ttle, a al class from a eo Tom turning wit sixty days. hey informatt , City Passenger Agent. ee ---- Are completely cured and the it soft and velvety hy using ompound Cavphor A CLL AR LOY: RAILWAY CANAUSAN PACIFIC RAILWAY $46.30 wma ns Tickets on sale until It combines all the gts, for the redic Mh 15c¢. a Bottle, Verv Low Rates to many other West- Mattawa to Port Arthur inc Nsivo and paint on T. & N. yf r Cliff to Sault Ste Havelock and poi ints on "Lindsay branch, 26th, to Tickets good returning Dec. t K. "oket Sed oRtaric St treet. he Best Drug Store LT. BEST, Chemist and Optician 4 Princess Street. New short line fer Tweed, Napanes Destrento, and all local voints. Trains Mave City Hall Depot at 8:95 p.m. VF PONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kiagstea. onder t Well Why are Newmar & aw Laving such a big e of Coats this Fall, and ticularly to so many la- s of recognized taste, af- they have gone the inds of all the stores, be- es looking up Catalogues m Departmental stores ? 2 Reason is Obvious Jur Coats are new this They are New York The designs are lusive and the prices are y reasonable. | see for yourself. wman & Shaw leave Kingston at 5.80 days, Septemper, 18th, 7 g 21st, 24th, 26th, 28th. and Hasilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte ard Leave Kingston: Going. Easty-Wednosdays, Fridays, Sundays at €.30 p.m. 78, ng M 05 SWIFT & CO, gt. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Fro N m i., Sept. 20, 5 a.m. 29, 4 p.m. Oct. 6 7 YORK TO GLASGOW. 30. Sardinian Oct. 14 Steamboat Co., Limited. 1000 Islands, and Bay of Quinte Str. North King at 10.15 at Rochester Alexandria ae and Gananogte. Kingston daily except Sunday for igion and intermediate Full information J.P. Haley, J 3 P, Eh Das. Swift Be B HORSRV, Traffic Manager 8000000000000000000000 COAL That is the kind we sell--The ¥ind you should burs if you want ® satislaction fire. We are filllug orders mow for Winter supplies. Have you ordered yours yet ? 'Phone No, 138, BOOTH &CO. : : : SCRANTON SSURING YOU OF We have just in- led a new and 1odern Fairbanks Vaggon Scale. SSURING YOU OF DRRECT WEIGHT." oy while prices are ow, is the time to fill your coal bin with best quality SCRANTON COAL P. Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. : Bveousvevwannesssssacs : 1 0000000000000 0000000000¢ E 3 : : u "COOKED rons PERSONATE MER MEN FOR MANY 23, YEARS, Preferred Garb and Experience of wer to That of Women--They ere Ganie, and Good Part- Toe do death of Katé Maher, at Sheri- dan, Mont, who for more than a rS quarter of a century masqueraded as a freighter, cowboy, gold seeker, and stage 'dtiver, dnd 'the arrest of Miss Jocie Williams, of Denver, by a posse ma, in search of horse thieves near Ver- nal, Utah, have brought to light the struggle stories of two women who preferred the garb and the experience of men to the feminine attire and pur suit of their own sex. fifties, and it was only due to an ac- cident that her sex was discovered, and then her' chockered darcer came to found in. company of a well kuowy horse thief. She has since gone to women had characteristics in the way of accomplishments with a rifle or re- envied and in other ways easily coun- they assumed. putting on a whan's s clothing, § I might easily pet profitable employ- way I have been living. she disappeared. Now she is dead. surer shot. She did not long remain a freighter. The spirit of adventure took posses- turned scout. From scouting she turn ed to stage driving, from stage driv ake Ontario and Bay of Quinte | "* to prospecting, from prospecting to cow punching, and from prospect- ing to working in the mines as a wage earner. She led a fast, exciting life during these years, and it was ipevit- able that she should lose the womanly sweetness and graces that once were hers, Her associates for the most part were rough, uncouth, dissipated men, and she naturally enough fell into their ways and became addicted to their habits, She took to smoking first. Drinking, swearing and gamb- ling, followed in quick succession. And with her womanly sweetness she lost her comeliness, In the midlle aged wo issitudes, and she changed her aliases knew her for long. freighting outfit to which she be made her escape and rejoined her com- panions. Hille, she was singled out and chal- shot and missed and she killed him. disappeare} from town. In the confu- that it was a cold-blooded musder cartls which gave risexto the trouble, the man had Killed miner in self-defense, and she said so. ™ The impression was popular, neverthe- Jess, that she was mistaken, and when did the shooting was Sangin a posse was formed to lynch protestations of inno- cence, he was taken out to be execut- A rope was put around the man's neck and the leader of the posse asked him if he had. anything to say "before something to say, gentle : said Kate Maher, stepping for: ward, with six shooter in hand, i removing the rope from the accused man's neck. i i ity. | saw the shooting my own eyes. The first man who lays a hand on him will have to answer to it." Her gray eves were blas- just what she said. "and I'l stand by Others came forward and ex- their belief that the accused and the lynching did Kate Maher" was 'a woman in the said one of them, light. Miss Williams was exculpated i of the erime of horse stealing, in Kate Maher's life on the rar not less picturesque and exciting than i She was a superb horsewoman, and she soon became one of the best knownscow punchers in the west. She learned to bust broneoes, to small town in' Colorade to live. Both volvi olver which many men might have , to round up the herd, other difficult things that cow punchers are wont to do. iss Williams was arrested at Ver- Utah, with John known horse thief. in the possession which she was riding astride, in & man's costume and heavily armed. Miss Williams has had a checkered She is twenty-two years old and was born in Denver, lived the greater part of her life. is rather comely when clothed dress of her sex, and is fairly well edu- She is a typical western wom- , and can ride and shoot To stand in front of her pistol at 200 yards means certain B y those who are ac- quainted with her marksmanship. terfeited the masculine character which Kate Maher for thirty vears lived, worked, ate, drank, and gambled with the men with whom she associated. By | SECOND CLASS FROM the death of her father she was left KINGSTO! Three horses were an orphan when yet in her teens. Wo- men had a havd time in the west. Men did not.. Kate said this to herself af- ter several years' experience as serv- . ant, waiter in hotels, and school HUNTERS RATES teacher in' Nebraska® and Colorado, and she must have asked herself this question :;, Why should 1 suffer hard- ships and privations when by simply ! ingling my hair, and assuming a man's name ment and put an end to the miserable The question was no sooner asked than it was answered. Kate Maher dis- . . appeared, and a few days later Fd: Ba oi inte ly ward Donovan, a young man with y slender, well knit figure, close cropped hair. slightly freckled, comely fave, laughing gray eves, and a frank, pleasing manner, took her place in the world. Nor did Kate Maher come to light again as 'such until the passing of the years had transformed the DAY LINE pretty voung girl into a homely mid- dle aged woman. In a lonely little mining camp in the west one day last fall a miner whose hands were soiled and work worn. and whase face bore the marks of dissipation, fell ill, and Toronto, Chariorte, Thousand Istands.| in the course of the Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. Fi balance of the season, . 1st, 1905, Steamer will « Going east , on the following , who is said to have also travelled under the aliases of Me- Carthy and Wilson, says she met Jones place she started with George Beamer i i The meeting with Jones took place at the K ranch. license being easily obtain: an officiating clergyman justice of the peace at hand, they cided to dispense with legal formalities and start for the Uintah reservation nearly two weeks before being discov- + the pursuing party. Mi i S she did not know in his possession illness the secret which Kate Moher had kept locked in her heart so many years came out, The sick miner was the same Kate Ma- her who had been left an orphan on the western border in the early davs. When the woman regained her health wink when this phase of the question is mentioned. , and when told that he would not be prosecuted on the ing charge gave a , deep sigh of relief. "The girl is game,' had nothing to do with this job, but she makes a dandy partner." Tn the guise of a man Kate Maher took up the work in which her father had lost. his Jlifer-that. of a freighter. She made numerous trips by waggon train' across' the plaine and met Going oa a4 1000 Un Thursdays, and| With not a few theililag od entures with the hostile Indians and the wild beasts that roamed the great unsettled and uncivilized spaces of the west be- tween the Missouri river and the Rocky Mountains. She quickly learned to use her six-shooter with skill, and there was not in the border country a Suicided In Bombay. paper of Septinber Sth, sa) Booth, a Canadian, sensationally end- ife in Calcutta police station by taking a dose of poison he had se- creted on his person. arrested for collecting purporting to be for the Japanese Red to the commissioner a confession of a sion of her, and she suffered it to lead her whithersoever it would. Her life for the next few years was crowded with incident and experience. Indians were giving settlers on the border much trouble, and Kate Maher, under one of the numerous aliases she assumed, murder in Manila. The Canadian Underwriters re-organization of Mont. real's fire department, Ti i "IS DR. CHASE YOUR DOCTOR ?" You Learned to Cure Bil- iousness, Indigestion and Con- stipation With DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS ? man who died a few days ago there was little ever suggestive of the pretty, slender girl of thirty-odd years ago, save perhaps her pluck, honesty, quick wit, and good nature. Her life was marked by strange vic- lected because of the actual results it is known to bring about. ple are slow in choosing either physi- cian or medicine until they cases in which they have proven sue many times, but she never denied her name to cover up a dark deed or to escape the payment of an honest debt. Under one name or another and under one masculine ouise or another she drifted through the west for half a natural lifetime, but neither one place nor one set of friends ever In calling your attention Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills it .is necessary to point to their success in , for they are known in near lv means of their direct and specific action on the liver causing a health. liven the ota of the rn and om od digestion in the intestines, At the same time they kidneys in their work of filtering poi- sons ftom the blood. This cleansing process set in action Once in a brush with Indians, when she was freichting, she was shot, and soon after recovery from her wotnd she was tgken prisoner by a band of Indians and was given up for lost by the other members of the longed. One night, she contrived to elude the vigilance of the savages, and, mounting . their fleetest pony, means a thorough cure of biliousness, intestinal indigestion, torpid liver, kid- ney derangements and constipation. strength and comfort where there has been pain, weakness and sufferi means a removal of which lead to backache, disease, aioe On another occasion, up in the Black lkenged to mortal combat by a young chieftain eager to win his spurs. He recognised the young "paleface" as a crack shot of great nerve, and he argued that if he could get the scalp of so worthy a foe his name would he secuce forever. The young woman in male attire promptly accepted the challenge. The Indian took the first sheds, Prockville, : "I have used Dr. Chase's Kid- ney-Liver' Pills with the greatest suc cess and can say for a certainty that they cured me of kidney trouble. was all used up, had a bad back and was not able to work for some time. Dr. Chase's Kidpey- Liver Pills and they soon made me in. 1 believe that not been for this treatment I not be at work to-day.' Shy: Kidney-Liver Pills, ane . & box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, i & Cos, Toronto, The portrait and sigostare of Dr. A. Once she saved from the vengeance of a mob a man unjustly accused of mur: der." The man had shot and killed a mine in seli-defonse over a game of cards in a notoriogs gambling-house. Fearing trouble, he left the resort and sion of the moment most of those who saw the shooting got the impression Kate Mahar) who wad in the game of DID THE MURDER! OF ASSASSINS. ain, France, Belgium and Hol. . land--Letter of One of the Murderers Fell Into Hands of Police. London, 28. ~The Express pub- lishes the fi orn from Antwerp : The police believe "they have got on the track of one of the most dmring and dangerous gangs of criminals in Europe. The discovery datés froin the wrony ly delivered letter veported a fow days ago. A merchant of Antwerp | inserted a business advertisement in one of the jocal rs, asking that 'replies should 'addressed to a number at the aewspaper office. Ry mistake the olerk gave him a letter add 10 a number very similar to his own. To his amatemwent the merchant found that the letter concerned a | murder in' Paris. The murder had been duly performed, the | proceeds were not at all such as he ! had been led to expect. He added in- with violenve designed for the near | future. the police, and they, working quietly, arrested at the same moment the man who wrote the letter and the in Paris, the other in Antwerp, that the men were members of a for midable gang of professional thieves, who never hesitated to murder their victims when such a course seemed desirable. This gang of assassins has agents throughout France, Belgiuy, and Hol: Great Britain. Full particulars have been sent to the British police, and the police forces of the four countries concerned are working together on the case. GANANOQUE NOTES. The Funeral of the Late Miss Heaslip. Gananoque, Sept. 27. The funcral of the late Miss Ethel M. Heaslip, aged twenty-three years, took place | from the family residence, Victoria avenue, to Willow Bank cemetery this afternoon. There was a service in St. Andrew's church, conducted by Rev. H. Gracey. The pallbearers were Messrs. Fred Watt, David Rvers, Frank Corrigan, William Colton, Thomas Hawks and Lorne Yule. Miss Heaslip was a trained nurse in Water town and a favorite with all whe knew her. John Munden, who has for a number of years conducted a account of his health, has been com- pelled to give up baking and has ne- cepted a position as book-keoper with the Canada Cabinet company. . Miss Bertha Pugh, Kingston, is spending a. fow days in nu, Clifford Sine, the well-known pro- prieter of the eormer drug store, ac companied by his wife, are spending a few days at his old home in Cob den. A great many of our local sports are getting ready for the world's fair at Lansdowne on Thursday and Fri Skinner Manufacturing company, Limited, is out on a businéss trip westward. At the King's Daughters' meetings last week, Mies Grace Darl ing, was chosen as delegate to attend the convention at Ottawa. There are two or three caves of diphtheria in town: sonw of the jm critical condition. It is said, on good authority, that there is not net on the river between Kingston and Brockville. We are not. just pre pared to swear to it, however, at present. er ea-- Celebrating Silver Anniversary. Rochester, N.Y., Sept. W.~To cele brate the twenty-fifth annivérsary iliary in the Episcopal: diocese of western Now York several hundred Episcopal women froin that district met this mormining '8t St Luke's church. At the same time the regular annual meeting of the auxiliary will be held. Mrs. Philip Nichols, of Gene- va, the presideat of the érganization, occupied the chair at the opening ses gion this morning, and delivered her annual address. Several other ad dresses were delivered by Mrs. Thomas B. Berry, Mrs. Charles Potter, Mrs, Van der Beek, Mrs. Allan: Holloway and others: Bishop Walker was pres- ent and will remain bere several days to deliver an address before the meet- ing. To-morrow evening there will be a reception and banquet. Eloped With Boarder. Huntingdon, Que., Sept. 28-On Fri i day night, when a well-known resident of Huntingdon returned to his home be found that his wife was missing. Later he found a note from her say- ing she had gone away with a young men who was boarding with «them. Taking advantage of the husband's absence the pair got away to St, since. The woman is thirty-two years of age, while her paramour is scarce- ly twenty-one. Both the husband and and the elopment has created a big! sensation. George Ham To Rest. Montreal, Sept. 28. George H. Ham, his lengthy illness. but he has been ordered by his physician to cross the ocean in the hope that the trip pay restore his health. a change of scene and the invigorating bivezes of the | wea being required. He "will visit | Scotland before retarning and spend as much time as possible vachting and cruising along the Scottish coast. ------------------------------ Ordered or ready-made corsets of teed, New York Dress Reform. Weak, lame backs cared for 26. Dr. ! Chown's Bucher-Juniper: Kidney Pilla , are on every box, does it, The Contest Was Won By King- | DEMAND LEDTO DISCOVERY Kineton: defentedt¢ be combined | Waterrown-Caps Vincent team, Wolfe Island fair, Wednesday alter oon. The score was seven to six, Had Agents Through Great Brit. | ond the game very close and oxcit- "Our sale of last Friday and crowds to the new store that we knife into the following list of very this week. Look this over carefully -- 506. Eiderdown, 396. he Sporting Notes, the Eastem League in ba gio won the Hargrat me match from the Victorias Although displeased at. te Tigers will remain $4.75 Skirts for $2.25. Nearly Pid 0 Ladhe Tailor-made Skirts, eed Cheviot and Broadcloth, a made, value from $3.50 Vine interscholastic 'meet will Friday and Saturday ...... held on the "Varsity field on October ond McKeoand are pected to turn out with the Tige 50c. French Opera Flannels, 430. Plain and Fancy Silk Embroidered Flannels and Cashmeres, j ew dots in baler Rinne ox Friday und Saturday, $1.50, 27 $1 Dress Goods for 60. All colors but black. Chicago in the American League, is points behind the | Philadelphia. club. Friday snd Saturday -- d3¢. yd. Rochester did har try very hard to beat Providence in the last series. Rice has been appointed captain of the senior London team, Rowlands of the It is likely that a junior 0. district will be formed in the cast. have already entered. structions as 10. further robberies The season will begin on October 4th. Malcolm Cochran, who will act on the senior Toronto rgonant team, was i $10 Children's Fine Beaver Jackets for $4.35. 80c. and 806, Dress Goode, 300. Friday and Saturdby only, $15 Ladies' Pall and» Winter Coats . os' HW rat * aches, rap * Highly Don't miss these; they are beautifully made and trimmed and are worth writer complained that, although the | ond "Rilly" Friday and Saturday .......i 13 1.30. 10a; Plainand annelettes Our Fun stock, of Plain amd Fancy \ The merchant gave. the letter to yy Flannelettes that are regularly od. ik is Bigg Boll Marshall, Friday and Saturday man to whom it was addresscd--one tum to the fiantn 80c. Ladies' Heavy Ribber Under Farther investigations have shown ' the stick for "the en polis team of wear for &3c. the Ame prican Association. Joo MeGinnity has not made x , suitable for now this season as he as good a record or winter; regular value of Ins en " U Friday and Saturday ... land, and, it is believed, also in ° In a practin game at Ottawa on | 78 tnoh Half Bleached Linen Friday -- sy we Te bling, it. Patrick's team, the for mer won by thirty-six 'he St. Patrick's team is com- posed of mostly all 58 inch Half Bleached Linen Tabling, 28¢. Yard. Above are very special snaps and are worth as high as 6c, yard. Friday and Saturday, 23e., 38e. yd. collection of young- Friday and Suturday. Se and Come Early and Get the First Cl Nearly all the articles advertised for Fi Saturday of last week are all bought phy Bargains for everyone here, Tames Johnston, A PERFECT | DRINK Highly nourishing, aids digestion, ted to ropa wasted oh and preserve the health. is considered a god I pay "of the le team is composed of raw material all the redoubtable "King." practically originated the new game, assisted in putting the their paces yesterday. tion was paid to tackling and rm- ning with the ball, Homter Rockwell, quarterback, but kept plaviai with Yale again hecauss. played a minuto in game four years college yesterday, and joined the coaches. The Victorias will have one of the strongest wing lines this season, with baker's business on King street, on | donned his unifory,, euch wen 10. pick 1t is not eacbonulad, but matured in the nakurml from as Brown, snap back; Bardgest, | N Prock- Yoamans, " bexid®s several bi outside wings. This is why L ABBA T T'S shoud be seleet- ed in preference to any other bi College hali-back line, his, first appearance in MeGill unifory, yesterday afternoon, rattling game at centre half oa Zi wane xman and. Billy o proof of its superiority is made in the numer- s of Medals and Testimonials. CONNOISSEURSPRONOUNCE To BE THE BEST, 'JAS. McPARLAND, 339 and 341 King > [ronessesen seseaseces ota Stoves and Range: We are building and the big stock must go. Ranges, Heaters, Pug Stoves, ete, will be sold ata saeri-. i Come early and get a bargain. line of Furniture and House Furnishings. L. LESSES, day. C. A. Watt representing the | promising of McGill's football squad, | by a nasty accident. werman was also forced to retire to tients are reported to be in a very cently had a bloody rongh-and tumble fight on the field during a game the They rolled over the around a and clawing each i were pried apart by Wicker. of THE CHICKEN THIEF the establishment of the Women's Aux- | Cave Proved to Be a Corner of Princess and Chatham Streets, Kingston ne oh Bure with | their ns pnchine and have done | a rushing business, grain having turn ol out better than was at first anti Potato digging is the: Tris complain of the haat been visiting friends , for the past two weeks, | ing friends in Perth and Balderson, 3579-Girls" Dress, Sizes 6, 8,10, 13 years, Kingston. ladies by the score viewed with 'pleasure ond rettiest exhibits of smart and up-to-date' AND DOMES 1C MILLINERY ever shown by us or an her of his young fowls ta i in succession, set a trap near his barn to catch the intruder He was surprised on fuing | | Gray intends a the bird to a | firm i in Central Canada. ! . Dellyea has gone to the Big Dipper mine. me Miss Bdna Mitchell, If pleased exprissigng and orders when desired. our artistic milliners, under the of Mrs. Adams, so well and favorably known in our sity. will ey tainly be kept busy for many weeks to come. New Goods Just Received . Fall Suitings dig Stanislaus, s small station on the N. | Y.C., and have not been 'heard of | panee, returned home on Sunday last. missing wife come of good families | . D. Gray and children are at Mantle Cloths , of Richmond township, i present visiting friends in and around gone to Partridge Creek and Bancroft of the C.P.R., has leit Tor England. | 1, work for the Rathbun company. of He will he abroad about two months. | Deseronto. Mr. Ham is slowly recovering fram { been on the sick int is getting bet Masters James and Oneal Ever so pretty and prices moderate. conv a T. Dellyen has gone to Critchley at his mill, There is quite a lot of vay in the neighborhood, severe colds heing vu very prevalent. Collins Ba Notes. and family have kes. Gananoque, from thi ' tHe ded were m this vicini y n i's few days on Wednesday last. Jessie Halliday, trained nurse of Ar Mina Florence nish Miss Ella Back Tameness No More. | whe suffer when an Spplitation t Perfect fit guaran- | Nerviline gives instan fo: > in good and hard, stiffness avant, | pain vanishes and you're cured. wonder Polson's Nerviline is an enor- pie visit with relatives A ------------------------ Sunday ut is roth a boots for men are the Shoe