"-- Robust Women Who Owe Their Restored Health and | Usefulness to Pe-ru-na. Read the Letters of Grateful Women Cured by Dr. S. B. Hartman's Free Advice. Thousands of Testimonials Re-. ceived Every Year. An Ideal Medicine. 188 LOUISE MATHER, 13Churech St., Burlington, vt. Vice-President Bureau of Exchange, writes: OVERCOAT} READY | id Handsome en in particular to cal} to se «1 suffered for several years. My back ached, 1 had bearing down pains, and i frequent head- aches. «1 would often wake from sleep in such pain thatl would suffer for hours before my eyes would close again. 1 dreaded the long nights as well as the weary days. «) consulted two physicians, hoping to get relief. Finding that their medicine did not seem to 'Cure me, a friend ad- vised me to try Peruna. «] am certainly glad that J followed her advice, for Perun was the only medicine for me Every ache and pain disap- peared in four months and I am in perfect health now. «My earnest advice to suf- fering women is to try Pe- runa, for | feel sure they will, pot be disappointed in it."" == add one whit to the style oats has been omitted. re are any Overcoats in topg ior garments in any way, stock of Ves derwear eaters, Louise Mather. BIBBY co J wet Gin) Mrs. L. E. Tyler, Santa Neo? Monica, Cal., Secretary Santa Monica Musical Society, writes: «{ was troubled for over three years | with systemic catarrh, complicated by | female weakness and inflammation. «This induced frequent headaches, | nervousness, hysteria and sleepless. |; 4nd female troubles. relieve until | ness, whic noting "Yul y } «1 had been under the treatment of a "1 began to feel better after 1 had good physicist Jor about Jw ais taken the first bottleful and improved |W! thout © ning aay trom week to week until at the end oi Peruna Was Fecommaided {0.00, Ales bout eleven weeks 1 was entirely well. taking twelve botules of this medicine poy am pleased to say that 1 have have completely regained my health. " sed to recommend Peruna lendid health now for nearly Tam pleased gy T a a fine appetite, enjoy | 0 any one suffe ting from the above sil- sound sleep and do not suffer from any | Wicnts."--Edith Reams. more headaches or other pains."--L. E.| No testimonials published Tyler. | written consent of the writer. Completely Regained Her Health. 3 Wear Store. | One Price House in Kingston, Princess Street. Dayton, O., writes: Miss Edith Reams, 726 North Main St, | "1 suffered for some time with both | without | America is the Land of Nervous | Women. The majority of women are nervous because they suffer irom some form of | female disease. The greatest obstacle in the way of recovery is that they do not understand that catarrh is the main source of their illness, Women who are in doubt as to their ailments should write to Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Give him a full descrip tion of your symzploms, previous treat: ! ment and age. He will promptly reply with full di; | rections for treatment, free of charge, | mportance h, and we STOVE. § hit take 8 the older generation TWO LOAN COMPANIES | INTEND TO AMALGAMATE IN PARTICULARS FYLED. They Were Lodged at Osgoode r and dis- SHORT TIME. Hall SS A message ta the Whig from To ugh the Capital Will Be $3,750,000-- |ronto says: } explain it Martin Gould, London's Old- The particulars in the Kingston . i provincial election were filed, this est Tailor Dead--Had Been in |, ring. at Osgoode Hall I he Business Fifty Years. petitioners would unseat. E. J. B London, Ont.. Oct. 14.--The Huron | Pense, the liberal member, on 176 ] - > 3 lete stock of Stove and Erie Loan and Savings company charges, mostly of bribery. It is a and the Canadian Savings and Loan | claimed that Hon. Mr. Harty was the S and can put up company, will be amalgamated, short- | head of a subscription list, the pro ly. under the former company's name. } C0 oe ot Yee h ba dinning io ems i " ° rat is the sanctic to be used in bribery and the hiring e shortest notice. of on 'shareholders tp i a of vehicles 4 J Harty secretary of » e S sholders o comple © ! . J. r tar) amalgamation of the two companies, » the Canadian Locomotive Works, is says Robert Fox, president of the Ca charged with advancing money for the \ & Sov nadian company. The combined sub or purpage; Among hogs accused scribed stock of the two companies | of bribery, as agents ot respondent, b will amount to $3,750,000, with a rest are: W. C. McDonald, ¥ W. Sands REET. "PHONE 328. | fund of $790,000, in the Huron and | A. Bearance, " E. 8 Elliott, S. Cor Frie bett, J. Ferris and four or five hotel ¥ roo Martin 'Gould, the oldest tailor in | keepers IT IS FOR LADIES, TOO London, died, yesterday, at the fam ---- ilv residence, on Maitland street. Mr JOYS OF AUTOMOBILING. They Can St Th Hair Fall Gould had been in business, in the ) ) y =p ee " city, for nearly fifty years, and was |Nothing More Serieus Than ing Out With Berhide Serious Injury To-Day- intimately known by the majority of | PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. Auden, Upper Canada Col deprecates baseball and lacrosse Principal lege, as school games. Rev. A, H. Kippen was inducted as pastor of Harrington church in the presence of a large congregation. Mayor Houston, Nelson,. B.C., is complained of for taking a contrac- tor's cheque for $5,000 from the city sale, I alr bo Jive: 4) ' : . . irst Mincola, Oct. 14.--Hemery, the | » S$ Jutung on in MW . d Ww | C Y Fi Frenchman, in a Darracq car, won Hie hale fnlling on md th ken ti # i ure ou the Vanderbilt cup race. Foxhall 4 With Newly ! . Keene crashed into a telegraph pole, besides, Herpiride Is one of the ; eThen You Pay Him. but escaped with a few bruises. Car | agreeable hair dressings ther q in ven tv Lytal, skidded oe Herpicide kills the dandruff gern Saat The phy sician, who has not guflicient conf, the road at Bullshead, 'and Tattersall, COLE YOUNGER | cats the hair off at th ! 3 in liis own ability to cure his paticht ITF} 1 mechanic, was seriously hurt The former Western bandit, who is now | Ye pom 3a destroyed ; bispay after | Lancia, who was leading on the | promoting an electric railway = from St hos and the hai D! £2 Na seventh round, and Christie, were in | groier part" of the money for financeer- lad ig Ve Sap Th inspire confi | collision outside of Lalereille. This ink the scheme is suid to he, furnished by ady that al roy I 15 an dence {1 is 3 qmerv eo load. 8S. Senator Stephen ins of ' dizpensable int requi It oon those. wh « mishap put Hemery in the loac Virginia, whose life Younger hod wat | 3 & 1 are in searc! on a certain occasion during e tains no oil or grease. | ill not of hones College Records Broken. Wat stain © > ding dru treatment. . x bb -------------------- Stain oS dy Sold ¥ ping br. Goid Four college records were broken at | sis, Rend 100. in stamps, for vergsacoent | the annual field meet of the McGill | The Russian government will loan | | to The Herpicide (o., Det ance faces foo Lh J.C. Kemp, the former | £15,000 to $20,000 to the Baku fields G. W. Ma} 1 nt for treatm et ra ¥ : nd 2100 Ma agen is equivalen | Oxford runner, covered the mile in 4 {oil men, whose properties were dam- to be | minutes 36 3-5 seconds, clipping ex- | aged during the disturbances, A Lesson To Auto Scorchers. actly four seconds off the old mark A. B. Watt, managing editor of the | Katies Beave . made by Brodie. Brodie's £50 2 5 Woodstark Penvine les itw, has sold | hen «J ohn R. Doller (O : has stood on the college records for | out, and will probably enter newspa Roblin's Hill last Monda Sutisdeitore. ten vears. R. A. Donohue brought | per work in western Canada. was frightened by an aut Taney for the up the college mark for the pole vanit The Huron and Erie Loan and Sav- | ran into the fence, at the Talus he has given the the patient, but he expect! 1 fr 0, 9 feet 91 inches to 9 feet 11 | ings company, and the Canadian Sav- | : prov worth itive and satis- | 3 road. One of the shait ho hE won amd do pine Yeo. Bo |inches. the old mark standing in the | ings and Loan company, London, and the horse ran som: should he fail So cure the case, the pation? Jot: name of Dalgleish, After winning the | Opt, will be amalgamated under the fore i i nothing, while the doc tor. wh en cures the |) oo) Y 1 paising the college re ' ore if was again under patient ¢ bas given bi Bim what is werthmuchmore | high jump and raising W w | former company s name. Doller said the ocoupan they mone: n him his healih back. | cord from 5 feet 6 inches, to 5 feet 7 Fred. Sanford, a prominent young were running at a speed of Dr. a EE specislst 3a She Uniteq inches, Waugh stepped out on the | farmer, of Viden, Man., whose par- miles an hour, kept io the co ence Ni yoga tab track in the event and knocked two- Jrents reside at Kingsville, was in the road, and made ne ean wis abi be paid u sation Bout fifths of a second off his own record of | stantly killed by being caught in the t i here is no experiment o 171-5 far the 120 hurdles feeder of his threshing machine. stop the speed of She ma bis method TEA ES The pole vault record of MeGill of | yf Vseoveky, the assistant chief of him aft + accident The | ty. and yo u ceoveky, the Fred. hee 4h oe an ie and Ww lia best treatmen When yoo life or Jour health just the same as that of Queen's until full rights be granted to all " per HY the driv ha o ke." inferior trasime nt {which be ear -- shinefi, Bessorubia. He was held to Fisher, of St. Catharines, t ga thor-eflects ects worse than the discase disease itself) isd ' NT it 3 were arrested that afternoon Bel v agar {Goat Grapes ! Grapes !! Grapes !!! have been largely responsible for the ville by Chief Green, and brought : fro. fh ing Moone sod Red, White and blue, in baskets, J. | massacre of Jows in 1908. and the Napanee, charged with runt Sy : I a should be aufliciens Crawford. more recent anti-Jewish disturbances. ; DE y Clary oni 2 poh +a to bia sanding nd abili It -- Admiral Dewey declares the officers car over ten miles an hour Makes no difference who has failed to ¢ A 'you A : United State avy, above the municipality. Both Mr. | twill be to yous advantage to get the doctor A splendid assortment of suit cases | of the Unite ates navy, a . Irvine VanAlstine 1 itt Opinion of your case free of charge. He wants | 4 400 English and Canadiar | rank of lieutenant are. as a rule, too rvine anAlstine 1 bear from patients who have been uuible to | * * lf the grades they oceupy, and machine was running from bite cured, as he guarantees a positive cure for | makes, at the Lockett Shoe Store. old for the grade 3 apy, twenty miles an h ur, and th Sheol blood and skin dine s3| The emperor of Japan received the | that in a naval war She nation would 3 8 oe, Al t ® not o Iv ¢ Eo NY x A" ith ¢ stor. trate fined Sager and Fisher curesthe itself. but likewise all the officars of the visiting British fleet at mtarelly m ¥ with bE tv wal $11 and cost which wa complicat! such as rheu " or | Tokio, vesterday. 1 Students of Odessa "ity, al & and costs, wh ? kidney blood poision, yi and The genuine Castoria is sold at f vote of 778 to 02, have decided rot | Protest, reais) cdevility, laek of vi Aare pro- (Chwon's Red Cross drug store to allow the reopening of the univer : X le, hat bared in his own laboratory to meet the require R. Carnovaky is spending a few § sity until the state of siepe is raised, W. H. Reed and wife € Penta of each individual case. e A sou & davs in Toronto. and then oniy for a political struggle left for their new home n Fm Spline a oe tee, entirely free. All| Trusses got from Dr. Chown's al | polier was assaseinated at Al George Sager, Ameliashurg? 2 'wedicines for Canadian patients sei fro-: Wid wavs fit perfectly Russians fine big pair of Perche mares pL. duty and t Ap tion Pe dward | Choice cakes for afternoon teas, 30c., ims . seni Nightingale for aid in the Ave, Suit 515 Detroit, IJ !40c, and 50c. 1h. At Hambrook's. Peaches and qifhees. Crawford, ack Jack stove polis Hard w market, large tin 10c. at Y° ello ware store, opposite Gr EE Ht get beets was made, MISS MILDRE stein a Germmn lineage, PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Sir Percy Sherwood, Ottawa, is in the ci : Mrs. Wiley Smith, of Halifax, N.S, is a guest in the oity Donald Melntyre, city; solicitor, is in Toronto on business Dr. Robert Hanley has returned from a visit to Eew York, Charles Corbett, left today for a few daye hunting around Hay Bay. William D Mrs. Benjamin Tett, of Pedford Mills accompaticd them. party, composed of Dr. and Mrs J. In Cole, Miss Cole, Alexandria Bay; Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Schaub, Passaic, NJ, and Mr. and Mra. F Seymour, Watertown, N.Y., are in ed Rev. | and Chapleau mis¢ion, to the mission of Maitland, superannuated. v James Tully, appointed inspector of agencies of the Relief Association for On- His duties will be to visit every Oddfellows' tario. Oddfellows" lodge in Ontario and as sist the local agents to spregd the good work of the associstion. On Harvard University's roll of past students are these from King ston : Henry 1 Corbett, 1868; T R. Dupuis. 1870; C. F. Sinclair, 1877; Frederic Gill, 1503: . Y. Ford, 1807; John A. Counter and Mo F. Meber mott, 1898, Lieut. Col. Massie and Mrs. Massie are now en pension at the Vietoria hotel, Aldershot. England, and are enioyving themselves at the great military centre. They are forty miles from London, visit, very kind and rowmd of teas, | festivities make They find THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, SUFFERED FOR YEARS count o FENALE DISEASES. CANADA'S. BEETS | ARE WANTED ED BY AMERICAN SUGAR COMPANIES. i Sn-------------- A Protest Laid Before the United i States General «Appraisers -- Want a Cut From 25 to 10 Per Cent Ad Valorem. Detroi it Mich, Oct. York tech says many Mie beot from bei down, because of a scarcity of material, a protest against the present tariff has been made before t United States gone ral appraiser; 'there, by the Marine Sugar y, of aripe City, Michigan, who awk for a reduction of the tariff from its present rate of | twenty-five per cent. ad valorem to {ten per cent. ad valorem. The ap | praisers are asked to lower the duty in order that the may technical ground test from American factories Canada. The pro- on which the declared that sugar | boet was not in reality a vegetable, but megroly a raw material for wee in | manufacturing sugar. nD nobles has been announced ding will take place in October Dick has secured a posi tion as salesman at the Lockett shoe «tore. Mrs. Begg and her daughter, Mrs. Riggs, returned today from New York. Miss Fdna Lockett is spending a few days with Miss Alice Kearns, To ronto, Rev, W. S. McTavish, has heen elect- | ed a vice-president of the Ontario Y.P. S.C.E. union Mr. and Mrs. J. Rattray, after a pleasant week in New York, came back to-day Mrs. A. E. Hunt, Kingston, is visit: ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Ger. man, in Picton Mrs. R. H. Toye, has sent out cards for an "At Home on Thursday next, at five o'clock G. W. Dawson, inspector of peniten tiaries, has left for the Pgeilic coast on a tourpbl imspection. rs. George Birch, Clergy West street, was a sister of the late J. H. Taylor, of St, 1 . Mo | Charles P Paulding and George Chevalin, White Plains, X.Y.,' are guests of A. Goodearle | rs hn Berryman, Markland | street, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, George O'Rielly, Hamilton Dr. Gibson, Smith Falls, an ex | house surgeon at the General Hos pital, intends to return to the city to | practice. Rev. Herbert and Mrs. Grout went over to Delhi, N.Y., on Thursday and | town to-day on a trip The Bishop of Ontario hax. appoint Alfred Barcham, of Mosquash, | N.B., and formerly of Rov. ice Rev. Peter which the hospitable, luncheons their days pass plea- sugar factories HARRISON PHILADELPHIA Whose engagement to Count Kar! Hol A. of Fenelon Falls, ordained 1902, been appointed to Rawdon. 14.~A New hat to save OF man of ancient The wed Quebec dioe E. Searmmell, F. Dickinson, has boro, has been they frequently English people and a and other Accident to Freight Car--Ship- OCTOBER 14. ping Tomatoes. Wellington, Oct, 14.--Kenneth De Mill. with his steamyacht and scow, is carrying tons of tomatoes from the West Lake shore to Wellington for the two canning factories and toms are being brought in by the farmers, Truly Wellington is a lively place this fall Dr. Kidd, n Thursday last. of Trenton, was in town Mrs. J. E, Clark and Mrs. (4 L. Wilson, who spent three weeks in Detroit recently visit ing Mrs, J. 8S. Hill, returned home on Monday last, accompanied by Master Dormand Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Wilder, with their daughter, Julien, returned from Mitimore this week, where, for a few weeks, they had been visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Rufus Wilder and daugheer, Edith, returned home from Mitimore this week. They, too, have heen visit. ing relatives there. The fall has been favorable for all kinds of work, es pecially for apple-picking and the de- livery of tomatoes. Nehemiah Gilbert and Malcolm Allison, of Picton, were in town on Thursday. J. N. McDon- ald has been suffering from an ab scoss. formed on his face. Wilson Scores has sold his farm of 230 aeres. John Garratt will move to Wellington, in the near future and has purchased the Jacob Fraleigh dwelling. One day this week while the (.0.R. train was standing at Welling ton station, and the engine was busy shunting cars a freight train was seen coming, and when nearing Wellington whistled down brakes but the brakes refused to act and the engineer re. versed, but she was under too heavy motion. Some freight cars were on the siding and the president of the road, Mr. Collins, happened to be standing looking at the train as she was nearing the station and noticing that her speed was not lessening, ran and turned her on the siding. The result was the demolishing of a box ear, otherwise she would have run in the Passenger car. A. Fraleigh purposes erecting a dwelling in' upper Wellington on his farm. Miss Katie Boyd's friends will be pleased to know that she has been promoted to cashier in a large whole sale establishment in Detroit. MINERS ENTOMBED. Cut Of by Flames in Pennsyl- vania Mine. Frederickton, Pa, Oct. 14. ~Hall a mile back from the entry six miners ars imprisoned--perhaps dead--in the mine of the Clyde Coal company. The mine is on fire and the bolief is gen eral that the entombed men cannot be reached in time to save their lives, even if they are not already dead Twa others were seriously burned in an explosion in the fan house, follow ing the breaking out of the fire in the mine, one of them so fearfully that he will not live. The imprisoned men are: George Kelly, Homer Harvey, Richard Marsh, Richard Mofly, Bonsi Lorenzo, Cesto Bepardini Nearly two hundred men wero in the mine when the fire started. Its exact origin is not known, but it is supposed it was, coused by a wire becoming short circuited and igniting the brat tice cloths, which serve to create drafts by means of which the mine is kept free ym foul air. All but the wix men escaped Attempts to effect' a rescue are abans doned as hopeless. MR. CARMAN"S DEFENCE. Libel Charge Out of Ballot-Box Cases. Belleville, Oct, 14.--E. F. B. ton, of Toronto, lawyer for T. 8S, Car man in the criminal libel case, has filéd his defence. The case grew out of the bogus ballot boxes, which were brought into this riding last November by Byron 0. Lott, liberal candidate for the commons. When Mr. Porter ex. posed the plot, the Ontario," Mr. Car man's paper, characterized the story as "Porter's lie," hence the charge of criminal libel. The case was to have Bogus Johns: i been tried at the March assizes, but | was traversed till the fall. The de { fence pleads reasonable grounds for belief that Mr. Porter's story was un true, that the said alleged libel was published without Mr. Carman's con. went or knowledge, and that on as certnining the facts he caused to be published an article in his paper set- ting out that Mr, Porter's action in the matter was commendable, SAT WITH FEET ON BENCH. Judge Accused, . President Asks Him to Resign. Washington, Oet. 14. President Roosevelt hax requested the resigna- tion of Associate Justice Tucker, of the supreme court of Arnzopa. One charge ageinst him is that he would hold court at Globe, Ariz.,, only on condition that the people of that place made him the gift of a residence. It was also charged that when presid ing in court he sat with his feet on the bench. Import Duty On Pulpwood. Sherbrooke, Oct 14. --8herhrooke lumber dealers received notification, yesterday, of an order passed by the United States government imposing an import duty of twenty per cent. on all pulpwood in any form, rossed or un- rossed. This order went into effect vesterday, no previous notification having been given, Cars of y on their way across the line were held by United States officials for duty. Four Officials Dismissed. London, Ont, Oct. 14.--Daniel Me- Kenzie, storekeeper; William Noble, painter; William O'Neill, night stoker, and Miss Tunah, nurse, at the Lon don Asylum for the Insane, have re ceived notice of dismissal from the denartment at Toronto. Peaches and quinces. Crawford, Frosh to-day, Me( 'onkey"s high class candics at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Stove, The condition of Earl Spencer, who was stricken with paralysis is slight ly improved, Trusses vou can depend w to | santly indeed. They greatly enjoved , their visits to Edinburgh and Glas- | The old-fashioned horehound cuiuly. | gow. . 'Gibson's Red Cross drug store. upon give satisfaction at Dr. Chown's. F Rare vaiuss infauiticssly tailored Coats and Skirts € a ~ for women A SPLENDID ARRAY of Fall and Winter Coats and Skirts has been assembled on the second floor. The newest les, the modish fabrics--all are Let us show you what we call | nice. controlled by us in King- ston are shown in the assortments are at their best and have been snapped to expect at this store--the very ness. It will be wise economy to make your selection now while before the oh suclmive thi Tr prices are what you -- learned Ng lowest consistent with gol SPENCE'S, ™ 'int rr Suicides to Draw Attention to Book, London, Oct, 14.--~There is a thetic story of a French sculptor who after years of toil, had at last ac hieved a masterpiece, but in spite of his hard work and great talent he was reduced to actual want. Ome Lit ter winter night he awoke and re\lived that the biting frost would ruin the clay figure, and so taking the cover: ings from his bed he erept downstairs and wrapped them vound the figure, and lay down to sleep exposed to the bitter cold. In the morning they found him stretched out beneath his work, dead from exposure and want, but the statue, which has since thea ranked as one of the masterpieces of art, was saved, Just such devotion to her work has receritly been shown by a young Eng: lish authoress, Miss Allonby was the writer of a novel called "The Ful fillment,"'" a book with a purpose; for this young woman held hat she had an mission to this age. She took the book to Messrs. Greening, publishers, and for some reason she believed that they did not intend to accept it, , and consequently she threw herself into the river, believing that her death would attract attention to her work and that it would then he published and rend, As a matter of fact, the publishers had decided to bring out the book, although she was not aware of their intentions. The book has some remarkable characteristics, The dedication is in itself remarkable as it runs: "De. dicated to God with all the roverence of which the human heart is oa- pable."" Read in the light of the re cont tragedy the story told in "The Fulfillment" is doubly fascinating, for the authoress foreshadows her own sad end. Tho book is divided into three disconnected but subsequent scenes : Earth, hell and heaven. In the first is the tragedy. Deborah, a poor, but clever girl, has writtoh a book. Her whole mind is given to seeing it published. Her life is un happy, for she is not only misunder- stood by her family, but she is physi- cally unattractive. Still, almost ev: ery thought was given to her work; she had few thoughts to spare for the workaway world. That "The Fulfill. ment" is straight from the poor girl's heart is shown but too clearly by the vividness of the description The attention of the public has been purchased with the author's life, and thé book will be read with a sad ine terest, -------------- Fall Importation. Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall importations for order work, consisting of Scotch and Eng- lish tweeds, blue and black serges, cheviot and venetian for suitings, =» great variety, nine splendid assort- ments of black and blue Leaver and fancy overcoatings. A splendid as- sortment of panting at prices that defy competition, Christmas Globe. This year the Christmas Globe will maintain the high standard of excel lence, which it has reached in past years; and will be, as it-has always been found, "better than before." Only a limited number will' be printed and orders should he placed at once with McDermott Bros.,, 260 Princess street. Bargain table of boys' at 81. The Lockett Shoe Trusses that satisfy. rong boots tore. Dr. Chown's. G. A. BATEMAN INSURANCE BROKER ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. DISTRICT AGENT SUN LIFE ASSUR- ANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. 61 CLARENCE STREET, KINGSTON. Hat ¥ r For Real Estate Or Insurance A YINANCE Ap INSURANCE TE AND INSURANCE t < = i ie ; i d 2 : : § : i ; £ : ee : £ i = 1 i f : 15 | ; | iT i : g 7 i * Look For Man With Original Ideas. New York, Oct. 14.-The postal au- thorities are looking for a man who signs himself J. E, A. Smith, and who wems to be a man of original ideas, He offers himsell as the matrimonial prize in a lottery, which is to cost each of the players $5. The one who guesses a certain number, which, he say, he has put in escrow, draws Smith as a husband, Those who fail to win the capital prize each get worth of stock in a company which is to be formed to "exploit a valuable proposition." The contest closes on Octobtr 2nd, and aspirants who do not enclose 85 will receive no consid- eration, Smith also offers a prize of $100 to the newspaper which is most often mentioned in his applications and another prize of $100 to the pa- per in which his future wife first saw the proposition. The prosaioal postal authorities do not appreciate the ori- ginality of the scheme and are of the opinion that Smith has violated the postal laws and is liable for fraud. To Move To Knapp's Point. Allen, Wolfe Island, Oct. 12.--~Farm- ers have finished digging potatoes and there are many complaints of the potatoes rotting. Threshing is about over. Allan McDonald is recovering from a severe attack of quinsy, Mrs. J. McDonagh, who has been visiting her mother in this section, returned to her home in Perth on Saturday. Louis McDonald will shortly move to Knapp's Point. Archbishop Gauthier administered confirmation to a large number of children at the Sacred Heart church, Marysville, on October 11th. Archibald Mebonald has moved back to his farm. Mr. and Mrs, C. Docteur, Rochester, N.Y., are visiting at his {ather's, A, Docteur. Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald, Watertown, N.Y. are visit at 'A. Mr. and Mrs. Peter ton, N.Y, spent a few days last w with his brother A. McDonald, Delays are dangerous, especially if 3 your eves trouble you. Cousult the © optician at Chown's drug store. . If You Want a Home OR INSURANCE, Have a Genre Tigo Enna. HOUSE FOR SALE nae. SUL ery Tmprovenieuts Jnivetsity: weil for : ing or for "roo 3 large ho and good stable. For particulars, apply to Consult with GBO, CLIFF before buying t 08 Clarence Steget. OOOO ON00O0000000VE