--e-- Don't let the childrey get the Calomel and "Li ver pill" 'habit, Give them the natural laxative that i is gentle and effective, pleasant to take, never gripes, and CURES con- stipation-- Abbeys "Sait AT ALL DRUGGISTS, 95 AND 606 A Borys Prescription Prices There are places where you can have your Prescription MIXED for less money than we charge for COMPOUNDING it, but there is no\ place where more care is used, purer d used, greater proficiéney and ski] | used than here. It is Poor busi. ness to the prescription bargain counter. You can't afford to pay less than we charge for your pre. | scription or family Tecipes Every cent under our Price repre. sents so much sacrifice of PURITY, PROFICIENCY apq PROMPTNESS. Let us have your next preserip. tion. The Best Drug Store L. T. BEST, Chemist and Optician 124 Princess Street "Phone 59.! TO-NIGHT | SPECIALS tN Hosiery Gloves Corsets Underwear Ribbons Something extra special in Chiffon Collars and Silk Belts at 25¢. each, worth 35¢c. and 40c, 6 dozen White Embroidered Turnover Collars, on sale To- night at Half-Price, 8c., or 4 for 25c. The best Cashmere or Wool Ribbed Hose in the city at 25c. a pair. See them. MONDAY SNAPS! 500 yards of Roller Towelling, 16 inches wide, with colored bord- *r, all Pure Linen, always sells at 10c. a yard, by a good stroke we got it away below value and pass it on in same way. Monday Morning only 6c. a yard, (limit.) At the same time 400 yards of 'ancy Wrapperette handsome atterns, good width, 121c. juality, for 10c. a yard. Newman & Shaw Joosecssecses HAVE YOUR GOAL DELIVERED WHILE THE WEATHER IS FINE &2 2 oom Su re eh = | JAMES SWIFT & CO. ATL. aE I-99 YY vv vVYT"ye POLLO PPPLLPIP0 00000000 00000000 0000 oe rof. Knight's official report shows at Kingston's highest and lowes! npecatures during September were enty-soven degrees and thirty-one procs. | ---- ee ------ his approach New York) for the past fortnight, were -------------------------------------- club, in honor of hing Mrs. * vie Favor ie" expected A STRICT. ro ? marriage 1 A Miss Yates, The latter | expected to return this evening. home from" Térontb| én Sn Tuesday. g Was married in a very handsome § gown gr. Miss Stewart, who ts. been visiting {Gold i in 1 e hat ing Poa Fob both gown: and Mrs. and Miss Chappellg,. who came | Mrs, W, " Burton, os turned to ha Now York creations, Her up from Bay Vert, N.B., some days Mudoe. OCAL NOTES. A AND THINGS ea travelling "dress was of a prefty grey | ago, have taken the house on Ragot Wt TN Wed dbhid! Williams, L hive cloth, Congratulations to the | street » Where Mrs. Reginald Brock liv _ ry Amoldi and their children, IN GENERAL. Nit _ Guwili bi: ne very warm good wishes far} ed last year. Mr. Chapelle, and other | left Sin TARY Rha and will is nor bi bre, the latter being very tan: | membors of the family will arrive | sail h from New 5 a gibly expressed iin gifts, have gone | shortly. Miss Chapelle, who is a | York, for italy. - Matters That aut; verybody bd down to Quebec to-day. graduate of Mount Allison Conserva Mrs. and Miss" Nértonn avior went N All Over--Li ED Rose Tea has all the good points of two Fees: ails tory of Music, will be a great addi New York, "Thursday. They will otes From he weakne s of any. ary « SIC, Ww " D, "1 to New . Ihe annual reception to Queen's Mek? Willian Waker, Clergy street, | tion to Kingston's musical world. spend a t"thére before sailing Of Everything Easily Read good teas and aone of t A jroshottes was held last night, and gave' a vung peoples' dance, last |+ Owing to ill-health, Miss Gertrude | for Spain. al- South Lanark Agricultural Society's You never drank a cup of straight " was a huge success, far surpassing the night, when abent thirty guests were | Wilkinson has been obliged to resign Mre. A,B. Ayia. Toronto, on | (Perthy receipts this year were in all, + forts of previous years, so they say. present, and had a very pleasant hop. | her position as nurse in the Montreai | per etumn from Europe, reached here | $2312 or sowe $300 more than last tea that could compare in richn il the professors gy were 'there, The rooms were cleared, and every- | General Hospital, much to the regret to-day, to visit with Mr. and Mme. year. sy h the " ity od received every and. added thing dane to make the dance enjoy- | of the hedds, who had marked her as W. H. Miller, Alfred street. Mise S. A. VanAlstyne, RA, Napa: and fi ce wit! ; pl uch to the total of the evening's able. one cut out for the profession. Miss es nee, has been engaged for the coming R . Jeasure, Several new features were + ea oe Wilkinson, who has been paying some | ice Babbitt, of Picton, ix the | rorm to teach mathematics in Oshawa ose lea. Tutroduced im the' initiation proceed- Mrs. Bernard Brown's firsty recep- | of her Montreal friends a Jew days' | guest of Mrs, 8: B.oHorse high school, Yet Red Rose Tea further and costs no ings. The, trémbling 'freshettes were ge her resamptioh of | Visit, will be. home next week, Mrs, Jumes Stirly wax in town! RC. Whaley, a Perth boy, has alone, compelled to crawl through hoops, buousckeping, was almost like a tea. Miss Helen Me Murrich, of "uwonto, | 44. day, an 'voute to her home in Dun: | been placed in charge of the Bank of more than either Indian or eyion eas held by Sturge gilt! gods, i 2ftetvards All sitsrnoon her. pretty, cory Gree. has mteved as {ire in-truiming at] das, after 3 ments stay in Pictam, Montreal's new subragency on Logan = Red Rose Tea is better than either Indian; or , shake the oO austavus el ontrea enera ospL Mrs. Ogilvie returned to Venue, Winni a "Non-com min rith orders ne on ue ied ithe visitors, von Eat oe Brockille. to-day. : "Xb. Seamer Los Angeles, Cal. Ceylon tea and is more economical because it goes was punished 'qui by. two con- busy an Thursday dispensing tea. Mrs. Gerow, who has heen visiting | | pr. und. Mrse Victor Goodreal, of | io visitingtfriends in North Fredericks. ; lee, ghostly "in outward appear- y in Brockville, is now the guest of Prince Edward Island, are visiting at | ietvhi ince er. stables, g tl a . . . . y g \ a argh. 11% thirty-nine years since R, a > uscular vy. HHOrge A gy, », o street a a ct hte in a5 instru- | The sports at the Roval Military ber Jxother, Mr. George Armstrong We, Puul Reichs, i "ho hax art th the a Soi. Na usic . re { el. aon, ro wh v, mental way by Miss Mackenzie, and Collage called out large Songet Dr. Jack' Sparks has gone for a | been staying in town, leit, on Thurs. paneo, has so far pecovered from an Miss Eleanor - Macdonnell, and Miss of the younger Tan rong 1 | month's trip to the -const. day, for Ottawa. illness of ten weeke with typheid fev Mona Knight sang, dr. Margaret O'-ggirls. to-day, and indeed, a goor Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackenzie ex-| Miss Emily Smythe intends return- er as to be able to go out drivi » i Hara also sang an Indian song. The | sprinkling of hele seilors. was Sot pect to leave, on Monday, for Atlantic | ing to Clinton, NoY., on Monday A pretty wadding? ok place ho cake contest esulted in Hise Jessie Jacking, manytel Sum ba Inter S od City. Colonel and Mee: Young are now en | home of Thomas Foley, Marlbank, : a, Dickson, one of the Ipeshettes, carry. in our ee chief events Mrs. W. J. B. White is now having pension with Mrs. Kavanagh, when his daughter Lizzie. was united . ing off a very fine cake, indeed, and afiah ix sheays Sue af the Chief Svents a pleasant little visit in Pembroke. 3 tars in matrimony to Charles Doran, Des ato! he" featite ned i ioxsable cue, ry ir in nels Miss Monk, who has been Mrs. The marriage of Wie Juliette Ra eronto, : was the Shakespearean contest. | tea was 2 Ral George Robinson's guest, will leave, | don, only daughter wf taut.-Cal, Hu William Fairbaime, Overton, has , : (horuges filled in the evening, mingled | Foom, ails» on Monday, for Detroit and Chicago, | den, of Quebeg, to, Nr. Edward Ar | ypocq 0 red raspberry plants, this TT. H. with congratulations to the makers of i in hath of which cities she will visit | cher, is arranged to take place on Oc year's setting out. that are covered the party for the beautiful decora- THe engagement has been announced friends, before going on to her home | tober 25th. : with blossoms, and ripe and partially tions, and all the capital arrange | oi Miks Estella © Ethel Rex S,. Second | 0 hyenver, Colorado. It is hoped that | Invitations ¢ have bees peevived for | fo" perl ments, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Fredeick | 3 will be able soon again to come | the marriage of Miss Grace Seabourne A pretty wedding © took place Sep- A -- . . * . 3 Kreg, of his sty, xo Dr. Archibald to Kingston. Hamilton, daughter f Mes, Homtlton tembor 20th. at the residence of Wil : 1, e's kt p ). Smithy of Brooklyn, . by Peterbevo, and Mr. Hugh Pox. yendi is 8 HAD A THUNB SMASHED Owing to Mrs. Uglow's kind thought B of Auburn, \ liam Fox, Tyendinaga, when his sis hy ue M. Solandt was Saved the The Y 1. ia f Mr. H bh Larkin o Atlantic City Cyst Rill, of Rares. Th myriage ter, Mania, was united in bonds of somewhat uncomfortable experience of he oung Ladies' Guild of Queen had A v.. AN 3 x a will take place at St. Luke's vim R C ford, Ty- J post-nuptial reception in' Street: Methokie: Sunday school, will and his little daughter, Mary, are lurch, Petgrboto, on. October Mg rime ny to Robert Crawford, Ty-| while Loading a Stove Upon a on dinghoule, = antl' on Thursday, | hold" a 'sale Ff work or Sots day ai- | otaving with Mra. Frederick Folger, [ 1000-0 reception will he held hy [ POGEORAL Lyn in the win Waggon. Mrs Uglow's own reception day, the | ternoon, 'December 2nd. Alfred La and and het family are Mrs, Hamilton at, her residence. ner of a silk. dress (10) in ladies' re Napanee, Oct. 7.-W. H. Boyle met bride from Ottawa was welcomed to ete, oe... tow Il Korey a the island. My, and TE ister at South Lanark fair three | with a painful accident on Wednes- town in that hostess' drawing-room, | Mrs. Fdwin Loucks, Jr., of Winni Mrs. Nav id Heild are with her, and Eig Shipment. Of Apples. weeks ago, donated by W. B. Hart, | day Iasi... He was loading a stove Mrs. Uglow received all the guests as { peg. is spending the week in Chicago, Will reigns until Meg hart kn Montreal, Oot! 7.-Rome uncxampled | Her number was 129. The total regis: into. a farmer's wagyon and the they crossed the threshold of the {with her "mother, Mrs, Richard Davis. ¢o to Montreal, They intend coming shipments: of apples: are' being made | ter was 1118, i 3 Z Le horses started, causing the stove to 4 33 drawing-room, and receiving with the Canon Starr and Nr. Sanford Cal back to Kingston in about a week, | from this port of late. The Bavarian Willis Chipman, .civil engineer, To- drop down, eatching his thumb be 6% »" ; bride were Mrs. Adam Short, and vin ay due ty from their very however, £ ! "| pace was reserved!gor 32,500 barrels, | ronto, has heen engaged by the | tween the stove and end board of the Brownie Mrs, J. C. Connell. Mrs. Solandt wore | ple asant holiday at the coast. Miss Kathleen Daly came down on | most of which are on hoard, and the | town of Picton, to make a survey | waggon, pinching off almost to the TENTED 06 aE her very pretty wetlding gown of Mrs, John Strange is expected home Thursday. from Napanee, with her | balance wxpeeted "before the sheduled | during October and give an estimate | fist joint the left hand thumb, J white. In the tea room Mrs. Alex- to-Norrdw; or on Monday. nn Pi elias: a her | swiling hour, Gntasio growers ave jon the probable cost of installing a | The injury very pitiful, but some] Ashe EL ander Richardson made the tea, and Mr. apd Mrs. Richard Hooper will, pny le hy iy Avoie Dats. ] prominent shibPus. in this consighs | average ares. : hopes are entertained of saving am- oe the shave iim: chest and Miss Gertrude Craig, cut ices. Miss |in all' probability be back in town on Pr. . tres Rene : "'| ment, and to' Watch the barrels, each Robert Walters has sold his farm putation at the fest dint. WE he ont Florence Williamson and Miss Elean- Monday. Mrs. Petrie will remain in rocK. 8 % . . Kiarked withthe name of th: shipper, | on the 5th -cancession, Lanark, to G, Rev, A. MacDonald arrived home, or Ferguson, both Queen's girls, like Quebec for & few days, and Miss . Will a i | place of shipment and species of ap- | Cuthbertson, Dalhousie. The farm con- | Thirstay, from a three months vinit trom the bride, waited on 'every one most | Daintry Yates will come up to Mon Mr. and Mrs, i ig ! uns yj ple, is a lesson in geography and po- | tains 200 acros and is one of the best | with friends and relatives in Scotland. assiduously, The tea table looked spe- | treal thortly from 'the ancient capital. awh Jomorox, or early in the week, mology. A noticeable feature of this | in the township. It brought the hand: | Chin Creen, after a year's serviee as cially pretty with its graceful arrange- Archdeacon Harding came up, this ok go os ne, tek wterday. for a | consignment is that each bartel hears | some sum of $6,000, chief of police in Napanee, handed in ment of many Sides sof pink Suter altarnon, ido Otten, and is the jee} inaer 1 t, ye olay, or © a the mark "Canadian Apple abl, To induce Messrs. MeLachlin Bros. | his resignation, on anda night, to Thee f poles Jor ho N, tions, and maidenhair fern, in a glass | guest of Mrs. uxton Smith. ) visit of a month or so oronta, § sans of identification. to build a power dam, which would | take effect November 13t @ cars. of po he ae and silver epergne. Silver candelabra, Mr. 'Arthur Craig is visiting New London, fall and Qurdph, : i ; em con also be a traffic hyridge, the Arnprioy The senior and junior football teams | Electric company were with the lights pink shaded, were on | York. Irs. Joseph Pope has come up from ' council have offered to pay them $2. | of the Collegiate Institute will play | terday. The new plant in Cin the table and sideboard. Mrs. So » . . . Ottawa, to spend a few davs with The Wearing Of Furs. 500 a year for ten years to do the | a friendly game with the Picton foot- way and, all , will landt as Mids Edith Young, was one | gir pichdrd and Lady Cartwright | Major and Mrs. Laflerty at the Royall up fursistill, maintain our nsunl waterworks' pumping. "| ball teams today. The cup has al: | in operation on early in the now of the best-liked @f ile Queen's girls, | and the Misses Cartwri will return | Military College " high standard of excellence and our John Kiuck, Admaston, has sold to | ways been in the possession of Napa- Cheese yesterday, at and all her old" friends are glad in | to Ottawa 'on Tuesday from their Mrs. Wilkin, of Trenton, hus buss values were never better. Now is the Rinaldo McConnell, a lead mine, for | nee, and koen interest will be taken in | There were id bas 'woarded, deed to welcome her back. summer home | "The Maples." visiting 4 Pe aire ne ng me | Lime. to make your selection. Camp- $2,600 and a five por cent. royalty on | today's game for the possession of | white and lite oo. T . he a Dr. and Mrs R. 'T. Minnes. of Ot last two weeks, and will return ho bell Bros., the manufacturing furriers. | 40 output. The vein, it is said, ox- |it for another year. white, at 1lfe: bids for malas 3 Monday ". CG f je, to 1140. - Mrs. Octavius Yates, Mr. and Mrs. | fawa, have gone to New York & he i ps Wilkins has'. raturned to ---------- tends into the adjoining property of Willis Cunges Javan, to-day, for | ranged from N Richard Hooper, Mrs. Petrie, and her | Mr, Charles Low returned ta Kine a oil e Aho wnt A large shipment of standard vio- | John L. Ferouson. . Winnipeg, where he has secured a children went down, yesterday. in | stoy yesterday. Mrs. Low will stay | the city for the winter . Bins, Mr guitars, banjos, auto: | W. W. Anderson, reeve of Amelias- | lucrative position with a grocery firm, Ring up 4%; it's the Yellow Had: Mr. Arthur Yates' private car from | for.a week or so in Ottawa, val 3 harps, and small 'goods in musical burgh, met with a serious accident Frank McCabe was taken to the ware store, We will put up TE 3 Montreal to Quebec, to be present" at i Mr. apd Mrs. W. D. Carmichael Dr. Margaret O'Hara, who sent yes merchandise, have jist arrived at Me. | last week. While cutting a halter from | Kingston General Hospital, last night, or clean your Nirpdes ron paly today's wedding ceremony. Mr. A. G. I and dpughter; Miss Edith, who sy ent terday with Mrs. Gordon; sat tha pris Te al Bros: 20 Ti re a colt, the knife slibped and ran into suffering with of sovere cold, Mrs. and sa Gorrie, the groomsmay, who is gen- | the summer, in Brockville, have re cipal's residence, returnec a Broek High clase éandy, Huvldr's and Me. | the fleshy part of his left arm above Hugh Collins and family leave, to- Cant, w. 3 Malley, Deseronto, to, has eral superintendent of the Great | turped to Kingston : ville, to-dav. 4 b hvu ea Conkev's. only at Gibson's Red Cross | the elbow, making a wound to the day, to join Mr. Collins, at Chatham, received an appointment as game war Northern railway, was hancustied by Ly My : and Mrs, Ronery hoon whe Moria Ms, Elmer Davis have re- Dug. Ster bone about three inches long. Ont,, where he has securnd a position. den for the DAY district" some of his friends at the ontreal | have been visiting lade iphia turned o town. cons rein \ KNOWING HOW TO BUY AND WHERE TO BUY IS HALF THE SEC AND WE KNOW HOW, By sending our buyers direct to the foreign manufacturers we are enabled to procure the closest possible prices, saving the wholesale and middle= men's profits, and thereby enabled to give you closer quotations on anything you pur- chase. WE GIVE VALUE IN EVERY ARTICLE, Fl lll Cl ll el ll ¥ * GOLF JACKETS--We show a splen Raincoats la Suits did assortment of these popular B nkets . h-- i articles, all the latest ideas in Our stocks comprise all the very lat The prices at which these Blankets . TAILORED SUITS Manish I y plain and fancy colorings. 21.75, | pst ideas in both Ladies' and Chil ! : 4% Plain Cloths and Chests, on dt 82, $2.50, £2.75, £3. aren's Waterproofs, made from the | 4p. being offered is actually lower and long coats, # fappec Pp | genuine English Cravenette: shades of : or stitched seams, new style ill fo 'RK Tan, Oxford, Casto: than prisent mill quotations. Raw i lars and sleeves, skirts handsome: | wRAPPERS Very large variety in Iv pleated and trimmed, §7.50, light and dark mixtures, also plain | |," ony yy ATERPROOF TWEED | oil is advancing at a phenomenal : as, aan TRL woke, Case, S138," 81.50, 1.7 COATS--In neat mannish effects, | ¥ ¥ 5, B28, $a. : $2.25. davk and light shades, regular $15, | rate. which turully has @ led We guarantee these Suits in every SIX, for $10 each. rate, Ch baturally has compe resprer EIDERDOWN JACKETS the mills to ask higher prices for the AND SACQUES--In shades of : xis Grey, Pink, Sky, Cardinal, Whit Blouses finished article, As some of the wizes veatly trimmed, short and All x 3 : Mantle Velvets ath, $2.50, 83.75, $1.50, £ SIEK--In Brown, Blue, Black and | are limited in quantity, wo would ad We are agents for this celebrated ) £5.50, £6, White, neatly trimmed and tucked, y This po i Suitable for Fall Coats and Wraps i 52.50, £3.25, 83.75, #4, $1.50, 85. | vise an early selection. Wool Underwear. 'This stamp on every of extra strong Silk, very close . 2 . ; 2 inches wide. . Will stand uh FLANNEL AND WOOI l pL LUSTRE--Some special values in lain i Ou on garment is a guarantee, It is warm, ° st colar, £2, SKIRT , vights for fal 4 Thite Nav ABERAL Ss NTS V ALL : : ) Absolut ly fast in col SKIRTS ( t weight i ® oh and fancy, Black, Wh te, Navy |, LIBERAI DISCOUNTS © 11 soft, perfect fitting and absolutely un- , R325, S35, $4, 1.00 yard. wear, Bic., » 81, 31.25, %1.50 Brown, 81.25, R150, £175, #2 WOOL BLANKETS e q £0 DX 4 ol KTS. i . 3 and $2. #2.50 shrinkable. For Men, Women, Boys, h a FLANNEL New styles, 22.50, 83, 1a. Shi ; Combinath SKIRTS Our stock inclades mand 8130. 3 Girle. Shirts, Drawers, Combing ions, Chiffon Broadcloths late novelties which are not seen $1.5 y HM, Suitings : + z " Fall Coats : h i elsewhere. There being only one | (wo hire. shciul values in every size and all weights. There Lighter in weight tain, the svat or two to each design, yon are | Regular &1 ape 68. TWEEDS are in greater demand than ited i LOOK, INVESTIGATE, COMPARE. | heavy boxcloth, but ean y ity sure of obtaining something decid Regular 81.25 1.50. Ki 75 for 08 ever for Ladies' Suits and Skirts | 8r¢ many imitations, but none "just 2 and serviceable. Mas a beautiful fin edly different to what your weigh Rl £2, 2230, for 21.19 each particularly the mannish offects " 5 We welcome every test. All garments | ish equal to silk hor has. Remember, we guarantes Ty These we show in a very large var. | 88 good." Tt costs no more to obtain to fit you without any extra 'cost ity in the correct weights and col tl | il . ' , . ; tin b e real article, as wo can prove. e of Ss scason's newest styles : x odors or worry to you, absolute satisfa wings for Fall Site, 50c,, 76c., | the te 0f , his. scum J ince wide, in Black an Colors.) . te a0 every skirt, 3, 3560, $1 Hosiery 0c., 81, $1.25 yard. : i fd orkmanship speak for sty lad VAI £41.25, £4.75, 85, 50 86 r : oe quality an work manshi] : . i Colors 86.50, $7, £8, 89. Compdre thise values and Prices | CHEVIOTS Black, Blue, Brown, Tapestry Table ¥ themselves :-- Other grades in Black an oor with what you see elsewhers Nothing Grey, large varioty, Bhe., Gic., Tod, . : : We, X1 yard CORSETS---We show "some exclusive | contirites like your own eves $1, $1.25, $1.50, 81.75 yard. vers L styles in both American and French S . oR Dh ATR . RE pat . Sih ry Special offer in English Covers WOMEN'S THREEBMIUARTER COATS Corsets, every size carried in stock, | LADIES' CASHMERE HOSE-Groy ay AS- Black, ue, Drown: Red, {4 © small and tables at groatly In Tweeds and Coverts, fitted, » Bie. , c., 81, 81.25, R1.45, %1.75 heeds and toes, double feet and all sponge and shrunk, 50., 75¢. reduced prices. Included in: these are Paddock or Empire back, fly or Dent Ss Gloves 22 82. ankles, full fashioned, 33¢., or 3 » 81.25 yard. many samples, "one to a pattern," double breast front, now style collar i : i pairs for 81. which are quoted much below regular and sleeve, ¥7.50, $10, 812.50, 815. We have them in all weights anc IR HOSE SUPPORTERS 25 value iow sires She. The. 81. 81.93 BOYS' KNICKER HOSE-No end to : > Mannich i or Yi Slastic, ia all ites, 3, : Aprons 1 yard square, 43c., 30c., 75c. ¢ ONG PALL COAFS--Mannish mis- AVES Lp ie ien- | SCOTT HIP FORMS--In every de ., 4Be., She Ee os 81% ; } tures Coverts and Beavers, in ev- | KID GLOVES For Ladies and Gen sired size, Black and White . APRONS Made of White Lawn, with 14 yards square, 81, $1.25, $1.50. ery : imaginable coloping and tlemén, £1 paic, GIRLS? CASHMERF HOSIERY Rib voke and bib, trimmed with em-| 2 yards square, 81.50, $1.75, £2, $2.50 weight, fitted sand. loose backs, L GLOVES, LINED GLOVES, | FI ANNELETTE UNDERWEAR. Large ted and plain, seven sizes, six var broidery and insertion, large full and 83, CR $ belted or pleated, notch collar, $10, | WOOL IMERE 'GLOVES-- Extremely variety for Ladies and Children, itties, We, Ic, We, de. Soc, sizes, vegular values, The, SOc, 2} yards square, $2, $2.50, £3, $3.50 $12.50, R13.75, £15, £17.50, #19, : AS} pri . he " ' most reasonable in price 60c. pair. We., special at 0c. cach. and #4, § OW In ce 1 21. y i R. WALDRON, 8 na _ ' ign wo pe paie