a magazine lake. Issued 4 'S beautifully e for sample NIT) TIES 0) KITCHEN HAPPY THOUGHT' :ptionally heavy and"well d water heater, while for onomy of fuel it easily hought" | twelve styles, to suit all ry taste. Every "HAP- rries the unconditional E WILLIAM BUCK TED, of Brantford, and & Birch, 3t., Kingston. INK 'd to repair TO BE THE BEST. ND, AGENT, ing St. 2000000 00064 ER, ANTIMONY & TIN |, TORONTO. PLL 000004 +6 NO MISTAKE Je made when you decide on éntering 2, business training in the oF Cor. Barrie and Clergy Sts. Ask any of the business or profession en who have our graduates, or anv of our well-pleased students as to the superiority of our methods of training A PRACTICAL SCHOOL. Modern equipment ; competent teach. ers - moderate rates, DAY AND EVENING. CLASSES. T. N. STOCKDALE, Principal. 680 i Phone, Eniar Any Time | a Torn Kingston Business Gollege LIMITED Head of Queen St.. Kingston =- - Ont A NODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL. .. Established in 1883 ., Practical, complete, thorough, individun) jnstruction given in all commercial j cts n throughout the whole Sb Write, I telephote for terms and cata- gue Yooooeosoto OO rh aany Tr J. B. McEAY, H. F.METCALFE, Presid. 1 Fnnc. pal, 0000000000000 00008 YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST. nUMESTEAD REGULATIONS even numbered section of Domin- fon Lands in Manitoba or the North- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not eserved, may be homesteaded upon by any person who is the sole head of a fuosly or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less. Entry way be made personally at the local land office for the district in which the land to be taken i» siwwated, or if the homesteader desires, he may. on applica- tion to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Commissioner of Immigra- tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent for the district in which the land is situate, receive authority for some one to make entry for him. HOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler who has Leen granted an entry for a home- stead is required to perform the con- ditions connected therwwith under one the following plans : (1) At least six wonths residence upon and cultivation of the land in ea! year during the term of three years (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of any person who is eligible to make a homestead eatry un- der the provisions of this Act, resides wpon a farm in the vicinity of the land sutered for by such person as a hone stead, the requirements of this Act as to residence prior to obtaining patent may be satisfied by sch person residing with b* father or r.other. «8) If the settler has his parmanent residence upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of mis howvestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence way be Suuslied by residence upon the said lan APPL Ye ATION FOR PATENT should be made at the end of three vears, he- fore the Local Agent, Sub-Agent or the Homestead Inspector. Before making application for patent the settler must give six months' notive in writing to the Commissioner of Do wminion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention to do so SYNOF Wi Any IS OF CANADIAN ANORTH MINING REGULAULUNS, Coal. --Coal lands may be jurchasec at $10 ver acre for soft coal ani $20 for anthracite. Not more than 320 acres can be acquired by ome individual or com- pany. Royalty at the rate of ten ceuts ter ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the gr)ss output. Quartz.--A free miner's certificate is eranted upon payment in advance of $7.50 per annum for an ipdividual, and from $30 to $100 pes annum for a com- pany according to capital. free winer, having discovered mineral ln place, claim 1,500x 1.500 feet The use for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 wnust be expended on the claim each yegr or paid to the mining re corder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may, unon having a survey made, and upon Complying with other requirements, pur- chuse the land at $1 an acre. Ihe patent provides for the payment of ® royaity of 24 per cent on the sales. PLACER mining claims generally are 100 feet square ; entry fee $5, renewabio yearly. A (rece miner may obtain two leases to dredge for cold of five miles each for a erm of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- within one season from the date of . Rental, $10 mum for each mile of river leased. Hoyulty at the rate of 24 per cent collect- ed on the output after N exceeds $10,000. . W. CORY, Deputy of the Winiswr of the Interior. B.--Unauthorized publication of this verti sement will not be paid for. © HALLIDAY ELECTRIC COMPANY Specialists in Diseases of way locate a Motors and Dynamos and all Electric Troubles. 'Phone 94 CARRIAGES and BUGGIES FOR SALE | Kensington, second-band, in good order; 1 Maledo, eecond- band; 1 Phaeton; | road way gon; also pew Top Buggies, Runabouts with rubber tires; also a few gets of Iarness left. Call and see for yourself. JAMES LATURNEY, 390 PFINCESS STREET. Enjoy Life Good health makes good na- ture. If everyone had a sound stomach there would be no pes- simists in the world. Do not allow a weak stomach or a bad liver to rob you of the joy of living. Take BEEGHAM'S PILLS and the world laughs with you. No need then for rose-colored glasses. Beecham's Pills start health 'vibrations to all parts of the body, while putting a ruddy tint on lips and cheeks. health in every box. Health for every man, woman and child. Beecham's Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents. me There's Fern Pot of Silver This 8-inch Fern Pot is a striking illustration of the upequalled values Diamond Hall can offer customers through having factories. The article is of first quality silver plate in Colonial design of hand pierced effect. With a lining of rich-colored green pottery, it sells complete for $5.00. And Diamond Hall would return the money if by any not its own chance you were satisfied. RYRIE BROS. LIMITED 134-138 YONGE ST. TORONTO . ONT. Great Britain supplies her soldiers with the anti-cholera woollen belt. The Ceetee Woollen belt is a positive preventative for Lumbago, Dysentery, 1a Grippe and Rheumatism, as well as Cholera--particularly good for weak back Thousands have proven the truth of this claim. Ceetee underwear is made in all styles for men, women and children and fash- ioned to fit the body--no rough seams Your Dealer will re- place any Ceetee Garment that shrinks Made at Galt, Canada, by The C. TURNBULL CO., Limited and sold by all reliable dealers. For Table and Kitchen. CEREBOS SALT Contains the Wheat Phosphates . (Absent from White Bread) which sre necessary to give strength to the food and vigour to the body. WHOLESALE AGENTS Robertson & Sons KINGSTON Is the time for toring renovation Aad every ome who intends to build or rernodel -.t ar ore- ~kman are David Hall. 98 Brock Stroet. "Phone 25. GAR. DINER"S lusurance and Real Estate. Eight Cofapanies at Lowest Raves. Money to Loan on Real Estate. I5) Wellington Street. ven gold bricks which are valued at twenty-eight thousand dollars were ent to the mint at Philadelphia They are the result of three weeks' ran of the T. N. stamp mill at Stedle': property on Sturgeon Lake, A CANNIBAL FEAST HELD AT MALLICCLO BY THE KANAKAS. Natives of Moskelyn Island Way- laid While Trading--Miowera Brought News From New Hebrides -- French Marines Sent to Hunt Man-Eaters. Victoria, B.C., Sept. 30 a cannibal feast at ceived Two Were News of Mallicolo was re yesterday by the Miowera. natives at Moskelyn Island trading when they were waylaid near Mallicolo by Kanakas. The mep re slaughtered and their bodies car ried to a coast village where they were opened as game and prepared for a feast. The bodies were placed in a native canoe and as the murder ers were leaving they incurred a sus picion of M. Vigourez, a French trad er.. The natives told him they. had od some pigs and the Frenchman, eving their story, allowed them to go. It subsequently transpired that several tribes were assembled and a feast of human flesh was held. Whit» settlers learned of this and under pressure the natives admitted they had roasted and devoured the bodies of the unfortunate men. From the New by the steamer an attack by Hebrides news came Miowera yestorday of natives upon a French expedition sent to punish the blac's for outrageous actions against white settlers and several lies, on. Malleco murders at Bul Island. The French warship Muerthe landed a party of marines, who arrested three chiefs, As the party took their captives from the village a shot fired from ambush kill od one marine gunner. The party then burned the village, dispersed the natives and killed four men. When they returned to the bay they were again fired upon and a marine wounded The natives alleged that the mur derers of Capt. Richard Pentecost and six members of the trader, Petrel were taken to Noumea. They were the ring-leaders of a party which tied Capt. Pentecoast to a trie, cast spears into his body and while he was still conscious they threw him into shark-infested water and danced while the monsters tore the body was to pieces Newboro Notes. Newboro, - Sept. 30.--Visitors: H Lvang at E. Bolton's; Miss M. Cuan aing, Forfar, at William Rodge:'s, and James Washington, Portland; Miss M Rice, Little Falls, N.Y. at Miss I Landon's; Mrs. John Cauley, Brock vill), at T. Foster's; 'Miss Otman, Oswego, N.Y., at Miss Landon's; Miss Auna Nolan, Phillipsville, at Miss M Moriarity's; B. Ewing at F. C. Lan don's; Mr. and Mrs. William Noonan, Hamilton, at James Ryan's; Mr. and M Baker, Merrickville, at R. Bil ton's; Miss E. Lynett, Althrope, at her home; Miss M. McCann, Westport, at T. Carey's; Miss Lyons, Harrow smith, at George Lyons'. Wet weath er again spoiled Newboro fair and the smallest crowd in the history of the association passed through the main entrance on Monday afternoon. But although the crowd was small the horse races and other sports were hotly contested. Twelve horses were entered in the three races. Feather bone, owned by Peter Quigley, Delta, won the free-for-all; Funnybone, owned by John Mulville, Westport, the 2.40 class, and Kittly Karver, Woods, Firmoy, won the farmers' race. Misses Kate Landon and Ella Lyons enter ed a number of their friends last week. All report a very enjoyable time The Brockville and Westport ailroad brought in a large number from Brockville on Tuesday, who took the steamer Brockville on the trip through the Rideau and St. Lawrence Gordon Richards, purse: on the steam er Rideau Queen for the past summer, home on Wednesday Henry was kicked in the face by a Wednesday evening. Medicai assistance was summoned, when it was found that the wound was not Mrs. J. Flood is spend! dave visiting friends in Lyndhurst Edward Tett left, on Tuesday, for British Columbia, where he has secured a position as eleetrical » Capt. Scott, who has been pilot for the past year on the steamor Rocetville, arrived home on Thursday arrived Grothier horse on serious ing a few | evening Clever Medley. The old literary game known as | "medleys," popular bfty years ago, | is again coming into favor. The game consisted in taking ome short line number of poets and fitting them together so as to rhyme and to make Here is a speci men verse made up from Cowper, Fer Burns, Tennyson, apiece from a guson, Quarles, Beattic Dryden, Byron, Pomfret, Waller, Hood and Steele, in the order named Ask what is human life ! the sage ro plies = | euten pomp and honor are but einfity dge, we travel, but from pain to pa 5 | Weak timid Jandsmen on life's stormy win We only toil who are the first of things From labor health, from health content it springs Fame runs before us as the morning star How Bittle do we know that which we Let none then here his certain knowledge boast Of fleeting joys too certain to be lost For over all there hangs'a cloud of fear All is but change and separation here Toronto Street Market. Toronto, Oct. 2.--~Wheat, white, bush.; 74c.; wheat, red, bush. Me. ; wheat, spring, bush., T72¢c.; wheat, goose, bhush., tye; oats, new, Je. to 35c.: barkey, budh., Yc. to He. peas, bushel, i7c.; hay, per wi to 10. 10. straw, per ton, ¥ to $12.50; dressed hogs, $5.50 to $8.75; apples, Si to &l 75; egus, per dozen, butter, dairy; Ee. to creamery, 0c. to Ne; | Ne. chickens, last year, turkeys, per lb., dozen, We, per bbl, Xe. to 25¢.; butte Yowls, per per Ib, le. to lle 13¢. to 15c.; cabbage, pes to He potatoes, jer bag, fie. to celery, per dozen, 30c. to 35¢. ; ns, per bag, 81 to $1.25: bed, hindquarters, 58 to 59; Oeef, forequart ere, $1.50 to %5.50 beef, choice, car caw, 87.90 to 38 beef, medium, car case, 36 to 26 0. mutton, per ewi, KG to $8: veal, per ewt., 88 to $0. SHE IS A HEROINE She Got Her Lover Out of An Old | Castle. | Doctor 1 but, to satisfy the | ious THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, COTOBER 3. IT PROVED FATAUA Triumph of Purity GIRL DIES IN THE COLLEGE GYMNASIUM. Had Warned Her Not to Take the Work---Victim had a Weak Heart Put Was Other wise in Good Condition. Mass, Oct. 3 Kelley, member Miss of the Northampton, Margaret Dana {In vman cluss of Smith College drop pe na test given by Miss Au \ Camp, the college 'physician, for the purpose of sseing f it was prudent for her to take part in gymnasivm ex nreise Phe doctor did not think it best for {her to undertake gymuasium work, girl, who was anx to have a part ih the physical of the college, a council of everal physicians had been arranged valuing PAGE SEVEN. m-- i "SALAD Ceylon Tea is the most delicious of all teas. Sold in lead packets only, at 26¢ , 30¢., 40c¢., 50¢. or 60c. peril By all Grocers. Highest Award, St. Louis, 1904. 2 PANDORA GRATES | The Pandora Range { for and Mise Kelley was to meet them As the doctor was entering the office | of Miss Senda Berenon, the physical | director of the gymnasium, Miss Kel! MISS IRENE NANSEN | ley said 10 the physical director : \ { "Oh, 1 feel very bad. 1 have a weak London, Oct. Miss Irene Nansen, | i un American bom Jewess of humble heart, and immediately sank to the x | Boor, apparently - dead. It was found extraction, is the heroine of an excit { } . : : that she was still breathing, but not ing episode. She liberated lover, thi | the vk lid over the voung som of a. Hungarian count iw Slane ne ie Phyl Sank oe oho when he was imprisoned by his father 5 = possibie 10 revive her; she ivy in one of his castles, to prevent. him | 201% a shart time ; Mm one 3 he } i | Miss Kelley, who was nineteen years from loping with .the handsome dew {of age, was the picture of health when | ess. The old count. h now taken x | she entered i a week ago. She legal steps to prevent hi son from ; Ra the air]. | wa winning in her disposition and a marrying: the obi ss f hoi liant pupil. So far as was known a jlo t college authorities, she was in Vennachar Tidings the best of health, although to her in Vennachar, = Oct. 2. Re Charles | timates she said she had a weak heart, Goodrich, of Belhaven, formerly © of She had been nominated by her this plac has return Belhaven | classmates for president of the class, after spending a few days here on | and the election, which was to he held business He preached twice in the in a few dave, meant a great honor! Free Methodist church. R. Paul, pro- tin a class that numbers more than Juee merchant of Selby, was here on | 350 | busines. Simon Ball | gone to the Mi Kelley's mother, Mrs, Florence Kingston General Hospital for treat: | Kelley, is secretary of the Home Eco p ment, accompanied b Ry WH | nomics a Club, of New York, She was Grigory, on his way' to Kingston wis granddaughter of "Pigiron™ his new field of ministerial labor I . the great protectionist of Penn Mrs. Norman McCrimmaon, Plevany is | svlvania visiting friends her William Lee, ---- Folger Station, is spending a few A NIMBLE FELLOW. days here. Murs mes Yomans, of emer Cache Bay, is visiting her sister, Mrs, | Climbed Building 286 Teet Mack Holmes Miss Lizzie Gilmour, High.' Matawatchan, ten of . th Milk New York, Sept. 30, -Clinging like rchool, visited her grandfather, G. WL Tg" FL Tl dace of the. Flatiron S|weenam, Saturday [BY : 8 Jack building, John Garriek, a steoplejack, son, who was injured on the 2nd, iE aked down: the side of the tall wi tting better, building from the twentieth storey to TIT the street and up again several times Fall Tmporta ation yesterday while thousands below Prevost, Broek strc iw received | stood trembling at the daring feat. all his fall importations for order Women fainted from the étrain on work, consisting of S h and Fag their nerves, men turned white, lish tweeds, blue and black serges while Garrick a unconcerned as cheviot and venetian a | though Te were strolling © along cat variety, nine lenelid + Broadway, was rapidly ascending and ments of black and blue beaver and | descending, clinging all the, while to fancy: overcoatings. A splendid as {the sheer wall with his fingers and sortment of panting at prices that | toes in the inch and a quarter deep defy competition. rooves that indent its surface And -------------- all to earn a 82 het Hix hair-rising Ventnor Personals. performance is unequalled in daring in Ventnor. Oct, *2.-1 A. Craig, | the annals of stepnlojack work LPS. made a recent visit, Quite a] The Flatiron building is 260. feat number from here intend taking in | high, and from the window Jedge the fair at Spencerville on Wedne vhere Garviek stood there was a sheer dav. Mrs. Alexand Adams is visit ertienl wall below him with the ing friends at Pros Miss Ruth | pavement more than 240 feet away Adams i+ spending a few day with | A single false step or lost hold meant frimds at Ogdensburg, N.Y. Mr. and | death Ms. H R Vanderburg and littl Garrick did got hesitate an instant, daughter, \n have retumed- home | Lowering himself carefully over the after sending a few dave with rela | cdee of the window, he felt with his tives at Warbugton and Outlet. Mis feet for a hold in the grooves that Carrie oJ) acks and a number of oth- | run horizontally over the wall, These er young pe from Egvpt sticet at rooves are only an inch and a tended the miirriage of Miss Mae Pel | garter deep and two inches wide ton and G. Jac n, in the Baptist church, South ( Wednesday Stolen From Officer. Insta A htele arrived at duffalo, N.Y., Oct. 3. Major WH the home of KR m Vanderver, of the Indian diplomatic nn - COPE, anNOUNees that important The Truth Will Out lane for the defence of Indin have That is why Putnam's Com Extrace ern stolen from him while he was on tor has such an enormous sale; it's | his way from Toronto to Buffalo. It is good 'for a sure eure--and better than vepafted that the plans had been giv av substitute. Insist on having Put | eo by General Kitchener to be con nam's only. veved by Major Vanderzer to the im ------ (rinl government Edward J wil M.A. eft -------------- this afternodn cago Universit Th make one feel as though life to pursue fart research work in | wa orth living, ' one of Car modern larguags at which he spent | ters Little Liver Pills after eating; it two veary at leipzig University \ vill relieve dy pepsin, aid digestion, German text hb edited by Prof. | give tone and vigor to the system Macwillivray and Mr. Williamson, he William' Swain, piano tuner. Orders been ade pted by Chicage Universit reccived at MeAulev's hook store The ' Most ientific eye testing at Dut h flowering g bulbs at Chown's Pr: Chowvn's Alrug stor drug store Ont. Six hundred tons of ore were run through. 50. lamb, spring, $9 to $10. Grand, on October 5th. t <i ' Thegrates are has more labor-saving features than any other range. Its labor- saving features are practical, real, muscle- H saving devices. triple, that is, = there are three instead of two as is usual in common ranges. The grates are geared into each other at the shaker. Becduse there are three instead of two wheels gearing into each other, the leverage is twice as great and the effort of turning them is just one- half, so that is why the labor of shaking down a Pandora Range is just one-half of that in common ranges. Then, when a grate burns out you can remove itin half a minute with a ten cent piece for a screw-driver. In common ranges it takes an expert mechanic and a big plumber's bill to renew the grates, because the common range must be practically taken apart to get the old grate That is one big reason why the Pandora is the best range ever used in a kitchen, and it has dozens of other good parts. out, It actually does "make kitchen work easy." M<Clarys Pandora Rang Lemmond Sons, Sole Agents. Warehouses and Factories: London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N. Bas Hamilton At the Club Carling's Ale is sold at the most fashionable clubs, hotels and restau= rants in Canada and the United States. It's purity, uniformity and ~ brilliancy have made it Canada's favorité beverage. Carling's Ale The Ale that's Pure Always J. 8. HENDERSON, Agent, Kingston. Happy Horne Range The Happy Home range is one of the most powerful water heaters made. It is popular because it is econo- mical on fuel, satisfactory to operate, artistic in appear- ance. Before selecting any other make we would ask you to see the MOORES HAPPY HOME RANGE" . ELLIOTT BROS 77 Princess Street. i