SG Ca - Br pi =~ aidlaw' s Bh =~ ---- PT ar and Hosie lery 'VERYBODY WANTS, ody is in a hurry now. ht weight is necessary Some. ) for fall I Wool Vests and Drawers 2s and sizes, 50c, 7sc, _unshrinkable Underwear es tisfaction to our custom ers lag d 35¢. Vests and Drawers in | ay is shown in our Underwear | 1st now. | Drawers--Fine Unshrinkable fall weights, ¢. each : ach, i Hh; fal Drawers--Fall weights, '250, Underwear --6 different makes f Children's Vests and Drawers, ich, both in white an] natural n's 8 Suits Rr thing yet for tbe clothes off. All Cashmere be re, all sizes, medium weights, 230 25¢, according to size. Cashmere Stockings, 2cc, 35¢., according to size. in Cashmere Stockings, 7 dif- select from, all sizes in each, ashmere Stockings > Stockings, 25¢c, 350. Two kes, ribbed or plain, kes English Cashmere, 300, 75C. n Cashmere. rdinal Cashmere, lite Cashmere, >oatsfor Nomen The Latest New York Models In fine quality Black English ver and Fawn Shades of Co- and Whipcord Cloths. | You can save from $1 to on your Fall Coat. Many rs have done this and have | quite candid in admitting it. L Se a TRAE IDLAWESH) ther Boots R MEN Thoroughly waterproof, he vy viscolized "soles, leather lit- ed--a boot you can depend 0 We have them in B jack an Tan, in all heights, from af ordinary boot to as high ® the knee. Headquarters for Mining and Surveying Boots. IT SHOE STORE SECOND SECTION. | PAGES © TO 14 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG YEAR 72. - KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1908. nothing definite: about sound," he said. "It evades reason at times and tumbles 'upon us frequently 'by acci- dent, but it is still one of the secrets of nature. We are experimenting con: stantly to get perfect tone. There is nothing now, however at we can that granted; in i p vor, th + | velopment not. record. Wo had Uutihle at first ghar with soprano voices, and' late with | milling violin od 'colle solos. We only put oriv, his are, ude vote 'cello solos on the market about four | cordiey," months ago. No day is exactly like | eal ine, de wong another, Hhere is & constant though thd wu of minute atmospheric change going on Than et dvi about us, so we try everything, no | logo ves, matter how absurd it hin ni at | the mpd.. of plate ors the time, in_an effort to catch nature | edair apparatus in a scientific trap." What 1 heard All this shows will not be on the market for a | so mich te resu vear. Edison's policy is to mistrust | as if is a) - a merely friendly aspect of nature till | work, the i he has nouited her assurance of its | poet ands | practical truth." combing to make he PENDE nox T asked Edison what he was doing DENN about the new storage battery. He m-------- tossed his head impatiently, while the | THE VALUE OF OB ot tolerant smile of a patient man con tradicted the frst impression, and he | Few People Know How Vastupt A began to talk. is iw Preserving Health THOMAS Sioa IN HIS "Those fel lows out west don't seem Beauty. / to catch on," he began crisply. "Just | Nearly everybody knows that e The miracles of Edison's discoveries c - - bocause those batteries are not all | coal is the safest and most elici } over the United States now they seem ! disinfectant and purifier in nature, to think I haven't done it. I'll show | few realize its value when taken in em next pring; they'll be on the thio human syste for thie samé o market then. I'm building a new factory out here to make 'em in, but ing, is I didn't want to put 'em on the mar- | you 9 of it the Setlers it them ket till 1 knew they wonld do the deug at all, But simply absorbs work," Ho pond, staring sralehl | gases and {impurities Near DI abead, and waited for, as mach and intestines and ¢ thought, he was adjusting to make rin ha out of the systew. clear, as he habitaally has done in his Charcoal sweetens the breath oxperiments. 'I have proven that my smoking, drinking or after eating other odorous storage battery does the gy they ion nd are being used in New York on tracks : Hoctually to-day, but I limited the number Charcoal the ok and . put out to make the thing experimen Dy amples, it whi 5 tal. Fve been testing over 20,000 of Jom Fiber 88 4: onl 'sm right here in the laboratory, and eminently le. a cathartic. they're all right now. They cam do 3 absorbs the injutiov TS the work and it means a solution of pr in the stoma the crowded traffic problem in all divinfects the es on throat great cities." Another panse came, the poison of catarrh. and he renewed the talk with more All druggists ell charcoal _ in. ot form or another, but an best charcoal and the mast for money is in Stuart's Charcoal | es; they ave composed of the owdered Willow charcoal, and oth armless antiseptics in tablet form rather in the form of large, ple are to the scientist desperately reason- able, and to label his exact experi ~ ments as mere vaporings from dream land enrages him. Still say what he will the inception of almost any new [] invention has appeared first to the in ventor in a most visionary stage of development, Take Edison's own story of the new storage battery which he has just com leted, and of which he told «me much in detail, it was based upon the inventor's high esteem for the prolific promises there are in nature, for as he said, he could not conceive that na- ture so generous in all her favors had been mean enough to limit a storage buttery to lead and acids. Maybe it is because he had always been as pun tiliously chivalrous and just to her in his laboratary, that nature has re warded him by lifting her veil to vin so often, Wireless telegraphy had been con fided to him by nature twenty years ago, he told me, when the Lehigh Valley road successfully 'used it in their freight department service. At that time he flashed a message from earth to a kite two miles in the air above, Just at that time he was In tremendous favor with Dame Nature, she gave him an idea for the incan descent lamp, which obliterated for a time his interest in wireless tele JCC = oo en ee Ye "People seem to forget that you ' can't make a battery that is war ranted to work right as vou can a dynamo. A battery is a thing of che i mienl action, it is not A bit of solid machinery. | wasn't going to put out a battery that | couldn't Ro phon, tasting lozenges, the charcoal b that ' wasn't commercially practical mixed with honey. The problem solved is this: "We | The daily vse of those Jozenges halve the traffic for vehicles in crowd | soon tell in a much jmproved oon od streets because we cut their length tion of the general health, better co || P-- in two. when we do away with the plexion, sweeter breath and graphy. ' hors, then we halve it again by [Plood, and the heawty of Jit is, After the lamp came experimenta greater speed, which prevents conges- | No possible harm can result from improvements in automatic telegraphy tion." It was clear that he was. a [continued uss, but on the con rain at high #peecis, when patuie { hit sensitive about the eriticism of the great benefit. " ; rew a attention 0 he a a s hs x ne rr " \ np TOMOBIT.E ED FUNDER - delay, because it revenled an unfair ufialo physician in speaking sounds produced by the vibration of a Trg THEW STORAGE Bax BRN Wo WHL DRIVE: AlN AUTOMOBILE HE FUNDREDMIL ES lack of confidence in a man who. had | the benefits of sharcoal says Tr stylus #6 was using in connection ---- -- a san " . me-- | one things vise Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges to all> with the mstruments, to this he aM Cd | . oi i . wy ly "1 don't usually talk much. I pre patients suffering from gas in sto 5 plied his knowledge of aoolstics Be © nereial rosalts of the Fil ; | workmanshiy he just says bimbo produce, and when I do so my | 80d bowels, and to clear the complexs the telephone mechanics, with the aii ol on's. athievemonis than nature that's wrong; it's me. Ul | Coan Co FENG good. Why, I've heen |iOn and purify the breath, mouth a | i | 1 in spite of the pressure abs! v who is ploser to the played his life, | r », N.ol., that it is a : at Orange, . buildings, where = y hnieal man, spoke of the | § sult that he produced the phono oop at it till 1 know more." There ot i i id throat; 1 also believe the liver sel veil lorning th } | ¥ I experimenting and perfecting this, just e graph. And so it seems to have Ten Hse of yas, th r | a is done w 1 the phon i an experimenting room in the la pe. have any ion the -- greatly benefited by the dailv nse with him all along the line. Instead of } I hs { a little over r We never horatary deve Mind vou, an inventor can make thei: they cost but twenty-five ce v 1 bl edd to the improvement kot feeling as wizards of old have done, perhaps, it is inevitab) : | ve- | main force, the im the ed; in the ad for week of the Phong aph. A : Wange a beautiful thing to show much |8 box at drag stores, and althon that nature was a dangeraus, aw magi emia | v phonograph done i Our nt | man, w ho, Jeary a Stiking Rehemb quicker than he can perfect a thing | '0 some sense a patent Prepar some specter to be withstooc al ores at the . g pi © machines or in ane Pt here : t lance to Bfiton bina + is master of | 4 ust work, We're very commer- | yet T believe T get more and feared, he has Satn hor beauties, 2p takes source in the prophetic imagin are aver 2,0 employ Aff the whole thing would g. mam. Suet he n haa Surprises ta cinl found here," he added, with a | charcoal in Stuart's Ohaieaal To proached her with wauiidence, A Ton Fd the' in) inA aston : ip in mn 1 asked ' 0 die Wis a. " are bot Yet shrewd glint of pride and satisfaction | *s than in any of the ordinary ¢ found that she holds only the mo BHO 1 \ re ® enough, but we | on . he mar ke ! doate]_one_o : om in his blue eye. as he stamped his | coal tablets." : $hdeating principles for humanity al nj \ {magical this " lo at ter. prege uo eran. © KNOW 1 two feet squarely on the ground in ison is mot a wizard, he is a [a hi . -. by BA prescience. i emphatic assurance of this fact. Straw For Fodder. chioved b agin dam 'di sturdy, sugny souled, hard headed son Ju: spite of th vo a ag $100 Reward, $100 Once Edison has transformed a) In the event of a short hay } { b dream into a tangible reality he is all | horses may be made to fare well state s et at the we of Ohio, the great Buckeye stat ants 1 met at . business, for he added: "What wo |ecither wheat or oat straw, or be ' Lhe readers of this pauper will be He has what all gieat Americans of } their exact reasonit picased Lo learn that thers is at least one . 1 a wanted this battery to do it is now | The straw should first be cut the present day reveal eperially the J experience and « ! iti ne dre. eaded disense that science has teen able . : TT Ta Sot ee" hiran H ' AT ita tages. and that ie doing in the New York streets--that | chaff then wet and bran and middli mperanien " wond rh th- { tar the is, a minimum space, reduced weight, | added to it. There is more value times, because it has been forced up- would be no more ¢ ar \ rics vear Wt and ow kpown to the medical 1 on him fall into an outward semb-*] coming there. ation in th that #t should bn Catarrh being a constitution. | & forty-mile run with a truck capacity | nutriment in: 5 2% of b ! all in : wl i ung : a : anes 0 a shoul iseawe, requires a constitutional | of one tone and one charge at alittle | than in a bushel of wi wheat. 1 anoce- of the fictional! scientis ¥ Fdison himseli expressed " it of stili life, but a § treatment. Hall's Catarrk Cure is taken | more San one-half it costs to keep reas f thi because the ™ stery : . : of i Kd vw. alive every i internally, acting directly on the b : n Pa on of this: is man of abstraction and silent mys this way No man of a ma alive every min 2 ¥ upon the blood | ¢ ohicl I but get hi Id friends, and he it of mind ever invented ur tive wil carried all the [45d mucous surfaces of the system, [horse vehicle running now. I've done | contains the larger. part of the H im among o ig hg tical habit of mind ev ey an hive for H on a tharetry destroying the foundation of the | it, and next spring our factory here | tein of the grain, and that is w will Se better stories and liste thing that amounted 1 i : natontly impending fail | qisense, and giving the patient strength ill be king th alf times old ones as generously and with as h n't the imagination 1 i t I tmer - rinmphant practical value | b¥ building up the comstitution and As Th oy if them, ' two and a k ti as much as x a pleasure as ordinary hearty font know anvthing about h o tenntious ax a bulldog | ating natures in doing its work. . od onograph is complete," 1 |starch of it, which is mostly A dof 0! ¥ y tl tal the groin amt. ae de human beings. maties--ean't even do proportion hat are 1 v hold of an dea. and | outichars. have that hy fae in tia ' Oh no! The phonograph is a use- | jt ak bran, . Bit Because Edi 8 yrophet, chosen . 11 the ' a ticiaf i Id him or coax him to | flundred Dollars for a ha i y it" it in the ¥ son is a prof Ic hire all the g hy case. that it lui th 1 J dh sec 8 the to. advamee the power of his fellow § 0 Con BO ' tell, | OO r fore be reaches for a thing | [841 to cure. Send for list of testimoni- | (4 (VE. 80 2 8 hii 1g) is The | Coie. of. mi 1 eel d axe Tao¥ And he ; brie] A what pleasure it has given; it is the | about equal to bran in vals 8 a i arom] we . V > en over hindering exactitude, se eee "but | can't hire m th log f ¥ os ol Hien dress rr CHENEY & ©0., | poor man's music, but we are experi- ding, whien these pon i y purtunts iat ame hs. > How. AEmatamn i : where he he intended 3 by. all Dromwiste. 56 Meuting, discovering new things all | at reasonable prices any FYARY ons. y Edison will be exacth fry h ' * ! on Wall's ¥ "1k i. the time in it." 4 : " wh > dion 1 it absorbed y ¥ Jods. not 1 Jd 1 all's Family Pills for consti- . | respects no more Trees phin dramatic flavor ba toon or Jyears old next February; be "| His head mechanic, Fred Ott, prob \ y blame satura ™ And that is just the sccret of Fai- i erally mix wi ie sole » E