Bowels Then he works them (thro, nerves) till they get so ski _ that Exercise! that they don; need any more help to do their duty, But Dr.Cascaret wants to beright on the pat. In your Pocket or Pyrs, where he can regulate these Boye. Muscles all the time, in health, and out of health, Because; even the strongest p Muscles may be overworke., oulis Heavy dinners, late suppers, whi k wine, or beer drinking, nervous oy mel, sudden exposure to cold or heat a dozen other every day likelih y the Bowel Muscles. ini In such cases a little Cascaret in time is worth fifty dollars worth of Treatrhent later on, to say noWfing of the sufferin discomfort, loss of Business Energy, and joss of Social Sunshine it saves, "i Old Dr. Cascaret carried constantly in your Vest Pocket, or in "My Lady's" Purse is the cheapest kind of Health-In. surance, and Happiness - Promotion, that ever happened. : Little thin enamel Cascaret Box, hal as thick as your watch, réund-cornered, | smooth-edged, and 'shaped '58 you don't | otice its presence. { Contains six Candy tablets-- Price Ten Cents a Box at any Druggist's, _ Be sure you get the genuine, made only | y the Sterling Remedy Company, and ever sold in bulk, Every tablet stamped "CCC." Srv { Big box of tablets (to re-fill mist ox) at SO cents. Carry Cascarets constantly in Vest Pocket, or Purse. A sample and the famous booklet,' Curse ' f Constipation," Free for the asking. Ad- ress Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, st important part of a range is the Any kind of a fire will boil potatoes, s an evenly distributed, dry heat to bread and flakey pastry. perial Oxford Range is the result of ears of work along the lines of ove nt. When we had produced the n with the Imperial Oxford Diffusive rovements that make it the most : on the market, ford Range . 'The only medy kno ssitively cure lost manhood is ** ESTORINE, ? us German Remedy discovered by Dr, Jules Kobe led in this country by the IF hr Medicim concern which has the hi standing in the d. 'Chis wreaiment has cuiva thousands of men, when the best known remedies have failed ering from diseases of the generaive organs =~ od, exhausting drains, nervous debility, Sree remedy can and will cure you to stay curve, he, pimples, varicocele, pan in the back 'and 2 pear completely hn the worst cases in SCk's treatment. We make the honest offer turn your mcoey. Thousands of testimonia's nce treated strictly confidential. FIVE ent sent free with a book of rules for health, diet Our greatest successes have been those who have het treatments. 1 his remedy is regularly sed and German armies, and the soldiers in these © models of sirength and vitality, Write fof ecurely . ealed in plain wrapper, P.O. Drawer L, 2341, Montreal OOOO ol Shoes: ear that stands the @ ort thrown in. S up to $2.50 o { \ est to be h: ) 3 0 be had at the ® @ send your boy to us. @ 5 $000 980000 PO000000 0000 PPER. ANTIMONY & TIN : é HOE STORE ¢ 0, TORONTO. 10000 0000000 Aid" to the "The Perfect Food" Now 10c¢. Couldn't be made better-- there's none "just as good," there isn't a better food. Simply delicious. The grocer offering a food "just as good' as Malta-Vita has little 'respect for your judgment or health. Have your hose ever been torn by your support- ers ? Save them by using CM.C, style. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Domin- fon Lands in Manitoba or the North- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not eserved, may be homesteaded upon by any | person who is the sole head of a family, { 18 years of age, to the { r any male over wi 160 extent of one-quarter section, of 29, more or less. fntry muy be made personally at the | local lad office for the district in which | the land to be taken is sivuated, or if the | homesteader desires, he may. on applica- tion to the Minister of the Interior, | | Ottawa, the Commissioner of Immigra- tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent lor the district in which the land is situate, receive authority for some one to muke eutry for him. HOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler who has been granted an entry for a howme- stead is required to perform the con- ditions connected iherewith under one the following plans : (1) At least six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year during the term of three years. (2) It the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of uny person who is eligible to make a howestead entry uun- der the provisions of this Act, resides wpon a farm' in the vicinity of the land entered for by such person as a bone stead, the requirements of this Act as to residence prior to obtaining patent may . No post Jo make 3 round hole in your stocking. No loop to pinch the stocking. Just a plain, protected clasp that cannot possibly tear, wear be satisfied by ich person residing with 3 3 father oF 1.0ther: or slip. Clasps to hose and corset «8) If the settler has his permanent instantly. residonce upon farming land owned by "It's all in the clasp." Women's, Misses', Children's. No higher in price. At all dealers. Ask for them. Every pair guaranteed. C. H. Westwood & Co., Limited, 'Toronto. him in the vicinity of ms houviestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence may be satisfied by residence upon the said land. APPLICATION FOR PATENT shoul made at the end of three years, he fore the Local Agent, Sub-Ageént or the' Homestead lunspector. Before making application for patent the settler must "give six months' notice in writing to the Commissioner of Do | -- minion Lands at Ottawa, of his intentior to do so. ' 8YNU. OF CANADIAN NORTH IF WE MINING REGULAI'LUNS, You Coal al lands may be jwurchusec a' $1v per ucre for soft coal anl $20 fur HAVE anthracite. Not more than 320 acres ca: be ac pired by une individual or com NOTE THE pany. Royalty at .the pate of ten cents FOLL rer ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collectec i on the gross output. Quartz --A free miner's certificate i: granted upon payment in _ advance of Don't cut, pull or burn $7.50 per apnum for an individual, ane tho bairs. Ton tuseany kindofa dopilatory or u pumice The results will isastrous. n't try the X-Rays nent, it is equally from $50 to $100 pe? sonum for a com bany according to capital. A free wincr, having discovered mineral In place, nay locate a claim 1,500» 1.500 feet. The se for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must he expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining re corder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may ubon having a survey made, and upon Complying with other requirements, pur chase the land at $1 an acre. The patent provides for the payment ol a royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. PLACER mining claims generally arc 100 Jo square ; entry fee $5, renewable yearly, Now inexperi enced operators to treat you with Electrolysis » and a return of the hairs result. PATRONIZE CANADA'S LEADING DERMA- TOLOGISTS AT THE GRAHAM INSTITUTE They guarantee satisfactory results with their method of Klectrolysisin every case of Superfiuous Lair, Moles, Warts, ue during the sticmer fo Aer : onl py A free miner may obtdin two leases to Jnhut 5 Sin SV Seu) Most ran 6] dredge for gold of five miles each for o blotches: treat corns and all foot troubles, ete. term of twenty years, renewable at the Send stamps for booklet *K." discretion of the Mimister of the Interior The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date of GRAHAM DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE 502 Church 8t., Toronto Estab, 1692 Scar the lease for each five miles. Rental, $1¢ er annum for each mile of river lensed. THE DAILY THE SUNDAY RALLY WAS A VERY GREAT SUCCESS IN NEWBURGH. ; Things Point to Opening of Branch of Domimion Bank--A | Quiet Wedding--Lennox and Addington Teachers Convene. Newburgh, Sept. 26.--The Tamworth and Napanee fall fairs proved attrac tions for a large number of our citizens last week. The Sunday school rally in the Methodist church on Sunday, was a decided success. The weather was fine, and the attendance ! large. The various Sunday schools of the cirenit "assembled in the base- went, and marched to the auditorium of the church, where they were assign- ed special places, the Switzerville school occupying the western side, the Newburgh and Strathcona schools the centre, and the Wesley school the eastern side, The church was beauti- fully decorated with flowers, and the large auditorium was filled by Sunday school scholars and parents, besides many visitors from the Presbyterian school. D. A. Nesbitt, C. W. Neville, Byron Rose, and Andrew Price, super- intendents of "their respective schools; Rev. T. A. Dumwoody, superintendent of the Presbyterian Sunday school, Rev. J. F. Mears and Rev. J. H. ( hant had seats in the enclosure and took part in the service. John Farley, former superintendent of the New- burgh Sunday school, also had a seat inside the rails. Mrs. Courtney and Miss Young, presided at the organ. "Dot" Mears, Louise Beeman and "Bird"' Madden sang "Jesus Wants Me For-a Sunbeam' in their usual pleasing way and the choir which was out in full strength, rendered an an them: "I Love to Tell the Story." The service was most inspiring and helpful, to all interested in Sunday school work. Rev, J. F. Mears, D.A. Nesbitt and 4. A. Dunwoody took part in the Sunday school convention at Yarker yesterday. The Epworth League in the Methodist church was withdrawn last evening, and a load of Leaguers attended the evening session of the convention at Yarker. F. G. Millar and Harold Ryan were in Kingston, on Tuesday evening; to hear Mme. Schumann-Heink. M. Ryan has had the cellar of the vacant lot by: the Pharmacy, cleaned up and will move the Tea House there, While no- thine 'definite has been given out re- garding the new bank, everything points toward the village having a branch of the Dominion Bank es tahlished here, Ernest Gandier, of this village, was quietly married, on Wednesday, to Miss Kathervn Forsyth, Wilton, After a short wedding trip Mr. and | Mrs. Gandier will take up their residence here. Miss Geneva Burdette leaves this morning, for Toronto to take a course in domestic science. Mrs. FEm- bury, Wesley, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Youmans. Prof. and Mrs, Mathe- son, Kingston, are visiting her father, Davy. John Benn, Richmond, with his grardmothe James spent Sunday Mrs. S. Shorey. Miss Clara Shore spent last week at H. M, Deroche's, Napanee. D. A. Nesbitt and P. D, Shorey attended a meeting of the exe- cutive of the L. & A. teachers' asso- ciation in Napanee on Saturday. Miss Aletha Paul spent Sunday at her home here, The rally service in the Preshyterian Sunday school on Sunday evening was largely attended. Rev. Dr. Chown. Toronto, general secretary of moral reform of the Methodist church, will preach in the Methodist church here, on Sunday evening, October Sth. Two Althorpe Deaths. Althorpe, Sept. 25.--Vincent Menzie left to-day for Port Arthur, Mis¢ Cas sidy, of Ottawa, attended the funeral of her brother-in-law here, Timothy Galvin, who died Monday, Septemiar 18th. Mr. and Mrs. Galvin, formerly lived in Ottawa, but Mr, Galvin's health failed and his doctor advised oyalty at the rate of 24 per cent collect od on the output after it exceeds $10,000 W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this Wdvertisement will not be paid for. Maypole Dye ne Hoglish dame d soap. Clean, qu A Dyes to color out--it's fadeles The largest sale int) Made in En, roc. for Colors--1sc. for Black, "ANADA YT Stove Polish J eet Plan < / EL The Polish that won't wear off, Sold Only at Strachan's Hardware -- rgaGhans J Ardwar CEMENT WALKS, We will be pleased to furnish estimates and construct your Cement walk, Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas & Mellquham, THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISRED 1863.) President--Sir Richard Cartwright Phin Jeaned foi ° and County en. ul un 15 Nelson Street. Debentures. Mortgages purcha and interest allowed 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. Offios, 97 Clarence Street, Kingston $00000000000000000000M : J. FREE. CONTRACTOR 2 EMBOSSING Seino for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING Greens Letter Heads Piatt irl Estimates given for all kinds of Mason Work, Plastering and Cement Work of all descriptions. 94 Division St. "Phone 402 classes of Letter Press om a card to a volume, THE WHIG, Kingston. EE ------------------------------------ HAVE YOU ANYTHING T0 SILL OUTSIDE OF YOUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES ? . COME TO largest American farm Wi RRA implement companies mav establish a xu Y, The Auctioneer |, ii. plant at Fort William, One of the country. Mr. and Mrs, Galvin came td reside with his brother-in-law, Mr. Harrington in July, and remained up to the time of his death. The remains were taken for burial to Renfrew, where his parents him to go to the reside, The death of Mrs. A. Menzie occur: red on Monday, September 18th, at this place. Mrs. Menzie went to visit her daughter, Mrs. Forrester, West- There she took suddenly ill three s ago. For a time her illness was port +considersd dangerous, hut a change for the better took place and she was pro gressing favorably with her daughter nursing her. She was preparing to ve- turn home on the following Saturday, but between eight and nine o'clock, deceased complained of not feeling well, and died in a few minutes, Ii maiden name was Mary Lb. Norris, and she was seventv-twq re of age. A family of seven is left, four girle and three boys: Mrs, J. Dowdail in Portland, Oregon; Misses Liziie and Amie at home; Mrs. R. Forrester, Westrort: James of Westport: and Jfo- soph and Thomas at home. The fun- eral took place on Wednesday ofitor noon, and a large concourse of frinds attended, ceased's "Three Swallows." Sir John Power and Son's '"Thres Swallows' Irish Whiskey, famous for over a century. Of highest standard of purity. Distillers to His Majesty the King. This Is A Rank Toronto News A new magistrate has been appoint: ed for Napanee. Now Premier Whitney may feel assured that in future he can have his "Seotch" in comfort, EI EERE -------- Value Of "Ogone." The value of "Ozone" (it is really liquid oxygenf is well known to medi- cal science. It kills the germs of in- ternal disorders. If taken in concen- trated form (and that means "'Solu- tion of Ozone, the coupon kind') it "Un ! ensures a speedy cure for asthma, bronchitis, Bright's disease, kidney trouble, malaria and rheumatism. This stringent remedy needs with it a tonic laxative to secure the best re- sults. Your druggist will give you sixteen ounces of "Solution of Ozone" for fifty cents, and if you insist on the conpon Lind will guarantes a free package of "Celery King." The Pub- lie reg Company, Bridgeburg, Ont, WHIG, WEDNESDA' EE ! way nw . SEPTEMBER 27. BELIEVES IN PRAYER |! Revivalist 'Roberts Has Great Faith. Cardiff, Sept. 26.---0One of the most puszling secrets of the career of Evan Roberts, the Welsh svangelist, is the his strength is maine tainad. d ! For ten months past he has heen al- most inc:ssantly engaged in public work under most trying conditions. He has been subjected 16 a great phy- sical as well as mental strain, which none but those getustomed to address ing crowded publia meetings can pro- | perly appreciate, A friend recently asked him how his accounted for his having heen able to bear up physically so well under this strain. "1 will tell you," said the young re vival'st, the characteristio smile light ing up his whole face. "The strain has todd and does tell upon me, as it does or would upon amy wan engaged in similar work, I often feel on ths mom ing after an unusually trying meeting of the previous dav too weak and worn to turn out of bed. "I am physically utterly broken down. Then, lying on my back in bed, I pray to my Father for strength to perform the work on that day only. "And never yet has my prayer gone unanswered. No 'soondr have 1 prayed in my heart than I fdel some mysteri- ous power, energy, strength, being, as it were, poured into me "The sensation is somewhat like that of water being showered on the head. "I'frel it poured on mv head. It flows 'a vivifving stream through my whole body and into every limb, 1 jump out of hed in full physical vigor, os supple and nimble of limb as a vouth going to play." An Establi "LORD TENNYSON" - Peer of 10c. Cigars S. DAVIS & SONS - shed Success --as good to-day as ever Montreal. RETURNS TO OLD FAITH, After Ten Years As a Ohristian Worker, Baltimore, Md., Sept. 27.---A letter received by Mr . B. Stevens, cor: responding secretary of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society "of the Methodist Episcopal church, from Miss Grace Stephens, in charge of the mission at Madras, contains the in formation that Sooboonagan Amal, the high caste Hindoo woman who made Fo home with Miss Stephens and assisted her in her work in Ma dras, under the auspices of the Wo COMMANDER LUCIEN YOUNG, USN, Who i8 being courtmartinled on charge of having heen responsible explosion of the boilers of the Bennington at San Di wo the cruiser We Know Her. We all know the woman who insists on telling us her troubles every time we meet her, She ic a general nuis ance, and those who are happy and gav always try to avoid her, This wo- man whe always tells us the troubles she has with the butcher, baker; and candlestick maker that entertains us with her gossip, the more attentively we listen longer she will make her She is a good little woman at heart, and we do ®t want to lose her friendship, but we would like to change the topie of conversation when we meet her, Probably it is not always well to be a good listener. Very often it may be ne¢essary to do the talking in or der to drown the other woman's trou- bles. A great deal of tact and patience is needed to make this woman under stand that we like to talk about something else occasionally. t---------- ' Won't Dance. Chicago Chronicle Young men of the New York swell set no longer dance, and the girl are frantic over the situation. When a youth is invited to a social afipir of any kind he makes careful enquir imagines she sto ies about the dancing end of the game, When he finde out that this is to be a feature he says "Good-bye!" He is willing to ent up a goose or git out in the open air and ging songs or even go to the show, but he'll be dog gomed if he will dance with anybody. He selfish that he will cards with amateurs is becoming so not even play Portable Schools. London Free Press The city of Boston has portable school houses, which used for kindergartens, primary grad manual tramming and cooking. They are used in the outlying school districts, and have) seating capacity for 5,000 pupils. These litt'e one-storey wooden buildings are ca pable of being picked to pieces anc put together agunin quickly for trans port. They are regarded merely as convenient but cheap makeshifts until Boston catches up with the demand for schools of permanent construction to accommodate all the children, over Haunts Of Fish And Game. The above caption is the title of a concise, interesting and instructive book, issued by the Grand Trunk rail way system apd containg valuable in formation regarding the hunting and fishing territory reached hy their lines, It is handsomely illustrated with hali tones reproduced fron, direct photographs, gives the game laws i force in the difierent states and pro- vinces, contains maps and all infor mation desired by the hunter, The publication is sent free on application to J, Quinlan, district passenger agent, Bonaventure Statian, Mon treal, 5 A Blood Relative. Brookly Life. for the first time in his life little Ned heard the expression "blood rela- tion," It kept buzzing throuch his head prfd finally he was compelled to ask "his mother for an explanation, She told him the meaning of blood re- lation, and after a brief moment of thought, the voungster exclaimed, "Gee, ma, you're the bloodiest rela tion 1 have, ain't vou ?"' Operation performed on Duchess of Marlborough to remove a slight deaf nesk, and ! ninety-two | are man's Foreign Missionary Society, had not after all héen abducted, ax at first believed. | Her disappearance from the home of her co-workers in Madras was the occasion of much anxiety and it was thought that her family, which is a rich and. powerful one, had taken stepe to have her removed from the society of the Christians. It now ap pears that she has returned to her people and her faith after ten years of indefatigable work as @& Christian 8 among the women of her race. | She was the first really high caste Brahmin woman who ever became (convert to the Christian religion forsook her faith, her home and fam ily, to work among the lowly. Her defection, it is believed, will he a serious blow to the evangelical cause in India. | Opening The Dominion Exhibition New Westminster, B.C, Sept. 27. {| The great Dominion exhibition was op 'ened here to-day, in the presence of | thousands of visitors from all parts of the Dominion. Earl Grey, governor general of Canada and his staff, ar rived here yesterday, and will attend the formal opening of the fair this af ternoon. Nearly 12,000 Indians from different parts of the province have come here to see the governor-general "and pay him their respects. The exhi- bition will close on October 7th, Among the special attractions will be a big lacrosse tournament, un baseball tournament, and a big regatta on the river, Stansbury who recently defeat ed Towns for the single seulling cham ' pionship of the world and his defeated opponent have been invited for a race which promises to attract many visi tors from all parts of the country. It is probable that Scholes, the erack oarsman of Canada, will also take part in some of the racing events. The town is crowded with visitors, and the capacity of the hotels is taxed to the | utmost, | Bryan Off For The Orient. San Francisco, Cal., Sept, 27.----Wil- liam Jennings Bryan, Mrs, Bryan, y their son and their youngest daughter sailed to-duy on the Manchuria for the Orient. They will stop for a time on | the Hawaiian Islands and expect to | reach Yokohama shout October 15th, "Just befors sailing Mr, Bryan said : "I mav stay some time in Japan, and will also make an extensive tour in the Philippines. It is probable that from there 1 shall go to Australia and New Zealand. In India T have planned to make an investigation of the Eng lish methods of dealing with colonies When we leave there we shall go up the Nile to the Holy Land. Then 1 intend to make a thorough tour of the European continent. I intend to stay for some time in every country, The entire journey will take about one year." A Big Cargo. Montreal, Sept. 2 One of the Jargest grain cargoes ever sent out from Canada will be shipped from this port carly in November, The cargo" will consist of 260,000 bushels of heavy grain, wheat and corn, and will be put on board the steamship Hero. The Hero is now on wr way to this port from Java with a cargo of raw sugar, Physicians prescribe it and hundreds of people recommend Red Cross cough | syrup. They know it cures coughs, 20 cents, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Special hose supporters, 20¢,; shoulder braces, H0c. New York Dress Reform, Sergeant Walker, Halifax, N.S, has recvivid a telegram stating that his danghter Blanche, was alive and well at Boston, It was rumored that she was the unfortunate young woman whose dismembered trunk was found in a dress smit-case at Boston, EE IT NETTIE ee. Physically Exhausted. ~ Lacking in courage--out of joint with everything--scarcely on speaking terms with even fair health, Such low spirits are pitiable. Your brain is fag- ged, vitality so exhausted your con- stitution is well nigh ruined. What vou need is Ferrozone, that great vitalizer and nutritive tonic. It's } waking flesh and blood, by infusing iron and oxygen into the system that Ferrozone helps; it repairs weak spots, instills new life into worn-out organs ~makes you feel like new, Ferrozone lifis age from the old and imparts resilicnce and buoyancy to the de- prevsed. Be manly, ruddy-colored -cast aside weakness and enter the happy Je ¢ eywood ShoesWear" i We are now showing a complete ine o! : Heywood Shoes In the latest American styles, Wax Calf, Box Calf, Patent Colt and Norwegian Tan Calf. If you want a Shoe that will wear equal to a custom-made Shoe buy HEYWOOD'S. Price, $5. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. SOLE AGENTS. Hats 3870--Girls' Dress. Sizes 6,8, 10 12 years, 883--Boys' Suit. Sizes 2, 4, 6,8 years, Kingston ladies by the score viewed with pleasure and satisfac- tion one of the prettiest exhibits of smart and up-to-date FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MILLINERY ever shown by us 'or any other firn in Central Canada. If pleased expressions and {lattering remarks mein orders when desired, our artistic milliners, under the management of Mrs. Adams; so well and favorably known in our city, will cer tainly be kept busy for many weeks to come. New Goods Just Received Fall Suitings Mantle Cloths Jackets Skirts. Ever so pretty and prices moderate. CRUMLEY BROS. A PERFECT DRINK Highly nounrishitig:-aids digestion, fit'ed t» repair wasted strength and preserve the health. It is not carbonated, but mature! in the natural way. : This is why L ABA T TS shou'd be salec's ed in preference to any other brand. The proof of its superiority is made in the numer- ous awards of Medals and Testimonials, CONNOISSEURSIPRONOUNCE IT TO BE THE BEST. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, 339 and 341 King St. at FAPEFOP GROOT CHOCOLATES ! Ganong's Canadian Chocolates --AT-- ¢ 3 i life that comes from using Ferrozone, Fifty cents bur" a box in any drug store,