a---- We. per 1h, "GRAIN MARKET. ---------- WHEAT- The only store with strictly high cotgber : 842 83 class candy, Huyler's and. McConkey's-| pe i pi Are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, 8 { Crawford extra choics peaches, Sa: 59% 59 tnrday. Crawford. RP ~y Il Underwear The kind that is just the right weight for his time of year. : 'Bilis Spring Needle Natural Lambs Wool, $2 per suit. ane Ubon ik ait whol wait proud of our new stock of ye wil find our prices most for these high grade goods. for {while here, +viw | Baron Nathaniel Rothschild's Lib. man on delivery' service will receive , with which he is Aosely identi ber 21st. Bir Frederick who legal anthority will visit ai -MeGil A ------------------ MILLIONS FOR CHARITY. eral Provision. London Nathaniel Rothschild, who Vienna on June 12th, was probated in London, yesterday. The baron he- hea over $5,000,000 to charity, chiefly devoted to the relief of suffer. ers from chronic incurable maladies, He leit $194,375 to the charitable in- stitutions of Vienna; $9,885 for dis tribution among the poor of Vienna, without distinction of creed: £10,000 0 the poor fund of Schillersdort: S10.600 to the Charlottenstift at Hultschun; £5,000 for distribution Among the poor of Schillersdorf, and for the poor of Nzesfeld. He lirects his exeeutor pensions, THE TURBINIA RESPONSIBLE For Collieion in Toronto Bay, With Primrose. Spécial to the Whig. Toronto, Sept. 22: Judgment was handed out, this morning, by Com mander Spain. He finds the turbine to' continue all Hamilton and Toronto, responsible for the collision with the ferry. steag- or imrose, in Toronto Bay a few weeks ago, 'and suspencls. the certifi- cate of Capt. Bomgard for nine months from August, the date of the acvident. At this morning's session of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Church of England, the reports of the Doreas and Junior Societies were considered. At noon Canon Cody, St. Paul's church, delivered an address. THE SALVATION ARMY ------ Can Provide 500 Married Farmers for N.W.T. Specinl to the Whig. Toronto, Sept. 22-Thel Ontario Brean of Colonization, this morning, received a cablegram from the head. fguaiters in London, Eng., of the Salvation Army, saying it could pro- vide 500 married men, on farms, this fall. The intention is that the men should come out this autumn, and bring out their families in the spring. All the families are small, and are to be taken care of by the Salvation Army during the winter. Very few of the men have had experience on farms The department is trying to get in touch with furmers who will take such men. ! MURDER OF SYRIAN WOMAN Reported From Labelle County, Quebec, Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Sept. oi a Syrian woman is supposed to have been murdered af Nominingue, a village in Labelle coun- ty, Quebec, last Monday. Word was received this morning, by the Hull au- thorities to that effect, and an inves- tigation will be made. A small boy is said to have discovered blood sthins on the road near, the village and 4 long lock of black hair, clotted with blood, is reported to have heen found. Rumor spread that the decapitated body had heen found in the Rouge river, near the village, but it was un- founded. S------ ATE A BOX OF PILLS. Belleville Girl Nearly Died From Effects. Belleville, Ont.. Sept. 22. ~The prac- tice of distributing samples of patent medicines around to houses nearly caused a fatality here yesterday. Some bays were distributing sugar-coated pills and a litte girl got hold of a package and ate them. She became violently ill, and only the prompt ser- vices of a doctor, it is thought, saved her life, The Company Oontrols It. Soecial to the Whie, 0, Sept. 2.-The Queber Au: ditorium company has definitely taken of the theatre this morning, Mr. Small is no longer manager. Mr. Tangway, treasurer, has been appoint. ed local manager pro tem. The \heatre will be opened to-night as usual. Arrivals Of Vessels, ii. Father Point. Sept. 2The 8. 8. inion line, from Bris. tol, inward, at 11.30 a.m, The 8.8, Champlain, C. P. R. line, from Liverpool. inward, at 10.25 m, 49 first, 33 gecond, 477 steerage, » ------------ More Fruit. One basket ripe pears or peaches, and & basket of grapes for Soc, Sg turday night, at Camovsky's, wi the usual hourly discount on baskets of plums, peaches and ripe pears. Davies' Order Service. Orders plated with our outside sales | . The party will go to the Pacific and retum to Ottawa, on Octo is a great . Ite just the same to-day, i , Sept. 22.--The will of Baron Men fing the died in steamer Turbinia, which' plies between | are 4 for be. "Frank Worrell, ill very reasonable, and her little bov 0, are visiting their uncle ood, of this city. tar lh the finest pea 3 rier. "For Pale Pe J. H. Brick Sat Crawford, People," the Gibsons Cross drug store, -} Buy Abby salt at Cross store, James eighty-four, died on Monday last. A stopping at the Randolph Hotel for a few days, and are calling on old ac quaintances and friends. As it was days of yore fats that suit them, In George Mills' famous store Saturday; the finest peaches. Low price, Crawford. Bunt leather post cards, hurnt wood post cards, and a now line of post card albums are now on sale at Me- Dermott Bros. Puy Baby Comlorts at Gibson's Red [ drug store, Capt. Dawson and, Lieut. Campbell of the 14th P.W.O.R. have successfully pa the examinations of the school of musketry, Ottawa. The two officers took the course there this oH Fletcher, M.A., Brampton, and H Irwin, B.A., Gananoque, have heen appointed to the staff of Har bord street Collegiate Institute, To- ronto, The umpire at yesterday's game, Con. Millan, kad an argument with one of the players. It looked as though a serap might ensue, but the official kept his head in a most com- mendable manner, Tt will not be necessary to remove Board of Education to the city city hall to give Inspector Kidd a safe deposit for his papers. If he ask- ed the hoard for a safe he would like. ly get one, IN A BAD STATE. Only One Well in the Famous : ' Town. Special to the Whig. Toronto, Sept. 22. Dr. Bell, inspee- tor 'of the Provineial Board of Health, has returned from Cobalt, where he spent five days making ar rangements for placing the sanitary conditions of the famous mining town on a satisfactory basis. He found things in a bad shape from a sani- tary point, owing chiefly to the con- tinued rush of wealth-seekers and the newness of the town, but is confident that improvement will be effected soon. At the present time practically the whole of the drinking water sup- ply is obtained from. one well, a con- dition which, it is hoped, will be re medied before long, -- ONE INSTANCE ---- Of Rejoicing Over Treaty. Snecial to the Whig. Tokio, Sept, 22.A solitary instance of public rejoicing at the conclusion of peace with Russia will take place at a meeting to he held, today, at Cotyka, a town in the remote north- east corner of the main island of Nip- poo. Capt. H. Boismann, a prisoner . of war and former commander of the ussian battleship Peresviet, has died at Matsuyama. Rear-Admiral Nebogatoff and a num- ber of other Russian naval officers ave been permitted to give their parole and return home. Rear-Admiral Rojestvensky has al- most recovered from his wounds, the Peace DISCOVERED NEW PLANET. -- Satelite Located Between Mercury and Sun. Alexandria, Sept. 22. --Prof. Turner, Savilian prblessor of astronomy at Oxford, who headed the British eclipse mission to Egvpt, anfl sailed for England on September 13th. before leaving, published a memoir of the results achieved by various missions. From this it would not be surpris- ing if the world learned soon that Prof. Hussey, of the Lick Observy- tory, has achieved the distinction with his battery telescope of discov- ering the much-debated new planet between Mercury and the sun. Prof. Turner "is at least sanguine of this result, from a close inspec- tion of the Lick Observatory profes sor's plates, SPANIARDS ARE ARE EMIGRA TING Families Abandon Their Homies and Farms. Madrid, Sept. 22. Despatches from the famine districts of Andalusia say that entire trains of emigrants are leaving to embark for South America. Many families are abandoning their homes and farme. Some villages in Galicia have been totally deserted through despair of receiving the pro- mised relief. The steamship companies announce that fifteen steamers loaded with emigrants will leave Andalusian ports in October. The press isurging the government to adobt 'energetic measures against wholesale emigra- tion, : ai, your request, * At Davies, choice dairy, 33c., cream: ery, 25¢, : 2 Mrs. ohn Shillips aud bot Son, Jeorge, ol ville, in hospital suf Peaches ! Peaches ! fering from diphtheria, are getting We 'offer, Saturday, finest' Jraches along nicely. ever offered in this city. Crawford. Saturday, the finest selection of . peaches. Low price. Crawford. Butter Sale. Don't forget that the genuine sold at Gibson's i of Seugog, on at Gibson's Red Cross drug in the General Hospital of bronchial ppeumonia, is tht classes at the Kings- i College, head of Queen selection of genuine Blaud's iron tonic pills 100 for Be. at Red Gibson's Red ing, Selwyn, Ont, aged I} daughter is a sister in 1'Hotel Dieu, Kingston, : Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Dickinson, are | raft. selection of age of seventy-two years. Seven children survive, died of Bright's diseuse, aged three years. A husband and daughter survive along with seven brothers and sisters living in Northern New York. 3 2 YEARS. ------ Joseph Demister's White Oak Timber Caught in Ice in Lake Long Ago, Now Worth $1,000,000--Grandson to Raise It. Special to the Whig. Windsor, Ont., Sept. 2. About sev- enty years ago, Jo Demister, one of he big lumber ph I of his day, started a raft of white oak logs down the Lindsay river so late in the scason that it was caught in the ice in Lake Seugog, and sunk. For some reason or other the raft was never located. N. W. Trimble, a grandson of Dem- ister, who until recently resided at Elmstead, in this county, spent near- ly a year in a quiet hunt for the raft, which lies under thirty fect of water and embedded in the mud. About a month ago he was snecessful in locat- ing the object of this search. This, he says contains several thousand sticks of white oak, cut and squared, each stick contains about 19) cubic feet, worth at the present one dollar per aubic foot, There are probably one million dollars worth of timber in the Mr. Trimble will remove to the location of Lake Seugoer. where he will remain until the work of remov- ing the logs is completed. He will use barges with tackle and hoisting en- gines to pull out the logs. UNIONISM A SICK MAN, Says a Delegate to Trades Con- gress. Special to the Whig. Toronto, Sept. 22.-At this morn ing's meeting of the trades and labor songrens the appointment of an or ganizer was left to the new exceutive. The maritime provinces were not con sidéred to be doing their share for the union cause. The inactivity: of ebec was regretted, and one dele- gate declared that unionism was a "sick map." President Vewille said that what was wanted in Quebec was an organi- zer to affiliate unions. They had the fational movement to fight there. Of 1,200 international unions in Cana- da, only 350 are affiliated out of the congress, The financial report showed a bal ante of $698, the receipts amounting to $1,700. The membership is slightly over 22.000, A resolution, bv Delegate Anderson, criticizing the increase of military ar- maments by the government as nur- turing a class of parasites was not concurred in. Officers for the coming year will be electéd this afternoon. -- 'MORGAN WOOD'S NEW JOB. Ex-Pastor Goes in for Life Insur- ance. Detroit, Sept. 22.--Morgan Wood, formerly pastor of a Congregational church in this city, later of oronto, and afterward going to Cleveland, has become eral manager for Northern Ohio for the Fidelity Mutual Life of Philadelphia with headquarters at Cleveland. He left the ministry about a year ago, and after stumping New York and Indiana in the interests of the republican party in the presiden- tial campaign last fall," accepted an offer of the Slayton Lyceum, of Chi- cago, to take the lecture platform at $7,000 a year. He now turns to life insurance, TOM DULMAGE GOES WEST. Vietith of Wheatley ""Whitecap- pers' Leaves Home. Windsor, Sept. 22. Thomas Dul mage, the Wheatley man who was the victim of whitecappers. has loft the village and gone to the far west. His wife is living with her father. The afiair is not by any means dead, and secret societies to which the unfortun- ate man belonged have had detectives on the trail to discover the real cul prits, and, if possible, to clear Dul mage's name. Should a trial again materialize the case will he brought up in the county of Essex. ONLY TWO LEFT. The Dates of Trials Are. to Be Fixed. @-acinl to the Whig. Toronto, Sept. 22.--~The rota judges will meet at Osgoode Hall, to-morrow morning, to fix the dates and name the judges for Kingston and Prince Edward election trials. These are the only protested eonstituencies remaiy- ing on the list in which a contest is probable. Abyssinia's Future Ruler. Rome, Sept. 22--In accord with Italy, England and France, Emperor Menilik, of Abylsinia, who has no children, has decided to name his nephew, Ligy annu, son of Ras Michael, Negus, of Caffa, and successor to the throne of Abyssinia. Seized By Japanese. Snécial to the Whig. Tokio, Sept. 2.-The American steamer Battaconta, from San Fran- cisco, for Nikolaievsk, has been seized by the Japanese, north of the Island of Saghali®n, Peaches ! Peaches ! We offer, Saturday, finest peaches ever offered in this city, Crawford. ------ Robert McEwen, Sr., Renfrew, pass- ed avay on Sunday after a brief ill- ness. He had been in good health un- til Thursday of last week. He was one of the oldest residents of Ren- frew, having reached the advanced Saunders, Cape Vincent, sixty. Mrs. Jo son's Red Cross drug store. GREAT FIND OF 0AK WL ASE AFT SUBMER. JOHNLAIDLAW 's iron tonic pills sold at Gib FHE LOCKETT SHOE STORE When Does the Dressmaker Come ? Are you racking your brain to know what to make that Fall Suit of--with the dressmaker, only a week or two off? There are suggestions, until you can't rest, in our Dress Goods stock for every piece of Fall Suiting and Dress Material is complete with Au- tumn style. All Wool Broadcloths Chiffon or Sedan finish, Browns, Black, Greens, Plum, Navy, Gar- net, Cardinal and other wanted shades, at 99¢, $1.25, $1.49. Venetian Cloths--In all the latest shades for Fall and, Winter. Three special values, 49¢., 75¢.s 99¢. A AN -------- Fancy Tweed Suitings-- Newest combinations of colors. and smart effects for Fall Suits and Separate Skirts, 54 inches wide, 75¢. and 99¢. yard. 'Roxana Cloths or Cord De Soie, in Plain Shades for Pall Suits, g9c. yard and 75c. yard. Many other materials, ranging in price from 25¢. to 49¢. yard, all new this fall. We have caught the popular fancy in our selection of Fall Coats! Visitors tell ys so, and stylish] dressers admit the fact, but back of all our sales show it, i The latest fashion fancies are here as a matter of course, and in the large assortment there is just enough of one kind to avoid much of any duplication, THE ALEXANDRIA _ The latest in three-quarter and seven- eighth length Coats for Fall, &Sii How Can They Do It ? This is a question we have heard very often this past week. We have a table of BOYS' SOLLID LEATH- ER SCHOOL BOOTS, sizes 1 to 5, good, solid, substantial Schéol Boots, and we are selling them at $1 a pair. Owing to the great advance in the price of leather this fall, this is a splendid chance for any one to lay in a stock of Boys' Boots at $1. It is doubtful if we will ever get another at that price. TH YEAR 72. NO. 2 Great Removal Sa FURNITUR Rather than remove stocks contained in two sto houses which we are co pelled to vacate before Nov., we are offering | goods at 15 TO 20% REDUCTION $25 Solid Oak Eideboards for | Uthers for $6 50 to $75. Extension Tables. $6.50 to $85 Robt. J. Rei Two Doors Above Opera House, Telephone 577, -- CALL FOR A FREE COPY Sept, Bullet Properiy Snaps Therein Prope: Dollars to You. SWIFT'S 54% TRANCE Aamc RRR RO --- STOVES GALOI 30° square Hall Heaters, large yo Cook Ranges, Pugs, Box 2 te Stoves, also large stock of arpe Furniture. Alwrvs ready to trade, or sell. TURK'S SECOND-HAND 5T 398 PRINCESS STR WANTED. A HOUSEMAID. APPLY TO Breden, 24 Stuart St. 9 ITRESSES. APPLY 3 TN er Brith American Hotel. ---- ME » N HO EXPERIENCED COOK AND : Xa Apply at 149 Earl street r 00D NEW MILCH COW. Al A Joop Pickering, Smith street, ston, Ont. ° i ee ee tet Fh LY T SIE WHO TEN BOYS, ONLY THOSF T work every day need apply. Gould & Co. . AFTY GIRLS TO SPLIT MICA. BiPiy Noah Bross Mica Works, fa Picens Street, © { APPL THE EVE to Me: ARRLY oh Corner W ton and Union streets. GENERAL SERVANT: NO y ing. References required. App y Mrs. Almon, 22 Barrie strect. A HOUSBMAID ; GOOD: W AGES ply in the evening to Mrs. He Smith, "Ringwood," King St. . -- -------------------------- LADIES TO DO PLAIN whole or sp home, 8] 4 $10 per week : wor tance, charges paid ; ser full particulars. Luna Mfg. treal. ge MEN AND BOYS, TO EARN $5 "after two months instruction tion guaranteed. Coyne Tiros Plumbing Schools, New Yor . nati, O.," St. Louis, Mo., (Free logue.) ) FIRST-CLASS COOK AND L ress for private hospital . Nug per month each ; railway nl Must be thoroughly competen ply The Canadian Copper Co Copper CHff, Ontario. x GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR Overcoats and Suits. ms Thomas Galloway's, 131 Bre Also bring your old ones ai them repaired. Style, fit av guaranteed to please. TELY ; AN YA ta clothing and me nishing business, and to as cash and parcel Hoy & required. Apply to F. 2 2 Howland Bros. old stand, Princess streets. PERSONAL. ---- NET y UF FORTUNE TOLD B yo at reliable clairvoyant pirthdate, dime and stam Carl & Rollin, 49% N. i Chicago. APPRE! YOUR FORTUNE TOLD FRO cradle to the grave ; ma mi ness | love and marriage ma What I tell comes true Ser date and 10e. Pro avas, Ste, Cunegonde P.0., Monjre MME: Parlors, ELDER'S DRESS) 258 Princess 3 3 m wr-Made Sydenham, T'ailor-Mac Coats and Wraps, Shirt Suits, dinner and evening ¢ trusseaux, ete. made-to-orde prices reasonable. Best © ences. mn" ~ TO-LET. DIVISION E a = = TBE en street, oocupitd Hoon, milliner. Apply at : GS FURNISHED / PWELLIN : n offices, oe Cann's Real FEsta'e 4 Brock Street. "BELLEVUE" CENTRE : ALLEY large grounds and per month; immediate » Avply 160 Kio St. FOR SALE. EARTH FOR LAWNS. AF University Ave. ONE GOOD GENERAL ¥ horse; one Solid rubber about buggy, . Edwin C Son. ET ---------------------- BUSINESS OPPORTUN) OFPORTUNITY--PROPERTY York State; Thirty Mi available, average $10.00 ton rigid investigation : fi : pleted, start operating par value shares $1. first and 'at . each ; dividen teed. Keystone Reduet?, Weightman Bldg., Phila. For bronchitis or any ki cong Lross 8 rir only at Gibso