Cor. Barrie and Ask any of the business of profession tes, Atidunts us to the ACTICAL SCHOOL competent teach- al men who have o of our Modern eq ors; moderato rates. d Classes T. N. STOCKDALE, EDWARD FISHER. Mus. Doc., 3 «Musical Director. SEND FOR NEW ILLUSTRATED CALENDAR. Containing 150 pages of irfor- A hing all departments dinlomar, certificates, scholar Lips, ttendnnce during past year 1.500. of the members of Canip me, Aretie brotherhood, ave col n and John Glenden- the honors Nance Kleschng," in which Mrs. MISS ELS [E JANIS. In "The Little Duchess," at the York, has resumed its successful run of last season. After another week the play will go on tour. hobert Mantell will be seen in a spectpoular production of "King Lear" at the Broadway 1heatre, New York, this season. Virgins, in which Louis James is playing, was first produced at the Glasgow (Scotland) theatre, March, 1820. The following year it was pro- duced at ths Theatre Royal, London. In view of the failure of Forbes-Ro- bertson's play, "The Conquerors," cer- tain plays by Shakespeare will be re- vived at the Scala Theatre, London, the first being with Mr, Robertson as Leontes, and Miss Flliott as Perdita. "Cymbeline" will come later, In Bridgeport this week, Miss Violg Allen made her first appearance as Betty Singelton in the new Fitch play "The Toast of the Town," and. both actress and author are said to have won instantaneous success. Fannie Ad- dison, Isabel Irving and James Young made individual hits, Wolf Hopper has won a fair am- ount of suecess in "Happyland," pro- duced in New York this week at the Lyric Theatre, Mr. Hopper plays the King of Happyland, uk is supported among others, by Marguerite Clark. The Schuberts have mounted the op- ora well, and the costumes are a sort of modified Gregian. Sir Henry Trving and Miss Ellen Terry both celebrate their stage jubi lee next year. Sir Henry levine was eighteen when he made his first ap- pearance playive the Duo d'Orleans in "Righelion."" Miss Terry when a small child made her' first gpvearance as the boy Mamillivs in "A Winter's Tale." Rev. John Sayder, author of "As Ya Sow," entertained his brethren of the oloth at a special matinee at Me- Vicker's, in Chicago, last wepk. Some of them lNked the play, others did not; and the harshest esiticism was directed toward the incident wherein Of the New Scale Williams Piano The New Scale Wiltiams J made at the Win g Fair hes oie A more reward in the ny from the Winay. now in Austra- Lk vo h had to chanoe ting nigh October 9th, New Orleans will have its usual selection of theatrical at tractions, + was de- ferred until the next meeting, Many of the managers of Broadway theatres, where only dramatic entertainments | sary. They assert that as a great por- "The Winter's Tale," are given expressed the opinion that Situation, | New York, Bet. M.~In their weekly rd While. admitting | that is : "Whi t] p weath y Sonditions during September ally , We are jump to the a Tell yield a there guaseniend. It must be ve- ¢ that there is a great deal of late n the western would never i letter on the cotton sit lusion that gu ors, for some time, b season in semblance to the Present year, was that of 1903. It is interesting to note that the average of the condition re- ported ing the five months from June. to October is 74.6 this year, against 75.4 in 1903, It becomes ap- parent, that. the average condition this year is 0.6 poorer, while the acre- age is 1,900,000 less; the official esti- mate for 1903 of land under cptton cultivation was 28,907,000 acres, against 26,909,000 this year. E. S. Peters, late vice-president' of the Southern Cotton' Growers' AsdSocias tion, has advised the farmers in Teind to sell their cotton, expressing the belief that the exop outiook has im- proved from twenty-five to thirty-five per cont. during September, but it res mains to be seen whether this advice ket." AUTO-SUGGESTION. The Way the Victims Arg Created. Der. Herbert A, Parkyn, author of Grand, Friday, October 20th. the music between the acte is unneces- tion of the patrons of the theatre al- i ways leave their seats between the | curtains 'the music is practically lost, ! and therofore an unnecessary expense. i RS] -- | Baby's Sleep. Ome of the first signs that something is wrong with an infant is disturbed cleep. Usually the trouble is with the stomach or bowels, If your little one is cross and restless 3 not give it an opiate or "soothing" mecicine of any kind. All these things are deadly poison, and the sleep they give is un- healthy, unnatural and injurious. Your baby will sleep and let you sleep if you treat it properly. In Ba- by's Own Tablets there iy not an at- om of poisonous 'sleepy' stuff." and vet by their beneficient, healthy aco tion, they give refreshing sleep. They remove the cause, and the result is healthy, refreshing, lifegiving sleep from which the Httle one awakens bright and well, Mrs. 8. T. Douglas, Petitcodine, N.B.. says "My. baby was troubled with constipation; was restless and uneasy and did not sleep well at night's. I gave him Baby's Own Tablets and the change they made was wonderful. They rerulated howels and he now sleeps well at night." If your dealer does not keep the tablets send 25¢. to the Dr. Wil- liams" Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and a box will be sent you by mail postpaid. 'Sale Of Indplgences Stopped. According to a communication from the Roman correspondent 'of the Bos- ton Transcript, the pope has abolished the sale of indulgences. The custom which the pope now abolishes dates back, we are told, to the time of the Crusades, when funds were being rais- ed all over the world to support ex- peditions against the Moh lans, who were threatening the invasion of Christian Europe. We read further : "This. abuse Pins X. has now. decided to end, and it is altogether likely that he will succeed, for the papal docu- ment just issued, declares that even those who are in possession of a copy of the Bulla Cruciata are not to consider themselves exempt from any obligation sed by the church, and that all dispensations covered hy it are now null and. void." This, says the correspondent, is one of the most important reforms yet instituted by Pope Pius X. y May Reduce Ottawa Tax Rate. Ottawa, Oct. 14.--The increase in the civic assocsment of $5,000,000 noxt year will give an i revenue of aver $100,000. would got about $70,000, the public schools $24,000, and the schools $8,000, This is too hy a jump, in the opinion of Mayor Ellis. and he is advocating a in the tax rate of one mill or a mill and a half. : In Holland the - ers; have an independent labor organ with a membership of almost 2,000. Contentment may be better than tiches, but give the average man the r Ox stave palo p evenings. Come St willis ore hest cookers and heaters, Prices right, works on psychological subjects, in his latest book, 'Auto-Suggestion,' cites the following examples of the effects of auto-suggestion on health and happiness : . "Not long ago I was riding in the same railway coach with a mother and her little girl. The child was rid- ing with her back t ds the i on Cotton Re 1%, Se, fo "oi 1 ear t R 4 A the ¥ t is . The the 'mast which Bears tho. clostet ro. will have any eflect. upon the mar , the m most delicate stoma. Send for the ** Vital CANADIAN SHI LDDED The Company Robert : _ Limited TORONTO, CANADA ' "Stomach Comfort in every ' Shred " of SHREDDED] WHEAT rsh ost nutritious of all cereal MADE IN CANADA of the choicest Ontari steam cooked and drawn jute Sly shreds. natural remedy f. and bowel troubles. Biscuit for breakfast Triscug fc Toast, reer SIMPSON (iv < BISCUIT, TRISCUJT 0 Whent, Easily digesteq Book, paid. Niagara Fall, Ont. TORONTO, CANADA Why Its Advantageous To Shop. By. Mail With Simpson's. We give yon correct and speedy service, quote you the lowest prices and last but not the least ' WE PREPAY FREIGHT or express charges on all chases amounting to '$25 or over. In our catalogue, which we send free for the asking, you will find plenty of goods to choose from, so as to be able to send us a $25 order. If, how- ever, you cannot, get your neighbors or friends to join you in a combined order. The goods are then sent to onc address, which saves freight expenses and benefits vou directly. Suddenly the mother said to her: *" 'Charlotte, come here and sit bhe- side me. It will make you sick if you ride backward.' "A suggestion like this, placed in the mind of a child, is sufficient tg influence her the rest of her life while riding in any class of vehicle. The | auto-suggestion arising from the ol suggestion given by the mother will be sufficient to make her miserable, if not actually sick. There is no reason on earth why a person should not ride backward as comfortably as any other way. Women in a street car re- fuse to. accept a seat offered to them, the excuse being: "Thank you; 1 pre; fer to stand. It makes me sick to ride backward." Poor things, they are made miserable by a comton super: stitution, or a suggestion given da them in childhood !" ah BODY ON GROUND. Work ot' Grave-Robbers in Pop- lar Hill Cemetery. Lowdan, Ont., Oct. 14.--A sensation has been created among residents of Lobo by the desecration of a grave in Poplar Hill eemetery. Ghouls were at work there on Monday night, and after opening the grave of a resident named Graham, who died two years ago, they departed, leaving the 'body: on the ground. It was Tuesday morn- ing when the discovery of the outrage was made. Footprints of more than one person were found in the freshly removed sand, but there is no other clue to the perpetrators of the deed. It is supposed that the body-snatch- ers were either alarmed by somebody passing that way, or else they opens ed the wrong grave, and decided ta leave without closing it or opening tho one they wanted to rob. The po- lice have the matter in hand, and a reward of $50 is offered for informa- tion that will bring about the punish: ment of the offenders. A FEW MIXED DRINKS. Largest Bottle Ever Concocted, on Its Travels. New York, Oct. 14.--Probably the largest bottle of mixed drinks ever concocted is on its way to President Zelaya, of Nicaragua, in recognition of certain courtesies extended to a number of prominent men who have obtained valuable railroad, mining and other concessions in Nicaragua, Tho bottle is three feet high and has seven compartments, extending from the top of the bottle to the bottom. Each compartment has it individual cork and contains, respectively, claret, Pennsylvania rye, Kentucky Bourbon. yellow chartreuse, Scotch whiskey. €remo de Minthe and Creme Yvette. The battle was made to arder by the Pittsburg Plate. Glass company and cost $100, not including the contents. EY . . Consumption Ummm "se There is only one cure for it. "PsyCHINE" is the greatest remedy in the world for all forms of pulmonary trouble. Wegres of peo- ple in Canada attest this fact. " PSYCHINE ™ stands without a rival It reaches the sore spots, heals the decayed tissue, destroys the tuber le germs, ereats rich blood, tones up the whole system, and cleanses from all impurities. Simmons Bros,, 211-213 Princess St, CO SPECIAL VALUES 1} BOYS' RED RIVER OVERCOATS M.63-This style of Overcoat has become very popular for boys from 3 to 9 years of age, and very justly so, as there is no overcoat that gives the wear and comfort, and at the same time has that stylish, cosy winter appearance. Made from rich. blue hlack Mackinac cloth, thick soft finished ma- terial, eut long and buttoning closo. up to the throat, red flannel-lined detachable capot on back, epaulets on shoul- ders, lined throughout with neat checked lining and seams piped with red flannel. Reg- Sizes 21 to 2%. 2.98 Sash 50e. ular $4 value. Our special price .... ' Toque 35e. extra. MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. Company Limited Rovers SIMPSON TORONTO, CANADA puts | NN 3 | Ee [if A WINNER ™me-- BEDFORD SUIT CASg ADE from the finest quality cow. M hide grain leather, mounted og round English-made steel frame. Provided with heavy brass bol and strong lock. Fall linen lining, four grain leather straps ; easy, rolled leather handle, and three of the best steel hinges. Sizes, 22 and 24 inches. As a suit case, in most cases, is needed unexpectedly, thus in haste, we guarantee to ship it immediately after receiving your 3 " order. A SIMPSON BARGAIN It is an excellent value even at $5.00 When ordering mention complete number, H This Waist Here is thefie. est opportunity to oo big sap. in waists, and at the same time save freight ex penses by onder. ing the waist 10 be sent im ihe suit case. Made of ior quality silk taffeta, tucks on bad and front, all sizes. Orde number, a Same thing for the coat. Made of English Thi- bet cloth, in rich grey and black mixed ground showing a faint green and red overpla'd. Broad, nicely'moulde shoulders and nd -padded col- lar. Black satin. finished Venetian lining. Sizes, 35 0 44. Lengths, 46to ¢8 inches, $995 Order number, H ren SIMPSON = TORONTO, CANADA AL OIL You will have no smoky chimneys if you use "Brilliant" Oil It is the best Coal Oil manufactured. We also carry in stock light," "American Head- "Family Safety' "Pratt's Astral." and SPECIAL PRICES IN § GALLON LOTS. « ELLIOTT BROS - 77 Princess Street. 3 "fo¥ the money than any machine on the market. Visible writing --Very Price, $60. Second-hand machines from $3 to $50. J. B.C. DOBBS'& 00., 171 WELLINGTON STREET YEAR 72. NO, 2! -- ? B.P. Jenkins Clothing ( It is not so much what say about OVERCOATS AND SUITS As what they prove to t wearer. RY " FIT-REFORM E. P. Jenkins Clothing ( DE ii oe a a a AR RE WANTED. A MACHINIST, FOR WHITE-WEL Apply 167 Wellington street. TWO BOYS TO LEARN TRADE, Hall's Plumbing Shop, 66 Brock IXPERIENCED HOUSEMA ly to Mrs. McParland, 2 Ev A GENERAL SERVANT: NO WA! ing or ironing. Apply at 125 K street. APLUMBER AND STEAM I'TITER, once. Good wages. Apply Box il Belleville, Ont. A. GENERAL SERVANT: NO WA! ing, or ironing. Apply Mrs. G Chown, 20 Barrie street. A GOOD RELIABLE GIRL (OR man). Apply in evening, Mrs. B Robertson, 161 Earl street AT ONCE, COAT helpers. Applys tO A Princess street, opposite 0) House. A YOUNG LADY FOR CLERK 1! Confectionery Store, one with s experience. Address Box "D.." W with; reference. pn ee et AT ONCE, A GOOD GENE} blacksmith. Steady employm Apply at once to Trouse Verona, stating terms A GENERAL SERVANT, TO GO De! N.Y. State : healthy situat Good wages. Apply to Mrs. Gr Kingston, Ont Brock street MECHANICS, FIRS riage woodworkers ; als carriage blacksmith. State wage N. O'Neill's, Carriage Works, Ge town, Ont MEN AND BOYS, TO EARN $5 D after two months instruction, | tion guaranteed. Coyne Bros Plumbing Schools, New York, Ci nati, O., St. Louis, Mo., (Free ( logue.) GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR F Overcoats and Suits made Thomas Galloway's, 131 Brock Also bring your old ones and them repaired. Style, fit and guaranteed to please. FOR SALE. PIANOS ORGANS, MELODE and Sewing Machines, new second hand, all cheap at 114 street. Joseph George CHEAP, A GOOD HORSE, SUIT for delivery waggon, where a mv stout horse is quired t 1 we bought to u while r-m horses had their summer ould Kelvey & Birch STORE FIXTURES, ONE LARGE three small awnings, large oil .t three show cases, counter sc coffee grinder, two paper cutter twine holder, two signs. All n new. Will sell separately or al gether at a great reduction. Ad Box 16, Whig office THE ROTHWELL FARM, Concession, Ernes! road 8 miles Wes containing about 3¢ . a splendid dairy farm, well wal with shade groves, good cow and other buildings. The house large brick residence in first order, also a cottage, both cle the road. At the rear is a swan containing a large quantity of and other markable timber and wood. To wind up an estate property will be sold reasonably ply to R. Easton Burns, 41 G street, Kingston, or to T. D. field, next farm to the West o 38 A PEARL BAR, ON OCTOBER | Reward for its return to this Of somailiim------------ a ---- GOLD LION PIN IN OR IN FI of Whig 'Hall, on Friday night ward for its return to this Om, A LADY'S GOLD WATCH, MGC O on monogram, + ** noon, letween F Crumley Hros. Reware tugn to this Office LADIES' DIAMOND SOLITAIRE J Wednesday evening, betwoen House and 30 Sydenham stre way of Princess, Clergy and Streots. Roward for return Sydeanam street. A BOX CONTAINING TWO Pins, a Ring and a Charm 4th inst. between the \..iusor and Battersea. Finder will warded by Jjeaving the same Princess stfeet In Westminter Abbey London, Oct, 16.--That the x Sir Henry Irving shall find a place in Westminster Abbey app be a general desire, A large discount sale of wall from 2¢. to 24c. and 3e. per ro papers over this fwenty per oe count, Friday sind Saturday 12 1th, at W. N, Leutmon's, 73 "