ee Prescription Prices There are places where yo, Jave your preseription MIxEp oF less money than wé char or COMPOUNDING it, but he S$ no place where nen are is used, purer dry > ised, greater proficiency ang = ised than here. It is poor busi 1ess to the prescription harp, ounter. You can't afford al ess than we charge for Your pay eription or family lk Every cent under our price -- ents so much sacrifice >. PURITY, PROFICIENCY "ROMPTNESS. Let us have your next ion. [he Best Drug Store L. T. BEST, Chemist and Optician 24 Princess Street "Phone 59, CAPILLI FORMA! The best known hair r 1 eestor reve alling and grey hair. A PositinTents or Neuralgia, Dandruff and Eezema cure FOR TEN DAYS 5c. per bottle. Shampoo, 50¢, | Mme. Elder's Dressmaking Parlors 53 Princess St., Cor. Sydehnam St. ---- Prescrip. 'R J. FREE, CONTRACTOR Estimates civen for all k Mason Work, Plastering. aes Cement Work of all descriptions, 94 Division St. "Phone 402 PO-0-000000000000000000] rr ---------- Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up 3 Opposite Orand fear! Station BAGGAGE: FR and Valking Skirts ! Beautifully tailored in he newest and most strik- ng designs, put in stock o-day and marked at pecially low prices, $2.95 nd up. In the lot are ght and dark Twed fects, Vicunas, Cheviots, tc., in black, navy, brown nd other popular autumn hades. Have you seen tke line f $1.25 French Kid loves that we are selling t $1 a pair? They are mply swell quality, new- st shades, in all sizes, uarantee with each pair. Blankets have taken a ig jump at the mills but e are still selling at the d prices. Ask to see the King Edward" Brand if ou want a really choice ar- cle. bwman & Shaw 3 MONDAY, Oct: 9th 60 TONS No. 2 Nut $4.60 TON. Look at it! | | PEC LLPLL PP 4 00000900 JAMES SWIFT & C0. Telephone 135. *0e ¥7: TRAVELLING. © SYSTEM I Victoria. Seattls, Tacoma, | second class from King- to several other ncouver, SEL Ore, m-- unters' Rates SINGLE FARE Temagami on T. & N. O. ir Mattawa to Port Arthur Sault Ste. Marie inclusive, via Bay. Good going Oct. 10th, to < Midland, Lake of 'enetang. River. | All Stations Argyle to Cobo- v to Haliburton, Severn, Points N. N. Co r Bay and Mackinaw H- Good Going Oct. 26th to Nov bro peints ia ly to points on ots valid returning until De- | her particulars, tickets and all tion apply to Js. P ity Passenger Agent. StL LE Al RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH { CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. -- ) $46.30 --O Tickets on sale until | Oct. 31st, 1905. | | SECOND GLASS FROM' KINGSTON. to many other West- ROKE h yancouver jctoria attle 'acoma portland | w Rates Very rm Poir UNT Mattawa to Port Arthur Te i points on T. & N. O. Ry. th, to Nov. Tth. © } Copper Cliff to Sault Ste | t Lake to Have and branch, Qct. 2 good returming h, to Dec say 1 Tickets iculars at K. & P. and C. P. 'ull yp C Ticket Office, Ontario Stree p. CONWAY, F. A FO Gen. Pass. Agent Bay of Quinte Railway New short line fer Tweed. Napanee Descronto, and all local points. Trains ve City Hall Depot at 8:35 p.m. ¥ KWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kiasstes . JR. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "ALETHA" Leaves {ingston daily except Sunday at 3 p.m r Picton and intermediate Hey of Quinte Ports, atiom from J. P. Hanley. J leeve, Jas, Swit & Co HORSRY. Trafic Manager: ALLAN LINE ""™ "0500 xomney ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. From Montredl®" From Quebec, ._City Depot. GILDER- J. . Clarence Street. ZDUCATIUNAL. Lo O-C0 00000008 0 Students May | Fall Term & 0 Enter Any Time Q 0 v Sept. 5th¢ SW X ¢ Kingston Business Gollege 9 LIMITED g x Head of Queen St. x 6 Kingston - - Ont $ A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- { 9 LIABLE SCHOOL. Q § + Established in 1883 ., [ ¢ ¥ al, complete, thorough, 1 Q ® throughout the e r & 0 telephone for terms and cata- é ¢ McKAY, H.F METCAL¥VE. © Q President. Frineipal. % 90 OOOO ARCHITECTS. m-- a FM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second Boer over Mabood's drug Store, orner Princess and Bagot streets / Enterance om Bagot street Telephone 608. Pee eee ARTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT. OF. fic site of New Drill Hall, near core ner of Queen and Montreal Strests, ---- cir -------------- POWER & SON ARCHITECT. MER- chant"s Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets, 'Phone 313. IENRY ete, P. SMITH, Anchor Bulldi 'Phone, 345. ARCHITECT. ne. Market re MONEY AND BUSINESS. _---- -- = DON AND GLOBE -AVERPOOL, LON Fire nee Risets $61,187,215. which the policy bo Security the unlimited all the stockholders. Farm and city Property insured at lowest Fates. lore renewing oid or wiving cew business gel rates from Strange & Strange, Agents: WR POLICIES COVER MORE ON TRE TITY 1 STERN EXCURSIONS f= $46.30 I= from Sept. 15th | f ~3 As yot it's a table just A plate for me and a plate for Sue -- ERS' RATES Gen. Supt Available possible for two, My bride and I. Whits as her heart is the cloth between, Bright as her eyes the silver's sheen ; And 1 gaze and try To understand and to calculate Why I have won 50 much from Fate, As she who gazes with eyes of blue Across the table set for two. Fragrance ¢' flow'ret in her breast, Whiff from the urn ; now, which is best = T scarcely know ! Sweet is the scent of the double rose, But oh, that sniff from theurn's bright nose Is surely so. And smiles seem dearer and lips more sweet 'When seen through the shimmer of fragrant heat From CHASE & SANBORN'S perfect brew Above our table set for two. eet ete st eee enema. PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Contains oo Alum, Ammaia, Lume, Masctatc, o any Lejarianl, EW.GILLETT 007s TORONTO.ONT. & SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Apy even numbered section of Domin- lon Lands in Manitoba or the North- west Provinces, ,exceptme 8 and 2 not rved, ma DES Loatou up ny ole. bead of a 18 years of age, to the nl quarter section, of 16C less. be made personally at the fice for the district in which der desires, may. on epplica the Minisy of the luterior he nisier the Commissioner of Immigra Awa, Winnipeg, or the local agent for strict in which, the land is sitvate e authority fof some One to make TIES : A settier whe as by for a ¥ y de read n the con and 'finally d mounts, (Madden is his nearest op 1itic under oue ind heart ponent, with %0 wins out of ¥8 times the follow words he says: "T° con | 4t the post 1 hs residence upon hvs r fter nothe ™ ti land in each year phy lan a ; ¥ \ 4 There seems to } xn abundances of term of three years. one seemed to understand | pres in England néw. At New father (pr mother, if the] mv but all the same they each } po Jac week 1 tv eth ran in 3 ¢ de inety horsés ra about He peat of my nik Tages. af Sverhge of ove thats n. appetite and vigor 3 » Appelt an 2 sixteen ra Newhury j& the vicinity of the t frog, pillar to | newest , THe da a person as a bho e arium to an ney r , An is t ts of this Act as tc K 1 % said to be the most up-to-date racing s btaining © okmg, | it OC | plant in Fngland be s \ person resid nd « nounced my daily glass " a y ni oi v : without any marked Ten thousand peoy saw the Capi 8) If : Rls ins ? tal team of Ott ay the cham residence atmwing land mproverne \ % % pion Ne estn ' ir oir y of ms hoviesie Friends had advised me + to] pion New W nthe fa his Act as ww . 2a wel woprietary medi grounds, at ectmifister. The Ly residence upon the y 2 ae: Te 3 ya s a 108 - ) : cine, Stunrt's Dyspepsia Tablets and | 2M es the ay 4 ATION FOR PATENT should) | {Lew perused the newspaper ad aprtais western ane ,freat in ond of throe years, be o f the remedy but never terest. was evinoed in the vist of the S,-SubrAyout "or the k in advertised medi tern team. who were seen for the first time this side of the Rockies. The plication for patent e six months' notice vould touch my case 2 Ee taboos ry ah 4 is understood that, Avmstrons of | 30 ) of packag Toronto, will leav hortly for Otta SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN the and took wa, baving joined the stafi of the Nest MINING REGU " after cach weal and bank of Ottawa. Mr. Armstrong will for s oe ablet between meals, be welonmed hv the hoe misloy ing pub- | ot nore n 320 pn v feeling of nause wr ic of the capital, and will'ng doubt o y yn in ten a jou 1 r "py facling nayare. figure on Stanley Cup gamés this rer ton of 3,000 pqunds shall ve collected | "I was surprised at the end of the winter. Last year he played cover oa the Anis oa iner's certificate is | first week to pote a n arked improve | Point for the Toronto Marlboras, seni ed upoti.' payment, an adveuce of j ment in my appetite and general | or champions of the 0. WH. A per agpum for an individual health the two packages The rugby union championship sea- 00 pa sanum for a © gz to capital Le .2e for recording a claim is $5. se the land at $ acre. The patent provides for the payment © a royalty of 34 per cent on the sales PLACER mining chad yearly. A freé miner thay obtafn two leases i dredge for gold of five miles each for a renewable at the terin of twenty years, discretion of the Munster of the Interior 'The lessee shall have a dredge in oper ation within one seasdu {rota the date the lease for each five giles. Itental. $1¢ er sngum for mile of river lensed Royalty at the rate of 2§ pe ed on the output after _~ exceeds $10,000 « «WW. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior be taken is snuated, or if the | at $100 ust be expended on the ms generally are 100 fest square ; entry fee §5, renewable of r cent coliect- set up when "their, « three - reprvesenta- tives out-distanced the RPE € dads ! oT relay (inal).--B, ve. C; won y B. THERE WAS RARE FUN AT| Event for officers long course (hurdle race)--Capt. Marshall, Lieut. Wil THEM. liams, Obstacle race. -- Gibson: Tremagne, Carson. The crowd went fairly wild with exéitement over the strenuous ness of this event. The racers had a Ottawa, ! race down hill 10 the pier, across to the other landing by a cable or a swim, through suspended bares. barb wire entanglement, un and down neyed over old Cataraqui bridge to hill over a large shed, a climb up one see the continuation of the Royal | %ide of a tower, down the other and a Military College sports (by permis- | spurt to the finish, Big and little, old The Events Were Watched With Interest by Over Six Hundred Persons--Powell, of is Champion. A gopdly number of city folk and a contiipynt of Queen's collegians jour sion of the acting commandant, Major and young, evervone followed the race E. V. 0. Hewitt), on Saturday after- | "ith intense enjoyment, chasing over noon. Far from a "sprinkling," a | the course Yike mad, perfect shower "of fominine element,! The winner of the championship was watched with keen interest the several A. T. Powell of Ottawa, RSM. lat vents, their dainty. frocks and the Class, third vear, bv 14 points. with red, and white of the cadets, adding Warten 4 points behind ; a pretty touch of color on the heauti: | Ite long course officers decined to ful mark 'the event bv a prize to the groen campus. Jt was an ideal au tumn day, sunny and warm, vet tem pered with a cool breeze, Promptly at 2.30 o'clock, the bugle sounded and the fon began, holding the atlemtion | of the six hundred or more spectators | for at least three hours. Those who recruit making the highest namber of noints and this 'was won b Hutton. Cadet Baseball On Saturday At New York American league had the handling of the programme Philadelphia. '3-6. At Brookiyn, 411; were' Judges, Major Scott, Professor Boston, 10-7. At Pittsburg, 1. Chi | Butler: Professor Lanos. Referee. Pro cago, 2. At Jincinnati, 3-6; St. | s, fessor Martin, Starter, Regt. -Sergt.-, 'J wr Prince Timekeepers. Capt ee} National league--At Boston ! lerson, Professor Laird. Clerks of the New York, 69. At Washingt or | course. B.S Powell: Sergt. Hale Philadelphia. 4-3. At Ul | Cadet Warren, Cadet Hutton Detroit. 7 At St. Lows, 7; Chi The results werd ago, od Three i rac Ryerson and Ar a a Aen | Baseball On Sunday fin + rowd. . who | | National League, -- Cincinnati, 3-1 r ness and Pittshurg, 1-1, At Chicago, 5-6 St mean 2 | Louis, 4-3, American Leagte.-- At Chicago, 5 (ten hurdies)-- ; }; St Louis, 3-3. ' rson. Hutton. | - dd by not a few o } Sporting Notes t Armstrong hay 1 Joe Gleeson is slated to play centre wr. had he not been run hali-back on the Uttawa College ram, into } 1 knocked down. The annual meeting of the Brock It was = ville Hockey Club will be held om fell 1 the Puesday night' Faulkenberg pitched - Washington to victory "over Philadelphia the | America League, I The Hamilton Tigers, says the Lon and 8 m rts' children's pe vard VEAr. jp-- n Fred . of ic y 8 op dn A nc n. was re wwe to have , don Advertiser; have invented a new which Jee wan Kip, wid oh three brothers win, with five entries. ; CTieS-Cross play. -It is fashioned after 1 lowed to rest in their graves, no The Kittle chars ran well { the double ross the 0. R. F. U. exe | Gonder the living are persecuted as Quarter wile race. --Warren, 50 4-5 cutive gave them. much as they are. Stringent and dras se: Powell. Hutton The English Assdeiation football | yi. measures should be employed in dievcle obstacle race team under the leadership of Sir] || cases of this kind Tisdale. This proved lively Charles Kirkpatrick, defeated a pick - Reports are being circulated by cer for the spectators, but ed team of Philadelphians, four goals "a. unprincipaled persons against hard work for the several one, at Haverford. | the local fishery overseers that they Mile relay race (one team § Billy Lea, one of MeGHl's best wing | ore peglecting their duties, that the from each class).--Ist Class, Powell, | Men; will not return to college this | river is full of nets and fish being cap Fakine Haggerty, Ryerson: 3rd Class; , Yar, and his lose will be much felt | (ured contrary to law right along ond C { by the team. Lea is at present in No- | This, of course, may be true, to some % feet. Akins! v8 Scotia, and will remain there for | extent, but the overseers are making arruthers. There | the next twelve months, every effort to locate the law vio ral self-satidfaction among the Hackler's Pride, the only horse to|jators and if caught there will be . of their own number | Win the Cambridgeshire twice, was | some thing doing. Janpels. hess ,asmuch | purchased recently by Sir Tatton The local rugby team is practising ' a trinmph over the cham Sykes, for 5,000 guineas, and her | hard 'prior to their tackling the for Jem froin. Queen's racing days are over, as she will @t | midables of Fastern and Western On 230 vards race--Wiliams (Ouaen's), | once be retired to the stud tario, when they anticipate making a 5 gets: "Crain {Queen's Lestherland | Negotiations between Arthur Duffy, {| clean sweep of everything that comes (Queen's). What a yell the college boys | former champion runner of the world, | in their way. The pleasures of anti and Archic Hahn, the crack western | cipation are often far sweeter than ---- sprinter, may result in a match race | even the fondest memories THE ROOT OF THE MATTER. between Hain and J. W. Morton, the Fnglish smpion, at Madison Square He Tuell EHinscld o Ce-ious IY i Meri ~ o3ill is scheduled to pf a Stomach Troubles, by Getting | Hew Ho it play Ottaw: D Fir 3 ipl ollege in Montreal on the 25th. of this GWSHILS sre RO eS i month. They will strive ta bave this A man of g airs in one of our | game changed to October 26th, pr ern cities by too close | Thanksgiving Day. so as not to chash to business, too little ex-| with the Westmount-Montreal game, 18 many . club dinners, pay nature s tax, f chrome i his digestion nervous irritability to apply himself which is to be played on the 28th Danny Maher is the leading rider in England this having a lead, both in percentage and number of winning mounts. Up to September 26th, he had won "¢ races out of 3 mach sea good ould believe fifty cemt pu d i a y pa - z ro __THE DAILY WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 9. AT R. M. C. SPORTS, WERE GANANOQUE POLICE ARE of we ~ Made in Canada and proud of it «LORD TENNYSON" Peer of 10c. Cigars S. DAVIS & SONS Montreal. Po DAONERATED NOT GUILTY. Using Bad Language--Some Boys to Blame--Ghouls About --Rugby Team is Going to Sweep Everything Before It Gananoque, Oct, S.--~At the investi gation concerning local policemen by special committee of the town council the policemen were exonerated from all blame, as the talk of a number of boys in the woods shooting was mus taken for the language of the police men. This should be a lesson for peo ple to be always sure before they make complaints against public of- ficials, It is evident that there are still ghouls about this section, as suspic ious characters were about last week, and suspicion aroused in consequence The latest work on the war between Japan and Russia is given ns a prey mium to vearly subscribers to the Kmgston Wh Fuery one ought to secure a copy of t valuable book Daily Whig only $2.50 per year. Sub scribers taken at Sipe's drug store or by E. BE. Benois, local agent. At thé Manhood League this mom Mayor Sheppard dealt with the ing subject, "What Strong Drink has | done for Gananoque," in an able and efficient manner, There was a good at tendance. Local option is being, boom | i ed in Gananoque at present, Rev. I. 8. Houek's address on the volunteer movement under the aus pres of Gananoque council, Ne 24 M of T.. was a great success. Gan sue stands pladged for seventeen new ipsured members between now and February next, Next Tuesday evening annual election af officers for anonpie | Manhood 'League take place in the Jecture room Grace Methodist church. Poker playing, it is sand, ix being engaged in along the river' banks on Sundays, 1 the local authorities dg evil, there ix one cold weather will not get after this n that the it for a time at least sa tivfactic home team won 3 i and before y ne 1 was certain that Stuart's | ROR Was started Ratorday in earnest miner, 'having discovered mineral Tablets was going to eure 1 he senior game in Toronto resulted place, way -jocels a claim 1,500x iv and they did not disap- |!" A obo sided victory for the Toron- 00 feet to-Argo team. though i¥ was close in 1 can eat and sleep and en ; cofice and cigar and no one 1 had ever known the s of dyspepsia ily curiosity 1 wrote to rs of the remedy asking ation as to what the tablets d they replied that the the first half aml junior games Several intermediate also. plaved and from a viewpoint wers good foot- hall. Hamilton made a record for the vear at London, fortv pine to noth: ing, The games in the cast resulted in favor of Montreal and the Rough Riders, were ppose t{ for in contain principal fients wore aseptic peg sin (government text), malt diastase . A fu, : >] and other natural digestives which Anniversary Of Chicago Fire. 9 Chicago, Ill. Oct Today is the 34th anniversary of the day on which ondition od regardless of the ch - st . matter is this, the | Mrs. O'Leary's famous cow kicked > elements contained inj over a buming kerosene Jarp in its Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest stable on PeKoven street anil started the food, give the overworked stomach | 8 fire which swept through the whole city and destroyed it. The event is a chance to recuperate and the nerves Inot generally celebrated, but several and shole system to receive the nour N.B.-- Unauthorized publication of this 14 from | societies, among them the Old Settlers *t Square. po i» ishment which cam omly come from ns, = =X advertisement will not be paid for. food. Stimulants and) nerve tonied and Pioneers, will hold anniversary = pever give real strength, thew give celebrations this evening THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISEED 1863.) President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money leaned Properties. tures. rigages parc 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. Mon. 97 Clarence Street. Kingston. Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. on City snd Farm cipal and County hased Oo Moi posits received and interest allowed Clean. COAL Honest That fa the kind we sefl--The kind you should bursa if you wast a satisfaction fire. Wa are filling orders vow for winfer supptiss.. Have you ordered yours yet? one No, 183, The great Chicago fire humed shout fictitious strength, mvariahly followed tiventy-five hours and during that time by reaction. Every drop of bload, k every nerve and tissue is manufac 'destroyed within a district, about tured from our daily food, and of four miles long and one mile wide vou ean insare its prompt action and 17,150 h mees: including the cay hall, complete digestion by the regular use the court hous with all us records, of so good gid wholesome a remedy the post office apd many other public a« Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, yon buildings. will have no need of nerve tonics and santtarmms, Although have been in the market only a vears, probably every druggist in the Melood's hair restorer is equal us to sire amd duality to ény of the £1 hair preparations. Ours retails for Se. per bottle. MeLeod's drag store Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet: few :BOOTH&CO.: i 800 500000n000000000008 United States, Conads and Great Bri- Monkey Brand Soap removes all faam now sell them amd considers {stajne, rust, dirt or't srmigh hit won't them the most popular and successful {wash othe of any preparation for stomach! Fagle fountain pens, only $1.25 trouble, Gibson's Red Cross drug store, ~H put a stop to C J. Donndly, editor of the Port Levden Courier, accompunied hy his wife, and anghter, ure spending a few days + latter's sister, Mrs {WH Centre street. J | Cotten re a solo at St An ! drews' chur this morning, which | was very r appreciated, Rev, HW | Gracey, pastor of St. Andrew's Pres | byterian church, and Rev Mr. Tim berluke, pastor of Grace Methodist church, exchanged pulpits this mom ing. A brand new daughter arrived at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clark Allan yesterday. The delighted papa is at present all smiles, Wait a bit for further details Fall Importation. Prevost Brock street, has received all his fall nport me for order work, consisting « otch and Eng and black serges, lish tue ; cheviot asd venetian for sailings, a great varie nine splendid assort ments of black and blue beaver and fancy overcoatings. 'A splendid as sortment of panting at prices that defy competition ------ The Dominion Atlantic railway of Nuva Scotia has taken possession of the Midland railway, rusnming from Truro to Windsor, N.S. James G. Kerr, Kemotville, bas the been appointed to a postion al reformatory 'at Penetanguichenc. Why That Weariness. You're uneasy, restless, without ap- petite. Still worse you are thin and fagged out. Work must be done, but where is the strength to come from? Make your blood nutritious snd voa'll have lots of strength i only hope is Farrozone, an Your instant blood-maker, blood-purifier, bloosd-en- richer. It brings keen appetite, digests food and supplies nutrition for build- | ing up all the bodily tissues. Ferro zone makes muscle spd nerve fibre, in | creases your weight, instills 8 reserve of energy into the body that defies weariness or exhaustion from Any cause. To have virility and healthy vigor we Frerrozone which all dealers ed] in DUe. boxes. i peculiar his | assortment 0 and SUITS now on hand ; it Every garment is its own evidence --the make. the finish, stylish appearance, which cannot help but appeal to the ikes or dislikes may EVERYBODY PLEASED WE ARE PERFECTLY SAFE in saying that we don't believe there is one man in a thousand whom we cannot please, no matter how be. from our immense and i { MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S OV is simply a combination of excellence. Men's Suits, from $8 to $18. u Men's Overcoats, from $8.50 to $18, 253 Boys' Suits and Overcoats from $2.50 to ssi WE HAVE THE CONFIDENCE in our goods Because we We know we handle know them to be right. WE BACK UP OUR CONFIDENCE BY MONEY if goods do not prove as represented, Tuas oH 101 REMEMBER that this store always has and always will give you honest values, perfect fitting goods. at as low prices as ; can be sold for. Jos. Abramson, The People's Clothie 180 Princess Street, Between Redden's and Crawford's Groveries. OYAL SHOES The FOR MEN most PRICES : $4.50 AND $5 McDermott's Shoe Store exclusive styles shown anywhere in Canada. If you want the correct Sing in Footwear call and see our fashion- able lines, Princess Street. BETTE anything is You'l us ! R GLOVES Day by day we're showing how much better this store is, both in goods and service. In Gloves we car- ry one of the world's greatest favorites. Don't take our word for it. Take away the new Gloves and put them to any test you please. They come to us with an absolute guarantee as to quality. If wrong the maker pays for it; not you, or 1 find no Glove anywhere that will give you better satisfaction than Founde's. Founde's London Kid. brown and tan, 75. ; Founde's Andry, white, black a Founde's Rocquaine, white, grey * brown Founde's Kid, with siik lining, $1.26, Founde's English Walking, brown, tans. $1.28. Founde's London Suede. heavy, grey. tan and brown, $1.85. Founded Little Folk Kid, age 2 to 13, 8c. Founde's Men's and Women's Mocho, fur-lined, $2.50. Men's. Women's and Children's Knit and Cashmere, all prices The Stamp Founde's Means Satisfaction. CRUMLEY BROS. Agents for Kingston. Emp ire Typewriter Gives more value for the money than any machine on the market. Visible w ortable. « Price, $60. Second-hand machines from $5 to $50. JRC. riting --Very DOBBS & 00., 1717 WE REFUNDING) YOUR nd colors, $1. * ATS and thefal a_ - ee but the best and me good goods , black, etc.. $1.28. * as Bask oT BEY