Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Oct 1905, p. 7

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VERYWHERE | -- -------------- Iside "Inn finds it necessary to has become so popular that jt i re--at the smallest In; ,. well S,-clubs, cafes, restaury ts and de from water which 1. [istered vernment Analysts, ng's Ale NIFORMITY Kingston. LIry CURED ses and indiscretions are the cay d suffering than all other diseases copped It stops all losses and drains a i he patient to what nature tena Beatty Man with physical, mental and nerve pow. ver 25 years Drs. K. & K. have treated wi St success all diseases of men Bde bave any secret disease that is a worry and to your health consult old established physic lo not have to experiment on you, 1araatee to cure Nervous Debility, Blood Stricture, Varicocele, Kidney and Bladder Consuitation Free. If unable to call, write tion Black for Home Treatment. RGAN 148 Shelby Street, Detroit, Mich. ---- AN'S EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1900, ' alr oY ed Negve's Food in two of astle. and the Village: Home), have no. hesitation in saying. it hageproved very actory."--July 27th, igor. feared vey CO., FORDINGRBRIDGE, ENGIN D. 0S. &Co., Ltd., Toronto& Montreal. N KITCHEN "HAPPY THOUGHT' ceptionally heavy and well ind water heater, while for economy of fuel it easily Fhought " nd twelve styles, to suit all very taste. Every "HAP- carries the unconditional HE WILLIAM BUCK ITED, of Brantford, and . & Birch, 8t., Kingston. Your Tongue is OOK inside your watch cover and ness, Bill! What you been Eating? What were you drinking? What kind of Lazy Chair did you take exercise in? Now don't think it doesn't matter | "Because, it's your Bowels that talk now, every time you open your Mouth. That doesn't help your Popularity, nor your Earning capacity. Besides, a man with bad Bowels is in a bad way. And, a Coated Tongue, or a Bad Breath, are sure signs of bad Bowels and poor Digestion. - * * » Go and take a Ten Mile Walk, for Exercise! > "Finest thing in the world for Constipa- tion, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Ten Mile Walks. Haven't time? Too Lazy? Well,--there is another Way. Take Artificial Exercise for your Bowels. That's--CASCARETS. They rouse the Bowel Muscles, just as a Cold Bath freshens Athletic Muscles. 'Waken them up, Strengthen them so they Contract and Expand the Bowels and Intestines in a healthy active manner. That'show these muscles work the Food along, through your thirty feet of Intes- tines, to its Finish. That's how they squeeze Gastric Juice into the food, to Digest it. That's how they make the millions of little Suckers in the Intestines draw the Nutrition out of Food, and transform it iit DENY) It nt CHOCOLATES | s Ganong's Canadian Chocolates sires aT ieee A. J. REES', Princess St. CGI ( So0os0 NOTICE TO (CREDITORS In the Estate of Samuel Henry Fee, Late of the City of King- ston, in the County of Front- enac, Doctor of Medicine, De- Ceased. NOTICE 1S HEREE TIVE : SREBY GIVEN PUR- » ' ~ < 1897 thoSec. 38 of Chap. 129, R.S.0., at all persons having claims or Smands aguffist "the estate of the maid on cel Henry Feo, deceased, who died qu ol out the thirty-first day of Au- " ASL past are required to send by Bust, prepaid sh + or deliver to the undersign- Solicitor Hag for the executors of the last or befor. Stament of the said deceasod, on 1905 od the eleventh day of October dresses ieir christian and surnames and nd- of their with full particulars in writing their oo M8, and with a statement of hey counts und the nature of the ied hy (1. 80Y) held by them, duly And 'Y Statutory declaration. devents notice that after the said Wr eit day of October the suid execu- of the iy ed to distribute the assets ased 5 titled es among the person have claims *h » hall oot nor will be liable for said as or Per Any part thereof. to any pers aot is ns of whose claim notice shal a'e been received by thew or hy t 3 aha Said Solicitor at the time of such JOHN |} N BS Kingston, mt yr 89 (Marence street, Solicitor for the execu- Dated September 11th, 1905, emt -------------- i -- GEMENT WALKS, We will be pieased to furnish estimates and coastruct your Cement wark, Satistaction guaranteed. Douglas & Mcllquham, Coated! into Blood, Brawn, Brain and Bone. No purging from CASCAR- ETS, because there is no flood- ing of the Bowels with a waste of precious Digestive Juice, as with Salts, Castor Oil,-- "Physic," etc. Cascarets act like Exercise, --harmless, pleasant, simple, convenient, but sure as Shoot- ing. Sa The thin little Ten Cent Box, carried in your Vest Pocket constantly, is sure protection against the results of -- Late Suppers , Cheerful Boosing Rapid Eating Slow Walking Easy Chair Athletics --And Lasy Liver. . * * * One tablet taken whenever you suspect you need it will insure you against 90 per cent of all other ills likely to attack you, Because 90 per cent of these ills begin in the 'Bowels, or exist through poor Nutrition, Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't irritate, nor upset your stomach, Cascarets are Warranted to Cure Con- stipation, Indigestion, or, your' mone back. = 8 * Ten Cents, at all Druggists. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "ccc." A sample and the famous booklet "Curse of Constipation," Free for the asking. Address Sterling Remedy Com- pany, Chicago or New York. | nal SK, J Our importations of Ports, which have ust arrived, comprise some of the old- est and best of Portug production Brands such as Graham's and Craft's are. famous the world over Prices in these range from £3 to §8 per gallon Fverything of the best i h JAS. McPARLAND 339 and 341 King §t. *Phone 274. The Polish that won't wear off, Sold Only at Strachan's Hardware Ges rssssssacsssscccesd ted { Dr. Brock's Ene oh pear for ¢ Female Pern er rue 15 Nelson Street. ng gmay do to make home more cheery. | THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7. BRIGHTEN THE FARM CIUNTRY HOME SHOULD BE A PLEASANT SPOT. In the Very Midst of Nature's Beauties--Do Everything to Hold Young People in the Country. Edgar L Vincent, in Agricultural Epitomist The farm home ought to be the brightest spot in the world. It may be if we will only take a little pains to make it so. We are in the very midst of nature's beauties, Trees, grasses, | flowers, birds and plenty of 'fresh air and sunshine everywhere, and over all the quiet and the restful influence which can be had nowhere else in the work. We have access fo 'all that we need to make the farm home pleasant, wholesome and attractive. Apd vet, many homes are not as bright as they might be. Passing through the coun- try, it is often a wonder to us OW men can be content to live in such dis mal, unwholesome and chee ess houses to permit the surroundings of their COLD CURE Q Price 26¢ Relieves SEER and lungs almost imme= diately. 1 WILL REFURD YOUR MONEY IF IT FAILS MUNYON, Philadelphia THE PEOPLE ALL In Chorus Cried, Give Us New- bro's Herpicide. This word of late has been in every J one s mouth, and many are wondering what the word signifies, though no one has yet been found, who will deny that Newbro's Herpicide the work, Well, for the information of thousands who would like t, know all about a good thing, we would say that Herpicide means, a destroyer or killer of "Herpes," Now "Homes" ie the family name of a disease caused by docs homes to be so devoid of all that would tend to make and keep the | young people happy and hold them | closer to the eountry and =o different | in every way from what one would ex- | pect a real whole hearted farmer's | place to be. It seems as if this must i in many cases be the result of a lack | of knowledge as to how to make the farm home pleasant, and not to a deliberate intention to have it cheer less. Perhaps in some instances there may be a tendency to devote all the time and all the energy and all the study to the cold proposition of mak- ing money, to the getting of all we possibly can out of the farm, leaving the gentler arts of taking comfort to be the very last consideration, emly tobe consulted when life gets along toward its sunset. Most of us think that sometime we will fix up the old | place a little; will have things more neat and tasteful about us, we we will give more time to the things that make farm life attractive. Far too often, however, we never quite see the time and the money we can spare for these purposes, and so we go the whole length of the road, living just for the dollars can make. W, hére are a few simple things we we They will cost little in the way of money, compared to the beauty they will add to the home farm. If the house was not originally provided with porches along the front, put some on now. Let them run along the ntire 'front, Make them deep and hady. Train some! vines over the ends of these porches. At one end 4 white clematis; at the other a purple me; while between some climbing roses or a clematis paniculata may be out. This latter vine will keep its beauty in the fall of the vear till all others are gome. It will epdure hard frosts and still be green and fresh. Then, too, the perfume it sheds is de lightful. Out in the yard, set out some trees. Perhaps these may come from one's own woods, No matter, When they have been transplanted to | | happier | think a nice hedge of Norway | as ' home. | and give an interest which they never | had | color. | should | make | dred percent better. the house-yard they take on a beauty before. But whether have them on' his farm or not, it will not cost much to get them. A few maples along the front, with a cut-leaf birch and a Norway maple nearer to the house, will do much to relieve the nonotonv of the scene. And then, let the yard by all means have a little spot for the old-fashioned flowers, Here mother and the girls may grow flowers for the table and for boguets one the various vegetable parasites. A sim- ilar microbe cawses dandrufi, itching scalp, and falling hair; this is the microbe that Newbro's Horpicide promptly destroys; after which the hair grows. Sold by leading druggists. Send 0e, in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G, W. "Mahood, special agent. TRAVELLING, RAILWAY LIRR LSSES WESTERN EXCURSIONS $46.30 Victoria, Seattle, Tacoma, Ore, second class from Kings ston. Lower rates to several other points. Tickets on sale from Sept. 15th to Oct. 81st, 1905. Hunters' Rates SINGLE FARE To points in Temagami on T. & N. O. Vancouver, Portland, Ry..to points Mattawa to Port Arthur and Sault Ste. Marie inclusive, * via North Bay. Points on Northern Nav Oct. 10th to Nov. Tth. To Muskoka Lakes, Bays, Penetang. Lakefield. Midland, Lake of agnetewan River. All Stations Argyle to Cobo- conk. Lindsay to Haliburton, Severn, North Bay via N.N. Co. Good going Co. (Georgian Bay and Mackipaw Di- vision). Good Going Oct. 26th to Nov th. ' tickets cember 9th, For further J.P. valid. returning until De. particulars, tickets and all HANLEY ity Passenger Agent. other information aoply to LEGIT PEMBROKE RGYAY NS IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. $46.30 --PO ---- Yancouver Tickets on sale until Yictoma Oct. 31st, 1906 Tacoma | SEGOND CLASS FROM Portland | KINGSTON, Very Low ern Points. HUNTERS' RATES To points, Mattawa to Port Arthur inclusive and points on T. & N. 0. Ry from Oct. 10th, to Nov. 7th To points Copper Cliff to Sault Ste Marie, Sharbot Lake to Havelock and nts on. Lindsay branch, Oct. 26th. to v Rates to many other: West- of a Sunday when all go to church. 1t 19085. Fickets.. R00d. TEUAMIOR Toe is a good sign when the "girls and Il particulars at K. & P. and C, P. boys, too, like to wear a little hou- | &- Takes ihe, Ontario Street. IR. quet to church, to parties and whey . Pass. Agent Gen. Supt thet go to town on business. The voung man who has a genuine taste for flowers may make something out of it by cutting a few when he takes fruit or vegetables to town. Not ip frequently he will find those who will buy of him if he has the Howers whey they might not otherwise do so. Flow ers carry the mind back to the coup try and keep the heart pure. Still again. Hang some blinds at the win dows of the old home. If the house 1s painted white, give the blinds a greey Once in five years the house have a fresh coat of paint. This will preserve the woodwork and the place look a hun Paint inside, also more bright. Never paint insid drighten This will make everybody healthier. For myself 1 keeps the home put on a dark things up. and spruce about the house makes the place look nice as any kind of ornamental shrubbery that can be used. 1 used that myself, T keep it trimmed dow; but if one lets it grow up, it will afford great protection from winter winds. The plants cost me ten cents each when from a foot and a half tg . oor Bay of Quinte Railway New ghort line fer Tweed, Napanee Jeserento. and all local points. Trains 'eave City Hall Depot at 8:25 pm. FF CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagsten. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "ALETHA" Leaves Kingston daily except Sunday at 8 p.m. for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte Yorts Full information from J, P. Hanley, J P. Gilderslecve, Jas, Swift & Co Agents. { E. B. HORSK Trafic Managers ALLAN LINE "v=mropsame ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. From Montreal. From Quebec. Parisian, Fri., Sept. 29, 5 an. 29, 4 p.m Bavarian, ¥ri., Oct. 6, 5am. 6, 7 p.m Virginian, ¥ri., Oct. 13. 5 a.m. 18, 12 p.m two feet high. 1 set them out three feet apart and used seventy-five of them. Farther away from the house and still along the highway, a row of sugar maples or some other hardy | trees may be set. They may grow | slowly, but we all take pleasure in watching such things grow and the . | time will come when they will add much to the attractiveness of th Finally, every farmer should own a lawn mower and use it often. The boys will do this work and be glad of the job . The much nicer kept trimmed. If, added | nice | to these simple things, we have | walks from the house to the road and { about the yard and do other | things | of the household | to those who pass by. little that will suggest themselves to the man who really has a heart t do them, m a little while the old home will fairly chine with new bheau- | ty. The chains binding every member | to the farm will be | the world seem { | | vard looks sg | | | i brighter | riveted and A beautiful house wedding was cole MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT, Mongolian ... Thurs., Sept. 28, (daylight) NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Numidian Thurs, Oct. 12, 1 p.m, MONTREAL TO LONDON & HAVRE. Pomeranian Sept. 30. Sardinian Oct. 14 $40 single. passengers carrie $76 return. Only one class called second cabin. J. P, HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City Passenger Depot J. FP, GILDER- SLEEVE, Clarence Street, BORN. STEVENS ~At Hav Bay, 30th Sept to Mr. and Mrs. Chas Stevens, a daughter OLIVER. --In ichmond Mount Pleas ant, Sept to Mr. and Mrs. M Oliver, a daughter PAUL. --At Roblin, 41th Oct, to Mr. and Mrs. Horace 18. Vaul, a daughter MARRIED. FRENUH<ASSELSTINE «On Oct. 41h Hertha Kate is to Schuyler Fr DIED. ANDERSON --At Selby, 4th Oct, Mar waret Ande ' wife of the late Jonas Ande agod Ofty vears en Three Mile Bay News. brated on October 4th, at the home | "Three Mile Bay, N.Y. Oct. 6-9 of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Asselsting, | tatoes are a good crop around here, Roblin, when their daughter, Bertha ' but some complain of rot. N, Flander Katie, was invited in marriage to has seventeen acres of potatoes Schuyler French, eldest son of Wil- | Threshing ix about over around this liam French,' Richmond | section. N. Perry ix doing good work Mre, Gilbert MoGreer, Napanee, ex-| with his new threshing machine. F. pects to leave for Winnipeg next week | Lakens, of Petworth, is in Water to keep house for her son, Dr. MeGreey | town, NY Thomas Bouder, of Sore has secnred sole agency for tris great who has located in that city | Verona, is at Cape Vincent, N.Y ¥ ¢ remedy. $1, mailed on receipt of price, A 0. Vanluven, grocer, has sold | Lakens is at N. Flander's. John Prin § 1¢ Prices St, Bingeton, Du ont his business in Napanee, and in | del, of Maribank, is visiting C. Rates, | Pessesssssssscsssssessf] nds removing to the west, | Three Mile Bay. | GREAT AGE OF ARTISTS, Fine Record For Longevity by Men of the British In Britain, In longevity artists usually make a fine record, says a writer in Lloyd's Weekly. Mr. William Callow, of the Society of Water Color Painters, a few days since reached 81; and his contri- butions to. the exhibition just closed give no sign of impaired faculties, His Bologna," painted for John Forster more than 60 years ago, can be seen in that author's national bequest at South Kensington Museum, Mr. Cal- low resides at Great Missenden, Bucks, and is a great lover of the open air, many of his scenes being wholly sketch. ed from nature. The Academicians, W. P. Frith, J. C. Hook, and James Sant, are all more than octogenarians. Kindred in age was George Frederick Watts, some of whose finest worlg not- ably his superb portrait of Valter Crane and the luminous "Fugue" shown at the New Gallery in 1904, children gambolling on a sunny cloud, was done in exceptional old age. It had a great- er triumph In the artist's "Youthful Energy," exhibited last year in the Academy forecourt, a design of strik- ing inspiration and energy. The career of the veteran typifies the lives of all great artists--absorption and delight In their task, always learning, ever work~ ing, mental concentration, shutting out minor troubles and giving the heart peace and perpetual youth. The true elixir of long life is serenity of mind, Artists have had it In perfection, Hence their length of years, Facts support the opinion. Sidney Cooper nearly cleared his century, painting to the last. John Christian Schetky, born at Edinburgh, when 66 received a commission from Queen Vie. toria, in 1844, to paint two marine pic- tures illustrating incidents in the Royal reception of King Louls Philippe at Portsmouth. He painted to the end, thirty years later. Robert Smirke, the Academician, and most distinguished of the early English genre artists, reach- ed 94; and H. W. Pickersgill, R. A, the portrait-painter, - 83. Ambrose Poyn- ter, father of the Academy president, and James Ward, whose "Alderney Bull' runs hard in merit Paul Poyn- ter's "The Hague," both attained 90. So did Thomas Sully, who passed the greater part of his life in the United States. English by birth, the artist is admitted to have painted our late Queen's portrait with noteworthy grace and beauty, excelling other artists in presentment. A replica in the Wallace Gallery was executed at Queen Vie- toria's command The late Mr. J. C Horsley, R. A, attained 86; and Thos, Webster, Bir Willlam Beechey, George Crulkshank and Cousins, the engraver, the same age. James Northcote was 85; and other English artists who died over 80 were John Gilbert, William Lin- ton, the landscapist, W. J. Linton, the engraver, West, Cosway, and Sir Mar- tin Archer Shee. So Intense was Tur- ner's artistic instinct that when ap- proaching 80, wrapped in a blanket, he would watch. from the top of the house where he lodged in Chelsea the first of dawn, and the irradiated mists from the Thames, "gold tinted, like the peach" British artists who passed away between 70 and 80 were John Gibson, Copley, W. B. Scott, Willlam Hunt, Stothard, Mulready, and Clark- son Stanfield. Landseer was 71; and In the list of garlier painters Hogarth was 67, Sir Joshua Reynolds 69, and Romney 68. French artists must not be forgotten. Largilliere, the famous portrait paint- er, died at 87, Claude at 82; and Greuze and Gerome, both at 80; Corot was 78; but an exceptional record is that of Robert Fleury, born in 1797 and who died at Paris in 1891, thus passing away in his 95th year. The painter's "Charles V. at the Monastery of St. Just" is one of the finest modern pictures at Hertford House. Sir Richard Wallace paid 40,000 francs for it. The great masters of painting in Italy and the Low Countries furnish many illustrations of the fact that ar- tists live to a great age. Titlan died in harness after entering his 100th year; and Michael Angelo was 'telling terri- bly" when death seized him at 89, Glo- vanni Bellini also died in his 90th year It has been sald that his "Baccanale,' painted only two years before that event, was unsurpassed in "lovely color and exquisite landscape." Frans Hals reached 86; Lucas Cranach §1; Sasso- ferrato 80; and Tintoretto 76 A Mortified Englishman, Refreshment buffets on the Southern railways may be divided into two classes--first, those that have nothing that any reasonable man could want to eat, and, second, those that contain one sandwich. This writer has been up and down the line lately, and he places Canterbury on the first list, You would expect that on a bank holiday on the first day of the famous cricke week, the railway refreshment buffet would supply something. No. Not a sandwich An American friend, jour- neying to a south coast watering place, thought that Faversham might fill the gap of a missed dinner. 'T'wo buns," was the response. "Is there a chance of a highball and a biscuit 7 cried the American cousin, as he stalked into the St. Margaret's Bay Hotel at 11 some- thing. With the return journey the Englishman was upon his mettle, "You will be all right at Faversham," he sald. "We'll jump out at the junction and feed on good old English fare" "Beer and a sandwich," sald the Am- erican. "Sandwich," shouted the En- glishman. The barmaid looked round "There's only one," she replied, calm- ly. "Shall we split 17" sald the En- glishman. "Spin" sald the American. He won. And his quiet grin as the train jogged toward London drove the Eng- lishman half mad with shame.--~Lon- don Chronicle. A Ready Wit. Here is a story about Bir Patrick Tal. bot, sergeant-at-arms in the House of Lords. He had been private secretary to the great Lord Derby, when Prime Minister, and afterward married one of his daughters. One day, when a large party was present at Knowisey, Lord Derby burst out at table with the re mark: "It's a curious thing one never knows what a lot of fools there are in England until one becomes Prime Min- ister." Thereupon Talbot, at the other end of the table, maid: "Yes, and one ever knows what a fool a Prime Minis- ter may be until one becomes hix pri- vate secretary" Lord Derby's, reply was: "Thank you, Pat"--Dundee Ad- vertiser. a ---- A $2200 brick has been brought to Marmora from the Craig gold mine, the output of eleven days' work. Stove pipes, varnish, no smoke, no sell and will not bum off, at Sim wons Bros', Yellow Hardware store, charming view, "The Leaning Tower of | (food Complexion When Pimples and Blotches Disfigure the Skin it means bad blood, bad digestion or constipation, First two are the result of the last. FRUIT-A-TIVES cure all three, When the bowels don't move regularly, poisonous matter remains in the intestines, I of the blood taking up wholesome nourishment to build up the system, it absorbs part of this matter which causes pimples and blotches on the skin. Gases are formed by this matter, which get into the h, upset digestion, coat the tongue, and taint the breath, el Fruit-a-tives purify the blood -- correct digestion-- and clear the complexion--because they cure constipation. "Tam on my second box of Fruita tives now, and can Ronestly say they are the best medicine for Constipation and Stomac) Trouble I ever used," MRS. FP. CODY, OTrawa, Ont. + These wonderful little tablets are pura fruit juices--prerared accord. ing to the secret formula of an Ottaw: physician who dicovered the method of using fruit to cure disease. Vruit-a-tives act directly on the liver, increase the flow of bi'e, and {: s cause the bowels to move regularly and naturally every day. i or Fruit Liver Tablets. Atall druggists. soc. a box, Manufactured by Prult-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. -- ---- * Overcoat Satisfaction. We want you to be just as particular about your Overcoat, as you are about your Dress Suit. Then we know you will appre x ciate Fit-Reform Overcoats. H Cloths and patterns--style creations --and faultless tailoring are just as noticeable in Fit-Reform Overcoats as in Fit-Reform Suits, We are ready to show you everything that is new and in Overcoat, - $12. to $30. The only Fit-Reform Wardrabe here is al E. P. Jenkins, - Kingston. Ba aa STS ERS BRAIN AND BODY WORKERS FIND THAT ORANGE MEAT MAKES THE DAILY TASK LIGHTER MAKES THE BRAIN QUICK, ALERT, AND CLEAR, AND NOURISHES THE BODY WITH GOOD RED BLOOD S50 ESSENTIAL TO HEAVY WORK OF ANY KIND. ORANGE MEAT IS MADE FROM THE BEST CANADIAN WHEAT BY A SPECIAL PROCESS WHICH UTILIZES ALL THE LIFE GIVING ELEMENTS OF THE GRAIN. EASILY DIGESTED INVALIDS ASH FOR IT- HEALTHY PEOPLE INSIST ON HAVING IT. EVERY 19¢. PACKAGE CONTAINS A COUPON REDEEMABLE WITH A | NEW SERIES OF Pp UMS, 3 THE FRONTENAC CEREAL CO. LiMiTED KINGSTON ONT. DON'T KEEP BACHELOR'S HALL | §00000000000E00E00000R I J. FREB, CONTRACTOR While your wife 1s at the sea-side Estimates viven for all kinds of She would rather have you enjoy ason - Work, P ring and | ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME | $ Covent Work of all ntions. By taking your meals at the 94 IROQUOIS HOTEL

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