1's Skirts ! ts in fall and winter weighis ular word to you is abo | sorts at popular prices. " WEED SKIRTS 4-50, $4.99, $5.50, $5.75. Broadcloths, Cheviots, §, 50, 50. $4 75, $5.50, $6 50, $7.50. Ribbons ! quickest will save most. Rit. on the same basis of other sa very small profit. We f large quantities and sell res in Kingston. To do this : lowest. widths, great variety of co. ualities. Ribbons, ns. htgowns, nicely te embruidery, rs, nicely trim- ibroidery, Skirts. ng Robes, new nas. g Jackets, 75¢., . $1.75, $2. 75, rench Flannels onas, Dressing Jackets. patterns. These Flannels e colors have a clearness goods. 28 inches wide, at les and Fancy tes 8 and Wrappers, a large LOC., I§C., 20¢. 1an Eider Flannels, all cot- 'warm, for Fall aud Win. hy 25C. and 35¢. ---- Ee CASES large shipment of SUIT ™ $1.50 to $13.50 attention to our SPECIAL CASE and one that has the Call and see ours at $2 SHOE STORE oR YEAR 72. NO. 231. EE ---------- ER DAILY MEMORANDA, Fine Furs And Stylish Hats, at Campbell Bros Board of Works, 4 p.m,, Thursday "Oousin Kate," Grand Opera House 8.15 p.m. The sun rises Thursday at 6.02 a.m and sets at 5385 p.m. The careful man sees to it that his right hand is never Jeft. It's easy to stand a in another fellow's jaw. The Noble Irish Guards' Band Concert Thursday night, October 12th. Nothing arouses a woman's wrath so much as a man who appears to be well satisfied with himself. If vou tell a woman that s article is worth $1.59 she ive 98 cents for it, Rummage Sale, toothache if it's 50-cent will cheerfully first of the bl U 3 po) ' season, Onshrinkable Underwear 5-15. 75 o tn Toe CELTIC BRAND 1 or: Ts oe seis ane S a case of two souls with but a single thought FullFashioned., [£3) This day in history ---First English la Bible printed, 1585; battle of German | Our Guarantee. town, 1777 ;, Mexican republic proclaimed | 1823 SWE WILL GIVE'A NEW SUIT for any suit that is shrunk- en in the wash, and ask no ques- tions. They are our walking adver- tisers that speak its praise every- where, and will 'wear no other brand. CELTIC You will wear BRAND if you know its worth. B. P, JenkinsClothing Co. Practical Optical Work Prescriptions for FILLED, All styles of mounts and frames al- ways in stock, with repairs: glasses - carefully The found in our selection. range in style and choicest 'and most beautiful is There is a wide orice. pends upon the right service that you | Eyes carefully examined AND GLASS- | should see our stock before making a ES FITTED, selection. Prices for above work moderate, SMITH BROS. Jewelers Opticians 350 King Street. Phone * Marriage Licenses Issued " STOVES GALORE 30 square Hall Heaters, large stock of Cook Ranges, Pugs, ox and Wand Stoves, also large stock of Carpets and Always ready to trade, buy TORONTO Furniture, or sell, TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE | 898 PRINCESS STREET. WANTED. Special train 12:45 noon. Grand Trunk FARE, $3.70 Rallway retarn Ly wll trains Tickets good to up to Monday night PLUMBER AND STEAM 1117 AT A Perfect Fit, Apply Box i i068, once. Good wages. Belleville, Ont. GROCERY CLERK, THOROUGHLY k I tW ~ acquainted with city trade, at Hen- Xce en ear erson rocery. RS We guarantee to be had A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY IN |, the evening to Mrs. J. 1. Cumning- | ifi our footwear. | ham, 5 Wellington St. ere ey mamas | -] 66 99 A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT: NO WwW 1 ay INELAL SO | Wear "Allen's Mrs. P, H. Small, 2 Military Bootmakers, Sign of Golden Boot. evening Earl street. | 34 Brock St. GOOD GENERAL washing. References re. ply to Mrs. Almon, 22 IMMEDIATEL Apply to works, Cor. Y, SIX CAR} bE Hunter & Harold, at the | Barrie and William Sts, THRER UNFURNISHED ROOMS, | with access to modern conveniences Without board. Apply Box 10. Whig office. BLACKSMITH, FIRST-CLASS AT | once, "steady job by the year, but | must be A. No. 1 shoer. Apply to J. A. Hunter, Tamworth, Ont A FEW SMART GIRLS, TO LEARN | the paper bhox-making trade. Steady | work and good pay. Apply King ston Hosiery Co., Ltd., Kingston, | Ont. a. MEN AND BOYS, TO EARN $5 DAY, after two months instruction, posi- | Prompted, Sonor tiny: | PROF. G. B. GANTON » Cinein- | nati, 0., St. Louis, Mo., (Free Cata- | PHRENOLOGIST oxue.) -- AT WINDSOR HOTEL SIX BOYS, FOR THE SORTING | 82 years exper Families visited room; also for bunching and for | without extra ch Special terms to sizing machines. Good workers can | Students of Colle nd Schoo Apply to J. | m---- earn $4.50 per week King and | A. Gould & Co., Cor. Queen streets. | tear ptm GENTLEMEN 10, GET THEIR FALL | Overcoats Suits, made at| Thomas ally, 131 Brock St. | Also bring your old ones 'and have | them repaired. Style, fit and price | guaranteed to plea NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS --oATOnleed to Diease, TRAVELLER VISITING ALL THE SEALED TENDERS WILL RE RE y ad hy - ee ai wed * rol 2 s office « the dersign county stores in Leeds, Frontenac, | Feceived at the office bf tus tr Lennox and Addington may secure | {0 Angling he roof 'of a portion of profitable and light sideline, by ad- | Station No. 1. Ontario street dressing Box "Gi. Whig office. | Specific ations may he seen aut the Correspondence confidential. office of the City Engineer where all other information may be obtained FOR SALE, The lowest or any tender not neces = z m= | sarily accepted L. W. SHANNON STORE FIXTURES, ONE LARGE AND | / AO ork three small awnings, three show coffee grinder, large oil blind, cases, counter scales, two paper cutters and Kingston, October 8rd, 1905 eine wider, two signs,' All nearty Y.W.C. A. king | he Jb: and. Hulten hud to b gether at a great reduction. Address 3 carried in the arms of two customs Box 16, Whig office. Public Demonstration of Cooking house officials. te the guardhoise. Cream of Carrot Soup Trune Whip English Monkey Thursday at 4:30 p m. Ten Cents. EE -------------------------------------------------------------- THE ROTHWELL FARM, LOT 38, 1ST Concession, Ernesttown, on the Bath road 3 miles West of Collins Bay, containing about 330 acres. This is a splen dairy farm, well watered, with shade groves, good cow stable and other buildings. The house is a large brick residence in first class | SU meas 8 8 xd pig The newstinpers hat order, also a cottage, hoth close tw CAPILLI FORMA! 1 Berlin, tA : ney pay ; s ha the road. At the rear is a swamp lot vent received from indhook, German containing a Marge quantity of cedar The best known hair restorer, preven Both West. Africa, news of 4. coh falling and grey hair A for Neuralgia, Dandruff and Feozema FOR TEN DAYS and other markable timber and cord wood. Ta wind up an estate this Property will | be sold reasonably. Ap- ply to R. to Bun 41 George ot, nephew of the Boer general « Street, Kin Easton B or 6. D. Fair | 350. per bottle. Shampoo, 50c. ti ney They held secret meetings | London, Get. 4.~Tn the Hemel Homp 81, next "farm to the West. of Lot, Mme. Elder's Dressmaking Parlors | © The conspiracy \inclitdes | stead workhouse hus just passed nway 253 P St, Cor. Sydenham 88. |, 1; (.J 4nd natives of the Withois Jou h Dole, a Await who fad hogn | PERSONAL y | exhibited all over the world in the o { tribe, which i= now in rebellion | exhi MME, ELDERS DRESSMAKING ba Ih against the Germans. Five Boers have | great colleotion of freaks and oddities Parlors, 968 Princess St. Corver | PHYSICIANS, ATTENTION ! § been arrested. There are 15000 Wit. | established by the late Phineas T. Far- | ydenha a Tailor-Made Gowns, FOR SALE bois who, it i¢ feared, may join en | num. The little man --was of weak | Conts and Wraps, Shirt Waists, " Windhoek. ! mind, when admitted to the institu Suits, dinner and evening costumes. DR.RYA ventrally located Brick masse on i ' trusseaux, etc., made-to-order. Cash Residence and Sutgery. ice. on appli ures ---------- tion and could not say what haf be prices reasonable. Best city refer- | > . The loss in the hemp-growing dis | come of his Mones He was only two Sneed. | SWIFT REAL RSTATR AN . wo Philippines, f the rav- | feet seven inches high, oa-------------------------------- > { tricts of the Philippines, from rav- | Ql TTT ioet | S INSURANCE AGENCY ages of the recent typhoon is $5,900,000 -------- ENGLISH BULL-DOG, FAWN COLOR © Reward for any information at this Office. Fur Scarfs. We are offering" great A BLUECLOTH LADIES JACKET, | fur of all about six o'clock lagt evening while driving. Fim will be rewarded Ly returning' to this Office. . scarfs and stokes fine furs THE DAILY THE BEST CHINA | So much de- | ROBERTSON BROS.. dheexs. EXCURSION FRIDAY, OCT. 13TH posit. ve cure values in fine kinds at Camptell Bros, the manufacturers o KINGSTON, STANDS PAT =: | insists [That Emperor Wil. liam Said]So. THE YELLOW PERIL WHAT THE NATIONS SHOULD ARRANGE TO DO. | To Protect Their the Competition of Japan and China--Congressman Mc- Nary Tells What Emperor { William Said. | { | EMPEROR WILLIAM. | Boston, Mass., 0O¢t. 3.--Congress- man William 8. MeNary stands pat on his famous interview with Kaiser | William, in which he was quoted as | having been told by the kaiser that | as a result of. the victory of Japan in the far cast, it was now plain that | the white America and Europe for self-protec tion against the yellow peril. Mr. McNary Canopic, of the congrressman said with freedom and frankness. nations of must combine He said Markets From | arrived home on the | White Star line. The | the kaiser talked | PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The Daily Mail of London, refers to the Newfoundland loan as a fiasco, Communication between Vladivostok and outside ports is resumed today. Heber Conmelly, Belleville, comes to penitentiary for five years for an un mentionable evme, | Baron Komtra arrived at Van | couver Monday and sailed on RM. 8S. Empress of India for Japan. Mrs. Kyle, Ingersoll, was nequittal at Woodstock assizes of the murder of Robert Magee, on July 18th last, Sir Willian Meredith denies he is to | leave the bench for the presidency of | | the North Americar Life Assurance | company. Fort William board of trade { | ) y » is me | morializing the minister of marine for | { an 'ice breaker to keep navigation | | | | | Dufferin Rifles, Brantford, have ac cepted the invitation to take part in the military manoeuvres in Toronto on Thanksgiving day. | Justice James Madison Parker," of | | the supreme judicial court of Mas- | sachusetts, died Tuesday from heart | disease at the Union Club, Boston. | Mrs. Harry O'Brien, Montreal, has {taken out a writ of habeas corpus against her husband and mother-in- law, to get possession of her baby. The half yearly statement of the Grand Trunk railway shows a net surplus of £291,652 and after paying dividends £7,422 Ras carried for ward. Edna Hart and Mary lise, Pa., jail, for highway robbery, were nearly pescued by a knight er rant, in the person of George Schran derburgh. An action has taken against | President McCall and George W. Per | kins of the New York Life, to recover the $150,000 Sent. mn campaign con- | tributions. Roy Cavanagh was thrown from his horse at the Keene fair and had his skull fractured, a man crossing the track in front of the horse causing the animal to fall. Inquiries are being made by George N. Ross, Constance street, New Or | leans, for the whereabouts of the fam | ily of Laey Story, married to Cites | | Ross, of Hawkesbury, in 1842. | | The petition against the return of | 1A, A. Lefurgey, M.P., for Prince East, | iP. ., Was dismissed, owing to the | { lapse of six months between the filing | of the petition and the trial. | | i | open later, Davis, in Car- been pe nothing whatever to indicate that he 3 FEAR GRAVE EVENTS. ¢ | wizhed what he said to be regarded + § as confidential. The Kaiser, he sail, | London, Oct. 4.--The St. talked in English, so there was no Pe Petersburg corre ondent i: ® i reason for a misunderstanding. | 4 of the Daily Tele, Spo Save ®l { "He began his remarks," said Me- | ® the he oe a. | Nary, "by speaking in a complimen- | th pe Fo y ate | | tary way about President Roosevelt. | : iff v8. es f wg ®y ! With regard to the United States and | op Riera ion ym § n~, | | Furope uniting for eeli-protection | ¥ land, warranting the fear * | against Japan, he said that it ought {#1 of grave events. to be apparent to everybody that {(®. ais + | with the triumph of Japan that na | Ire | tion would enter upon a period of competition with markets of the world pointed out, aggressive nations for the Japan, he was near to China that the commercial interests of Japan and China would | would be practically identical The United States being between Japan and Europe, hence it was clear lv. in the kaiser's view, to the in terest of the Unitidd States to join with the nations of Europe in a com mercial alliance to protect their mar kets from the competition of Japan and China." Treaty Passed. Tokio, Oct 1.-- The passed the privy council today peace Subsidies. Advices from Tokic state the government pro poses to th subsidies te steamship companies as soon as mal | resumed. The government al To Increase London, Oct, 4 Japan 0 service i so will subsidize western | go | But May Get treaty two other companies, REJECT THE BONUS. Its Equivalent in Lower Taxes. { Brockville, Oct. 4.--~Something uni | que in the history of bonuses took place here last night. In March last R000 was voted Burrell & Co., of Little Falls, N.Y., for the purchase of | a site on which to erect a factory | The council before paying over the | Sn asked for a mortgage to ensure | operation for a term of years. The | | faétory is open and running, but the | | anit of the company wrote the | | council that rather than have it go | on record in financial circles that their | | property was mortgaged, they would decline accepting the bonus. They may get an equivalent ip reduced taxation. yi Senator Burton's Trial \ St. Louis, Mo., Oct, 4 The second trial of Nenator Burton of Missouri on |, the charge of having entered into an before the de agreement. to practice which will carry. mail to the United partments in Washington, has begun States and Canada, and these com | before Judge Adams, who was trial | panies will provide a number of new judge at the time when Senator Bur steamers of great tonnage for the ser ton was first convicted on the charge vice. of having practiced before the depart RTE % | ments in Washington. The government | WEAPONS IN CORK LEG. | is represented by Charles H. Robh, S-- assistant attorney-general and Feder | Restaurant-Keeper's Limb Con- | al Attorney Col. I. P, Dwyer, while fiscated by Police. | Senator Burton will be defended by Berlin, Oct. 4.--Herr lsanc Halten, | Judge Dillon of New York, Frederick a restaurant-keeper, put his grtideial | W- Lehman of St. Louis and Col. W leg to a curious use, On being ar | Ho Rossington of Topeka, rested by the custome officials on the The government expects under the tussian frontier at Kattowitz he was | hew indictnient ta be permitted to of subjected to a in | the was unscrewed found two new with boxes of cartridges, course of Inside the limb wer revolvers, togethe quantities of cigars The authorities immediately NEWS OF CONSPIRACY. From South-West Africa. Comes spiracy against the Germans, The corn spiracy is aid to include in gold. The hemp in warehouses read | plantations are mdition again, stidy tables James Reid's. them in ¢ f Students i shelves at and bo earching examination which his cork leg | and cigarettes i St confisen Andres De. for shipment i% also a total loss. The impaired to such an {and has yet on the extent that it will take a year to get fer all the evidence presented at the first trial and such new evidence as it e | may be able to procure, It was devel r {oped at the first trial that Senator hesides large | Burton received one cash payment in Louis of 8500 as attorney for the | Hialto Grain and Securities company; o | His contract with the company was { for $2500 and four payments were | made by cheque on a St. Louis bunk | of Washington. The supreme court held | that this constituted a payment in ! | the city of Washington, Four judges of | Windhock, German | the eourt suid the government had not | Eight supported the | | made out a case. | contention that Burton should have © | heen indicted and tried in Washington {and only one sustained the lower 1 | court and the finding of the jury. n 4! World Famous Dwarf Dead. dy | Elias Rlater, Picton, from four acres | has taken 1,500 bushels of tomatoes, same ground 1, 000 bushels to gather. The wenk made ok | Blaud's Tron Tonic Pills; 100 for 2c, | Gibson's Red Crows Drug Store. | The audience of | to the discussion of the | umder take to down by the crown, and protests em- | be to jowtalh a twenty-five stamp mill. [ | tion. | the Hungarian | however, | hibited or not. | turbances I Is Adopting the -WIlD SCENES {in The Austrian Reich. strath, Yesterday. WITH LOUD SHOUTS CZECH AND RADICAL MEM. ERS RUSHED ON BENCH, Action of the Coalition Leaders Endorsed at Buda Pest Francis Kossuth's Views -- Fresh Disturbances Between Germans and Czechs. Vienna, Oct. 1.--There was a soeno in the lower house of the Austrian reichstrath, yesterday, when Deputy | Von Morsey attempted to speak. The Czech and radical members rushed to the ministerial bench, and demanded, with loud shouts, that the minister of the interior (Dr, Von Koerber) an- swer an interpellation with reference to Sunday's disorders, between Aus- trians and Czechs, at Brunn, The president vainly attempted to restore order, and finally suspended the ses- sion, The king, Hungarian promier, and the Hungarian minister of the interior, M. Kristofly, in special audi- ence, in connection with the Hungar- ian situation. Subsequently, M. Lan- vie, the Hungarian minister of jus- tice, was summoned to the palace. tho ministers lastod threo hours, and was largely devoted emo for universal suffrage. His majesty post- poned his decigion, but it is roported that Kristofily succeeded in favorably impressing the emperor. yesterday, received the Baron Fejervary, Endorse Coalitionists. Buda Pest, Oct, 4.--A resolution en- dorsing the action of the coalition leaders, after their audience with the king, at Vienna, September 23rd, has heen approved of by a committee of the coalitionists, and members of the Hungarian parliament, and will be submitted to a plenary conference of all opposition parties, The resolution declares that the coalitionists cannot form a cabinet laid phatically aguinst a revision of the settlement of 1867 being made dopen- dent on the Austrian view. Francis Kossuth, the leader of the Hungarian party of indepentlence, said, last night, that obeyed the unconsti- tutional mandate prohibiting Tues day's demonstration, use, as leaders of a constitutional movement | they would not assume responsibility and bloodshed for the of a relatively minor celobra- The procession on October 6th, taking the form of paying homage to martyrs of 1848-49, would be held, whether pro- He could not foresee people for disorder sake the consequences, but the would be unarmed. Fresh Disturbances. Austria, Oct, 4. Fresh dis between Germans and | Czechs broke out here, last evening. Gendarme fired on the crowd, wound ing one person, whereupon the mob wrecked a number of shops. Infantry and cavalry finally cleared the streets Prunn, THE NOVOE VREMYA Tactics of Speaking Peace. 8. Petersburg, Oct, 4.~The Novoe Vreemya suggests that Russia, France, Germany, and the United States, as the powers interested in the far east, hould subscribe to the provisions of the Anglo Japancse treaty respecting the maintenance of the 'status of | China, while affairs in Central Asia should be mutually guaranteed by Great Britain and Russia, The paper says it believes that Great Britain and Japan are sufficiently sincere to approve the, plan. The suggestions made. by the Novoe Vremya are be lieved to express the opinion of the Russian minister of foreign affairs, Lion Worries Woman. Gilman, IN, Oct. 4.--Miss Aimie Blondel, a lion tamer, was attacked and terribly mutilated during a per formance of a cirous here yesterday by the trick lion Roosevell, Mise Blondel will die, She was saved from immediate death in the cage by | the bullets of a troop of United States cuvalarymen, travelling with the cir- | cus, who poured a body of the lion. was feeding several when the big animal and sprang upon her, he lion was not killed, thought he may recover, Burn Methodist Church, Winnipeg, Man., Oct. wore Methodist church at Carman Man., was destroyed { morning. | at 3.30 apd quickly & y buy Beef, | stable of M, Saumby, whose horse and The only place you can y | Tare + house wers there, and these Iron and Wine wih the Rod Croat on New Table Figs | two were consumed. The fire was of 8 I" a. Dibaot's ross ig , | incendiary origin, The lows Heaghed tore. t. there. J Just 0 4 £12,000, The insuranoe is one-half of i arivel. | this. TO-LET. { es dino ETT A SR | The dominion government is consid FURNISHED PU ELIING, af TORES ering the advisability of adopting lag: that retire com- { inlatic n at the coming session should absolutely compel the ment of Canadian judges' from | pany directorates, Ash sifters, fire shovels, 5e., at Yellow tore, No. 211-213 Princess street. "Fresh on Tuesday," Horlick's mal ed milk. Gibson's trong. The gennine | Rtore. William Swain, piano tuner. = Orders | received at MoAuley's book store. It is thought { volley into the The young woman lions in the cage, became enraged | and it is The hand- by fire Toesday The blaze was first phserved spread to the 15¢c.; coal scuttles, 25¢. Hardware Red Cross Drug Quit THE me FULT. Minister Resigne--Wite Opera Singer. Philadelphia, Oct. 4.--His wife's eon- tract with Victor Rerbert, the famous composer, to sing in concert the com- ing winter, prompted the resignation, Sunday night, from the pastorate of Grace Pi yterian church, Jenkin- Hole of ev, Edwain Hlleworth Ri Mr. Riley is not losing anything hy this action. - His salary at Grace church, £1,000 a year, did not afford him a. life of luxury. Mrs. Riley's contract jo said to be for a salary of £200 a week gant a year ago it was announced f Bi Glacomo Minkowsky that iley had won the offered ig Nia Lillian N for the best amateur Sopiranc voioe | in Ameri: ca, a $7,000 scholarship ih a famous Rorepoan conservatory. Because she was married, Mrs. Riley could not re- civo the prize. HAD CLOSE CALL, Were Shot at a Charivari. Peterboro, Oot. 4.--Another shoot: ing accident, arising out of the practice of charivaring a newly wed ded couple ocvurred about five mil from Bailiehoro, in South Mon, township on Monday night. A large wind party of young men were serén Andrew Huggins and his bride, were parading down the road in the direction of the house, when Stephen Jackson discharged his weapon, double-barrelled breech loadi shot gun, He was under the impression that the shells in the gun were blank, but Kdward MeGregor and 'Thomas Par rott, who were same few feet ahead, received the charge, which took effect in Parrott's ri arm and McGregor's left arm, jured men were brought to Nicholl' ® ¢ hospital, and the shot removed. They are recovering. Their escape was miraculous, f) Two Men Have you visited this millinery : of ours and yours ? It's chuck full only new modes and styles. We will surprise everyone who to seo what wonders the new season worked in our millinery department. ----------------rls For every occasion--hats that will COMES BACK WITH GOLD. jude charmingly become): Deposited Bricks Worth ,000, Detroit, Mich., Oct. 4.--A Saginaw, Mich., despatch says: After an absence About So for tho every day Duslsiess hours, of two years, John Steele has return. | Many hats are modeled from Paris, wd to his home in Saginaw, from North. | London and New York, examples of ex ern Ontario, where he has heen on. | Guisite hatmaking, togvther with otic of gaged in developing a gold mine, in | Manufacture. i what is known as the St, Anthony | And 'this chicness and mines. A ten-stamp mill is now in = nothing to the costs~for cration, and when he roturns it will | sietently low, an usual, When Mr. 8 came down ited in the first bank he came 0, gold bricks worth $20,000, The St. Anthony mines are in the wilderness, 200 miles from a rai road, WILL ROYALLY ENTI ENTERTAIN, ---- The Jack Tars of the British Fleet, New York, Oct. 4.-To entertain properly the jack tars of the squad: ron of Prince Louis of Battenberg, which is coming here in November, the enlisted' men aboard Rear Admiral Evans' battleshi squardon, have St St raised $10,000, ot a man in the eacy eacy fleet failed to contribute. The original idea of having the Ameérican warships convey the British squadron from Ram ston Roads, to the North river, 'n abandoned as impracticable, 7 he American ships will come from the Chesapeake a day ahead of Prince Louis. THE WINDSOR RACES Will Come to An End This Week, Windsor, Ont., Oct, 4.--Secretary Palmer, of the Highland Park Jock Club, announces that the present wee ends the Windsor races. It was figured that perhaps the meetin, might be continued another week, but owing vo weather conditions, and the anxiety of horsemen to get farther ) south, and others to jump to the coast, the man : agement, device to end" the races this | Week, JOSEPH SHIPMAN PRE! VIRGINIA DREW TR gin the London and New York Comedy "Cousin Kate' By Hubert Henry Davis. Direct from the Pusan Theatre, N.Y. ! rleon-- BOe:, The., $1. Letter To A Dead Man. Heats now on Sale at' box ofics. Margate, Eng., Oot. 4.-~The Revising Barrister here told a story on Satur THURSDAY, oO day, illustrative of the lengths to SANDFORD B. RIC which some political agents will go to Ye Bright and Mi observe all the necessary formalitios s in connection with a revision of the | oo WM. § lints, MINS A voter at Canterbury died, and the 50 Brigh agent posted an objection in the churchyard in which he was buried, Then he addressed a letter to the doad man, addressed 'Mr, ----, St. | gRECIAL 2 ae Te | Martin's" and laid it on his grave, Firat tin Cy ot a The letter wot forth that the dead a 11:46 man's vote was objected to beoause he had not ocenpiod the premises for which & qualifimtion was daimed for the last three months. A stamp was enclosed for a reply. Re-Elected Directors. Montreal, Oot, 4.--The annual moet ing of shareholders of the Cana- dian Pacific railway company took lace, to-day, when Messrs. Charles osmer, Senator Robert Mackay, R. * 1G. Reid, and DD. MoNicoll were re elected directors. Seats pow ook, a oe The First Of the o Xs and Insurance Office, 51 Brock St. THE SHOP ON pasion, JIREET. near Garrett street, occu nd milliner. Apply up 5 of {TWO FRONT RED-ROOMS, NICELY Cn well heated, modern im- ovements, Near Queon's College. Ro Whig office. BWELLING, HOUSE, 32 ROOMS: provements, 341 Johnston Tonnage paren Canals. Sault Ste. - Marie, « nage Boon, total a a a ate 1a 31 TAR on foul te is or Ahan for the t- modern imp; ntreet, silane, for, Toure re Nesbitt, ornor of roa Uhiversity Avenue,