Credited w Pe heavy Durchasers ol United Hare hd M22, increase §225,850, and for months $9,778,712, increase $369, 654. Eight and a half million bushel of this year's Nori Wem wheat Top ne 50 far been arketed is owners | #8,000,000. ? The attorney-general hus made a rulip, that all new stock issues are to be taxed. This will include the new C.F.K. stock iskue to cone out this year. The Locomotive and Machine company, of Montreal, have closed a contract with the Canadian Pacific railway for 35 ton- J wheelod freight and passenger locomo- Sines A 1st, the stock transfer tax had ylelged the Quebec "a there The Sun Francisco there Inn crow of Weste Yeyors active in the western section of the state of Oregon, The belief is RrOwW- ing that the Gould interests are planning to reach Portlgnd and penetrate the rich Willamette val Y on the way, The financial statement of the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, shows total profits for year, wore $309,016.19. Of this $285,000 was used for dividends and interest on bonds, leaving balance carried Say olag. The total way 1,001.89, but $200,000 was taken for building account, leaving it at $391,001.89 The hopes of the most optimistic stoek- holders . of the Lake Superior corporation Were greatly exceeded when a surplos of $34.802 was shown at the first annual . Pacific yo ~~ We areshowing a 4 choice ar 4 ey P HAND BAGS, PURSES and JEWEL BOXES. : meeting, held at Jorsey City. cor: They include the latest Soeation atous © from the ashes of the : Consolidated ke Superior company, and in frame and fin- an has only lately boen placed on its ih. and come in Croco- Black, Tan and shades of feet, in the face of great difficulties. ------ The Cheese Markets, Porth, _-Oet--~ 6.-2,000 boxes: 1 800 white aid" 200 colored. Sold subject to Brockville prices, Iroquois, Oct. 8,~1,044 colored and 94 white boarded ; 11fe. bid for colored and Hie for white. Nearly all sold. uth Finch, Oct, 6.800 boxes were boarded ; 200 colored 11 13-16c.., and 11 $-18¢c: for one lot; white sold for 11 je. You will want one Ottawa, Oct. 6.1820 boarded : S54 white. Colored sold at 11%c., and white at 1lje. Brantford, Oct. 6.-Cheese offeréd, 145 wold 1,420 ; at Tlie, 845 at 11 T-18c., 800 at 11 9-18¢. Very Pretty Wedding. A very pretty wedding took place, at Vancouver, B.C., .on September 12th, at seven o'clock, in the Church of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, the contracting parties being Miss Pauline Margaret Roach, daughter of Mark Roach, Brewer's Mills, Ont., and Thom- as J, Roberta, one of the best known business men of Winnipeg. The bride resided in Vanover BO. for the past five years, being stenographer for the finn of Boyd & Burns, which position she filled with ovedit. The ceremony was performed by Rev, Fa- ther Connelly, The bride looked very lovely in a tailor-made travelling suit of brown cloth, and wore a polo tur- ban to match. Mise Harriet L. Roberts sister of the "groom, attended the bride, while Thomas Baulbriek, acted 8s groomsman. After the ceremony the happy couple drove to the home of the bride's brother for breakfast, My. and Mrs, PT. J. Roberts left on the morning train for Portland, Ore, and other places. The bride received many beautiful and costly presents, coming from her former home. BLY'S LOADED nD SHE Sumbers : the bors Ells a Sheil made. W. A. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE Princess = nl Clean, ones DOAL BE That is the kind we sell--The kind you should bura If you want & satistaction fire, Young Men And Women Business. Young men and women in business might be advanced in their present Positions, or obtain more lucrative or desirable ones, wore they but gualifi In search of just such people with de termination of purpose and ambition attamments, These are the young people to be found, taking advantage of the evening classes at the tenn Business College, corner Barrie § Winter supplies. Have you ordered yours yet ? Phone No, 183, 'BOOTH & CO. are very poderate, and as it is usual ly a complete change from their daily employment it rests instead of tires them. All commercial branches are thoroughly taught by experienced in SR SR CAPILLI FORMA! The best known hair restorer. provents | structors. Special classes in higher falling a xray hair. A positive cure mathematics, commercial specialist for Neuralgia, Dandruff and Eczema. and chartered accountant work. Par ticulars furnished for day or evening classes on application. "Phone 680. T. N. Stockdale, principal. ------------ Bananas 23 for 25¢. Crawford, McLeod's hair restorer is equal as to size and quality, to any of the X1 hair preparations. Ours retails for B0c. per bottle. McLeod's deng store, Field- Marshal FEdham Pasha, com- mander-in-chief of the victorious Turk ish army in the war with Greece, is dead. FOR TEN DAYS 380, per bottle. Shampoo, 50¢. Mme. Elder's Dressmaking Parlors 288 Princess St. Cor. Sydenham St. -------- et ee-- TO CONTRACTORS, TENDERS ARE INVITED UP TO § PR, on THURSDAY, Oct. 12th, for the several trades work required in building A Waiting room, enlarging freight shed, ete. for re James Swift & Co. Plans and specifications at my office. MITH, Crown Bak' Baliding, j Expert thamistas cadefully watch hand test ® Sunlight Soap Saft pte un and at perfectly, makes nses your clothes your blan soft and fluffy, does not troy your most dain vour Lover Brothers may be seon Architect Brock street ty linens or injure Region is to have one of the largest ii | North-Wi " . Urand 'Itunk rallway is in the by the family many | ¢ and Clergy streets. The tuition rates | only ) he has betaken himself, longings are at his boarding place. PETITIONS. ---- Edward, Gazetted. to be Jocal master of Prince Edward, field, resigmed. any of the cases, Rothschild Cobalt Co., Ind J half a million dollars in one dolla with local capital behind it, has bee also incorporated, the charter granted to John Ammstrong, George Warrell, John Sharpe, Elijah F. Ste phenson and William MeNab Cameron all of New Liskenrd, ing, James Henry was remanded for a week on the charge of feloniously wounding Robert MoWhitter, a plam ber's helper. Bail was refused Ly Crown-Aftorney Curry. who stated that MoWhitter might the from his in Juries, MeWhitter, quite a young man, was riding his hieyole, last night. on Avenue Road, when he was run down V a team carringe being driven hv Henry at a ravid rate, He sustained concussion of the brain and is still un. conscious, ussell bottling works. of Ot tawa, limited, has been incorporsted to bottle and sell Russell Lithia water. under the supervision of Rue. soll Lithia Water company, limited: cavital $20,000. The National Agency company, limited. has been allowed to increas. its capital from $500,000 to £750, 800, and the Pembroke Electric Light company hes been allowed to increase itd eanital from 850,000 to £150,000, William Cowan died in the Westery hospital, this morning, as the result of a" Kick from a horse a couple of days ago. He wae standing behind the horses in the stable at his home when the animal kicked him in the stomach, The Groom Absent. Toronto, Oct, 7.--The disappearance of Thomas Henry Garvin has created a good deal of indignation in the up per part of Riverdale. The marriage of Garvin to Annie Gillson, eldest daugh ter of Alfred Gillson, 143 Langley ave- hue, wag to have taken place on Wed- nesday evening, and wedding guests to the number of fifty were in waiting for the ceremony, which, ow ing to the non-appearance of the groom could not be gone on with, All arrangements had been completed and relatives for the wedding at the home, where a number of handsome presents had been receiyv- ed. The guests had all arrived. The officiating clergyman was Rev. Wesley Dean. When the continued absence of jarvin awoke alarm, Garvin's twin sister from Buffalo became hysterical. Garvin was employed here as a piano key maker. He came from Grand Val- ley, and appeared to be steady in his habits, and boarded with Mrs. Rivers, at 270 Adelaide street west, A days ago his landlady noticed that he WAS few inclined to be despondent at The business world is "constantly iy | Hives, but at the Gillson home, where if he last appeared on Monday evening, nothing peculiar was enough to work perseveringly for itg | monner, noticed in his What has become of Garvin is a complete mystery, though little doubt Fron- | I& entertained that he has left the city to avoid the marriage peremony. The question that remains is where All his be STEALS BRIDE IN DARK. Hired Man Proves a Romeo, and Juliet Elopes. Ortonville, Minn, Oct. 6.--John Nelson, a farm hand employed by O Goldsmith, who lives north-east of Ortonville, a few miles, last night eloped with pretty Hilma Hillstrom. the siXteen year-old daughter of Charles Hillstrom, a wealthy farmer of the same neighborhood. Nelsom was not the dull lod that the "hired man" is usually pictured Ho was young. good looking and so ciable. The girls of the neighborhood took to him, and Miss Hilma was his favorite, and when she was invited to the Goldemith farm to help Mre. Goldsmith with the housework through the threshing season. the little god of love chuckled to himsel and drew his bow the tighter. Hilma was simply irresistible to Nelson, even in her work-a-dav gowns, while he was manly amd all that a lover should be, in her eves. 'hey were soon engaged. Hilma's parents objected to match. Cupid. however, was not to be denied. Nelson came to Ortonville aml hired a livery team, then return el to the Hillstrom farm and took his youthful fiancee out of a second storey, window of the parental home in the doatl of night. . The conple made no disturbance and nothing was known of the departure of the girl until the following morn ing. Then a search was started and the livery team was found tied in front of Charles Poters' farm, twenty miles away, y No other trace of the couple can be found, and it is sapposed they are married and out of the state ere this but the Campbell Bros. To-Night. For the newest in men's Hats. Your eves, if they trouble vou con silt the optician at Dr. Chown's Drag Store, Bananas 25 for 25¢, Crawiord, '1 rh THE R.M.C. SPORTS, RE ALL DISMISSED, ™ "===" NO COSTS ALLOWED IN EL-| Six Cases Off--Appointment of Judge Morrison as Local' wi n h Court of pumping * the racers to quite an ex- Master Hig! of of Prince I a8 Yio Toronto, Oct. 7.~The appointment is gazetted of Judge Morrison, Picton, | of the high court | vice C, H. Widdi- As was anticipated, the provineial election petitions in Wist Huron, ick Ringwood, 193 ft.; Monel, South Ontario, Sault Ste. Gasumg footheil . Marie, North Norfolk, and South Mile race--Craig (Queen's), 5.31 1-5; Norfolk, were all dismissed, when they | Paul (Queen's); Ryerson. were called, this morning, at Os Throwin, cricket-ball--Carruthers, goode Hall. No costs were allowed in formed by Manud and Hermon Jos. oh, Max Rothchild, New Liskeard John McKay, William H. Hearst and ames L. Darling, Sault Ste. Mair, to exploit the resources of the cobalt distriet has been incorporated by the (mtario government. The capital ig rift. 3 in; Powell, 17 ft.; Rhodes, 16 ft. shares, and Haileybury will have the 1} in. head office, Putting shot--Gibson (Queen's), 32 The Standard Silver and Cobalt | ft, 1} in; Foster (Queen's). Mining Co. Ltd, another concern Hall mile race-Humphrey, 2 min. being In Toronto police court, this morn- HE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7. . -- of Morning. the Royal Military College sports which started this morning at 9.30 o'clock, The weather was cool ch made it hard for the running course, Capt. Lafferty, C. 8, M. Bud- den, Cadet Armstrong, Cadet Carson. The results were : 272 ft. 6 in.; Donnelly. Hop, step and jump--Powell, 37 ft. +} 7 ing Adams, 37 it; Armstrong, 36 ft. 9 in, : Hundred yards dash--Warren, 113-5 seconds; Powell; Armstrong. Tug-o'-war, preliaminary( team of six)--A. vs, B.,, won by B; C. vs. D., won by C. Running long jump--Armstrong, 17 vf 31.45 sec; Ryerson; Hillson. J INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. 1 | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. 2 Ib. can peas Te. Crawford. Everything for the medical student at Chown's Drag Store, Sale of seats Er the Irish Guards' band Monday at box office. Corsets steel filled, several styles, 50c. New York Dress Reform. Mr. and Mrs. R. Moore, Kingston, are visiting at N. L. Young's, Napa- nee, 2 lb. can peas 7c. Crawford. It is an election case of Asselstine vs. Duff, not Swift, that comes before the high court next week, Miss Laura Gordon has returned to Chaumont, N.Y. after a short visit to her aunt, Mrs, H. Hawley. There is a chance to get the latest music at 18, per copy, 3 copies 50c., during October, at McDermott Bros., 260 Princess street, Sdle of seats for the Irish Guards' band Monday at box office. Miss M. E. Newman has returned to Worcester, Mass., to resume her dut- ies as professional nurse, after a visit at her home on King street west. Stethescopes at Chown's Drug Store. R. J. Farrell, for fourteen years the Ottawa Y.M.C.A. secretary, is in the city. Mr. Farrell has just returned from a trip to his old home in Ire- land. 25 bananas 25¢.; can of best peas Te. Crawford. W. MoLaren, B.Sc., is now at Cd balt indulging in prospecting. His friends in this city, say "Mace' has got along famously, and struck 'sev- eral lucky finds. > Improve your evenings by joining the classes of ambitious young me and women who are attending night schiol at the Frontenac Business Col- lege. Call up 680 for particulars. 2 lb. can peas Te. Crawford. IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. Wews of The District on Both Sides of The Line. Rev. R. F. Oliver, of Frankville, and Toledo Methodist churches is serious- ly all. E. Jefirey, of the staff of the Bank of Montreal in Perth, for fourteen months, was sent to the Quebec office on Tuesday. Mrs. Georgina Winters; Selby, left on Thursday on a month's visit to her brother in Manitoulin Island, whom she has not seen jn twenty- seven years. Rev. D. Winter, Winchester, w ho has been seriously ill with typhoid fever, is now recovering, His daughter, Mies Maud Winter, is now seriously ill with the same disease, The engagement is announced of Mise Agnes Welsh, daughter of the late Joseph Welsh, to Mr. George Haddon, both of Picton. The wedding will take place the first week in Nov ember, September 20th, at the residence of the bride's narents. the marriage took place of Miss Flora Wright, eldest daughter of Melbourne Wright, Nipa- nee, to Robert Wright, Conrwav. only son of George Wright, Sandhurst. Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Monica McCarten. danch- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James MeCarton. ta Charles A. Cunningham, to take place October 18th, at Napanee, Re- cention afterwards at bride's parent's, Sillsville. Stabbed Captain In Eye Capt. James Allen will be off the steamer New Tsland Wanderer for a few days as the result of an injury to his left eve. He ordered a onrter off the boat last evening, as the man was botherine passengers. The carter poked the end pf the whip into the ciptain's eve when he stepped onto the wharf, The lower nart of the eve film was ent, in fact the captpin had a parrow escape from losing his eve through the contemptible act of the carter. 2 1b. can peas Te. Crawford. Hon. George FE. Foster, in an ad dress to his Toronto constituents stiffer the iperease in the sessional indemnity, A Montreal customs officer discover od snakes in a lot of wine imported bv a Chinese merchant. 25 bananas 2c; can of best peas Te. Crawford. Buy Lavander Smelling Salts at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store Now goods there. Special hose supporters. 20 cents: shoulder braces, 30c. New York Dress Reform, 25 hepanas 23c; can Te Crawford. | Sale of seats for the Tish Guards' band Monday at box office, | Bananas 25 for 95¢c. Crawford. The Cuban -Rritish treaty is strongly opnased be Presilent Roosevelt The survlas om Inst year's dominion | *connts is RTSTLaM. of best peas This There was a fairly good crowd at | INTERESTING 1.OVE STORY but t. The wind was quite strong, % for the mornin, : ot Judges, Major Hewett, Capt. Another Man--Girl Cannot Be de Bury, Capt. Cochrane; referee, Found. Prof. Iva Martin: time-keepers, Major Montreal, Oct. 5.--Emery Louzon, a Kilborn, Capt. Dawson; clerks of the young farmer of Cote St. Michel, is EE WANT THE GIRL ;| FROM COTE ST. MICHAEL. Emery Louzon Charged With De- » taining Joseph Cyre's Daught- er to Prevent Her Marriage to held by the police here at the instance of Jgseph Tyre, of the neighboring parish of St. Leonard. Cyre fears that Emery if permitted to roam will marry his daughter Eugenie, a most undesirable thing, becauso there is a youth of more engaging parts who is willing to wed the girl as soon as she can be found. But no one seems to know where Eugenie is, except Emery, and he won't tell, affirming his ignorance. The two young men aro rivals for the girl's affection, and apparently Emery, although opposed by the father, has at least succeeded in arousing the girl's sympathy. Fu- genie had not shown any preference to either swain, but her father frown- ed on Emery and finally secured his daughter's consent to marry "the other fellow." The wedding was to take place next week. But Emery was not to be balked that way. According to the father's story, after hearing of the turn affairs had taken, Emery called at the Cyre house, and asked the girl to deny the rumors. Eugenie nerved hersoll and told the sad truth, which so affected the lover that he fell faint ing at the girl's feet. When he re- covered, the father save, he gave way to despair and declared that if Eu- genio married the other man he would do away with himself. This, Cyre claims, so affected his daughter that she ran away, and he afterwards learned from a priest that sho was being detained against her will by Emery. Then Cyre came to the city and procured a warrant. The father positively stated that the girl did not desire to marry Emery. The magistrate was not s-» sure about that. but he thought it wise to detain the young man and investigate. FEOPLE TURNED AWAY the Library Concert at Odessa. A most successful concert was held, last night, at Odessa, in aid of the public library of that place. It being fair day, the management looked for a crowded house, but their expecta tions were more than realized, as over 130 people were turned away, unable to gain admission. The pro- gramme was furnished by Miss Emma T. Irons, elocutionist, of Toronto. and Messrs. John Cousins dnd D. Couper, vocalists of Kingston. These entertainers are all favorites with Odessa audiences, and the pro gramme was greatly appreciated, as shown by the numerous encores, each one of the entertainers having to re- spond repeatedly. } From ADMIRAL TOGO Will Bring His Fleet Westward Next Year, London, Qet 7.~Admiral Togo, with the finest ships of the Japanese navy, will visit European and Ameri can waters, some time next vear. The Japanese government believes her position in the family of nations will se strengthened by the appearance abroad of magnificent fighting ma chines and their crews. Poisoned Young Girl. ns Chicago, Oct. 7.-Dr. Oliver LR Hart, is under arrest pending investi gation of the death of Irene Klokow, a housemaid ten years old. It is the opinion of the police that a charge of murder will be lodged against Dr. Hart. The girl died yesterday in a bedroom of the Hart residence in which she and the physician had been locked for several hours. It is the opinion of the authorities, that the girl was maltreated and thy poisoned in an attempt to conceal the crime. After finding that it was im possible for the child to recover, the physician swallowed morphine and lay unconscious for a long time. Late in the afternoon he partially recovered and was locked. up. Devendorf Chosen. Oswego, N.Y, Oct. 7.--Irving R Devendorf, of Herkimgr county, nominated at 11.02 o'dlock last night for justice of the supreme court hy the republicans of the fifth judicial dis was The Best 25c. and 35c. Vests and Dy Underwear and Hosiery THAT EVERYBODY WANTS, And everybody is in a hurry now, thing besides light weight is necessar ch>mfort. Women's Natural Wool Vests Proper shapes and sizes, $1.25. The unshrinkable gave such satisfaction year. Some. y for fa) and Draweps Soc, 7sc., 99¢ Underwear that to our customers last awers jp Kingston to-day is shown in our Underwear Department just now. | | White Vests and Drawers--Fine Unshrinkable White Vests and Drawers--Fall Children's Warm Underwear --6 different makes Children's ; Sleeping Suits attached, and the best thing yet for Cc Ss Girls' Plain Cashmere, all sizes, medium weights, Girls' Extra Strong' Cashmere Stockings, 2cc, Girls' Ribbed or Plain Cashmere Stockings, 7 dif- Women's Cashmere Stockings | Women's Cashmere Stockings, 25c, 35c. Two Women's Fine Makes English Cashmere, 396, Uuion Wool, fall weights, 1 75¢. weights; ggc. each, each ; fy weights, '250, 35¢. and weights of Children's all sizes in each, both wool shades. Vests and Drawers, in white an natura] This is a Sleeping Suit with feet hildren who kick tbe clothes off. All izes in stock now. Children's Cashmere Hosiery 15¢., 18¢c., z0c,, 23c., 25¢, according to size. 23c., 25¢., 28c., 33, 35¢., according to size. ferent makes to select from, all sizes in each, very special makes, ribbed or plain, 49¢:, 45¢., 63c., 75¢. Women's Tan Cashmere. Women's Cardinal Cashmere, Women's White Cashmere. Coats for Women The Latest New York Models In fine quality Black English Beaver and Fawn Shades of Co- vert and Whipcord Cloths. | You can save from $1 to $3 on your Fall Coat. Many others have done this and have been quite candid in admitting it. trict. His selection ended the dead mm lock in a convention which will bx = moose RI AY as a---- historic and the final scenes of which => Nt were stqrm-swept by excitement and ra filled with dramatic interest Judy AK) Devenderf was nominated on the 145th ° | ballot by a vote of 20 to 31 cast for 3 Justice Maurice L. Wright. A' Starch Merger. Montreal, Oct. 7.--The merging of a EE all the starch manufacturing com- |S re -- penies of Canada is the project now well in hand by a number of leading financiers. There are four companies wing business in the dominion, the Edwardsburg Starch company, capital £500,000: the Imperial, capital not stated; Brantford, $100,000; St. Law rence, Port Credit, $250.000. Sale Of A Fado. A farm belonging to the Griffin es tate, Wolfe Island, was sold at J 0 Mills' auetion rooms, on Saturday morning. There was a bie attendance and the salesman did his work well. The farm was fmally knocked down to D. Coyle, Wolfo Island, for 81,750 -------------- The Arctic In Quebec. Quebec, Oct. 7.<The government steamer, Arctic. arrived in port about two o'clock, this morning, and an chored in the stream, She leaves this afternoon for Sorel. All well op board. Buy the latest popular music. march es, waltzes and vocal hits, at 18¢. por copy, 3 copies S0e. MeDermott Bros. 260 Princess street, Ordered or veadv-made corsets of every deseription, Perfect fit teed. New York Dresc Reform yHaran Best canned peas 7e, Crawford. Best capned peas Te. Crawiord. Wet Weather Boots "FOR MEN Thoroughly waterproof, he vy viscolized "soles, leather lit- ed--a boot you can deperd O% We have them in slack an Tan, in all heights, {rom a ordinary boot to as high the knee. Headquarters for Mining and Surveying Boots. -------- ---------------------- The miracles of Edison's disc are to the scientist desperately able, and to label his exact ments as mere vaporings from land enrages him. Still say wh will the inception of almost an invention has appeared first to ventor in a most visionary sti development, i Take Edison's own story of storage battery which he hs completed, and of which he t much in detail, it was based vu inventor's high esteem for the promises there are in nature, fi said, he could not conceive the ture so generous in all her fan been mean enough to limit a battery to lead and acids. Ma) because he had always been @ tiliously chivalrous and just t his laboratary, that nature | warded him by lifting her veil so often, Wireless telegraphy had bx fided to him by nature twen! ago, he told me, when the Valley road successfully 'us their freight department servi that time he flashed a messag earth to a kite two miles in above, Just at that time he tremendous favor with Dame she gave him an idea for th descent lap, which obliterat time his interest in wire raphy. ne the lamp came expe improvements in automatic te operating at high speeds, whe drew his attention to the sounds produced by the vibra stylus hi was using in with the mstruments, to thi plied his knowledge of acous the telephone mechanics, witl sult that he produced the graph. And so it seems to h with him all along the line. In feeling as wizards of old he that nature was a danger some specter to be withst feared, he has seem hor beau proached her with eonfide found that she holds only endearing principles for huma large. ison is mot a wizard sturdy, sunny souled, hard bh of Ohio, the great Buckeye =! He has what all great Any the present day reveal especi temperament of youth. He w times, because it has been | on him fall into an ontwe lance. of the fictional! scien map of abstraction and silen' but get him among old frien will tell better stories and old ones as generously and a pleasure as ordinar human beings. Because Edison is a proph to advance the power of men over hindering exactitud lv warrants that we picture any theatrical exaggeration ever, this dramatic flavor hs liberally mixed with the ~