tho K Buaduchia, yet Cortcr's Little Liver Pla are Jonsdipat and Under Fe Lennar Xie FAL disoridom of Ned oaancl ati irn inte the Tuer bd Og ulste the bowels, Leen il only i that hare is where bogst. Our pdils cue it while 2 Lit Pilla aro very small and saey io eh i Jake a dons. riotly veg ni no wot by alr fonlincton irl vk them, In ant 23 conta ; Bvafor Bb ere, or went by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO, Now York, Saal PL fall Th, fo Pri, Spring wheat makes strong flour suitable for bread Says Hadls the delicacy and flavor of the Fall Wheat. Beaver Flour a blend of both, combines the best qualities of Wheat Ontario Fall It is the best family flour. Makes light nutriticus (fit as well as for their uni- 'Whether for yourself or for a gift, you know you have 1 i i | Browne's hotel, the only English hotel i 1 : Brussels, only nine miles distant to | the n i { feeling of nearly every one that it is ! heard the groans of the | definition Shakespeare gives it some- "Well," returned the attendent in the museum, "you can say ten thousand during the summer season, a period of about five months. During the other sever We will have about five hun- dred. You will find the names of nearly all the visitors here In the. register. It is the most complete list of visitors to Waterloo. That do not all sign is help it: Not that stays all villages of Bel- glum, or perhaps of the world, could not accommodate you, Nor is it because charming, gay J east, is too strong a counter attravtion. It seems to be the quite enough for your nerves, and your heart, and your head, to see in day- light these rolling fields where, on the night of June 18, Sunday night, 1815, somes pe lay or dying, and por ce hours later were last. You have | a fear that a night here would fill the v sin-concealing chaos, image oa Relics of the Fight. ik away i marking the spot near where Na- i i within the centre of the French yn The was | | It was "The nL" the sergeant, "would have nothing to do with it." ' 4 EE ---------------- PEACE RIVER COUNTRY. Wonders of the Far, North--Splendidiy Adapted For Agriculture, ¥. A. Conroy, Treaty Commissioner, ' to Edmonton from pay- the Indians was paid at places: St. John's, Dun- River Crossing, "Vermil- Red River, Chipewyan, Fond dv 'Smith's Landing, Fort Smith, Fort lution, Hay River, Fort McMur- Wabiscaw, White Fish Lake, Stut- geon Lake, and Three Pofnts, on Lesser ve Lake. The Indians at the poipts and prosperous. <The years hunt was good, moose, bedr and' caribbu bing' plentiful. a Early In June the wheat at Peace | River Crossing was from seven to eight 4 inches high, #nd it 'was understood that harvest in that district was 'com- | leted on August 17. J. Carson, 'who hag been there for several years, 18 re- | ported to have about two thousand bushels of splendid wheat, Mr. Conroy is soméwhat enthusiastic 55 , south of Sturgeon 'with an iheline | and has every appearance aly 'adapted for agricul- | ture. Along the 10Weér Peace there are six hundred miles of splendid land which, owitig to"the lititude, is admir- ably suited to grain 'raising. ~ This prairie, the Indians claim, requires five days to cross, and thus must be a very large area. a Tomatoes were' Hpéfiinig on vires. in the open at Wabfscaw on September 2, and no frost had there up to that date. At Whitefish 'Lake 'gardens at the mission were splendid. "The pif- ty had new potatoes from the Hudson's Bay gardens at ¥ort Resolution, Great Slave Lake, on August: 25, them to be allowed freedom than be caged? 8. Do they require bathing? 4. Is it necessary to split their tongues So the "Man from Cook's" and the "Man from Browne's," and the tally-ho and motor, and 'bus and cart; all ar- range your return to Brussels by 6 P: m., which leaves you eight hours for | the trip: This strange combination museum- hotel where you alight is the first, and to some the most interesting, feature of this most historic spot. While you are signing this register an attendant will be lecturing upon the rare and valu- able collection here of Waterloo relics, & collection fer which the owner, Mrs. Browne; has refused &£ 25,000. Here you will find everything from hot and shell to orders of that Mower of Men, Man of Destiny, whose career closed here on that Sunday night. There are also original letters of Wel- lington and Blucher, and swords and miiskets 'and helmets, and every con- celvable military trophy and relic. i Canada Represented. \ The only Toronto contribution is a picture of Capt. Alexander Macnab, the only Canadian who took part in the | battle of Waterloo. He was alde-de- camp to Lieut.-General Sir. Thomas Pieton, Both were slain. The body | of the general lies in the erypt of St, Paul's, just outside the enclosure Wherein rest the remains of Welling- ton. Close by is a tablet "Sacred to the memory of Capt. Macnab, of the i 30th Regiment" Byt his body is not there. It is somewhere here upon this once bloody plain, flelds which as viewed to-day seem to have always been peaceful | farms, The ploture here in the museum was the gift of J. Ross Robertson, who has visited Waterloo twice during the | part forty years. | by. the captain's nephews, Rey. The tablet in St. Paul's was erected Dr. | Maenab and Rev. A. W. Macnab, of , long ago disa | that lasted three years, being complet- Canada. When you leave the Hotel Du Musee You become the willing prisoner of its official gulde, Sergt. Little, a veteran, late of the Scotch Borderers, and with him you climb the 226 stone steps to the top of the Lion Mound. Poscetul Battlefield Here on a clear day you can see ten miles to the northeast From whatever point you view the roll« ing flelds you see a landscape hot uns | like hundreds to be found in our wells settled districts of Ontario. Cows are Rusine here on the side of the mound, nt 0 little daughters of Louis Bil- ante, a el seen farmer at work with his team and plough. "But the earth of in his lecture f= a group of fifty visitors to-day. "That earth has | ppeared. Most of it was used 'in bullding this mound, a work od In 1826. Women did the most of it, the earth here In baskets at H POWEL L ! especially lettuce, and sweet fryit, such | packing-case. The odd to make them talk? 5 What is the best means to use to) e them talk and at what age do they generally be- gin? 6 What age does a parrot live to if healthy? 7. Do they require much water to drink? A reply will greatly oblige.--J. F. M. ' Assuming that your pafrot Js the dommon grey African pafrot, the nat- ural food is seeds and fruit of all sorts. In confinement they will eat all sorts of food from the table, except meat and confectionery, which they might also take, but would not be good for them. Crackers, bread and milk, green stuff, as the banana, afe proper; but not actd fruits, They d0 Well in a laide cage, if kept cléan and where the afr is fresh. If you cin tame them' enough to let thém out, so that they can' gat plenty of exercise, so much the better. Water for drinking and for bathin, should always be supplied, Hut don't let the cage becomé sloppy 'and wet, and take care as to cleanliness generally. These parrots, well ea: for, may live fifty or more ybars." They will begin to talk, if at all, when' they hate got their growth, and do so by imitatiyr. Repeat over and 'over In their hearing what you would ike to have them learn; teach them Paliently, that i all. The slitting of the Yongue 1s wot only useless, but absurd and criminal. -- Montreal Star. Lucky Strike in Auction Room, Every little while: onp reads of a lucky strike in the gamble which the interesting things as Le street: east, by the outlay of $2.50%in Henderson's ; auction rooms, Toronto, . on Saturday. Four degen ly as the consignment Moove, London, Ont, but was never claimed, and bad heen in the auction rooms for years, : rnin War on The experiment at Canso|»N. 8. of utilizing dogfish for fertilizer i prov. ing coast. It is Joint action will be taken by the i d American to rid the 'coast _-- Haited recently - 7 eres, have 3 at Canso with Manager Cox, Inspecting | the methods employed by the Canadian Department of Fisheries in dealing with the dogfish, ny "Wanted X slfong horse to do the work of a country minister," is advertisenient "which |. J saw a piace of fairy bowers 'pedestal of stone, the monu- were found to be in good health * ang Th is not a quack nostrum. { won't go. The seedless ordngs is all 8 comin; what they contain. foe et Thal Sal one | . a out a * 3 ir bY n. ey cure dyspepsia anc girl! No, sir. 'No one would be séen 0S, d ' wmach (roubles, bees rt] talking > such a thing--Bobeaygeon Special Cak Crumpets an help but eure" use: they can't J Independent. : * A RLACE oF DREAMS. ey Vo ------ ite ~ Bagk-gasing to my childhood with sunshine. Palace walls | from a fairyland of flowers | pines pointing so high | touched the sunny sky. once more I came. ace and how small! Towered E Their tall After long How poor the I faney you 1 : and of dreams. "--=Victor Lauriston, in 'Valley Magazine, TO MARRY, AIM OF WOMEN. ~ Minister of Agriculture Deplores Hush | 'of Country Youth Citywards. Hon. Nelson Monteith, Minister of Agriculture, is somewhat concerned' over the apparent lack of Interest in! the science of agriculture as exhibited | by the young of the province. There | is no noticeable diminuation, he says, | in the rush citywards of the young men and women, who at an early age, 2 ah i £ oT 1] LAAN CORPSE WAS DRIVING. i -- bégan to find farm burdens irksome, "A \ ai . Dead Man" Returns to. Life--A {Con .and excite- 1 8 A : J i TS Jor Bt Viekiuren Py them The Wise, man will, protect his feet this Lively Episode. The little Ww he eT set To in the magic Fall with a pair of WATERPROOF Jesmur, woh onl Gav city, they hear so much about. =o 3 d Maan of Blea s Ys "The farm and the farming indus- SHOES. We have them in English, illage. come of a strange occurrence, | and try is the backbone financially of our : 3 : ' ih i o nation," said the Minister recently, : : wegian 'Tan water roof Mo here lived in a town for a number | firs "and we will be In a bad way indeed, it Grain and Nor KH 3 : P 4 Bere Peter Porter, a public Sharge So the time comes when the tilling of the stock, with heavy viscolized <oles, just the he lately became ill and died. chu soll is regarded as menial or excessive res 4 ; » , was set for Saturday and at | sus ly laborious. Thinkers in the United thing fo wear without rubbers. mere, by a number of the charitable | his States express the conviction that the T HE omanely disposed people. con influx of women into the professons and ; * ; nd anc. b the perfunctory mourners | hee even the clerical trades formerly mono- a Shen the corpse after the short ser- | 4.4 polized almost entirely by men, is now ; 2 ewe I wero agreed that the de-f (ph, having the effect of driving the men, 1 1 Ie fooked: natural indeed. The} gi young and old, back to the farm to ob- j ® 3 n ceased i on ey casket was placed § gin tain a lvelthood. plain but «ef nd the short funeral} pg. .e jcanpot say that we notice this ef- [ pi sd L mn am Weare on its way to the | t in Canada yet, and it' will be "J ; \ Hain mo ile distant. n Some time before we do, as we are a J tH Suth erl and & Bro cemetery, half a mile Je ol way, | ©n young dountry compared with =the . : sine . ! They had gone HN omobile passed 1 Uhited States. But all our towns tell . however, when an as frightened the Sey thé same story. The young people are at great speed anc A hraw the driver tho { flocking to the cities. They are daz- horses that they the animals ran} !° zled with 'what they belleve 'fs there, from the seat. Then | "8 as the | zen and they find when they do go that the up the road in the direction and ye "realization Is nat the same as the anti- cemetery, distancing all hd. | Mr ¢ipation. The best influences are lack Jeaving the funeral train far hon J her Ing in the city. The city is not the Beloro reaching the cemetery, howl, Place to foster and develope the ideal : "i ever, the horses turned into the on Dr home life, even in Canadian cities. The Ladies and Girs! let toad, to the left, and made seve- ||" country affords the most natural scope Ve will Kelp you 'secure this Lovely 'Fur Scart ral other turns. so the persons we for that. I gather that the aim of the made froth "sdlocted full fu ¥ ckins, of Rich pursuit did not know which 'way to Yar majority of our young women, whether Black Coney Far nearly 50 icles in length go, and all returned. ill | pie they live in the city or country, is to- ornamented with long fur tails, and fancy Half an hour later the horses, sti n Yards matrimony, and the traming af- chain, 'Most-warm and comfortable, and made in drawing the hearse, were seen coming Na | forded by the city environment is not the very latest style. We are a Reliable Com- over thet hill north of the towm To the best training for a wife and moth- pany, and we. want good trustworthy agents to the unbounded amazement of all, as] br er--mot as good and helpful at any rate introduce Good: Hope Vegetable Pills. into every the equipage approached, it was dis- | toc as that found in the country. The press Lome. We require' no money in advance just Rt that Porter was driving the | Th of this country should wield its great send us your name and 'address at once and we he rse home Dig influence fn an educative capacity, to- will send you. Eight Boxes of our Famous Re- The vehicle had tipped over two | rot Wards keeping the country ideal strong medies. Scll them at 25c rer box, and when we miles from town and the shock re- | Mr and vigorous, and to remove from the receive the ffioniey for the Pills which we will send sugcitated Porter, who _has been in a {in minds of the young the thought that you imiediately after you have sold the $2 h ance, Instantly comprehending the | ing they may be wasting time by staying and returned the money, we will then pr stanee, he had called to some men | ch on their fathers' farms, /\ send you your Fur Searf. Our Good Hop s situation, i , a right the hearse. | Wi "Farming is not what it was. Of old 14) aré a Grand Remedy for cll weak and i pure condi nearby Bo the he drove ! ha it was all work and no play, and very / tions of the 'Blood, a splendid Tonic and Life Tem, mounting: Wh ? Mi little financial gain as a reward. Now- Builder. 'They are easy to sell, and are in great bak to town. a { rse, post- Ww adays it is different. The modern and, Don't miss this opportunity to secure this Elegant The funeral aR, 0 SOUS : pad 9 farmer exercises a much keener busi- Fur Sarl Write to-day poved, and Porter put on the da Ress Justine in running his farm. i bo again. Sk or-saving machine: takes awa; GOOD HOPE R . 529 NTREAL, CAN. J a pe the manual toil ey an a Sen HO £ | EMEDY, Co, Dent. MONTREAL, 3 HORRIBLE TORTURES. able adjunct of his work. Prices are : a Se better, and he handles & great deal ; y : Inflicted by Order of Chief of more money than his grandfather was ---- a Li f Lodz A able to do. In fact it takes a good| -- i Y F¥hp WR RUT e™ Police o a0 re : business man to be a farmer with suc- .}- 3 : \ Warsaw, Poland, Oct. 20.--Two pri- cess nowadays. : sopers by the name of Schulz and Eng- { "I' would like to see our boys and ' rat, who are charged with shooting a | ap girls content tq stay in the country. cotton Wanipcturer, tat have never L to The outlook for farming is good .now, been granted a trial, have beey re- | pe and better in the future. If a whole- Special Attractions for Satur- a to a Red Cross hospital after | sale exodus from our farms takes . ' being subjected to frightful tortures in | go place, it will mean either serious eay Sho ppers at Crumley Bros'. oo 0 order of. Chief of Palice j.g, trouble for us as a natidn, or the in- ' py ; 8 wich, of Lodz fo Yuitton of labor-saving machinery to Busy Boe Dry Goods Store Bhalkovs the prisoners were injured ! 5, entirely take the place of the former a i ob tures, their > workers, who ave some other 100 Women's Cloth Skirts, value $3.95 to $0. Saturday $2.50 cac ty Sox Rr bodies Ye calling." eee 75 Girls' Two-piece Cloth Suits, coat and skirt, value £5 to £5.50 are covered with wounds. Schulz has | Related As a True Story. rday $2.50 cach: a broken shoulder * blade and both |, urday $2.00 cach. { arms suffered similarly when he was, 4), The curious legend of how the foxes L 3 ae ' . wr 2 <9 in the hands of his prosecutors. de in' the olden days succeeded in catch- 50 Women's Three-quarter Cravenectie Coats, £1.99 to £6. Satur " The torturers placed iron rods be- ing birds after they had sought refuge i 2 : 3 2 : A tween the A, of their victims and | o in the trees is borne out by a story toid 800 yards Heavy Blue Shaker, 36 in. wide, 1%c. quality. Saturday ~ - : inge together ; of a seitler's dog in Northern Ontario. : : x 4 ith qucened theje Fagor 1 th tu 4 ' in + - . i ps. Late ds a 1% The story is looked upon with a smil- 700 yards Plain Shaker, in Pink or Blue, regular 7c. Saturday 5 it Tope . Tovar Stile hautls their | 3 - oo " » 2 3 a inhi i, She Sriends SI te tou. 500 'vards C Diaper Mill Ends, worth 10c. yd. Saturday 5c. vd backs and they were hoisted to the q trdth, and the story does not differ in Bl yards Lotion Diaper. Mi nS orf fof, al eelling of the room in which the tore 3 took plate: Be f pulleys Raber of tote ht pa on ok | 1 os Pile Dr Gol Rian, masked about onal rl Ee Mgr evwd ule fy e een call- J ng 0 * . 2 : a 3 c . x they were allowe fall to the floor. Es apent It an old settler Special line Women's Flannelétfe Wrappers, value $1.50. Saturday Both rs i] 19 whipped daily h " > > . IF In Muskoka--I don't know his name-- % Vola ve. odirac Wa ial R31 Sq lav $1 with leathern thongs, although Eng: t about hunting" states the story teller. 36 only Women's Wool Corduroy Waists, former value %3. Saturda rat was uble to prove su: alibishews 4 "After some time the conversation fell > om rid nik h : . soc and o3 7 his innocence of the crime charged upon dogs. He remarked that I had Women's Flanncleite Waists, value 75c. and $1. Saturday 50c. and 7 against him & pretty fair setter. He immediately 200 . f the best 25 or 3, w *s Cush . re Hose jn the I ET TITRE Pp asked me whether it could catch birds. vi Palrs of the Dest, he. or die, Women's Cashmere Hose in the ING HUN . I sald no, because I shot all I could see ion. Saturday night only 1¢c. pair. GOING TO BED GRY. li and draw a bead on. He immediately sald his little yaller dog was better From 7 to 10 Saturday Night Double Cash Coupons Itis Al Wrong and Man is the Only Creature That Does It. The complete emptiness of the stom- | v ach during sleep adds greatly to theo than mine. I told him to prove it, and he led the dog and myself out into the bush, "Within a few moments after com- mencing the hunt, the dog treed a br po "maciation, sesplammens partridge," continued the tourist, "He ' with There enki et B waited for us to come up nearly under . " - of tissues in the body, sleeping or 3he thee; then he commenced his an- . waking, and the supply of nourish jw os. tarting some distance away from es - ent ought to hy hat ntinu- | W the tree, he made a rush at it, and then 5 EC Somowhat conn began to run around an eighit-shaped U8 and food taken just before retir- | ti figure as fast as he could go. With Labatt's London; y ol aia more tissue than is des- Iw his eves on. th a is : *o¥ed, and increased weight and vig- | p BAnEIng out, (he ur scence suddenty Al and Porter oF is the result, Dr. W. 'T. Cathell | to have gone mad, e - ays: "All animals except man eat | p "The bird, perched on a Hmb above before sleep and there is no reason in {a him, cocked a supercilious eye on him . u » ature why man should form the ex- | h as If to sad, 'What is that little beast Are universal favorites. Unlike "ition to the rule." " doing, anyway? However, the bird jort ve ages, they are » People who are thin, nervous and |p A chery wh ntever; the bird the majo iy of beverages, they Sheplas would take a light Tanck of | 1 streak flying around on the ground. If ABSOLUTELY FREE from car- 3 bread and milk or oatmeal and cream | 8 Hoses Sached; JO L578 wa 'uetn . 10 bonic acid gas, being' made from ie, be same time take a safe. | eo vements of og very rmless ston Ss t's fi closely. The bird became more inter the purest of Malt and Hops.. They apepsia. Tatton ™ edy-like Suns ested, and its head began to sway, are positively guaranteed. Just Storiach in digesting it, the result will] o keeping time with the motion' of the " : - " & surprising § in weight, | d animal on the ground. The motion of what you need, and. a trial will SMrangth and z nn - Th bo ) its head became more pronounced, and ove it s 4 drawback has gene Bat ny ous. | | Suddenly it overbalanced and fell to m T d¥speytic people bla digent ad So 1 the ground with a flutter of wings. Be- ¢ similate ' i fore it could recover from its dizziness D AG ' v Whalesome food at night or 1 the dog had it in his mouth, = JAS. McPARLAN > E N ly Bes oo nb rt' Bh ; "Now, this may seem like a fairy 34 7. eeossary use Stuart's Dvs- tale," lh Ba the tourist, "but I've 339 and 1 King St. Ppsia Tablets, because they will di . a------ 54 the food R ob ' od, no mmtter how weak Phone 274. iad the stomach may be, ett the herd fied resting the stomach at the | Nasmith's got the proof of another reliable wit- ness in Toronto, who will hold me out, and if you don't believe either of ws. #ee the cafetaker of one of the Islands in Lake Joseph, Muskoka." --------e aii Brother 8miff and the 'Phone Girl. The girlless 'phone Ia the latest. It 3 \ Br, Stevenson says : SO entirely upon 8 ' pe Sia. Taber, pon Stuart's Dyspep in treating indig-stion, Stuart's Dyspepsia dru, ists every- Muffins for Saturday at We tend of a western woman law- age. They yer who beat a brother lawyer in wi a o | vho a 3 an {mportant PF turned a, an around "Ccrset and bismiith, scien- Your dragpist ish newspaper tho Monkey stn Pats oe very teed. A.J. REES', Princess St. EE