EE DLAW'S s is a great Coat se in Long Coats. Ap style ! Just slip o ; oh Coats and or a shopping tour o The ae Ty Bécoming Jerome. latest in three- fou hth lengths in Fawns, in Whi in Black "Fine mentiona few prices : 0, 895, 950, 9.95, We have a tew lines that will merit the approval of the taste- ---- ful conservative buyer and others - that give dash and smartness to ar aln f any child. Now while we ® 9 2 o'clock. al Silk Bargain the other th you To-morrow After. s lot is not a large one byt all sizes, come and select one and your anxious worry will be over. We carry the best Childrens' ufactured Clothing in Canada. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co Co. A Perfect Fit, Excellent Wear We guarantee to be had in our footwear. Wear '""Allen's"' Military Bootmakers, Sign of Golden Boot. | | selection. » Cream, Navy Brow hn of Bright French Taf- ly sold at soc. and ssc, hile tha Lot Lasts Sc¢ Yard. 2 O'CLOCK. DR. RYAN'S centrally located Brick Residence and durgery. ND INSURANCE AGENCY RPE, WAITRESSES. APPLY ager British American Hotel: TEN BOYS, ONLY THOSE WHO CAN . r to get a. dressmaker or every day need apply, J. A. rls' Winter Coats, ss in itself--one demand- ll and a great deal of 1 Goudig OS ear ply Kent Bros., Mica Works, ised when you see what Coats for girls from 2 up erate prices we are willing "young man ™ Son V ce TOCKINGS shmere Stockings for wo- mere Stockings for child- TO EARN 5 DAY, arn' Knit Stockings for Plumbing Schools, ra Strong Ribbed Cash. 5 EME JET THEIR FALL S, heels and Knees, GENTLEMEN TO GET AL Thomas Galloway's, Also briag your old them repaired. Style, guaranteed to please. 35C, 2 specials, to do any kind of TRS wp w SERA-- LAWES a heated and ventilated college no objection bi Thur onte Office, 5 a | CO DIVISION STREET, | near Garrett street, i Apply at Whig office. | lil Wear en Longer OR $3.50 il is what you get when 50 GENTS TER SHOE | styles are now in, and fit, comfort and wear no make of :hoe in | that can compare with SHOE STORE JE FORKINOSTON, | | Apply Steacy = wadern improv eme: nts, suitable for boarding SE and University SECOND HAND DAISY HOT SET ENCYC L OPE DIA fyi at Whig office STORE FIXTURES, ONE LARGE AND | three small awnings, . two paper cutters nil All nearly | Will sell separately or 1o- Address | & on returning to | There Is A Combination. Of style and éomfort in Campbell | THE DAILY B YEAR 72. DAILY MEMORANDA, The Best hv test Campbell *Bros., Hats. This is St. Michaelmas Day Educational Rally, Y.W.C.A., this evening To-morrdw will be the Sale of Piano, at 11 am. to-morrow at Murray's. "El Capitan," Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m. Professor Canton, Phrenologist, at Windsor Hotel, and Ai at 5.44 pan Fumi, ee ooo THEY WANT ANOTHER Matinee vd Opera House, 2% np 'The Mikado." « is not what it is adver- | tised to he in the prospectuses Successful political candida es sre ually cool-headed and warn-handed It is a waste of time to argue with a man who thinks he knows everything One must have a good aemary in | order to know when and what to forget There is always some one around to say "I told you s0" when the unexpects ed happens. It is always better to take thines as | cateh them | they come than to attempt to h THE BEST CAINA The choicest and most beautiful is | found in our selection. There is an wide | | range in style and price. So wuch des | | pends upon the right service that you | should see our stock before making a ..ROBERTSON BROS. "QUEEN'S ANNUAL fon and Field Spores 1% At 1 p.m. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 4th - ON NEW TRACK AT ATHLETIC GROUNDS. MAN Exoursion to Toronto, Oct. 13th | Practical Optical "Work | Frnstintions . lor glasses carefully | FILLE All styles of mounts and frames al- ways in stock, with repairs. tyes Sateluily examined AND GLASS- FITTE Prices for above work moderate. SMITH BROS. Jewelers Opticians 350 King Street. Phone 666 " Marriage Licenses fh EE "= PRARSALL'S MILLINERY It is pleasing to hear the com plimeénts passed upon. our pat tern hats, especially the source from which it comes, "the dis- interested ladies of the city Ask your neighbors about them A handsome lot of New York trimmed Black Mats and Polos arrived vesterday and are now on sale. Call and see them ee Cite pRARSALL'S MILLINERY 228 Princess Street. WANTED A RELIABLE AGENT FOR ston and surre oguding country A pay weekl ve territory. S as OUR TERMS ter and abil need a man of good « ty during Fall dnd Winte Winter months Over 600 Acres The choicest and most extensive list of stock in Canada, iveluding fruit an ornamental stock, smull fruits. and and Fast selling specialities offered | potatoes. for the first time |" Write for terms how tc |THE PELHAM NURSERY C0., says It Is TORONTO, ONT. Y.W.C. A. FRIDAY EVENING | outlined. Everyone Welcome. STOVES GALORE nok Ranges, Pugs, Box aod Wor Stoves, also large stock of Carpets and | Furniture. Always ready to trade, buy or | Tus, SECOND-HAND STORE 398 PRINCESS STREET. MUSIC. Miss C. M. Cairns is prepared to take pupils in Voice culture Arrangements can be made with her at 9 Frontenac | street, apy day next week large oil blind, | Are Back Te Russia. St. Petersburg, Sept. 20.-The czar nd czaring returned from their cruise | on the coast of Finland in the im | perial yacht, Polar Star, yesterday | Clark's Pork And Beans. | ting. ------------ KINGSTON, { The Festival of St. | 0 Not Like The Anglo- | | Japanese Newspapers Welcome the | New Alliance With England-- | { the Achievements of the Japanese Cab net--A New Period is Ushered In. xe hang go 1 ie raph ode ap atch to he a fd impression in Russia. expressed in diplomatic Rue sin will arrange an a to counter-balance in welcoming the | with England especially ae its extension | enhancement of power. i presses unqualified satisfaction with it | and despite ite severe criticisms of She | peace terms with Russia, comes the Japanese cabinet's Nieves dats ~Jhe Ashai and Nichi Nichi eon- In business cireles there According to the full beneficipl signifi Issued | 1.0. han new IT of phenomenal advanced civilization in the THREW A BOMB. Exploded and Hurled [People 13rd street and Sth avenue hurled from their + after the explosion BEST IE BUSINESS. We | gq pearly enveloped the WANTS BIBLE EXPURGATED. | of ONAL RALLY rofite , on a three months' me. EDUCATI ; an expurgation of the Bible for ert iin purposes. He has been with | The work for the winter will be his congreg ation iu Lacknow for the | + of converts from heathenism, for the purpose of reading in churches, 30 square Hall Heaters. large stock of | Common sense oan hardly quarrel with 41 me in this proposition." PILED ON THE TRACK Extra Wheat Train Wrecked by a | extra wheat train of thiigy cars \ an , piling | building will soon be started, | ing to the statement of Lord Abot Spenshaka, the head of 'the Buddhists in the United States, the temple will be a magnificent structure, dosely fol | lowing the Oriental style of the tem anger traffic was delayed fourteen wreck was caused a Sentenced To Fifteen Years. | ~Frederick | . Hello ! 01d Boys. Relished by all. The finest pen fod ian: | How are you off for hats 7 See the pork and home-grown beans; whole some and mourishing. 5c. and 10 , mayor of Spann iiowing a Tons Camphell Bros., How do you like your tax motice' TO ror UNIONS. Into Line. Chicago, JIL, Sept, 20.-A deter mined effort will be made on | | part of the American Federation of | Labor, to bring about the unioniza- tion of the farme rs of this country and their affiliation with the Ameri: can Federation of Labor for mutual ! | benefit apd protection. In Wisconsin | HOW IT PPENED 5 and Minbepota a number of farmer unions have been formed already ad according to the statement of the | officials of the federation, the affilia tion of these farmers' unions with the | COUNTERBALANCE THE American Federation of Labor ONE PROMULGATED. | merely a question of time. The lead ors of the Federation are highly en thusiastic over the prospect of an | alliance between the city wage work- ors, the farm hands and the farmers, {It is expected that the western farm ers will be well represented at the | next meeting of the American Federa tion of Labor, which will be held in | Pittsburg in November. It is not ex | pected that the plan of affiliation t will meet with any opposition irom | the Federation. LIVELY TIMES, {Kossuth Calls for Union of Hungarian Parties. Buda Pest, Sept. 29. There is no { abatement of thé popular interest. | | The socialists gathered, last night, in | light coal barges in town, was rum {front of the Imperial Club, but the | ning down. The river is Quite nar- police prevented disorder, Reports from the provinces show increasing support for the coalition parties. The coalition leaders, realizing the de cided anti-agrarian tendency of many influential petdons are losing no opportunity to strengthen their posi tions. Franpcls Kossuth demands the { union of all Fhingarian parties, "for | the defénce of the Hungarian consti tution," and it is believed that a | October for tho day before the great convention, may formulate plans to secure such @ union. The excitement among the students [ led to riots yesterday at the wniver- | sity. Three "students at the univer sity, with soeiulists' tendencies, were attacked by national students and {were roughly handled. Eappansrasnanassnaassnd | > @ A WIDE SWEEP. * + | + Baku, Caucasus, Sept. ¥ | | 4f 29.--With the normal rati- ¥ | 4 fication of peace between 4 the Tartars and Armenians 4 here, orderliness in street 4 4 trafic i8 being resumed. 4 An investigation of the "4 dama, done during the 4 4; outbreak showed that 1906 i» 4 out of 3412 derricks were 4. + burned. When. alk the ders i ¢; ricks were active the daily 4 | 4 output was 17,500 tons. La * ho F444 FEIPVE FORCED MARRIAGE Drives Bride Insane While on Way to Nuptials. Utica, N.Y., Sept. 20.-A young and pretty Russian girl, Julia Green, | until a few days ago employed as a | domestic in a Carthage family, has been committed to the State hospital at Ogdensburg, having become a raving maniac while she was on her way to the church to be married. Accompanied by her fiance and two are Welcome | friends, who were to attend them, she | left Carthace for Syracuse, Saturday. At Richmond Junction, where the bri dal party were to change cars, Miss Green suddenly became insane, and was taken to a hotel. She wad re moved to Ogdensburg state hospital, It is said by her friends that she had been coerced into agreeing to marry, although she had a strong aversion to the prospective bridegroom. To this fact is laid her sudden insanity. WEDDED LAUNDRY GIRL. Heir to Erbach-Erbach Deprived of Right. Berlin, Sept. 20.-The Hereditary I Count Francis Von Erbach:Erbach, the twenty two-year-old son of the | head of the ancient house of Erbach, | in Hesse, has been set aside from the succession for having married the | daughter of a 'washerwoman, 1 he | marriage took place in London some weeks ago to succeed his father. PRICES WILL RUN LOW. | This is Prediction of the Cabinet Minister. son, of the department of agriculture, predio sted low retail prices during the | coming winter season, for, meat, dairy | products, poultry and other neces ties of Tite, He says the relief for the householder will come from the enor- mons yield of small grain and corn in the great grain territory of the west Will Build A Buddhist Temple. | ples in India and Japan. nobby styles now being shown Stillwater | 50e, Tape Girder corset for 35c. on numerous counts, 1 New York Dress Reform, ITI ONTARIO, _ ; FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 7905 RUSSIAIS SAD Farmers Are to Be Brought in | Count Francis having affirmed his intention to remain, true to his wife, | a council of all the eonnts of Krbach was called, and © the council decided | that, under the laws of the hous Count Francis had forfeited his right Washington, Sept. 29.--Secretary Wil. Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 2.-A site {for the first Buddhist temple over | built in the United States has been selected here, and, as the funds re | quited are on hand the work on the Accord the ied of quality. | - A BAD MIKI = Givernment Bi Dredge Went To The he Bottam, i LADEN STEAMER TRIED TO GET CLEAR ¢ | And As She Had to Swerve Con- siderably, She Was Thrown Against a Dredge Anchored at St. Mary's Current--Out of Water Three Feet. Montreal, Sopt, 2%-There was a bad mixup in 'the river, in St Mary's current, early this morning, as the rosilt of which a Dominion government dredge was gent to the bottom and another was damaged, while other vessels suffered minor | damage. The coal-laden st r Unis verse wag coming up the river op: | posite the Canadian rubber factory and the steamer Bay State, with two row at this point and the light bar- ges swung across the current, In en: deavoring 'to clear them the Universe had to swerve considerably from her course, She struck the last of the coal barges and was thrown against one of the two dredges anchored pt that point. The dredge was thrown on her beam ends by the collision | and went down and now lies with | her side about threo feet out of private meeting off deputies, ealled in | water. The other dred, was also somewhat damaged. The Bay State continned on down the stream and no mformation: has yet been secured ro- specting the damage to the barge. The Universe was but slightly dam: aged. The work of raising the dredge is now goihg on, The Allan: line: R.M.S. Bavarian, from Liverpool, for Montreal, arrived at Rimouski, at 11:4 pm. aml pro: ceeded at 11:50 p.m, on the 28th tember and procosded at 6 am. on the 20th and is due in Montreal at 19 am. on September 30th. The Allan line 88. Mongolian, from | Montreal, for Glasgow, passed Father | Point, at 7 am. on 29th, The appointment has been ammoune- | ed, through the Gregian ~consul, of Capt. German, president of the Canadian Amateur Athletio Associa- tion and United States consul here, as the Canadian representative on the arrangement committee for he {in [pd Creo, next" pe. hid United States marshals George v | White and J. F. Doyle, froin the | southern district of Georgia, arrived | to-day, to take Col. Gaynor and Cap- | tain Greene to the United States for trial. They will start as soon as the | warrant for extradition reaches the sherifl from Ottawa. The Allan line Royal mail steamer | Bavarian, from Liverpool for Mon- treal arrivea at Quebec, at 11 am; proceeds at 3 p.m. on the 20th Sep tember, and will be due Montreal at 11 a.m. on the 30th September, MAY SOLVE CRIME. Leit Home Hurriedly After Body Was Found. Boston, Sept. 20.--A startling sequel to the finding of the body of a young woman in a suit case floating in the harbor is the suicide of a prominent Black Bay physician, This physician hurriedly left his home after the find ing of the body and went to New Hampshire, where he killed himself or was the vietim of foul play. The Ipo- lice: accept suicide theory. Persistent rumors make this dootor the central figure around which the police have been working for the last two days. Blonde hair found in the bundle of clothing washed ashore is an import ant clue, Tt corresponds with the blonde hair found in the mit ease. The presence of surgeon's gauze in this handle is also regarded as an import ant piece of evidence, as a simi piece was found on the victim, SPECIAL ORES | Carried to the West By a King- ston Steamer, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 29.---The Cana | dian steamer Fairmount is taking two thousand tons of iron ore from Pil ley's Island, near the const of New- foundland, to Washburn, on the south shore of Lake Superior. There are two | unusual features in connection with the movement. One is that the vessel carries a cargo of iron ore to one of the greatest iron ore produsing een | tres of the world: the other that the | cargo in emrried the fill. distance without transhipment which is very unnsual with. cargoes from that seo tion. The ore is peculiar in grade, dif ferent from that found in Michigan, and is wanted for a special purpose, Baseball On Thursday. National League. Pittsburg. 10; Brooklyn, 4. St, Louis, 1; New York 0. Chicago, 7; Boston, 4. Philadelphia, 5 C rer ati, 3: American League ~Now York, 9-1; Cleveland, 43. Philadelphia, 3; Chica- go, 2. Detroit, 4; Boston, 3. Wash- ington, 8; St. Louis, 3. Get Under. One of onr new light-weight, easy- Baseball Bat. tocting his. is, six year-old daughter fru t uly in the yard, in in the gan aven: Ham R. Harri ton, beat i bir a Tarr ho boarded , home, wo severely | with « I bat 'that Martin mistook Bloom's endeavors him for! attack 'wnd und beat him with the ---------- SHOT DID DAMAGE. Under Arvest. seized the shooter, dra tel Dieu, vari oner Dr, Hobson, Mmerkip, at a cha on Tuesday nl Ont, San Francisco, aminor says : Thirt mon were mur iy the fettloment of olka, hioh situated on suld and a sr snacha nthe been visited Lon other m home port was Hakodate. The ten survivors were provisioned hy Capt. Ipsen, which arrived Jrom a cod Chicago, 111, Sept. 20.-A electric service of cent, to ten per cent. excellent orator. London, Sept. 20.---Passen a private visit, your request. cutting his throat with a fitting derbys. They add greatly tol gengyecigars 25c. Gibson's comfort and appearancd. Campbell Prug Store. | Bros, the style contre for 'men's hats, Lieut. -Gen, Stoessel, who command: ed the Russian forces at Port Ar | thur, is suffering from a stroke of Rarlors, 222 Trincess | paralysis, which aflacts his entire Teft aT nn art Wanna: La , A 5 . Suita. | Jinagt and svening contumen. a good values in tooth brushes prices reason, able. Best at Gibron'y Rou: Ore wn Inag 'Store! ences. Crushes in Man's Head With a Detroit, Mich,, Sept. 29.--Whilo pro- NEW ORIENTAL LACE ---- The Shooter Was Speedily Put Windsor, Ont., Sept. 29.--~Two color ol men, employed at the race track, quarrelled last night. One drew knife, the other a revolver. The lat ter fired three shots, ome of which strock a man named - Ballantyse, at tracted by the row, in the hand; an other shot grazed his head. At this paint, Victor Baillargen, a motorman, who had just arrived with his car, NEW NET LACE COL in White and Pa car, thréw him under the front seat and, with Watchman Horseman, start: al for the city, where the man, who says his name in Washington, » tured over to the police and locked up. Ballantyne was taken to the Ho- LADIES SILK bars In Blatk, Brown and Very special lines at LADIES CASHMERE HO Made of fine Wool; Em ' with Red, White, Yellow INQUEST ADJOURNED Not Much Light on the Ohari- Tavistock, Ont. Sept, 20.An in quest was called, last ght, by Cor into tho doath 01 John Hoes ivi the home of "in lian Wagester, 1 concession. of Kast Zorra., Three im: portant' witnesses were examined, but nothing new wag brought out and th coroner adjourned the hearing next Thursday, at 2 pan, at Cassel, ---------------- Thirty Japanese. Massatred. Sept. 20. ~The Ex: Japanese fisher: the nalikey o cRpo t : ans, 5 orate --_-- was lying at anchor close to the settlement, The J eso bolong to fishing schooners, whose board the Castle for several days, and then on a large sampan, amply out for a Japanese settleniont some distance away. The news of the mas suers was brought here by the Castle, cruise in the Okhotsk Sea yesterday. Chicago Railways' Offer, proposition for a new franchise grant to the Chicago City Railway company and the Chicago Union Traction com- pany has been made a the companies to the city council, e companies of- fer in consideration ot a twenty-year franchise grant by the city for alf the existing line to waive their alleged ninety-nine-year rights at the end of the twenty-year period; they promise immediately to rehabilitate their lines 80 as to give throughout the city an ch le cars, such numbers as the city council may think proper; they will give transfers enabling a passenger to travel be tween any two points for a five-cont fare, and they offer to give to city a gradunted percentage of gross earnings, ranging from three per WALSH --At the tAmily Tesidenes - A solemn requiem mass wi be sung 19; the nappy repose of h sudde he Patra Yr Wi Funeral will resldenon, ag pir op where Friends and ee) ain X11. be A Canadian Found Dead. Laporte, Ind, Sept, 20.--Postmaster Deist, of 'Michigan City, has furnished information establishing the identity of a man whose body was found near Goodwin, Ark, and solving the mys- tery of the disappentonte of Ri Eland, of Sutton, Que. The body "bas been unquestionably identified as that of Mr, Eland, whose wile and two sons are living in Sutton. The coron- er's verdict will be that of accidental death, The eonple lived for a time at Michigan City, Indiana. Mr. Eland wad a man of splendid talents and an Rosebery's Son Coming. ing on the Allan liner Vigginian, in- clude Hon, Neil Primrose, the second son, of Lord Rosebery, who is to tour Canada prior to his entry to the Bri ish House of Commons and J, How- , M.P., a member of Mr, Chamber- lnin's tariff comission who is pay: | Davies' Order Service. : Orders placed with outside salesmait on delivery service will receive prompt attention at store, also delivery Gunner James King, Royal Garris on Artillery, Halifax, N.S., committed suicide on the Citadel ramparte Bargains in cigars Kutna, 5 ten- 2% ew Valencia Rais New Table MME. ELDER'S DRESSMAKING