TE ------------ ee e-- -- -- .RYDAY M PS lway Station the Province of cotia or Prince : as the citizens Such goods as »ods, Linens, gs, Veilings, illinery, Hats, ies, Carpets, rting Goods, ewing Mach- xception of Fur- Baby Carriages, $25.00 or over, ke your order S OF ALL OUR GOODS. S FREE D. LIMITED CANADA beautifully Jor sample d.,St.John's,P.Q. ND, AGENT. {ing St. m-- . EH TBEECHANS PILLS are the best remedy for a deranged stomach. They are a safe and gentle Jaxative; a reliable cure for obstinate Constipation, Bilious Attacks, Sick Headache and all disorders arising from a weak Di- gestion, sluggish Liver or clogged Bowels. ' Beecham's Pills Give Quick Relief and are a world-famous medicine forthe cure of these prevalent complaints. Their cost is a trifle; their use--a duty. For your They do more for your Known and used by hundreds of health's sake, insist on Beecham's Pills. body than any other remedy. thousands all over the globe. Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Sold by all Druggists In Canada and U. S. America. In boxes 25 cents, BETTER BREAD FOR ARMY. A Bread-Kheading Machine for T the Service. Washington, D.C., Oct. 7.--The war department has reached an important decision, which will, to some extent, revolutionize the culinary department of the service, It has been decided to introduce machinery for making bread instead of having the bread made by the slow 'and unsatisfactory hand method. The navy has found it ad- vantageous t6 have such a system, and vessels are being equipped as rapidly as possible with a type of bread- kneading machine which is said to an- swer. all demands upon it. This con- clusion im favor of mechanical bread- making has been reached after a prac- tical" test of the methods on board the United States ship Missouri for a period of six months. Army officers have been making an investigation of systems at Fort Riley, where there are schools for cooks and bakers, and at West Point, 'where the facilities ex ist for carrying on competitive tests of the machinery. A certain type of | machine has been recommended by the | commissary officers, given | special attention to the subject, and it | is 'believed that the adoption of this | machine throughout the army, togeth ler with the sending out of army cooks and bakers, will have 'a favorable eof f-ct upon the enlisted men by furnish ing them with food properly prepared It bas been found that the army fares somewhat better than the navy in the matter of food, and.this is largely attributed to the way the food js i sued and prepared. © There have been many complaints concerning the qual Wholesale Agents Robertson & Sons KINGSTON. Geo. who have TO MIS MAJESTY THE KING . SirJohn Power & Son Ltd. dala birt hallo deine ESTABLISHED AD. 1791, THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY induc:d the war department to make Letter From Greater New BRODBRIN'S York. NEVER A MURPHY BUT IS READY FOR A SCRAP ALWAYS. A Good Judge, and a Wise De- cision--A Champion' Looked as if He Had Explored a Steam Thresher. ; Special Correspondence Letter, No. 1.482 New York, Oct. 7.--As the investi gation proceeds into the admiiistra- tion of the Equitable Life Insurance company, the shocking revelations grow worse every day till it seems al- most impossible for a number of men, who have for years occupied, socially and financially, the highest seats in the Sanbedrin and who enveloped themselves in the sacred toga and thanked God that they were not like other men to have done it | A homeless wanderer had been tramping the streets all night. If he laid down to sleep in one of our beau, tiful parks which we maintain for the THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER who could lick any other light weigh champion and beat him hands down. was George Dixon. When he st into the squared circle for battle, he wasn't much to look at, but when it stay, knocked. His complexion led his audi J ener to believe that his great grand . father whether he was ference, he could fought one night at Coney Island and The name of this phenominal pug came to fighting, he was thero to until the other fellow was was a king in South Africa, and that Geo himself was a prince of the blood, but whether he was or not, it made no dif whip his weight in wild cats and that meant money, I mentioned in my letters where he cight thousand men turned out to see the fight. It was one of the stormiest nights of the season; the receipts were twenty-six thousand dollars, of which the little darky got nearly seven thou- sand dollars for a fight that lusted scarcely a half hour. When the two tonghs had finished their beastly con test. and the white champion lay PROSPECTUS | The Sovereign Fire Assurance Company Of Canada. : Incorporated by Special Act of the Parliament of Canada Authorized \ Capital - - - HEAD OFFICE: 182 BAY STREET, TORONTO, ONT. $2,000,000 lifeless on the ground covered with his own gore from head to foot, a mighty roar burst from the as bled multitude that shook the building from top te bottom, and threatened ta bring the roof down about their ears. From that might till the battle of the last week with Kid Murphy, this little negro"s grand march was like a Roman triumph. for up to a few months ago he had never known defeat. The earnings of this litte ignorant negro have heen consid rably more than a hundred thousand dal lars. On the nights 1 mentioned when Island, the price oftad yn ranged from two dollers, surance Company of DAVID E. THOMASON, OF LINCOLN, NEB. Who has been appointed ambassador of the United States to Mexico to succeed Ldwin, if Conger Yr. Thomson has been minister to Brazil since 1902 a change in the system Famous for over a century for its delicacy Continuots Politics. of flavor. Tom Wat Magazine : om Watson's Magazine Of highest standard of In Butte, Mont., the political cam Purity. paigns are continuous and are fought with a bitterness that borders on sav Money is lden stream by the copper kings; clubs are brought on from the east to sing the merits of the rival candidates; physical arguments take place all over the city; every union and society is invaded by the adher- ents of the parties. From a hundred trunks, soap boxes, theatres and hotel balconies local and imported orators shout the praises of their men. The daily papers come out with broadsides of denunciation and scare headlines, proclaiming the villainy of their op ponents; the ablest cartoonists in the west sketch a Heinze or a Rockefeller as a fiend incarnate. So the battle rages until election day, after which a breathing spell is takem and then the battle starts off again with a vigor that time scems but to strengthen. It is especially recommended by the Medical Profession or account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" | agery. poured out in a | | | i | ty of the bread and ths. have Laally | { | | | THERE SRE JUANY BAKING POWDERS A Man Of The Day. William Nicholson, was recently appointed to succeed Field Marshal Sir George White, V.C,, as governor and com mander-in-chief of Gibraltar, has been permitted for private reasons to re BUT THERE IS sign the appomtment, says the Lon ONLY ONE don Star. In the early days of the MAGIC BAKING POWDER war between Russia and Japan, he was British attache with the Japa "its Pure, rrr S---------- nese army, but had to return home on and Economical SOLD. IN ALL SIZES. account of bad health. He has the re- putation of being one of the cleverest COMPANY £ GILLETT LIMITED, engineer officers in the army. He en TORONTO,ONT. joyed the marked friendship and con D to any Color fidence of Lord Roberts, who selected At Home! him for important employment in the march to Kandahar. and again in Maypole" is a cake of soap that es and dyes at one operation. Not lieut.-Gen, Sir K.C.B., who South Africa, where he was military secretary to the comumander-im-chief, and director of transport at head quarters, Taxes 20s. 8d. In The Pound. The Island of Barra, in the Hebrides, an old fashioned dirty, powder holds the record for heavy rate he dye' Tt gives brilliant, fast cofora--dyes parish council has just lodged a pe enything--dyes to any color or shade. tition with' the secretary for Seot dyesat SA5 that (into fue dye hows ™ land, asking for special financial aid. The popmlation is 2,540, and assess able value £2872. Recently imposed rates of 175. 11d. raise the current year's rates to 20s. 8d. in the pound. This is the highest rate in Great Bri tain, and arises, pot from extrava gonce, hut solely on account of the multifacious local government re guirements, Maypole Soap Made in England bul sold everywhere. 10c. for Colors--1isc. for Black. An Old Barrister. Arthur Burrows, barrister at-law, of Lincoln's Tan, has rfeently completed his ninety-third year, having been born om August 26th, 182. He is the oldest practic 1g barrister in the kingdom, and has held the appoint ment as one of the conveyancing coun sel to the chancery division since 1ST ---- I -------- The Tonic Of Health. Must be more than a stimulant WE AIM TO PLEASE Everybody at all times. We buy right and sell right and we|brain and bone. T rozone which contains exactly medicing that is both similation, converts food into nn That tonic is Fer are positive that no one can give |a rundown system needs. Ferrozon vou better values in CHILD: | 78 200%, "Guliing the brn REN'S SHOES than you will . it makes sueh vigorous men and wo find at this store. z better by using Ferrozone; try it all dealers; a food and a tonic--it aids digestion, promotes as triment that builds up nerves, blood, . 1 what | top of the { | iron to harden the muscles. No wonder men. You'll eat, sleep, think gnd feel H, JENNINGS, King St, I: Foi pleasure of oMe citizens at the annual cost of many millions of dollars, he would be seized at once hy our vigi lant sparrow police and the next morning he would be dragged into court and be sentenoed to Blackwell's | Island for six months as a vagrant. + 1f sleeping in one of our parks is such a serious crime demanding such stren eous punishment, what measure shall be dealt out to him who robbed the widow and orphan of their daily 1 ard their pig" th shelter ? Such miscreants must and shall not go un whipped of justice. The day and the hour of dread retributions is sure to come. It is just as certain as that God lives and reigns. It is only four weeks ago, if it had not been for a merciful judge, that a man would have been sentenced to Blackwell's Island for stealing a from a baker's waggon, and a bottle of milk from an adjacent doorstep; this vile criminal did pot attempt to run away, he sat down on the step and squared himself for break fast. When the baker came out of the alley where he had delivered two loaves of bread and seme rolls, he | was thunderstruck. The hardened criminal looked at the baker, and the baker looked at the desperate crim baker; "Right ip said the harden' hread ?' asked the that waggon there,' od criminal; is plenty more there, help vour "Help yourself, ves, and I'll help vou to the island, that's what I'll ldo," said the excited baker, shaking his fist at the tramp I'll be very much obliged to vou," said the tramp. "I've been trying to get in 'there for the last six months: but thev wouldn't have me hecaunse I didn't do nothing." The cop arrested him. and he was put in a cell at headquarters. Next morning he was taken to the police court. The case and the judge who had papers, looked baker was called, been examining up and said "Are vou the who complained of this man *" am vour honor." "What did he steal #7 "A loaf of bread." "What * "Five cents your some was it worth ? honor." man to Blackwell's Island 7° "1 do your honor." "Which rather have, the man committed to the. island or get double the price of vour bread 7" "I'd like to have both, our honor." "Well, «ir, you can't have both," The whispered something to his clerk who called up the baker to pitce of paper in would vou nde whom he presented a which two nickels were wrapped np The judge was ex amining a huge volume of the law and without raizing his head he ex roughly. "discharged !™" and tramp marched out of court . a free man. This discharge might not be able to stand the legal investightion code of Coke & Little ton, but it will reecive a kinder judg ment in that final court of appeal where sits the recording angel As a general thing one would hard fv look to the prize ring fora lesson of morality. Yet the championships at the cost of hroken noes and damaged mugs, disfiguring them for life. received a moral lesson claimed the hungry pugs who earn must be a food as well. There is one | [uct week that may be worth remem There are champions and and champions, champion } champion light npion middle weights, iter weights, and at the all ix the champion heavy I his name is Jim Jefiries ex all to himself, who has business' of prize bering champions { champion I had to abandon the fighting because he can find no other pue to fight Nearly eight vears have passed since io respectable and eminently roli 18 it df Pokton was startled th the announcement that a new champion bad just been discovered, | fought at Coney loaf of bread | nal: "Where did you get that loaf of | "Po vou want to send this! the lowest, to fifty. The two dollar seats were rough boards, such as you sometimes see at a second class foot ball game. On that o ion a series of little boxes "Were set at the ring side. each containing four commen wooden chairs; these seats were twen ty-five dollars. The stock exchange furnishes a strong delegation for a scrap. Four hrokess cach chips in twenty-five dollars,' so that every box at the ring side brought the man agers R100, vow comes the moral: if there can be a moral in a prize fight. Last week the invinceable negre: champion had a fistic engagement with™ white kid by the name of Murphy; now the name of Murphy is not saggestive of thet sweet peace that' was supposed to reign in paradise, There never was a Murphy born from Dublin Bay to the city of Cork that was net ready for a \p whenever the onportunity of London, Ont. the past thirty-six years the WILLIAM DINEEN, ESQ. President W. & D. Dineen Compan; sale and Retail Hats, Caps, CYRUS BIRGE, Esq. President Canada Screw Company; Director Bank of Hamilton; ex-President Canadian Manufacturers' Association, Hamilton, Ont. THOMAS BAKER, Esq, Managing Director Dyment- Baker Lumber Company, ¥, Limited, Whole Furs, Ete. ROBERT E. MENZIE, Esq. hi President Menzie Wall Paper Company, limited; Pre. sident Canada Brass Rolling Mills, JOHN T. HORNIBROOK, Esq., Secretary Treasurer Brown Bros, ers, Blank Book Manufacturers, Eto. The Growth of Fire Insurance in Canada Canadian Government statistics iisued by the Superintendent of Insurance show that during business of fire assurance in this country has increased ten-fold --the total amount of premiums. collected in Canada in the year 1869 being $1,785,539, while that of 1004 was $13,174,319 fcr the same purpose. was paid to Canadian Companies, 'while $10,486,116 was paid to Foreign Companies. The total amount of fire assurance premiums collected in Canada during these thirty-six years amounted to the enormous sum of $201,580555. Of this amount $156,600,789 was the amount of capital which left Canada in payment of premiums to Foreign Compariies. Wholesale Station: BOARD OF DIRECTORS. ADDISON H. HOOVER, ESQ, § President G -Tilden Com Limited: President President and Managing Director Sovereign Life As- ™ urney pany; J JOHN H TILDEN, Esq, and Investment Co., Hamilton, Ont. JAMES DIXON, Esq, Dizon Bros, Wholesale Fruiterers; Vice: Cataract Power Companys Hamilton, Ont. WILLIAM M. GERMAN, Esq, KC, MP, Director Ontario Power Company, Welland, Ont. EDMUND E. SHEPPARD, Esq. ("DON"), Publisher and Editor Toronto Saturday Night; Presi- ent =hoppard. Publishing Company. JOHN McCLELLAND, Esq, Vice President Parry 8 Lam Secre- tary Treasurer Prbvist i 3 ona Lambs Osipany. ¥ ALEXANDER F. WEBSTER, Esq, and Steamship Ticket Agent. OSIAH B. KING, Esq, Grand Secretary Independent Order of Oddfellows, KE. GUS PORTER, Esq, KC, MP, Director Colonial Loan & Savings Co,, Belleville, Ons. Of this premium income only $2,688,703 fered. The colored champion had The Insurance Report shows tat for the year 1904 there were but ten Canadian Companies loonsed tackled fighters from covery part of by the Dominion Government to transact the business pf Fire Ascurance in Canada, and but two of our planet and dawned them every- these ten had a paid-up capital for more than 2 rd With such facts and before them one like a pile of bricks: but this was the incorporators of THE SOVEREIGN FIRE ASSURANCE COMP Deen con his first experience with a real gennine vinced of the necessity for a sound, substantial Corporation the shareholders and policy holders of Murphy from Tipperary and it is which would be protected by a LARGE CASH CAPITAL PAID UP IN F a Govern- 1 likely 'to be his last. Kid Murphy ment deposit in excess of the Statutory requirement, and a strong directorate of business men w. { knocked Champion Dixon all around | the ring as if he was playing foot "ball. When the kid got throdgh with the champion he looked as though he 'had been exploring a threshing wa ; chine, and he save he will never fight again. "Let us have peace," { Nine million eighty hundred and fifty thousand dollars have disappear od. anil a syndicate borrowed it. In the eours: of time, asx far as the svndicate's Fooks go. tho money was } paid back in full, but by some hoens pocus it never reached' the treasury of the "Get All You Can Co niin y lostit has vanished, gone up in a balloon, or perhaps is now deposited in some sub-marine bank at the bot tom of the sea to the credit of the below. The charae ters of men who once stood high in this community are badly smirched; il they "escape states prison, the re membrance of their infamy will cling i to them, and not even the water of great Neptune's ocean can ever wash agony of soul hour in which and pray mountain might fall on them from the sight Compan practically 50 The capital stock of the { mermaids down HUNDRED AND FIFTY 5 shares (including premium) them clean. In the they will curse th | they vielded to t that the them, and hide of men 15 shares (including premium) 20 shares (including premium) 25 shares (including premium) mptation BROADBRIM. eat | A Baby Changed. "One could hardly believe the change Baby's Own Tablets have wrought in my child," says Mrs. Angus Morrison, Port Caldwell, Ont. "He suffered ter ribly while teething, vomited his food and was weak and puny. One box of Baby's Own 'Tablets made him a changed child. They eased the pain of teething, strengthened his stomach, and he is now big, healthy child, growing finely and never sick a day." the experience of Mrs. Morrison is that of thousands of other mothers who have found health for their little would conserve these resources for the development of Canadian institutions. PROFITS OF FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANIES. The average dividend paid by thirty-two British Joint Stock Fire Assurance Companies for the cur- rent financial year, corrected down to September 1st, 1905, oxeeoded 80 per average dividends for ten years ending Decembes 31st, 1904, paid by 136 Joint Stock Fire Assurance jes of the United Niates, as compiled from official reports, bas exceeded 18 1-4 por cont, annum. Statistios compiled by the Superintendent of Insurance covering a period of thirty from 1875 to 1904 inclusive, show that the dividends paid hy amounted to $4.460,885.25, and when it is remembered that the rates for assurance are to-day r cent. to 100 par cent, in excess of the rates charged during the period covered by the Insurance Department, it will be readily seen that the business is mow substantial basis and the profitableness of the future is unquestionably assured. THE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR CAPITAL STOCK. MILLION DOLLARS, divid 10 shares (including premiom). . cont. per annum, aud the yours, Canadian Fire assurance fire upon & Sovereign Fire Assurance Company of Canada is TWO led into 50,000 shares of $40.00 each, of which TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS is now offered to investors at a premium of 25 per cent, or FIFTY DOLLARS A SHARE. PRICE LIST OF SHARES. # 230) 80 shares (including premium). ......... $1,500 i BOO | 40 shares (including premium).......... 2,000 sain 750! 50 shares (including premium) "°°... .. 2,500 SNES 1,000 | 75 shares (including premium). ........ 8,750 co. 1,250 | 100 shares (including premium). ......... 5,000 THE CONDITIONS OF SUBSCRIPTION. A cash payment of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) per share, with subscription, and the balance in equal payments at 30, 60 and 90 days. The Directors reserve the right to accept only such subscriptions and for such amounts as they may approve to advance the premium on stock and to close the subscription books without netice. Cheques, drafts, money orders, express orders and other remittances on account of subserip- tions for stock must be made payable to The Sovereign Fire Assurance Company of Canada----8a Bay street----Toronto, Ont. omes and eomiort for th Ives in THE BANKERS' SPECIAL the use of Baby's Own Tablets. Moth ers need not be afraid of this medicine, it is guaranteed ot to eontain an { atom of opiat trong drug. They | Has Started = Over the Big could not harm a child of any age. Four. { and they arc good for them at all Chicago, 1ll., Oct. 7.--Nearly five ages. Ask your druogist for Baby's Own Tablets or Williams Medis Ont., and get t Oldest Subject. ther hundred bankers and send 25¢. to the Dr. of finance of the west ne Co., Brockville, | here to-day in the ' Bankers' Special" m by mail. over the Big Four, to attend the na- : tional comvention of the American Bankers' Association which will open in Washington next Wednesday. 'The train of ten of the fimest Pullman cars, four open section sleep ers, two compartment sleepers, a buf- fet library, an observation car and two of the Big Four's new dining cars. In addition to the regular port ers' there will be negro maids and barbers. Among the other features of the train will be salt baths, a ticker service for receiving market reports and a wireless telegraph outlit. At Indianapolis two cars of the Indiana Bankers' Association will join the party. The train will go via Cinein nati and Old Point Comlort, whence the bankers will Washington via tne Potomac on a special steam er. prominent men started from s believed to he of the king living, April 17th, 178%, and m his 118th year faculties and enjoys A short time ago he received a myratulatory letter and a golf snufi box from the king. He live ¢ little cottage in Killey, near in county Tyrone, and has lived for upwards of a hun dred years George Fle the oldest subj He was born or is therefore now He retains all his excellent health consists a -- Three applications of Peck's Corn salve will cure hard or soft corns, 15¢c. ot Wade's drug store, John Dwyre has sold the east half of lot 20, in th Mh concession of Hungerford, 100 acres, to John Goul ah, Bogart, for 53,600 go to Married 75 Years Ago. All It Needed. Diamond weddings pale before that There is more real oxygen in a | recently celebrated at Varjux, Saome, liquified form in the "Solution of | M. Varion is a century old. His wife, Ozone (the coupon kind)" than in any | whom he married seventy-five yours other preparation of a 'similar nature, | ago, is ninety-two. The "wedding pro- As a prompt cure in the killing of all | cession" consisted of octogenarians. inside germs of throat, lungs, stomach | The groomsman, the nephew of the or bowels it has no equal when coup | groom, was eighty-six. All the other led with "Celery King" the famous | guests were about the same age, laxative. That the stringent Ozone | youngest being a mere lad of eighty, needed a tonic of this nature to pro- cure the best results was so apparent that the Public Drug company, of Bridgebury, Ont., offer through your | Fills; they are druggist a free package of "Celery King" with every fity oemt or one dollar bottle of "Solution of Gzon (the coupon kind) - You hardly realize that it is medi: cine, when taking Carter's Little Liver very small; no effects; all troubles from torpid liver are relieved by their use The fellow who spouts hot air does not keep his house any warmer. ow Is The Time To have your Stove or Furnace Pipes cleaned out. Do not leave it until the cold weather arrives, We can give you better attention now. We have care- ful men, who will clean and varnish your pipes and give you perfect satis- faction. Give us a call. LEMMON & SON 351 and 353 King Stree' 'Phone 388.