MILLERS TO H.RM. THE PRINCE o, ead should well as the e oct husewit eight Ea te 5 Dum table r to Shing 4 an does not appreciate table ------ ve appreciate the appearance t as much as the taste of it? gj ¢ ever so wholesome, well. % le of scientifically milled flo, ities we want it to look mov whic and silky hold Flour makes just thay purification and &eril; old Flour makes ; 3 ir grace the prettiest table or meal served on ing a 25 Ib. bag not have the nl Household Flour. YUVENIR § RANGES | 62 years experience in the manufacture § JCCESS Kingston, Ont. "Hecla" Furnaces Burn Hard and Seft Coal, Coke and Wood. thatalways happens. er *'coul famine," you will be wright with a HECLA FURNACE. Every HECLA FURNACE has » WOOD GRATE. through the fire door--rests on bar grate--makes the most effective and soft coal grate ever Yesig acd. With this grate Aspe be supplied whic! minimum amount he ke od the HELA a soft coal burner Es it lige chunks of wood oTtict Even whe the door 10 44d fue}, SEE ny FURNACES have dozens i conveniences--such hel tsoverthe ordinary . se, and will f the cost ome, ahd An caimate ol Ii Catalogue: . @ CO., LIMITED § PENINSULAR STOVES AND RANGES YEAR 72. NO. 235. B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. ; It is not so much what we say about OVERGOATS AND SUITS As what they prove to the wearer, I' | | TRY " FIT-REFORM E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. S1IOVES GALORE AE DAILY _BRITI KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1905. PRAYER OVR |The Police Gathered In DAILY Y MEMORANDA, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. Three hundred villages were ed by the recent 7 _.. MGSO RIOT taissid Scenes Of Blood. shed And Disorder. or ON STRIKE, ARREST ANYONE. Sopan bas seized (wo steamers that were endeavoring next to the driver : Active business conditions in Seminary of Kid i Women and Children Brut- | limes in its financial supplement, ally Whippdd" Till They Faint- | or Died--Bomb Kills Fetersburg Very French China Fresh Arrival of Dinner and Tea ets] shapes, deli-| 1 Through collision hetwes ® bakers joining the gh a. on + between his an +» lverskoi street boule RUSSIA'S PLANS. dispersed the stre will station 300,000 troops ead and wounded remov after peace has been declar- 30 sguare al Heaters, large stock of Cook Ranges, Pugs, or and Wend | Stoves, also large stock of Carpets and | or sell, TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE | one or not. ROBERTSON BROS.. eens EXCURSION TORONTO dition. Best cure guaranteed. S| Box "A Whig office Speci train 12:45 noon. FARE, 3, 0 398 PRINCESS STREET. WANTED. PLUMBER AND STEAM Ul once. Good wages. Apply Box 1ohs Belleville, Ont. ACTIVE BOY T0 1 ARN | | STRONG the ing trade. Good wag Ap ply e's Bakery ---------------------------------------- TO RENT A PIANO IN GOOD CON- A HOUSEMAID ; REFERENCES RE quired. Apply Mrs. Victor Williams Sunnyside," Wnion street. JUNIOR ASSISTANT IN GROCERY and Liquor Store. Apply at one I. J. Leahy, Murket Square A YOUNG WOMAN TO TAKE CARE | of two children two afternoons a week. Apply: to Mrs. Robert Laird 76 Gore street -------------------------------------- MEN AND BOYS, TO EARN $5 DAY, after two months instruction, posi- tion ruaranteed. Coyne Bros. Co. Prumal ng. Schools, New York, Cincin- nati, rst. Louis, Mo., (Free Cata- pp ee ---------------------------------- GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR FALL Overcoats and Suits made at Thomas Galloway's, 131 Brock St Also bring your old ones and have them repaired. Style, fit and price guaranteed to please. = = COMFORTABLE ROOMS, AT 144 Barrie street FURNISHED DWELLING STORES and offices. McCann's Heal' Estate and Insurance Office, 51 Brock St ---------------------------------------------------- THE SHOP ON DIVISION STREET near (Garrett street, occupied by Miss Boon, milliner. Apply at Whig office Big K SHOP AND RESIDENCE, NO 351 Princess street ; moderate rent Possession November 1st. Apply to Steacy & Steacy DWELLING HOUSE 12 ROOMS; modern improvements, 841 Johnston street, suitable for boarding house Enquire of J. W. Nesbitt, Corner of Johnston and University Avenue. FOR SALE. rw STORE FIXTURES, ONE LARGE AND | three small awaings, large oil blind, three show cases, counter scales coffee grinder, two paper cutters and twine holder, two signs. All nearly new. Will sell separately or all to- gether at a great reduction. Address Box 16, Whig office. THE ROTHWELL FARM, LOT 38, 1ST Concession, Ernesttown, on the Bath road 8 miles West of Collins Dy. containing about 330 ¢ a splendid dairy farm, with shade groves, good cow stable and other buildings. The house is a large brick residence in first class order. also a cottage, both close to the road. At the rear is a swamp lot containing a large quantity of cedar and other markable timber and cord | wood. To wind up an estate Alia property will be sold reasonably ply to R. ston Burma, 41 Geo 4. eet Kingston, or T. D ur field, next farm to the ' West it a8 LOST. SMAL I. BROWN PURSE, WITH S ' Chain, containing money and key, on Thursday afternoon. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to this Office PAIR OF SILVER RIMMED SPEC tacles Sunday morning from 77 Clergy St. West, to Queen street church. Reward for return to A PEARL CRESCENT BETWEEN St. Andrew's church and Alice St along Clergy, Barrie, Union and Unie versity Avenue. Finder please return to Prof. Goodwin, Alice street cate tints and very low in, Don't fail to see| Furniture, Always ready to trade, buy | them, whether you want tents at home and $242 442455554% 4 BEETFTFEFTTF +9349 4. + dragged into the | ro had eriminally ¢ A mail train bound for | left the rails and was wrecked, until they dropped faint. 9 | ty Seven Dergons were officers h | aid in. the proposal. St. Petersburg Uneasy. | Rallway Justice Meredith has presented "By John H. Mills Auction Sale of New Evans Bros. Upright Piano, Fine Dining a chime of ten ells in memory of his of the events of a year ago. S forwarded filled cheese to sell his Honsarold Wlfects, On Tuesday, Oct. 10th| demonstration at Lace Curtains and hinds A NATIONAL ARMY at 12 o'clock noon J Talked of By Arnold Rast aasaacoc osc ac ac asd PANIC AND DEATH. a quarter ¢f a mil composed of militia, GUARDS' Under patronage Gordon and staff of the Eastern Ontario Command The Greatest Musical Event of TEFIEIF4 RR evarerr RETR + rp Opera House Oct. 12th Petersburg of the , killed in December at r, and its interment BRITAIN, RUSSIA AND ASIA. | » Concerning Afghan- istan to Be Resumed. Negotiations in re town in southern se in its charter for A Perfect Fit, Excellent Wear We guarantee to be had | in our footwear. Wear '"Allen's"' Military Bootmakers, Sign of Golden Boot. | Practical Optical Work : glasses carefully deed issued contains a clause hall revert to the surrounding the disap bunt before [ih was about to be | to Miss Annue Gibson, is explained by a shady de ol | in whi h he wa point romining a tit: "that an agreament a "eviminal charge. , recently rector of Want The Money Restored. 13 ht and (i ye ric ich, sevently-omne vears mounts and frames al- D GLASS. yen carta examined AN Insurance company, 7" campaign fund con placed in the treasury | Almante, of the company under pe nalty of revo company's license business in Missouri for fail omply with the demand Lawson is merunginy | Seotia. He entered the ministry of the y church, Prices for above work moderate Presbyterian Em al ""|SMITH BROS,, : with the Church of England. 850 King Street. Prone 0% Will Decide The Matter. " Marriage Licenses LADIES' GOLD WATCH: EITHER ON | Johnst Clergy Princess, or On tario Sts, or Swift's Wharf. Farly Sunday morning. Reward for its re turn to this Office ett tere eee LADIES' DIAMOND SOLITAIRE RING, Wednesday evening, between' Opera House and 80 Sydenham street, by way of Princess, Clergy and Farl streets. Reward for return to 30 Sydenham street. PERSONAL. MME. ELDER'S DRESSMAKING Parlors, 258 Princess St., Corner Sydenham, 'ailor-Made Gowns, Coats and raps, Shirt Waists, Suits, dinner and evening costumes, trusseaux, etc., made-to-order. Cash i ble. B fer- Duines reasonable. est city refer AT EDGEHILL "Rubber gloves save your hands Buy them at Gibeom's Red Cross drug | 5, Store, wer the question whether street cars hol ore to de mand restittion of the a ne 9 c Y.W.C. A. Public Demonstration of Cookery Tuesday Evening Every Woman Invited Admission, 10c. MIS § FORT ESCUE PIANO CLA SS October 16th Ihe question will now be decid + Meredith, presiding over No Reason For Strike. township seeks to pre asked regarding the An far os 1 can judge;severy thing harmonious in the Auto Plunged Into Marsh. a general coal strike instantly killed, Walter Palmer and parlor will be open l " road into a marsh and capsized cookers and heaters, Frances are not danger. | 211-213 Princess St, The Preacher. HE WAS A BIGAMIST FELL INTO LAW'S CLUTCHES AT REVIVAL. He Married a Salvation Army Lass While He Had Another Wife Living--Franklin Claims to Have a Divorce From First Wife, Birmingham, Ala, Ont, 9.--~Just as he had tinished a prayer at the Salva- tion Army hall in this city J, Walter L. Franklin was arrested on the charge of bigamy. His last wife, a pretty, sprightly girl of eighteen years was seated at his side when the arrest was made, Franklin's first wife lives in Newport, Ky. Her name is Mrs. Cora Franklin, and it was she who put the detectives on the man's trail, Leaving the Newport wife in Ken- tucky, according to the stories told, Franklin came to Jefferson county, Alabama, about three years ago. At Toadvine, Ala., he married a relative of Deputy Sheriff Reeves, and in that rural community he posed as a preacher, delivering a number of ser mons at various places. A short time ago he came to Birmingham with wife No. 2 and their child, He soon sent them back to Toadvine, however, on a visit to relatives in that vidinity. | Almost immediately afterward he met and wooed Miss Peachie Jones, one of the prettiest Salvation Army lassies in the city, and a fow days ago gain ed her consent to marry him, Franklin admits he has two wives, but claims hé was divoreed from the Newport wife, In a communication to , the Newport Mrs, Frank. lin maintains she has never been leg: ally divoreed. DEAD IN TROUSSEAU, | News of Fiance"s Alleged Theft Kills Bride-To-Be. Dunbar, Pa., Oct, 9.~Enshrouded in her wedding gown pn the eve of her wedding day, Miss Mary Barage lies dead in the home of her parents, while | her intended husband, John Mereen, is heing hunted by county detectives. Mereen, a boarder in - the Barsege home several months, won the daugh- | ter's heart. Tuesday was set asthe wedding day. The young woman was stricken with fever, Mercen remained at home and assisted ib attending to her. I'he girl's father had hid money in different places about his home. In an fold stove was over $600, Wednesday , | afternoon Mercen was alone in the house. Then he left. When Barsage went to the stove to see if his treas | ure was safe, 'as had been his nightly custom for months, it was gone. Bar sage placed the case in the hands of the authorities, and reported the al leged actions of Merven to the sick daughter, The shock killed her. BRIDE WAS DROWNED. Husband Tried to Save Woman He Married. St. John, NB, Oct. 9A telephone message from Musguash, N.B., says that Mra. Lizzie MeGuire, aged twen- tyv-five, who but a few weeks ago was married to Robert MeGuire, quarter master of the Eastern Steamship company's steamer Calvin Austin, was drowned yesterday in Little Musquash harbor, near their ho They and Mr. McGuire's sister were crossing the harhor when a squall canted their sailboat, and McGuire and his bride were thrown out, while hix sister re tained her place in the boat. McGuire swam to his wife, and she put her arms round him. Both sank, how ever, twice, and he says he them seems to have lost consciousness for a brief time, for when he came up the se "ond time she was not with him. How he was rescued is not told, At last | report the body of Mrs. McGuire had not heen recovered CUT OFF MAN'S TONGUE. Accusing Husband of Slander Wife Takes Revenge. Kansas City, Oct, 9-Mrs. Martha Fannon made gn almost successful at tempt to ent out the tongue of her divorced husband, James Green, with a butcher knife because, as she alleg es, he had slandered her. When Green was taken to the police station his tongue was hanging by. mere thread, The doctors sewed it to oti r as best they could and packed Green's month with cotton to stop the bleeding. They will not know for sev eral dave whether the two pieces will knit or not Groen suid his wife's sonin-law, Charles Thomas, held him while she pulled out his tongue and slashed it Shoots Girl And Self. St, Joseph, Mich WENT THROUGH FORTUNE. -- Sent to Prison for Obtaining Money by Fraud. Berlin, Oct. 9. <Pastor Kreusler, of Celle, in Hanover, on th8 death of his wife, some twenty years ago, in- herited a fortune of £100,000, and though there was no evidence that he had been leading an extravagant life, the whole amount had been expended and Kreusler had recently been ar restod on a charge of obtaining $25, 000 from a lawyer in Vienna by fram). In his defence Kreusler stated that his whole fortune had been given away in charity, and he related par: tioulars in many cases where he had saved people from ruin by his money. A gilt of 8250 was a Soman event. He declined to name any of these to whom he had lent or given money, but declared that the disclosure of some of the names would cause a sensation. When he became engaged to marry Fraulein Hoppe he had only £10 left. Ho then fled to Vienna, where he persuaded the girl to assist him in obtaining $25,000 by means of fraud, Kreusler was sentenced to five years' imprisonment. BOOSTS THE CENSUS. Girl Wife in California Mother of ive Babies. Boston, Oet, 9.--The fact that Cali: fornia has a ioe climate will be ostablivhedd without doubt when it is generally known that a whole family was born to a child wife in that state on Septomber Tth. George Breare, of 15 Linden street, Melrose, who is at work in a shi vard at Eureka, Cal, writes to kh won, George: H., Breare, a window trimmer at Houghton & Button of oné Mra. Jackson, seventeen of age, giving birth to five A hain, tho heaviest of which five pounds. 'The father of the Red on is John Jackson, and he is only nine teen yoars old, Eureka is a little hamlet in Hum- holt county. It has no streets, lights or electric cars. There in only one industry in the place, and that is a shipyard, A SAD REUNION, Accidental Death Brings Divorced Parents Together, Victoria, B.C., Oot, 9. William Ed monds, twenty-one years of age, was crushed to death at the British Columbia soap works, He was adjust ing a belt to the shaft, when his clothes were caught, and he was bat tered to death between the pulley and the ceiling. His parents, who were di- voroed some years ago. met for the first time since at the side of their dy: ing son, MARTIAL LAW. -- Has Been Proclaimed in Mos. cow, London, Oct. 9A despatch to the Exchange Telegraph company, from St. Petersburg, says that martial law bas been proclaimed at Moscow, Wo Trouble Last Night. St. Petersburg, Oct. 9.---No serious disorders occurred at Moscow last night, The situation ix slightly more renssuring, this moming, but the strike is spreading. A DELIBERATE PLOT Was the Bomb-Throwing at Tiflis Yesterday, St, Petersburg, Oct. 9.<The throw- ing of bombs at the troops in Tifhs, yesterday morning, resulting in the soldiers firing on the people, appears to have been the outcome of a delib- erately organized plot. The loss of life was confined to one Cossack and one bomb thrower. Twenty persons were wounded. Fought Mad Dog. New York, Oct. $.--Mrs. Richard C, Carl, wile of a farmer living near Fast Northport, Long Island, risked her own life to save her five-months- old baby boy when she entered a room and saw a mad dog that had strayed into the house about to spring at the child in a cot. The mother in stantly seized the animal, which was frothing at the mouth, and, although the dog tore her hand and bit her on the chin, she clung to him and carried him to the barn. There her husband, who had heard her screams, killed the animal as she held. it. Hughes Declines To Run. New York, Oct. 9.--Charles E. Hughes, tho insuranes inquisitor, who was nominated by the republicans for mayor of New York City, last Thurs day night, declined the nomination to<ay. Lowers World's Record. Lexington, Ky., Oct, 9.--~Dan Patch, king of pacers, Saturday clipped | thromquar ters of a second from his own, the world's record, 1.56, negoti- ating the mile in 1.56}, Hersey driv- , Oct. 9.--Because she refusal to marry him, Frederick Froer shot and mortally wounded Miss Violet J. Lonsdale, a telephone oper ator, and then fired a bullet through his own heart, dying instantly. He be- | gays there has been serious rioting by ing. - After A Loan. Berlin, Oct. 9.«-(erman banks an: nounce that Russia requires a new loan of nine hundred million roubles. At least four hundred million on the Joan will be taken up in Germany. Serious Rioting. London, Oet. 9. Advices from Nen- thead, in the county of Cumberland, gan shooting at the girl lying in bed { Italian miners in that locality. asleep, Joneph Bryant did damage to the Gilmour company's plant at Trenton because he had been discharged. He agreed, to save further trouble, to put up £40 for the damages. SURGING To Introduce Electricity. New York, Oct. 9.---Electricity is to be introduced on the Erie railway as soon as possible. After living with his wile two Nay | Mrs, Samuel Baldwin, an old pesi- | Robert Morrison, Glouesster week, dent of North Augusta, died last tice, if ha would uptie the knot. Lord Inverclyde, chairman of the | found shi had a string of hig hug- Cunard steamship company, is dead. bands. on PROOF. mixed Hrowns, inches wide, per i 0 ALLEN At Gananoque, Oct. 7th, to CHURCH.--~At Guananogue, O¢tobaer 2nd, AUSTE INA Smith's Valls, Ont, Oct, Falls. FARQUAHARSON.--At Ballantyne, Sept. 21st, 1905, J » Toronto, = Ont. Fine and wars seribe Sol 1 Silk and wool with wh Ventl Somcripuiine of the gow tioths rea i « Which markt the wt via « and to mee exactly what most rect, specified hy the nye authorities of the world. Come Here! You'll more haa eR cr ht : Seotoh and English Tweeds French Chiffon Broadeloths Cheviots, Canvas Cloths, ets. All leading tones ond shades, ON ALL CASH SALES Steacy's. nd Mrs. Clarke Allen, & a DIED, Nurner Thomson Church, aged 2nd, Lucile Coleman Austin, thirteen ears, second daughter Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Austin, Swnith's ames Farquahars son, aged Javenty oight yours. y ROBT. J. REID. The Leading Undertaker 'Phone 577. 222 Princess St. EE --_------_------_ ili "Shaun Rao wii Mrs EA Pricos--25¢., Boe. 78¢., 0. Bite "Oct on sa vB Oct. 17¢h, "Too Proud to Beg" New Goods Arriving Daily This week we received our Fall importation of Cairn's N fered to add 820 to fee paid the jus: e Also Black Currant Jam, Bed Currant Jelly.