Hn fief §F £f ; as a great if ones sehind them. Mrs. Muldoon have the sym- a circle of friends here. Gordon; who have M me Be quality of our Ladies' Boss at $2.50 and $3 are always : and our prices are the t for reliable Shoes. To lite pleasant and . having your feet in Shoes, p , JEKNINGS, King St i igh " y 5 I bs undouly to th act at scratching te to rable hg ought it no worse thing building. This week i af TE Ta il pT he | Aint there, hee: ay Deol ta. Je the * ol T Trance . were calling in this vicinitv recently. Mrs. Milton Mansell and daughter, Ethel, were guests of Mrs. H, Franklin last Saturday. Jerome Herbison paid his mother & flying visit. I Missisvippi ty 16.--Autumn' 5 , Sept. 16.--Autumn's sur ly blasts 'are again upon us and these are the harvest days for the corn, po- tatoes and les. T. 8. Duncan, MA, who! ba had this end of Rev. Guy's circuit in charge for the sum- mer, leaves us to-day to enter his du- tien at Queen's. Miss Jewel Allan at St. Margaret's. C , Toronto. Reports. elaim that allege families fromr the wi move next month to New Ontarie. Isaac Allan has carpenters gpergtinig on his cold stor- dates Me takd it in. Mra. John A. MeDougall is ete toons. ami, "THE OLD SCRATCH." How the Evil One Came to be Popularly Known as 'The Old Serateh.'h we. ¥o Be evil one. Wiscalp full of dadeuft one scratching all the time: not disagresad de but considered very "in polite society---as it should be--beequse one ought 15 keep séalp so clean that it would not itch, To cure the scalp of dandruff of- foctively, use Newhro's Herpicide, Tt kills the germ that creates the dan- druff, which ts preliminary to falling hair, and, finally buldiens. No other fait. preparation kills the dandruff Rens Herpieide also is a very de httil and effective hairdressing. Sold. by leading druggists. Send le. Pin stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. Ww. Mahood, special agent, ------ HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL OUTSIDE oF YOUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES? COME TO WM. MURRAY, The Auctioneer ier UGH iO0ee R J. FREE, CONTRACTOR Estima ven for all kinds of wl ason . Plaster and Cement Work of all desoripsion "Phone 402 EDUCATIONAL, PRIVATE TUITION MISS EMILY ALLEN, B.A, sires pupils for Private Tull DE. in he» foadter eae Bd a -------------- Private School for Girls At 76 Gore Street. Int Cv Satvice. ana lianee to Colies- Juslor classes for girls and boys, For particulars apply 'to CO OCOOOOOO ! E gf OOOO OOOO ing: her . sister at Glefivile, Mrs, R. Storms is spending a week with AA gg | ale a month wit r daughter, Miss MeKihnon front © Me. Donald's * Corners, is visiti her ng Eandpatents. Rev. McElroy will hold is annual meeting in connection with in the Presbyterian church. Lombardy's Fair. Lombardy, Sept. 27.-T, A. Cauley, who has been laid wp for the past few weoks with a wprained knee is recov- ering. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose O'Mara went to Micaville on Friday, to visit Mrs. O'Mara's brother, M. McGlade, visited friends here on Sunday. Mise Cora Klyne, Bastard, returned home on Saturday, alter spending u couple of weeks with her aunt, Mm. Joseph Klyne. rts are coming from all parts of this section of the serious blight of the potato crop. The direc tors of Lombardy fair are sparing no pains to make this one the most sue: tess] oxhibition ever held in the totnship, and all that is needed now is favorable weather, Liberal prizes are to be given and trials of speed will be a good attraction and purses are offered for horses that never won public money, ax well as to all com ers. So if you want to spend a pleas- ant dav at one of the best fairs of the season come to Lombardy on Septem. ber 30th. Having Heavy Frosts. Long Pont, Sept. 20.--We are hav- ing quite heavy frosts these nights. Several of the people attended the Lyndhurst fair last 'Juesday and Wed- nesday. 'John Plunkett is quite ill. Mew. W. Snider, Warburton, visited her sister, Mrs. MH. H. Bevins, for a fow days last week. F. J. O'Connor left for Kingston, to-day, to resume his medical studies at Queen's. Ho was accompanied by his father as far as Gananoque, Mrs, S. Seabrooke visited friends at Seeley's Bay yesterday, (Monday). Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bryan ond son, Elmer, have gone to Ganan- ogiie, to-dad. Mes, Sarsh Horne spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Phillipsville. Roderick O'Connor, Gan- anogue, visiting at his uncle's, here, for the past two weeks, retumed on Saturday evening. Miss Maggie Burne is spending a few days with her moth- or. Several of our people purpose {ak- ing in the Delta and Lansdowne fairs this week. John Sykes, cheese maker, spent Saturauy night and Sunday in Gananoque. 8. Cheetham, cheese in strustor, Visited our factory on Thurs day . average price per ton for our August cheese was $19.50. Mr. and Mrs, Ira Andress, Caintown, spent a few days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. DD. Townsend and took in the Lyndhurst fair while here, ------------ Even The Doctors Say So. Ask them «bout your ecorns--the ption | invariably one bottle Jof Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, Filty years in use, certain and prompt, Use only "Putngm's.'" A ---------- Malt is the most thickly vopulated island in the world, It has 1.3% peo- ple to the square mile. Barbados has 1,054 people to the square mile, - ers erry Pectoral, w believe in doctors. be lieve in us. We give them {he formula of our ral. They order it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, croup, the grip, f.Sarges loft last week to continme her course British Foreign "Wb society tonight' J. Morrissy and Miss Morrissy, Jasper, tured to their home in: Kingston on Saturday, J. D, in has been kept very busy during past few weeks threshing for various ones in the vil- lage. The farmers who have had work done this vear by the. new machine, arc highly pleased with the wark it turng out. Miss Gussie Albert, who has been visiting friends at Parham during the past weeks, returned to her home on Saturday. Frederick Alberts, who has been laid up for some; time, is slowly recovering. A number of the young people of the village attended a com husking bee, at the home of S, 8. Barton on Mon- day evening, after the hard work of busking the corn, the merry crowd as- sembled at the house, where dancing, music and games were kept up till about midnight, A dainty luncheon was served about one o'clock, shortly after which the jolly. erowd left. for their homes, A number of the farmers around here, report a heavy loss in the pota- to crop this year, owing to a rot in the potato; especially those. in the low » Will result in a total fail- ure. Rev. A. C, Huffman, of Arden, preached in the Methodist church here on Sundav, Dr. Kilborn, of Sharbot Lake, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Woods, during the two | past woek, left for home on Friday. friends of Mr, and Mrs. William | McCormick will better in the condition of their little daughter, Edna, and that. she is now able to sit up dusing the day, and aright hopes are entertained for. her recovery. Miss. (.. F. Wood, of Oswe- go, N.Y., and Miss E: Kilborn. Shar- e, are gueste of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Woods. Reports sav that Cupid has two weddings booked to take place here next month. SWINE PLAGUE IN ENGLAND. ---- Most Virulent Type Now Raging in Cambridgeshire. "What is described in ecortain papers as the most virulent swine disease ever known' in England is causing a panic among farmers," pig biveders and cottagers on the 'Isle of Ely," says The London Meat Trades Jour- nal. "Swine aro being daily swept off in scores and in the neighborhood of Chatteris--in quite a small area-- it has claimed a hundred victims a week for the last threo. weeks. Veter- inary surgeons can find no remedy for it, and so swift is the illness that in twelve or twenty-four hours after being aftacked the pig is dead. "The disease is said to have been import- ed, probably from Germany, and is termed erysipelas, though it Kas no thing in common with the ordinary erymipolas, and is nore of a splenic swine typhus.. The board of agricul ture is waking experiments with the bacilli upon - mice and rabbits, but meantime the complaint is said to be spreading rapidly, despite efforts to isolate it. While have the assurance that there is no danger to human beings even if the flash is eaten, those of -our readers who have any regard for their good name and reputation will; no: doubt, give pigs from Cambridgeshire a wide berth, bearing in mind the "peculiar views eatertained by medical officers of health as to disoased meat, espe- cially homebred pork." Starting For Panama. New York, Sept. 25.-The members of the Panama canal commission, ac companied by the members of the board of consulting engineers, which held their session in Washington, sail- ed today for Panama on the steamer Havana of the Panema 'railroad steamship line. Many of their friends were at the dock to: speed them: on their way, According to the present arrangements the steamer will be tied up at the wharf at Colon, and the members will retain their quarters on board while they are making their in- vestigations, A special train of the Panama railroad will he placed at the disposal of the engineers and any part of the line of the canal, including the city of Panama, may be visited each dav at the pleasure of the board, The Isthmian canal commission, ocomply- | ing with the instructions by President | Roosevelt will hold their quarterly | meeting in the offices of the governor of the canal zone in the first week of October, ------ Five Millions To Charity. London, Sept. 98-<The will of Bar on Nathaniel Rothschild, who died in Vienna recently, was admitted to pro- bate here and has been accepted by all concerned. The baron "bequeathed over 85,000,000 to charity, chiefly de- voted to the relist of sufferers: from chronie and incurable diseases. He left $404,375 10 the charitable institntions of Vienna; $9,585 to the poor of Vien- na without distinetion of oreeds $10. 000 ta the poor fund of Sehillersdort; $10,000 to the Charlottenstift at Hultschum; 85,000 for distribution | among the poor of Schillersdorf and | 84,840 for the poor of Niesfeld. The ! | will directs the executors to continue all pensions, ---------------- There are more barrels made a the United States than anywhere in the world. It is said that nearly 200,000, 000 have been made in the course of one vear. ! Special hose SupPoriers, 20e.; shoulder heaces, fe. New York Dres: Reform, i it is gratifying to |: {HEALTH IS FAILING PHYSICIANS ORDER COUNT . TO STOP WRITING. ---- Celebratéd Noveligt Dictates Biog- raphy to Friend--His Experi- ences as School Teacher Told Vienna, Sept. 27.--Reports from the country home of Leo Tolstoi, the celebrated novelist, in southern Rus sia, say that he is again in ill health, He is said to be so weak that his physicians have ordered him to dis- continue every form of writing. So far he has obeyed their instructions. Whenever able to, he dictates his au- tohiography to a friend. In connection with this it might be interesting to mention incidents of Count: Tolstoi's career which have never been published. The novelist told a friend who recently visited him that some of the ablest men that the czar sent into exile within' the last few years were his pupils when he con- ducted a school on his estate. The count often acted as teacher himself. The school was held in a two storey brick house just outside the village, and the average number of pupils--boys and girls--was forty, many of them coming long distances from other villages, as it was the on- ly place for hundreds of miles where education could be obtained by the poorest classes free of charge. Phe school was open all day, and ip the evening, and at one time Tolstoi spent his evenings among the boys and girls, 'teaching them Russian, seriptare, history, singing, and drawing. But he was probably the most remarkable teacher that ever en- tered a school, for, being no believer in. compulsion of any sort, he found it necessary, in order to live up to his principles, to withdraw at once any subject that was displeasing to the children and substitute some other study in its place. In this way many subjects dear to the heart of the reformer were tried and sorrowfully dropped, owing to lack of response in the pupils. Tt was not only in the selection of subjects, however, that Count Tolstoil's edu- cational ideas were peculiar. He strongly objected to competitive or qualifying examinations, anh so there were none at his school, probably to the great delight of the children. It is understood that Tolstoi will dwell at great length on his school teaching experiences in his autobiography. Tolstoi was always an accomplished pianist, and spent a good deal of his spare time at the instrument. In this connection it may be mentioned that after the disastrous battle of Teherng- ya in 1885, at which he rendered good service to his country, a satirical poem. was circulated largely .in Rus- sia, attacking the authorities for their failure to provide good maps for the officers; and the authorship was at- tributed to Tolstoi. 4 It was known that he had written some of the verses, at any rate: and at ihe camp concerts, among the offi cers, it always gave him considerable pleasure to accompany on the piano when this song was sung. To Increase Grain Profits. Prof. Thomas Shaw is recognized at home and abroad as one of the great- est experts the world has yet produced in all that relates to the practice and science of cereal culture, His writings seem to warrant these astonishing statements : L--Growers of wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley, or buckwheat can readily add from five to twenty per cent, to their average vield per acre each year. 2 --Along with this increase in pro- duction, will quality. J--~Larger yields of better quality, mean bigger profits, hecause- 4--~These results need not require anv extra outlay of cash or labor. Many farmers are anxious to co-op- erate to thus increase their profits. If the movement becomes general. it will add millions annually to the farmers' wealth. Prof. Shaw agrees to under- take an organization for this purpose if enough of our readers are interested to warrant him in so doing. Those fa- vorable to the idea should write Prof. Thomas Shaw, St. Anthony Park, Mion.: "As.a grower of -- acres of grain, I would like to join vour effort to increase grain growers' profits. provided it does not call for extra cash outlay on my part." come improvement in New European Horse Disease. United States Consul-General Guen- ther, at Frankfort, Germany, advises his govemment of a disease which has been prevalent among horses in France near the German line, known a8 "contagious pernicious anaemia." Profs. Vaile and Carre at Alfort have investigated this disease very thor- cughly and shown by. experiments that it is transmittable. It seems to be caused by minute bacilli, which cannot be distinguished at present even with the most modern technical uppliunces. The German foreign office called attention to the disease by publishing a notice in the newspapers cautioning against purchasing horses from the infected districts of France, and the chancellor of the empire has vow issued a circular to the govern ments of those states of Germany which are likely to import German or Belgian horses, and has called atten tion to the danger of introducing the disease in German territory, ------r-- Corsets steel filled, several styles 80c. New York Dress Reform. Automobile street-swoeping machines are to be added to New Orleans' muni- cipal outhit for the fight against vel: low fover. | Not Milk for Babies Dou't risk baby's life by feeding city milk, Be oa thesafeside. Give Nestle's Food The perfect substitute for mother's KEEP THE CAPSULES, THEY ARE VALUABLE. BOIVIN, WILSON @. CO.. Montreal. DISTRIBUTORS. THE 2004: CENTIRY The source of aki Power, The result of 50 years of scientific research, manhood brought no experiment. cf Carore. Prove it yourself by atest. AS carefully sealed in a plain wrapper with no mark. cure or refund of money, for $3.00. Send for sworn Canadian testimonials received within the last twelve months, m De. KONR MEDICINE CO.. PC. Drawer 2341. MONTREAL ' discovered in the Labo. Tio Fougan of Youl, v= k after years of weakness ang despair, Nature's Secret restored by combining three of the rarest chemical reagents in the world, This ig itis proved by its usein the Hospital Ters of thousands of weak and hopsin ) sas cared by 50 doys treatment. his is a fact Proven purely days treatment with full particulars sent absolutely free: All packages are A full 30 days treatment (180 doses) with guaranteed is the only palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, CANCER, TOOTHACHE, MENINGITL of spurious compounds or imitations. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the bettle. Scld in bottles at 1s, 134d. 2s, od i Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & co., Limited, Toronto. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE) {4 admitted by the edy ever discovered. TIS, ASTHMA. acts like a charm in and is the only s and DYSENTERY. effectually cuts short all EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, TION and SPASMS. attacks £T™ ra Ta BETS S, ete, (Overwhelming - Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle. Sole Mauufacturers :5-J. &. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON, Now Is The Time To have your Stove or Furnace Pipes cleaned out. Do not leave it until the cold weather arrives, We can.give you better attention now. We have care- ful men, who will clean and varnish your pipes and give you perfect satis- faction. Give us a call. 351i and 353 King Street. 'Phone 388. THE CANADA METAL CO, TORONTO. a .y and 4s. 6d. each. profession to he the most wonderful and valuable rem is the best remedy known for COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION, BRONCBI- DIARRHOEA, ific in CHOLERA, of PALPITA- Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS PROWNE"S CHLORODYNE," and beware The genuine bears the words "DR. J. Government Stamp of each LEMMON & SONS doe $00000000000000000 bee $ Gary in Stock INGOT GOPPER. ANTIMONY & TIN 0600 $0030 0000000000000 ¢ 4006000 The Habit 3 + people have a habit of ailing. Many Tete keep well. For health, habit, which all may acquire with a BEECHAM ood habits to Stomach, Live teach Foon to Bilious Attacks, su! troubled with Indigestion, Nervous Pills will reform all these bad habit health, which the body will quickly sickly habits b occasionally using mitted by Beecham's Pills, ii pared only by Thomas am, ' i all Druggists in Canada and U ER ARE * , i . | ER RY > i F 1 OF CANADIAN NORTH-WIST, db REGULATIONS vi numbered section of Domin- y rea in Manitoba or the North- lon Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not | Weal ed, may be homesteaded upon LY any aon who is the sole bead of a fumily, plea male over 18 years of age, to He | extent of one-quarter section, of 160! ess. nO, Cr made personally at the Jocal lind office for the district. in which | the laud to be taken is sivuated, or 1 | | pomesteader desires, he may. on op gen | tion to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Commissioner of Immigra-. { tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent for! the district in which the land is situate, receive authority for some one to wake y for him. MEST EAD DUTIES : A settler who has been gran an entry for a home | stead is required to perform the con- | ditions sounected therewith under one l 0 wing ans : . we least Bix months residence upon | and cultivation of the land in each year | during the term of three years. "i i (2) If the father (or wother, if the | father is deceased) of any person who is | eligible to make a homestead entry un- | der the provisions of this Act, resides | ppon a farm in the. viciahy hor the land e! or b suc person one OR irate of this Act as to | residence prior Lo obtaining vatent may | be satisfied by ich person residing with b+ father or r.other. A ng" Any 8) If. the settler has his permanent residence upon farming land owned by | him in the vicinity of ms homestead, the | uviemwents of this Act as to residence | Jay be satisfied by residence upon the | d | "APPLICATION FOR PATENT should! be made at the end of three vears, be-, fore the Local Agent, Sub-Agent or tue | Homestead Inspector. ' #Hefore making application for patent: the settler must give six months' uwotice in writing to the Commissioner of Do- minion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention to do so. BYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal. --Coal lands may be jurchased at $10 per acre for soft coal sal $20 for anthracite. Not more than 320 acres can be acquired by one individual or com- pany. Royalty at the rate of ten cents ver ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected the gruss output. i : TA IY ainer's certificate is ranted upon payment in advance of $7.50 per annum for an individual, and from $50 to $100 per annum for a coin- pany according to capital. free minor, having discovered mineral locate a elaim 1,600x in place, aay 1,500 feet. The we for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on tho claim each year or paid to the mining re- corder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may, upon having a survey made, and upon | complying with other requirements, pur- chase the land at $1 an acre. The putent provides for the payment of a royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. PLACER mining claims generally are 100 feet square ; entry fee $5, renewabie early. Te iree miner may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each for a term of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- Ation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 r annum for each mile of river lensed. oyalty at the rate of 24 per cent collect- ed on the output after it exceeds $10,000 W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this Wdvertisement will not be paid for. The Polish that won't wear offs Sold Only at Strachan's Hardware CEMENT WALKS, We 'will be rieased to furnish estimates and construct your ce nent walk. Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas & Mellquham, 15 Nelson Street. EMBOSSING ici' Headings for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING Gir' Cards and Letter Heads Be Prinken tren) a Sass of volume, Jetter Press THE WHIG, Kingston. ~~ e CARRIAGES and BUGGIES FOR SALE | 1 Kensington, second-hand, in good order; 1 Makedo, second- band; 1 Phaeton; 1 road wag- gon; also mew Top Buggies, with rubber tires; 8lso a few sets of Harness left. Call and see for ynursell JAMES LATURNEY,