Anterior ich a Ee aioli pllns 1 state boards of i hid "08 an TR SA Sa a CAL DEBILITY I, ] oss of beritabeill ry : aricocele, Stricture, Early Er A het "ADVICE AND CONSULTATION Fee TREATMENT if and un ved y hy] 3 he A edicines for Fi arn 208 Woodward Ave., Sulte11n Datroit, Mich. if you A Pure, Wholesome & Well-matured Spirit. _ BOIVIN, WILSON @ CO., Montreal, A "Just A Little Bigger Than The Rest."' 'Yuet A Little Better Than The Best." Tn fact, Canada Flakes package is nearly 3 larger , than any other. ! With every package you receive a beautiful premium, Order Canada' Flakes next time. At your grocer's, PETERBOROUGH CEREAL £0, Limited, . . PETERBOROUGH, Ont. Happy Home Range i . The Happy Home ran is one of the most powerful water 'heaters made. It is ; use it is econo- mical on fuel, satisfactory to 'Operate, artistic in appear- ance. MOORES HAPPY Hom Before selecting any other make we would ask you to > p see the HAPPY HOME RANGE: ae hk Ta 77 Princess Street. Empire Typewriter Sives more value for the "ois money than any machine on the market. Visible writing--Very $60, machines from $5 to $30. Drake, race. goers gasp. He picked three win- iners and won £60,000, ELLIOTT BROS ..| Hod" Stuart Barred From Even One Teams in the O.R.F.U.~-- The Latest Squibs in Base ball, Dr. Wood of Varsity, will referee the Hamilton-Guelph ~~ 0.A.C, game at Iton, to-day. 'The Philadelphia will give the Ath- lelics 31.000, in gold if they win the world's ip. Fdward Barrow says Ceorge Browne of New York, has developed into a wonderful ball player, Abe Attel of California and Young Kroa of Philadelphia sparred six rounds at the National A. C. Attel was outclassed by Erne, Arthur Sexsmith has been chosen manager of the Pitishurg team for the coming season. Sexsmith is a clever man at the game, and his selection is gratifying. "diminy"' Gardner, loft wing for Calomet last winter, and admittedly one of the best wing men in the game has heen chosen captain of the Calu- met team for this winter, The Washington dub has drafted se- cond Baseman Henry Pattee of, the Jersey City Club, who is -a Brown University student, and played on the Brown team with Mike Lynch, ---------------- URN W. MOTTON, The English and Canadfan champion sprintor fastest He hus competed for for 100 yards. Rr The Nationals have eleven pitchers reserved for hext season, They have Hildebrand and Wilson on the list, but Hildebrand won't play with Wash mgton, and Wilson is out of baseball, The "win hy any means" ideal in sports, President Hadley told the Yale students in Battel Chapel, js ex cellent training for bad husiness thods, corey lization, Miss Kate 1, Wilks purchased from R. C, of the Kentucky Horse-Brevders' As- sociation. for = M600, the yearling black colt, by Tadd, dam Paronella, by Parkville, The touring Pilgrim eleven defeated the Thistles of Philadelphia, in the as- sociation foothall mateh by a score of five goals to nothing. The Thistles team is composed of Englishmen resid ing in the city. Bobby Gray is a candidate Ice-yard who is considered the sprinter England ever produced. WOIL every championship he has His record 9 4-5 seconds me- Pt polities and pagan civi of Galt, Ont., Estill, president for a position on the half line of the Brockville 0, R, FP. U, team, Other candidates in the running am W, (C, Maclaren, A. Doran, F, White, Dr. Kenny, (i. Easton, and A, Fairbairn, The Jockey Club of New York- is looking for a starter, as associate with Maes Caswidy, the continuous strain of a long season being too much for ane man. The choice seems to be limited to Jake Holtman or Dick Dwyer, The Victorias are confident of re deeming tMemselves to-day, in the re | Professional Hockey -- Thirty. | two in eight minutes 'and hirty seq and ght minutes a thirty seconds Ven mi 2" r Manager A, "NM. : woh of "the Varsity seniors has returned to Tor onto, He will into shape'st once. Davidwon, the, big wing: player, was out for the first time on Thursday. Shaw, a tall, heavily-built : youth from Australia, a student at the school of science, has turned out with Varsity. He played the English game in Australia. He was tried out Thurs day at inside wing, Dave Fultz, centrefielder of the New York American League baseball team, who has been in the Washington Heights Hospital for some time, as result of injuries received in a recént game with Cleveland, will be able to leave the institution within a few days. Fultz's jaw wes fractured, and he will be obliged to keep it in splints for six weeks after he leaves the hos pital. St. Patrick's had a great turnout| to round into shape for Saturday's game with Rough Riders. Boucher coached the men, and they all worked together splendidly. St. Patrick's will be much faster and stronger Saturday than they were when they met Montreal. The men have the pass and run game down fine, and are also kicking cley- erly. Some new men were aut with the team, and most of gm' are proujiding, "Hod" Stuart, captain wk the Caly- met hockey team las stinger,' and na: outside of his rough. tactigs, ig consid: ered one of the best playbrs whd diab ever stepped on ice, hag been debarred from the International League, and the indications are that he will quit the game for good. Start last Beason plainly evidenced his grudge against Portage Lake, and throughoat, the en- tire season was bitterly condemned for his rough tactics, ¥ 2 Rough Riders in. duily practioe have the benefit of working ont willi very strong second team, When the two face each other it is not a ease of the seniors getting the ball and carrying it over the Tine, but a tussle from start to finish, and. then it is not al ways the intermediates who are scor ed upon. Rough Riders virtually play a hard gama of football every week day, and. the result cannot be other- wise than to put them in the very fin- est shape, President Charles A. Comiskey, of the Chicago American League Baseball Club, is aroused over the action -of the National Baseball Committee in Shnouneiag detail ie nel dates for, world's ¢ ionship i 1 i: New York nl Phila outcome of the American Leagne ghifed is settled, and announced that as a result he would not allow his team Ao play in the world's championship ser ies, whether or not. it won the Am- erican League flag ' Chief de la Ronde is satisfied that no athletio games will he played. . at Ottawa! Varsity owal next Stnday, and will be ready to prosecute in tase football practices do 'take place. "The university deputation told me that the late Magistrate O'Gara had given per mission to play on Sunday," declar- ed the chief. "But I gave them to nn derstandl that they Andiine, <ichauth- ority nfl they will" have 1 ohey the rules. Sunday. football, . 1 made jt plain, must not be played ar ull in Ottawa, and the law has got to be respected at all costs." The eoliege people still declare that their students' nractices will. take place as jisual next Sunday, and if they da the matter is likely to come to a head. LOST HIS SWEETHEART. ------ Chicago Man Then. Becathe No- torious Criminal. Sioux City, fa., Oat, 7.~+John Con way, killed in the ae of robbing a bank at Berkeley, Cal.; Tuesday mght, was one of the most remarkable crim turn match with the Toronto-Argo nauts on Varsity field. Manager Slee thinks it was hard luck and lack .of condition that heat the Vics last Bat- urday,' and expects to pull out a vie- tory. Tommy Phillips, captain of the Ke- nora Thistles, js in Winnipeg on a vis it. He stated 'that in his opinion _ the Thistle would be just as strong this winter as last. Tommy Hooper is ex pected to be back again, and will he plaved at cover-point, Roxy going to right wing. After many days of comnarative auiet at' the race tracks, John A horseman and turd plunger. | donned his betting clothes lately, and the way he turned money Joose in the betting ring at Belmont Park made | Beaudry, | { } There are now thirty-one teams op- erating under the Ontario Ruoby Foot. ball Union--a greater number than aver hefore in the history of this or ganization, Of these, four are senjor, eight intermediate, and nineteen juni or. Never before have the Junior clubs been wo numerous, "Doe" Gibson, the veteran plaver, Same Sige Package Same High Quality &00., 171 WELLINGTON STREET Masons will take on October 19th, when the new rooms of Bonnechere 1 by J. H. Burritt, of Pembroke, grand. master of AF, & AM., of Canada. fire shovels, 5¢., at Yellow Btore, No. 211-213 Princess street. inals in America, Conway was the son of wealthy parenls 5 Chagoo; 'a cols lege graduate and a thorough good fellow. He became a criminal after seeing his sweetheart led to the altar by a rival apd said he would die with his boots on. ; He was captured here 'six vears ago in a desperate battle With: the police after holding up tha 'Horgeshoo - res- taurant in company with another crook, He was so well educated and refined and so entertaining that the Baptist churelr © undertook to reform him, ah@ one of the leading young women of the church fell in love with him, He bad given an alias, but she prevailed upon him to disclose his true name, She wrote his brother, Stephen Conway, a prominent .official of the Armour packing company, at Chica- £0, and the brother obtained his re- lease on a bond. Conway then jumped the bond and has since purswed his career of crime. 1 --ta-- DOCTOR NOW SOUGHT . iri Notorious M. D. Connected With Suit Case Mystery. Boston, Oct, 7.--Capt. Shaw of the state police force and the men under his command are scouring the city and its outskirts for a physician who has heen missing from his two offices in this city for the past two weeks, in connection with the dress suit case mystery, This physician is known as a noto- rious abortionist, He gonducts one of- fice on Tremont street, not far from the Hotel Touraine, and another ab- out six blocks away. Chief Hazen and newspaper men have been to the of- fices conducted by the man wanted and at both places the atfendants ktated that they had not seen the doc tor for nearly two weoks, A ceremony, interesting to Free place in Eganville will be dedicated Ash sifters, 15¢c.; coal scuttles, MBe.; Hardware Ns Fr C3 857 -- tn ARRESTED AS A DRUNK. Woman Bore Letter Signed by : Fairbanks. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 7.-Well dressed and apparently refined dnd well-educated, a woman giving her name as Jane Sdvens, of Buffalo, N. ¢Y:y is in the county jail. charged with being drunk and having improper pic- tures. She was arrested in University park. The woman had in her posses sion a letter bearing the signature of Vice-President Fairbanks and address ed to May Wright Sewall, asking that the woman receive aid in her work. Mrs. Stevens professes to be a work er for the upbunilding of girls all over the country for a few months at a time. She refuses absolutely to discuss her arrest or her past history and her identity is shrouded in mystery. Vice- President Fairbanks says he knows nothing about the woman's identity and does not remember that a letter was given at his office. Big Money In Goose Raising. H. DeCourcy, the poultry expert of Ireland, says he knows a farmer whe made a profit of $1,260 last year rais ing geese on a twenty-acre farm. He paid $100 rent and food for 45% geese cost him 3510. He sold 11% young geese for $1,554, and 653 eggs for $277. Hay and other product of the farm brought his total receipts up to $1,980. For the first week the goslings were fed three times a day with a mixture of equal parts oatmeal and barley meal moistened with skimmed milk. After this they were fed twice a day until a month old. Grass is the main food, A public meeting of the electors of the riding of Lennox and Addington, was held in Napance, September 30th, 1905, when it was decided to protest L against the recent action of the Do anigion parliament in increasing the sessional indemnity paid to members and in nensioning ex-cabinet ministers. A pretty wedding took place at the Methodist church, Eburne, B.C, Miss Fdna Lucas, daughter of Albert Lue as, formerly of Centreville, 10 Ernest Hall, druggist, Fairview, Vancouver The bride was assisted by her Miss Leona Lueas, and the Dr. Gibson, Fairview Painful, Fatal Kidney Disease Calls For Immediate and Active Treatment With Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pilis Kidney disease-- marked by backache, Pains in the limbs, scanty, dark colo: ed urine, pufliness about the eyes, dropsical swelling and gradual loss of flesh--is always to be dreaded both on account of the suffering it entails and because of its fatality, Lhe kidneys and liver share alike the responsibility of filtering poisons from the blood, and it is therefore neces sary to regulate both these sister, groom Ly organs in order to offect a cure of kidney dis- ease. This fact accounts for the extraor- dinary sucosss of Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills, which is the only treat ment obtainable having' a direct and combined action, on the liver and kid- ney Ss. For years evidence hag been piling up which goes to prove that Dr, Chase's Kidney: Liver Pills have posi tively cured obstinate and complicat ed cases of kidney disease w hich fied physicians medicines, Nor is this to be wondered at when it is remembered that Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills are the result of the long and varied experience of tle great American physician and author Dr. A. W. Chase, Mrs. W. Francis, 204 Colborne street, de and ordinary kidney . PURITY, BRILLIANCY and UNIFORMITY J. S. HENDERSON, Agent, Kingston. ANGE Pe SAC SOLD EVERYWHERE een Even the roadside "Inn finds it necessary to stock Carling's Ale. This bevérage has become so popular that it ig asked for everythere--at the smallest' Ing well as the grand hotels, clubs, cafes, restaurants and private homes. : Carling's "Ale is made from water which , istered 99.08 degrees pure'by Government Analysts, Carling's Ale NOTED FOR ITS and bappy man with physical, ers complete, For over 25 years Drs. K. & K. have treated with the greatest success alldiseases of men and w omen, 1f you have any secret disease that is a worry and # menace to your Lealth consult old established physic. ians who do not have to experiment on you, We guarantee to cure Nervous Debility, Biood Diseases, Stricture, Varicocele, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consuitation Free. If unable to call, write for a Question Black for Home Treatment. & KERGAN, 148 Shelby Street, Detroit, Mich, GOLD MEDAL AWARDED, WOMAN'S EXHIBITION, LONDON, { Neaoes For And Infints, Fe ad The Invalids, . =~ 00 Aged. Ye 3 Nearly 80 Years Established Reputation. DR. BARNARDU * BAYS STR: fcr: "uty sp, pe: afew Manufacturers : JOSIAH'R, 'NEAVE & CO. FORDINGBRIDGE, ENGENXD. Wholesale Agents : THHLYMAN BROS. &Co., Ltd., Toronto & Montreal. 3 W. have alrendy used. Ngwws: Food in two a bur Homes (Ral Castle and the Village: Home), ~ Your Tong NO MODERN KITCHEN Is complete without a " HAPPY THOUGHT! Kingston, Ont., states very bad state with kide ite worst form, | felt miserable fost} of the time, suffered from pains in the | back and logs, and as I saw 'that | was gradually failing in health and becoming thinner and weaker, | 'wor | ried a great deal about the future, | | had tried a great many kidney medi- | cines, but did not obtain much bene | fit. "A friend of mine asked why T did! not try Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. I did so. and can truly say that they | have entirely cured me. I would not | think of being without this remedy | the house now, as splendid family 'modicine." Kidney disease js not to be od, "I was in a ey disease in in to develop. You can profit by the ex perience of thousands of your fellow | atizen® and ohtain prompt relief, as well as thorourh and lastine cur. bv the use of Dr. Chase's Kidnes Liver Pills. One pill a dose, 9%. a kox, at 'all dealers, or Edmanson, | Bates & Co., Toronto, i Range. This Range is exceptionally heavy and well made, an excellent baker and water heater, while for case of management and economy of fuel it easily stands first. The. « i Happy Thought ' Is made in six requirements and to PY THOUGHT" sizes and twelve styles, to suit all please every taste. Every "HAP- Range carries the unconditional Se, rt» |QUarantee of the makers, THE WILLIAM BUCK neelect. | STOVE COMPANY, LIMITED, of Brantford, and _ It is far too serious to be allowed ours as well. | McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 Brock 8t., Kingston. inom OOK inside your watch cover and see! That's bad busi- 2 | pess, Bill What you been Eating? What were you drinking? What kind of Lazy Chair did ( you take exercise in? Now don't think it doesn't matter | "Because, it's your Bowels that talk now, every time you open your Mouth. That doesn't help your Popularity, nor your Earning capacity. Besides, a man with bad Bowels is in a bad way. And, a Coated Tongue, or a Bad Breath, - * » Go and take a Ten Mile Walk, for Exercise! > 'Finest thing in the world for Constipa- tion, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Ten Mile ¢ Walks. Haven't time? Too Lazy? i Well,--there is another Way. Take Artificial Exercise for your Bowels. That's--CASCARETS. | They rouse the Bowel Muscles, just as a Cold Bath freshens Athletic Muscles. 'Waken them up, Strengthen them so they Contract and Expand the Bowels and Intestines in a healthy active manner. That's how these muscles work the Food along, through your thirty feet of Intes- tines, to its Finish. ! That's how they squeeze Gastric Juice into the food, to Digest it. That's how they make the millions of little Suckers in the Intestines draw the Nutrition out of Food, and transform it | EY { BROCE CHOCO s Ganong's Canad A.J. REES'. | S-- EE ------------------------ NOTICE TO (CREDITORS In the Estate of Samuel Henry Fee, Late of the City of King- | + ston, in the County of Front- enac, Doctor of Medicine, De- ceased. NOTIC) IS HEREBY GIVEN PUR- Toot to Sec. 38 of Chap, 129. R.S.0., 1897, that aj persons having claims or mands aguffist the estate of the said uel Henry Fee, deceased, who died gust about the thirty-first day of Au- past are required to send by Ri Prepaid, or deliver to the undersign. Solicitor "for the executors of the last {ll and testament of the said deceased, on 1 before the eleventh day of October 0s, their christian and surnames and nd- foes with full particulars in writing Heller claims, and with a statement of ir accounts und the nature of the Securities (if any) held by them, duly ified by statutory declaration. : Jail, take notice that after the said Seventh day of October the said execu- lors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons tatitled haviog regard only to Which they shall then 'ice and that the said executors t nor will be liable for said as- | pig] Or any part thereof, to any person ot Persons of whose claim notice shal the hate heen received by thew or hy r oid Solicitor at the time of such ion. distripy, JOHN MUDIE, t B89 (Marence street, Yingston, Ont., Solicitor for the execu- Dated September 11th, 1905, ee -------- -- GEMENT WALKS, We will be pieased to turnish - "Stimates and construct your ' Cement wayk, Satistaction guaranteed. Douglas & Mcllquham, 15 Nelson Street.