EZ, =, Ee, . ink Whisky drink AR' ed by Quality" free from any kind of adult. ey BIBBY CO. Price Clothing 'and Men ouse in Kingston, serve our patrons with the ys' and Children's \d Toggery the country at preparations for fall and Mrs. Mable Bradford, 13 Church street, Burlington, Vt., Secretary Whittier Oratorio 1 Society, writes: "Peruna is certainly a wonderful medicine for the ills of women. I have heard it spoken of in the highest praise by many, and certainly ay iy experienco is well worthy ofa fg to have severe pains across my back about a year ago, brought on by a cold, and each subsequent month brought me pain and distress. - our remedy was prescribed, and the way it acted upon my system was almost too good to be true, I certainly have regained my health and strength, and I no longer suffer periodical pains and extreme lassitudo."--- le Brad ford. Thousands of Women Cured Every Year by Correspondence--This Is What @Qfscases, including pelvic ca- tarrh a life long study. Peruna cures catarrh, whether of the pelvic organs or any other organ of the i human body. THE DAILY HOW TWO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ESCAPED PELVIC GATARRH BY AID OF PE-RU-NA. Female Weakness Is Usually Pelvic Catarrh. Pe-ru-na Cures Catarrh Wherever Located. Louis, Mo., writes: "I found after to restore me to heal took Peruna and my health improved never did before."---Lizzie Redding. Mrs. Lizzie Redding, 8134 B Clifton Place, St. {thing which could be depended u; I king Tt when T was Do decline nen female weakness and overwrought nerves. "I began to feel stronger during the first week I daily until now I am in perfect health and enjoy life as I of the rt Aowuoly istrict hepub- lican Club, is only one blook from many different medicines § | oli m. Mr. Milner is ® that Peruna was the only { | collector for Metropolitan Life, and permanent cure. In Peruna these women find a promp: Thousands of testimonials to this ef- fect are received by Dr. Hartman every year. The good that Peruna has ac | WHIG. SATURDAY, | quaking with fear, and the burglar be | gan rummaging around | the bed the robber then backed up to WAS VERY KIND "MAKE NO FUSS" SAID THE THIEF, Advised Wopian to Go Back to Bed--Picked Up Rings Worth $150. New York, Sept. 23.-- "Raffles, the gentlemanly burglar," has visited Brooklyn, and the residence of William F. Miloer, No. 149 Schermerhom street. 'the house adjoins the quarters Insurance company, and he and his wife sleep in a room on the parlor About four o'dock in the mormng, Mrs. Milner was awakened by a noise in the parlor and she got out of bed quietly, She saw a man rummaging around the parlor, and she asked, "Who is there ¥" "It is I, madam, do not be disturh- ed," was the reply, and as she ad- vanced the #ays of a dark lantern fell on her face and she looked into the muzzle of a revolver. Mrs, Milner was about to ory out when Raffles said : "Now, now, madam, please don't make a fuss, The best thing to do is to go back to bed. If you do that no harm will come te you, so hurry up about it Jlense, Mrs. Mil did so, but did not dare to awaken her husband, as the gentle- manly burglar followed, all the time having the pistol pointed at her. The man then walked to a dressing-case and by the aid of the lanterm picked up five rings valued at $150. "Aba ! these things look nice, but 1 presume they are heirlooms, Quick, madam, have vou anv money ¥"' "Not much," replied Mrs. Milner, the bedroom for the money, when at this point Mr. Milner woke up and 'Raffles' covered him before he could utter a word. He flashed the bright ravs ci his elec tric light on both - the Milners and commanded them to remain quiet un der pain of death. With the pistol still pointed toward the front window, which was open, and snddenlv disappeared. Up to this point 'Mr, Milner was partially res trained by his wife, but he jumped out of bed and ran foward the window heard the burglar's retreating foot- steps down Schermerhorn street to- ward Smith street. Mrs. Milner aroused the household SLPTEMBER 23. PERSONAL MENTION. = | Movements Of The People--What | They Are Saying And Doing. Norman Fraser, will go as manager' of the Crown Bank to Burford, Ont. | Miss Lizzie Scott, Kingston, is the t of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Scott, | Vestport. Miss Gertrude Hardv, N apance, is visiting her aunt, Miss Corbett, "Cler- gy street. { Garnet Hardy has secured a posi- gion in his uncle's, J. C. Corbett, hardware store. ! T, 8. Cole, Toronto, known in Y. M.CA. vircles, lost a son, a few days age. by death, iss Kathleen MecDopald, Kingston, | is visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. 1 McNally, Westport. | Mrs. Davidson McDonald and sister, | Miss Perry, of Wellington, will, for the | future, reside in Ki . i Archdeacon Carey is at home; he spent three days in Montreal, on his way home from the general synod. { Mrs. (George Laturney, who has been visiting in Toronto for the past fow days, returned home last evening. Miss Mabel Rae has returned home | after a three weeks' visit to her con | sins in Adams, N.Y., and Watertown, N.Y. Miss Annie Hattan has returned af- ter two weeks' holidays with her sis ter, Mrs. Hyla Moore, Watertown, N.Y. Warrant Officer Regimental Sergeant. | Major Charles Edward Lone, Roval | Canadian Field Artillery, has been | commissioned as a lioutenant. Miss Mabel Anderson, after spending three weeks vacation in the city, has returned to New York to continue her duties as nurse in the Laura Franklin hospital. ; J. W. Mitchell, superintendent of Kingston Dairy School, is spending the week with J. H. Echlin, cheese inspector, Balderson, and in company with the latter is paving a visit - to the factories in the Perth syndicate. Mrs. Madden, Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Detlor, Napanee, who have heen spending a few days with Mrs. Hay- cook, returned home 3 rday. taking the Misses Gretta and Hazel Haveock with them, 3 Mrs. P. McCoy, formerly Miss Hatie Wright, and Master Bass McCoy, spending some weeks at Roaches' Point, Lake Simcoe, Ont., have re turned to their home, "Pleasant View," Beverely street, Archdeacon Pontreath came down to- day from Toronto, from Toronto, where last night he addressed the missionary meeting in connection with the triennial meeting of the Woman's Auxiliarv. He is the guest of the Dean \OLD-TIMERS STICK AT: IN: . there was a new tune for R. Heber's pencer | provided for "In the Hour of Trial." {ed him if he was aware of | should be spoken rather than sung. | vative element to observe the scope METHODISTS TONING "AMEN." With Those of John Wesley. | New York s y Old time Methodists amazement w! t to test the new Calvary church, Seventh avenue and 129th street. Among the innovations "The Son of God," composed | Henry F. Cutler. Another musical set- ting, that by § Lane, was Fig Hardly had the services closed than an man approached the pastor, Rev. Dr. Charles L. Goodell, and ask- the fact that the putting of the "Amen" to Methodist. hymns had already Mirred i tl churches of Ireland. He expressed sur- prise that such a thing should be stituted in this country. is a feeling among some of the older fol- lowers of John Wesley that "Amen" It is also a surprise to the conser which has been shown in the selection of hymns, for the 108 writers include R. n Catholi Initia Presby. terians, Episcopalians, Moravians, , thersns and many whose exact 'shading of religious belief is not known at all. Rudvard Kipling is represented by his "Recessional," and Tennyson's "The Crossing of the Bar" has ahr minetnt place, Richard Watson Gi has written a hymn especially for the volume, entitled, "To Thee, Eternal Soul, Re Praise." The Rev. Dr. Malt- be D. Babeock, a Presbyterian who committed suicide while in a delirium, has a place in the collection with his hvinn, "Be Strong--We Are Not Here to Play, to Dream, to Ni% *' Tha late rates to beat all previous records, e'll do it. \cotch, English and Domestic Tweed S US, d double breasted, y $6.50, $7.50, $8.30, e west nd $12, styles, made from the newest | swell, dressy, genteel kind, made from i, newest shades, $5.50, $10, R12.50 to ome and perfect , $3 to $5. ats Have Arrived. ke a Look! t styles: -- : Buster Browns, $3.50 to $5 Blouse Suits, 90c. to 85. Boys' Reefers, $1.50 to 86 y Department ir bargain tables another lot of Tookey r p:ice $1, sale price 69c. fitting as any tailor ) All-wool Sweaters; colors, plain, red, and $1.25 goods; sale Price GV RAINCOAT. SUITS. ake, 75c., €1, 81.25 to $2. nd up. roy, Heavy Duck with sheep lining, odrow and other celebrated makes, in 81.50 to 23. BIBBY CO, Haberdashers, s Street, Kingston. INCMEN i¢ who cannot attend the [L Stocks | keep our store open every to 9 o'clock, so you are all line our bargains whether IKRUPT STOCK 0O0., +". Old Stand nh. F. X. COUSINEAU, Manager * el on that between England and Switzerland, which excepts "All gues? tions effecting the vital interests and independence of either country.' 'orwav wishes to extend the scope of the treaty to certain detgile, which are now being adjusted. ---------- Saturday, the finest selection) of Peaches gy price. Crawford. ! 8 ip Hip corset, Gic. New {ork Drees. Reforma, . ag \ oxi Dr. Hartman Proposes to Do For You Without Charge. Pe-ru-na, a Natural Beautifier. complished in this class of cases can with her cries, but the burglar made scarcely be over-estimated. good hie oscape. On investigation it Women who suffer should read the| Peruna produces clean, mem- evidences presented here. We have | branes, the basis of facial symmetry thousands of letters from grateful | and a perfect complexion. friends who tell the same story. The women have not been slow to dis- Half the ills that gare peculiarly | cover that a course of" Peruna will do woman's own are of a catarrhal| more toward restoring youthful beauty character. Female weakness was not | than all the devices known to science. uhderstood for many years. Many a girl has regained her faded Dr. Hartman deserves the credit of | beauty, many a matron has lengthened baving determined its real character. |the days of her comely appearance by was discovered that he broke his word and took the five rings. Mow. Milner could not helieve that he took the rings he was so courteous. His part ing: words as he went through the window were: "Good morning. I'm so sorry to have disturbed you." If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hart- man, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Colum- bus, Ohio. All correspondence held strictly confidential. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. He has made catarrh and catarrhal | using Peruna. | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | Reporters On Their Rounds The separate school board of Wolfe ¢ i FALL IS HERE IN THE STORE Fall is. asserting itself in an outburst of glorious newness. Novelty, variety and beauty combine to make shopping a decided pleasure, whether or not you in- tend to buy. See the New Millinery See the New Trimmings See the New Mantles See the New Talloredwear ' Your taste will be caught by this brilliant = collection of this season's newest and most authoritative styles. and you'll be agreeably surprised at the very moderate way of pricing. 'We make everybody welcome to the freest inspection of all there is to sec. We want you to feel that buying is not a necessary passport to the courtesy of this Storo, a SP E N CE'S, Toe Me Store. ol Ba Ya wrk msm COMMERCIAL, A Few Facts for About Dr. Hugo's Health Tablets say YORK STOCK MARKETS: 8 upplied by W. F. Dever & Cog 1 Market Square, Kingston: September 24 Open Llose. Atchison ol Amal. Copper nA Baltimore & Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific Erie These tablets are the prescription of a Hlinois Central distinguished ialist in women's dis- Louisville & Nashvills R Metropolitan eases. Missouri Pacific New York Central needs of women alone. Eennayivanta" - ats of the results of the very Rk sland latest medical discoveries. * di St. Paul They contain i ents recently dis- Sugar ed that no remedy contains. cover Twin City They are a compound remedy, that is, Union Pacific United States Steel they contain something for every organ pe em. United States Steel, pid. . 1004 of fhe female syse stable, aul nike MONTREAL GRAIN | the liquid preparations contain neither ! alcohol nor opium. . £51 "634 aloha ox dozen tablets in one box, 22' 4 ' enough for an extended treatment. They Make Healthy Women. 451 Hal -- RE i et ! Island, district No. 2, met at Marys- ville last night, R. A. Mcllellan has 'taken Mrs. Fortescue's residence, "Edgehill," King street, for eicht months. a: i M. Davis, hull inspector, is erecting | Special to the Whig. La fag cis, IH SSPE OF, re | New York, Sept. 23.--Now, that the | 8 The mew hrick residien 0. hg pee conference is a thing of Aho { 8tdect west, opposite the breakwater. { | WHAT'S THE REASON ? Sympathy for Japan, Changed to Pro-Russian, past and the plenipotentiaries™ of | Workinen have been busy during the Japan and Russia have left for their jpust fow davs getting the race track, | respective countries, the question is [at Wolfe 'Island. in good condition, puzzling many philosophical obser- | preparatory to the fair next week, ! 1) . > vers, why it was that ever since Mr. The steamer Idler is at the Kingston Witte, the Russian plenipotentiary, | Foundry marine railway for repairs. {landed in New York, a complete re- | She broke her keelson, which has been | version of public sentiment touk | revlaced. Other repairs will be made. | place. The former open preference for | J. F. Swift has sold D. Driscoll's { the Japanese gave way to a decided | two dwellings and orchard. Beverly | pro-Russian sentiment. What caused | street, at a good figure. This is the | that change ? Before the arrival My of | third sale directly attributable to ay of Ontario, J. A. Aiken, M.A., has severed hie ronneetion with the Toronto Globe. in order to take up newspaper work\in the newly created vrovinem of Saskat- chewan. He is a Oucen's graduate. He | will establish a liberal paper at Sas John Hay, secrotary of state, who was never known as a hymmologist, is the author of No. 403, entitled "Defend Us, Lord, from Every 11." Among who are not famed as religious writers yet who are well represented in the hymns credited to him yet. Tt is no- atoon. ident | Greonleal Whittier, William Cullen . B. Lowe, first grand viesnresident » Ld the Th Brotherhood, Heyant; ai Brovaing. Sidhey Jani: Maintenance of Way Employees, was Hilland, John Vole -- has 3 b in Kingston to-day, returning to his principal plas Eh he old home after a full tour of the C.P. [00 T Har 'music | R. lines, and after attendimce at the ters, Sane many ceuarareniom meanesien id eee maa iotessartim re ve Portland, Second class from Fi tos lv Wd Ph 15th, to Oct. st. KINGSTON TO PARAM AND RETURN o Quinte Rai Bay New short line fer Tweed Napsoes labor convention in Toronto, G. M. Cossitt, aged cightv-two, and Newton Cossitt, ased seventv-eirht. of Reackville, have left for Perry, N.Y.. to visit the scenes of their childhood, | ted that all of the writers whose stan- ras told of an avenging God have been retired and that there is a gen- eed} note of Shearfulntes pervading the oh) | volume, Cardi 's ¥ At Rochester thev will be joined bv | Kindly Light," mal Newman's, Tand, their brother. Levi. and in an aunto- {posed by Sir Arthur Sullivan, who, 3 al . 4 1 mobile, the Ghive wil make the (ri. | aithough hin fame as & composer ress last week as leading lady in "The School Girl" leaves the company at Toronto tonight, and retums to New York. She is ymable to stand the com- ing three weeks of one-night stands which the company has ahead of it. Besides, she is engaged to be married | soon. music in his old age. One of the warmest defenders of the new hymnal is the Rev. Dr. Bagmell, pastor of the Metropolitan Temple. A Noble Family Record, The death of Lady Hobhouse (whose { husband's barony became extinct at = -- | im death five months ago), recalls the A Grand Triungh. fact that the late peer and his imme- It ix now a fact that Madame Calve, | diate relatives formed a remarkable the great prima donna who is to tour | group of persons ennobled, not Oy Canada this weason, will use a Heinte- | decent, but by their individual | itte every reference to the war | Bulletin's good work since its adveny] man & Co. piano exclusively on her | achieveinehts in various careers. Ladv {and to the remarkable successes of the | in August. entire trip. The Henitzman & Co. | Hobhouse's brother was created Bar | Japanese on land and sea evoked the | Now that the city has been 2 piano, made by Ye Old Firme of | on Farrer twelve vears ago; her hro- {most pronounced enthusiastic demon- | permission to issue £20,000 deben- | Heintzman & Co., lod, 8s was to be | therindaw was the first Earl of 1d- | strations in favor of the Japanese. | tures for extensions to the light | expected, in the magnificence of LL | desloigh, raised to the peerage two All that seemed to be forgoften ax | plant. the applications of many peo soon as Mr. Witte appeared pon the | ple for electricity: and gas will be | scene. This complete revergion of | granted and the work proceeded with (sentiment presents an interesting | very shortly | psychological problem. It ist be | admitied that Russia as a nation | Off On A Trip. had nothing to bring about | | "mm : that change. The military operations | The E.P.O.E. soc ety, of Aluxandria in practically at a =tanl | Bay, arrived in the city, this morning, still and there was nothing in. the re. {OB their way down the Rideau to en ports of war that could [JOY 8 fortnight's fishing. They secur- done Asia were from the seat 2 . x ioenses o mle have influenced the public mind in fed Jigr nses ad thew Hroceels doh this country, one way or the other. 1 their way. Au 1 ia di ih The only explanation .that offers it- | twelve members ang Inc img pro winent business and professional men | from New York and Syracuse. H. J. | Mather is promoter, and F. J. Kav: | anugh, manager, of the outing. to Russian pleni- that the change was merely due the perSonality of the potentiary | Comparatively little was known of | Mr. Witte before he arrived here and | Among the members sro Mesure. Iv ven less of Mr. Komura. Both were |W. Wands, ggins, Brown, Cady, accepted as great men in their re | Bomark and Burng. They will go with spective countries, selected for that | in, twenty wiles of Ottawa before re important mission because of their | turning. eminent fitness. In that respect there | have been made by J. 8. R. McCann : and for Russia in one day than Baron | "aq brick residence of Thomas Kelly, am the lnck of | fi Bk 00 CG ikinesteny which they resent. That this fecling | ute hus b quite active exists in this coumtry is proven by : 4 ? the exaggerated form in which it is | Mr. McCann has wid sever] proper found in certain sections of the coun- | ties during the past month, Americans admire was no advantage on either side. { Transfers Of Real Estate. But, it is a strange fact that Mr | gy. (ok the following transfers Witte made more friends for himself display made at the Canadian Na- | vears later: her husband becamo Tord tional exhibition that closed wo suc | Hobhouse in 1885: her pephow is ihe cessfully September Oth, 1905. This | first Lord Northeote, and at present instrument is the exclusive choice in governor-general of Australia; and ber Canada of the world famed artists, | brother, Sir William Farrer, reovived a such as Albani, Pucket Greene, Nord: | knighthood in Queen Victoria Jubilee jon, Sir Alexander McKenzie and many | year, The family record is certainly others, Gwhether sweet singer or pi { one to be proud of. anist, who have delighted the most - cultured of all lands, including crown A Hearty Veteran. Ernesitown, aged heads and courts of rovalty, in lead. | Billings Amey, ighty-six years, carries his..years like ing nations of tha world. Not only have they used, but they have most | 0 average man of sixty, and helped cordially eulogized and endorsed this | in the harvest the past summer. He great Canadian piano. This piano is | io veteran of 1837, and served in not in any piano classification, it is in | wo pion in that yoar. His company a class by itself; peer in tone and all | "0 dered to Prescott, but other essential qualities, and in all | goo arrived at the wharf, an incom- parts of this broad dominion, thou- ing boat announced the result of the battle of the Windmill, and landed hound sands of familie', within the past fifty vears, testify it will stand the test of |'yyi oon American prisoners, all with one rope. time hues} If you would see a piano that is dif- | ferent from all others--a piano that | Davies' Beef Sale. stands alone--supreme in magnificent Choiée oven. roasts 8c.: 10: 100... Pot roasts 6c, to Be. boiling cuts be. to Ge. per 1b. Customers can aid us in isolation then see this great piano | that is to-day a source of attraction | emong people of culture the dominion | Reamute during bis entice stay ju this | King strect west, to W. H. Duy; the | (C0800 0, on exhibition at Kino | nd good service by placing orders Tar nation Sool peitiane, y ap- | dwelling of Mra, Couper, 80 Auth ton agents, McDermott Bros, 260 : ------ Vovachabies goin a eo: | ide to: Shen She udeme oft | Fuerst, 00 | id hs cles ot th inguion viviality are characteristics which the | 18% oe antl the residence" of Dr. Business Co Evening School, To the amitious person desiring to | improve their education and unable to | attend our day sessions, this offers an | _ Terms very rea OOO 000000000000 0000 try which are still in a rather primi- i -------- v | A quiet wedding took place on the tive state of civilization. To refuse | X to drink with a man is considered an | 20th. when Penpon Elliott, attendant insult in the west and south and on at the Brockville asylam, was mar ried to Miss Annie McCrea, of Smith's Falls. The bride is a Saughtar of Alexander McCrea, Smith's Falls Miss Kellerman, aged eightoeh tralia's lady champion swim the Bowery. Did Mr.. Witte know that, when he made himself so sociable at a ball his frankness soon won him many | friends, although he could not speak a word of English. Baron Komura, | although an HWarvard graduate and thoroughly familiar with the English hal tors have secured popularity to what he considered the sum of $26.76. dignity of his mission. Bronchitis Destroys The Voice. Gradually the disease creeps into the lungs and then it's consumption. Commence to-day - with. "'Catarrbo- sone." 1t won't last Jong, and you'll be cured for all time, Only Catarrho- zone can do this. March last. The commdn note F in flying. This means t wings vibrate) | The honeybee peepee shos es | 440 vibrations to the Crawiord extra choice - peaches, Sa | Special ns housefly sounds t Lt : Aus- | the opening of tered the Thames at Putney dnd swam Phone 6%, T. N. Stdckdale, Principal. | to Blackwall, over thirteen miles, just langage, made few, if any friends, | under the four hours. He kept himself aloof from contact | At Watertown, 'N.Y., out of a total with the people and sacrificed his | assessment of £252,721 85, the collee- all but the small Mrs. (Dr) B. F. Sherman, an aged resident of Ogdensburg, passed away Thursday. after an illness dating from its only at Gibson's 336 'times in a second. : wounds A; indicating in tooth brushes store. excellent opportunity. All commercial | be | branches taught, alo special classes | tin higher mathematics, chartered ac- | pod i 1 upon comic operas, wrote much sacred | ni at ln loge, head of Queen street, FINANCE AND INSURANCE leave and 5 p.m. 1 ist, 1 Hamiiton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and ROYAL MAIL Tunisian, STEAMERS, 3 Fri, | , Pri. . | MONTREAL 0 . NEW YORK TO @ MONTREAL TO LONDON & 1000 Islands, - Rochester and Bay of Quinte Str. North King xi , wt +1045 Ah ingston, : : A Bay and ue. ine steamer leaves at 5 Pui. feta Tey Str. Aletha Rr ni 157 Floion. and 1 Pil pkiriuel Vom Jp. Hagley Leaves t 8 of , N.Y. calling ! countant and commercial #p work. Individual instruction by com- | potent and experienced teachers. Rates) | very moderate. Register on Monday, a better position. | G. A. BATEMAN INSURANCE BROKER ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. DISTRICT AGENT SUN LIFE ASSUR- ANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. 61 CLARENCE STREET, KINGSTON. i the autumn seskion, and prepard for The native of India has an average | life of twenty-four years, as against | forty-four in country. 5 Attend night classes at the Kingston | Business College, head of Queen street. | Terms very reasonable. ed Buy Peruna and Liquozone at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. Fresh there. McConkey's: delicious marshmallows drug Red Cross store. rn "Do you use hand sapolio," its sold at Gibson's Red Cross store, Se. pe Girder for 35c. | G4 ) a For Real Estate