Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Oct 1905, p. 3

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ee Ask yourself if Stomach, diver and Bowels are in their est condition for the long vinter. If not, you know vhat will put them right nd keep them right. A norning glass of Abbeys : Tonic Hypophosphites ith the cold weather fast approach. , obe needs to be prepared to with- nd the chilling temperature, A per- with plenty. of good rich blood s not feel the cold like the ope h thin, watery blood. repare yourself now. There is noth. better to make new blood than MPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOS. PHITES. 'e sell it in large pint bottles at 795 Cents. «cure a bottle at once and be com- lable when the cold weather comes, he Best Drug Store L. T. BEST, Chemist and Optician : Princess Street. 'Phone 59. IME FOR WARMER LOTHING | ol Toques, in White, Black, Navy, Cardinal and Fancy Colors, 25, 35e, each. ol Gloves for chilly fingers, in self- colors or fancy designs, 15c. per pair and up. avy Wool * Ribbed Hose, for Girls and Boys, all sizes, beginning at 15¢. a pair and up. r assortment of Underwear for Girls, in Fine Elastic Ribbed, Un ion and All-Wool, all sizes, and at very low prices. ece~ Lined Union and Scotch Lambs Wool for Boys, the correct makes, in all sizes, 20c. up. ite' Bear Skin Coats for "Wee La dies," very warm and cosy, and at the same time durable. See our prices before buying and you'll be surprised at their littleness. ® large number of pairs of "King Edward" Blankets that bave left the store lately proves conclusively that our values are the best in the city. Come and see. + New Coats are Smart New York Patterns, to be seen here only. ' pwman & Shaw SWIFT'S SGRAH N GOAL MORE SOLD EVERY YEAR. IS IT'S OWN SALESMAN -------- JAMES SWIFT & CD. Su EE ---------- r. and Mrs. OO. Bormingham are at inia_Hot 8 for the benefit THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18.. Ip FATS FY SYSTEM Thanksgiving Day Thursday, Oct. 36th, 1905. 4 trip tickets will be sold to all Round 130 HT at SINGLE FIRST. Son Wednesdny and * 95th, and 26th, 1905. 4 destination on or 1905. ts in BUASS® PARE hurl, 3 { from a returning 1 de yo, Mguday,. Oct. oth, WESTER Victoria, Seattle, 'Pacoma, d, Ore, second class from King Portian 'wer rates to several owe ston, 1 ckets ion sale from Sept. 15 % Oct. 81st. 1908.2" JUNTERS' RATES, SINGLE FARE Marie inclusive, North Bay. Good going Oct. 10th, to Nov. Th Midland, Lake of 'o Muskoka Lakes, and, a Penetang. Magnetewan River. kefield. All Stations Argyle to Cobo- Lake Dindsay to Sep burton, Severn, Jortl Poin on a . ). North Da ay and Mackinaw _ Di- eo 00d Going Oct. 26th to Nov. The tickets valid" returning until De- | 9th comer her particulars, tickets apd a 1 information - 'apply to . Pi SANLEY, City' Pagsenger Agent. EXCURSIONS, $46.30 Tr It Makes Your Mouth Water 3 Appetizer, Bracer and Digestive a That's Armour Dna of Beet IPs Highly Concentrated One-gnarter teaspoonful is sufficient for a cup of bouillon, a plate of soup, or a dish of vegetables, etc. Sold by all druggists and grocers. ARMOUR 'LIMITED, Toronts Savoy Condensed Soups 12 Varieties: : Delicious, wholesome and appetizing. 'Ome tin will make 6 portions. Sold by all grocers, [A CLE] RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. SINGLE FARE --FOR-- THANKSGIVING DAY Good going October 25th and 26th. Returning until October 30th. $46.30 "Tiokets on sale until . Det. 31st, 1905 Vancouver Victoria | Seattle | SROOND GLASS FROM Portland KINGSTON. Very Low' Hates to 'many other West- ern Points. 4 Full particulars at 'K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street, F, CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Pass. Agent Gén. Supt Bay of Quinte Railway New short line fer Tweed, NaDanes Descrento, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 8:95 p.m. ¥ ¥, Avent 'B. Q. Ry.. Kiagsten Lake Ontario and Bay. of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "ALETHA" . Leaves Kingstdn daily except Sunday st 8 p.m. for Picton ahd intermediate Bay of Quinte Ports« Full informgation from 'J. Pi. Hanley, J; P: Gldersioeye, Jas," Swift & Co. Agents: 3 a - EB. HORSRY. Trafic Managers ALLAN LIN YN DONDERR) ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. From Montreal. , Oct From Quebec. 5 a.m. 20, & pan. m, 27, 12 p.m, Tumisian, Fri Parisian, Fri., Bavarian, Fri a.m. 3, Virginian, Fri., , 8 ann. 10, Jn MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. Sicilian Thurs., Oct, 26, (daylight) MONTREAL TO LONDON Sarmatian, Oct. 28. Pomeranian, Nov. 11 J. P. HANLEY, Agent. G.T.R. City Passenger Depot. J. FP. GILDER- SLEEVE, Clarence Street. ARCHITECTS. FM, NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF: ce, second floer over Mahood's drug ore, corner Princess and Bagot fatreets t Enterance om Bi it street Telephone 608. ae --p - ARTHUR ELLiS ARCHITECT, OF. 8c site of New Drill Hall, near cor: fer of Queen and Montreal Streats, Song esptseset------------------------------ POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER chant's Bank Building. corner Brock sad Wellington streets. Phone 313. eee IENRY Bs SMITH, ARCHITECT. 4 ol Mar Square hone. iy in, ht MONEY AND BUSINESS. LONDON AND GLOBE rance Company, Available addition to tockholders. Farm and city Desperty insured at lowest possible ii bia ore tenoWing fd or _wiving mel ra ange & Strange, Agents, tet yom Str WR POLICIES COVER. MOBE ON abe gece tags Sey bi nine ance Emperium, Marks Er -------------- Brrrccccccssrsnannsal "THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are low, is the time to fill your coal bin with best quality SCRANTON COAL from . PiWalsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. %000020000000000060008 "mo GOAL Honest (ort 1s the Kind we mell--The you should aii» : Po lsay . you waat re. We are fling orders mow for T'.supplies, Have you .otdered Yours yet? "Phone No, 183, BOOTH & CO. i Gloves are famed for their cut and fit as well as for their uni- form excellence of material, Whether for yourself or for a gift, you know you have the best if you buy : : "Perrin" Kid Gloves. Sold by leading dealers everywhere, anid Te IF @ you HAVE SUPERFLUOUS HAI i 't cut, pallor burn naiss. i Ton't pseany kindofa depilatory or a pumice be disastrous. > Don't try the X-Rays treatment, it is equally as bad. Don't alow ine=per! enced Operators totreat you with Electrolysis, Scars and a return of the hairs result. PATRONIZE CANADA'S LEADING DERMA- TOLOGISTS AT THE GRAHAM INSTITUTE They guargntec satisfactory results with their method of Elgetrolysisin every case of Superfivous Hair, Moies, Warts, ete. If aficl dome during the summer for treat- ment, They eure skin and scalp affections of all kinds, including pimples, blackheads and 'blotches: treiit eorns and all foot troubles, ete. Send stamps for booklet "K." + srnmnt GRAHAM DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE §02 Church St., Toronto Estab. 1092 WESTERN COUNTRY ns SKETCH OF THE LAND BY A KINGSTONIAN, The Writer Speaks of Omaha and Its Beauty--Was Glad When Our Canadian Autumn. Denver having been left at 4:35 op the 19th September, we wended our way back to Omaha through Colorado and Nebraska, where we found another large hustling and progressive city, where over a fortnight was spent. While not so uniformly complete and grand as the former city, it has some beautiful sections which even excel those presented by Denver. It covers a wide area and is rapidly growing, having extensive manufactur- ing industries, especially those requir- ed in the handling of minerals, smelt- ing; meat packing, increasing railway growth, and in many other ways too numerous to mention. Every one here appears to be unusually busy, having plenty of money, and every one rides wondered at, as matter also, it is a place of magnificent else can. One needs to be a million- owing to the long distances which people have to travel, who are en- Watch This Space For Saturday Bargains RR. Friday's Issue! JAMES JOHNSTON 180 WELLINGTON ST. gaged at places far from their homes. Many of the smaller houses: and !shops in various sections of the city have got into a rather ramshackle condition for the want of being re- | gularly titivated up and repaired, land having the necessary pamt ap- plied to them. Most of these are frame residéntial and shop properties, the down-town commercial properties and places of business are very fine, costly and heavy. At the same time Omaha has very mmny beautiful resi- dential sections, much of which is ofa very picturesque and varying charac- ter, where the ground is undulating, abounding in valleys, hills, many large and wooded parts, and boule vards and, beautiful flowing streams, It is a much cheaper place to live in than is Denver, house rent alone be- ing somewhat excessive, but evén this is lower than that of the latjer place. On the whole this is alsd a grand city. Like all such large and rapidly growing places, it, toe, has its un- favorable features, it being over-run by saloons and taverns, for which R1,000 licerse hes to Le paid. It, too, has grand public buildings and its water supply, for all purposes re- quired in the city, is superb and com- plete. This is owned, like all the other public utilities of most of the western cities, by a private company. which has complete and powerful ma- chinery, out at the: neat and pretty village of Florence. It brings the water from the Missouri river, which is craptied into a series of five basins, running from the upper one, into which it is first brought, and aliowed to run by a system of sliices to each succeeding basin, - until it has run throngh the whole scrics, in orler to rarify 'and cleanse it, and thence through the machinery at the pump house, until it is fit to be forced into the city for the various uses for which it is required, no less than four engines being required for all these purposes. The tubes through which the water runs are immensely large, everything being kept scrupulously clean and in first-class working order. he premises, which are neat and complete, 'aro kept in kke good order and reliability. The whole con- cern is simply immense. The grand. delicate and massive machinery was made by; Messrs, Chalmers & Co, Chicago. and Milwaukee, Ilinois, and are capable of keeping . the city con- stantly supplied, if need be, with 20,- 000,000 gallons of water. A most competent stafi of engineers are re- gularly employed to conduct this busi- ness, and everything, as massive as it is, runs as regularly clockwork. This village is seven miles from the city, to which a friend of mine and myself walked. There are hundreds of other things in the city of which much might be written, but time and space forbid it, and, therefore, the story must bho curtailed. wer, that as many large buildings and stores as there are in the city, there is one now in course of enlarge- ment, called the Boston stere, which is to be extended to premises nearby, hali a' block in extent, which has hoen excavated twenty feet deep to receive additional walls, whieh, 'as well as those already built, are to be erected sufficiently high for eight storeys in all sections of it, so as to be large enough to enable the pro- prietors to perform their extensive business, much of which is to be done under the ordinary level of the ground as well as above it. The up- the other portions of five or six storeys and basements utilized for de- partment store business. We left our friends at this great city of Omaha on the evening of October 7th, and proceeded to Chicago, an- other immense and most important city, where we spent hours going westward and ten hours only on our returs, on which many hours might be spent in giving an account, so vast and important is ev- erything to be met with there, espe cially its public official buildings, state and municipal, and its beautiful parks; but this must not, and will not be attempted. All its streets are squarely laid out, and lie parallel to each oth- or; by which means the best results are attained. Toronto was reached at 7.30 on Monday morning, and was left at fifteen minutes to two in the after- noon. This beautiful aty of our own, deserves lengthened and favorable com- ment, such g lovely place is it, but for the same reason, it must be passed by in silence. While we made our way to sedate and orderly old Kingston, which we reached at 7.30 on Monday night, all the trains from Denver to Kingston, 1,730 miles of a stretch, having heen strictly on time at all the piaces called at, which is A wonderful if not utparalieled record; and the vast sountry through which they pass- wi hwing none other than the garden of the workl so productive 'and proli on the street cars which is not to be like Denver, in this | distances, which sueks the~biood out | Uestination in of the patrons of the cars as nothing | Managers in the older sections of the city, but and easily as' It might be said, how- | | castle, IW per storeys will be used as offices and | i about twelds Sténess, Perth for, awd decides te plant in it, excell: «cd by none excepting perhaps our own great North-West, Our variegated and beautifully tinted 'foliage was missed until we came to Pickering, this side of Toronto, when the scarlets, crome yellows and other beautiful colors for which the foliage of our lovely eastern Canada is noted, conspicuously loom- ed up, and increased in volume as we proceeded further east, and forcibly He Saw the Glowing. Tints of reminded us of home. Stoney ground, until we touched Guelph, was also conspicuous by its absence throughout the whole joumey, no stones whatev- er having been seen, except in the Rocky Mountain region. This reminded us of what may be witnessed out on the K. & P. railroad, not far from our own Limestone City. While 1 can speak only in the high est terms of all that the railroad pro ple did to make every one comforta- ble and safe, and took their live car- goes speedily to their destination, | would suggest that trunk manufactur ers make their wares more. durable, re- iable, substantial, and satisfactory, instead of in the flimsy manner that they do, in order that they may bear the rough usage, wear and tear, which the treinmen and 'baggage simashers, in the hurry which they are compelled of necessity to adopt in order to get the goods they have to handle to their time, and to train to see that due precaution be exercised to presesve those goods aire, almost, in order to keep up with from unduly rough handling 'so that this demand, which cannot be avoided ; they be better preserved from wilful and shameful molestation and wreck- age, which is shameful and unneces/ sary. (To be continued), And Hear a Talk By Dr. Walkem. the Kingston Historical Society wes held in St. George's hall, on Tues lay evening, the second vige-president, Miss Gildersleeve, in 'the chair. A new=member, William Allen, the Brock street historia, was introduced, and took his seal. The first item of business was the passing of a resolution of deep regret at the loss the society has sustained in the death of the late president, Col. Twitchell. Dr. Walkem, in moving the resolution, touched on Col. I'vwit heil's great abilities, and his vast fund of information, which was always at the service of others. The charm of his personality was great, and the mover of the resolution also spoke of the cheery and pleasant greeting with which the late president always met his friends in spite. of the sorrows and difficulties with which his life had been filled. Prof. Ferguson, in weconding the re solution, paid an eloguent tribute to Col. Twitchell, both as a man end an official. An informal discussion took place over ways and means for increasing interest in the society, and all the members promised to do their beet to further its interests. Dr. Walkem said he considered it a disgrace that city soi full of 'historical interest as is - Kingston. shonld have. so little heed paid to its Historical Seecicty. The committee drafted to prepare work for the winter, compored o Irof. Ferguson, Dr. Walkem and James MacArthur, has been greatly strengthened by the addition of the Dean of Ontario. After business was finished, Dr. Walkem gave a most interesting talk on Australia, illustrating it with a capital map 'of the country. He touched on matters of deep interest, not usually noted in books or papers, treating them in th ic way only possible to an e) . and his audience listened atten tion which is always given the travel Jer returned from foreign lands. The doctor was warmly thanked by Prof Ferguson, who moved thé vote of thanks at the close of the address. Tidings From Stella. Stella, Oct. 17.~Two deaths took place here lately. Allen, only child of Mr. and Mrs. DD. Caughey, 'Jr., after a lingering illness, passed away on Sunday, the Sth, The funeral was conducted by Rev. J. Cumbérland. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Sanders passed away after a short illness, on the 3rd. The funeral was conducted by Rev. J. Craig." Appen dicitis seems to be on the inercase. Three cages have gone to the hos pitals in Kingston in the last six weeks, are recovering. Threshing is nearly completed. J. McFern has started to dress clover. A. Rankin is putting on a small boat 16 carry grist from here to Collins 'Bay, which will be a great conveniehee to the islanders. A quiet wedding took place on Tuesday at the residence. of Miss Rachel Howard, Emerald, when Miss Martin, Camphelliord, and R. Bonny- were united in marriage by Rev. R. 8. Wilkinson. JJ. 8. Nelson and Mrs. R. Caughey took in the ex- cursion to New York. Mr. and Mrs. i. H. Moutray, paid Rev. J. E Lindsay a visit last week. G. Patter- son arrived home on Thursday from the upper lakes Has A Library. Wilmur, Oct. 11.--Those who at- tended the fair at Odessa report a ood_ time. Mrs, Avkroyd and Mrs, road, spent a few days last week visiting frifnds at Westport, Wilson Silver lost a valu able cow last week, We are pleased to learn that a public school library has been placed in our school. T. Wood has purchased a new organ. Visitors : Mr. and Sears, Kingston, at 8. Sears'; Stoness and sister, Bat- tersea, at . Aykroyd's. 1. Orser, who has rented Mr. Vankoughnet's farm moved his family last week, Chancey Simpkins, Merrickville, paid us a short visit, Churchmen of overy communion can attend with profit and interest the ent federation conference in = New ork, to open November 15th. Twenty religious bodies will be represented hy five hundred delegates. There will he fourteen sessions, besides auxiliary meetings and receptions. The ablest men of the churches, including the Anglican, will speak. Bhoukd a per- manent organization be formed] it will be the greatest aggregation of Pro testant Christians in the world. Hendy Cunningham, pian, tuner from Chickerings. Orders received at fic is it in whatever map prepares jt 'McAuley's book store, Princess street. The first meeting for the season of] Wear Her Qut The drudgery of 'house work seems never ending to tired-out, dispirited women who suffer from female complaints or irregularities. In- mation and ulceration of the womb and ovaries cause fearful june down pains which are aggravated by much standing on the feet, and lifting necessary in house work. i But let no woman despair of relief from this torture. That famous tonic reconstructor of diseased or disordered female organism, § i E Pi i i 9 We { i has cured more than five hundred thousand American Women, and it will cure you. backaches and headaches drive out all ambition, Vegetable: Compound will bring back painful or irregular, -when Lydia E. Pinkham's health, strength, and happiness. When monthly periods are It Made Me a Well Woman rs. Pinkham :--Lydia BE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done (ear x me than Ts medicines. 1 suffered for four months with suppression of monthly periods, Headaches were a daily Sosuriened: Pain in my back and limbs made it hard for me to attend to my domestic du The medicines Lhd taken did not help me, and I was in misery and despair until one day I read an account of your Vegetable Compound, and decided to try it, and 1 thank God that I did so, for it not only regulated my monthly periods, but made me a well woman, ; i MapaME CAROLINE MARTINEAU, 22 La Chapelle St, Quebec, Que. Do not let disease make headway. Write at once to Mrs, Pink- ham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice Is free and will contain information of great value to you. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetabic C PQFT SEEKS DIVORCE TO WED. Attentions to a Cause Scandal. Oct. 15) Rome, brilliant Some months ago it wished to marry Signora Carlotti, the daughter of the widowed nunister I'he « mopey tndini, that the Carlotti's dead husband law of her irresponsi children's fortune declaration by bility, and had her put under an administrator dated that Signor gone to Swiss nationality, as which he cannot do divorce his wife, at an Italian. Roman sosiety is it will end, The church has won again in a hit- g ter campaign. The Plainfield, N.J,, Country Club proposed to introduce Sunday golf, for the enjoyment of ¥ix == i. oe RI Ey oie hundred members, Protestant on a two-thirds A new scandal here is causing much comment, One of the principals is Italy's famous and most poet, Gabriele iple spent uch great sums of relatives of Signora Switzerland, much excited over the romance, and anxious to see how chiefly Ne bankers and professional men. Thirty clergymen protested to the club and impressed upon the people the evil effect of an open Sunday. The fe- sult of the agitation was defeat of fhe propesal by a shortage of twenty-five vote. has a godless majority clearly. The monument to Gladstone in Lon- don 'will be unveiled October 21st opount Crs Where 04s Fal Rich Widow d'Annunzio, | was said that he ! great ex- demanded a It is now d'Ammunzio has and adopted he desires to York DANCER ENTERS CONVENT, Mystery Regarding Disappearance of Woman. Berlin, et, 18.--In theatrical and artistic, ci in. Warsaw, and gener ally throughout Poland, a sensation was recently caused by the mysterious But the club most austere order of Same big package you have always bought Same High Quality When you buy "The Perfect Pood" you will do just what thou- sands of the best judges of good foods do--buy it again. Try it to-day. I ---- It is delicious, just the best you ever tasted TI WI --_ disappearance of Mlle. Marie Siera Ro- coska, principal danseuse at Opera, Warsaw, who was regarded as one of the most beautiful women in Faurope. It now transpires that she has fled to Galicia, in Austria, where she has taken the veil in a convent of the tive lor this step is tinknown. the Royal nuns, Her mo-

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