Take Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, ed, the blood carries the nutri- = process of assitnilation and re- in healthy organs and members, psia Tablets itter what the condition of the They themselves digest the est and get well, D0 CENTS A BOX. " SATISFY" ests 40 Tea ? i the pantry, you can never ut kinds -- nade ready for ned Meats R'S RESTORINE ost wonderful Medicine ever dis ims of lost Vitality Furope the remedy ir s and is now used as a ies of both France seven to ten dayr s entirely cease n becomes clean ep elastic, bowels more weak me active. A Food cure no matter to<lay your name 11 a § doys treatment y led pack I treat yoo WIARL 22¢i MONTREAL e Saved by } 1ding This Sale rge quantity of MEN'S SANI- INDERWEAR. Regular 50c. Atv tomenn feelers 35c. iL WOOL SOCKS. Regular i 25¢ or Sc. $12 reer $10 Two-piece Suits, Ladies' and wear, Hats, Caps. Furs, Boots HE DOLLAR. Jp-Town Clothier STREET. Street. BOECKH on a brush is the manufacturers' guar. antee of workmanship and materials. Recognized for of Canada." BOECKH BRUSHES represent the highest ideals in the art of brush-making. United Factories, Limited, Toronto, Can. fifty years as "the standard goods _CURE ok and relieve all the troubles inet. dent to a bilious stale of the EySiain, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drow: , Distress after aan Pain in the Bide, &¢. While their moat reiwsrkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yot Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre. venting thisannoying complaint, while they aisa correct all disorders gi thestomavh atimulais the liver snd regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Achothey wonld boalmost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortus nately theirgoodness does notend here and those whooncetry them will find these little pills valu. gble in so many ways that they will not be wil. Jing todo without them. 'But after alls. *k head ACHE Js the bane of 80 many lives that here is where wemake our great boast. Our pills cureit while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are vory small and easy to take. One or two ) make a dose, They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vialsat 26 cents ; five for $1. by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, lH fl Don bl Bi 'Wood's Ph The Great English Remedy. A positive cure for all forms Sexual Weakness, Mental an store ax Ares Brain Worry, Emissions, Sper matorrhoea, Impotency, E. of Abuse or Excess, all of which fead to Consumption, Infirmity, Insanity'and an ly rave. Price n ke: six for 85 One will please, six will sure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain Hageol receipt of price. Write for Pamphlet. fhe ood Medicine Co., Windsor, Ontario. NORTH-WEST. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Domin- fon Lauds in Manitoba or the North- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not eserved, may be homesteaded upon by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 , more or less. y may be made personally at the d office for the district in which and to be taken is sivuated, or if the bhomesteader desires, he way. on applica- ton to the Minister of the Interior; Uttawa, the Commissioner of Immigra- tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent for the district in which the land is situate, feceive authority for some one to maka entry for him. HOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler who bas been granted un entry for a home- Steud 1s required to perform the con- itions cc unected therewith under one the following plans : (1) At least six months residence upon tnd cultivation of the land in each year r * term of three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of any person who is eligible to make a homestead entry un- der the provisions of this Act, resides arm in the vicinity of the land r by such person as a howme- requirements of this Act as to prior to obtaining patent may ¢d by ich person residing with or r.other. the settler has his permanent upon farming land owned hy € vicinity of ms hoviestead, the 8 of this Act as to residence tisied by residence upon the FOR PATENT should the end of three years, be al Agent, it residence | him int} Tequiremer, } way pe said a APPLICATION made at b H Sub-Ageut or tue fimestead Inspector. ro Jone muking application for patent T must give six months' notice to the Commissioner of Do- ds at Ottawa, of his intention in wri Ww inion Lan BYNOPSIS OF W CANADIAN NORTH: LS MINING REGULA ULUNS. $10 ne Coal lands may be ;'urchusec at anth per acre for soft coal eal $20 for racite. Not more than 320 acres can ired by one individual or com- oyalty at the rate of ten cents ron of 2,000 pounds shall be collected le gross output, ry az free miner's certificate is Fe 50" on payment in advance of ror Per apnum for an individual, and nx $50 t0 $100 per unum for a com- AY according to capital. 3 {ree wincr, baving discovered mineral 1,500 5 nay locate a claim 1,500x The ,ee for recording a claim is $5. t $100 must he expended oh the Se nln year or paid to the wining re- : in lieu thereof. When $500 has bron pochded or paid, the locator may. Comply, 0K & survey 'made, and upon chase 11% With other requirements, pur- he Lhe land at $1 an acre. itent provides for the payment of Of 24 per cent on the salcs. R mining claims generally are Square ; entry fee $5, renewabio Ye At east lain PLA f 100 feet Yearly. req. "0 Miner may obtain two leases to Sette for cold of five miles euch for a SP aw rs, renewable at the be le: ter of the Interior Rtlon wie c® Shall have a dredge in oper- e lena Pin One senson from the date of ver anne fOr each five miles. Rental, $10 Um for each mile of river lensed. od op (tthe rate of 23 per cent collect " the output after it exceeds $10,000. y W. W. CORY, Np, of the Minister of the Inigrior inser Authorized publication of this Wvertisement, will mot be paid for. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT ¢ OCIETY. (ESTARLISRED 1862.) dent--Sir Richard Cartwright oMonsy leaned on City nd Farm Det en. Municipal and unty Dae. or purchased a recetved and Interest sllowed i BS MeGill, Managing Director. * ¥7 Clarence Street, Kingston. EWS OF NEIGHBORS NHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US} The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Oates Happenings. Oates, Sept, 27. The 2 weather still ues very dry and farmers can not plough. The whistle of the steamy thresher is heapd 'on all sides. Grain 15 a good yigld; the heavy frosts of the past week have brought the growth of gardens to a standstill. Nr. and Mrs. J. Koen have returged from an extended visit in Seattle, and other western points. W. Hart who has been visiting relatives in Syracuse, is back. E. dingey and Miss Donohue spent Sunday at the latter's home in Westport. John Sul livan, Long Lake, spent two davs at home this week. Visitors : John Lee man, Massassaga, with his son, W. Leeman. N L. Bums, who has charge of a hospital in Philadelphia, is at her brother's, James Burns. Miss May Sullivan, graduate nurse of Rochester, is spending with parents here. her vacation her Left For England. Bath Sept. 23. --Frank Blacka, Man chester, "England, who has been visit ting his uncle, Themas Edwards, for the past thirteen weeks, sailed from New York on Saturday September 2rd; per steamer Companion for England. Mr. Blacka was well pleas ed" with Canada and thoroughly en joyed his visit here. Miss L. Ayles worth left on 'Tuesday on the North ep --------------------------eesmern MRS ELIZABETH HOWAL broke all records by fasting 52 amd one half days and surviving the or deal. She. fasted, not to prove aoy theory, but to cure herself of some stomach troubles ARNOLD oF MICH West Mrs. A Man. On 1905 excursion to visit VanSlvek, near Winnipeg, Friday, September 22nd, at 35 Union Square, New York, Ur. Co Alfred Grymes, of Grymes Hill, Staten Island, died in seventy-sixth vears of his age. The late Dr. Grymes a constant guest of Falwards' resort here past Ernest Shephard the North-West brother Thomas Ed Mrs. Thomas her sister, was Thomas summer for the twelve years. Toesday by exeursion to visit his Edmonton, Alberta visiting at Vincent, N.Y left on wards is Pea's, Cape A Painful Accident. Perth Road, Sept. 28. Work has be gun on the Norway Road, which, when completed, will be a great convenience to the people of that neighborhood in coming to the vill John Shales met with a painful accident while driv the village. His unmanageable, throwing him out breaking one rib and severely shaking him up. The little daughter of Wilson Silver, while playing, fell in a tub of water and when found life had nearly extinguished, but with medical aid ni SS ing near horse be came been restored was Herman Buck has returned home of inter Misses spent a a SOON to conscious : the chief plac est in the United States Blanche and Madge Stoness few days visiting friends in Batters r visiting Vera Wallace has returned from Lat mer Miss Bessie Roberts is visiting friends in Enterprise I. Roberts spent Sunday. with his parents. Mis Bertha Sears, Kingston, spent Sunday at home. Frederick and wife are visiting at Samuel Sears' Miss Mabel Trumpo and Miss Bella Heg gardy, visiting at A the past few have to Tam worth Sears Orser's for days, returned Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, Sept. 26. --George Reid and wife returned home from the east after having a very pleasant trip. Ed ward York returned to Watertown, N, ter a short visit in town. Wed gx are all the 'rage. A tramp was found 'loafing around W. J. Paul's cheese factory, on Monday last; he was arrested and brought up before Police Magistrate Aylesworth. He gave his name as Seaman Burns, of Hillier The magistrate sent him to Central prison for six months. Sidney Rose is at home from Roslin, B.C., for a few days before he goes to his new situa- James "Ozone Solation' Special Offer. There is mst one way by which vou can get a package of "Celery King' free with a bottle of "Ozone." That is ask vour druggist for 'Solution of Ozome (the coupon kind)". Each bottle of this contains a coupon for which » send you a twenty-five cent pack age of "Celery King." Never take "Ozone" without "Celery King" ii you want, the best results. We are putting coupons in "Ozone" good for "Celery King" because no other dealer or firm in the world has the right to manu- facture "Celery King' but ourselves and no other remedy in the world will give such good results, "Ozone" kills the inside germs and "Celery King" is a tonic laxative, A<k vour druggist for "Solution of Ozonk (tha coupon kind)" manufactur- ed by the Public Drug company, Bridgeburg, Out. THE DAILY wt tion at Lynn, Mass. Percy Thornton Rochester, N.Y., is visiting his home for a few days. Gideon Joyner is vis iting friends in town, after an absence of twenty-five yedrs, in Butte City, Montana. William R. Bell had a stroke on Tuesday afternoon; he is very poor- Iy. Adam Gilmour is dangerously ill. The Tamworth show was a grand suc cess, the crowd was large and the gate receipts never so large Dofore. he concert in the evening of the show was well attended; receipts over £00. Dance Well Attended. Marysville, Sept. 27.--The dance held in the CM.B.A. hall at Marysville, Wolfe Island, last night, proved to pe one of the most enjoyablo events that has oeairred jn this district for some time. The committee who managed the affair, were Lloyd Cand and John Briceland. of the island, and Herbert Swaine and Ds. Lappin, Kingston, and they are to be congratulated on the success which resulted from their en deavors, The Steamer Wolfe Islander bit the ferry wharf at eight -¢ clock, with a crowd between eighty and nine ty young people on board, and when they arrived at Marysville, and were welcomed by the Islanders, they as sembled in the hall. Dancing was en joyed to the excellent music oF Profes sor Crosby's orchestra, and although the hall was apparently filled to the utmost, the dancers appeared to find no di ty in making their way through the crush. The floor was in excellent condition, and altogether the affair was most enjoyable, During the evening refreshments were served of the choicest nature, after which the dancing was continued till three in the morning. The city people left for their home at two o'clock, arriving in the city twenty minutes later, most of them loth to leave the scene of gaiety, CAPE VINCENT EAGLE. Distributed Free Copies--An Un- known Fish. Cape Vincent, Sept Mr. and Mis. O. Wright, Adams, spent Friday at this place, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cross. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. 'Burdick left, Wednesday, for Port land, Oregon; they will be absent about six weeks. Miss Katherine Leonard, Crawford, N.J., who has beén visiting her. aunt, Mrs. F Potter, left for home Monday J Gravelle, Jr., and family have return ed to their home at Watertown, after spending several. weeks with relatives at this village. A number from this place will patronize the New York ex cursion, which will be run October 3rd and 4th. Miss E. Garlach, who has been, seciously ill at Watertown, is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. E Bennett and little son, Montreal, vis ited their cousin, Mrs. G. H. Downey, last week. The Cape Vincent Eagle, distributed five hundred copies free on the fair grounds one day of the fair The Eagle is one of the most enterprising papers in Northern New York. Miss C. Bates; New York, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. C. H. Bates, River view. The first of the two eribs of the addition to the breakwater is nearly ready to place in position, and in shape to be filled with Field captured an eighteen-pound maskinonge Tuesday. The papers re stone. J port the captu of «a strange fish down the river, near Frontenac ls land, by a lady irom New York. The experts, in that vicinity, were unable to identify the variety, and the mys tery grows deeper. [It fish is a maskinonge, a fish inhabiting the waters in the vicinity of Cape Vincent, and which sometimes so far is possible th forget themselves as to wonder down the river and bite The farmers in this vicinity have commenced fall ploughing. A number of su t still remain her F. Brady, Utica, is visiting relatives at this place Mrs. I). Fraser has leased her residence to H. Ainsworth and W. F. Clayk, who will take pos session of the same October Ist. Mrs Fraser and Mrs, F. A. Grafotte and daughter, will leave soon for Algona, lowa, where 4hey expect to make their home in the future. Baseball is still alive here, and ga are played almost every Sunday at the fai grounds A well-attended meeting of the grange was held Saturday after noon. Miss C. Richards, New: York, and Mrs. F. M. Hayes, Pittsburg, Pa, left Thursday for their sespective homes, after spending some time in this vicinity. The fair was a success in every par particular, which means that the as sociation will continue, indefinitely, to give exhibitions. The public, in tributions, has placed the association on a firm basis, and the financial suc con cess this year means that Cape Vin cent will have a fair every year in the future, Although Cape Vincent has any number of boats, another vear will see a large number adfed to the fleet The maskinonge and pick erel fishing is good: numbers are taken every day. Mr. and Mrs, G. H. Glenn are making a trip down the . Rideau They will visit Ottawa and Montreal Le » they return. The Pleasant Val ley telephone line is proving a great convenience to farmers. There is very little sickness in the village at pres ent. The teachers in the high school are giving the best of satisfaction The school is progressing finely. Mrs Joseph Saunders, long a resident of this village, died, Friday, of last week She was very prominent in church and charitable work. Besides her husband and daughter, Mrs. C. T. Sacket, she is survived by the following brothers and sisters : E Vincent, Cape Vin gasoline cent: Frederick Vincent, Point Penins- ula; Mrs. Kate Saunders, Watertown; Mrs. B. Swartwont, Sodi; Mrs. Eddy, Clayton; Mre. Comstock, Fabine, and Ms. OC. McPherson, California. The from the home of Monday afternoon, Russell, Chittenango, of- ficiating The floral tributes numerous. The remains were placed in Riverside cemetery vault C. A. Jerome, this village, has been placed in nomination for sheriff of the erunty by the democratic convention "Charley" is very popular, and if elected to the office would certainly make an efficient officer, but the odds funeral wae held Mrs. Sacket, on Rev. J. E were are, of course, against him, as< the county gives several thousand ma jority for the republican ticket, al wave. But as "Charley" is the king of baseball as well as politics in this vicinity, and understands the game, it is barely possible he may make a ROYAL DUTCH COCOA V/A T777, 77, 47TH home and ran on nent win the game. His fricnds ary ing to put wy rd fight for him and try and t lam across the home plate Mf possible, com if he bh to "slide to de FARMER FINDS METEOR Five-Pound One Darkness Eanits Light in i Sept. 2. --While n n his door near St nty, Ind, Cyru saw a ball of fire falling fr heavens, which alighted ur t lot near the house, Upon ir tion © ME. Winkler found a met it five inches in diameter wd hing about five pounds, Dur t irkn th teor shin 1 vel, and pw come many 1 we it, Mr. Wink ler has been of 500 for the heav enly hody, 1 fused it Honoring A German Artist Diesel ' ny Sent * A ner one of the nu listinguished t of the once fa nous schoo ape | rs of the Duesseldorf S I, is erlebrating his ninet Wy today, and th i the artists all over srimar ombined their of fort for event' and to da honor 1 it artist, Th jubilar rec dreads of letters and telegr: r from all part of ANY the ratulations fron the Emperor her European on a n honor of A in the presence monamey { ening the waraded through the veterar mer was give) ithstanding | neled th wv word of her artist ined Literary Record A literary made bv ih Canadian Ma with its October sue, the con volumes with of twenty ment and with In editor. The re nada exept for La Re of Montreal, public) al since 1850. Ti i dign is 1 in contents Sen jamin Su "The Beginnings of French ( an Literature." Prof MacMechan de ith "The Litera ture of Nova Scotia 4. 8. Willisog and Public Life rr has delight we foture of Can n. There writes ol in Canada ful predict ada and Gre are il Instrated artic n Nelson's victor and the mauguration of the new pro Vie tor t VN. A. Fraser, Nor man Duncan, Fa Bohn, William M. Lennan, Lowi Frichette and Eve Brod! Summe poeins by Charle William Wilired Cam Alice Lefevre, Special Dip Hip « , 635. New York Dress Reform. COOKING CHOCOLATE ( Blue Label), NAPANEE NEWS. A Quiet Wedding Occurred Tues day Last Napanee, Sept, 20.-On Tuesday morning 4 quiet wedding was solemn nized at the redidency of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Fennell, when their only daughter, Miss Annie was united in the holy bonds of mat rimony to Alphine Wood, Napanee The ceremony was performed by Rev W. H. Emsley in the presence of only the immediate relatives of + the em tracting parties. After partaking of a vedding breakfast the newly married onple took the 1.08 train for a honey moon in Toronto, Niagara Falls and other points west, The bride received | n any useful and elegant presents from { her numerous friends On their re turn they will reside in Napanee | Robert Henry, Tc Mo, ix the guest of his @seter, Miss Bella Henry. Mrs k I. Howes left this week to join her husband in Winnipeg, W, K. 'ruyn from a month's stay in Mani « called to look after « farm in the west of our Napanee citizens elves of the fine weather ed to Pictdh fair *vester | da Braton returned this week to & ome time with his mother | and | \ more delightful day than vester day was not experienced all summer rl Air wa vy and epring-like, and alt th 1 a July day, with n \ f the recent frost in the t A new granolithic alk is beir put down around the ¢ i? t ofthese th oh ACCUSED OF HEXING, , Casting Spell With Needi*: and | Pins { Lebanon, P Sept. 2. Aecused of hex thor by megns of nine I ind pin of causing an legth Ly SAINEG 8OTeE Tohn Tie been arraigned n th juarter sessions cotirt. The formal charge against her was witch | rut f= After 1 ring from his astonish ment d rd nature of the ensation, Judge Fhigood dismis the charge "Hexing" in the ve cular of cer tain old residents of rman exteae { bewitching, casting spells nd varions other superstitions reviy 1 Fall Fairs. Oct, 2.3 Oct. 34, Oct, 3.4, Oct. 4 Oct. 4. Oct. 4-5 Beachburg Oct. 4-6 len Oet, 6, Norw Oct. 11. Fenelon Falls . Oct. 12 ------------ $1 Rochester And Return $1. ot wr North King leaves Sunday, October 1st ut 5 pom. AN dav Monday m Rochester and hoe Tuesday morn Full information from J, P. Han lav bargain day in cigars at son's Red Cross Drug Store. Four tencent cigars for 206¢, po . or Heywood ShoesWear" We are now showing a complete line of Heywood Shoes In the latest American styles, Wax Calf, Box Calf, Patent Colt and Norwegian Tan Calf. If you want a Shoe that will wear equal to a custom-made Shoe buy HEYWOOD'S. Price, $5. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. CHOCOLATES 1 Ganong's Canadian Chocolates emi BP comin A. J. REES', Princess St. Stoves and Ranges We are building and the big stock must go. Ranges, Heaters, Pug Stoves, etc., will be sold 'at a sacri-' fice Come early and get a bargain. Also fine line of Furniture and House Furnishings. ' L. LESSES, Corner of Princess and. 2 |