DEVOURED BY BEAR. Brothers in Tyrol. pd Sy two herds, the 25th, in the Methodist] | church here, and ut the other Yijuint | ments this cireuit, next sorvice will be held in the Preshyteri an church next Sunday evening. Miss Hymers, Ottawa, is the guest of her uncle, John Hymers'. Miss Kathervn Forsyth, voungest daughter of James Foreyth, was married to Ernest Gan. dior, Newburgh, this morning, 'The eremony was performed by the fath- er of the groom, Rev. Mr. Gandier, | Newburgh, in the presotice of ghout forty . After u short honey- moon at Cobden, Ottawa, and other castern points, Mr, and Mrs. Gandier will take up residence in Newburgh. Herbert Aswolstine, who has went the simmer on the steamer Caspian. is, home to attend the wedding of his hrother, Robart, to Mise Annie Metz: ler, Odessa, this evening. From here he goes to Kingston to resume his studios at Queen's Medical College. ---------------- The Spirit Of Missions. Sierra Leone colony, West Africa, was ocoupied by the Church Mission. a ¥, as one of its earliest felde, Bearly 100 years ago, to meet the needs of thousands of freed slaves, pagans. of many tribes and languages, thrust ashore among other savages with whom they had nothing bm their color in common, It is one of the of the subtle power of Christ's gospel that Sierra Leone ool- ony is now a Christian land with ao church and school in almost every vil- loge, maintained by black Christians, served by black ministers, and sup porting evangelistic enterprises' in the regions boyond. The Sierra leone colony has about 75,000 people, of whom 80,000 are Christians. = The Church Missionary society long since moved to the frontier, leaving the lo- cal church to sustain the whole local work, except the Fourah Bay College. «25-26. t Faily Were Quietly Married. Selby, * Sept. 21.<A number from here took in the Napanee fair on Wed- vesday. The siok ave improving. Mr. Nesbit, Newburgh, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist chureh, Bunday even- ing, in absence of Mr. Duke. John Bovd- and Miss" Phyllis Doidge were quietly married at her home on Tuesday last. Their many: friends wish them a long and happy life. Mrs. J, Conn left on Friday, to spohd a few weeks visiting her brother, Dr. File, Amelinshurg. Visitors: J, MoMasters, at D. W. MoKim's; Mr, snel Mrs. M. Parks, at G. Bdgur's P. Mather and sister, at E, T. Anderson's; E. Ryan and mother at G, Hudgin's: Mr. and Mrs. J, Wood at A, Wood's, ------ Young People Married. Elginburg, Sept, 92. Charles Mer- vill and pi alo] N.Y. have been renewing acquaintances here. On Wed. newday evening, Mise M. Silver and John Mobride were married at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Hood of Cataraqui, spent a few dave with friends here, Davey and family . moved Watertown, sito: H. New ------ Terrible Experiences of Two with a bear vention, at ding th Sumins | railroad 29, vj of New SBauth Wales "| her fmal professional tour in Novem . | and "1 corroborated the statement which has . for a four months' DAILY WHIG, SATU | theatee, Lond Bernard Conversion. Theodore Kremer's newest play Jutitied "A Traitor : to the t E cas in 1906, Mansfield's - company will number 117 Ferry will appear at the Court m, Shaw's Captain Brassbound's this persons and will nehude Fuller Mellish, Clarence Handy. be James be , Mach Ado and Mary Stuart. ad Bont Bont Santa' Ana ind ta Apa. deorge Ale tage Ponta » can rough it ! Don't unless, you can wait ! Don' t--unless in | tion di " | travel lice, : ¥8 | thousand natural travail, shocks into you, don't! H von can will--then here's Juck to you ! Light as Goose Feather. low, aged eighty years, was taken tion, a hath was given him. The old man, limbed as he used to be, hesitate accept the kindly offices of Keeper Pol lard, "I vam ! added. | my born days, leastwise hain't been scrubbed since 1 wos a boy and we used to go swimmin' in the old sheep washing hole in the erick. It's danger- ous; might get a chill and turn into ammonia,' Being assured that the water was of right temperature, the octogenarian was led into the bath room by an at tendant, his clothing was removed, and with considerable difficulty he was forced to get into the spacious tub, which was half filled with tepid water, "I vam 1" he ejaculated. "It's hot enough to scald pigs, but I guess | noed soaking up, for the only bath | ever got was when. it rained on me." After the scrubbing and rinsing pro- cess the old gentleman looked pleased, and said to the attendant: "If I'd a'known that baths didn't hurt I'd a'tuken one before this. Feel as fine and light as a goose's feathers in a windy day. I could almost fly. Like to get in that tub twice a day while 1 stay here, if you're sure "taint dang- MADAME BARTET, The Frevieh tragedienne, who a Chevaliere of the Legion of recoghition of her the interests of connected with the ond on that account was recognized he- fore the "divine" Surah, who is not con. nected with the official theatre tees' en It is announced stader minstrols will #0 to Europe, in April, when their American tour ends.' Negotiations for bookings, in progress for two years, have Leen completed. This, it is assorted, will se the second hig American minstrel company jo toar Eupope. J. H. Huverly and his minstrels were the first, The company engaged for BE. 8. Wil lard's ensuing Canadian and Ameri- ean tour is, as usual, part English and part American. It includes Frank Dyall, W. Santer, Miss Rose Beaudet, Walter. Edmunds, Miss Leila Repton, H. Barfoot, ) Mabel Duliois, H. Cane, J. 'W. Laxrence, Mis N Hlie Angel, Ivan Simpson, Mise Gladys Granger, Ernest Stallard, and Miss Alice Lonnon, who proved so charm- ing as his leading lady last season. Gertrude Roosevelt, who save she is 8 cousin of the president, has an nounced her intention of going into vaudeville, and has arranged to make er debut at Hammerstein's in a sketch entitled "Kitty Clive." Miss Roosevelt has had experience on the stage, having played a part in "Why Smath® Left Home," both in . this country and in London. She hs also posed as a model for poator ad er tisenents that have heen used ox tensively for advertising a western was made Honor in Valuable services in drammtic art. She js Comedie Francaise ------ that the Dock. Maud Jefiries, who was Wilson Bar- rett's leading lady, has become Mrs. J. B. Oshorne, the wife of a wealthy young Australian rancher. Miss Jof fries has been playing 'in Australia, 7. during the past eighteen months, and .Ishe will leave the stage at the end of tho present year. Mr. Osborne. in addition to ranching with SUCCESS, became an actor for love of the lady and thus wooed and won her. After this year she will live on her has band's sheep station in the interior Madame Modjeska will comaonce ber. under the yanagement of Berand Morrisey. Count Bozenta has been cirenlated that she has signed tour and will ap pear on the coast and in the large vastern cities, except New York, where she made her farewell appear ance last winter. Wer leading man Tiny Babies grow into big, rosy, sturd children on Nestlé's Food. It agrees with baby's deli- oe Stomach -- nourishes y's fragile system---pro- tects baby against colic and cholera infantum --and brings baby safely through the dreaded "second sum- \ mer.' Nestle's Food is a perfect substitute for mother's milk. Write for a FREE SAM- gh for 8 meals. THE LEEMinG, MILES Co, Lisrres, MONTREAL | belabor the duke with a stick, until a frous and ammonia wont set in." ---- New York Fashions. The color note is particularly strong RDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. \ il. H toi 0'Nei or reper re Madame are at Laguna You ean oat your rt | heart | mi Don't-unless you can weep--and win ! Save you ean accept as your por- tent, delay, weariness, opposition, ma- heartache and the this stage fesh is heir to--why, 1 would din it and ----ck to ¥¢ FIRST BATH IV 60 YEARS, OM Man Then Says He Fedld as I -- a -- "T.EATON C9... or oR TORONTO ~ 2, CANADA IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO OUR MAIL ORDER CUSTOMERS Te p= Binghamton, Bept. 23 Charles Fur- data wim Eon dl | WE HAVE NOW MADE ARRANGEMENTS To mission of an inmate to that institu who is not as strong Ito Ain't it pesky risky ?" he "Never was in a bath tub. in in the newest gowns. The new blues will continue popular, and the gamut of pink ranges from tender mauve tof deep American beauty tints. The wood | browns are to be used for tailored | gowns, also the autumn leaf tints fop! gowns, wraps and hats. This wealth] of color is matched in the splendor of the materials now fashionable. | With reference to the lines of the new PREPAY CHARGES ON ORDERS OF $25.2 AND OVER To all Railroad Stations in Ontario, Quebec, New Bruns- wick, Nova. Scotia and Prince Edward Island, on all goods in our Fall and Winter Catalogue, No. 71, with the ex- ception of Furniture (including Springs, Mattresses, Refrig- erators and Organs), Flour. IF YOU HAVE NOT A COPY OF OUR YOU TO GET ONE TERMS Cash and One Price. G Stoves, Baby Carriages, Sugar and CATALOGUE IT WILL PAY IT IS SENT FREE ON REQUEST UARANTEE Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded. lL . TORONTO & 8 I " EATON CS... . CANADA fashions, breadth of shoulder, a round- ed bust, a tapering waistline and ao! rippling skirt that fits the upper par of the body like a glove, are the prin cipal features. richest gown, The most change in line is seen in the transition from directoire to empire styles, cinating coatees and bridge-conts that of these smart coats are of lace, black will be followed in wraps intended for winter wear, the necessary warmth be ing supplied by a fur lining. The com ing season promises a fortune to the fursier The new hats are increasing in size, and while they show the sharp tilting recently introduced, the crowns are higher and decidedly stiffer. Plumes will be worn, of course, drooping over the brims, and aigrettes will be in great demand. Lace veils will be seen on the smart hats, draped, and also hanging over the face. Among the distinctly new autumn fabrics is satine souple, a wonderfully | lustrous goods, resembling a light | weave of cloth. Another of the recent { imporfations is le Chantilly, a soft } all weaon fabric showing a mingling of black and white, fabrios there is nome so beautiful as velvet and none more serviceable than corduroy --Helen Berkeley-Loyvd, in the Delincator for October. -------------- Free Of Charge. The generous concessions which are made to the Bible Society by the gov- ermment and private railways in Rus- sia can show no equal in any other country. 'The number of railway miles put at the society's disposal in the empire of the czar, without charge for travelling of freight, amounts to not less than a quarter of a million a vear. As an instance of Bible traffic in Russia, on August 14th consign ments of scripture were despatched from the Bible Society's depot ir St. Petersburg to be carried 1.0 00 miles, while the week before the consignments despatched were to be earried 5,200 wiles; and this represents the output from St. Petersburg alone, without taking into consideration the society's other depots in various parts of Russia and Siberia. Concessions such as these are a valuable contribution to the society's working expenses, Farmer Beats A Duke. An extraordinary adventure befell the Duke and Duchess of Manchester, during a motoroar tour through the Trish Midlands, with the result that a fiery Irishman, named Lynch, will be brought up at the Granard sessions on a of beating the duke with a stick, At Cara, near Granard, coun- ty Longiord, the motorists encounter ed Lynch in a cart, the horse of which shied at the motor car. The duke | slowed up, stepped into the road, and took the horse hy the hide. yo lead him past the car. The considerate ac tion Bo evidently misunderstood by Lynch, who immediately ' began to man named Mulligan ren up, and. *uatching the stick from the irate for! mer's hand, explained to him the true state of the case. - : Failure to meet Brine} requirements will ruin the effect of the notable This | change is chiefly evident in wraps, in tea and house gowns, and in the fas- are rapidly coming into vogue. Many, over white, and white over white, or, over a bright color. The empire lines In the whole list of. tt. | here is Just one silk that is always right. | | i i. | - MAR is a magazine that every lady should take. ISSIR = thes a year, 96 pages beautifully Illustrated; 50.¢ts. fier year. Write for sample sending 15 cents. Corticelli Silk ( Ltd, St.John's.PQ. Se PICK OF CANADA'S ENORMOUS) WHEAT CROP IS BY SPECIAL PROCESS MA CONVERTED INTO THE MOST PALATABLE OF BREAKFAST CEREALS \ te Mian ORANGE MEAT BY THIS PROCESS EVERY UIFE-GIVING ELEMENT OF THE GRAIN 1S UTILIZED MEATNOURISHES THE INVALID AND KEEPS IN GOOD TRIM STRONG MINDS AND BODIES EASILY Dig LOOK FOR THE NEW PREMIUMS. 1 Z a a eit i Wade's glove cleaner, 10c. Natur A La ¢ neing is 48 necessary as ol Inward Ja Re iar is of even gre bowe n-pores from becomin clogge the £ disease. Everyone needs a nat Fites the bowels of accumulated impur r . BEECHAW boon ever offered to th the ETE ratmaton. For pver fif aut famous as a Stomach corrective, Jeet They never gripe nor caus aa CONS. Avoid them. Use Bi fet without doing violence to any ol v with physical laws, Take ther heir use becomes less frequent. dor a positive cure for Constipation, and Dyspepsia. Heaney tho Preorictnr, Themes Bi Sold everywhere in Canada and U. S. Skilled Designers ||: Produce Ives' or Metal Beds. = oesigns in metal is a fine art distinct | | | from all other branches of decora- | | ci tive work. It requires the highest 2 kind of metalworking skill and ||. a mot complete equipment of || of appliances. t The H. R. Ives Co. have all hu the skilled metal artits and the ||. means of producing such goods and | | i that is why Ives Metal (Brass and | |! Iron) Beds are so artitic in design | | » and so handsomely wrought. An | | ' Ives Brass Bed is a beautiful crea- ||, tion, one that will be a source of satisfaction to its owner for a life- tme--ask your dealer for an Ives Metal Bed. n The H. R. Ives Co., Limited ; MONTREAL. TO MS MAJESTY. THE KINGS Sir John Power & Son Ltd. ESTABLISHED AD. 1791. THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a centuty for its delicacy of flavor. Of highest standard of Purity. it Is especially recommended by the Medical Profession or account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" FRECKLES Those little pests that spoil a nice complexion. MOTH PATCHES Nothing gives the face § such a 'ain. unwashed look as those, brown * liver spots. PINPLES AND BLOTCHES kheads, Eee Rr ra An Thess yield quickly to that reliable home remedy PRINCESS COMPLEXION PURIFIER Sent anywhere, express paid. Price $1.50 large bottle roo Superfluous Hair, Moles, etc. . moved forever by our method of Electro. 15s Satisfaction positively guaranteed. some during the summer for treatment. Send stamps for booklet " K. ® nuns DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE 50 Church 8t., Toronto Betar! 1008 - I HME, The native of India has an average We of twenty-four yemars, as against doety-four in this country,