Same Size Package Same High Quality ~ Elixir of Cod Liver oi All the health- ivin i and fat-producing. oe Slo a E NORWEGIAN COD LIVER O11, mins: the bad taste. BEST'S ELIXIR (p COD LIVER OIL is a solution of the active principals of Pure Cod Liver Oil in Pure Sherry Wine, ax: blood builder jt is unsurpassed ae It has no equal as" a fat : maker, For me run down dur. 8 the best tonic. those who have beco ng the summer it i Makes weak, puny hey like it too, arge bottle, $1, 3 for $2.50 Only at [he Best Drug Store L. T. BEST, Chemist and Optician 24 Princess Street. "Phone 59. EYES TESTED FREE. babies strong [0-NIGHT | | We Place On Sale 10 Dozen Of the New "N & 8" SPECIAL GORSET .. Corset for the masses, "fits like a '@, as comfortable as a waist, con- icted in such a manner as to pre L breaking down of sides, and with ters attached. = All sizes, 1% to In white or drab. This line is al to the best 73e. corset, i the lo; n Our price to-night will be 30c. pair. Fancy Collars ¢ the dainty lot of Fancy Colla: we will sell to-night at 2c. each iderad cheap at 3c. and 0c. iery and Underwear at sale of Hosiery and Fall Un "ar to-night; newest goods, 8, Cut prices, Wman & Shaw 9999990443 SWIFT'S SCRANTON : big GOAL Nearly everyone ows it and they like it. You determine on tting it the next ne you need coal. mE MES SWIFT & co. bbb Er ------ Shown in Kingston. THE DAIL ' WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. mm +5400 44 | relations were-present; Mr. Leckie is spent visiting Edinburgh and Glas ey @ | very well known in Kingston, and sup- gow. . *® . plied Dr. Madkie's place, at St. An- ; « eo eo 0 ld in the drew's, Ast summer, Mrs. J. S. R, McCann gave a plea- ' 0 Tre, sant little tea, yesterday, for Miss wedding, on Wednesday last, in hm church, Utica, N.Y, was of very great interest to many Kingston wople, for the contractin, parties Pe Mr. Alfred Cole Birch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Birch, of this city, and Miss Anna Mabel McLough- In, daughter of Mr. . McLoughlin, of Utica. The marriage was nized by the Rev, Mr. Hard- ing, rector of the church, and the bride was given away by her father. The wedding dress, a utiful one, was of chiffon, em in white roses Over a icoat of white satin, over which was a petticoat of white chiffon. The gown was elaborately trimmed with' rose point lace, the bodice being formed almost entirely of the lace. A veil of tulle fell ac cording to the pretty old bridal cus- tom over all, and covered the face of the bride. Her bouquet was of white roses and maidenhaiv fern. The bride's sister, Miss Cornelia McLough- lin, was maid of honor, and wore pink silk messaline, over chiffon and satin, a hat of pink chiffon, and car- ried pink roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Florence and Miss Ada Birch, sis- ters of the groom, Miss Marion Smith, of Lichfield Springs, N.Y., and Miss Gertrude Allen, of Utica, N.Y. They all wore white silk mull-frocks, white maline hats, trimmed with pink roses, and carried bouquets of the same flover. The groomsman was Mr. Ray McLoughlin, and the ushers, Mr. S. Royden Birch, Mr. George Ames, of Binghamton, N.Y., Dr. F, W. Smith, and Mr. Clarence Putnam, of Utica. The church and the bride's home, where the wedding breakfast was held, were filled with roses, chiefly American Beauties. The groom's mother, Mrs. Birch, wore a handsome gown of lay- ender voile, with a silk dot over a petticoat" of silk, with elaborate trim- mings of lace, and carried white roses. Mrs. McLoughlin, the bride's mother, was also in lavender, her material be- ing crepe de chine, and her bouquet composed of purple orchids. Miss Mc- Loughlin, the bride's aunt, wore grey avpe de chine, and 'carried . white roses. About one hundred guests were present at the breakfast, and this por- tion of the day was very bright. Mr. and Mrs. Birch have gone to Albany, New York, Boston, and Gloucester, for V \ \ X L ge } Then on its way, and has been the Buwilight } |= h quiet week, Yesterday, the champions 2 - Strange. The weather seems to be tak- ing a personal interest in the strug- and Mrs. J. E. lip the wedding of her brother-in-law, Mr. Taylor, of the Crown Bank, Winnipeg, and Miss Lockhart, of Toronto. Monday to: Toromto where day, to Montreal, to on the continent; will 'be 'there about 'a month, and will John Clarke, C.E. The marriage will take place in December. « a home ito her friends street, on the 1st and after 1st October. . ed last week, for India, where she will spend the winter with her sister. week for a visit of some months in Chicago. with their their field. Evervone hopes that Mrs, Scott who has had a long illpess, will not suffer from the climate. « 8 have come home from Utica, but Miss Florence Birch has remained there, and is visiting Mrs. Royden Birch has gone to spend Sun- day with Mrs, Prescott, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edgar The, croquet . tournament is still Dawson, of Ottawa, who is visiting been: oh & visit 'of Svveral weeks the Pacific coast, is carly next week. ert 4. GANANOQUE TIDINGS. Complaint st Police--Look- ing for Dark Corners. Gananoque, Sept. 22.-The local Mrs. E. V. Orford, Princess street. gujety | of an abnormally The hostess herself made the tea, and her two nephews, Mr. Sidney and Mr. of the day previous, Mrs. Noel Kent, Neil Polson, the only t the and Miss Blanche Deacon, gave way to sterner sex admitted, waited wu the Mrs. Ramsay Dufi and Mrs. Campbell guests. These were Miss Leta Carson, Miss Grace Martin, Miss Watson, To- ronto, Miss Vera Mundell, Miss Flor gle, and is providing the most per- ence Williamson, Miss Muriel fect of bright davs for the encourage- Abbott, the Misses Fraser, the ment of the gentle sport. i Misses Orford, Miss Isabel Polson, Miss : i - Ce ! Katie Murray, Miss Ethel Jordan, Miss Jessie Ellis, Miss Katie Work- man, Miss Hewitt and Miss Etta Hen- derson. The decorations of the rooms were pink and white asters. . . . . Miss Marjorie Clarke will go up on | Mrs, H. W. Bibby and little daugh- she will ter, Kathleen, arrived back from Ot- pay Miss Tot Kent, a visit. This very tawa on Thursday. Mrs. Bibby's mo- nice girl will be much missed here. ther came with her for a visit, Miss Skinner will go down, on Mon- | Mrs. James Madill, of this city, and and i Mrs, J. L. Madill, of Napanee, are visiting in Prescott. The latter is ex- to { pected in town, to-day, for a day or Mrs. Jeremy Taylor will go up to orontoy on Monday, to be present at pay Mr. Mrs. John Skinner a visit. Dr. red' Mitchell, who went Spain, front Columbia College, to take | so. a astronomical . observations, has met Miss Hunter, who has been visiting Mrs. Mitchell, sho has been travelling will return to- Mrs. George Mahood, in London. They day to New York. Miss Kathleen Despard will come down from Picton, on Monday, and {will spend a day or so here on her then return to New York. » . . . The engagement is announced of ; way to New York to visit Mrs. Ron- Miss: Edith D. ' Carmichael, only ald Despard. daughter of Mr. W. D. Carmichael, . . . Kingston, to Bdward Harris Clarke, Miss Edna Mitchell, who spent some Montreal, only. son of the late Mr. | time in Rochester, and Toronto, has come home. Miss Rita Mitchell is still in Toronto, visiting Mrs. Frederick Johnson. Mrs. J. W. McCrillis, of Providence, R.I., is the guest of Mrs. Frederick Folger, Alired street. She will remain about two weeks, Miss Gena Hepburn, of Picton, will be in town on Monday and Tuesday, on her way to New York. Miss Helen Merrill, who has been in the office of the provincial archivist, Toronto, for a month or so, will come down to Picton, on Monday. . 8 'es . - Mrs. Wilfrid G. Bailey will be at at 112 Ordnance 3rd Tuesdays < . - . Miss Ethel Hovles, of Toronto, sail- Mrs. Richard Davis will leave next The Rev. Dr. Scott, and Mrs. Scott, children, have left for work in Ceylon missibn The Rev. D. M. Solandt, and Mrs, Solandt, arrived in town, on Thurs- day, from their wedding trip, and arc en pension at 300 University ave- nue. Mr. Delmage, of the Merchants Rank, has been transferred to the Prescott branch, and left for that town, last night. He will be very much missed here by the young set, with whom he has been very popular. Mrs. Walter Macnee returned Toronto, on Wednesday. « eo Miss Ada' and' Miss Beatrice Birch Mr. Putnam. Ames, at Binghamton. from Mr. and Ars. Samuel Birch are in their wedding trip, and on their re-| Birch: Mrs. Fortescue, who has let "Fdee turn home will live at 178 Park av- Mrs. H. Robertdon and Miss Ethel | hill" for some months, will spend the enue, Utica. Very. good wishes, in- | Robertson, © who have been visiting | winter with Mrs, J. H. Birkett. Miss deed, follow both from Kingston, for| Mrs. Robertson's sister, Mrs. Noel | Gertrude Fortescue will spend some the bride has many personal friends | Kent, left to-day for Crookstown, {little time there also. here. Mich. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Price, of Ayl- . . . . .,. 18 . . mer, Ont., are expected in town, to- Miss Georgia Smith, was married at Mrs. 8. W. Dyde, University Avenue, | morrow, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles the residence of Mr. Thomas Webb, Hamilton, to the Rev. Neil M. Leckie, left to-day for will spend the winter with her 'son. Colorado, - where she Low. : Mrs. Cappon arrived home on Thurs. pastor of the Preghyterign church, at Liout.-Col Massie, and wife, after | day, but Professor Cappon, and Miss Londesboro, The ceremony was per- | reaching 'ngland, had a few days to | Maenee tebuived in Montreal. formed, on Wednesday, by. the Rev. | spare before Col. Massie's duties at Dr. 0. 'W. Daly, who, with his fa- Ww. W. McLaren, and only immediate Aldershot began and this time they ther, Mr. James Daly, of Napanee, has poli were hauled over the coals at the last regular session of the town council, a S t of misbehavior being p them. An investi gation will made by the police committee. The townspeople have con: fidence in Chief Ryan and his assist: ant. If the case is merely that of a gore head, it is hoped the facts ob tained in the investigation will place the blame where it rightly 'belongs, Mrs. Dr. H. A. Parker left yester- day to visit friends and relatives in Ch cago. After three weeks idleness. the hum of industry is again heard in the manufacturing establishment of the town. A gang of drunks made the night bideous for a while in some parts of the town last night. It is well for them they kept out of reach of the policemen, or there would likely have been *"'something doing." It is rumored that Hymen is ram pant, a number. of our handsom: voune - ladies being about to take un to themselves mates for better or fo worse. It seems 400 bad that th also want our youne ladies. We must confess they are lors, Rev. D. 'S. H « grand chaplain, R. T. of T., ofl lL. Ont, will be in Gananoque, Obtobeér Sth, at the annual council rally of No. 284. Neith- cr pains nor expense have "wen spared to make this occasion , notable one in the annals wi Royal Templarism in Gananoque, The mayor council are on the streets to-night looking for dark corn- ers, where new electric lights are need: ed, Tart of this ions and stir ring town is still in @arkness, and it is hoped the mavortand council have not forgotten their' spectacles, so that thev mav seo just what Hlumination will be for the best interests of the town. ji So emt Are You Contemplating. A fur purchase, if so its not too soon to he giving 4it serious thought, You'll be interested in the fine dis play of reliable at Campbell Bros, manufacturing furriers. well made furs the Butter Sale. At Davies, choice dairy, 23c., cream- ery, 25ec. A number of Kingstonians arrived hack in the city, this morning, from Parham, where they attended the HRinchinbrooke fair, They report a good time and the exhibition a sue cess in every respect. Bovril an extract of beef that gives strength. Its fresh at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. All sizes, Special hose, supporters, 20c.; shoulder braces, 50c. New York Dress 1 Reform, . Old fashioned horehound candy, just received. Maliood's Drug Store. Yankees not only want our fish, but wo viv, <I AGED NEN FIGHT], INMATES OF POORHOUSE AT | BRIDGEWATER, N. J. Secure Knives in Kitchen and Go : to Remote Spot on Grounds to Settle Quarrel-Furiously Slashing Each Other When Found by Keeper. Bridgewater, N.J,, Sept. 23-Two men, Eo past seventy years of age, inmates of the poorhouse, fought a duel with kitchen knives ground to the sharpness of razors, and both are likely to die, The men are George Potts and Ed- ward Riley. They quarrelled and ex- changed blows' with their fists. "The men were separated but met later, and calmly agreed to ht a duel with knives. They agreed that the duel was to be to the death. 4 Going to the kitchen, they secured the sharp pointed knives and started by separate routes to a remote spot on the grounds where they believed they could fight out their differences without interruption. On their arrival at the spot agreed upon the men roll ed up their sleeves and went at it, cut. ting, slashing and jabbing cach other, They were standing lLireast to breast and knee to knee covered with blood, stabbing each other in the back, shoulders and sides when Keeper Dunn found them. The keeper dr d the men apart, and, feeble from old age and Joss of blood, the men struggled to get away from him, and renew the fight. Up able to keep them separated, the keeper knocked them down with his fist. They were taken to the infirmatory and doctors were summoned. Both de- clared their intention of killing each other should they recover, The surgeons say that both will probably die. If they recover they will be arrested, and if one dies the other will be charged with murder, The men, who have lived together iy peace at the institution, for some time, refused to say what started the fight. The Jewels Gone. New York, Sept. 23. Because Miss Marion Van Renslacr Kennedy, who is now at her father's summer home, Hempstead, LI, made a jewel casket of a waste paper basket, all her jewelry, 'with the exception of a single pearl pin, is gone. The maid emptied thé basket into the garbage barrel. When the loss was discovered two hours afterwards the barrel was searched, but the jewels were gone. The governess found one pin in the barrel, Admitted, The Somerville Co's. coats and out- er garments are the latest modes, yet the price is most reasonable! A perfect fitting truss, easy, secure, comfortable stays in position under all circumstances. The result of being He became | rope of bed clothing TC Dr. Chown't Bucher-Juniper Kidney Pills never fail to give relief in kidney NEWS FROM PICTON. Presentation to Judge Widdifield ~--A Picton Marriage, Picton, Sept. 22.--Thursday evening, the business men of the town, met the Parish House and made a Prose tation to J and Mrs, C, H. Wid- difield, who leave town with their fa. mily on Saturday for their new home in Owen Sound. Judge Widdifield was iven a me gold watch and 0g Widdifield an oak and silver ser: vice, cut glass water set and bowl. Rev. W. L. Armitage went to Peterboro, to-day, where on Sunday he will preach the sermon at a har vest thanksgiving service. J Wednesday, at At ligh noom, residence of the bride's Jorehts, Mr. and Mrs. P, Nobles, Miss Lens Bore nice Nobles was married to Charles 0, Bristol, by Rev. 8. C. Moore. bride wore a dainty gown of white |wilk and carried a shower bou of white carnations, Miss Mabel 1 i William Clow, was ma and best mam, After a w breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Bristol left in the after noon train for Toronto and Buffalo. Among the many handsome gifts was a cheque for $100 from the bride's mo- ther, Jellett Barker, secretary of the in- spector of the Bank of Montreal, is in parents, Mr, and Mrs, D. J. or, "Old Grange." Charles Tulley left Wednesday for Kingston to enter Queen's. Bertram Stirling, of Dun: das, is visiting his father, Dr. Stir ling, for a few days, before Jenving for Kingston to enter Queen's. Mrs. H. 8S, Wilcocks entertained Thu even- ing in honor of Mrs. CC. H. Widdifield. Fhuesday afternoon, Mrs, J. W, Hamly gave the officers of the W, A, a launch ride on the "Ruth" to Adolphustown, for Mrs, C. H. Widdi- field. Fred. Alcorn, Ninnipeg, is in town visiting his father, G. 0. Al corn, M.P, Messrs. H. Clapp and M. Trimble, who have been on the steam- er Chicora, this summer, have return- ed home. : KNIFE CURE FAILS. Operation on to Cure Wayward- ness, Lad Flees. Indianapolis, Sept, surgical correct a "runaway tendency,' eration. stant runaway. ferent times in many of the cities, Recently his mother read decided to haye the boy ps nig eration was making progress. tened, ! fitted at Dr. Chown's drug store. and bladder trouble, 25¢, box. town on a week's holiday with his 23. Edward Rosa, of Lafayette, who underwent ao operation a month ta ran away last night to avoid another op- The boy's mother says he was a con- He was found at dif- of an operation by Dr. Kelmer, of this city, to correct. the criminal tenden- cies of a youth who robbed a wo- man in one of the churches here. She operated on. A piece of the skull was removed to reliove a pressure onthe brain, The boy was told it would be necossary to wound to see how the op: ds Buproviemd a Albert Shier, Sheffield, sold his f of 115 acres to Patrick Murphy, Last week, A. S. Kimmerly, the old Rennie farm, Hay MN. W, Fox, 14 ago, after being long in failing hes She was twenty-one vears of ace. | R WALDRON, : : CORNER BROCK AND WELLINGTON STREETS the finest collection of Fall Coats We invite you to inspect and newest, As this is first season, every coat new and up-to-date :-- NEW TWEED COATS--$4.75 to $15. NEW COVERT CLOTH COATS-In large variety, extra long to the short hip styles, both loose and tight fitting styles, $7.50, 89, $10, $12.50, $15, our is aboslutely . HOMESPUN AND BEAVER COATS Very large variety in the correct styles for fall and winter wear, black and colors, $4.98 to $27 each >» Skirts L Every conceivable design and style % to be found in our showrooms. The very latest New York and London Creations in -- HENRIETTAS-85, $5.50, $6, 86.50, $7.50, TWEEDS-83.50, $4, $4.50, 85, $5.50, #6, 37, $7.50. VOILES--$7.50, $9, 810. - y TN - oi . SERGES AND CHEVIOTS--$2.75 to BROADCLOTHS $5, 86, 87, $8, 86. sy RES--Plain and fancy, $3.50, 84, $1.50, 85, 36. » Shirt Waist Suits Our offerings in. these Shirt Waist Suits are worthy of your special" in- terest. They are being offered at prices far lower than you usually have to pay for such superior values, and the styles comprise all the very newest which Fashion demands :-- TWEED SHIRT WAIST SUITS--Regular.velues, $15, $17.50, £20, for $7.50, $8.75, $10, $12.50. SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS--Regular values, $20, $22 Shirt Waists --Cream, Black, Blue, Brown, £3, 83.50, $3.90, £4.50. 825, for 810, 812.50. SILK SHIRT WAIST handsomely perfect fit, $2.65, trimmed, LUSTRE SHIRT WAISTS--Cream, Navy, Black, Brown, made in the very latest style, 81:25, $1.50, 81.75, $2, ¥2.50, $3, $3.50. ) WHITE MUSLIN SHIRT WAISTS Regular 81.75 for 98; regular $2.25, $2.50 for $1.19. GOLF JACKETS--In a splendid variety, White and colors, $2, $2.50, $2.95. ENITTED WOOL SKIRTS-50c., 75c., #1, $1.25, $1.50, $2. FLANNELETTE UNDERWEAR---In an immense Skirts, ete, variety, Gowns, Drawers, WRAPPERS--Every desired size and style, in Black and Colors, 98c., $1, £1.25, 81.50, $2. KIMONAS AND DRESSING SACQUES---Both light and heavy weights. CORSETS The fit of your costume depends to a great extent upon the corfet yon jwear. The new models for fall are now being shown, high * and low bust, 75c., 98c., 81, $1.25, $1.45, $1.50, $1.75, 81.95, $2.50. 4 CORSET GOVERS---Just the idea for these cool days, long sleeves and no sleeves, 25c., 35o., Sc. \ CHILDREN'S FALL COATS--48 distinct styles. As every one of these . coats ara different it will pay you to have a look at the splendid as- sortment we are able to give you, The lowness of the price is simply , astonishing, when you consider the high quality of the garments, $2.75, © $3.50, 84, 84.50, 85. FOSTER HOSE SUPPORTERS--Splendid "range, 25c., 50c., The., 81, $1.25. SANITARY TOWELS AND BELTS. TAL The sheetings we sell Sheetings The trie test of any cotton is in the washing. are' entirely' free 'from dressing. They will stand any amount of washing and woar. Every yard guaranteed : BLEACHED SHEETINGS Single and double beds," best English makes, W2bc.; 30ei, 85¢., 40c., ble. yard. Blankets ¢ In spite of the fact that all grades of Wool have advanced to a considerable ex- tent, notwithstanding that every indication points to even a still greater advance, we are still offering our § High Class Pure Wool White Blankets at old prices." This means considerable i discounts from what others are asking. Both Scotch and Ca- We oliar and euatantee the fit of iy shi % UNBLEACHED' SHEETINGS--Remuants 3 to 10 yards, both twilled plain, at special prices, ; and | 5. ) nadian Blankets in- cluded in this offering. ¢ R. Waldron. ; 4 | VTVVVTVT TTB RTT TTB VTTTTU : {| Fall Dress Goods and Suiting ' Our stocks of these goods comprise everything that is newest and best in Henriettas, Broadeloths, Cheviots, Tweeds (both Scotch and English), Pan- amas, Voiles, Eolinnee, Venetians, (prepes. NOTICE--A large number of our Tweeds are Waterproofed, which gives you a decided advantage in making up for fall wear, $ Special qualities for early fall weir i -- WHITE WOOL VESTS--Long and short sleeves, soft qualities, 50c., 75¢., 4 $1, $1.25, Drawers to match, NATURAL WOOL match), VESTS non-irritating garment sizes and styles, TB Ht Reduced Prices Remnants of Gowellings Remnants of Gable Joineng Remnants of Giekings Remnants of Flannelettes Remnants of Glass Joineng Absolutely pure wool, unshrinkable (Drawers to 5, 81, £1.10, $1.25, $1.35. CHILDREN'S UNSHRINKABLE WOOL UNDERWEAR-Large variety, all Dent's Gloves For Ladies and Gentlemen, in = all styles, Plain Kid, Lined Kid, Wool and Cashmere. Prices reasonable. Flannels Our stock is now complete in overy detail, splendid values in all styles i= GREY WOOL RLANNELS- 20, 250. 30¢c., 3bc., 10e, , ¥ NAVY AND SCARLET FLANNELS- . 30c., 3bc., Me. 15e. Sy At old priyes 1-- pairs for 81, 2 pairs for 81. BOYS' KICKER STOCKINGS--All ~~ MEN'S ite., Se. Oe, LADIES' CASHMERE HOSE Best values in Hosiery sizes, 35c., 40c., 45¢., Hoc. GIRLS' LIGHT AND HEAVY CASHMERE HOSE-AIl sine. 5 ik the ety, 1 pairs for $1; 3 CASHMERE SOX--Light, medium and heavy weights, 280, 36¢; WHITE WOOL FLANNBLS. Twilled and plain, 25c., 30c., 35c., 40c., 50e., 6be. x ENGLISH MILITARY FLANNEL Extra heavy, 35c., 40c., 45¢. FANCY STRIPED SHIRTING NELS--8hrunk, 25c., 35¢.