Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Oct 1905, p. 10

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Parlor and Ohina Cabinets, also Couches. - Rug and Velour Parlor Prices This Week at NES REID'S Undertaker. delight. and Hot drinks, call at PETTERS & CO. ri . Ont. on applica- Postmaster at Port Rurwell, tat the Department of Public -. Bi nt cond On orm say , and ith the actul siguntutes. cf ton enlarged facilities -- and its half century of experience. A wooden box in which to mail your watch to us will be sent you free on request. RYRIE BROS. es LIMITE D ovens 134-138 YONGE ST. TO THE NEWEST CABINET PHOTO OF HIS EXCELLENCY The Right Honorable Sir Albert Henry George, Barl Grey, Present Gover- nor-Genera: of the Dominion of Canada. Sent to All Users of DIAMOND DYES! Read the Bas) Conditions. Tt will interest the ladies &f Canada ain ta Montagal artist has speci prepared or the manufactur. ers of bi MOND DYES an order for most recent photo of our very Poy Governor-General. These cab- net photos are worthy of a pluce in any parlor or sitting-room. Please note well the conditions. One photo will be sent freo of cost to each Indy who sends her full post office ad- dress and four of the inner envelopes which contain INAMOND DYE of any olor. Envelopes of other makes of pack are dyes will not be accepted. This offer will be valid until Novem. her 30th, 1905. Send in your address at once with the four empty envelopes, so that you may get this photo with out delay, Wells & Richardson Co., Limited 200 Mountain Street, Montreal, Que. ER ln Lr a TH THE HATLESS WOMEN Will Not Be Allowed in New York Church. New York, Oct. 7.--Dr. Edward L. Stoddard, rector of St. John's Epis- 'f copal church, has stirred up a tempest in the teapot by hix recent decree against the custom of women comin to church without hats. Dr. Stod. dard 'wrote an article which was pub- lished in the St. John's Church Bulle- tin, copied of which were placed in ev- ery pew at the morning service. Dr Stoddard based his objections to "hatless" women on the seventh chap ter of lst Corinthians, in which St. Paul distinctly forbids women to re main bareheaded in church. The rea son for St. Paul's objection, Dr. Stod- dard says, is that the chief glory of a woman is her hair, and, naturally she devotes much time to its care. 4 is one of the chief vanities and there fora she should not display it in church, The edict of the rector has caused considerable comment among the fem: ivine members afl the congregation Mis position is criticised as il logical It is admitted that the beauty of some women's hair may detract the attention of impressionable men from the sermon, but it is pointed out, that the beauty of some hats worn in church, have the same effect upon most women, as a woman's beautiful hair would have upon some men. Eas- ter bonnets were not in use in St. Paul's time, and his objection to bare- ed women, therefore, antiquated. Japan's Population. Japan has an area actually 27 000 Siuare Wiles gromine than the British I and 5,000,000 more inhabitants; in other words, the populatian of Jap- an is 47,000,000, while that of Great Britain and Ireland is but 42,000,000. Japan's population exceeds that of France by nearly 9,000,000, of Italy by 15,000,000, and of Austro- Hungary by 500,000, Outside of Asia there are ut three countries in all the world with greater population than Japan-- Russia, the ited States. Mit Ger- They maklyone feel as though life | was worth living. Take ane of Car. ter's Little Liver Pills after eating: it will relieve dvspepsia, 'aid digestion, give tone and vigor to the Rideau ons King for Ottawa every day and Thursday, at 6 a.m. TRAFALGAR DAY THE MEMORY OF GREAT NEL- SON KEPT GREEN. ' The Man Who Established Brit ain's Naval Supremacy -- A Career of Dazling Brilliancy-- His Signal His Greatest * Monwmment. y Throughout our far-flung empire, on October 21st, will be kept the cen tenary of the day which marked the ing of the naval supremacy of Engtand. Trataiges day, when the na- tions de , and the gions pride, died , doimg his duty, Today, pT ope hundred turbulent years, Horatio, Viscount Nelson stands, with untarnished laurels, a dominant figure of honor, devotion and patriotism, It was a great and a sad day for England when Nelson in the Vie tory his flagshi, , signalled to bear down upon the and Spanish fleets in two lines. Great, because op it was achieved one of the greatest victories of which ancient or modery hi holds record--sad, because on ied the man whose glorious signal land expects every man to do * will remain a watchword long ax the English language shall re. The fifth son of Edmund Nelson, ree tor of Burmmham Thorpe, in Norfolk, ane of the many great ones who have come from quiet country rectories, land's great admiral and hero was frail of ly from his childhood, on, scoffing at veical ability, rather than Ih it. Promising to pro- vide for 'one his sister's children- the Nelson family being very poor his uncle, Capt. Suckling took him on the Raissonable, on the pumitive ex- pedition sent out by England, after the seizure, by Spain, af the Falk- tad Islands, in 1770. With the gloomy remark from his uncle that if a cannon ball took his head off, he would, at least, be provided for, the ost dazzling career the sen has ever known begun. Step by step he won his way up, gaining the confidence of his su- iors till he took a licutenancy be- ee he was nineteen, and was made post-captain on a frigate before he reached twenty-one. In 1750 he great- ly distinguished himself, on the bril- hantly conceived, but ill-starred ex- pedition to take Fort San Juan from the Spaniards apd in 1752 came on convoy duty to Quebec. In 1753 he returned home with the West Indian fleet, and was presented at court. At that time he had won the deep esteem of Lord Hood, the most famous sea cap- tain of the age. Later on, in the West Indies, as senior captain, he endeavor ed to put down the smuggling be tween the new United States, and the British colony, and fell ont with the admiral in command. Nelson, sure of his attitude, defied the admiral, and was backed up by the government, But his great opportunity was yet to come, In 1793 war was declared be- tween England and France, and Eng land « naval position was by no means secure, Nelson was given the captaincy of 'the worst ship in the fleet, tne Ag amenamnon, but with hor did deeds of stupendovis daring and heroic seaman- ship, which astonished even those who expected great things from him. Unee, without waiting the order of Lord Hotham, when in 17685, the lat ter was engaging a French fleet, of superior force in the Mediterranean, Nelson engaged the whole of the hos- tile squadron, nearly destroying a big '84 ship, with hardly any Joss to himself. His name was synonymous with energy, daring, resource and hero- ism, and his sailors adored him. At. St. Vincent, seeing the situation at a glance, he defied Admiral Jervis' orders, hoarded two vessels of the en- omy. leading his men on with the ery "Victory, 'or Westminster Abbey," took the Spauiards' flagship, and won the day for Jervis. At Tenerifie, in 177, he lost his right am, in a night attack, and in the famous bat- tle of the Nile, in which he annihilat ed France's naval power, and made Britannia mistress of the seas, he lost an aye, But all his dazzling achievements are but the background to the great fight in Trafalgar Bay. when, under full sail, on a long swell settling in from the Bay of Cadiz, Nelson led the van of the English fleet to glorious triumph. Many a flag flew from the Victory, no colors showed on the enemy's masts, The well formed line of French threc-deckers might well have awed 'an assailant; the British sailors only admired the beauty and splendour of the spectacle, remarking "what a fine sight vonder ships will make at Spithead." And before the day was over, twenty of Villencuve's ships had struck, Before the battle began, Nelson, "Weak Heart" ro Palpitation and irregular action of the heart are due largely to a thin, watery condition of the ~~ Watery blood. The heart and nerves refuse to perform their proper work for want of support. Pale, weak, THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 7. Fwho had a certain premonition degth, had written the following : "May the great God whom 1 worship grant 10 my country, a great and glorious victory, and may no miscon duet in anyone tarmish it, and may humanity after vietory be the re dominant feature of the British fleet." With cool courage the Victory endur- ed for hours the fire from the San tissima without returning a single gun, At length she ran down the Re doubtable, whose tops, like all those of the enemy's ships, were filled with riflemen. Nelson never placed mus ketry in his tops, considering it mar derous warfare, and useless to decide the fale of a general engagement Curiously, a ball from the enemy's mizzen struck the admiral who scorn wd 10 be anywhere but in the hottest of the battle, and he fell. shot through the back, and mortally wounded Carried to the cockpit, already filled with wounded and dying, his one thought was of his country and = of those under him, and the life spark stayed lit till Hardy told him vie tory was with the English A grateful pation lavished honors on his memory, and the leaden coffin in which he was brought home was cut in pieces, and distributed as relics of Saint Nelson, as the Victory's gun ners called him, But greatest of all his monuments is the signal crystal lizing the foree which moves the trie sons and daughters of that Greater Britain which rules the waves of well nigh all the world. "England expects every man to do his duty." MME. EMMA EAMES Will Be Heard at Maine Festival. Musical of! ORDER YOUR EVERYDAY NEEDS FROM EATON"S Free Delivery your Nearest Railway Station n the Province of N° MATTER where you live--any place i Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island, you can enjoy the same advantages as the citizens of Toronto in purchasing your everyday needs. Such goods as Men's and Women's Clothing, Dress Coods, Linens, Stationery, Books, Cloves, Hosiery, Drugs, Veilings, Laces, Neckwear, Boots, Underwear, Millinery, Hats, Caps, Furs, Jewelry, Curtains, Draperies, Carpets, Classware, Kitchenware, Groceries, Sporting Goods, Wall Papers, Harness, Paints, Pictures, Sewing Mach- ines and Toys, and all' other goods with the exception of Fur- niture, Refrigerators, Springs, Mattresses, Organs, Baby Carriages, Stoves, Sugar, I'lour and Salt, provided your Order is $25.00 or over, are delivered free to your nearest Railway Station. Cet your Neighbour to join you and make your order $25.00 or over. OUR CATALOGUE'CONTAINS DESCRIPTIONS AND PRICES OF ALL OUR GOODS. IF YOU HAVE NOT ONE WRITE FOR IT--IT'S FREE MME. EMMA EAMES, Bangor, Me., Oct. 7.-For the time since she Maine, fifteen Paris to study first left her native state, Years ago, to g singing, Mme. Emma Eames Story, the great American prima donna, will be heard in this state at a festival which is to be giv en in her honor here to-night. The great singer, accompanied by her hus band and her pet dog, Fifi, arrived here two days ago, and was enthusi astically received by society, Governor Cobb gave a reception in her honor at the city hall, and several other social functions were arranged in her by prominent society people. Mme Eames will sing twice in this state and will then start on a concert tour which will take her as far as San Francisco. After January 1st she will be heard at nine performances at the go to honoy Metropolitan Opera House in ow York. ---------- Diamond Glints. Carl W. Chester, in Buffalo News. Fidders kill flies, Waiters pass the plates, Even the umpires make errors. Players often fan the sphere, Many misses never miss a game. Some baseball pitchers are growlers. A ball player's life is full of errors. Some left-handed pitehers are all right. "Not out," said a fan, when he re fused to grant a loan. Ball players run each other down on the base lines, "A squeeze play," laughed the ice man, when he hugged the maid. Umpires are very apt to term it basebaw! when the crowd gets after them, "You're fined 85. shouted the um pire, "Make it thirty days," replied Kissinger, When base hits come in bunches, they are poor picking for the oppos ing teams, There was a Spratt, Who didn't know where she was at, She went to 4 game and was never the same, For a foul laid an beg in her hat. ------ United States Fire Loss. Rhode Island Standard "We burn up three theatres, three public halls, twelve churches, ten whools, two hospitals, two asylums, two colleges, six apartment houses, thive department stores, two jails, twenty six hotels, one hundred and forty flat houses, and nearly 1,600 homes every week of the year." It is the statement uf the International So ciety of State and Municipal Building Commissioners and inspectors. We do more than this. We hum to death eighteen people every day in the year speaking in averages. Almost as many people meet death in fires in this country as in railroad wrecks and ac cidents. We have burned wp more than a thousand willion doMars' worth of property in sic vears, amd for this loss the output of all our iron mines would just euffioe to pay; our total gold output would pay for about ane- third of it. Our loss gains upon us." An Emergency Physician. You dre sure to save needless suf: fering and you may save life by hav- ing at hand a bottle of Smith's White Liniment. It is of vital importance that pain or injurics be treated promptly. Here is a remedy that re young . woman named ¥ lieves pain in an almost magical way, ALL DRUCCISTS--ONE DOLLAR TRIAL FREE and cures strains bruises, backs, ---- ete, quicker than any other remedy DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited we know of. In 25c. bottles at 179 King 8 W., Toronto, Canada | Wade's. "T.EATON C2... 190 YONGE STREET TORONTO CANADA 7 alll edlework is a magazine = that every lady should take. Issued 4 (rT aT pages beautifully Illustrated, 50 cts peryear. Write BLINN sending 15 cents. Corticelli Silk Co,Ltd, St.Johns,PQ. MISS ALICE ROOSEVELT From Yokohama for Peking. Yokohama, Oct. T.~-Miss Alice Roosevelt and the other members of ths party which had accompanied her on her visit to Pekin, sailed from here today for the United States on the Pacific Mail company's steamer Siberia. An official escort accompanied the party to the dock, where thon Has Sailed Ale and Porter Unlike rages, they are REE from car- Are universal favorites. the majority of beve ABSOLUTELY F sands of people wero assembled to nic acid gas, being made from witness the départure of the distin the purest of Malt and Hops. They guished American visitors. The tra- are tively 1 sellers were all in excellent health and positively guaranteed. Just spirits and looked forward to a plea what you need. and a trial will sant journey. prove it poimiad by Brahm Loreen. ve meee | JAS, McPARLAND, AGENT. Rev. Father Marion as parish priest at Douglas, will remain at Quy consent of the Bishop and Rev, ¥ 339 and 341 King St. 'Phone 274. er Quilty will go to Douglas. BEECHAM are the best remedy for a derange: gentle laxative; a reliable cure for Attacks, Sick Headache and all, di gestion, sluggish Liver or clogged Give Qui ive Q and are a world-famous medicine complaints. Their cost is a trifle health's sake, insist on Beecham"s body than any other remedy. K thousands all over the globe. Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, Sold by all Druggists in Canada and | CEREBOS SALT Wholesale Agents Robertson & Sons KINGSTON. Geo. TO MIS MAJESTY THE KING . SirJohn Power & Son Ltd. ESTABLISHED AD. 1791, THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a century for its delicacy of flavor. Of highest standard of Purity. It is especially recommended by the Medical Profession or account of its peculiar ; "DRYNESS" » THERE SRE JUANY BAKING POWDERS Lo So SL "Usnror mes BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE MAGIC BAKING POWDER itis Pure, Wholesome and Economical s "SOLD IN ALL SIZES. EW.GILLETT 20Rives LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. Dye © At Home! * Ma e" is a cake of soap that washes and dyes at one operation. Not an old fashioned dirty, feany powder dye. It gives brilliant, fast hing--dyes to any color or shade. Seed bre to that trip fo the dyeat with Maypole. Maypole Soap Made in England bul sold everywheve. 10c. for Colors--1isc. for Black. WE AIM TO PLEASE Everybody at all times. buy right and sell right and + are positive that no one can gr W you better values in CHILI REN'S SHOES than you w find at this store. H, JENNINGS, King §

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