POOR TOOLS "Yoana = oY Ly i» wr aiioh some d h 3 Shem. a Nou 1o rc are best va on erersad that 2 fore payiog for them. Lys woapEn, SHELLS in all be W. A MITCHELL S$ HARDWARE And a Bitanant one is snugly stowed each OF our warious conlections-- Bowers, as delicate of hey are of perfume, as sweet a honey comb. For nty gift-giving to girls and WOON serious jmport--candy, "the thing." Plain or . OF B, as you like, at pocket-breaking prices. + BB and Lowney's Candies a Speech. i Hot Drinks. T. PETTERS 5 CO. Y.W.C A. Hao ame in Physical Culture, in Dressmaking, Cut a pie Shirai sy Ung and iv, pan. . of at $ pm. and Wednesday at 8 Fees --50¢. members and The. non-tembers, Tr ---------------- -- NEW OR STOUR MARKETS, y W. F. Dever & 18 Kiagston. Cit to to Open Close. October 14th. con 88F 881 84 S41 & Ohio 12 irooklyn Rapid Transit he) 724 'anadian Pacific | - a inofs Central ville Nashvilie et tan 3 . 180, nitod Shapes. Bisel' a United States Stes), pid. Loe 104 : -- 'MONTREAL GRAIN. -- A ---- Yhat 1s Gols ans On Markets. "The Taitures 'in. Canidu for. the past "mL To Yo Tok its fight against en mimes Samet, Tots, Shri iy ray 'assuln Jord .300, being $500 below the last January, and 800, tons of Find rsa 4, Maren ly the winter's market oF the Do Coal company, tether production of gold at Bw cumoen, Shiney gos) 18% in and 419.608 in July. : Way. nas from ober 1st, to October 7 a 9791 - oh; contrasted with SOT, for: the sme period a F ago, showing a con- siderable improvement of $52,814. " teh, says rena net Marolngs of Ol in a tetuber were about 870,000. A reprosents ative of company estimates that current fiscal year will be het ween 81,000,000 and - $1,500,000, Aeareut Britain's yearly imports of are valued con I £772,181, an fn- nearly £350.000 in four years, Teoland = produces most of the world's supply of eiderdown, amounting to wounds. Most of £ the annual sale something over 7.000 this is shipped to y commands from $2.41 to $2.50 a pound. 1 is estimated wy ao t-known steel manufacturer that the net purnimes of the U.S. Steel Corporation for the calendar Year, based on booked orders, will amount to about $140.000,000. This would cowpare with $72,082,977 las year; with S100.171.152 in 1008 » LY $1838,708,764 iu the banner year -of 1962 -------- The Cheese Markets. Kemptville, Oct. 12. Offered, White and #43 colored. No bids, Listowel, Oct, 1 N boarded. 8.570 chasse | 104 was bid buyers on street offered 11c. No sales, Mtawa, Oct. 121,214 boarded, 11c. offered for September | 40 sold. Napanee, Oct. 12.-402 white and 1. 080 colored ; nids, 10fe. and 10%c. for i Bo sales, «12.1600 white and 20 boarded ; sold subject to Brock- price, Iroquois, Oct. 12,957 colored hoards ed | bid 11c., none sold REGRET EXPRESSED -- Over Inability of John Burns to Speak at Queen's. Much regret is expressed that John Burns, M.P., has found himself un- able to accept Prindipal Gordon's ine vitation to 'address meeting of citi- Zens dnd studenty in Grant hall. When be and J. Allen Baker returned to On. tario they found Western Canada had dempnded more of their limited time than they had anticipated, and that they would have to forego some long anticipated ohjeots of their visit else. where, Mr. Burns was therefors neces: sitated to dedline calls from many quarters, Mr. Burns returns to England much impressed with the rich resources and bright prospects of Canada, both east and west, and what he says to Brits ish audiences will be more important in results for thisscountry than would be even addresses here, ------ Tenders Awarded. Those contracts have been awarded for the building of a waiting room and oxtension to the freight shed on Swift's whar! : Carpentering, W, J, Chapman; painting, W. J, Savage, 150 factories Grapes ! Grapes !! Grapes !!! Red, White and bide, in baskets, J, Crawford. ------ Peaches and quinees. Crawford. Gents" patent leather shoes, heavy op light soles. 83.50, 84 and 85. A large assortment. The Lockett Shoe Store, It will pay you to see our hair brushes, all prices, from 10e, up; won: derful value. Mahood's Brug Store. Hon. (Col) Matheson has failed to float the $7,000,000 Temiskaming loan but. has renowed the existing treasury bills at four per cont. When Bilious and Sallow Remember That the Liver Promptly Set Right By OR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS Many people are subject to periodi cal attacks of bilionsness, sick head- ache, stomach troubles and bowel irre gularities who do not realize that the liver is especially responsible for this suffering. Torpid, sluggish action of the liver is almost invariably accompanied by inactivity of the kidrevs und bowels. The whole digestive and exerctory system becomes clogged up and there are pain, discomfort and suffering, Because Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills have a direct and combined act ion on kidneys, liver and bowels, they effect a prompt and thorough cleans ing and imvigoration of these organs. With all the poisonous waste mat ter removed, pains and aches disap pear, the digestive system resumes its functions, the appetite is sharpens and health and vigor are restored. As a family medicine Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills have never had is a rival, for thev got at the cause of the common ills of human life and remove it. By their promptnes: and thoroughness they win the praise of all who give them a trial. Mrs. George W. Lawson, Consecon. Ont, writes: "It js a pleasure for me fo state that Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills made a well woman of me. completely euring me of conkting tion, rheumatism, stomach troubles and a very sovere kidney trouble after years of suffering. am now sixty eight years. of age and very grateful for what Dr. Chase's Kifhev-Liver Pills have done for me and for the remarkable cure of mv hushand bv the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Dr. Chase's Kiduev-Liver Pills. ane pill a dose, 25 conts a box. at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co.. Toronto. Portrait and signature of Dr. A.W. Chase, the famous receipt + > * CANNOT RECOVER. + 1+ ad > + Brockville, Ont., Oct. Ww "+ 14.--A telegram from New- 4 4 ton, Mass., to Senaton i # Fulford's relatives here; i+ "4 states that there is no hope # of the senator's recovery 4 # from injuries sustained in 4 4 an automobile accident at # that place recently. " + + THE DAILY CHARGE. -- Aldermen Who Voted for Permit to Pork Packing Factory, Deny Any Wrong-Doing, as Does the Firm Interested. : Torcnto, Oct. 14.-1t is probable that at the meeting of the board eontral to-day, a judicial investiga. tion, by the county Judge, will be or dered into the charge of i against an alderman, ig connection with a recent permit granted to Pud- ., for a pork packing factory in the west end. All the aldermen whe voted for the by-law deny, absolute , any wrongdoing, as do Puddy Bros. : Ald, Lynd, en being interviewed, said that he had heard that he was the alderman referred to in the ad- fidavits, but he emphatically denied any connection with such acts as were indicated, amd demanded an immediate and thorough investigytion. Major Carlaw, and a deputation, pe- presenting the veterans employed on the G.T.R., waited on the minister of lands and mines, this morning, with a request that the location of veterans claims be postponed until the econ struction of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway. Their idea is to make the locations together along that line of railway, land s) colonize one or two townships in block. Hon. Mr. Coch: rane appeared to approve the idea of grouping the locations, and the depu tation considered their reception en- couraging. The Matthews Steamship company, limited, capital $250,000, has heen in. corporated to build steamships, en nes, hoilers 'and ship fittings gene rally and to carry on the business of transporting geods and passengers upon land and water. The provision al directors are: Alfred 1. ) atthews and 'Richard Taylor, grain merchants; William BR. Raymond, Frank Ford of and Britton Osler, barristers, all Toronto. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Peaches and quinces. Crawford. yal ginger cake, 25¢. each, Hamtrook's only. The sloop Idlew land, is at the Fresh to-day, Me candies. Gibson's Store. Rubbers to fit all shapes of shoes The best make at the Lockett Shoe Store. W. J. Smith, Cataraqui, exhibited on Kingston market a fine specimen of veal calf, weighing 168 pounds, It was purchased by Henry Waddington. See our sale of hair brushes. lar $1 brushes for Boe. Drug Stave. Me. and Mrs, A, C. Waggoner, Uni versity avenue, celebrated thei: twen tieth wedding anniversary, last night. any friends were entertained at their homn The Ancient St. John's lodge, Ma sonic, will have a past masters' night on Thursday next, when they will be "At Home" to their mothers, wives, daughters and lady friends. ¢ Fresh to-day, a large order of Me Conkev's high class candies at Gib. son's Red Cross Drug Store. A student complained to-day that 4 bunch of small boys have been quite obnoXious around the business college of late. Several of the young ladies have had the feathers torn out of their hats, but the climax was reach ed last night when one of the voung fellows had his bicycle "swiped," and when found later, in the park one wheel was damaged. at ild, from Howe Is T.R. dock with hay. 'onkey's high class Red Cross Drug Regn Mahood 's CAMPAIGN IN OTTAWA Behal! of Queen's--D. Ma- claren Gives $5,000. A special to the Whig from Ottawa says Dayid Maclaren, Ottawa, subscribed 85,000 towards Queen's endowment. Last night, Principal Gordon address od the graduates living here, started a movement to contribute the half million endowment fund and Prof. Dyde and Rev. Lairtl laifl the plans of the before a large audience that met at the Normal school. They will preach in the six Presbyterian pulpits hen to-morrow in support of the move ment, and following that, Rev M: Laird will make a tour of Ottawa for the purpose of securing suhscriptions Sir Sandford Fleming is co-operating in the movement. On and tof He Robert campaign --- Grapes ! Grapes !! Grapes !!! Red, White and blue, in baskets, J. Crawford. Dr. Gustave Boyer, M.P. for Vaud reuil, Que, has raised a strong pro test against the gambling so preval ent at fairs, and appeals to the agri cultural societies and the different municipalities to adopt stringent mea- sures and do away with it completely, An amalgamtion of two insurance companies has been announced. The contracts of the People's Life Insur- ance company, amounting to ahout two and a hali millions of dollars, have been taken over by the Home Life Association of Canada. The Salvation Army have decided t, appeal Judge Sicotte's decision in the Alsopnsuve disturbance case. Brookville's venerable clergyman, Rev, L. A, Betts, has celebrated his dightieth birthday. Hunting and surveving boots in all heights at the Lockett Shon Store = Ruy hath svtinges at Gibson's Red book althor, on every box, -------- ------ {BOARD OF CONTROL [WiLL Look INTO BRIBERY of wh 1G, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14. EA ------ ee -------- MAY GET THE CROWN. naisintnedes A Denmark Candidate M&y Win Out. PRINCE CHARLES, OF London, October 14. -- Prince Charles of Denmark of the house of Oldenburg, is mentioned as the most promising candidate for the crown of Norway. He is thirty-two vemrs old and the second son of Prince Fru ick, heir apparent to the throne DENMARK, ~ of Denmark. In 1806 he married Princess Maud, third daughter of King Edward VII. He is a, nephew of the king of Greece and of the dowager emprss of Russia. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. Senator Fulford's ternal. John Barry, M.P., thinks that Can- ada is becoming Americanized. The G.T.R. are trying to acgnire Hudson Bay lands at a high price. The United Brethren of Ontario fa vor joining forces with the Methodists James Milley Matthe Winnipeg, grand recorder of A.O.UW., did on Friday. The federal government bas under taken to settle the Chaudiere water power dispute, Immediate steps will be taken to es tablish a provincial university fopAl bherta in Edmonton. Twenty out of twenty-seven papers published in Alberta support liberals in the present election, . One hundred and twenty men of the Royal Garrison Regiment, Halifax, took their discharge to-day The church Toronto house-to-house visitation for census will take place on Wednesday, Navember 20th, 1905. Thé big insurance companies main- tain half a dozen houses in which te entertain members of both houses New York doctors discovered a withered pancreas in the body of George William Calt, who had willbd | it jor dissection. Cecil Smith, formerly a rancher in British Columbia, shot himself dead in a boarding house in London, owing to losses in farming. Four men, out of a canoe load of sv, belonging to a G.T.P, Survey, on the Winnipeg river, were drowned the craft swamping. Mrs. May E. Wright, Wilmington, N.C., aged fifty-five was shot by her son-in-law, Mc and died after pleading for his life, Shairman Bailey, of the Peoria, 111. school board, is indicted on a charge of malfeasance, and allowing N. C Dougherty to embezzle school monies Wilkes, Lord Minto's conchman, a Canadian, was thrown from the box, in London, by - the horses bolting, fracturing his skull, and injuring his spine, injuries are in- by Pars, Ww, The marriage of J. A Nueei, with the minor danghter of 8. W. Read, Montreal, has been set aside on ground of fendant Gordon Hagmeir, of Galt Collegiate, while putting the twelve-pound - shot, at the field sports, aimed badly, and the shot strack Morris Morrow. the little son of the classical master, frac- turing his skull previous marriage of des 1 ary F. Golding, cashier for Larkin Soap company, New York, confesses to embezzling 0 to support her father, mother, and invalid sister. Her confession was made to save another employee, on whom suspicion fell. The people of Mountain Station, Ont.. and vicinity and particularly the patrons of Mountain No. 1 cheese fac- tory 'are exercised over the disappear- ance of Joseph Wilson, propriejor of that factory. Mr. Wilson is believed to be heavily involved financially. GIVEN AN ADVANCE] TO SEVERAL OF INLAND REV- i. . A Medicine Hat Man Wants a Divorce From His Wife--In- corporation of Various Com- panies. Ottawa, Oct, 14. Company formed at Longueuil, Que., to be known as the Montarville Land company, capital Walter G. Forsyth, Sydney, NSW, has been appointed Commissioner of aflidavits, for that state, to be used in the supreme and exchequer courts of Canada. Messrs. J, A. Valin, J. F. Shaw, J. A. Doyon and I. J. Doyan, of the in- land revenue department, have been promoted to first class clerkships, The United Empire Bank, capital, $500,000, head office, Toronto, has been incorporated and notice publish- el in this week's Gazette, T. G. E. Turnbull, Medicine Hat, Alberta, is applying for a divores from bis wife, Theodore Sondham Street, of Fredericton, NB. the grounds, The Municipal on usnal Trenching company, composed of Montreal capitalists, has been incorporated, with a capital of | be | work and has heen ---- {Hadn't Heard Of Toe x. & P. jor): 1 out west conductors know there. is such a line. So there you are, and hoping it mav long before the steady-going K. & p gains notice through its wreeke -- A B. LOWE, At The Grand, On Tuesday. "Too Proud to Beg is the title of Lincoln J. Carter's latest effort and will be seen at the ( October 17th. one, consistently told in such a ner as to thrill one from ning to the finale. be par excellence many ing and with much ths cast gre besides their teresting «bit of acrobatic work that is simply marvellous, Jacob Sim- mong, Fred. Eckhart, W. B. Lynds, Miss Stella Boylan well known artists duction. A. Wilmot, Farmers' Windsor Among the calling of a public meeting to the electors ing salary grab and resolution ing the district to pay to W. T to aid the associa representation of farmers interests he fore ore commission at its sittings in Ontario. ---- The R.M.C. Rugby Teams. The Royal Military College teams that played against Queen's and Lime. Stones this afternoon were thus com- posed : halves, Budden, er, Carson; ins, Cowley; ren; outside wings, fatt. Maclaren, Donnelly, Lawson; snap, Hutton, Billman; middle art, Gibson; lale. Were Quietly Married. Sydenham, Oct. 13.--A number of The following nurses of Kingston young people froma here attended the | General Hospital Training School world's fair at Odessa, on Friday | have passed the final examinations last and report a fine time. The few | held this week © Mrs, Markle, Na days of fine weather last week were nee; Miss A. Davis, and Miss Lou the means of a fow pienics being held leLennan, Brockville; Miss Luly The cottages at the sommer resorts | Woodburn, Ottawa. are deserted again. A great quantity er ------ of coal is being laid in for use by J. Chown, who has the com tract. J. Hogan has moved into the house lately vacated by G. A. Bag shaw. The annual tea-meeting, under the auspices of the Methodist church is to be held on the evening of Octo ber 17th. Miss Hattie Penil has loft for Toronto, to winter resume her studies Mrs. Henry Letch spent a few days last week with friends at Camden Fast. Rert Sills spent a few days the guest of Frank Storms, Moscow. Effie MeClow is visiting friends at Latimer, Robert Kennedy and Mrs. I. Guess were quietly married at George Guess' on Wednesday evening by Rev. Mr. Ponil. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Joyner and son spent a few days in the city last week. The monthly Ladies' Aid tea was held in Wesley hall last even- ing, with a large attendance. liberals' Melntyre for fling, and will be day Both sides day Don't lie awake wi your elbow. ness, to sleep soundly and wal ~ freshed--take Ae ve Beecham's Horlicks malted milk Gibson's Red thers is sold at ross drug store. Fresh | Cross drug store. Peaches and quinees, Crawford, | Sold Everywhere, one million dollars. The business will general contracting and engineers' chartered to A ac quire and sell real estate Denver, Col., Oct. 11 (To the Edit left Kingston for this fne city of Denver by K. & Pp. and C, Pp; R., last Tuesday and came through to Chicago and over Pacific, without change of cars, the Chicago, Rock Island & again without change, to Denver. Travel made easy, isn't it? I am not going to write of any ad- ventures or exploits hy the Lo amuse some following fact. intelligent took up my it, over said : way, but of our citizens hy the Leaving Chicago, an looking young tonductor ticket and' after reading "I never heard of the Kingston & Pembroke railway be- fore." It almost knocked me down, but I rallied sufficiently to let him know it was a case of "happy is the country which" has no history." And on the K. & P, the trains ran so constantly on scheduled time; kept so persistently on the rails aml off the ties: refused so stea lily to give ap exhibition, either of ga head-on or rear-end collision, the road did not get a chance to appear much in print. But I said, it's thers 0. K. I write the Whig to have Superinten dent Folger make some kind of a splurge that will let you benighted irand on Tuesday, The plot is a googl man the begin- The cast is said to and interpret the intelligently, dash dramatic flavor. In the Boylan children, whe natural acting do an in- characters and several other are with the pro- -- Farmers' Association. At the call of 'the president, Johy a meeting of the Frontenac Association was held at the hotel on the 124} Inst, other subjects discussed, was give express on the inquitious other matters. / passed also i treasurer, W, the balance of funds on . Smith, an opportunity of their views was Pillar, hand provineigl secretary, tion in making just the tariff | Remnant Sale! { A Great, 1 ON MONDAY | (DRESS OOODS REMNANTS ONLY) Since the 1st of September we have had a unusually large sale of Dress Materials and Rem. nants have accumulated in spite' of our beg of forts, so in order to clear the department of all small ends and short lengths we have decided to sell the entire lot on Mondayat EXACTLY HAL} « This means a very serious loss, but we ar anxious to make a clean sweep in a few hours, REMNANT 3 8 DRESS GOODS From one yard up to five or six yards, Many about skirt lengths or waist lengths, others suitable for children's wear, All kinds and colors of Fall Dress Materials in this lot at Exactly Half Price, Sale commences at 9:30 and continues as long as any Remnants last, ee ee en, O-NIGHT We will offer the following SPECIAL BAR- GAINS : 427 Yards Taffeta Ribbons Full 5 inches wide, regular 20¢. quality. Yours while lot lasts 12Y4c¢. yard Colors are White, Pink, Black, Light Blue, Cream, Cardinal, Garnet. Sale any time after 7 o'clocy. . 235 Pairs Ladies' Fancy Knit- ted Gloves Just the thing for early fall wear, 25c. and 3oc, qualities. Yours To-night 15c¢. pair. 260 Pairs Women's Black Cash- mere Stockings Proper weight for fall wear, seamless feet and good quality, never sold less than 25¢. regularly. ' Yours To-night 18c. pair. (2 Pairs for 35c¢). regular Sale at Z o'clock. Intermedia tes- -Full-back, Hagarty ; Gibson, Powell; quart scrimmage, Macrae, Eqk inside wings, Pare, Juniors--Full back, Watson; halves, Coursol; quarter, Smith; inside wings, wings, Stew outside wings, Hammond, Nurses Who Graduate. Liberals Counter-Petition. The charges in connection with the counter-petition against Mr. were sent to Toronto to-day served on Mon some sonsations must be served on Mon They contain Slee Like a op ith the remedy at © banish wakeful- nervous starts, bad dreams--. Pills In boxes 25 ceats, T A table full of Boys' Good, Solid School Boots, sizes la JOHN LALA) BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY A table of Women's Box Calf Lace Boots, good, solid soles, 23 to 7, cheap enough at $1.75. Satur UB warnnriiusssrnieresmannanasss inns SBT A table of Girls' Fine Fall Chocolate Lace Boots, sprit heel, sizes 11 to 2, going at. vesreress ivr Slay 4 and 5, worth $1.50, for HE LOCKETT SHOE STORE By Franklin H. Wentworth. if you get off t train at Moylan an unpretentious little station thir teen miles southwest of Philadelphia turn down the road to the left anc come 0 a point at which the roac forks, you will see an artistic littl finger-board pointing down the hill heartog BE SasRip Ls: "One-half mil to Ross Valley." 'this hill is thiokly wooded at shis point, but when you have gone on a few paces and rounde a little knoll, Rose Valley lies befor you. Although there are no massivi mountain peaks thrusting their whit points into the blue to accentuate th attractions of the valley, there ye comes to one in looking at this Penn sylvania landscape a feeling singularly akin to that engendered by the firs view of some of the most attractivy of the Swiss valleys. Charles Battell Loomis tha the most interesting thing to be seer in Europe is the American tourist and travellers returning from the Ori ent say the emnly blot upon a Japan ese landscape is the house built by ar says occidental, Perhaps the charm [ Swiss valley holds for one spring from the fact that the contribution made by man there do not afiron him. Such is ' undoubtedly the charm of this little Pennsylvania valley, a ground, with traditions of Washingto and other revolutionary heroes; _an the bottom of which winds Ride; creek, AM about here is histori yet, though 'so close to the great city of Phildelphia, the world curipusl; bas moved past it. y or fifty wears ago Ridle Creek, with its modest little' thirty five horse-powoer, was turning th wheels of a number of small mill; The principal industry was snufi-mak ing. Around these mills at attractiv points of vantage clustered ston houses. Both houses and mills wer given walls like those of a madieve castle. It was before the present er of cheap and shoddy structures. Polite society abandoned enuff-mal taking and the snuff makers abandor el Ross Valley, leaving their ston houses and their stone mills empty « machinery and all human ove upanc) For twenty years Rose Valley was well nigh deserted village and the wa of Ridley Creek rippled away 1 sea without turming a wheel, i sibilities in dynamic being too lin to attract the great factories Here the wil grew unpluckd in riotous pr v, and the valley justified if Dame; the name given to it in a mi went of admiration by the first Epi Spal bishop of Philadelphia, Bishe White. modern industrialism. Torey One day in the early spring of tl Year 1901 tag' men of Philadelphia ¢ a Sunday merning tramo came to tl brow of. tha hill and locke} Sova int the valley, They were Will Price ar RL men, of son ntany ah conside: asiderable idealism. Bos had bg palatial regidences of the own {taste and choosing in differs desirable parts of the city: both we artists jn temperament, and both wo expressing - their, lives in the profe sion of architecture. "Hawley," said Price, "how wou You like to take an exauisite vale Ji this amd beautify it and live in | Betting entirely away from the tyra ny of mere things and choosing yo own asivhbors ¥'° | "T'd like it," answered MoLanaha "I'd Vike to spend an hour at yo house oecamonally without paying ts hours on cars or in cabs the peng and Ud like to get aw, from the house that's being inflict on the Inndeeane in view of my sere od piazza, Every time I look in th