Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Oct 1905, p. 3

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| | i ©0000 00098 000000000 | . Ie Cold, Coughs, 20d all irhatons of air passages almost instantly. that it is the greatest medic uals and Golds inthe world, oe Core wd McKay, Raid a friend icld me ta ty 4 and 0 fir 1 AE Alas Ma SHILOH 2hamois (est Bargains We have a large and well as. rted stock of perfect fitting amois Vests, which we are sell- g at a price which is 'less than yu can buy the skins and make em. They are frost-proof and event taking cold. If you are inking of making or buying a est or Protector we would be eased to show you our stork xd are sure you will be satisfied, 'he Best Drug Store L. T. BEST, Chemist and Optician itehell s Old Stand 'Phone 59. TIME FOR WARMER - | CLOTHING | Wool Toques, in White, Black, Navy, ( «dinal and Faney Colors, 2c, Joe. each. Wool Gloves for chilly fingers, in self- colois or fancy designs, 1 per pair and up. Heavy Wool Ribbed Hose, for Girls and Boys. all sizes, beginning at 15¢. a pair and up. Big assortment of Underwear Jor Girls, in Fine Elastic Ribbed Lu ion and All-Wool, all siz and at viry low prices. Fléeco™ Lined Union and Scotch Lambs 7 Wool for Boys, the correct makes, in all sizes, 20c. up. White Bear Skin Coats for "We La- dies," very warm and cos and at the same time durable. See our prices before buying and vou'll be surprised at their littlenes The large number of pairs of "* Edward" Blankets that ha i the store lately proves conclusively that our values are the best in the city. Come and see. Our New Coats are Smart New York Patterns, to be seen her Newman & Shaw : | : ; SWIFT'S SCRANTON GOAL MORE SOLD EVERY YEAR. IS IT'S OWN SALESMAN em PPPOE HTRPHGGRLIPe JAMES SWIFT & CO. ~ *00® : : 50c. corsets, several styles, filled, New York Dress Refor. Wade's glove cleager, 10c. RAILWAY} TIYIRELL (Rei) Thanksgiving, se ¥ kets 11 be sold to all Round trip UKE, VONGLE FIRST- anada at § in FARE. On Wednesday and C "Oct. 25th, and 26th, 1905. Turse' ning from destination on or Jol . 'Monday, Oct 30th, Y pefore yiSTERN EXCURSIONS, $46 30 toria, Seattle, Tacoma, vancouver, V1 Cond class from King- portlant, cor rates to several = other ston. LOVE io on sale from Sept. 15th polnlet. sist, 1905. JUNTERS' RATES, SINGLE FARR magami on T. &N.O. To ping 1 Tor to Port Arthur > _ Marie inclusive, via Good going Oct. 10th, to Lakes, Midland, Lake of Penetang, Mdgnmetewan River, s, Le tutions Argyle to Cobo- , "to ~ Halibueton, Severn, Points on . N. Co. and Mackinaw _ Di- Oct. 26th to Nov. valid returning until De- . Lindsay Bay. Jay (Georgian, Going vision). Good Th tickets comer S18. particulars, tickets and all ar Passenger Agent. HAMLEY. © KINCSTONS LY RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. SINGLE FARE --FOR-- THANKSGIVING DAY Good going October 25th and 26th. Returning until October 30th. $46.30 Yanoouver Tickets on sie until Victoria Oct. 31st, 1905 Seattle | SECOND CLASS FROM Portland KINGSTON. Very Low Rates to many other West- Points. hall particulars at K. & P. and O. P. | Ticket Office, Ontario Street. ¥ CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. ' Gen. Pass. Agent Gen. Supt. > . » Bay of Quinte Railway New short fine fer Twesd, Napanee Dwserento, and all local points. Trains lave City Hall Depot at 3:25 vm. F OONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kizgsteu. ALLAN LINE "Boxer: ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. From Montreal. From Quebec Tumisian, Fri., Oct. 20. 5 a.m, 20, & pu, Parisian, Fri,, Oct «27,12 p.m, Bavarian, Fri 8, 8 pn. Virginian, Eri... 1.30, 11pan MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. Sicilian Thurs., Oct. 28, (daylight). MONTREAL TO LONDON. Sarmatian, Oct. 28. Pomeranian, Nov. 11 J. P. HANLEY, Agent. G.T.R. City Py r Depot. J. P, GILDER. SLEE Clarence Street, Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "ALETHA" Leaves Kingston dally except Sunday st 8 pm, for Picton and intermediate Eay of Quinte Ports. Full information from J. P. Hanley, J; Py Gildersleeve, Jpsy Swift & Co. Agents, E. B. HORSRY, Trafic Managers FM, NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- , second floor over Mahood's drug store, corner Princesa and Bagot Enterance om Bagot street. me 608. -- ARTHUR ELLiS ARCHITECT, OF: fic site of New Drill Hall, near cor Ber of Queen and Montreal Streats, ---------------------------------------------- POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER chant's Bank Building. corner Brock and Wellington streets. (Phone 213. etter -------- 4 1EFRY vp. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ere Anchor Building, Market 'Thane, 845, MONEY AND BUSINESS. dVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE a Company, Available " Sl the stockholders. and city insured at lowest possible aR JRA Si & Strange, Agents, on WR POLICIES OO: ER MORE Building and centents than any o Godgrbany offers. Examine them at P=) Ben ce Emperfum, Mark | Prana ¢ -- » THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are OW, is the time to fll your coal bin with best quality SCRANTON COAL from : - ! 2. Walsh's Yard 4 That 1s the kind 'we sell--/The ai *hould bura if you want Uslaction fire, tna, ling orders mow for Yours yur 7 3: Have you ordered BOG Thos Noy 108, OTH & CO. ST -------- Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. Gn TT G FOR THE BOYS. W. Mother, put the kettle on, the boys are on the way, : ; Comin' home from all about to spend Thanksgivin' day. a and' one_a doc., and one a m ©, But hungry 0 the old home kiss, and plain old homely fare, Baste the turkey once again, and crisp his golden brown, * Bet they can't get grub like that a-livin' down to town. Cramb'ry sass and, veg'tables -- ain't they fine to see ? Our boys 300 bringing appetites home to you me. Our boys are bringin' other things, but dearest in our sight 1s love for us who keep the home, and faith - and appetite | Mother, Dut the kettle on, and have the water hot : CHASE & SANBORN'S coffee is the stuff that hits the ts spot, » Gracious, ass it splendid when you open Beats the scents of Araby! Lemme sniff ag'in. Boys will smell it from the hill, and how Shay 0; kiss from Ma, and ~. thes a brimming cup. And now as fo Diamonds ! It is not without reason that Canada's largest Jewelry house should be known as Diamond Hall. All over the Conti- nent thisstoreis famous as giving unequalled diamond values. A permanent buying staff at Amsterdam ensures advantageous purchas- ing, and our customers receive the price benefit A Diamond Hall guar- antee meansan absolutely perfect stone, RYRIE BROS. eee LIMITE Dee 134-138 YONGE ST. TORONTO ~ ONT. ~ Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up 3 Ovrosite Grand Ferrel Station BAGGAGE: FREE Watch This Space For Saturday Bargains JAMES JOHNSTON 180 WELLINGTON ST. WESTERN COUNTRY SCETCH OF THE LAND BY A KINGSTONIAN, ! Believer in the Henry George | Plan of - Taxation--Met Old Friends -- Doctors Are in Abundance. There is one feature which strongly forced itself on my mind, and made me a stronger advocate then ever of the Henry George system of taxation, and that was the term frequently and appropriately applied to that young and vigorous section of the world, namely, the "woolly west," especially Leaver, for with all its varied beauty, it has its depreciating features to be noticed, chiefly in its extensive vacant blocks of real estate, which are equal to about one half of the city, and ap- parently the most valuable, because of their unique situation, and appropri: ate sizes to build upon, their value be. ing enhanced by the magnificent im- proved property lying alongside of them on all sides. These beautiful lots ar¢ allowed to run at random, being covered by tall, rank grasses and weeds, which have grown into tangled, hick and ghastly looking masses. The withotities, 'apparently, take no heed to their hideous appearance and made to better correspond with their beau- iful swroundings. Were the owners made to attend to this, or were as wssed for the property: according to its value, instead of allowing it to be wld for higher prices, which the sur- rounding improved property enables the owners to do, it would soon be sold and built upon, and thereby im- Yoved and made more desirable rev- nue-producers, und this roughness would be forced out of existence. The ances, too, which run up in the middle of the blocks in rear of the houses, presented an untidy appearance, which hould be overcome, and the beauty fd the city would thereby be very much improved. Many Kingstoniane were met in the carious places stopped at, John John: ton, brother of Mrs. William King, \lired street, was found at his states nansion on Grant street, Denver, near the capitol of the state, hale, hearty, nd apparently 'thrifty; and pleased to weet one of his old townsmen. W. A facpherson, a busy and thriving man it his commercial college in the busi: ess part of the city, and his wife was met at their residence, 1275 Gaylord trect. They and their little son, Wal ace, Jr., were found in the enjoyment Jf excellent health and spirits, Mrs. flacpherson appearing to be more hale, trong and vigorous than over hefore mown to be; and Drs. A. N. White and Allen G. Hurdman, at their sur- reries and offices, 215 Century build: ng, and the California building, Sev. ntesnth street, respectively, who were (uite well, cheerful and thriving satis- factorily in their far distant home; and on Josephine street thé Misses Spangenberg, of this city, were met, who were well, cheerful and happy. lhey are visiting their brother, leorge, whois an ald, Kingstonian, mt now a citizen of Denver, He has of the finest equine equippages in the city Noh. Ceorge MH. Aagli wife wd son, were found well, prospering wd happy at their home, 2375 Mon. 'eyson street. Others were also met, wd all wished to be remembered to heir old friends and associates here ¥. R. Anglin and Dr. Sparling, ephew of Rev. Mr. Sparling, of Queen treet Methodist church, were also met in Omaha. They, like all other 'anadians, are also well and prosper ing. Mrs. Houston, wife of the i ..ev. Mr. Houston, of Cooke's church wre, and family, were also met. They vere also well, /= No matter how many improved fa- vlitirs all the leading railways have introduced for the comfort and benefit if the travelling public, the old Grand frunk was found to he second to none f them, in these or any other mat- - t rs. There is one class of people who hould not be forgotten, gs they de gerve special mention, for the careful and safc manner in which they trans fer pi sngers, in Chicago, from one rain and station to the other station wind train, in that city, and to the ho t.)s. for they are well worthy of the wst complimefits which the people they handle can give them. This is the Parmelee Transfer company. As tedious and lengthy as I have al. eady unavoidably become, permit me to say. before closing, that the auto. mobile in the four western cities men- ioned has become the leading, most geniral, fashionable and fascinating fad among all classes of the people, be ause of its comfort and the ease and speed with which it rung, as well as the jealousy cteated by them, that nany people, T was positively inform- nd by residents, have sold or mort- aged their homes in order to become yossosced of one, and to be on a par with others who have them, and have since had to resort to the renting of houses instead, in which to reside, ir fact have become "dead broke'; an: so numerous have these costly and fancy vehicles become, that they wre as thick as bees in midsummer. Peden. tiians have to cxercise the utmost care and watchfulness to avoid colli «ion with, and injury by them, and the «till more numerous street cars, end less ca:tinges of all sorts. besides equestrians, and bicycles, by the mal. tipliplicity of all which one is very apt to be run down at all times, sc nurerous and fleet are their move ments, no matter how guarded one may be. Another prominent feature of Denver $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this vaper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution- al disease, requires a" constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken interhally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as- sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimoni- als ites F. 'J. CHENEY & QO, Poledo. ©. 3 Sold by all Drugeists, 75e, Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation, THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19. & e 2 ty is tho vast milmbderof Botlora and dob tors' offices to be found there, there being blodk after block of them, las bel'ed Dr. This and Dr. That, that it is really amazifg, und coudy one to wonder, no matter how many, invalids resort there for the benefit of their health, how in the world such a mul- tiplicity of these medio] men exist in the midst of so much competition and in such a dear place to live as Denver was found to be. Moreover, Denver is looked upon as a healthy city. It is because of this that to many sick patients resort to dla and hence the reat number of 'medicklimen there, 'or all that, not more than the or dinary number of peopls' met' with on the streets and in' the parks, appeared, on the average, to be more ill or fre. blo than those 16 he scen in other large places. £4 Omaha, while somewhat more wide- spread and appears to he growing even more rapidly than Denver, is not quite up to it in population, having, it was said, about 35,000 people less, With the exception of rents and street car riding, it appearsd ax if one could live as cheaply' in Dubha as in Kings. ton, while wages are higher and mon- ey more plentiful. While in Omaha 1 noticed that they were building new sidewalks, somewhat similar to ours, with this difference, that the bed is not more than six or seven inches in thickness, having no stone in it larger than our macadem, built on the even solid ground, and no large foundation' stone, claiming that this solid coment pavement will admit of no soakage undiraeath it, and therefore will not heaye by frost or anything else, as watlér cannot get in, and no large rock in which water can lodge, which seems reasonable; but whether better than ours or not I will not venture an opinion, While speaking of the expense of the street. car luxury out there, it must not be supposed that they do not carn their money in for they gre known to mun to and from South' Omaha, a suburban. munici pality, ten miles away, for the usual five cents each way, we baving avail ed ourselves of this trip on one ooea- sion, besides going into the beautiful adjoining country beyond, for seven and a half miles further on, Hy car- riage, to the village, of Pampillion, where the noon-day meal was par taken of, all which was much appre ciated and enjoyed. This was accom: plished in less than twelve hours, both ways. The country outside of the cities, for nearly the whole distance between Port Huron and Denver, was found in most part to be of the prairie char acter, apparently very rich, and abun- dant, there having been an immense yield of hay, the surface of the unoe cupied land being covered by hay stacks, endless herds of cattle, flocks of sheep, and nearly as many hogs, There was also found an immensa yield of corn and potatoes, most of it as yet unsecured, as well as other products. In the more westerly coun try the hay crop is composed mainly of alfalfa, which grows very abun dantly, and is stiperior to either timothy or clover, and resembles the latter very much. Ontario als) was found to have produced a lorgs vield of fine corn and pumpkins, interspersed, much of which was seen be still in the felds, and the crop of apples seemed to be immense, nnd beauties they were, gach as our own province alone is known to produce. In these it look od as if we could beat the whole erpa- tion. Many of them were being gath- ered by fruit vendors Many of the large and more beauti ful churches were vigited where excel lent and able sermons were heard, but the music of the choirs, while deemed on the whole to be good, was not at all superior to that we. listen to in the Kingston churches, the or ganmists and conductors being the most striking and attractive featurs all cases, to of them, who were certainly very. ca- pable. While a good deal of beer is no doubt consumed in hose. western vities, not more than noticed to dition. two men were he in an intoxicated cons She Could See Him, Boston Herald. An old lady im New Hampshire de- cided to try matrimony for the second time in extreme old age, Her children and grandchildren and great-grand children expostulated with her, but she remained firm and declared she was going to marry the man. "Why, you're too old," said they; "you are losing your faculties. You can't see; if this man was on the other side of the street you couldn't tell him from anyone else." The old lady said she was going to marry him. At last a daughter said : "Now, we'll put the man én top of the barn and you shall stapd in the kitchen door. If you can see him op the barn you shall marty him." The prospective bridegroom sat on the ridgepole of the barn, the old lady came to the door, looked, shaded her eyes, and looked again. "Do you see him ?"' mily. "Oh, yes," was the reply; "I can see the man all right, but I don't see the barn!" called the fa Unique Announcement. Every person who expects to be in the Dog Hill congregation is requested to bring his hoe. with him to church next Sunday. There will be no preach- ing, and after a hymn ix song atten. tion will be given to chopping down weeds that flourish around 'the build- ing. The common run of fentiment fis that this will not be as tiresome a joh as sitting through the preacher's ser the last time these weeds were cut, and it was eighteen years ago. Lumber Yard lem Weary Willie around lately. Seven League Saunders=No; he's disguised himself as a college profes sor an' livin' as one o' dem. He's going to write a magazine article on deir lives an' habits hain't seen ------ The enormous number of pilgrims who have been crowding the city of Lourdes, France, proves how deeply religious are the masses of the peo- ple in spite of the atheism of their chosen government, Dr. Chown's Bueku Juniper Kidney pills are not a cure-all, but they eure kidney gnd bladder trouble, 25¢. box, mon; Uncle Fidley Mederaft recolleets:l THE CITY LADS WON IN A SPIRITED GAME IN THE RAIN, -- George's Boys Defeated the St. Albans Club of Brockville ~The Latest Sporting Notes. Throughout the pouring rain of yesterday afterpoon, a spirited game was played the gridiron at Ath- letic a t. Alban s (Brockville) vs. St. George's, ending with a beautiful | victery of 20 to 1 for the local team, The line-up : St. Alban's--Full, T. Macculloch; halves, Wylie, H. Bolt, Bate; snap, Y. Almon; quarter, Gibbs; wings, Me- Master, B. Macculloch, Duggan, T. Wauhlyn, Lovell, H. Boulden. St. George's--Full, Crawlogd; halves, Martin, Smythe, Shaw (Capt.); quar ta", Robertson; snap, Mitchell; wings, Torrance, Steward, Calman, Hughes, Macdonald, Twigg. St. Notes On Sport. St, Catharines city council presemt- ed the lacrosse champions with gold lockets, Manager Hanlon, of the Baltimore baseball club, will be succeeded by Hugh Jennings, McGill's protest will result in a new and more satisfactory rule being for mulated for goals. French, who played outside wing for Ottawa College three years ago, has turned out with Varsity. The Gravenhurst Curling Associa: tion have decided to build a mew rink, 50 by 160, with three sheetd oi ice. lhe new rink will be one of the best in Northern Ontario. The Toronto board of control de- cided to rescind its recent order and will allow the exhibit of speed next Saturday at the Exhibition Park by Dan Patch, the famons pacer. The O.R.F.U. will meet this evening in Toronto. The principal business is the Brockville protest Limestones' three pointe scored last Saturday after the timekeeper said time was up. Ottawa Uollege team is being' strengthened to meet Queen's on Nat utday, Jolmston will play quarter apd Sloan will go into the serim- mage. There may be another. change in the back division. 3 3 Hayden, full-back, wad the star of the Westmount team against St Pat- rick's at Ottawa on Saturday. Hid saves throughout were timely and ef- fective, In the third quarter he took the ball on a punt over his own goal fine, ran out, and kicked Yor a total gain of over fifty yards, Should the Intercollegiate Union decide in favor of the goal claimed by McGill, it would leave the Saturday watch a tie, nine all, 4 conversion of "4 try in the Intercollegiate Union PPcounting only one point. By the sys- tem of scoring in the union, two points to a win, and one point to a tie, it would give cach of the teams one point, Montreal does not want Wilkinson and Ritchie as officials Yor the 'match against the Rough Riders in Ottawa, next Saturday. Both were unsatisfac tory there last Saturday, but Mont: real was not always the sufferer. Wil kinson has been referee at most of the important matches in Montreal the past three seasons, and has been sat- isfactory generally, but he had an ofi-day last Saturday for Montreal. New Zealanders who are playing rug: by in England were still undefeated when the latest mail left, Not only were they undefeated, but the teams they met could not score against them. In their first game a Devon player dropped a goal from the field, but nobody was able to get across their goal line in thatgame or any subsequent fixture, while the New Zealanders piled up enormous scores, Toronto Globe' The claim of the Brockville rughy team for a disallow: ance of the points scored by the King- ston Limestones last Saturday after the timekeeper had called time, but before the referee had stopped play, has no chance of success. It is an es tablished principle in all such games that play ends when the referee stops it, not on the action of the time keepers, Ottawa Citizen : The College team will run an excursion to Kingston for the Queen's game and it is expected that a'l the supporters of the boys will take the trip, Coach Clancy had the-boys on the campus for a good work out vesterdav afternoon anc paid particular attention to the serim- mage, which he considers needs at- tention, The game on Saturday only served to show the weak spots in the team, and the big coach has his eye on the men. There will he three more practices this week for the garnet and prev bovs who will eo to Kingston, in the best possible shape for a hard contest, Toronto Mail and Empire: The In tercollegiate track meet will be held on the M.A.A.A, grounds, Montreal, on Friday, and the event will be the more interesting this year from the fact that Queen's will enter a team to compete acaingt Toronto and McGill, hetween whom the rivalry has former- ly been divided. The fact of a third competitor being entered makes an estimate of the chences of a winner more difficult than in the past. (ricen's is hardly strong enough on the track as vet to score a win, hut the team from Kingston University mov upset the chances of either Me- Gill or Toronto, Giant Surrey Tree. The biggest tree in the south of England is said to be the King's Oak at Tilford, Surrey, which stands on the village green between two ancient bridges over the river Wey, and is some thirty feet in circumference at a height of six feel from the ground. It i» mentioned in ihe charter of Waverley Abbey, the Cistercian mon- asiery situated near by, but now in ruins, which gave its nave to the works of Sir Walter Scott. The new motor omnibus service between Farn- ham and Haslemere crosses Tilford Common and passes close to this giant tree, which is still in vigorous growth. The best blood-making, nerve-build- ing tonic is Dr. Chown's special iron AAR AAI, The Unv weesOFcuee can only be had in a custom complete and have a choice. frOM coounvanvinnsnssin Le Roney 127 Princess Street. The Store That Sets the Pace. WATCH OUR SPAGE IN FRIDAY'S PAPERS ! PRACTISE THE SIMPLE LIFE. Sisters Devoted to the Poor and Afflicted. Of many developments of the Simple Life theory the most practical has been opened in a fine old seventeenth cen- tury house, renamed Tolstoy house, in London. It is managed by a sister- hood, under Sister Honnor, known to the world as Miss Honnor, Morton, formerly a member of the London school board, Tolstoy will take no re- muneration for his writings, but he consented that the profits of his book, "Resurrection," should pay the emigra- tion expenses of the Doukhobors, There was a Dn over aud above the sum needed, and this was Fou to float Miss Morton's scheme. The sisterhood devote themselves to the care of blind, deaf and crippled children, who are brought from the slume of Lon- don for change and country air. The members of the sisterhood wear picturesque brown gowns, folded ker- chiefs and no shoes and stockings. The ordinary dist is vegetarian, but sis ters not, converted to this form of living are allowed meat. The garden supplies fruit and vegetables. The rules are very simple. The ladies do their own work, are forbidden to wear jewelry or ornaments, bring as few personal possessions as possible, are pever to grumble, but take all com- plaints to the gister in charge, and one hour each day must be spent in meditation or the study of selected books. Most difficult of the rules is to make right entries in the observance book, where 'the sisters voluntarily state the stage and progress of their development and record the various vows they have made against particu- lay snares of modern life. Many have already vowed to oppose all extrava- gancs and multiplication of daily wants, but as yet not one of those earnest Tolstoyites has had 4 strength of mind to sign a vow, which much stress is laid, and which runs : "We forbid ourselves all scan- dal and evil speaking." - The atmos- phere of the house is singularly peace- ful, in spite of their reluctance to be committed to no strife of tongues. The house itself is charming, with old oak and simple furniture, and outside are the beautiful hills and fir woods of Sussex. WEALTH FROM BANANAS, Stalks and Leaves verted Into Use. Chicago Tribune, Costat Rica is growing rich on bana- nas, consecrating 50,000 acres to their cultivation' and exporting 5,760,000 bunches in 1904. The net return on a 100-acre banana, plantation is estimat- od at $2,500, Under favorable condi- tions an banana plant may yield a stem of fruit in nine months, but it takes from fifteen to eighteen months for the average plantation to be in full bearing. The life of a plantation is short or long, according to the fertility of the roil and topographical situation. Some soils may need a rest in six or seven years, while others may last practical ly forever, as whers periodically .en- riched by alluvial deposits. Fine flour can be made from bananas, and fibers from the leaves and stalks could be extracted ond successfully worked. Fruit, Con- The citizens of Coburg offer a large sum to the Grand Duke Ernst as a wedding gift, to be used lor the re- storation of the Lutheran church on the walls of Coburg castle. It was hece Luther preached his first sermon 375 years ago, and compoved the fam- ous hymn. : At. Louisville, Ky., after a varied ca- reer as lawyer, minister of the gospel for two denominations, writer of re- ligious works, and chaplain in the army, Rev. John Bell Rice killed him- self with a pistol because of sufferings from a cancer, which had afflicted him for three years. Monkey Brand Soap removes all staing, rust, dirt or tarnish--but won's tonic pills. 25¢, and 50c, wash clp Wim op Aa Ceylon Tea has placed it in the front rank. : Ssaled Lead Packets Only, 25¢., 30¢., 40c., 60c. and 60c. per Ib. By al Groovers. Highest Award, St. Louis, 1904. There is a Certain Air and Style About Our Overcoats That you don't get anywhere else a liberality about them and a fineness of finish that is only produced by taking infinite painsin the making. We are showing several patterns of SCOTCH OVERCOATINGS which on PAGE THREE, ying Good Quality tailor's store. These goods we imported direct and had made to our special order. You may as well see the stock when all lines are PRICES RANGE FROM $4.50 TO $16. A large range of BOYS OVERCOATS, made from the same materials and with the same care as men's, eevee $2.90 TO $10, & Co. FREE MAN The Great Prescription for Man Medicine is Sent Absolutely Free Your youth can and will again. Prove in. your own Siero body the potent power of the marvelous Man Medicine of the wheat Interstate Remedy Company. We send the original prescription entirely at our cost not at yours, so. you can get; oh most any wher, ere is no charge for this, not a dollar not a cent, not a penny. | Sent in a plain envelope, sealed with out any marks or writing on the cover to betray the contents, n Medicine will give you hack all the old time come and #o of being ulive and young. New young power and the lift and life of first man- hood over again. Your whole body will mount again to the strength and vigor of youthful man- hood, vour flesh and blood will shout out the fatt that you are right-~right-right. You know what that means--every ma: knows--it means full force and fire vigorous manhood. The flesh and dash of man-life, the man who lives again: in bel every part of his bod: ra It means all that" does' that. Do you want to be that way? you want to he a man--manlike--man-right--and man- able ? Do you want be 'game' again--up and coming ? Man Medicine will make you so. ¢ proof is yours, the prescription is yours, free for the asking, absolutely free. Your name and whers to send it--all you have to do to got it, Getit. Prove it. Know it. We'll send it, Our word is your guaranted. INTERSTATE REMEDY CO. 479 Luck Building, Detroit, Mich. HAIR TELLS CHARCTER. Color of Hair Said to Indicate a : Person's Temperament. Man, le believe that blonde or Jight hair' hotes alfoctinn. amet Gach hair constancy. A person without hair is not devoid of character' far from it. The disposition of the average - bald headed man s to show such soli- citude for the welare of others, that he noglects himself. A germ causes baldness, réf, Babouraug, of Paris, France, inoceulated a rabhit with Dandruff germs, cansing jt to' become totally bald in five weeks' time. To rid the scalp of these ous germs it de necessary to apply Newbio's Her- piey Ie, "Destroy the cause you remove the fect." el it. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e, in stamps for sample to The Herpici Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent, ! Professor Scherer, author of the i book "Young J taki . mistie. view oF thr cont , 7 Peis * sanévs at the sure of ins character are eep-sot dishonosty | Bi abandoned impurity. Ts 5 pevlications of Peck's Corn' ve. eure corns, 1Be; or Wades drug Lo on

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