btly damaged © wid Used, und slice new but slow sellers. Look this and see if any of them will lt Lhesser for $23. Table for $21, for $33. w" ny ox Conc B12 Box Couch for $7.25. Mahogany Centre Table for $8.30, Il thowe prices. are below the first , 4nd ure Reni; supe. 3 Music Cabinet for $31, for $11. | + Parlor Walnut Wardrobe, Handsome Man. Hed, 2 large Hall Racks, Chairs, ote. ne great bargains, on Monday, (not } ol before. a quantity of Tapestry Brussels Carpets. 21 pairs Late Curtains, ete. % ' 5 and You are paying 10 to 12 per cent to your landlord in rent, 'while you are only receiving 3 or 4 percent interest : savings. STAKT RICHT NOW Buy a "Home We will let you have the money require at a low rate of in. on your putting the by-law, To it J would be a saving to the city, and he civic treasury would be the better for the delay, now that the held off so long. By réport om ges in ready, month will have the real snow which it will be buried in. It is suggested, in anticipation of the defeat of the larger scheme, viz.: the Changing of he city buildings to include tl of Education quar- ters, that two by-laws on this ques- tion should be prepared, one for the r scheme and the other for the of tting in steam h. 'would offect a saving in coal and insurance, and more than pay for itsell. The ratepayers might sanction the heating scheme, as itis a needed improvement. The New Health Officer. The new medical health officer, Dr. J. H. Bell, will not announce what new plan he intends to follow in con: nection with his civic office, just ut present. He will first have a confer ence with the health board, after he- ing officially installed in his tion, and then outline what he thi Suh to be done. His intention is to fol low up carefully every case of con tagious disease as soon as il in. re- ported, and ferret out ita origin. What is Going on About the Harbor. Crawford's wharf : Schooner Winnie ing cleared for Charlotte. The schooner M. A. Lydon cleared, this morning, for Charlotte. G.T.R. wharf: Schooner Ariadne, with twenty-eight tons of hay, from Wolfe Island. The steamer Myles pussed up morning, en route from Montreal upper lake ports. with general eargo. raig'y wharf: Propeller Persia, down, this morning; propeller Michi- gan, up, to-night; steamer Niagara, down, to-night, + The sehooner Anmandale pearing from Charity the waves having gradually washed her off into deep water. It is yet hoped to get her spars. Swift's wharf : Steamer Belleville, down, last night; steamer idea King left for Ottawa this morning; steamer Aletha, bay ports; steamer this Picton, up, to-night; steamer H. M. Pellatt, up, last night. B. W. Folger and the Donnelly Wrecking company's outfit will leave for Trenton on Saturday to raise the hulk of the propellor Melbourne, which Mr. Folger purchased. It is expected t can be floated in three days. Capt. Thomas Donnelly has just re- turned from Alpena, Mich., where he disposed of the uit and cargo of the steamer D. H. Birkhead. The steamer was bound for Racine, Wisconsin, with coal and was disabled by the blowing out of her cylinder head. She was taken into Alpena for re pairs, and while there took fire and was burned. Her cargo was insured in a Buffalo company, the hull in «a British company. The cargo and hull were sold to an Alpena firm. The Montreal Transportation pany is expecting to do much busi ness this fall in handling western grain. Theyf have all their boats in commission, in fact have had them busily eagaged since navigation open: ae glen think the govern. ment should so deepen the Welland ca- nal that vessels of 10,000 tons' burthen could bring their cargoes, without breaking balk, from the west to King ston. Grain thus carried can be de livered in Montreal at a cheaper rate than by any other route. Fall Importation. Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall importations for order work, consisting of Scotch and Eng- lish tweeds, blue and black serge, choviot and venetian for suitings, a great variety, nine did assort- ments of black and blyg, beaver and fancy overcoatings. A"spleadid as- sortment of panting at prices that defy competition. com: A Popular Hospital. The Hotel Dieu is taxed to its full capacity. As a hospital it has become popular with all classes of people, on account of the generosity and careful attention of those in oh . On ac count of its increasing num of pa- tients, its grant from the government is | than ever before, The Hotel Dieu is being patronized very largely by the Protestant doctors. Buy Peruna and Liquozone at Gib. son's drug store. Fresh there. October 12th and no fire in the fur nace yot. Glorious climate ! STEER. Ladies, to the L 2 i | of the la z : i i fi Ti] Hie i J" said powell people of _ this hands in Heir the General Hos- thr daughters are re go elsewhere for pursing training. There is no Jegitimute vos for refusmg to accept m. is sald that it is better to outsiders wo that the social entang ts will not come in the way, but that is an argument that | not stand. The vernors will have to see that in re Kingston young ladies are not refused entrance to the traiming school of the hospital which is supported by the people here." i A Mistaken Idea. Kingston, Oct, 12.--(To the Editon): It is a mistaken idea that Kingston girls are not admitted into training school. We have one Kingston girl in training and two are on the proba- tion list. We do not find all local ap- plicants desirable; one great reason, - THE DAILY WH -- | HIS CONDUCT THOR-, OUGHLY HONEST. a i A Case in the Police Court--The Decieion of the Magistrate -- The Farmer's Wile Had Her Cheque Cashed. Two cases occupied the attention of Magistrate: Farrell, Wednesday after. | BUT butwesn : fntmer's wife from Mount hesney, and apple agent, oceupi- | ed the stage for the greater part of | the afternoon. The fruit man had dif- | ficulty in getting his draft on a Win- nipeg apple house, through the bank, | so was unable to give the money for | aves thirchased, The uit was hip | to Winnipeg on Saturday, and as | expected, the pay for it was telegraph- ed here, Yuta on its arrival . D. M. Melntyre, acted for the defendant, and T. J. Rigney for the complainant. The magistrate said at the conclusion of the case 'the apple | acent's conduet, strikes me as thor oughly straightforward, and he mere- ly made a slight mistake." He was discharged on the charge of receiving oods under false pretences. and paid the woman the amount of her cheque, "You are charged with being con. | tinually dpmk," quoth the court to a fallen citieen, "Oh! no, sir," came the answer, 'One month or five dollars !" and the court adjourned. The fine was paid. Three cases came under th: police magistrate's eye at the morning court to-day. A citizen a trifle over-capaci- on acount of the home connection and home responsibility, When a young woman signs her agreement to | remain the three years in the training | school her first duty is then to her | school and ber hospital. But when | there is also a home interest it is im- possible for her to give her mind and ! attention undividedly. There are apt to be domestic troubles and worries | and illnesses of a more or less serious nature, and a domand upon her time | and strength. at home as well ae the | training school, consequently the | nurse's own health and nerve resource l has a double strain and injustice is | apt to be done herself ang her work | in the hospital. Another son, it is | not always desirable that a nurse-in- | training should have a large connec- tion of friends and associates in the city, Her time off duty is largely giv- en to lectures and study, and if she has unlimited callers and visitors and inducements to spend her time else- where than in study and healthful re- creation, her hospital work again suf- fers, and we could' not hope to turn her out a first-class nurses. We only' endeavor to exercise judgment in the choosing of applicants both from the city and rr All young women, wha are smitten with desipt 0 be nurs. es are not always suitable' applicants for a profession with so man: grave res- ponsibilities. When care and judgment is exercieed in oug choice we trust the public will feel that it is to their interest as well as to the interest of those who are held responsiblefor the well being and care of the sick and helpless in the hospital, and for the turning out of good and all round women feom the training. school.-- ELIZABETH L. GORDON, Superinten- dent. The Whig has simply published what is alleged by two hospital governors, several doctors and another prominent citizen, OFF FOR TORONTO. -- Queen's Line Up for Saturday Looks Quite Strong. The tricolor representatives on the gridiron were out in the rain last evening and had a hard practice for about three-quarters of an hour, Brit ton and Walsh were in uniform but only to help the boys along. They will not be with the college this year. A fair number of spectators watched the players from the side line and the ruin did not keep Drs. Etherimgton and 'Dalton from their duties as | coaches. The last practice before the | game in Toronto will be held this evening. Things are looking brighter for the collegians and they will cer tainly put up a hard fight against | 'Varsity. The line and scrimmage | weighs about 180 to 190 pounds on the average and may be considered | quite strong. On the back division, | however, Walsh will be sadly missed. | tated fell into a "bobiby's" arms yes. | terday and the sweet embrace landed him in the "lock-up," It being his first visit he was dismissed. ! F. Cousineatt, manaver of th- clothlpg house, corner of Princess and Ring treets, appeared for keeping his shop pen after hours, contrary to the by-law of early closing. Jolin Skelton made a purchase there after | 7:30 o'clock last Friday night, and there were three clerks employed ip the store. Patrick Scanlon corrobor- ated the previous witness' statement. The case was en until Monday. | The completion of the triple attrac. | tion, was an assault case brought by William Bird against Walter Dine. The deiendent pleaded "not guilty." Mag- | istrate Farrell dismissed the case, | Dine to pay the costs, and court was over for the day. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. +. E. Terrill, Picton, is in town for a few days. Henry Dempsey, Rednerville, is vis iting in Kingston, Edward Bennett, of the M. T. Co's staf, is quite ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. Henderson and her son, Robert Henderson, have returned from a trip to New York. i John Johnston, tailor, has been very ill in the genetal hospital. He is | on the mend now. Miss Maud Playfair, Kingston, is! attending the convention of the On- | tario Y.P.S.C.E,, in Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roadley, King ston, are in Belleville to attend the | funeral of the late Miss Tilley. Allan Maclean and wife, who have | spent over thirty vears in Kingston and vicinity, will leave to-morrow for Toronto, where they will reside in future. F. W. Wiggins, who came here from Ottawa to take an interest in the | News and Times company, has with drawn from that newspaper, and hes | left for Montreal. Rev. J. A. Caldwell, BA., a gra duate of Queen's, has. been called to Pilot Mound, Man.. Preshyterian | church, in succession to Rev. James | Farquharson, D.1., appointed western agent of the church. J. KE. H. Barnet, Renfrew; R. Me Connell, Ottawa, and C. | Cham. ! land, Greenfield. Ohio, are in the city on their way east, after a very | cessful two weeks' hunting and fishing expedition in Northern Ontario. The many friends of A. W, Shields, son-in-law of ND. J. McDonald, Cel | borne street. will be sorry to learn of his serious illness i rer at his home in St, / . Territ with slight hopes recovery. at of his | % Death Of J. H. Taylor. To-day news reached here of the 1G, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12. | received av McAuley's book store. ternoon, at police court, The episode | A the | an enviable record. 'a political caucus decision. The other | Donald MacGregor. | McLeod's Drug Store. rain { darkness of a rainy night. citizens, in {each at Simmons Bros., Yellow Hard- | was a fairly good one. | tinctive feature | of General Brock. It will also be DICIDENTS OF THE DAY. -- Newsy Paragraphs Piczed Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Pay water raw and save discount. No, our line weather is not over yet. Abbey salt is sold at Gibsen's Ked Cross drug store. Read Harrison Co's. list of furni- tire and carpets for sale on Monday. illlam Swain, piano tuner. Urders Queen Street Methodist chur h is arranging for its anniversiry on No- vember 5th. proposition is build a 25,000 bushel at Arnprior, : The aty council of 1905 will not go out of existence with a creditable or under way to grain clevator Aluminum oil heaters guarantecd. No smell, at Yellow Hardware Store. An Italian band struck town yester- day and entertained crowds at local hotels, last night. Trusses, scientifically scientifically by us, a anteed. Dr. Chown's, As business of importance i® on at made, fitted et fit guar- the board of education to- ght a led. The time has gone by when one Jquorum is urgently needed. tTeat convention for the east ond an Henry Cunningham, piano tuner | other for the west was safficient. from Chickerings. Orders received at | These served their purpose in creating McAuley's book store. Princess street. | enthusiasm in regard to the dairy in | A mayor elected to represent all the | dustry in general, but for purposes of citizens should not attend political | general education we must get near- caucuses on municipal affairs. er the people than that, and the Buy Belladonna Plasters at Gib- | county associations it is intended to son's Red Cross drug store. Fresh | form will meet the needs of the hour. there. The committee on roads and bridges of the county council are in session to-day, at. the court house. Don't forget to attend the rummage sale in the Golden Lion Block, Friday evening and all day Saturday. It doesn't pay to pledge oneself to fellows can sometimes set a trap, It is likely that R. Uglow & Co. will again have the contract for the school supplies for another vear. Typhoid fever is prevalent in Brock- ville and Prescott. Two Kingstonians contracted the disease in the latter town. The Irish Guards' band arrived here this afternoon from Brockville. They are accompanied by a Scotch singer, Take your prescriptions and family recipes to McLeod's Drug Store. We carry a full stock of drugs, and wil gite you what the doctor orders. The city council majority dealt with the salary of the medical health of- ficer as it did with the market tolls-- the high st tender accepted The market this morning is said to have beer the smallest Thursday mar- ket in October in fifteen vears. The of vesterday, and the weather, no doubt, interfered. Where. oh! where! were our eles tric lights last night? In the inky cool an endeavor to navigate some of our streets, found themselves in ankle deep puddles, and muddy crossings, "muttering imprecations upon men and saints," for loss of light on the subject. Aluminum house numbers will not rust, and always keep bright, 10e. ware Store, Today's market, though not large, The only dis was the drop in egus, 0c, and 22. with a few asking the quarter Fags are' plentiful amd the demand is good. Chickens were 0c. to 60c. a pair and butter 25¢. a lb. Potatoes remain $1 a bag. and oats, 0c. to Te Your eyes may require glasses, |i you do our charges are moderate. Ii You don't, it won't cost you anv- thing. Examination, free, satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. Chown's Drug Store. The Trish Guards were formed by special recommendation of Earl Rol ert to Queen Vietoria, partly to commemorate the valor of her Irs troops in South Africa, and portly rs an evidence of appreciation of hearty and unanimous welcome ox tended to hor hy the people of Ir» nid on her last visit to the Emerald sle. the ---------- An Anniversary To-Morrow. To-morrow, October 13th, will be the mnety-second anniversary of the battle of Queenston Heights and of the death the forty-sixth anniversary of the inaugur- ation by General Sir William Fenwick Williams of Kars, of the present monument erected to Brock's memory upon the heights overlooking the riv er and the spot where he fell. Of al] the officers of the Canadian militia, ! J Patrons of Factories -Helping Along The structor Publow. Opinions ily progressing in the Eastern Cn tario dairy division," says G. G. Publow, chief instructor for that divi sion. "There are 635 cheese factories in the division receiving the visit of instructors, and in all of the factories more or less improvement in equip- ment or building has been made this year: in at least three hupdeed con siderable betterments have been made The work has extended to the farm, too: mever was so much interest taken in patrons' meetings as has been taken this scason. The next great ad vance will be made when the propos- ed county dairy associations are form- MARRIED AT BROCKVILLE. Seas A Pretty Wedding in St. Church, Brockville Recorder. Kinney, mspector of was married to James B. L. youngest son of Canon Grout, King ston. _ The invited guests numbered about one hundred, but the church contained a large number of others who witnessed the ceremony. The ceremony was Canon Grout, father of the groom, assisted by the rector of the church, Rev." H. H. Bedford-Jones. The groom. a popular Brockvillian, accompanied by fis best man, Frederick Field, manager of the Bank of Toronto, in chancel. The soit sohn's Wedding March; played Miss Ethel McMullen announced the bridal party had arrived. bride was led to the altar by ber fa ther, who gave her away. dressed in an exquisite gown of white messaline silk over taffeta, the full skirt made en traine, with side panels of flounced and shirred chiffon, She also wore a large veil surrounded by a coronal of orange blossoms, and car ried a large bouquet of white Lridal roses. The maid of honor. Miss Ethel Kinney, sister of the bride, wore a smart frock of Nile green chone, trimmed with chiffon lace. and a pink picture hat, decorated with pink roses. Her bouquet was pink. "The ushers were James A. Hutche son, K.C., and Alfred S. Towriss. local manager of the Bank of Toronto. A reception and dejeuner at the bride's home was enjoyed and later, Mr. and Mrs. Grout left for New York and Boston, the bride travelling in a smart brown etamine suit and a brown feather hat. Mrs. Grout is a talented young lady. while her husband is the accountant in the local branch of Toronto, and with a bright future be fore him. that AN EXPLANATION Of July's Statement of Junhetown Cheese Factory. Junctown, Oct. 11.-{To the Editor) There stems to be a wrong impres tion, jrobably a misunde rstanding only, on the part of several, with r spect to the monthly statement of July for Junctown cheese factory. The secretary reported as average price per pound cheese, the approximate amount which was obtained from tak- ing the average of weekly sales for the month. The only object of such a statement was to indicate a basis of comparison for competing factories, to obtain which had the advantage in money orders used as basis of com parison. The true average is obtained fiom dividing the aggregate by the aggregate pounds cheese both will s rve the plirpose of showing any money advantage one may have money over another ARE MUCH IMPROVED On 300 BUILDINGS ARE BETTER THAN THEY WERE. in the Upward Lift-- i of Chief In- "The work of improvement is stead- Peter's | public schools, | Grout, | performed by | Maissoenuve, awaited the bride in the tones of Mendels by | The | She was | crepa de the Bank of | Cunningham at quarter has a weak ! death in St. Louis of James H. Tay- | shoulder and the younger Macdopnell | lor: formerly of this city. His death at full is considered quite the equal | occurred on Friday last after an ill of his brother. The line up will be as | 2¢88 of live weeks' duration. He is sur- follows : Fullback, Macdonnell; halves, | 8ived by a widow and three children, Gleason, Williams, Richardson; scrim. | James in British Columbia; Frank, of mage, Thompson, Donovan, Temple. | Texas, and un daughter, Birdie, iy, ton; wings, Kennedy, Aiken, Patter. | California. Mr. Taylor was a son of | son. Baillie, Turner, Dobbs. | the late Capt. Joseph Taylor, inspec- The best wishes for the success of | tof of hulls, of this city, and was | the collegians follow them in their | 8bOUt sixty-five years of age. He way| first match and no doubt they will | for years superintendent of the Kings. have 'plenty of ter the side | ton & Pembroke railway and later of | oe iii Yootety' on the side i the Kingston foundry. He left here ! | about eleven years 'ago for Galveston, | iH A -- {and then to 'St. uis. In recent Death Of Kingstonian. The death has occurred in Vancouver of A, Penner Briggs, aged years, son of the late Thomas Briggs, | mise. of this city, after an illness of several weeks from cancer of the stomach. He | was one of the earliest easterners to | NO SUBSTITUTE settle in British Columbia. and has | has yet 1 found for cod long beon connected with steamboat ing on the Fraser river and with the | years he was a railway broker in the | southern city. He was highly regarded | filty-two | here and many will regret his de- | hotel trade. Lately ho was -- liver oil. There are so-called member of the firm of Bri &! 3 1 Chamberlain. and ph pi | extracts, wines and cordials of speak of his popularity. He leaves aj vite. three ons ami a daughter and | cod liver oil that are said to is two brothers. located i th 4 : : Bid Vinee, wor re Bn Pro. | contain the active principles | the rerio in the Reformed Episcopal | but not the oil itself. This is church. { absurd on its face. You might | as well extract the active prin- | Commencin ith that lilting mel | = | ody. * The Low Back'd Car." Dou | ciples of wheat and make | itte Shamrook" and "The Irish Emi. . grant," alternated with lively airs,| Dread with them. The best | form of cod liver oil, that can every selection found admirers, and as Hassell's musicians | y { performed by Mr. these homely songs seemed invested be digested and assimilated | peculiar to tradi -- Noble Irish Guards' Band. Winnipeg Tribune with all the charm tional Irish _ music. These national alts are native, simple and spontane- ous; nels not born of any school; sion. nor are these songs a mere by-product Well sample free. of culture. Tonight at Opera House SCOTT &' BOWNLE, Chemie, Toreate, Ont | | lection will be limited to a British Co. | both appropriate and euphonious. ! from us, | choicest skins, the given at Campbell | facturers of rel able, well-made furs. ---- street, entertained a number of frinds last evening to introduce their cousin, Harry Blomley Lambert. the ouest of a acting direct present. Mr. Lambert returns to his{ and mucous surfaces iY Pon the. biowy | home in New York city. to morrow, | thereby destroying the 1 . . | after enjoying his first Canadian visit most easily, is Scott's Emul- | The congregations of Foxboro and : | Svdney, Presbyterian churches have, | * | extended a call to Rev. B.A. Toronto, tor, But the statement from who were present on the day when vither souree is not use Brock's . Ble lin apportion. : nent was Inaugurated, ing the money among the patrons | I € > ent. - Irav : v : oy ox 0 Aeut. ig J. Vance Grave- | (this being done in terms of milk). | ey, 2 an I stull serving, the few, land sequently they stand for | oy ew. that remain of the others | statements = of information for the | ere being now on the retired list. above mentioned purpose. If the | -- money Were apportioned in terms of | G.T.P. Western Terminus. an the Fin Rr fury! 4 - Shes the bas's of procedure, so, if Ace wwding to the Ottawa Citizen the given the true Arti e, one oy " d school children of the dominion are to | the total money oe BO un be Soul aut by the Grand Trunk Pa Now the wrong impression . arose | cific railway i . : i . or} arway in the selection of the from comparing the true average with | name of the Pacific terminus of the the approximate, and it was believed | that an inac uracy prevailed at June- | town or Caintown cheese factory. But no mistake was in either One "sources indicates more, approximately, the other more. exactly, and in dividing the money in terms of milk it matters not which is used. Here is a sugges tion for the presidents and proprietors of the different factories : Let each con. | fer with the other and put out hills | with wniform statements. In this dis- | trict there are few alike. Of four fac | raliway on Kaien Island. It is under stood that the company intends to of fer a prize of 8250 {or the best name submitted, It is to consist of not more than eight or nine letters, and the se- b Indian name, which is to be {) ---------- You Take No Risk. In buying a Persian lamb jacket Ours are made from the and are perfect even to smallest detail. Prices cheerfully Bros., the manu. tories in close proximity mone are ex actly alike. --H. FRANKLIN, secretary Junctown cheese factory. Well Entertained. Misses Blomley, Collingwood | $100 Reward. $100 The readers of this vaper i pleased to learn that there iy wt Pi or { Ureaded disease that science has boon ante | in al ts stages. and that is | i Cure is the oniy The i N positive cure now known t : honor. Music, and games were indulg- | fraternity Catarrh being it eaieni | od in, refreshments were served, and g | i constitutional | Cure is taken VEY merry evening was spent by those internally, oundation of the isease. aud giving th hy buildin, afte: ® up the constitut - | very much. sisting nature in doing its eb Tn The propristors have so much faith in its SE ---------------- iVe powers that they offe A Call Extended. Hundred Dollars 'for any con tna e | fails to cure. Send for list of testimoni- CHENEY & 0. | i Address FP. J. Toledo, 0. Sold by all Drugeist Take Hall's Family pation. David Smith, to become their pas ae ® 8, T3e. Pills for cousti- $4604 49064 4 the | | | 1 | | 1 250%, Discount Sale HAIR BRUSHES! | These are genuine Ebony and { Rose Wood solid back Brushes which we must clear out to make room : for new goods. A preity church wedding took place Cys Wednesday afternoon in St. Peter's | This is an excellent chance to church, when Miss Helen Buell Kin- | ney, youngest daughter of Dr. Robert | secure a good Hair Brush at a big reduction. |See Our Window Display | The Best Drug Store | LT. BEST, Chemist and Optician. | 124 Princess Street 'Phone 50. een BUSINESS CHANCES. {WE PAY SALARY---TWO To Six | dollars per daY--either sex--i - | ing our 'New Idea f } rapid advancement sure : Nichols Comp Toronto (Mention th | | Arrivals --AT-- NEWMAN & SHAW'S Grey Hll-wool Home Spun Suitings | For Ladies' Skirts, Suits 'or Coats, 52 inches wide, $1 per yard Veneticn Broadcloth | Suitings | Unspottable finish, 50 | inches wide, a splendid ma- {terial in all the wanted | colors, at 75¢. and $1 per yard \@biffon Broadcloth 54 inches wide; colors, Navy, Brown, Hunters' Green, Castor, Purple, aiso B'ack, at Now | $1.25 a yard Newman & Shaw $3934944404% fll ees - ASSURANGE : If you say so we'll book you for Coal, @ delivered as you ® want it through the winter $6.45 TON. JAMES SWIFT & CO. » CORP RIVE PRPOVRL Bh 0000 ---- ee TRAVELLING. TR RR TITLES SARE WESTERN . EXCURSIONS $46.30 Victoria, Seattle, Tacoma Jancouver, Poreand, Ore, second class from King rates to several othe o Lower nis. Tickets on sale from Sept. 15) to Oct. 81st, 1905. Hunters' Rates SINGLE FARE T ints in Temagami on T. & N.O Re a strite Mattawa to Port Arthu nd Sault Ste. Marie anclusive, vis North Bay. Good going Oct. 10th, wu yv. Th. No skola Lakes, Midland, Lake o Bays, Penetang. Magnetewan River Lakefield. All Stations Argyle to Cobo ek. Lindsay to Haliburton, Severn rth Bay. Points on N. N. Co jeorgian Bay and Mackinaw Di Good Going Oct. 26th to Nov tickets valid returning until De r 9th. * farther particulars, tickets and a other. information apply to J. F HANLEY, City Passenger Agent. (EERIE MERE RAILWAY y= IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. $46.30 --TO Vancouver Tickets on sale unt Victoria | Oew31st 1905 a 3 SECOND CLASS FRO! Portland | KINGSTON. Very Low Rates to many other Wes ern Points. HUNTERS' RATE points, Mattawa to Port Arthu nclusive and points on T. from Oct. 10th, to Nov. Tth . I'o poiats ; Copper Cliff to Sault St Marie, Sharbot Lake to Havelock an points on Lindsay branch, Oct. 26th, t Nov. 7th. Tickets good returning De 4th, 19035. : Full particulars at K. & P. and C. } R, Ticket Office, Ontario Street F, CONWAY, FOL Cen. Pass. Agent Bay of Quinte Railwa New short line fer Tweed, Napane Deserovto, and all local points. Trab leave City Hall Depot at 8:35 p.m. | CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kiagsten Lake Ontario and Bay of Quint Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "ALETHA" Leaves Kingston daily except Sund, at 3 p.m. for Picton and intermedia Bay of Quinte Ports. Full information trom J. P. Hanley, P. QGildersleeve, . Jas, Swit & Ci Agents. E. B. HORSRV, Traffic Managers LIVERPOOL and ALLAN LIN Lon: ONDER ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS., From Montreal. From Queb Fri 5a.m. 29, 4 p. am, 6, 7 golian ... Thurs., Sept. 28, (dayligh NEW YORK TO GLASCOW. nidian ...... Thurs., Oct. 12, 1 pa MONTREAL TO LONDON & HAVR Pomeranian Sept. 80. Sardinian Oct. 1 $40 single. $76 return. Only one cla passengers carried, called second cabin J. P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T,R. Ci Passenger P: GILDE SLEEVE, Depot. J. Clarence Street. EDUCATIUNAL. MISS FORTESCU 'Will resume her PIANO CLAS: October 16th TIDGERNL - KING SINGING Miss Cora Louise Larke, A.T.C.N Kleix Hermann 1 \ddres . fe S NO MISTAK ade when you decide on enteri + Business training in the ALGAE Cor. Barrie and Clergy Sts. Ask any of the business or profs men who have our graduates ur well-pleased . students as t Siperiority of our methods of trainin A PRACTICAL SCHOOL Modern equipment ; competent teac moderate rates Day and Evening Classes T. N. STOUCKDAL} Princip or 680, { Hutte ar, | Fall Term Sept. 5th Kingston Business Gollege LIMITED Head of Queen St. Kingston - - Ont ) A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL. «« Established in 1883 .. Practical, camplete, tha~oagh, individosl Pim gn in all Smmerelat sub Lote, roughout whole ye Write, rallor telephone Tor terme and an. ocue J.B McKAY, H.F METCALFE, President, Pnocpal. 900 x ECC ARCHITECTS. HITECT, 0) A ary rin and OOO O- IO OOOO OOV OOOO Fu. NEWLANDS, fice, second ulin, 4 SON (ARCHITECT. ME) thant's Bank , corner "nd Wellington atrects. "Phone 31 IENRY NRY.