OUR"S act of Beef 8 the difficulties cf many | Senge po he fuel bill e cook in umor, EASON WHY is' that ans of using up cold roasts, nd vegetables by replacing n the first cooking, und : \empting flavor as when J It also makes it possible r two dishes to yout meny tice, simply by the use f antity of ARMOUR'S ~say bouillon in cups, a EEF reduces the fuel bill easoning, and it is ready. he color, flavor and body + though if you do vee a CT OF BEEF and sce 4 Al {i =X centrated essence of good, t meat It is as useful in strength to the delicato. RE St 6 oz. Jars. TORONTO. { Varieties ortions. Sold by all grocers. \ rma ee Sar digger Than The Nest." Better Than Tho Best." ¢ package is nea ou receive a beautiful premium, next time. At your grocer PETERBOROUGH, Cat. xnow wkat that meaus $8 than the 1 seut. Then gas r, Fat white lies so thers 1g in a new ugh sketch of house, 1ake, free cf charge, the cost of installing LA furnace, k C0., Limited OF THE { STOVES AMO MANGES. N. PRESTON, Ont UVER, B.C. BO The barley used in 2 Carlilg's Ale is grown 2 in the most favored barley growing sections in the world, and selected by Carling's own experts. Every pound is put throu nachine which separates all serfect grains and foreign sub- b tances. The same expense and ¢ re is iven to every part of the Carling rocess--the result is' that Cur- ing's Ale is popularly' known as 'anada's favorite beverage. old by all enterprising dealers. rling's Ale Purity, Brilliancy and Uniforn settee pr TH of Ceylon tea. Tea Red Rose Tea Flavor and Strength E greater body and richness of Indian tea when combined with the delicately flavored but thinner tea of Ceylon, produces that "rich fruity flavor" of Red Rose Tea--a tea that is strong and goes further--requires less to make a cup of equal strength than any brand of Ceylon tea alone. Red Rose Tea combines the strength and richness of Indian tea and the delicacy and fragrance is good Tea T. H. Estabrook St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg §7NOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Domin- fon Lands in Manitoba or the Noruo- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not eserved, may be homesteaded upon by any n who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of , one-quarter section, of 140 acres, more or less. Entry may be made personally at the local land office for the district in which the land to be taken is sivuated, or if the homesteader desires, he may. on applica tion to the Minisver of the Interior, Ottawa, the Comintssioner of Immigra- tion, Winnipeg, the local agent for or the district in which the land is sitvate, receive authority for some one to make entry for him. HOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler who bas been granted an entry for a home- stead is required to perform the con- ditions connected thervwith under one the following plans : (1) At least six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year during the term of three years. (2) If the father (or "mother, if the father is deceased) of uny person who is eligible to make a homestead entry un- der the provisions of this Act, resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land potered for by such reon as a home stead, the requirements of this Act as to gesidence prior to obtaining patent may be satisfied by ich person residing with bo father or r.other. 18) If the settler has his permanent tesidonce upon farming land owned hy bim in the vicinity of ms homestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence may be satisfied Ly residence upon the said land. APPLICATION FOR PATENT should be made at the end of three years, he 1 Agent, Sub-Agent or the Homestead Inspector. Before making application for patent the settler must give six months' notice in writing to the Commissioner of fro minion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention W do su. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN ANURTH WEST MINING REGULA PLUNS. Coal --Coal lands may be purchased a: $10 per acre fur soft coal ani $20 tor anthracite. Not more than 820 acres can y - one ual or cows pany. eral at the rate of ten cents er ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the gross output. Quartz.--A free miner's certificate is Fata upon payment in advance of 50 per annum for an individual, from $50 to $100 pes annum for a cowm- pany according to capital. A free minor, having discovered mineral In place, nay locate a claim 1,500x 1,500 feet. The ,2e for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the cluini each year or paid to the mining re- corder in lieu thereof. When $500 hus been Skpedded or paid, the locator may, unon ving a survey made, and upon Complying with other requirements, pur- chase 'the land at $1 an acre, The patent provides for the payment of & royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. PLACER mi ning claims 100 feet square ; entry fee yearly. A free miner may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each for a term of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in oper. Stion within one season from the date of e lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 or annum for each mile of river lensed yay at the rate of 24 per cent collect- enerally are » Tenewabie on the output after it exceeds $10,000, w CORY . Ryri e " Silver-Plated Ware Wearing quality should be the chief consideration in selecting silver-plated tableware--and then comes beauty in design. Plate from Diamond Hall's own factory prac- tically equals solid silver in its effect, both as to durability and artistic merit, For $3.00 we will send prepaid one dozen tea- spoons in a favored Old English pattern. RYRIE BROS. smn] | MITE De 134-138 YONGE ST. TORONTO - ONT. NEWS OF CHURCHES Se ssn. THE VARIOUS DOINGS IN THE RELIGIOUS WORLD. A Notable Movement--Presbyter. ians in Korea--The Answer a Child Gave For a Bible Inci- dent. A Unitarian minister in Massachus. etts, the First Unitarian church, Bos- ton, has called to its pastorate Rev. Samuel A. Eliot, son of the president of Harvard college. . notable movement, looking to the evangelization of India bv seli-sup- ported Hindu churches, has been launched by the creation of 4 Na- tional Missionary society for all In- dia. Rev. Dr. Woodsworth, of the North. West, has secured forty young men in Englend to carry on the work there. Methodiem, ne said, was endeavoring to keep pace with the incoming tide of immigration, " Rev. Mr. Lamphre, formerly of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin. New York, has been appointed to the ree- torship of St. Barnabas' church, Ot x 7 TILL D°'lY WH TAKES ANOTHER'S NAME FE am---- : And Filled a Job Dead Man Had | Won. Washington, Oet, 13. Aftgr working two years as a trusted, cf in. the bureau of assessments 'and arrears, Joseph Ford, a mu derer and a thief, who bas sery er. nm ison gregati move than twenty-three ar Tor Bnaoghier assault and larceny, was arrested vesterday after: noon at his office and locked up at lice headhmarters. : He isicharged with having imper- scnated a cousin, Frank A. Sliney, who died a year ago afier having sue cessfully a civil service ex- amination for a junior clerkship, So thoroughly were officials hoodwinked that on the day whn the warrant was i for his arrest Ford had his salary raised from £600 to $1,200 a year. His arrest came about through gn anonymous tip sent to the district gttormey a week ago. : To Assistant District Attorney Nott Ford confessed that hé had imperson- ated Sliney, and that he had served many years in state's prison. His res cord shows that he pleaded guilty to grand larceny in IN77, snd was sen: tenced to state's prison for two years and six months, ward has presented a Bible in enary celebration. The old Bruton Church, William sburg, Va., It is the mot her church of Episcopal denomination in this country. to which King Ed- honor of the Jamestown tercent- the Protestant tawa, to succeed Rev. Mr. Bailey. Mr. Lawmphre is about fifty years of age. Rev. Dr. Frank Gunsaulus, of Chi cago, for whom the chair of "the science of the art of preaching" has been created by the Chicago Theolo GILLETTS ABSOLUTELY PURE. SOLD IN PACKAGES AND CANS. Same Price as the cheap adulterated kinds. E.W.GILLETT 20aires LIMITED TORONTO,ONT. Reputy of the Minister of the Inferior. N.B.-- Unauthorized publication of this Ndvertisemént will not be paid for. -------------------------------------------------------------- «al "THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, wh'le prices are low, is the time to fill our coal bin with best ) quality SCRANTON COAL fr m P: Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. Sascesssssssessass Thon little pests thas spoil a nice complexion. FRECKLES MOTH PATCHES ng wives the face ch a dirty. unwashed look as whose brown iver spois. PINPLES AND BLOTCHES ao v All these yieid' g iabie bome remedy PRINCESS COMPLEXION PURITIER to that re! Sent anywhere, express paid co $1.50 larxe bottie. yy Superfiuous Hair, Moles, e re. moved forever by our method of - Iysis. Bat sfaction positively guar: Come during the summer for tre Ke Send stamps for booklet * © conan DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE $02 Church St., Tosputo Estab. 1892 gical Seminary, will exchange pulpits with Rev. R. J. Campbell, of City lemple, London, in January. The Bishop of Huron has made the following appointments: Rev. W. H, Hardy, of Sandwich East, to be rec- tor of Blythe; Rev. J. Edmonds, of Blythe, to be rector of Leamington : Rev. Ces A. Heaven, to be rector of Delhi. Four missionarics, C. R, Carscallen, B. A., of Dresden, Rev. James Neave and R. D. Ewan, M.I., who go to China, and Rev. R. B. Hennigan, who goes to Japan, gave farewell address es in Dundas Centre Methodist church, London, recently. Only one day was consumed in the erection of the Armourdale Baptist church, Kansas City, Kansas, last month. The work was done by the volunteer labor of the members, and a prayer meeting building that night two hundred persons. The expenditures of the Methodist missionary society for 1905-6, will in- clude : Home missions, $115,000; 1, dians, $98,000; French, 53,000; Japan, 825,000. West China, 216,080; Chinese in British Columbia, $3,300; Japanese in British Columbia, $2,000; salaries Wt mission $6,100. Total, £272,700, was held in the The church seats rooms, Fow Mohammedan converts are ever made by Christian missionaries. Two Mohammeodans were, however baptized by missionaries at Defi ~India, this vear. They were both led to Christian- ity bv reading hooks written by the late Rev. Dr. Imad ud Din, of Amrit sar, himself a converted Mol an Four denominations of Presbyter ian missionaries, have heen at work in Korea, and they united. The similar movement of Pres byterians in India has. been followed bv a like organization of the four Congregational bodies. These look toward ultimate consolidation with the Preshyterians. A theatre and a hotel in Sydney, Anstralia. have been purchased by a Methodist layman and will be remendel led into the Central Methodist mis sion, at a total cost of a quarter of a million dollars. In addition to halls, one of them seating 3,000 pe ple, the building will contain lodgings and homes for various classes, clubs, gymnasa. ete edd have now union The Polish that won't wear oft, Sold Goly at Strachaw's Hardware ete eset EMBOSSING Gi for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING cee Cards and Letter Heads all classes of Letter Press inting from a card to a volume, TAE WHIG, "Kingston er ------------ ; Elise Recluse was a great worker. hi ©1Y year he turned out a volume of 3 Leographie Universelle" from his Wudio at' Geneva, 2.50 CANARY FREE! Sell Bird Bread and get a lovely singing canagy fre by sending us 45 Died Bread yellow wrappers before jan. oc. Bird non send his address 16 and cash or stamps for phs. BIRD BREAD [io cures birds' ills and makes them sing. Free ¢ ad ir y Bow pts. 12 tush of any grocer of druggist Wf dea: m 1B Cottam t he s1an birt $00, sold everywhere. Ex er bl br esol fee fo rehy sp. Adve: cxairly COTTAM BIRD SEED, * st. Lestes, Ont f you, your friends or relatives suffer with Fis pipe, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to Tix Lemie Co., 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain for you LEIBIGSFITCURE The man who keeps a drug store al- ways does business on a small scale Clergymen sometimes ret answers they do not expect from children, One of them was . questioning a Sunday school class about the man who fell among thieves on the way from Jerus alem to Jericho, Bringing the story to a noint he asked, "Now, why did the priest and Levite pass by, on the other side *" A scholar held out his hand, "Well. mv hoy, why did the priest and the Levite pass hv on the other side *" "I know," said the lad, "be. cause the man was already robbed." How He Died. Representative Adamson, Georgia, while coming to Washington one dav not long ago, noticed a crowd around the depot at one of the stations on the Southern railway, down in North Carolina, and poked his head owt of the window and asked of a negro "Adam, what's the matter here?" "Jim Johnson's dead, sah," was the answer, "No, wah; nobody done nuthin' to him: he jus diced all to once unanimous. Iy."" Aluminum oil heaters guaranteed, rr -------------------------- In March, 1892, Ford was arrested for the shooting of a man named Alex sander Ford. He pleaded guilty to as sault and was sentenced to one year in prison, In January, 1899, he was convicted of manslaughter in the first degree and sentenced to twenty years in Sing Sing for the killing of a wo man named Nellie Barry, A Two-For-One Shot. When you use Ozone use "'Colery King" with it. Whatever kind of Ozone 'you buy you will need to use "Celery King," which is a companion remedy 1, Ozone The purest fort of Ozone is "Soly- tion of Ozone (the coupon kind.)" Each bottle contains about twice gs much for your money: as other brands, besides which each bottle con- tains a coupon entitling vou to package of "Celery King" free. This is a great advantage as you seve money on the Ozone and also get the "Celery King," which you would otherwiso have to buy. No other brand of Ozone contains these coupons. "Solution of Ozone (the conpon kind,)" is fifty cents and one dollar at your drug store, in- cluding the. coupon for the package of "Celery King." 'Take no other kind, and if your druggist does not carry if, write to the Public Drug Co., Bridgeburg, Ont. e---- The. Hunslet Engine company, a Leeds firm, has achieved a wecord hy building a locomotive in twenty-one days. The order made necessary the preparation of forty-five deawings, aml the engine twenty-nine and one-half tons Praise a woman to her face and she will like you: praise her to another woman and she will adore you. weighed SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14. NATIVES OF NORTH| INTERESTINGOBSERVATIONS 5 BY MAJOR MOODIE. -- Four Tribes West of Hugdson Bay ~The Plan the Major Would Adopt to Introduce Civiliz ation Amongst Them. Ottawa Journal. Maj. Moodie, in his report to Comp. troller White, says that a ship the size of the Arctic can go right through Chesterfield inlet to Raker Lake, u distance of about four hund- red miles to the westward of Hudson Bay. 'The natives told him so, and it is expected this will be taken advant- age of to establish connection with Edmonton by way of Great Slave Lake and the Athabaska River, The The natives informed Maj. Moodie that to the west of Baker Land, fairsized timber was to be found. They declare it to be growing on the Thelon River and Boverly Lake as large as two feet in di ter, and said they had gone from Baker Lake in kyaks and towed the logs' back to make kyaks and sleighs. Of the natives the major says that as far as he has been able to ascer- tain there ape four tribes on the west tide of the Hudson Bay, vis: Kenee vatoos, Ivilicks, Netchilicks and Igu- icke. "Of these the first two are the most civilized and the best workers, The rising generation is not wo much imbued with the superstitions of the race and if taken in hand by the gov- ernment as the Indians have been, 1 am convinced these superstitions would be eradicated, As a rule they are good workers, "1 would take four or five of the head men south in the fall with a good interpreter they know and trust, and%how them some of the comforts of civilization, Allow them to spend the winter and part of the summer in the - North-West Territories, They could return to the north on the sup- ply vessel, IT believe that in this way many of them. could be induced to go to the Territories as settlers, If lo- cated on some large river or lake where they would have boating and fishing, they should make good set- ters. If properly handled they could be induced to cultivate fields and raise stock, By the removal of some in this way game would increase and living would be made easier for those re- maining." The major suggests providing hos- pital facilities for the natives at Ful- lerton. He makes an interesting suggestion respecting trading with the natives, "In a previous report 1 suggested 1 be allowed ip that no traders shou the country but that every police post should be 'a trading ktation. where the natives cduld dispose of their furs; that boats and whaling geer be sup plied reliable native crews to be paid for out of the proceeds .of their hunt ing in instalments, Fair prices should be paid for what they have to sell aid ho one but the police should be allgw- ed to deal with the natives in any way. All goods purchased should be apnually sent south and disposed of, By this method the "natives would leam to realize that the police were the power in the land and that only to them could they look for pro tection or assistance," Major Moodie reports trout plentiful in all the waters on the west of Hud fon Bay. In one place natives wore taking speckled trout weighing from seven to eight pounds. Game, too, was plentiful, The Arctic got out of Fullerton the third of July after some ice cutting. She started for Churchill but did not have the power to penetrate the ice net and had to abandon the attempt to get in. Going north and to Hud son Strait a good harbor was fond forty miles to the west of Cape Won tenholme. It was called Prefontaine Harbor in honor of the minister of marine and the promitory which pio- tects it was christened Cape Laurier, The harbor, according to the natives, opens early in the spring, and is not packed with ice at any time, A police depot was established there and Pre fontaine Harbor will heneoforward be cne of the Dominion's northern out posts. The harbor abounds with sal mon. A cast of a net filled two har THE LEADER 1780 ron 125 vYeans 1905 Baker's Cocoa and Chocolate (& | | an va Often A perfect food, highly nourishing, casily digested, fitted to repair wastedf |» strength, preserve health, A new and handsomely lllus- trated Recipe Book sent free WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd, No smell, at Yellow Hardware Store, | danger. Everything depends upon what with whom | | | | | coming in. For sailing ships the not) | side is generally preferred." Mariner's Advocate. without a hitch so far, but the sponses Neither the groom nor his partner had received much line; #0, when the parson in his most dignified tome asked the usual be thy arely answered "| ly than ever, "ponte was not properly given, That B was too much for Sally, prolong life. in quite savagely : "Garn along wid ye, mon; thee 'ull 'ave our Jack saying' he won't in 4 minute or two wid ------ DORCHESTER, MASS. To be free from sick headache, biliousness, constipation, ete, use BRANCH HOUSE Carter's Little Liver Pills. Strictly 86 St. Peter St., Montreal, Can. | | vegetable. They gently liver and lree the stomach from hile, rels for the expedition. 'fhe fish weighed between seven and eight pounds, At the end of his second trip to Hudson Bay where he has observed the conditions both winter and suns mer, Major Moodie has this to say as to the fegsibility of navigation' "From my two years' experience | gy. that there should be no danger to any well built, well engined steamer in coming into Hudson strait and bay early in July. Possibly #he might be delayed somewhat by ice if the wind had been eomtinuous from the north cast, but she should not be in any the prevailing winds have boon and last year is but little guide to this. In my opinion and that of good mey ave consulted the south side of the strait i= best for steamers Might Change His Mind. The marriage service has proceeded re prove a blokk, stunbling in the "eddication" yues "Wilt thou have this woman to wedded wife 7° ion, "You must say, 'I will," " corrected be cleric, and asked the question over gain, "1 "all," responded Jack more firm- The irate clergyman threatened to top the service altogether if the re. who broke yer worrying'." The service was resumed. Ty stimulate the 1 Jack immedi- | States the "INVICTUS SHOES" lead them all. SHOES" are perfect fitting and at all times dressy. Private S. T. ho sorved on p t of ¥ bi BG pot ion wud oars V. 1. C. Kit was ono of the few "Is ue ery Bachul indeed; one of the finest and quickest do ns, sonses, wounds and : 3 Outs, sprain, ekin fisomns, wounds an . sur Relpiod wirprised every ons whe usd it; for It cused fout sores, and la lo nth Africa If advertised for pp EI EE guarantee every Civ. will recommend it. WHAT KELPION WILL DO, It will cure all skin dise ses and eruptions, whether of the nature of eczema, an ulcer or a cold sore, It will al all inflammation, whether internal, as of the lungs, or due to rheumatism in the joints, Will reduce swellings, whether due to sprains and hurts or from Tabenalt! ents, on GEO. BROWN & CO., TORONTO, sa gas COLONIAL London Dry Gin Finest Distilled. i KEEP THE CAPSULES, THEY ARE VALUABLE. BOIVIN, WILSON @ CO., Montreal, 2 DISTRIBUTORS. We have been at it, same address, Also Stencils, Steel am Co'pany ber Alphabet Sets for inting price oa Enamel Letters, &c. rite V. Mack, 9-11-18 King St. W 19080 ®e ® ® Leo @eoseee sen ® USE <€opY MATCHES Since 1851 there's hasn't been a minu'e £ddy's Matehes weren'i in it ASK YGUR I FOR A BOX OF 8 E00ve 'SILENT pastors ® o) : : THE MOST PERFECT MATONES MADE @ WOISELESS. NO CRACKLING OR SPUTTERING. HEADS WON'T FLY OFF PCP 200s 00Ee PP0EOEE® @s a. ert = BEST OF ALL! Of all the different nakes of Shoes in Canada or the United The "INVICTUS 9 ® ® ® ® Invictus Shoes for Men and Women, $3.50, $4. $4.50 .nd $5. : : Made in Vici Kid, Patent Colt, Box and Velour Calf. : ¥ "A