Spring wheat makes strong flour suitable for "Whew! That's over 60 miles." dead before we can reach her" Flour a blend of both, combines the best qualities of tor. || ¥ou.get your party. us possible. We'll YR It is the best family flour. . Makes light nutritious bread; delicious pastry. cars in the shop was yanked | biggest to { that promised to break all the speed laws ever made in Ontario. Smith de- City Hall clock the party was all on hand at the rie, including the two doctors, one nurse and an assistant garage. The party of five In the big black car started up Yonge street. There may have been police- men and there may not have been. It made no différence. That car 'was scheduled to run through to nine miles past Sutton, if possible without a stop. Once out of the city and the car was opened up. The big lamps glared into the dark and the dark was as black as lok; not even a flash. of lightning to relieve the gloom. "The east wind howled cold off the lake and the dust flew. None of the party did my talking, for the car was doing th stunt of its history, coughing 0, he miles the Lord only knew how for it was too dark to see the speéd- ometer, Through Thornhill at a break-neeck Ealt; a few minutes later a whiz through Richmond Hill; no stop. The car was talking in good style, and and all her féur cylinders were chugging In unisdbng Jt was Newmarket before | the first stop 'was made. Five minutes were consumed here in looking ever the engine. Then the party started on again. Another stop was made at King, but no more till Sutton was reached. abed by now; scarcely a light any- auto. The east wind was now a gale, with spits of rain in it, and there was still nine miles to cover--after a 15- minute halt to doctor up the car. Frofh some of the villagers directions were got as to the rest of the journey, "What's the time now, doctor? ask- ed the driver, "Bleven o'clock," sald the doctor. "Are you all ready back there?" "All ready," replied the nurse, who was the only lady in the party. It was raining In gusts when ™ the house was reached. The hour was then 11.20, and the odometer on the car read $3 miles, which was an average, not counting the stops, of nearly 30 miles an hour, The rest of the story was not much in the automobilists line. His part of the business was done--for the present at least. Up to that point, the doctors had done nothing but sit tight in the tonneau . Now it was their turn to do thelr work. The woman was still alive, but In as critical a condition as any Woman could be and lve. An opera- tion was immediately decided on. Just how much of it had been rehearsed during the ride out the chauffeur nev- er knew, for his hand was on the wheel. And while his assistant worked with in Couches Ladies and Geatlemen. . The perfect cut and the ex of material of "Perrin" French Kid Gloves shape and last longer, than other makes. ready for the home trip he sat in the house waiting for the doctors to reap- pear. It was long past midnight and the rain driving in dismal sheets on the east wind when the door of the bed- room opened and the three medical men came out. "Well, doctor, how is she?" asked the anxious farmer. "The operation was successful" re- plied the doctor, "If we had been three hours later no operation would have been necessary." "Well, by George!" sald the farmer. as he shook the doctor's hand. "I've 48814, a good many hard thirgs agin them automobiles, but I'll never say anther word agin 'em as long as 1 Ive" The dootors waited until daybreak, by which time the patient had recover. ed from the effects of the chloroform. ] leaving her In charge of the nurse, they packed up and set out again for Toronto--63 miles down through pelt- ing rain. No body needs to be told what a storm that was or what a pelting wind went With it. Nobody needs to be informed what a drive that was in the peep of day, through those miles of grey rain and wind, past farmhouses just wak- Ing up with curls of smoke: past vil- lages just beginning to peer out at the biggest storm known In years; through Newmarket, Aurora, Richmond Hill, a long black streak down old Yonge street. When the car reached the garage, Pollsh that won't wear of. Sold Only at Strachan's Mardware R J. FREE CONTRACTOR Estimates elven fo all kinds of on Se uperanoe street, a few minutes ason rk, lastering and t 0ck, every man in the party Domanew of all descriptions. I. wet to the skin and half 94 Division St. Phone 402 & | through that. The big car was half full of water, but as cocky and full of ginger as when she went out only 11 hours before. Yes, my dear skeptical friends, the speed laws were all broken to flind- ers that night, but wait tin you hear the rest of the story before you ad- Judge $25 and costs. Home time. on Tuesday a "phone mes. Sage came to the doctor from Suttons Sem Is doing well; unless some- . H POWELL ~~ CARPENTER AND JOBBER, 130 Raglan Street. A pardoned tossing her ene she Pt young bread only--lacks the A od i's a case of life and e and flavor of the death," the doctor. "I've just got sat. a pl message the local doc- There was. a moment of silence be- | fore Mr. Smith 'said: "All right, doc- It's a preity rough night. But wn here as soon i}. There was tall Bustling around the {| marage for a few minutes. One of the and put jn trim for a drive cided sto drive himself. At 8.50 by the Sutton Is a village. Folks were all | where, but those big lamps on the | the car out in the shed, getting her ! sion, say, of Lyttelton found rulers and great fiobles on the contin: ent, while ) his family archi at respondence of the first Napoleon When Napoleon was overthrown he directed his priviite sectetary, Maret, Duke of Basgano, whom he trusted blindly, to convey these papers, filling about a hundred big packing cases, to some place of . in- stead, sold for an immense sum of Honey to r Alexander 1. of Russia, and had them shipped by wat- er to St. Petersburg, remained 'ever since,' Rarities In Stamps. i The stamp was round. It bore the Plain inscription, "British Guiana, 2 cents." There was no omamentation on it of any kind, "A thousand dollars said the dealer, * oha. aX Bold brought twenty last more than 2 you want it you s nd. A lector. "I'm w Two cents" ft in a scrollwork Square the 5 u the dealer said. ou Copies of jit are known to Be ith exi tnece. To say it is worth Tt Well In gold woula { It would be nonsense to | say It is worth its weight in diamonds, | Nonsense even to say it 18 Worth its | weight In radium. It is probably the { most valuable stamp in the world™ He took down a New Haven stamp, | attached to its original envelope. "Those New Huvens" he sald, "is | sued by the New Haven postmaster be- | fore the Government began to issus | postal stationery, are yery rare. I sold | & New Haven last year for $1,300. Wilt you have this at the same figure?" "Not to-day," sald the collector, "Perhaps you'd like these two Mau- ritius, the 'postoffice pair,' the penny | and the two penny stamp? No collec: | tion is complete without the Mauritius | 'postoffice pair.' | $3,900." The collector shook his head. "Then you'll excuse me, won't you?" | sald the dealer. "A rod half anna has | Just arrived from India, and an insur ance agent is waiting in my office to | Insure it. He insures all my stamps." ------------ Feathers on Hire, Ostrich plumes are as much of a ne- cessity to ths London coster girl on | her outings as are the pearl buttons | to her masculine companion, and the | blg trimmed hats with their drooping feathers are familiar in all gatherings of this class. Many of the girls cannot afford to keep their money tied up in useless plumes, and there thrives a brisk in- | dustry in the hiring of these feathers. The loan of a single Plume for a day costs but a shilling, or for four shil- { lings a gorgeous trio may be had for outing, to be returned promptly the next morning, Weather conditions determine the terms somewhat, since a wet or fogry day will take the curl out of the fea- thers and make récurling necessary, for witich "'Arriet" has to pay an ex- tra shilling. On a bank holiday some shops rent out several hundred plumes, while on other occasions there is a steady trade with young women whé wish to adorn themseives for an outing. ------n The Unimpressive Duke. The Duke of Norfolk's dislike of pompousnhess has given rise to many stories. A school treat was being held in Arundel Park, his splendid ances- tral home, and the duke was crossing one of the lawns, when a teacher, un- aware of the duke's identity, rushed across to him and shouted, "Come off tho grass at once! It is people like | You whose behavior gets parks shut 10 the public!" On another occasion, it is said, the duke went to a convent to preside over a gathering. The sister who opened the door thought the un- obtrusive stranger was seeking assist- ance, and gently told the duke there was nothing for him! His Honored Name. After a recent bank holiday in Lon- don one of the Police Courts the next morning had among its "drunk and Qisorderly" prisoners a man who said he was William Shakespeare. "Is that your real name?" asked the Judge, "or just your nom de guerre?" "Well, your Honor," rsplied the pris- oner, "it 1s true that I was not chris tened Willlam Shakespeare, but, you see. T hated to bring dishonor and dis- grace upon a respected name."---Lon- don Tit-Bits, The cigap. sales have doubled at Gil son's He tig } Cross ig Store since jn- troducing\the bargains Four for 5c. All ten-con\ lines, nd removes all happens, she will pull is a good catch, Suvugh at gm dirt or tarnish--but won't ation With Mr, » 3 of St. Could never afford to permit a great power of the continent to hold Antwerp, which, In the posses or Germany, would bea perpetual menace to Great Bri 4 i Just how $his MS. of the third Lord ils way into the Royal ig house of Sax- 10 say. But there is no untold riches of a li character are hidden, away in manner in the muniment fooms #fchives of petty has among . Petersburg the entire confidential and secret cor where they have, bar | Thelr market price is | DAY, SEPTEMBER 20 LONDON. * Fog Coined at Recent Health Conference by Dr. Des Voeux. coined at a public health congress re- goal smoke abatement, and coined, amid applause, the new word, "smog," which is a compound of smoke and fog, of date was leveled at her, for, said : Voeux, if the obsolete kitchen fire 'Were abolished there would be less 'Smog. arnal smogs--breakfast, luncheon, and dinner mcogs. To this, added the Hon. £5,200,000 every year, in addition to the deterioration of health and the de- Pression of spirits, how to get rid of it, another indict- ment was brought against London. This is in regard to its vitiated atmos- tr Lyon drew a lurid picture of life in the centre of London not calculated to encourage visitors to stop long in the town. Owing to the deficient air sup- ply, he said, London was quite unfit as A dwelling place for men and women Who are engaged in ilutellectual pur- ditions proper for the rearing of chil- dren, as both the infant mortality and the sickly looks of those who lived tes- tified. The small gardens and parks Are quite inadequate to allow a blast of pure air to enter, and the conse- quence was London is killing its chil- dren and allowing weak children to 8Tow up to die miserable deaths. The remedy suggested by this emin- ent doctor of chest diseases was that fresh air should be brought to London 'lyr means of tube railways, through ; which it could be pumped, and by ! means of which the impure air could he sald, should be split up into venti- lating units, for, as arranged at pres- { ent, the upper parts were fouled by the ' alr from the lower, and the side by the windward. Though no new thermometric record | has been created there is no gainsaying that such heat as London has been suffering from recently has been more trying than has been experienced by the present generation at least. The air has been unusually moist, the heat making one physically weak and depressed in spirit, It was well that business was slack, for there is hardly an office in the city where the staff of clerks has not been reduced through illness caused by the | A London coroner remarked at an inquest that he didn't remember a | season of co many suicides, all caused | heat. by the depressing heat and accidents to have bcen so numerous, The fact that the ambulance service | some | has been hardly adequate in quarters to meet the demands throws a peculiar light on the action of the Fin- ance Committee of the London County Council, which refused to sanction a plan for the institution of a public am- | bulance service, or at any rate decided that it must be dropped for the present, This was, the committee states, on purely financial grounds, for the Coun- i cil has yet to discover how it stands in regard to the extraordinary expendi- ! ture in the Holborn to the Strand im- provements, and the fact that the build- ing sites in Kingsway and Aldwich are | not being taken up with that readiness | which was anticipated, { Meanwhile, because the Council can't | see its way to sanction the expendi- ! ture of some few thousands for a much needed public want, after having sunk millions in improvements which are not widely appreciated, it is likely there will be more incidents like that | recorded in one newspaper, in which an injured man, was wheeled four | { miles to a hospital in an uncomfortable springless police handcart, Queen Has Pet Elephant. The baby elephant at the Royal Ital- ! fan Circus, London, whose professional | name is Jumbo Junior, made his debut in March last, and his first season has been one long triumph. He has, in- deed, become so much the vogue that | it is doubtful whether any function could be considered smart without Jumbo Junior to hand round the ices or to conduct the orchestra His triumph came when the King commanded his presence at Bucking- ham Palace to ass!st in the celebration of Princess Victoria's birthday. The boy princes were delighted with him and the Queen fed him with 'sweets, cakes and bananas, until he became her sworn friend and refused to leave her side. With great difficulty he was event- ually persuaded to mount the little tub and was given his mouth organ. But music had lost its charm for Jumbo He quietly left the tub and walked back to the Queen's seat, where he remain- ed for the rest of the afternoon. When the Queen left her chair Jumbo trot- ted with her like a poodle. Since then the baby elephant has been known as "The Queen's Pet," and his soclety engagements are now so Numerous that Signor Volpi complains that instead of being Jumbo's trainer, he appears to be his secretary. Jumbe Junior is the smallest elephant that has ever visited Europe. He is good-looking--for an elephant--and has many accomplishments, He plays | mouth organ and, wearing a large pai of spectacles, conducts a full orchestra of ten pony musicians. He dances with ease and grace and will eat cakes or fruit with enthusiasm, whenever the opportunity offers. He is always learn- ing new tricks, The Limit, A EBeotch minister instructed his clerk, who sat among the congregation during service, to give a low whistle if anything in his sermon appeared to be exaggerated. On hearing the min- ister gay, "In those days there were snakes fifty feet long," the clerk gave & subdued whistle. "I should have said thirty feet," add- ed the minister, Another whistle from the clerk "On consulting Thompson's Con- cordance." sald the minister in econ- fusion, "T see the length ia twenty feet" Still another whistle, whereupon the stage whisper, "Ye can whistle as muck as ye like, MacPherson, but I'll 09 take anither foot of for anybody!" HER NEW NAME] 'ATITLE GIVEN TO DEAR OLD | 'Smog' Composité of Smoke and - . Hereafter it would seem that Lon. | In particular is to be known by a name, and that new name one | Dr. Des Voeux lectured on the | There again the old charge against | "London of being old-fashioned and out | In fact, Des Voeux professed | to be abe to detec: three distinct di- | Rolle Russell, they cost the metropolis | Following the talk about smoke and | phere, smog or no smog. Dr. T. Glov- | suits, and it was impossible to get con- | be removed. The large buildings, also, | leeward | operate, artistic ance, make we wo see the preacher leaned over and said in a |®® ELLIOTT BROS You Can Also Enjoy Mince Pio If You Take Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, When the food is properly 1, the blood carries the nutri- ment to all parts of the be rocess of assimilation and re- pairis kept up uniformly, resulting in healthy organs and members, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets guarantee perfect digestion, no matter what the condition of the stomach is. The rcason is plain. They themselves digest the food and permit the stomach to rest and get well, ALL DRUGGISTS, 50 CENTS A BOX. SATISFY Unexpected Guests #6" Tea ? With Laing's Cansiedl Meats in: the pantry, you can never be taken unprepared. 4 different Linds -- made ready for the table at a momehit's fiotice. Laing's Canned Meats save a hostess from embarrassment -- enable ler to plan the daintiest of luncheons and teas-- and lend the spice of variety to ¢very-day meals. Your 'grocer shonld have Laing's Potted Meats, Cambridge Corued Beef rest. Let wus if ke has not. "MEATS THAT RY Sausage, and the Luow if The Laing Packing & Previsien Company Limited, Mantes! r, KOHR'S RESTORINE =~ --the most wonderful Medicine ever dis ste ing the medical world. 10,000 The National It is cases cured e evdorsed by all gow es of both France Stors losses in from seven to ten dayr y Dra entirely cease "he skin becomes clean 2 p elastic, bowels more weak me active. A Food cure no matter day your name 5 « treatment 'ain ed pack will treat yoo Br. KOHR MEDICINE CO. Po. DRAWIRL 224i MONTREAL oie Can be Saved b ; [loney Attending This Sale We have secured from the mills a TARY WOOL FLEECED and 75c. line that we are sellin large quantity of MEN'S SANI- UNDERWEAR. Regular 50c. g at 35.. About 100 dozen pairs MEN'S ALL WOOL SOCKS. Regular 25c¢. line. Sale price. 2 pairs for ............. 25c. MEN'S FALL AND WINTER SUITS. R r ), $12 and $15. Sale price, $5, $7.89... or 88. $10. 3 Boys' Three-piece Suits and Child's Two-piece Suits, Ladies' and en's Waterproof Coats, Neckwear, Hats C Furs, Boots and Shoes at % 23m, Tus. 75 GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. L. Abramson, The Up-Town Clothier 336 PRINCESS STRE OPEN EVERY EVENING. STREET Happy Home Range 4 The Happy Home range 1S ane of the most werful water heaters eT , popular because it is econo. mical on fuel, satisfactory to in appear- MOORES Before selecting any other uld ask you to HAPPY HOME RANGE- 77 Princess Street. In a name ? i tdeal when it applies Agate The name BOECKH on a brush is the manufacturers' guar- antee of workmanship and materials. Recognized for fifty years as "the standard goods of Canada." BOECKH BRUSHES represent the highest ideals in the art of brush-making. United Factories, Limited, Torouts, Can. CURE ok relieve all the troubles inet dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after esting, Pain in the Side, &6. While their moat remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK ead t Carter's Little Liver Pifls are Be in Constipation, curing and pre. venting thisannoying complaint, while they aise correct all disorders gi thestomash atimulais the liver snd regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Achothey wonld boalmost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortus nately theirgoodness does notend here,and those whooncetry them will find these little pills valu. able in so many ways that they will not be wil. Jing todo without them. But after alls. k head ACHE the bane of 80 many lives that here ia where 2 make our great boast. Our pills cureit while others do not. \ Carter's Little Liver Pills are vory small and easy to take. One or two phe make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vialsat 26 cents ; five for $1. by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, Sl HL Sl Dow Sel Bi, Wood's Ph The Great English Remedy. A itive cure for all forms by Sexual Weakness, Mental an strose ax Arter Brain Worry, Emissions, Sper matorrhoea, Impotency, Effects of Abuse or Excess, all of which. lead to Consum ption, Infirmity, Insanity'and an early grave. Priee 31 per pkg., six for One will please, six will "ure. ER by alldruggists or mailed in plain {cage on receipt of price. Write for Pamphlet. he ood Medicine Co., Windsor, Ontario. NORTH-WEST. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Domin- fon Lauds in Manitoba or the North- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not eserved, may be homesteaded upon by any Person wh 5 the sole head of a family or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less. Fntry may be made personally at the local 1 office for the district in which the la 0 be taken is sivuated, or if the bomesteader desires; he may. on applica- Hon to the Minister of the Interior; Uttawa, the Commissioner of Immigra- tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent for the district in which the land is situate, fective authority for some one to make entry for | im. HOMESTIZAD DUTIES : A settler who has been granted an euntry for a home- Stead is required to perform the con- ditions connected therewith under one the following plans : (1) At least six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year during the term of three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is (ec eased) of any person who is kible to make a homestead entry un- der the provisions of this Act, resides Bbon a farm in the vicinity of the land Wtered for by such person as a home- ead, the requirements of this Act as to prior to obtaining patent may d by uch person residing with Pesidenc f r or r.other. 8) if the settler has his permanent residence upon furming land owned by | him in the Vicinity of ms howviestead, the jmas ve me this Act as to Tobilance BAY be satisfie s > h nid lant by residence upon the APPLICATION FOR PATENT should Made at the end of three years, fore the 1.ocal Agent, Sub-Ageut or tue Homestead Inspector. Before muking application for patent the T must give six months' notice in w '® to the Commissioner of Do- inion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention 0 do 50 BYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. Wis MINING REG ULA ULUNS. a Coal lands may be ;urchusec at Per acre for soft coal eal $20 for anthracit ¢. Not more than 320 acres can red by ome individual or com- ity at the rate of ten cents 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the gross output, ealartz--A free miner's certificate is $7500 Upon payment in advance of oo Per apnum for an individual, and om $50 to $100 per annum for a cowm- Puny according to capital. wincr, having discovered mineral ey locate a claim 1,500x for recording a claim is $5. $100 must he expended on the Corder Ch Year or paid to the wining re Cer in lieu thereof. When $500 has prop | Pended or paid, the locator may. Com; having a survey made, and upon Somplying With other requirements, pur- The the land at $1 an acre. R rou itent provides for the payment of ' PL Y of 24 per cent on the sales. } 100 3 'ER mining claims generally are yt square ; entry fee $5, renewabio ihe Yearly A fron nines t y may obtain two leases to raise for cold of five miles each for a Re , renewable at the Ti of the Minister of the Interior Rion wipct Shall have a dredge in oper- { the Jena. ih One season from the date of { ver apne for each five miles. Rental, $16 Royalry m0 for each mile of river lensed. ® on, at the rate of 24 per cent collect. on the output after it exceeds $10,000. De W. CORY, WwW. Ww. N ptr of the Minister of the Jaty ay Unauthorized publieation of *rtisement will not be paid for, THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT OCIETY. (ESTARLISKED 1863.) 4 dent--Sir Richard Cartwright ony n Bribertion, "Mpa 1, 32 itd Bebent .. or purchased Detours received and Interest allowed Bat McGill, Managing Director. Ps i i SEs aa I t % ¥7 Clarence Street, Kingston. 3 J ¢